Most recent public prayers:

Total of Requests: 5223
Number of Praying: 61994

2 months ago

"Pray For Me Please"

"It’s been four years since I’ve asked for prayer please pray for me nothing in my life is going right and I feel myself dipping back into depression and suicidal thoughts whoever reads this please send me prayers thanks so much I’ll be praying for y’all too "


4 months ago

"My suffering my future for financial difficulties for me and brother and sister "

"Dear Lord I thank you for everything so far bless me my brother and sister keep us on one heart fully devoted and united in Christ no matter how barriers are trying to block our life and means all of what we ask for full support help forgiveness we accept you as our lord saviour because we admit and forgive we invite to live in our hearts we thank we glorify you amen.????"


5 months ago


"Lord I pray I don’t have anything and I hope I’m not pregnant I pray I come on my period in the morning . Lord please I really also hope my car get fixed and it’s nothing major that’s going on with it and its not a lot of money that I need lord please cover me with your blood lord amen "


1 years ago


"Lord I really pray I get it and it’s approved in the name of Jesus amen I know u got me lord I know u do please "


1 years ago


"Lord I pray it’s nothing major going on with my car I pray they just tell me that’s all I need in the name of Jesus "


1 years ago


"Lord I really pray I come on my period I pray it’s nothing else lord please I pray I cold on ????????????"


1 years ago


"God I need your help please get my key out my car please I need you right now please "


1 years ago


"Lord I pray my tongue go back to normal I did get another tongue ring but this was my last time I’m not getting another one no more lord I hope this lump go away inside of my tongue and my feeling go back to normal and I have no more pain and the swollen go away I love you so much I’m just happy it’s out lord ????"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Give me the strength and ability to do what my husband wants without myself getting hurt. We don’t want the same things, but I don’t want to be selfish. I don’t want him to suffer. He is trying, and I need him. There is just too much hurt and resentment. I know God you can fix it either way. Please take away the tension, fear, and worry. My husband lies, and he is passive aggressive."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please help my sister in law and nephews find housing and the resources they need. Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I feel hopeless and helpless. No one tries to understand me. Why do I get judged so harshly all the time? Please let someone get through to my sister, so she can understand how I feel. Please make it all go away. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was wrong, but she refuses to see how she hurt me."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I am shell shocked and embarrassed. Forgive me for sharing my hurt on Facebook. I wasn’t trying to be ugly. It was my truth. People who have not checked on me while I have been sick can call me about a post I made on Facebook. I guess I am worried about the revenge that might be taken on me. I hope my sister will not hold my things hostage. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Help my son develop a healthier lifestyle. Help him lose weight. Solve his problems and improve his health. Help him get to know you. Help me find the right kind of woman."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my son be safe and pass all his exams. Let his car get him where he needs to go safely. Please take me instead of my children. Let them have great loving relationships with their spouses and allow them to have great health and as many children that they want. Help me smooth things over."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my son and daughter forgive me. Please let me say or do the right thing. Help me watch my tone. I am so heartbroken and confused. Why doesn't my sister, aunt, or cousin care about me? Help me to forget them. Help me with my husband. Expose him for the evil, selfish, and careless person he is. Please let me get SSA, so I can move, care for myself, and have insurance."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Fix my marriage or give me the means to end it. He is mean and driving me crazy. I have no where to go or the financial or medical insurance. Help me, please Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago

"Over It"

"I can't do this anymore. Help me to get out of this bad situation. Please let him see the errors in his ways. I can't live like this. Why didn't you let me die when I was having my surgeries? I don't want to live anymore. I have no reason to live. Please take me in my sleep as soon as possible. No one tries to understand me or care about my feelings. I have no one. I need a solution fast. Death seems like the easiest thing. He gets mad at me even when he does something wrong."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me get my car back with no hard feelings. Things did not work out. I don't know what to do about my marriage and family. I feel like an alien because they never see things from my point of view. I need some where to go. Should I stay in this relationship? Please let my husband stop pressuring me. Help me be okay if we separate. Please let him just be okay with how things are now."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I can't deal with this anymore. I have no where to go. I need to get approved for disability and health insurance."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Should I submit my lastest test results to the person working with me? Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Forgive me for asking for my car back. Please help me get the car that is here fixed up. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please help my son to receive affordable and safe housing. Let me somehow get my car back if it is your will God"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me get SSA and insurance benefits. Please help me and my daughter find away to pay off her student loan. Please reveal it to me. Help us find creative ways to earn money."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please keep CoCo safe as she tries a new medication. Do not let her get any side effects especially neurological or seizures."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please protect me from fraud. Please let the company be real and send me the paperwork. It's been over a weeks! Please don't let them commit fraud on me. Please keep me safe from past, present, and future scams."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago

"Dear Son"

"Keep my son safe. Let him eat better and find a reasonably priced housing that is safe. Maybe he could find a trustworthy roommate. Keep him and his car safe where he lives now. Let him graduate and find a good woman. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago

"Grand Children"

"My daughter has baby fear. Please let her husband and Denise be fertile and have children when they are emotionally and financially capable. Please let my daughter lose weight and get healthy. Let her keep better eating habits for life. May they have healthy children."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago

"Health Insurance"

"Please let me qualify for health insurance from my former employer. Please let me receive SSA and health insurance benefits. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please help me convince my husband to continue giving me money for savings. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let Jade get better and gain some weight. Please let the medication help her. Let her enjoy being outside in the fresh air. Please let our cat, Spooky, be ok. She ran into the garage. We can't find her."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my daughter's oral surgery goes well. Please let my son and his belongings be safe where he is until he can move. Help him avoid to move somewhere safer. Please let him be able to afford it. Help me to pay my bills and receive SSA and obtain health insurance. Please keep my husband safe, healthy, and happy with me. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Heal our cat. Some came to our house for services. I hope they don't think the worse or try to turn us in. My cat is old and needs a special diet. We have her separate from the other cats. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please keep my son and his car safe. Help him find a safe and affordable. Please let him find and marry a Christian girl who will not use him or have kids or ex husbands. Let them have kids and life a long life.Let her be is age. Please relieve my pain. Please keep me safe while I am riding in a car. Please forgive me for my sins. Please help me not get bed scores. Please let me"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please don't let those evil women in that Facebook post try to put something bad or negative on me. I thought it was a Christian group. It was based on spirituality. I am so shook up by what they believe in. Forgive me for being on that page. Please keep me and my family safe. I pray these women change their ways and choose You. I am so sorry!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Help me be more careful with these scammers. Please don't let anything happen. Please let the phone call be legitimate. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please protect my money, bank, and identity. There are so many scammers out there. I am worried about getting scammed. I do have a freeze on all my credit reports. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"If my family is mad at me for telling the truth and exposing them, I don't know what to do or how to feel. Help me stop bringing up the past and talking to much. Show me what I am doing wrong. I feel safer alone, but please let those who hate me forgive me. Help me to forgive and forget. Keep me safe and able to provide and care for myself. Ease my anxiety if I offended anyone, and they never talk to me again."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"My husband lacks empathy. He is passive aggressive. If I ask him to do something, he is either slow, does it his way, or does nothing at all. He gets mad whenever I have a problem. I am tired of the lies and confusion. What am I doing wrong? I can't forgive and forget. I want him to understand why I don't trust him. I am afraid he is going to abandon me. This marriage has never been fun or productive. I stay for his good qualities. I have lost everything."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my cousin respond. I feel vulnerable and abandoned. I think she may be mad at me because I was hurt that she didn't do what she promised. Please forgive me if I offended anyone. If she doesn't respond, please help me let go. Please heal me and my spouse. Ease the tension and hurt. If it is your will. If not let me be able to live on my own. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Show us both the errors in our ways. Please let me have health insurance and be able to pay for everything by myself. Help me have enough to pay my medical bills and fix my car. I can't take it anymore. He can't take it anymore. We can't fix it. Help us fix this or be stable to live on my own."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let the nagging back and chest pain go away. Heal me if it is your will. Amen"


1 years ago


"Lord I pray it’s nothing that cause a lot of money more just like 300 or 400 so I can get me and my son back on the rode amen "


1 years ago


"Lord I pray once this man come look at my car it’s not my transmission it’s something I can afford lord like something for 300$ I really pray I get my car fixed not for me but for my son lord in the name of Jesus "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I had a bad dream that my daughter was in a car accident with me in the car. My biggest fear is losing one of my children. Please keep them safe. Watch over my son in law, too. Keep my daughter's marriage happy and solid."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please ease my anxiety of my son with my car. Please let we work it out with out pressure and with a full commitment. I am worried about finances and security. Thank you."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please heal my husband and my marriage. We need a miracle. Make his pain go way. Help me to forgive my family and let them understand how they hurt me. I need to know what I am doing wrong with my communication. I pray for everyone and to all my family. Please take me first. Spare my children. Thank you for my pets. Please let me get approved for insurance and disability. Amen."


1 years ago


"God I pray my car start back working and it’s nothing wrong with it Jesus I pray ????????????????????????"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Help me to stop talking about my family so much. I need to forgive, forget, and accept my past. Talking about it is a waste of time."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Forgive me for getting upset. Please let us see each other's side clearly. Please make Eric better. Thank you for his help. I am grateful you have always been there for me. I feel so much rejection, but I want to be healed and able to serve you. Keep everyone I love happy, safe, and in good health. Help my daughter and sister. Send my son a help mate. Keep my daughter's marriage in tact. Amen. Be with me tomorrow. Please no pain."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me be my future grandkids teacher and summer babysitter to save my kids money. Please let them invest and/or save the money that they would have budgeted for. If it your will and please let my kids be okay with it. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me receive SSA benefits and health insurance rate...Amen"


1 years ago


"Lord I pray my tongue heals right from this tongue piercing in the name of Jesus please let it heal so I want have to take it out amen "


1 years ago


"Lord I pray my tattoo stop burning and feeling like this and heal real quick I love you lord so much "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I have faith everything will be okay. If it is my time to go, I am ready. Please take me if I am worse after surgery than before. Please guide the surgery, so I will be able to walk, talk, and remember after surgery. I don't want to be a vegetable or paralyzed. I don't want to lose use of my limbs. It is all in Your hands. I trust and love You, God. I know Jesus will be with me, so I may survive and serve you more, Lord!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Take me first. Let my son be safe, healthy, and happy. Send him a mate who will make his life better and let them develop a relationship with You. I pray the same for my daughter and son in law. May they all be blessed with healthy and happy children. May they be successful and have everything they need to live and be happy. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"My prayers: my surgeries will be successful. I will recover quickly. I will be able to pay my medical bills. I will receive disability benefits and payments from both sources. I will be able to heal, volunteer, and help others. I will not suffer or be a burden. I will survive. I will also lose weight and grow my hair back in enough time."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I am praying for whatever is going on with my former co-worker. How can I help her. Lead me in the right direction. Please let my surgeries be successful and painless. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let EF fax that form as soon as possible. She is wrong about blaming me. I am so disappointed. I don't know why I wasn't informed sooner. I need this done before I run out of time. I am unmotivated to go on because everything is a hassle. Please let this be taken care of, so I can have everything in place. I need approval ASAP from the other case, too."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me receive those payments. Thank you for everything. If I am not the same and/or disabled after my surgery, I would rather not survive it. I am ready to leave this place anyway. Please let my kids be fair to each other and handle everything when I am gone. I don't think I can survive this surgery, but I am ok with it. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me pass my tests and receive benefits as soon as possible. Thank you for everything and blessing me. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me keeps that money to pay my bills. Thank you. Please let me get approved during my next tests and keep the aid I received. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me pass my tests for disability the first try and obtain health insurance. Please let everything go smoothly with the other sources of disability income. Amen."


1 years ago


"Lord I just got a shot in my foot I hope I don’t have nerve damage anywhere I pray it hurry and go away the numb feeling lord please in the name of Jesus I need u amen please let it where Off soon "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me get my disability from both places and health insurance. Please help me with my medical bills. Please help my scalp and hair to grow back. Be with my husband and kids when I have my two surgeries. Amen."


1 years ago


"Dear Jesus I come to you today to let you know I am in so much pain with my feet I pray it have nothing to do with my diabetes lord I pray so much and so hard to eat right but this time I am cause I don’t want nothing bad to happen lord I pray when I do get my tongue pierced it be done right I did say I wasn’t getting it no more but I really wanted this done for a min lord I pray you be by my side with this pain and help it go away I love you lord so much "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let EF complete my paperwork quickly. Please allow me to obtain affordable health care like medicare and qualify for SSA disability. I have a heart condition. Amen. Thank you for my blessings!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please forgive me about T. Let her see the truth and my intentions. Show us both where we were wrong and lead us to peace and forgiveness. Let someone show C how she has hurt my feelings. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Please let EF complete my paperwork Monday or ASAP. Please let my current medical records be enough for B. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please help me pay all my bills including medical. Please let me receive all my benefits. Amen. Thank you for blessing my daughter with a husband. Bless them with health, happiness, fortune, success, children, and a death do you part love. Keep my son safe and send him a Christian woman and soulmate. Bless them the same way, please. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my disability go through and the other one, too. Save my kidneys, liver, and heart if it is your will. I don't want to be a burden. Please forgive me for my sins. I believe Jesus died for my sins. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. God is the head of my life. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I am ready to die. I don't want to die at home. I am over this life. Dead would end the rejection. I don't understand why my relationship and communication skills are bad. I never get back what I return. There is no peace or relief. I am numb."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me get my surgery before they discharge me. Heal me and make me better. Please let me get all the funds I need to pay medical bills. Keep my family and pets safe while I am in the hospital. Let T and C forgive me and let I show them their mistakes. If not, please let me know what to do. Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Father God help me get retirement and disability and be healed enough, so I can volunteer and help people who need me. Give me the guidance and wisdom. Show me the way to serve. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let the this sale go through. Help me to forgive and be a better wife and mother. Literally, please heal my heart and help me stop being disappointed. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my cousin tell my aunt what she told me. Then, it may make sense. Help me stop thinking about it. My aunt is mad I didn't give her money that belonged to my mother. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my aunt forgive me and realize she took what I said wrong. Ease the disappointment I have towards my mother's family. Please help me pay my regular and regular bills and receive an income. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me heal, afford my treatment, and receive the financial assistance I need. Please let the powers that be stop being mad at me. I don't want to suffer, be in pain, or a burden. I believe Jesus died for my sins. I am ready. Amen."


1 years ago


"I hope my son is ok lord I hope it’s nothing serious going on with him in the name of Jesus amen "


1 years ago


"Lord please stop this nose in my ear please on the right side please lord please please please please wake me up in the morning and it’s gone "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me receive the two sources of income, be approved, and get free benefits if possible. Please help me prepare my finances for the future. Help me with my house. Keep family healthy and safe. Thank you for everything. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my son in law and daughter treat each other great. Send my son a good wife and help mate. Be with my kids as they go to school and work. Make it easy for them. Keep them in church, healthy, and protected. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please heal AJ. Let him retire and enjoy his life with his family. Help him get through this. Amen."


1 years ago


"Ministry Funding Encouragement "


1 years ago


"Lord I hope I feel better before me and my son birthday lord come on cold go away please "


1 years ago


"Lord I pray my son feel better for his birthday 2/22 the day you let this child open his eyes in the name of Jesus please let his ears stop hurting and his fever stay down please ???????? he counting on you lord please heal my baby wrap yo arms and cover him with your blood lord I love you he love you so much "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me get approved for disability benefits from both areas. Please help me pass the test I need. Keep us safe. Send my son a wonderful wife. Let my son in law take care of my daughter. Be with my sister, nieces, nephew, and sister in law. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let my doctors believe me and help me receive all of my benefits. Please be with me financially and protect me. Please forgive me for being mean lately. Bless anyone I hurt or offended. Amen. "


1 years ago


"Lord please heal my child from the ear tubes that was yesterday put bin and his throat as well please lord heal him let the pain go away ????????"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me resolve the situation I am having. Please let me get approved for the two things I need. Please let it happen quickly. Thank you for your blessings. Amen,"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let the powers that be approve my two disability cases and/or reveal my path. Please be with my children in school and love. Keep them safe, happy, healthy, and loved. Let them have their hearts' desires, wealth, and fortune. Thank you for the blessings. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let someone fill out these forms. I want everyone to stop wasting my time. Please show me what I am supposed to do since I can't get people to corporate."


1 years ago


"I need prayer today, I’ve started taking over my moms bills she’s financially paying them but I’m doing the actual paying so they get paid. I’m the best and worst person to help her best because I have more patience to deal with her worst because bills etc give me anxiety my divorce was most traumatic in that regard for me then him actually leaving. I’ve tackled mine and don’t suffer to much anxiety for my own but my moms living on SSI not much there after paying bills "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me be able to retire this year and receive income from the two places. Thank you for taking care of my sister in law's situation. Help her do better for her family. Keep mine safe, healthy, and secure. Be with me during my financial uncertainty, too. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please protect my financial situation and help me pay my bills. Please keep me safe from a LS and huge bill. Amen."


1 years ago

"Christ Centered Life"

"A closer walk with God and to save all 3 of my children. To be debt free. For me and my companion to pray together and for one another."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago

"Special Education"

"Please help me build a school for exceptional needs students especially Autism/ADHD, teach my future grandchildren, save now for my family, and give back to You and the community. "


1 years ago


"I posted something on FB that I shouldn’t have. I’m not saying the information wasn’t true. But after I posted it, I felt that it was the wrong place to post it. I removed it. The person who it was about sent me a message but then resend it. Pray that he forgets me for posting it. That was not the right place to do it. "


1 years ago


"Please pray for my family to love each other and not argue. Pray that my car continues to work good without any issues. I need to get a new car. Please pray I have no issues getting a new car. Pray that my financial issues will get under control and my student loans too. Pray for my weight loss journey. Pray for the strength of our country during these difficult times. Pray for the sick. Also, my credit score has decreased due to my student loans. It has gotten better. Please pray that my score continues to improve. Pray that I get my credit score up so if I need to purchase a new car I will have no issues. Help me be a better person. I have been having issues with my neighbors who are afraid of my German Shepherds when I walk them. Pray we will get over this and not have the issue anymore."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please reveal to me what I am supposed to do. I am trying to be patient, but I am afraid. I would like to retire and focus on my health and walk with You. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me my daughter's student loans be paid off."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Help me retire, leave my job, receive income, and obtain tax refunds "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please be with me during tax season. Please let me not owe anything. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Protect my finances. Keep me safe from lawsuits or taxes. Please let me keep what I have and gain more. Forgive me and bless all involved. Amen."


1 years ago


"Lord please let my son get rid of this cough please amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please give a chance to find a job working within children like my sister. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"Please let me get this job or lead me in the right direction. Help me leave my current situation quickly and peacefully. Please let the next doctor give me what I need to be free. Amen."


1 years ago

"I Didnt Cry today"

"I eat, sleep,breathe acting. It is apart of me I am almost growing cold because it seems like along with so many other things it seems so far away and unreachable. I beg God every other day please give me this I need this I feel like nothing without this. I know that sounds ridiculous and I’m sure it is too the outside looking in. But have you ever wanted something so badly and it just feels like it won’t happen I keep trying and doing the best I know how I even ask that if it’s not for me God take this passion away I have no clue what my purpose is because at almost 31 years old I don’t have really much of anything I don’t want to make it seem s if I’m ungrateful and God is not moving quickly enough it just makes me so sad to want to be such a big time actor yet I t even get seen I literally can’t even get my foot in the door to the right people it all feels so cloudy it is all I want to do and be besides a mother and have a beautiful family please pray for my mental health and strength for I just don’t understand why my life is the way it is I wish that maybe some of the things I should have said no to in past-is why I have yet to excel what is to become of my life God I beg of you to show me want to give up so badly because what do you do when you hear struggle stories turn into fairytales makes me wonder is this my life is this where I’m really suppose to be not doing anything my life feels so emptying ask whoever reads this please send a prayer up for me thanks so much"


Senatobia, Mississippi
1 years ago


"I am praying for peace and patience. Please let me find a job that will meet all my needs. Let me leave my current situation peacefully; work on the powers that be heart. Lead me in the right direction. Bless my family and keep us safe. Thank you for everything. Help me. Show me. Heal me. I beg and pray. Amen!"


1 years ago

"The Journey"

"I’d like to ask for prayer… I have been trying so hard to stay focused on the good things I few months ago I suffered a miscarriage I wanted my sweet baby so badly on top of that I went through a terrible break up with the father of my child who I had fallen in love with I thought we’d be together forever he turned out to be terrible to me my dreams seem to be far and in between no matter how hard I try and everything since that day has been a blur I want so badly to just wake up from this nightmare but it haunts me everyday I open my eyes and close them I have no peace and I so desperately wants to know what that looks and feels like I feel ungrateful for even having these thoughts but I feel like a failure amongst many other things I love god I really do but just don’t understand how could I be so unhappy how could I be so in love and this happen to me how could I lose my baby my precious sweet baby at only seven weeks the miscarriage had led me to therapy but I still can’t seem to not cry every time I share my story to the group I feel like had I not had the three prior abortions is why my baby was taken from me and being so low in my own self esteem that I allowed men to take advantage of me to the point I tried to make myself believe I wasn’t the other woman when I’m fact my brain tricked what my heart truly knew I wanted love so badly and acceptance so badly that I lost love for myself I just can’t seem to grasp why me what is all this heart ach I’ve had to go through for I feel like I deserved karma but not in this way I lost love a baby and my acting career is almost non existent I keep staying close to god I refuse to stray again but I feel so hopeless and I just want to know if it ever gets any better please pray for me whoever reads this I would deeply appreciate it I’m barely hanging in there silent torture I go through is so unpleasant God please have mercy on me I like to think I am not a bad person but maybe I have with the blindness I’ve had I want to make it through I really do I’m trying my hardest to hold on pray for my strength and clarity i would do anything to just know why all this is happening to me will I ever have kids will I ever have my career will love ever find me will I ever truly be at peace and happiness "


2 years ago


"Hi Jesus Good morning It’s a lot on my mind I really need your help cause I will not let the devil get me first and foremost I just wanna say how much I love you.. and hope you’re praying over me every single day and night and my family as well all my love ones just wanna say thank you. I pray my son having a good day in school every day cover my son with you blood lord don’t let him get mess with or Afraid of anything always tell me anything also I would like to pray for my mother and her health and healing.. I pray me and my fiancé work everything out the right way and we have a baby girl soon when the time is right also I pray my tubes are open in my next appointment???????? I pray for a healthy baby and a healthy Fallopian tubes I also pray my car get fixed the right way and I have no problems with it lord that car is my blessing for me and my son mostly my son I also would to pray on my attitude and my days I’m upset and calm down more and don’t be so quick to argue just listen and be humble amen I love you so much ????"


2 years ago


"Lord please let this other hsg unblock my tubes I’m praying once they done they tell me my tubes are open and not blocked in the name of Jesus lord I believe in you "


2 years ago


"Help my children treat me better. Help us get along. Amen."


2 years ago


"Please let these people learn from their mistakes and try to make things right. Let them see where I was coming from and change their hearts. "


2 years ago


"Please help me understand. Heal these hearts and minds I have troubled. What did I do wrong? I feel bad. I never meant to hurt anyone. "


2 years ago


"Please let me be able to retire as soon as possible, please let M pay the amount in full soon, and let anyone who needs to forgive me do so. Amen."


2 years ago


"Lord please unblock my Fallopian tubes please for another baby can get through please bless me with another baby lord please help me unblock my Fallopian tubes naturally amen "


2 years ago


"Give me this time off to heal and let things stick and settle at work, so I can return and focus on my job. If it doesn't work out, please let my backup plan work."


2 years ago


"I have made some decisions lately. I have so much uncertainty. I don't know what to do. Please guide and lead me in the right direction. I don't trust my judgment. Why do I have moments like this when I want to escape."


2 years ago


"I long for another child. I wish I could have had more children. I regret messing it all up. Please take this desire away. My dreams can be so cruel. My spouse would never agree to adopt or foster a child. Please make away for me to work with babies again. Send me to a church where I can volunteer. Amen."


2 years ago


"Dear Lord, help my son find a career that he loves. Let it be easy for him. Keep him save. Help him find a wife with a good heart, values, and morals. Protect his heart and soul. Lead him to a Christian woman who will influence him to know you on a much deeper level. Let him and his sister see this in me and be interested to learn more. I never wanted to force my beliefs on them. Guide them in the right direction. Give my children happiness, health, and families. Give them longevity and fertility. Put the work on me, so they may receive these blessings. Please don't let me outlive my children. I could not take such a big loss. When it is time, and they are ready, or if they want kids, please please let me experience being a grandmother."


2 years ago


"Please heal my husband. Let him develop a relationship with you God. Let him know I know his secret, and I am trying to forgive him. Please let him see how his actions hurt all of us. He is a covert narcissist. I don't think he knows what he is doing. I think he does it out of fear or insecurity. "


2 years ago


"Dear Lord, my daughter is so precious. Heal her heart. Make her kind and wise. Don't let this guy she is dating waste her time. Send her her husband. If it is who she is with, please make him be good to her. She deserves someone to love her as mush as she does."


2 years ago


"Dear Lord, is this what you want me to do? Is this You or me? I believe you will work this all out. Please lead me in the right direction. If I am doing things wrong, show me the way You know is best for me. Amen."


2 years ago


"Please help my aunts' situations improve. Keep my kids happy and safe. Send them good life mates soon. Please heal my husband. Please work out my situation. Show me the way. Use me. Reveal to me how I can better serve You. Help me to heal."


2 years ago


"Lord please let my son feel better let this medicine work for his ears I love u lord please "


2 years ago


"Please take care of my problems. I am putting it all in your hands. Amen."


2 years ago


"Please let Mary receive and be understanding about what I am asking her to do. Please let me make the payment I need to make. Help me pay off those bills. Amen."


2 years ago


"Lord please help me and him get back together today please let him say he wanna come back and this his last time I miss him so much lord we always go through this but I see he fr about everything but I really want him back I pray he text me or call me and tell me he love me and he wanna get back together and come back cause I want him back lord please please please do this I need this lord I promise to change for me and him "


2 years ago


"Please make this pain and mistake go away. I don't want to deal with him any more. Punish me already, so I can be forgiven and move on from this unhappiness and lies."


2 years ago


"Help him learn from his mistakes. Make him need me. Fix it or let me forget about him and move on fast to who I need"


2 years ago


"You can change us. You can make this better fast. If not, please let this go as quickly and pain free as possible. Heal old wounds and make us better and happier people for you God."


2 years ago


"I want to be a missionary on a farm with special needs people."


2 years ago

"Pray For Family Healing"

"Please pray for my relationship with my mum to drastically improve. Please pray that she opens her heart and releases her negative thoughts and feelings about me and my siblings. Life is short and we deserve to live the rest of our lives together in peace and happiness. Please give us the strength to pull together, support each other and lean on one another and not to let our family grief and pain divide us. Please pray for a miracle. Please pray that she lets her guard down and reaches out, there is only so much I can do to help. I need divine intervention.. please"


2 years ago

"Upcoming Exam Results"

"Please pray for my exam results that are due next week. I have struggled for a while to get this far despite of the setbacks and traumatic life experiences I have had over the past few years. I failed my last exam trying to press on and get through when I should have taken a break. Please pray that I pass my exam so I can qualify and be able to better support my family and take care of my mom. I really need this. Please kindly keep me in your prayers"


2 years ago

"Upcoming Exam Results"

"Please pray for my exam results that are due next week. I have struggled for a while to get this far despite of the setbacks and traumatic life experiences I have had over the past few years. I failed my last exam trying to press on and get through when I should have taken a break. Please pray that I pass my exam so I can qualify and be able to better support my family and take care of my mom. I really need this. Please kindly keep me in your prayers"


2 years ago

"Pray For Family Healing"

"Please pray for my relationship with my mum to drastically improve. Please pray that she opens her heart and releases her negative thoughts and feelings about me and my siblings. Life is short and we deserve to live the rest of our lives together in peace and happiness. Please give us the strength to pull together, support each other and lean on one another and not to let our family grief and pain divide us. Please pray for a miracle. Please pray that she lets her guard down and reaches out, there is only so much I can do to help. I need divine intervention.. please"


2 years ago


"Please honor my request and forgive me."


2 years ago


"Lord please let my ears feel better and the ent doctor make me feel better I hope my hearing is ok "


2 years ago


"God, please take away my worry and anxiety. Make me feel better and work towards making progress. God, you have the power to change the hearts and minds of everyone involved in the current situation. Help me learn to deal with things better."


2 years ago


"Please heal Jade. Help us get healthy and lose weight. Protect us and keep us. Reveal the truth about Eric as soon as possible, please. Save my relationships with my kids and cure my issues. Help me pay off bills. Amen."


2 years ago


"I ask for my sweet baby to still be with me the weekend was tough but I still have my faith that everything will be okay I am still very early in my pregnancy please if you are reading this please pray my baby stays with me and is okay I had pinkish light spotting for two days and a little red discharge the second day I am praying so hard that my baby is strong and healthy and that she is okay I can feel her connected to me and I don’t want to lose her please prayer warriors war for my sweet baby in Jesus name I pray as I sit here waiting to be taken back to do my ultrasound give me peace give me guidance give me strength In Jesus name I pray amen "


2 years ago


"I have done so much wrong in this life time and I am only 30 I am a liar and a coward and that to me makes me a horrible person I pray that the decisions I have made in my past trying to save others has not affected or will affect my own happiness please god I found out I was pregnant and now I have light pink discharge at six weeks o can not handle losing my baby after three times I had an abortion I was told they were safe under a medical team and now I can’t help but think this is why this is happening to me I am so nervous that this is why my unborn baby is having to suffer please please god don’t take my baby from me please Jesus I want my a baby so badly nobody but me knows about the prior abortions please Jesus please spare my child’s soul in Jesus name I pray am amen "


2 years ago

"keeping my faith "

"lord i come to you to just to ask that you rekindle my family bk lord lord these last couple of months been very draining but i think i sustained the test i have been broken mentally but i kept my faith and u help me through this a lot but now i won’t to raise my kids as a one parent household lord please can u help me get my family bk the love of my life left us in march and left wit with our two kids but now i think we are both ready to start over again and raise our kids as ONE LORD CAN U PLEASE HELP WITH THIS PLEASE LORD THATS ALL I ASK OF U "


2 years ago


"God I need you ????"


2 years ago


"I miss my cat. I am trying to be patient. Please let me know if and when you will "her" back to me. She came into my life when my mother died. I had her for over 16 years. "


2 years ago


"God, You can fix this. You can heal hearts and reveal the truth. If this is my fate, help me get through it. Help me know what to say or do."


2 years ago


"Please fix this to heal me. I am going to leave it in your hands because I don't know what to say, do, or feel."


2 years ago


"Lord I know I said I would never get a tongue piercing no more and I did and I pray that this lump/bump go away now I really know I can’t get it anymore I hope it’s nothing serious I pray it go away and the next 2 days like the last one did also lord I hope I don’t lose feeling In my tongue I’m a diabetic I don’t need that lord please be with me and heal my tongue right now lord also please let my family get along and my son start listening more and stop all this bad stuff also if this relationship don’t work lord give me the sign that’s it’s not now so I want waste my times I love lord please heal my tongue tonight please work on me "


2 years ago


"Lord I pray my tongue is ok from this tongue piercing I hope this lump go away in Jesus name ????????????"


2 years ago


"Lord I really hope this tongue piercing heal fine and the pain go way amen I don’t want no infection "


2 years ago


"Please keep us safe everywhere and protect our homes. Please shed light to any possible danger we are unaware of. Help us all lose weight and keep it off. Amen."


2 years ago


"Please help me right now to lose 100 pounds. Amen."


2 years ago


"Please give me a baby or take the desire away. End my life than be so cruel to fuel this desire in my heart. Forgive me. I know I am too old, but I miss being around babies and children."


2 years ago


"Help me get through to my son. Let me know we are ok. Amen."


2 years ago

"Rawlings Road To Recovery"

"Asking for prayer over our newly born son who has been diagnosed with RCDH. We pray that God gives him comfort and strength to withstand the pain, and to overcome the struggles through the night. We pray for healing day to day to reach goals of care, with his first being a life changing surgery. In your name Lord, we pray that you will help him to be stable to receive the surgery soon. Help him breathe with your strength and power, as he continues his fight. In your precious name lord I do pray, Amen."


2 years ago

"My Grandson"

"Please pray for my grandson who is very troubled. Pray that the Lord will touch him and heal him."


2 years ago


"Pray M and her family move away, so I can sell my house and pay off my debt. I would share it with my children. Help her family find a better opportunity and decide to move. This would solve so many problems. Amen."


2 years ago


"Hi everyone please pray for my grandmother gloria Jean grove she is having major surgery in the morning and I want to have her covered in every way although our entire family does not have a bad feeling we still would like prayer thank you so much you can also call her meMommie thanks so much "


2 years ago


"Lord I hope my chest stop hurting from this Covid lord please let me get better in the name of Jesus ????????????"


2 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you God for blessing my son. Please let my daughter get a full scholarship, too. Amen!"


2 years ago


"Please help my daughter find a husband soon who will treat her right forever. Let them have as many children and wishes that they desire. Amen."


2 years ago


"James needs lots of prayer for everything"


2 years ago

"Pray For Me "

"I haven’t written in awhile haven’t really talked to God in forever I need this one I had a Pap smear the other week and got a a call back I have not talked to any of the doctors I pray that I have nothing please be with me when I call tomorrow please in Jesus name I pray amen"


2 years ago


"Please let me get a job that makes me feel better. Help me stop self medicating."


2 years ago


"Feel like my grades have been slipping due to the amount of stress that’s been put on me for the past couple weeks. I pray that God will hold my hand and bring me straight through to the other side "


2 years ago


"I have been watching and doing stuff lately that hasn’t been good. I want to pray that I can refocus my mind on God and not worry about things that will make God anything but happy "


2 years ago

"Money For School"

"I need money for school and I am very stressed out about it because I have no money coming in right now and I am not really working. "


2 years ago


"I pray I can start getting closer to people at school and not get so left out. "


2 years ago


"I am struggling with addiction to porn and masurbation. Pray that I can break this habit and concentrate on the more important things in life"


2 years ago


"Help me find a job that meets all of my needs. Amen."


2 years ago


"Protection from evil - on phone, in heart, etc Growth in faith, truth, love, confidence, skill, life direction "


2 years ago


"Reading success"


2 years ago


"Mom friends Eyes opened re ph$rm@ corruption Marriage and Jesus time "


2 years ago


"Career choice she loves Christian, believing, loving, committed husband Friends"


2 years ago


"Left faith in 2013…..begging God to bring him back into family of God! "


2 years ago


"Left faith in 2011……begging God to bring him back….."


2 years ago


"Thank you Jesus so much pray for me everyone "


2 years ago


"Lord I got a tongue piercing I know I wasn’t not pose to cause I’m a diabetic I promise I want get that no more please heal this bump or lump in my tongue in the next 2days lord I need you please heal me ??????????? I need you "


2 years ago


"Job Family Finances"


Tulsa, OK
2 years ago

"Abigail’s Bottle Transition"

"Father, I ask that you help give my wife and I wisdom to help Abigail release her dependence on the morning bottle and continue to sleep until 7am. I pray that Abigail follows your voice as you speak to her heart that she does not need the morning bottle. Help me to place the confidence within her to transition to her next phase in this wonderful life you blessed her with. Amen."


2 years ago


"Lord I truly pray my fiancé don’t have Covid and we all don’t have it in this house lord and if we ever did get it’s not bad lord I love you I pray he don’t have it in the name of Jesus amen I love you lord so much please help lord please let him get that test back in it’s negative come on lord I wanna be around him I wannna talk I wanna laugh with him please lord help us let mines be negative lord please please we all need u lord let my fiancé be negative ...."


Homestead Florida
2 years ago

"Need For Bibles"

"Lord I come before you with a petition, to ask for provision of finances, that this ministry can provide Bibles for the newborn in Christ. To provide Bibles to ministries that are asking to build Bible banks in Kenya, Pakistan, India and Uganda. Help this ministry financially that we may accomplish your will to bring Bibles to orphanages. The need is many Lord and the supporters are few. Bless with a hundred fold for everyone that can take a leap of faith and provide in a supernatural way. In the mighty name of Jesus."


2 years ago


"Lord please protect my family from any harm please I love u and since I am I diabetic lord I just got this lip piercing I hope it heal fast I pray my son not getting sick lord amen "


2 years ago


"Please heal my daughter. Spare the pain and give it to me instead. Ease her stress and mind and help me to make things great for her. Keep us all safe and healthy. Help me to provide for my family. Amen."


2 years ago


"Lord please help me feel better , I pray it’s not Covid.. I pray my car get fixed and no more going on with it , I pray I keep my income coming in lord for me and my son in the name of Jesus I give it all to you lord ????????????????????????????????"


2 years ago


"Lord please don’t let them stop it I need it for me in my son but I’m going to put it in your hands lord amen ???????? "


2 years ago


"I hope tomorrow they fix my car I’m just going to put it in god hands amen "


Homestead Florida
2 years ago

"It’s Time For Evangelism"

"The time has come when we have to minister to the poor living in the streets. It’s time for the Evangelists to rise up and preach the gospel to all gentiles. We need to gather together in one accord and preach to the lost souls. It’s time to start purchasing Bible tracks and start going out in teams. Lord I pray that a spirit of boldness come upon all who read and stand in agreement, that the enemy will loosen his grip on all of the lost souls in the mighty name of Jesus. "


2 years ago


"I just wanna thank god for my blessing my car I hope this car last me and my son a while he so happy I got a car now it’s time for me to get my Ls lord I’m so happy please don’t let anything start happening to this car ????????????????????????????????????????????? hope this fix everything name of Jesus "


Orlando, Florida
3 years ago


" • Thank you Lord for all of life’s many adventures and for blessing me with my family - especially for Shell, Taryn & Garret, and for my parents, who prayed for me & cared for me & loved me unconditionally Please bless, strengthen & protect: • Bonnie and Bob • Tim’s family: (Lisa, Jonathan, Mathew & Julia) • Scott and his family: (Emma, Avery, Sara, Sophia & Andrew) • Todd and his family: (Madison and Kiley) • Bless them with physical, emotional & spiritual health. May they all come to trust you completely as their Lord & Savior"


3 years ago


"God please heal my pain in my leg lord "


3 years ago


"Please don't let me get into trouble. I did not know what else to do. Please let my daughter get the job she interviewed for and let her get a car. earn a living and have health benefits. I am worried. I am praying hard. "


3 years ago


"Lord now they saying I need a co-signed lord please let them call me and they say I don’t need a co-signed for this car lord I pray I hear good news in the next two days I pray I don’t have to give up my paperwork for my new home lord lord please help me please .. I been crying all day please let a miracle happen tomorrow or the next day with this car and house lord I love you so much ????????????????????????????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Hey father I feel so down today I just wanna better myself so I can better everything around me I need your help I just wanna be more humble and more happy but my mom job first since I am a mom I also just wanna work on my attitude and not be so mean at times I also wanna help my son get through everything he need help on I’m really praying I get this car next week and start looking for me a place that I can afford with this car lord I’m going to keep speaking highly on it because I know I will get it lord amen ????????"


3 years ago


"Hi father today is Sunday and I’m just praying I get car tomorrow about this car and it’s good news also I pray I get my license I know ima do just fine lord I know you have my back ????????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Lord good morning ???? so I just wanna thank you so much for everything I pray I find me a place to stay that I can afford and also get this car and it be a good car for me and my son and I will never have any problems with it . Also lord I pray my car note is not that much and my insurance is not either I pray I don’t have to put that much down for my down payment lord I hope they call me tomorrow and tell me it’s only 1,000 for it to put down and my note is somewhere in 220 and my insurance is not that much lord I pray I pray I pray my son have a wonderful day tomorrow and everyday and he learn how to speak up and no one mess with him lord please protect my child while I’m not around lord and tomorrow I will be taken the Covid shot I pray my diabetics don’t act up and I don’t get sick and my family that’s taken it as well lord and other ppl who have got it and thinking about it lord please let them call me with good news about this car and house lord amen I have faith thank you "


3 years ago


"Lord I pray my son is not getting sick again I pray this runny nose go away he need to be in school he missed to many days already cause he was sick lord please cover my baby from getting sick lord I pray I really pray I pass my road test next month and I get my license lord and I pray I get this car and me and my fiancé get along lord the devil can not win ????????????????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Dear lord I come to you tonight to say i need you and I pray to you that my son have a great day in school every day and no one mess with him and he start liking school, and I pray I get my license this month. And they car me about my car and tell me I have enough and my insurance is not that much and my note is not that much lord I really can’t wait till they call me and tell me they have the car i want and I can come get it before this month is over with so I can use my car for my driving test lord and pick up my son from school every day lord please I have faith lord help me ????????????????????????????????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Lord I pray I get my license before next month lord ????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Praying my son have a good day at school today and all of the days he go to school I love you son so much lord protect my son in the name of Jesus ????????????????"


3 years ago


"Lord thank you for healing my son I’m so happy right now cause my prayer work thank you Jesus he feeling better ?????????? now tomorrow is my road test and I go tomorrow morning it’s going to be raining ???? and I really haven’t practice this backing up parking step but I pray to you Jesus I pass with my first try and I hope I do go on the freeway and on the road and know everything what I’m doing on the signs lord I pray my son and fiancé is ok once they drop me off also I pray I have a nice instructor doing my test lord I pray I walk out that car with my license in the name of Jesus "


3 years ago


"Lord my son have pneumonia and I’m coming to you to help my son with his breathing and his fever and over come all of this lord I’m very scared but I know my son gone over come it lord please let this medicine work for him and get him to feeling better all I can do is cry more then anything lord please help me and my son lord please in the name of Jesus help me please pray for my son to over come this and get to feeling better lord amen "


3 years ago


"Lord I pray for strength and heal my soul and body and protect my family from all evil and virus and sickness love on all of us lord my son right now is not feeling well lord I pray my baby get better I take my class September 18th I pray I get it down pack with this driving and I get my license lord the big test is October 28th and I hope I hear from the teacher I pass ???????????????????????????????? lord also please let me stay humble and save up for me a car for I can get back and forth where I need to go and take my son to his appointments lord I love you so much ????????????????????????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Please protect me and my kids. Protect us from fraud and theft. Keep us safe and healthy. Help my children find dream careers, salaries, spouses, and children when they are ready. Let them live a long time free from accident, injuries, and health problems. Help them lose weight, stay in their right mind, and never lose their physical or mental abilities. Help me pay off my debt. Amen."


Makati City
3 years ago

"Covid19 Critical"

"Please include in your prayer the parents of a friend living in Cebu who are critical at the moment because of Covid19 virus. BP now at 80/50 and 80/60. Both Oxygen level at 70. Thanks much, keep safe and God bless."


3 years ago


"Aug 10, 2021 Misiones, asignación "


3 years ago

"Choque Cultural"

"June 16, 2021"


3 years ago

"Deputation Plans"

"May 19, 2021"


3 years ago

"Julie’s Abuelo"

"May 14, 2021"


3 years ago

"Contacto A Los Supers"

"Jan. 29, 2021"


3 years ago

"Mentoreo De Impacto"

"Dec 4, 2020"


3 years ago

"Futuro Amoroso De Julie"

"Oct 30, 2020"


3 years ago

"Estadisticas Y Journals "

"Oct 30, 2020"


3 years ago

"Interaccion Fisica Con Personas"

"Oct 16, 2020 Amigos y amigas "


3 years ago

"Tensiones Politicos"

"Oct 2, 2020 Haití"


3 years ago


"Sept 25, 2020 Claridad y entendimiento, sanidad, sabiduría en cómo comunicar, tiempo en nuestras respuestas"


3 years ago


"September 11, 2020"


3 years ago


"September 11, 2020"


3 years ago

"Tiempo De Oracion"

"September 11, 2020"


3 years ago


"Close relationship with God"


3 years ago


"I have surgery tomorrow lord and my fiancé will be there with me I just wanna say thanks for letting him take that day off for this now I really hope it goes good lord and everything is ok with me and they tell me we can start trying for our baby also lord I just wanna be able for me and my fiancé talk work out problems out easy and know we have each other lord I really hope my son will do good and school even if he have to go back in person in the name of Jesus .. I love you lord I really hope my doctor tell me that it was cause they have to remove it and we can have our baby naturally lord amen "


3 years ago


"Please heal Mimi and the baby and help Amber get housing. Be with me to help these students to grow and learn. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please forgive me for my sins and return any thing I have lost because of it. Heal me and make me better. Use me to do your will. Amen."


3 years ago


"Dear Jesus I’m praying I get approved for my new insulin pump .. they call me back with good new I’m also praying I get my license soon when my next class my driving teacher tells me I can take the test cause he know I’m going to pass it ?????????????????????????? I pray for my family my son and my relationship lord I know you got my back amen ????????????????????"


3 years ago


"Please let Eric keep his job here and his raise tomorrow. Amen."


3 years ago


"Lord I wanna say please wrap yo arms around my niece and let her feel better please she have cov19 she’s only 8 I really hope my niece feels better I hope it clear her chest I love you niece so much lord please help me Also lord I really hope me and my mate we get a better relationship now and a better understanding with each other and respect each other I know one day we will have a child of our own and I just want us to get right before we do I want us to be perfect for it , Lord I also have polyps and I know that was stopping me from having kids I already have a 8 year old that I love so much and I just hope one day I can give him a sister or a brother lord whenever u say I’m ready, I just hope my surgery go good and say I can have kids again ?? Lord please help my pain and my depression go away from everything I been thru .. I love you so much lord please work on my attitude and my mouth and it get better Praying for me and my family all my love ones and anyone who going thru something ??"


3 years ago


"Help me make a final decision about my marriage once and for all. I don't want to make a mistake or have regrets. I need a sign or something to be certain. I don't think he will ever change, but there is nothing left for him to ruin."


3 years ago


"Please send me a mate who can make my life better. I want to love someone who will allow me to love and care for him. "


3 years ago


"Help me get a second job and be able to afford living by myself. Please let me get roommates and/or my sister in law to move in with me. Send me help to pay my bills and debt and move on with my life. Keep me strong when my ex-husband moves on with out me."


3 years ago


"God, please fix it all. Change me and my husband. Let us stay here. Amen."


3 years ago


"Lord, I need you more now than ever. Forgive for my thoughts about today. Let everything go well. Heal my husband. Help me care for him. Send me the information I need to take care of myself and move on with my life. I want to fix all the mistakes I made. Please keep E's job here with the raise or make things easy and better for both of us. Help us all heal and forgive. Amen."


Baytown, Texas
3 years ago

"God’s Work In Me"

"Please pray for me as I continue to surrender to God’s plans for me. He knows what all that entails."


3 years ago


"Help me find a second job. Let me in the right direction. Will or should my husband move? Should I join or leave him. What he did yesterday does not sit right with my soul!"


3 years ago


"Please let all my payments stick and avoid any future problems. Amen."


3 years ago


"Praying to find a better paying job as soon as possible. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please help us. Please keep my children save and happy during their travels this summer. Please heal me and Eric. Please help my sister and sister in law. Forgive me in the part I played in the situation. Please make it all better and lead us in the right direction. Amen."


3 years ago


"Father God, I beg you to let me get this job I just applied for. It would be my dream job. I have experience. I just need to share it all with them. If it is Your will, please let everything work out organically. Let the pay be just right and suitable for me needs. Let my husband find work and etc. Amen."


3 years ago


"Lord I come to you right now to for give me , I am not feeling my best right now I hope things get better for me it happen so fast and I wish it didn’t but I guess things happen for a reason I just hope he think about me and realize what he have done cause blocking me is not the best choice "


3 years ago

"Help Fast"

"Change his heart or help me move on faster. Lead me in the right direction. Show me the way. I am giving this to you. I keep messing it up. Help me find love and happiness. Help me to heal and forgive. Fix it or make him leave me alone forever. I don't know what I am doing right or wrong. Help my children believe in me again. He is turning them against me. Why does he lie? Why does he make me doubt myself? Why is he a hypocrite? Have you been showing me signs all along to leave? Help me."


3 years ago


"Please forgive me for my sins. Please help me to move on from my losses or let those involved understand what they are doing to me. I don't know what happened today. Everyone I care about have turned their backs on me. Help me to survive and do all this alone. Make it all better. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please heal my daughter and son. Help S with his depression. Help me give them money and send them great spouses soon, love, wealth, and happiness. Help my daughter lose weight and gain self esteem. I will do anything if you will. Please. Help us, too. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please let me die in my sleep this week. I can’t do this anymore. I am not able to do anything, and everyone would be better off if I was gone. I don’t want to go to hell. Please forgive me of my sins. I believe Jesus died for my sins. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please God help me be covered during my leave from work. Please let me be able to pay my bills, receive disability, and have health insurance. Please make this all work out. Please help my son and daughter find peace and receive the desires of her heart and happiness. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please let me get my disability payment. Please let me have enough to pay my bills and give my children money. Let everything be okay. Help me love my job. Let everyone be nice about my being out. Let me finish my work. Thank you for letting me be off. Please help me keep a job. We need two cars and money for the children. Amen."


3 years ago


"I want to open my own school or daycare, but I am afraid. I don’t know where to start to pay for a building and the things I need. Please guide me into the right direction. If it is your will, show me the way. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please let me get my disability payment. Please don’t let me mess it up."


3 years ago


"Mend my daughter’s broken heart quickly. Let her find love again. Keep her safe and happy. Amen."


3 years ago


"Father God, I am scared about my surgery, but I am ready and prepared to die. I will miss my family. I know this is best to make everything right. Please let me make everything right because it is so hard trying to go on like this. Please forgive me for my sins. I know Jesus died for my sins. I have always accepted Jesus and you in my heart. Amen."


3 years ago

"I Need Comfort "

"I need comfort for my broken heart , and now broken marriage . "


3 years ago

"Help My Heart "

"Lord please help my broken heart , broken spirit , broken marriage , broken soul. And the loss of my marriage to someone I thought I could make a life and healthy life with . "


3 years ago


"Please help me pay for my treatment and bills. Help me purchase a car for me and my daughter. Help my daughter be happy. Watch over my son and husband. Let my surgery turn out okay. Heal me. Make everything better. Get rid of my problem. Amen"


3 years ago


"Dear God, I am ready to go home. Take me there on Monday. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please let my package ship and not be lost. Amen."


3 years ago


"Keep my children safe, healthy, happy, and loved. No danger or accidents. Amen."


3 years ago


"Lord I’m praying when I take this COVID-19 test it’s negative lord and I feel better in the morning I have so much faith thank you Happy new year’s everyone 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️"


3 years ago

"Thanks So Much"

"Hello, whoever may read this would you please pray that I am able to stay on my third shift at my new job. I need to save all the money I can because I need to save up enough to be able to move out of state next year. I’m very focused on my dreams of becoming a actor and I’m moving to L.A regardless of what happens this up coming year. This year was hard but I was blessed with a job, please pray that I will be able to keep my shift God bless every one and in Jesus name I pray amen. “ I will know on the 16th of January”"


3 years ago


"Lord please don’t let my son have another seizure tonight or no other day in the name of Jesus please let these be sleepy signs 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽"


3 years ago


"Lord since I can’t text him cause he blocked me from his phone I emailed him and I pray to you that he look at it and I emailed so many even yesterday and I hope he look at the last one cause I just pour my heart out to him I really pray he text me back tomorrow and call me lord telling me he wanna work it out and ready to talk to me lord I’m sick of crying I feel so clueless without my fiancé I miss him so much and I just hope he don’t let his family mess up our relationship I love you Fiance and I’m waiting on your text or call before anniversary and yo heart reach out to me 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽☹️☹️✨ lord work on him and me tonight and we come together tomorrow and we text each other on a better note lord please "


3 years ago


"Please let my fiancé call me back right now and unblock me please I wanna get back together and love one another more please lord help before Christmas and our anniversary please let him see he doing me bad lord that’s all I’m asking you I’m hurt broken please let him answer my calls my mom calls"


3 years ago


"Praying for me and my fiancé we just broke up I’m praying we get back together lord please ☹️🙏🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽"


3 years ago


"Please help me pay off this debt in 2020. Allow my daughter to get the job she is applying for, lose weight, and marry her fiancé in 2021. Keep my son safe at work, in his home, and at his job. Help Mary pay off her house in 2021. Allow Eric to pay off my daughter’s medical bills in 2021. Help us fix our home and replace the broken things. Help us all find a church and do your will, God. Amen."


3 years ago


"Please let my daughter get her job/internship. Amen."


3 years ago


"Father God, please let my son be able to take and pass his test to graduate. Please let him do so as soon as possible. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please keep my son safe. Heal my daughter. Help me and my daughter find a good job with benefits. Protect me and my family from illness, crime, and accidents."


4 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Please pray for me unspoken and for double mindedness. Thank you "


4 years ago


"Help me to help me bless other people financially. "


4 years ago


"Please let me: Tithe Pay off my debit and husband’s debit Pay for twins’ education Buy transportation Buy a house Give money to twins and niece Pay up retirement Start new career Give away to Mary and Amber Donate to charity "


4 years ago


"Father God, I am praying for a miracle. I need a minimum of $ 100,000 to take care of my problems. Please let me manifest this amount of money soon. Send me the guide for starting a second career, too. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let my daughter lose weight. I am worried about her health. Please let her go on a diet."


4 years ago


"Please let us win our money back and receive funds to replace my car. Let justice be served. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let me win the lottery to pay open my own special needs school. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let the sale stick and the person be satisfied. Amen."


4 years ago

"Pay Off"

"Please let the person who owns my house pay it off this year. Amen."


4 years ago


"Help me find a better paying job that suits me. Amen."


4 years ago


"Dear Lord, I want my old life and house back. Please let my cousin get married and move away. Let them be successful. Let her mother join her, so they can give me my house back. I could move back home and pay off my debt. Please make it happen very soon. Amen."


4 years ago


"Heal Denise and Derek. Help us get two cars. Please let us win our lawsuit and receive our money back. Keep us safe, happy, and healthy. Protect us from evil and the police. Keep us out of harms way. Open the schools back up and make the virus go away. Protect our country and people in charge."


4 years ago


"Please pray for my fear, doubt and intimidation. Thank you "


4 years ago


"Lord I just wanna thank you for another 24 hour me and for my family I love you I hope I pray that everything get better and I pray my son get in first grade and nail it cause I know he can do it my big boy I love him with all my heart I got so much on my mind I just want you to look after me and my child and my family lord today my son is going to see his dad I pray this go good and everything work out and the name of Jesus I love you so much please clear my mind and don’t let the bad thoughts come in thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love you so much please just let me grow up and take care of my business ❤️"


4 years ago

"2 unspoken "

"Please pray for 2 unspoken requests. Thank you "


4 years ago

"Sister In Law Has Cancer"

"My Sister in Law, Theresa, has been diagnosed with stage 2b cancer. Please pray for God’s mercy and healing. For His peace and for His comfort. Most importantly, for His Will to be done. Please heal her if it is within His will and comfort us all if it is not."


4 years ago


"Please let us receive the money that was stolen. Please let the thief get caught."


4 years ago


"Please let us get our money back. Please let us get our money back. Please let the person who did this to us be held responsible. Give us peace about it. Heal my troubled heart and spirit. "


4 years ago


"Dear Lord, Please let the people who are working on our vehicles return and finish the work. Please let them be responsible for the damage they have done. Please rebuke the devil from this situation. Change his heart. Help us have safe and reliable transportation. We need this resolved fast. Amen. "


4 years ago


"Please get car and van fixed fast. Let everyone involved do the right thing. Help my students show growth. Make the virus go away. Amen."


4 years ago

"Kidney Stone"

"I need my prayer warrior brothers and sisters out there. I’ve been dealing with the effects kidney stone that won’t make up its mind on my right side. I’m asking that you pray for me so that I can pass this stone and have peace about this situation. I’m trying to get my life back together and the devil is trying to push me back where he had me, questioning my faith. I serve the one true god and believe he will deliver me from this. "


4 years ago


"Give me peace about my other house. Please let me get it back to sell it, pay off my debt, and provide for my children. Please let my cousins find a new and more affordable home somewhere else. Amen."


4 years ago

"Psalm 112:1"

"Please pray for this and for my confusion. Thank you"


4 years ago


"Please let school start after Labor Day and be virtual. Please pay teachers. Please end this sickness and bad things going on. Let this be a great school year for me and my children. Keep my family safe, happy, and well. Amen."


4 years ago


"Forgive me for the the two things I have done. Please stop the bad karma and any trouble from it. Please let me receive what I am owed from a refund. Please let the person involved acknowledge her wrong doing, too! Amen."


4 years ago


"Please cure this virus. Let us go viral education at home for teachers and students. Help me obtain more money. Be with the president. Protect all lives. Help me do my best at work and change lives. Let me stay in the promised position. Amen."


4 years ago


"Keep me and my family healthy and safe. Help me and my daughter lose weight and get transportation. Please let her make new friends and meet new guys. Help her be happy. Please delay the start of school until after a Labor Day but let us get paid."


4 years ago


"Lord I come to you again asking for your healing. Doctor thinks I’m passing stones lord and if that’s the case let it come out of my body. Lord I’m changing my life style and need your help now more than ever. Please heal me and make me whole. "


4 years ago


"Forgive me. Help my children to forgive me. Let me make it up to them. Make then understand. Help me to forgive myself and do better in the future. Help me move on from the past and focus on today and tomorrow."


4 years ago


"Please let my children get the money they need for college. Please let me receive my refunds. Please let me make a extra money to pay off my debt and provide for my children. Keep my family healthy, happy, and safe. Help us find a church home."


4 years ago


"Lord I really hope my diabetes is getting better like my a1c and also now that I have Alopecia I hope it gets better and when I do cut my hair it grow back even healthy I hope this guy is available before I go to Texas to cut my hair cause I’m feeling so overwhelmed about my hair I want a little stress off I hope the spots don’t show as much and also the dye help it look nice . Lord please continue to watch over my family I really hope my son is not getting a cold I hope our family come on to some big money to buy my mom a house also I hope me and my fiancé make it it’s almost 3 years continue to let us stay strong lord hope my doctor appointment go good also ❤️❤️🤞🏽⚠️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💕"


4 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Please pray for me unspoken. Thank you "


4 years ago


"Please help me find a church home and lead me into the right direction for my career and finances. "


4 years ago


"Thank you, Lord for my husband’s help. "


4 years ago


"Please heal TK. Drive away his congestion. Please help us to fix our house. Help my neighbor find her service animal. Keep my children safe and healthy. Amen."


4 years ago


"Father God, Heal my daughter. She has health and mental issues. Help her build a relationship with you. Make her successful and happy. Amen."


4 years ago

"Eileen & Tripp"

"Please pray for Eileen and Tripp Putnam for their healing and full complete recovery from their injuries. Please surround them with our love and support and give them strength knowing they are being prayed for from all who know and love them. Please pray for their families to give them guidance and support during this time of care for their parents and to let them know they are not alone and have a community supporting them. "


4 years ago


"Lord please take this acid reflux away please heal this in Jesus name , 💯💯🙏🏽🙏🏽"


4 years ago


"I really hope god finna bless me and my family and my fiancé I just wanna have all god vibes between us another thing lord I hope my hair is growing back and my diabetes is in good shape hope my A1c is good on my next appointment in July , lord I really praying my attitude change now I really wanna control it but I need to help lord 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💕😘"


4 years ago

"2 Unspoken"

"Please pray for me for 2 unspoken requests. Thank you"


4 years ago


"Lord continue watching over me and blessing me and my family 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️"


4 years ago

"Jusy Having A Bad Day "

"This maybe a silly request but I pray that my package made it... it didn’t get straight to the person I was trying to send it to but I hope it’s at their leasing office, it’s a lot going on these past few days I’ve been really down and I really don’t need any added stress. I’m Jesus name I pray amen."


4 years ago


"Grandson Baylor on two medications for seizures. Other two boys have it. Moms faith growing. Doing well Beth had shoplifting episode in February when out of control. Gets fees put on her. Discouraging for Pam, thought she was over that. Troubles in US are discouraging. "


4 years ago

"Goodnighh Lord "

"Lord please protect my family and me from this virus lord every step We make out the door please let my mom and dad have a safe travels back home from outta state lord I pray my hair follicles grow back on my left side please don’t let my hair fall out in the name Jesus amen "


4 years ago

"Women Joining Together"

"I pray Holy Spirit to please have your way in us. Holy Spirit I pray that us as women can come together in forces to pray and love one another."


Orange County, CA
4 years ago

"Prayer For Those Impacted By The Shutdowns"

"Lord, You are in control and we praise You for that. The world is not making much sense now and there is so much chaos and fear. First of all, help us to refocus on You. Forgive when we go astray and lose sight of what is most important. Let us be lights to shine in the darkness and show how Christ alone brings true hope, joy and salvation. Second, we pray for containment of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19. Help people take good care of their bodies so they don’t get sick. Let them get enough vitamin D, enough sleep and enough healthy food to keep their bodies strong. Grant them peace so their bodies aren’t all stressed out and unable to handle pathogens. Grant doctors and researchers wisdom, discernment and insight to find the best and safest treatments and preventions. If something is unsafe, make it known and obvious. Third, we pray for those who are negatively impacted by the shutdowns. Maybe they have been laid off, or furloughed and now don’t know how they will pay for their mortgage or put food on the table, or pay for an important medical procedure. We pray for your provision for them in miraculous ways so that they praise You, Father. Maybe they are in an abusive home and now trapped there 24/7 and their safety is at stake. We pray for protection over them and ultimately for redemption of the relationship and the abuser to find strength, hope and peace in You, God. Maybe they’ve been clean for years and now the added stress is tempting them or they’ve already gone over the edge. Help them to seek You and find strength in You. Maybe they are experiencing major depression for the first time in their lives and feel like death is the only answer. We pray for Your peace to cover them, as well as Your love. We also pray that You would give believers extraordinary discernment to see those who are hurting and to then give the love, peace and strength to fight against the grain and love those people and help address their physical needs in Your name and for Your glory. We ask that we be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. In Your holy name, amen."


4 years ago

"Thank You"

"I honestly don’t know Gods plan for my life and that is extremely scary I don’t even know my own plan for my life at this point that’s even scarier I feel as if I’ve done a lot of wrong in the name of my heart loving and being kind the way it is i would love to figure out where I went wrong in life but I’m only 28 with no clear path I know exactly what I want to be but the vision has become so unclear I’ve been through so many traumatic things over the past few years and it seems as if it’s only getting worse I never want it to seem as if I come to God when nothing is going right but if I’m being honest I think that is when people most need him and lean on his guidance I don’t have much of that right now and I don’t know what type of strength I should have to gain that I would love for God to trust me again because after the things I’ve done I really don’t believe I deserve it I wish things would look up for me not only me my family as well i hate to say cursed but that’s what it seems like is upon my life and families very sad because i have so many hoes and dreams and not an ounce of how i will get there when I will get there or even if it is suppose to happen for me I can’t even manage to land a full time job that makes me feel so low and dumb I’ve been doing the same part-time job for four years now the time goes by so quickly and now with how the world is due to the pandemic my hour are barely even let time I try not to think about the bad things but it’s really hard not to I’m trying my hardest to keep on moving but it gets harder everyday to wake up i want so many things that I feel like I will never have or accomplish because of of not obeying God I feel like the day I wasn’t a virgin anymore many years ago is when my life went to hell I wish I could take it back ever since then the guys I’ve loved have never loved me back nor will even make me their girlfriend I’ve never been in a relationship and I’m grown I still live at home and I’m broke and broken I really am considering therapy because I would love to get this out and talk to someone who doesn’t know me I feel like I’m on the verge of a breaking point never good enough not even for love instead of wanting a man to love me I should have only been focused on Gods live and I truly finally realize that now without question I mad bad decisions I should have never started always and when I prayed and told God I never would do the things i knew I shouldn’t do for men who didn’t live me I should have kept my word now I’m sitting her in my parents house on a roll. I’ve never left not even able to cry because I didn’t understand the power in trusting God until now after he’s saved me not once but twice and several other times from really running my life and so many others as much as I would have wanted my children not that way not the way I did it i pray that maybe one day I will have kids but I don’t even know if that’s what will happen for me because God has not brought anyone into my life that remotely is willing to love me the way I love them I want to be a mother so badly one day the right way with someone who loves me who God sends me but. I’m so convinced that not having my career or love life is an example of me not following Gods word I feel as if I’ve messed up so much to even be blessed at this point I have no clue who I am or what I need to be but I’m just trying to be okay I thank God for allowing me to keep my secret to myself and bury it with me but it is a pain that will never go away I’ll live with it forever I honestly feel like I fall into the category of people who Good things don’t happen to and if they do happen to it’s very short lived it just seems like everyone else’s around me gets what they want and I never get a turn to feel any type of achievement the feelings is the worse feeling in the world when you think you’re a good person but all these sets backs remind you that maybe you’re not great thing happen to bad people is what it seems like and the Good peop"


4 years ago


"Father God, please give us a miracle. If my cousin is able to pay me for my house, I can get out of debt. This would make both of our lives easier. I pray for away to erase my debt and her debt, Lord. Amen. "


4 years ago


"Lord please let me feel better "


4 years ago


"I pray my love ones are safe from this virus lord continue to cover us with your blood 🙏🏽🙏🏽💕"


4 years ago


"Lord I hope my blood sugars go down and I’m not stepping in to dka and my ketones get back to normal lord please help me I need you amen "


4 years ago

"God Are You There?"

"I have struggled with believing and remaining faithful. Please hold my hand and let me walk with you in my life on earth always! I don’t want to fear anything because I question you lord. I wish to be solid and know your love through anything and everything. "


4 years ago

"Kidney Stone"

"Dear lord Jesus, There is power in your name lord, I am praying for your healing. I have been up and down the last 8 hours lord and I am thankful for the moments of relieve lord please take this stone from me father. Push it through or crush and dissolve it father. I know you are in control, and there is power in the blood. "


4 years ago

"Im Pregnant "

"Pray for me please I’m about to make the biggest decision of my life and I can’t get sick before the 22nd and with the Covid going on everyday is scary to me I should not have placed myself in this horrible situation it’s as if I don’t learn from the things that God has tried to teach me I know that I have strayed away from him by not believing he loves me more then he should I deeply want to be okay even if I get after the 22nf God please keep me safe until then please I’m Jesus name i pray i have to get this over with and never do this to myself again please God no one knows but the people helping meplease in Jesus name i pray amen please God please safe until "


4 years ago


"Please let me finish my work on time and please everyone involve. Let me find a lawyer and win my case. Help us keep our jobs and insurance and provide for our family. "


4 years ago


"Please end my debt, help me and my child get cars, protect my husband, son, daughter, niece, and sister from harm. Let them develop a strong relationship with you. Please let my daughter get her internship, a scholarship, and happiness"


4 years ago

"Daughter’s Medical Bill"

"Please let the insurance cover my daughter’s bill and lets us be able to afford to pay for it. Please work on my children and spouse to be more understanding. Amen."


4 years ago


"Heal her heart, make her happy, and give her her dreams. Put on me whatever needs to be done to make it happen. Amen. Keep my sister, niece, husband, self, daughter, and son safe, healthy, happy, and secure."


4 years ago


"Please let them close school for the rest of the year in Mississippi starting the day after they meet, so we can get our work done for the special needs students. Please let teachers get their full pay. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please keep my son healthy and safe. Protect him. Please don’t let him get sick or the virus as he performs his military duties. Please keep my family safe from sickness and the virus."


4 years ago


"Please End this virus Keep us safe and healthy Erase my debit Fix my house Build savings Provide for children Sell my house but make a better way for those involved "


4 years ago


"I pray I get over this acid reflex lord I have enough going on I have diabetes please let me stop clearing my throat and coughing and not even any hurt burn or chest pain also I just wanna day please protect everyone from this virus lord please keep me and my family safe amen please let me get some sleep tonight and let this pain go way and and stop "


4 years ago


"I am praying God helps me with my home and two financial situations, so it works out for everyone involved. "


4 years ago


"Please help me take back control of my health. I know what I have to do. Please let everyone get the money especially in my immediate family. I will share mine in hopes of reaching my first goal. Please let me obtain and keep the other things. Please let things work out to get me out of my debit soon and purchase transportation for me and my daughter. Lastly, help us fix our living situation. Amen."


4 years ago

"Second Job"

"Please help me find a second job to pay off my debit. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please help me sell these items I have quickly for my daughter. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let my children develop a relationship with you God and believe in Jesus. Be with them. Help me take care of them and keep them healthy and safe. Amen."


4 years ago


"Father God, I believe you can solve my financial burden and problems. I have faith you will work it out. Please help me reach my goal for my children. Please keep us all healthy and safe. Please lead me in the right direction and to do what feels right. Amen."


4 years ago


"I am worried. Please send me money to get out of my debit and motivate me to do my work. Amen."


4 years ago

"Flight Schedule For My Husband."

"Waiting for my husband’s OEC and flight schedule. We are hoping for him to come in Riyadh by this week, in Jesus name. But whatever the will of God is, thy will be done. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let me complete my work in time. Let it be correct. Please let me receive my dental procedures today. Please let me receive my two denied medical claims this week. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let me keep my money and have a fast response. Please let me get the funds I need to get by. Amen."


4 years ago


"Lord this heartburn 😔😔 please let it go away 😔😔😔🙏🏽🙏🏽"


4 years ago


"Please let me receive the full medical benefit, so I may give my children money for school. Help me get out of this debit, so I may better help them more financially. Amen."


4 years ago


"Lord I hope today be a good day for me and my family ❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽 I love you "


4 years ago


"Father God I pray that you will allow me to select the right item that will solve my problem and help me family as soon as possible. Thank you for your love, understanding, and blessings. Amen."


4 years ago


"Lord continue blessing my family and let the rest of the year fill with blessings ♥️"


4 years ago

"Please God "

"Please God spare my soul I don’t want to be pregnant by this person I know I was wrong dead wrong but please Jesus save me amen "


4 years ago


"Prayer Father God, I need $55,000 to get out of my problem, so I can help my family and start giving back. Please help me find a away to today to come up with this money, so I can do right by You. I have faith and believe you will help me very soon. Amen. Thank you for all the blessings you given me and please forgive those who get mad at you."


4 years ago


"Please Lord show me how to obtain the $55,000 this month I need to help my family. Amen."


4 years ago


"Please let me go home on January 31. Please let my insurance cover my bill. Please let me keep my job and love my new position. Please heal my family and let them forgive me."


4 years ago


"I love you Jesus ❤️"


4 years ago


"I love you Jesus... continue blessing my family in the name of Jesus if it’s meant to be then it would be meant to be ❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽 I love you so much ❤️❤️"


4 years ago


"Lord please help me pass my driving test and get me a car for my son 😔❤️ and of this relationship is meant to be let it come back if u know it’s meant to be if not please heal my heart ❤️ "


4 years ago

"I Need Prayers For My Daddy"

"Please pray for my daddy for miracles. I don’t have sisters or brothers as I am only one deaf child of my daddy and my deceased mother. My daddy and I need miracles for my daddy to get well. He is in ICU. Thank you for prayers. Amen. "


4 years ago


"Hope my son continue getting it all good news. I hope everything works out for me and god help me make up my mind cuz I can’t do this alone 🙏🏽🙏🏽"


4 years ago


"Please let me find or keep my job for next year and years to come. Let my daughter get her internship, too. Keep my children safe and healthy. Be with my husband. Thank you. Amen."


4 years ago


"Fractured friendship "


4 years ago

"Urgent Plea"

"Father God, Thank you for the information. Please let me be able to get my life back. Please return everything I lost. Please let me be able to claim a victory and share my testimony with others. Please let me pursue this case and win. Direct me to the right people. Let this clear my debt and make things better for my family. Please let this be a positive outcome because I am trying to stay strong. I am relieved yet upset about this possible revelation. "


4 years ago

"Help "

"I need help with prayers for my emotion I want to quit "


4 years ago


"Wishing nothing but good for my son on this lord amen 🙏🏽 "


4 years ago


"Lord help me if feel like I’m having shortness of breath I really need you to cover me and your blood Jesus please let this feeling go away please also help my hands feel better I need you Jesus please make me feel better when I wake up in the morning and help my son open his gifts ❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽"


4 years ago


"Lord please let him be approved when I get this mean name of Jesus 🙏🏽🙏🏽"


4 years ago


"Lord I hope this go thru with my son he really need in the name of Jesus amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️ good news please "


4 years ago


"Lord please stop my son cough doing the day and night please give me answer lord please let it get better ??❤️❤️ amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽"


4 years ago


"Please let them score high on the test. Amen."


4 years ago


"God please continue to pray for my family to get thru any hard times please continue to let this family stay together even with my fiancé in it also lord my son been doing a lot better now I hope he growing out these seizures amen 🙏🏽 "


4 years ago

"Divine Intervention Needed 🙏"

"Please pray for my son’s protection and for God to intervene on his behalf. His dad is forcing him to cut too much weight for wrestling and to travel out of state in that condition next Wednesday. The tournament is over the weekend. His dad has narcissistic personality disorder (we are divorced) and if I try to confront him it will only make things worse for my son. Please pray that God will show me what if anything I can do and that he will protect Ish from dehydration and from his dad. Thank you for your prayers 🙏"


4 years ago


"I pray I get my house back, and my cousins move. I hope my daughter gets her internship, and I make money from my sales. Please don’t let this happen again. Relieve my husband from his pain and help me with my children."


4 years ago

"Need A Breakthrough"

"Please pray for me to have a breakthrough in court. I’ve been in a custody battle for 5 years. My lawyer hasn’t been paid in full and is insinuating that I owe him sex. Our next hearing is to try to recuperate attorney fees so I can afford to pay all the lawyers that I owe. Otherwise I am on the verge of bankruptcy. My children are still suffering due to their dad’s narcissist abuse. Thank you for your prayers!"


4 years ago


"Thank you Jesus even on my good days and my son good days we love you 🙏🏽❤️ he doing a lot better thank you "


4 years ago


"Thank you Jesus 🙏🏽 my son doing a lot better 🙏🏽❤️ I hope he grow out of it "


4 years ago


"Thank you all for the prayers he is doing a lot better with the medication they up his dose with thank you lord Jesus let’s continue to not have anymore please ..."


5 years ago


"Please stop them lord 🙏🏽🙏🏽😔"


5 years ago

"Wisdom in the Work Place"

"My boss at work, who is a married man, is wildly obsessed with a female employee who is 39 years younger than him. It is generating injustice and morale problems with the rest of the staff. I pray for this spirit of lust to be removed from his life."


5 years ago

"A Home and Direction For Nephew"

"I have a young great nephew who is incarcerated. He needs a clean heart and right mind in Christ Jesus. When he is released from prison, he has no place to call home. His parents are not in a stable environment."


5 years ago

"Please Cover Up With The Blood 🙏🏽🙏🏽"

"So my lil 6 year old son is now having seizures every 2 hours I need prayer I really appreciate it I need my son to be healed lord also they put him on the right medication he need to help him live a happy normal life I had a talk with Jesus and iknow he telling me it’s gone be ok , he a child of god I want let nothing happen to his child .. please as this night fwd lord please don’t let him have anymore please point him to the right medicine 🙏🏽🙏🏽 also please let him be able to stop them and he get to leave the hospital lord I have faith I love you "


5 years ago


"God please be with me and my family I hope they find out the real reason why my child have seizures he only 6 I need answers god please put me in the right direction I need your help please cover my son in the blood of Jesus please let him get out of this seizures he only 6 lord I love you so much please let him snap out of lord I know you have him lord "


5 years ago


"Lord please let him sleep tonight and no more seizures for now on 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️"


5 years ago


"I pray my son have goodnight sleep I love you so much mello baby lord please don’t let my son have another tonight please let him get his rest lord please .🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽"


5 years ago

"I Need Prayers For My Son "

"My only child my had 3 seizures I can’t take it lord I really need your healing and you heal my son I love him so much can everybody pray for my child and keep him in your prayers please I hope no more seizures come no more he only 6 please lord "


5 years ago

"Lessons "

"It’s like I never learn i love this man and i keep letting him use me I’m so weak for him no one even knows how much he loves her and uses and manipulates me all of this is so hard for me I don’t want to be pregnant by him I ask for a prayer that I am not I honestly wouldn’t be able to handle going through the type of hurt I did the first time why am I not strong enough to leave him alone I hate myself so much "


5 years ago

"My brother Jim’s Return to Work"

"My brother Jim had a heart attack in September. He had a stent put into his heart. He wants to return to work in mid-October. May the Lord grant him supernatural healing and favor in his job."


5 years ago

"Daily Prayer"

"Lord please help me to have a money and ideas to find a living or work. I have to save money for my concerns like my mom, my visit back home in the Philippines and debut of my daughter. I don’t know who I can turn to Yahuah / Yahshuah only you alone. I’m so weak and sinner. It’s only you that I can turn to my precious and loving God, which all things come from."


5 years ago

"Makatog ta Ko Dretso Until 5:45"



5 years ago

"Prayer For My Brother"

"Please pray that he will be blessed with a good job and his finances will be multiplied. Thank you. "


5 years ago


"I ask for prayer that I find work and pass the driving practical exam. Through this that I may help for my mother’s hospital bills and save money for my future."


5 years ago


"Please let me have sales this weekend, so I can pay my bills. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let my son keep his scholarship. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let me keep my job at my school. Amen."


5 years ago

"To Do"

"Please don’t let me be in trouble for missing a day. "


5 years ago


"Please let the children forgive me. Allow my daughter and her ride a safe and accident free ride home. Keep us away from car accidents. Please help me get over what happened Friday. Please remove the two students from my class. Amen."


5 years ago

"Prayer for my mother "

"Please pray for my mother. I pray that God will give her strength to fight all her health issues and to come out of the depression that she is experiencing (since the loss of her baby,my younger sister) please strengthen her heart, give her peace of mind, renew her faith, relieve the pain and heartache that she is feeling and give her a purpose and hope. Thank you God for watching over us. Please take control."


5 years ago

"Angels Release"

"Lord release your heavenly angels into my life to protect me from my enemies. Send your angels to fight my battles and to protect me on my job. Lord reverse the negativity in my life re: my family life and job. Dispatch your angels in my life to assist me everyday with wisdom and decision making. "


5 years ago


"Lord I am ready to leave this church. I don’t feel like I belong there. I feel ashamed what took place and the vicious rumors that was spread about me and someone else among the members. I’m tired of being offended and I cannot shake it. I rather run away from everything and everyone. "


5 years ago


"Lord give me wisdom on the job."


5 years ago

"Silence My Accuser"

"Lord I had to do a hearing and I felt so humiliated in front of my colleagues and the judge what the defendants say. Lord fix it. My brain freeze and I went silent. Lord please silence my accusers. Lord I pray for wisdom, understanding and protection on the job. I pray there will be no retaliation and malicious gossip against me. In Jesus name amen. "


5 years ago

"Pday For My Mother"



5 years ago


"Please let my package arrive and let me hear something today. Amen."


5 years ago


"Dear Lord, please help us with our financial situation, air, and transportation issues. Keep our child safe and in good health. Amen."


5 years ago


"I have been battling drug addiction for quite some time now. It is to the point where it has taken over my life and I need rehab. I never meant for this to happen but now there is no way I can do it in my own. I’m on the verge of losing my home and my family. I already lost my driving and phone privileges due to reckless behavior. I don’t want to live like this no more. I’m desperate for change. I’m hoping to be accepted into rehab this week for 6 months. I want to return being the best mom and wife I can be. Please pray for me. "


5 years ago

"Getting Approved For New Apartment "

"I filled out a application for a apartment I got approved and paid to hold it I just have to pass the screening please let everything go good and let us get this place we have to be out of our current place by the 19th of August!"


5 years ago


"Please keep my family safe. Please let me keep my current job. I don’t want the other position anymore. Thank you."


5 years ago


"Please let me have the special needs small class. Please help me sell those items, so I might some money. "


5 years ago


"Please let my son get this job and his car fixed. Let my daughter have a great school year and relationships. Keep us safe and accident free. Help me and my husband at work. Allow me to get out of debt to send my daughter to graduate school. Forgive me and ease my guilt. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please help me with my money problems. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let me get my money back from those two separate actions. I beg of you. Amen."


5 years ago

"Marriage Revival"

"I pray to have a beautiful, peaceful & faithful marriage with my spouse.One that burns with passion for each other, built on strong friendship & commitment. God to deliver us from our challenges & make us strongly connected to each other spiritually, emotionally & physically. To bless us with divine love that is understanding, kind to each other, patience, that doesn’t envy or boost and bears the fruits of the holy spirit..My marriage is highly favored & blessed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen"


5 years ago


"Please let my daughter go IMO medicine. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let me get my money back and pay my bills this month and stop feeling depressed. Amen."


5 years ago

"Thank You For Another Day"

"Father thank you for your blessing of a new day"


5 years ago


"Please let the seller change her mind. Please let me get my purchases back."


5 years ago


"At a training for work and rolled my ankle on way to first session this morning. Will be her for next 3 days, prayers for healing please. Much love to all and thank u for your prayers."


5 years ago


"I have tonsilitis and i think my tonsilitis had gone but i think it gets complicated. I have difficulty breathing sometimes and i have a bad feeling for my tongue. I’m afraid i have cancer, i’m afraid to consult doctor, what if i’m diagnosed with cancer? I’m smoking cigarette and i want to quit too. And i made a decision to quit. I can’t do it alone, i need God to guide me and give me strength. Please pray for me. I know God can do anything and i firmly believe Him. "


5 years ago


"Please keep us save, let everything be okay, and allow us to receive financial assistance. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let me get my money back and fix my money problem. I am praying for a miracle. Amen."


5 years ago


"If god spares my life this go round again I will really have to revaluate why I’m taking his love for granted I’m so confused forgive me if I spell things wrong or don’t is proper punctuation I’m afraid I may be pregnant again I can’t test until sat because i wouldn’t be able to do it this early I’m so stressed and I am not in a good position to be pregnant I am worried and I am fearful that I allowed this to happen to me again if it does because this time I don’t know if god would show favor on me to save me i am trying to be positive because i know i am wrong for continued behavior i should have learned my lesson the first time I don’t feel well and i think being in a state of worry I’m making myself sick I literally will be thinking about this until Saturday i love this man but I know god loves me more I’m not in a relationship with him and I feel sick to my stomach that this could be happening again because my ego I am ashamed and i honestly don’t know what to do this time i just truly joe and pray and I’m coming humbly to ask everyone else who reads this to pray along with me to ask Jesus to please save me to help me see that what I doing isn’t the way i any children not like this I am disturbed by my actions and the only way to stop is to change I am so angry with myself god please take this away please don’t let me be pregnant please god give me favor and glory to turn this around you are powerful I regret ever playing with your destiny for me i don’t have control you do I am a hurt soul that has been through a lot thy i haven’t even spoken about please don’t let me be pregnant again god take this away from me until it’s my time until it’s right help me to get stronger in my faith help me to know your love is enough in Jesus name i pray the results are negative amen "


5 years ago

"Us And My Pup"

"My wife and I have been sick for the past two weeks and I should have asked for prayer sooner. We am starting to get better but our pup is sick now. Please pray for healing for both all of us in our house in Jesus name."


5 years ago

"I Pray For Myself And Gregory Who I Care For"



5 years ago


"Please help me pay off my debt through my sales. Please let me receive my money back and not lose more money. Amen."


5 years ago

"Prayers On My Recover Please"

"April 7th I was in a bad ATV accident. Once I arrived at the hospital (I was told) since I don’t remember anything; that they couldn’t keep my vitals stable, I had bleeding on the brain, broken every bone in my skull and face, a grade 5 lacerated liver, a broken collar bone, broken a bone in my ear and throat, have partially lost my sense of smell and taste, I’ve lost sensation is part of my face and leg. I couldn’t walk due to the road rash on my leg, Ive had my mouth and jaw wired shut, for a little over a month now, and I’m on a liquid diet. I remember praying for God to help take some of the pain away. It’s been so hard to stay strong. I haven’t been able to work since my accident and have another 2 months to go before I am able to work again. I’m not a loud to drive and I have trouble remembering things. This accident has changed a lot for me and my family. I’ve been really depressed, just feeling like a burden on everyone. I need help doing everything! I feel so useless and not being able to get back to my life makes it harder. I’m still recovering and praying that everything heals the way it should. I need all the support I can get. Mentally and physically. "


5 years ago


"Please place me in the position that is best for me. Thank you. Keep my children safe, too."


5 years ago

"For Me Please"

"I have no clue why my soul is so weak for certain things and people I get randomly drug tested at my job of course I don’t smoke this weekend I went on a girls trip and ate a editable lollipop that was Sunday this Wednesday and I got randomly selected I swear I feel like everything is trying to kill me I pray I’m okay because I’m not a regular weed smoker and I hope it wasn’t enough to show up on a test I’m so irritated with myself please pray for me everyone that my test comes back clean I’m a aspiring actress and i work part time now as a Funeral Assistant I can not afford to lose this job please I pray the angels are with me in Jesus name I pray amen."


mcallen Tx
5 years ago


"I pray for my family and friends for health and well-being 🙏🏻"


5 years ago


"We need our own house that belongs to us. We have been missionaries for 8 years. We will be in our home town for the rest of the year and need to provide stability for our son. We need to move out of our current situation by the 2nd April. We need a solution before then"


5 years ago


"Asking for prayer for healing."


5 years ago


"Please don’t let anyone be mad that I was weighing all my options about work. It is nothing personal."


5 years ago

"Me "

"I know I ask for prayer a lot but please if you read this pray for me I do not want to be pregnant again I started spotting today and had semi hope but it’s not a full blown cycle if it’s not fully a cycle tomorrow I will be even more concerned please pray for me I am beginning that god gives me another chance please god I really get it now I’m a nervous wreck i wouldn’t be able to take a test until Tuesday I pray it’s just stress and this isn’t implantation bleeding please let my cycle come on tomorrow lord I am so worried In Jesus name I pray amen "


5 years ago


"Lord please pray for me everyone I have done something stupid yet again last month I was pregnant and gotten an abortion I had sex a few days ago after my follow up appointment unprotected I took an emergency contraceptive pill within an hour he pulled out but I am terrified all over again my cycle has not come on since I’ve taken it a few days ago i feel so stupid because I had an opportunity to at least use condoms and I chose not to I’m so mad at myself again because now I have to play the waiting game and wait at least two weeks to test I went through that on my own having the abortion and I would never ever want to do that again please I want to do better and not just keep saying i want to do better pray for me please that my cycle comes on in the next few days or at least by the end of the month I am freaking out I don’t not can’t have that guys baby and i know I should have thought about that way before I put myself in another scary situation in Jesus name I pray please save me again because I would not be able to handle that a second time please Jesus let it come on please I’m Jesus name amen "


5 years ago


"Please let me keep my refund and get a Gifted or pre-k position next semester."


5 years ago


"Lord I pray that I am able to make it to Friday with $86 dollars in my bank account "


5 years ago




5 years ago

"Preschool Position"

"Please let me be considered for the pre-k teaching position."


5 years ago


"I want to attend my son’s graduation, and I hope he graduates. I hope my husband receives the highest paying job he has applied for. I pray my students learn from me and pas their tests."


5 years ago


"Please let us find our cat. Please let him be alive and come back home."


5 years ago


"Please keep my children safe. Please let my son graduate. Please let me attend. Please let me love my new position. I have trust in you Father God. Amen."


5 years ago

"University Apps"

"I pray that l may be accepted into university of windsor and Carleton university. I also pray for divine favor through the process of securing financial aid, through any challenges l’m facing with this, l pray for God’s guidance "


5 years ago

"University Applications"

"I pray that l may be accepted into university of windsor and Carleton university. I also pray for divine favor through the process of securing financial aid, through any challenges l’m facing with this, l pray for God’s guidance "


5 years ago


"Please take away my anxiety and ease my mind about fears from work."


5 years ago


"Please do not let me be in trouble. Amen."


5 years ago

"Job "

"Send me a sign that I should pursue the science teaching job. Amen."


5 years ago


"Help me get through my financial ordeal. Keep us safe while driving and/or traveling. Make work a fit for me and my return be simple and pleasant. Be with me and my driving. Amen. "


5 years ago


"Please pray for my marriage."


5 years ago


"Please let me pay off my debit, get my daughter a car, and keep my current job."


5 years ago

"Prayer On Peace Around Me "

"Heavenly Father I ask for you to grant me peace and blessing around me. I’m asking bc I have people who are wishing bad and speaking bad treating me bad I’m asking for your help you say u ask you shall receive. I know if I have faith and believe you will answer my prayers. "


5 years ago

"Last 2 clinical rotations"

"Pray that you will bless my last two full time clinic rotations. That I will have a good CI and that I will learn a lot during these two experiences. "


5 years ago


"That you will be with grandmother and help her to not feel too lonely and depressed without papa. Give her comfort and peace and surround her with love from others. Pray for the rest of my family also as they grieve the loss of papa"


5 years ago

"Aunt Laura, Uncle Eric, and kids"

"That you will help guide and direct Aunt Laura and Uncle Eric in the decisions and parenting for their kids and that you will continue to give them strength and help them to not be overwhelmed and discouraged. Pray that the kids will respect and listen to their parents and that they will find good friends and influences "


5 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


5 years ago


"Please let me keep my job. Amen."


5 years ago

"Money Back"

"Dear Lord, Please let me receive my money back. Amen."


5 years ago

"Nice Lady"

"Please bless the honest woman who returned my money. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please help me deal with my issues at work. Amen."


5 years ago

"Extend Leave"

"Please let the doctor give me two more weeks to recuperate. Amen."


5 years ago

"Step Niece and Great Nephew"

"Please be with her and him. Heal his body and ease his pain. Be with everyone involved in this horrible bus accident. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let me receive a good amount for my Car I want the other person never get in touch with me or the inconvenience. Please let me learn to love my job. Amen."


5 years ago


"Oh father I pray for healing, I pray that you fill this void with your word light and love. Let this knowledge wisdom and understanding take root in my inner man my subconscious oh god let take root and illuminate through my soul. Oh god your word says you will never leave me or forsake me. Father give me your perfect peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray to walk in my newness for your word says I am a new creature the old have passed away Amen "


5 years ago

"Car Wreck"

"Please let the powers that be pay for everything and let us get transportation for all of us. Please help me pay off my credit card and not lose my job or get into trouble at work."


5 years ago


"Please let me make it on top from this accident, heal, and pay off all my bills. Amen."


5 years ago


"Please let me get my money back. Amen. Let her talk to me to night."


5 years ago


"Please let everything be ok. Let me keep my job. Let me sell my items. Let the person contact me and refund my money. Amen."


5 years ago


"Help my kids pay for college, obtain transportation, and keep my job. Keep me protected over what happened. Amen."


5 years ago

"My Bff & Family"

"Heavenly Father I thank you for my friendship w my best friend Andrea, I love her like the sister that I always wanted. We may not have the perfect relationship but it’s strong when it counts. I know she’s always endured hardship, and she’s always had to be strong in everything she’s had to do, most recently as a mom, sister, granddaughter, daughter and wife. Her struggles are tough, and I lift her up to you lord. I pray that you allow her to let go, and allow you to provide peace to all the Volatile situations in her life. Also he daughter Cierra to grow and realize who her mom really is and who’s she’s been in her life. Allow cierra to understand her role and gain insight and respect for her mom. I ask you for Monica, Andreas sister, that the relationship although past a point of return that can be salvaged to being civil, that her mom Rosie understands and accepts Adrian and Johnny and learns to love them. For Drea not to build walls where they don’t need to be. Lord I lift them all up to you Ana ask you that they all turn to you for peace and love. And they finally get a sense of understanding on who you are and why they all need you! "


5 years ago


"Steve will find out about promotion in January. Grandmommy and Brenda's relationship. John not happy with boss- no reconciliation yet. Maybe look for another job - or need to forgive and move on. Mom teach Sunday school this Sunday. God help her write Christmas letter. Eating struggles. Simplify lives. What to let go of. "


6 years ago

"Eric! Job"

"Heavenly Father... you are our safety net, you are our provider, savior and you carry through difficult and stressful times. Lord, we ask that you just keep Eric in the palm of your hand.. that you go before him and direct him, in context of your Will for him. Lord, you are his confidence, your are his biggest fan... Lord show your presence and abiding grace as never before to Eric! Lord, thank you for hearing our prayers and we wait with hopeful expectancy.. in your name we pray with love.amen"


6 years ago

" Doors"

"Dear Lord, I come to you based on your word that we can come ‘ Boldly before the throne of grace and obtain mercy in our time of need’.. I ask for protection over Ashley always.. a hedge around her in all of her comings and going’s ... I pray for doors to be open and opportunities walk through for Ashley and Eric. May you deliver the desires of their hearts. May the draw closer to you in all that they do!!"


6 years ago


"Help my husband find a job, and I need to win my case. Amen."


6 years ago


"Please let me sell these items to pay off my debit. Amen."


6 years ago

"Eric-a Job"

"Dear Lord, I lift up Eric to you Lord and ask that you give him favor in finding the right job for him. I pray he find a job that is fulfilling and purposeful.. as Ashley’s husband. Lord, I pray you bind all ideas of doubt, fear and worry for Ashley and Eric. You hold their lives in your hands and i am grateful. "


6 years ago

"Hannah- Angels"

"Dear Heavenly Father, God.. I pray you encamp Hannah with angels on every side and in every way. Open her heart to see the love that surrounds her.. from you and me and her family. I pray she develops a deep hunger for things pure and of you! I pray you insert people into her school and work that will lead her back to you. I pray for a revival of her darkened faith .. it sits in darkness awaiting for her to see it in the light! "


6 years ago

"The Dead May Speak Out"

"Thus I waited in coldest night, For cocktail shots from fiery might. Lemon burns with acid bliss, Only to find there’s something amiss. “Drinks are on me, I don’t give a damn, A freak sets up a business under my name. His money a loss, as friend a mess, I prefer to sit here without one so reckless. O by the day ye shall all know, time wreaks revenge, Bloody tomatoes grow aplenty, ye bled dry the bench! Too many fingers, eyelids never close, Torture him, his face render a pose!” No one knows, nobody care, His remainders somebody will make disappear. Amid a desert at dawn, I cut down as the lawn. “Rise from the tomb, the dead may twice.” O Lord, you know the time! My preyer lifts up the broken-hearted, like the dagger hits the bullseye! Behold, You know the time, Let me pray for awareness about people’s steadfastness here on this network. Seek ye the Lord!"


6 years ago


"Dear Lord, You blessed me with Ryan and my heart is overflowing with gratitude! As he fervently serves our country in Special Forces...and honors you...I ask with all of my being, that you commission angels to surround him at all times. I pray the Holy Spirit dwells in his heart and mind as he moves forward in the military. Lord, I pray he is rewarded for his service and calling. Thank you Lord. That you are preparing a bride for Ryan, who is a believer in you and a beautiful mate for Ryan. That he may continue to grow closer to you and stand firm on your word in all things. In Jesus name!"


6 years ago

"Covered In Flames, Hallowed By The Edge"

"Lost in anguish, Job took his last breath of bitterness of non resurrection. He languished toward death, nonetheless recovered from all his burdens. Didn’t he face a damn lot of hellish meetings with his friends? They denigrated his face in iron judgments of peace, yet did not deny him nor his friendship. I pray for a person who is now crying out for help in trouble of sicknesses: O Lord! How could You forget Your servant in times of calamity? There is always time in your schedules to bind up the broken-hearted, to make blind people see. Engrave Your law in the flesh of a dead man, he will see the dawn rise like streams of water in Tanzania. God will speak to you, you shall let loose of resurrection his only hope, and must trust in the Lord, the raiser. Might not the doctor know more than you about sickness? You go teach him a lesson about raising the dead and the narrow minded! "


6 years ago

"Prayers "

"Lord I’m praying for a better job.. I pray to stay focus and pass my state exam.. Lord I want a better life for me and my family.. Lord I pray that All my business I currently have get off the ground.. Lord I’m praying for customers.. I’m praying that protect and cover my family especially my son Wesley.. I pray that my son White blood cell counts go up. Lord I’m not sure what’s going on with my son he is 13 I just want him to be better.. Lord I crying out to you lord I need you now."


6 years ago

"My Family"

"God please protect my family from any attacking from the devil I know that you are always with us and There when we need you and when we think we don’t in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"I pray that mrs Angie does not have breast cancer and if she does have it pray that god will bring her through whatever challenges she will face in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"I just recently found out a guy that I’ve fallen for has a baby on the way and could potentially already have another child besides the one i knew about I love this man but he’s lied to me about not wanting to be in a relationship and only having one child he didn’t tell me that this current person that is pregnant was pregnant like I’m so hurt I haven’t told him i know yet I’m trying to get him to tall to me face to face so I can ask him all these questions he knows exactly how I feel about him so for him to keep sleeping with me and playing with me is insane to me and I’m the crazy one for being foolish I pray for strength to let go after this in Jesus name i pray amen "


6 years ago

"Doomed End, Death Trap"

"Whose wisdom occurs in the deadly ends of the world? Be forsaken, forgotten, but butch and of big will. Wisdom pushes through in tubes of success! The earth is shaking, the nice guy crumbles. He sought for fools to take a look around, and see nothing but cash. Claptrap, their phrase, is never ending gloom. ‘What is up in the schedule of You, O great God? Is there yet place for that nice guy to be put through preyer sessions? You, O Lord know how to love and remain faithful, You testify unto the bride, in the throne room on her behalf, even in the slough of despair, and in the midst of many tribulations, You testify in the court yards of heaven! Nice guy sees now the baptism of fire, coming down on him from fiery chariots on fiery red war steeds, sent from heaven, to open his eyes, and to make him see nothing but the blood of Jesus.’ I pray for nice guy to be redeemed today!’"


6 years ago

"Angie’s Health"

"Lord please heal Angie of whatever this problem is. I pray we get answers from her procedure 15 Oct and please let that procedure go well. I hate seeing my daughter so miserable. Please give her strength & give us all patience and help us to increase our faith and trust you. In your holy name, Amen."


6 years ago


"I’m feeling like there’s something wrong with me and strongly doubting myself. I pray to feel self love and acceptance. "


6 years ago


"I got surgery last summer and the results weren’t as expected and I could use prayers for everything to come out as desired."


6 years ago


"I’m going through a divorce so all prayers would be greatly appreciated."


6 years ago


"Please let son be pain free and graduate on time. Please don’t let me miss anymore sick days. Please be with my daughter and her classes. Please don’t let me be in trouble about my attendance. Amen."


6 years ago

"Prayers Needed"

"Father god I come to you to ask for extra prayer for my son Wesley... His whit blood counts are low and we go to the doctor tomorrow..Father please wrap your arms around my son. Lord I pray everything is good with him.. As I cry for prayer lord I want you to know I have faith. Thank you Jesus Amen."


6 years ago


"I am praying my house situation works out in everyone’s favor. Amen."


6 years ago


"Please let my children have their future spouses, help my daughter find what she is after where she is, heal my son, and let him graduate November 9, 2018."


6 years ago

"Thank You"

"Oh my sweet Jesus, thank you from the depths of my soul for opening this new door. Please let the committee see you shining ever so brightly through me and that they hear your kind voice through my speech. I would really love this opportunity to work at UAHS-BCM department. God bless Rita, Darla, Debra, and the rest of the committee members that will interview me on Monday. Please give me the knowledge snd wisdom to finish this portfolio project snd website. I want this job! All of this I ask in Jesus most Holy name. Amen!!!"


6 years ago


" A friend with a great need....housing/financial to name a few...God help guide her with her day to day trials, shower her with your love, let her be open to seeing and receiving it, remind her that you are near and that you want the best for her...Jeremiah 29... Father in Jesus name, I speak peace and joy into her life. Direct her as she makes her decisions father, She desires to please you. In Jesus name Amen."


6 years ago


"Matthews orthotics were covered, I didn’t have the money. 300.00 September:2018"


6 years ago

"Thank You Jesus"

"Thank you Jesus we’re FINALLY closing on our first home Thursday and I finally have a job interview tomorrow. I’m so thankful I’ve been job searching for a year now.. I need this job I want to be able to bring in money while my business get off the ground also. Prayers 🙏🏾"


6 years ago


"Let her make friends, feel confident, and have fun. Keep her happy, safe, and the opposite of being homesick."


6 years ago


"Please heal my son and let him receive full scholarships."


6 years ago


"Lord I pray that I get a stable paying job soon in Jesus name.. Lord I pray that my credit repair business get off the ground soon also in Jesus name Amen.."


6 years ago


"Lord I come to you for prayer.. Lord I pray for guidance and patience being an entrepreneur and starting my business. Lord I pray to follow whatever lead you send my way. Lord when you’re ready to open doors for me I’ll be there ready to talk through them. I pray for customers, I pray that my business grow big and strong.. Lord I want to help any and everyone who wants help lord.. Lord pray to just follow and focus on my own journey and dnt get discouraged when others are doing well (not jealous just wishing it was me) I know there are better days ahead.. in Jesus name Amen.."


6 years ago


"After five months I have in and had sex with someone I love but i know does not love me I truly don’t understand why I do the things i do for him I’m afraid that because I had sex with him I could be infected with something because I’m sure he’s been sexual active with other people i am confused and hurt because i don’t know how to let this person go I feel as if I have blocked a blessing from a new potential job opportunity because I had sex with them i have not heard back from them because they said i would by thirsted or fiesta I’m tryingto in sprits because I’m convinced that bad things happen to good people I really need this job and my acting career isnt taking off like i thought it would I’m not asking for sympathy I’m just asking for a quick prayer for strength because I’m totally lost in sosort right now in Jesus i name i pray amen "


6 years ago


"Father, please place within me a quality of courage that is increasing and will help me to freely share the gospel."


6 years ago

"Flooding In India"

"Yahowah Yireh, provide relief to the Christians affected by the flooding in India, and use this tragedy to bring people to accept Christ."


6 years ago


"Keep me at GRE. I don’t want to teach SPED especially for GRI."


6 years ago


"Please keep Denise, Derek, Eric, and me safe, healthy, and happy. Please let me receive more students at GRE. Please let it work out at all my schools. Let my sister live to see her child become an adult. Amen."


6 years ago

"Marriage And Surgery"

"I had surgery two months ago and the results of the surgery were unexpected and it has caused problems in my life. Please pray for a miracle. And for my marriage. "


6 years ago


"Please keep my children safe, healthy, and happy. Amen."


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago

"My Son"

"Dear God, Please send my son home. I am so worried. I am afraid that I don’t have a healthy relationship and/or life."


6 years ago


"What else do I say here? The word says it all. Which way to go? What do I do? What’s my next step? Questions....what are my answers? "


6 years ago

"Return To God"

"Lord Jesus Christ, most merciful Saviour of the world, we humbly beseech You, by Your most Sacred Heart, that all the sheep who stray out of Your fold may soon be converted to You, the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls, who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen."


6 years ago


"Father, help me to be a good steward with what I have, should me how to manage my spending and shaving in ways that benefit my life, and allows for me to give as I should, in Jesus name amen."


6 years ago

"Thank You "

"Thank you Jesus for everything "


6 years ago


"Philippians 3:10-11 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Pray with me...... Dear Father in Heaven, I come to You today to lift up to Your most loving care those that are afflicted with cancer. I pray that You send Your Son, Jesus to heal them of this disease. Guide the doctors as they provide the care and recommend the procedures needed for them to be healed. I pray that You will bless them with a strong will to live and that by their experience of pain and suffering and the fears that are associated with the unknown, that You will bring peace. Bring those, whom I pray to a deeper understanding of the sacrifice of Christ. Help them to realize that during their time of suffering, it is an opportunity to offer it up to You for the needs of their families and loved ones. And when they experience their little resurrections may they become strong again and give You glory. May these special people be a shining example of faith, hope and love. I pray that they will be able to see the blessings during their time of healing and after. That they will come to the understanding that their sufferings brought others to Christ by being able to pray for them and that their friends and families and special prayer warriors were made strong by being able to be Christ for them. Dear Father in Heaven, our goal is to be with You and Jesus and our Mother Mary, all the angels and saints and all our loved ones that have passed before us in paradise. Help those that are suffering with the anxiety of the unknown realize that whether they live through this or die because of it that they will be blessed. I thank You for all the little miracles and all the answered prayers and especially for loving us so deeply. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


6 years ago


"Please heal Derek. Let him avoid surgery and finish his program faster. Amen."


6 years ago

"Thank You Jesus"

"I want to come and say Thank you Jesus for a the blessing I am getting.. I pray for my business success."


6 years ago


"Psalm 118:28-29 You are my God, and I give thanks to You; You are my God, I extol You. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting. Please join me in prayer ...... Dear Father in Heaven we have so much to be thankful for. Out of Your goodness and love You give us all that we need. Help us to always be grateful to You, even in times of trial, knowing that You are drawing us closer to You. Thank you for the gift of faith and for the gift of Your Son, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for teaching us how to show our love to God and for dying for our sins. I will forever be grateful to You. Thank you for the joys of family. Thank you for the everyday things that we sometimes take for granted. All of these things You give us so that we may see Your goodness surrounding us at every moment of the day. Thank You for all the wonderful people You have brought into our lives. Thank You for their guidance, prayers and love and all the memories we hold dear in our hearts. Thank You for peace of mind that comes from trusting you. Thank You for carrying me through the seasons of my life and for showing me Your blessings in all that I have experienced. Oh Lord, I will forever be grateful to You. With Mother Mary by my side, leading me always towards Christ, and the Holy Spirit, as my guide and strength, may I always show you my gratitude by not only my prayers but by the way that I love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"


6 years ago


"Please let me obtain the money. Amen."


6 years ago

"Job Or Scholarship"

"I pray for financial stability that I am able to get a job that matches my school schedule so that I can pay rent, start a savings and pay for admissions fees. "


6 years ago

"Budding Relationship"

"I really have deep romantic feelings for my friend. I fell for him since November of last year. I can’t imagine life without him. I pray that God will reveal to me if this is my future spouse and that we could start dating/courting soon. I also pray that he works out both our flaws and prepare both of us to be husband and wife. I would like to work out what ever is hindering me from having the relationship I desire so that I can be the best wife to my husband "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago


"Please keep me at home and work. I am worried now about my new job. Please keep my husband and kids healthy?"


6 years ago


"Lord Jesus, I pray that you wake up your church. 2.2 billion people claim to be followers of Christ but only 25% of us are truly serving you. Turn it around Lord God. Pour out your Spirit on the church. Wake us up. We are sleeping and are not ready for your return. Burn all unrighteousness from our hearts and help us be the light in this dark world. Help us Lord. Revive and Refill your church. We are not functioning as one body but individual parts. Unite us and help us to be on one accord. Help us to stop compromising and confirming to the world system. Help us stand firm in the Word and speak the Word with boldness and confidence. Let only your words proceed out of our mouths. Have mercy on all of us Lord. FORGIVE us for not doing our duties that you preordained from the beginning. We need you Lord. Only you Lord can clean up the church. Help us and save us. In Jesus name I pray. amen "


6 years ago


"Need the Lord to touch my finances. Living pay to pay check and have to use credit cards for extra expenses. I give tithes and offerings no matter what but living pay to pay check is no way to live. I need to be debit free so I can continue to help those in need and give to the furthering of the gospel."


6 years ago

"Thank You"

"Father I come to you today to tell you thank you for everything. I was in a low place once worrying about everything but once I let go and let god my prayers are being answered. I’ve been job searching and get very depressed because I was getting denied. I told a friend about a job fair we both went and she got the job I wasn’t bitter I was happy for her and pray one day I will get a good paying job. This morning I received an assessment from the job I wanted with good pay and hours. After my assessment I received an invite to do a phone interview Friday afternoon. I’m praying I get this job if it dnt work in my favor I won’t be bitter I’ll continue to pray and thank you for all that I have.. I love you .. Amen"


6 years ago

"My Family"

"Please heal my son. Please keep him happy and safe. Please let my daughter enjoy college and find a best friend and love. Please lead my husband in the right direction. Please help me deal with this depression and changes. Amen."


6 years ago


"Please be with my family as we go on different journeys. Please give my husband insight and wisdom of what he is supposed to do for our family. Amen."


6 years ago

"Heal My Mom"

"God In Jesus name I pray for my Mother to please help her will her ailments, she has been struggling with pain due to her spinal column surgery. Please help her get back her health, take away pain and suffering please God. You know she has a lovely heart and has given everything to my sister and to me. I Bless her in name of Jesús."


6 years ago

"Prayers Work"

"Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers we got approved for the house loan, we found a home and submitted the contract.. I’m praying everything go well.. I was stressing for no reason lord when I let it go and let God my prayers was answered.. I love you and Thank you for everything."


6 years ago

"Make A Way"

"I know you can make a way, when no one really cares. You always there for me! You are a good God! Deliver me from evil, restore your image in me. Baptize me with your Holy Spirit!! You know my faults and aches, please heal me! Reveal yourself again! Grant me the wisdom to make the right decisions... "


6 years ago


"I have something from my past that sometimes hurts me. I really want the memory completely erased and for me to move on, with it never affecting me again!"


6 years ago

"My Special Friend"

"My special friend has been experiencing pain in his back and shoulder. I pray he will find relief from the pain and healing."


6 years ago


"Lord please hear my prayers..amen "


6 years ago

"Thank You "

"Father God thank you for waking me and my family up this morning.. Thank you for all that you do for us . Lord please give me strength and show me your way.. Amen"


6 years ago

"Job And New Home"

"Lord I come to you today asking for prayer. I’ve been job searching for a while and starting to lose hope. Father god I would love to have a stable job making money so I can help my husband provide for our family.. Lord we’re also in the process of becoming first time homebuyers we received some news that we didn’t want to hear lord so we went with plan B. Lord I pray that we get the house that we really want and can afford . Lord I ask that you help me restore my faith father god.. Amen "


6 years ago


"Please everyone who reads this I pray thy every demon in hell away from me i just took a at home hub test i am the scariest I e ever been in my entire life please everyone war for me that my results are negative I have since changed my life from when I was having unprotected sex with a guy I thought would be in a committed relationship with me I have since learned that he has had unprotected sex with several people in Jesus’s name i pray after this 20 mind is up that I don’t have a positive result in Jesus name I pray please god amen "


6 years ago


"I have a wound from surgery that is healing and I pray that it heals as planned. I pray that everything else that goes along with it goes well too."


6 years ago


"I’d like to send a prayer up for myself that when I go next month to be tested that i don’t have hiv I have not been tested for anything since the last time I had sex unprotected almost six months ago please pray for me since then I have changed my life and I want nothing more then to stay on the right track and keep the devil away from my ears I want not parts in messing up i only want to serve god and do right by him and my body in Jesus name i pray amen "


6 years ago

"Japan Floodings"

"Lord I pray for the people in West Japan, who lost loved ones and homes. I pray you might be near them. I pray for Churches in Japan to help with all their heart. May a lot of people turn to you. Please let the flooding stop, give wisdom and finances to rebuild destroyed cities and homes. And in all the darkness and suffering, heal body, soul and spirit of the people. "


6 years ago

"The New Beginning To A New Me"

"Lord, I know I have strayed from my faith a lot lately, but I want to become close with you. I want to walk with you. I don’t have a full understanding of what that means, but I want you to help me see what it mean. Please, enlighten me on how I can be less stressed, less angry, less jealous, more compassionate, more accepting, and overall a better person. I know I’m not perfect, and I never will, but I don’t want to be the person I am now. I want to change how I think, feel, react, love, pray, and trust. I have never been really close with you, but I want to be. I see other people who are genuinely kind people who trust you and have a lot of faith in you. I used to not like those people because I believed they were fake, but now I realized I was jealous. I was jealous that I didn’t have that type of relationship with you. I was an angry bitter person who didn’t believe in you, and I am sos sorry. I’m sorry for my behavior towards my family, my friends, others, and most of all you. I’m not good at praying and usually I only call on you for help. I never praise you I only say things I hate and never thank you for the life you gave me. I’m not perfect and my life isn’t either, but I can make it better by making others lives better too. I pray that you can help me achieve my goals, if they please you. I pray that you will give me your strength to overcome obstacles that are a dreadful burden and can only be removed by you. I pray that I can learn more about how to become better in your eyes. I’m not grateful for a lot of things in my life, like my family, my home, my appearance, or my surroundings. But I am truly blessed. I have a wonderfully imperfect family, I have an amazingly beautiful home, I have an appearance that is not what I wish it would be, but I’m willing to make cut backs to become better. I also have a loving community. Despite what other people think of me or other people, there is always good in someone. I always thought that I was never a hypocrite until today. Mrs. Margorie said that you want us to be kind to EVERYONE and I really took that into account. I failed sadly, but I coach the my action and I want it to change. I don’t want someone to see me as a child of God who is hateful I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to help people become better. I want to help people seek you, trust you, and walk with you. I really behave horribly and I am so sorry. Please forgive me for I have wronged my family and you. I am thankful to have family so close and although we may not always be perfect, I would rather have them then no one at all. I dread being alone, but I never am. I will always have you. Even when mom, Hannah, dad, and Katie are gone to work, or shopping, or outside, I should never be afraid for I should know that you are with me. I feel refreshed now just getting things off my chest. I want to feel this care free all the time. I don’t want to be something that I’m not. Although I’m not entirely sure who I am, I pray that you can guide me towards my true potential and state of being and rest. My mind isn’t clean nor is it pure, but I really want to clear out the funk and become a true child of God. I want to be calm and graceful and full of happiness. No longer do I wish to be exasperated by little things nor become the reason someone is upset nor do I want to be ungrateful. I need you help dear God. Please. I can not do anything by myself without your guidance and breathe of life. I cannot celebrate a victory thinking it was all me for you lit my way and taught me to achieve my goals. I want to be perfect not to others but to you. I want to one day be welcomed into the gates of heaven and serve you and be with you and thank you and praise you and not have to worry about grades or people’s opinions or whether I’m good enough because I know that you love me. I don’t know if I’m doing this right at all but I pray that I can have patience for I know that you will answers my prayers in your time. Though I do hope they are soon. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen"


6 years ago

"New Job"

"Please let my new job be the best one ever and let me retire from this place."


6 years ago


"Please keep Denise and Derek safe and happy. Please let them not worry about having money for college. Please heal my husband and allow me to get from under my debt and addictions. Amen."


6 years ago


"Pray that all my friends find peace of mind and they find the strength to get through their problems. Sharing them with loved ones and you. Amen"


6 years ago


"Father, I pray that you help all the students anticipating their GCSE results that they get the outcome they have been hoping for and deserve. That their hard work pays off and that their future is bright. In Jesus’ name, Amen. "


6 years ago

"Boys Trapped In Cave"

"Father god we pray for a speedy rescue for those boys trapped in the cave. Nothing is impossible for you lord father god plant and idea in someone’s mind their helping that will get them out safely. Father god your word says that we can do all things for those who believe in you. Nothing is impossible for you oh lord. Move in a mighty way beyond what we could ever think or imagine. We ask these things in your mighty name Jesus amen"


6 years ago


"There is something bugging that I pray is not thought about again "


6 years ago


"I recently had surgery and I need to pray that it heals correctly. I also have an unspoken prayer request. "


6 years ago


"I had problems breathing today. I hope it’s nothing serious. And I hope it will be gone by tomorrow."


6 years ago

"Family Finance"

"I‘m praying for my family’s finance. I’ve been their main support for finance for years, but now monthly household bills are increasing. I just notice several debts of my parents, in which I have no other money to cover them. They have tried to find money but it is still not enough for us to live until the end of this month."


6 years ago

"God First"

"I pray you teach me how to put you first and to live a good Christian life. Please god may I learn to put my faith and trust in you. I am asking you lord to take all the obstacles that are blocking me to have a good relationship away. I want to find peace in you, I want to be a loving Christian and I want to raise my kids up right. When i am in church, watching videos and praying please help me to concentrate. In Jesus name Amen "


6 years ago


"I pray for my family to be together and happy, I pray that Jonathan stops drinking and smoking and treats the kids and myself well. I pray we can just be happy and live a normal life. I pray that the anxiety goes away and we can live naturally without arguing and putting friends first. "


Tyler, Tx
6 years ago




6 years ago


"I’m going through some problems and worries over a surgical procedure. I pray that this doesn’t interfere with the relationship with my baby, I want us to be as close as possible. I pray that my surgery heals correctly and I’m happy. Amen. "


6 years ago

"My Sister"

"I ask for prayer for my sister who is having to go into emergency surgery due to a pregnancy I pray for strength that she comes out okay and that she stops doing this to her body in Jesus name amen "


6 years ago

"Baby Sick"

"My 2 year old niece just woke up screaming out of a dead sleep. It seemed like her tummy is hurting. Called brother and he came and got her to take to doctor. Please pray god will heal her. "


6 years ago


"I’m auditioning for a agency tomorrow in Atlanta I’m excited and a little nervous this could be a really big helpful opportunity for me to help towards my acting career please I pray this works in my favor and if it doesn’t I pray that what’s meant to work in my favor will in Jesus name I pray."


6 years ago

"My Friend Annette P. "

"Hi there I met with my friend Annette today, she has been struggling with her mental health. She has opened herself up in the recent past to the super natural and has used taro cards, crystals and other spiritual realms to try to find answers. She’s now very scared and has witnessed scary and evil experiences. She is terrified, she doesn’t know Jesus Christ, and is searching for truth and mental healing. I pray that our Faithful God step in and give her peace. That he steps in and rescues her and allows her to know him. I pray that she is willing to listen, and accept Jesus Christ. I rebuke Satan over her life and pray that she is released frown all bondage, and that she’s able to see past all this to give her hope. That she accepts medical help if necessary to help her get through all this spiritual warfare. I declare her a daughter of the most high Jesus Christ! "


6 years ago


"I pray that something goes away that’s been weighing on my heart and mind "


6 years ago


"I’m not sure if anyone ever reads these I’d like to think people do sometimes I fall short on reading other people’s prayer request but I never forget to think of others I’ve been that way my whole life I’m 26 working a part time job chasing my dream of becoming an actor this isn’t easy but nothing on life is a olde wiser person would tell me I’m not quit sure where my life will eventually end up but i don’t want to live in a place where i live in constant doubt and failure in my life I want to keep remind myself that everything that is meant for me to have I will have and the things that are not for me god protects me from them I haven’t had the best track record of living myself I’m working more on that everyday I haven’t done the best with believing in myself either not god fully I feel like my patient that i don’t have much of but I’m working on it was an insult to gods power even things don’t work out I want prayer for the tenth that god has a bigger ordeal for my life I’ve had thoughts of survived and I never want to go back to that dark place again I Do life god i do sometimes I do wonder what the next move for my life will but im learning to be not appreciative in life because er day i wake up I’m getting a second chance I’ve gone celibate and i haven’t done anything in the past few weeks that will make me feel bad about myself i had a job interview that i bummed out on but I’m okay with not getting a call back if it means a learning lesson i don’t test well and i had some rest question and all tho it’s a little more money what’s meant to be I’ll be is how i look at it i ask for you all to pray for my strength I’m going to audition for a company in Atlanta for agency and it could help me out with my career i pray that if this is the right one for me god sees me fit enough to place me there if not toniut me in th place he wants mom Jesus name i pray give me insight and strength so meow me the ya amen I’m"


6 years ago

"Need God "

"Unspoken problems "


6 years ago


"God I thank you for all that you’ve done for me I come to you in asking where do i go from here please lead me in the right directions let my footsteps guide me through you please give me the answers that most times I don’t know how To pray for please help me see that light and that I can survive the storms I want to get past this phase I’m grateful but I’m still not sure on what to say to you make me better everyday i pray that all my dreams come true in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"Pray that I remain faithful through my trials and tribulations "


6 years ago

"Futue Husband"

"- that he prays for me! Pray and ask who it is plz "


6 years ago


"I have something weighing heavy on me and I want it to be completely lifted and gone. I pray that I’m able to believe fully in the power of prayer and multiple people praying. I pray for strong faith in God."


6 years ago


"I pray that I’m able to stay strong and happy despite anything going on :)"


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago


"Bad bad bad anxiety today. I pray that it goes away. "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago

"Almighty Lord Please grant this prayer"

"Oh sweet Jesus, thank you for helping me stay in my position as long as allowed. Even though I am terribly upset about being laid off and how I was treated, I ask with absolutely every inch of my heart and soul and mind to please please help me have favor and help me find the person I need who can help me prove the injustices I dealt with, so no other person can be harmed in this way. I know my faults but please do not let them be used against me to mask the actual harm they’ve done to me please I am asking you this favor to create change, I believe that is exactly why you had me in my position so long you wanted a game changer there and I am that person! Please help me still while I await to see how my work life will unfold and where my new opportunity for employment will be. I know you have a better plan for me than I could ever imagine but it’s hard to completely let go and trust things without feeling like I need to control it. Please continue to do your beautiful works within me and around me so that they will open there minds and hearts and hunger for you. Please help all of them change their hearts from evil, gossip, envy, insecurities, creating barriers for me and whatever else I do not know about, let is all be dissolved and replaced with repentance to you Oh Lord Jesus, fill their hearts with genuine kindness and love for one another and to fix the damages they have done not only to me but anywhere else, bullying harassment be a little he is never OK and just pushing people out of their jobs. I’m begging you to please take this prayer and bring it into reality with all glory and honor pointing to you and not me, everything they see and have known about me personally let it be you they saw and know that I am your child and despite my actions or behaviors it was all fighting in honor for you to help change their minds and their ways back to making things right with you and their lives and learning how to help others come to the foot of your cross asking to be rescued and save as I have been. In most Jesus most highest and holy name in the universe, I pray, thank you. I just know you will grab this prayer above all other prayers I’ve ever asked for, AMEN!!!"


6 years ago

"Back Pain"

"Severe back pain. Please pray for me."


6 years ago


"I’m feeling scared and intimidated about an upcoming potential change in my life. I pray that I will not let it affect me. "


6 years ago

"Prayers "

"Fired from work today. May God Bless everyone who voted against & persecuted me, evil has NOT won!"


6 years ago

"My Anxiety"

"Jesus thank you for helping me deal with this debilitating anxiety and fear that I’m feeling lately. I know that Satan is trying to get in our lives and i rebuke all his trials! He is NOT welcome here. I declare peace and protection over my mind, heart, emotions and body! In Jesus name anything is possible! "


6 years ago

"I Rebuke You Satan! Stay Out Of Our Life! "

"I rebuke you Satan! I demand in the name of Jesus that you leave my family alone! My dogs, my husband, my son, my parents, my brother, my mother in law! You are not welcome here and my family deserves peace that only Jesus can bring. Jesus is light and I declare light be exposed on any darkness in our lives! Jesus thank you for your blessings! We stand in your name! "


6 years ago

"My two dogs, Billy & Zeke"

"I posted this on Craigslist earlier, and while my husband and I won’t just let them go to anyone I pray that God paves the way for the right decision, the right family, or peace so we can keep them. Please help me pray for peace in my heart and the right thing to happen. I feel so defeated, guilty and sad. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anything as much as my boys. Post: Regrettably, we must find a home for one of our beloved boys! We cannot choose between them so we have decided to put them both up for adoption and see which one is picked first. We rescued both from a shelter the day before Thanksgiving 2016, they were approximately 12 weeks old, rottweiler/pitbull/hound mix male littermates (brothers); they are now about a year and a half. We arrived at the shelter for one puppy and fell in love at first sight and came home with two adorable puppies... I just wish the shelter would have been more responsible and recommended for us to grab a male and female instead of two males because this would have saved us some heartache! First six months was great, we were regulars (still are) at several local dog parks, people and other dogs LOVE them and they get along with everyone! Unfortunately, they started having issues between themselves at about 7months. Fights between them broke out and after getting both neutered we got them extensive obedience training that helped establish peace again in our home. It's been about a year now, and we thought it was too good to be true that we had PEACE and the perfect family... we feel like we were punched in the gut last week when we had a freak accident that caused us to go back to square one. They were both playing in our backyard and Billy's jaw got stuck in Zeke's collar! The entire event escalated quickly, while Billy was trying to free himself from the collar, he was choking his brother. Thankfully we were home and saw the entire event take place, however Zeke lost air and collapsed in our arms just as we were able to cut the collar off. Thankfully he came to a few seconds later! It was the most horrific experience we have ever been in. All of us were traumatized and since then Zeke has been on edge and thinks that Billy was trying to attack him. We've had several fights among these two otherwise loving brothers. They seem to be calming down in the last few days, but after everything we have experienced, we are now super anxious and scared to witness anymore fighting. We hate the idea, however we feel it's in their best interest to look for separate homes where both boys can live a happy and stress-free life, being the best they can be. Billy (grey), approximately 60lb dog, is full of energy but as smart as they get, sometimes I think he's part human! He wants to be part of everything you do, we recently moved and I swear if he had hands he would've stepped in to help me. He would be great with an active family that loves walks/runs, hiking, playing Frisbee and fetch with his favorite tennis balls. He is a huge snuggler and will LOVE it if you let him sleep by your side. Zeke (tan), approximately 75lb dog, is a dedicated, loyal, chill dog. He is so sensitive and loving, he knows what you want and follows every request. He has a gentle soul, and aims to please. He also loves his Frisbees and tennis balls, but is more of a loner, when he gets tired he will go into his crate on his own. I think if he was in a one dog family he may want to snuggle with you every night too. Our trainer said he could possibly be trained to be a great service dog. I hate writing this because they have become our children and we will dearly miss either one. Our hearts are breaking and I can't contain my tears but we know that it's because of our love for them that we should find a happy home for one. We will be interviewing any potential candidates to understand your dog experience, interview your veterinarian, and would like to visit the potential future home. Please do not bother requesting information if you can't commit to providing them the love and respect they deserve. These dogs"


6 years ago

"Renewed Spirit Of Happiness"

"My Dearest Lord and Savior Jesus— Thank you for my life, my challenges that have tough me to be better and that I still have a job. Please renew my spirit with the Holy Spirit and let those see you in me, and please destroy all the documents or email conversations of negativity and let my enemies only speak peace and love and praise for me. Please lord promote me at work to work under another supervisor who understands creatives and let them all see how much I do for the college. Please give me favor and fair compensation for what I’ve done. I ask all of this in Jesus most holy name amen!"


6 years ago

"Me "

"This keeps happening to me I can’t win for losing literally my heart just got crushed again by this dude I really liked i hate myself for caring about this person and they could careless about me I hate my life I just want out I feel like death would be a better cure I’m heartbroken with life and I’ve lost my ability to pray nothing seems to be working for me at all and I’m highly sick of living like this and living I hate the person I’ve become i hate the Energy I’ve placed into other people besides myself I’ve lost faith in god I don’t even get my hopes up because I fail at everything if there is a god can he let me die I’m afraid to kill myself but I’m over life at this point I want out let me die "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let my principal allow me to get my work done and be nice about it. Please let me pass everything. Amen."


6 years ago

"My Son Eddy"

"I ask for my son’s well being and for any darkness around him to be exposed. Jesus please be by his side and let him know you are always there for him. I know he knows your presence. I ask you for truth when it comes to our relationship. I know he’s a young man trying to figure life out but please lord let him be who I believe him to be. Amen! "


6 years ago

"My Family "

"I haven’t been able to pray for the past few days but I ask for everyone to please cover my grandmother while she is having surgery today to remove her vulva cancer in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago

"Guidance "

"I have a few major decisions make in the next week or so, so I really would appreciate Gods clear guidance because I don’t want to make any mistakes! I want to hear Him clearly and confirm His plans for mine and my family’s life... so I need the peace to move on with certain decisions or for God to take away options that are not for me at all... "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let everything work out tomorrow without drama. Please let the weather be nice for Saturday’s scheduled event."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please help me get all my work done and get through these last few weeks of school. Please help us with our mental health issues. Please let next year be better. Amen."


6 years ago


"I’m feeling concerned about something that happened. I want to completely forget and realize that nothing happened or changed and that everything is fine. "


6 years ago

"My Family And My Husband"

"I pray to God that we can be together as family that concern with each other, that we can solve every problems we encounter everyday may it be financial and emotional problems and may God guide our family, a family that is acceptable by God. In Jesus Christ we pray"


San Miguel Bulacan
6 years ago


"Lord, if it is Your will, make me top the 2018 optometric board exam. TOP 1 if it will glorify You. I want everybody to see that You are the God who makes the impossible—possible! "


6 years ago

"For My 95 Year Old Grandma"

"Hi prayer warriors! I need prayers for my 95 year old grandma, she fell today and broke her hip, she is in Mexico and I can’t be there with her and the cost of the surgery is $3098.00, I’m praying that the family can come together and raise enough money for her. She also had had a recent heart problem and she’s been on good thinners so she can’t go into surgery immediately. I’m praying for the pain to subside until they are able to go into surgery and for a successful surgery. She’s a strong lady, and I know she will fight to live, just asking Jesus for him to let us borrow her for a bit longer. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 thank you all! "


6 years ago

"Our New Home"

"Counter offer acceptance... My husband and I sold our home to move closer to my work, I currently commute 1-2hrs one way. We’ve submitted several offers and keep getting outbid, we submitted an offer on a property that we really like: 1884 Andrews dr. We originally offered $75k over asking price, and now we’ve countered $92k over asking price. We can’t afford more, we are at our limit. God know what we want, and what we need, and what we can handle. We have 32 days before we are homeless. Please pray for a blessing on our lives and for a miracle home to become available for us. Whether it’s this one or another. There aren’t many homes on the market and people are desperate. We just want the perfect place for us and our 2 dogs, somewhere that we can make into our home, without any hidden problems. Jesus we need a miracle finding our loving home! Amen!"


6 years ago


"I’m feeling like I need strength for a certain part of my career because I’m doubting and dwelling on negative so help me to do well!"


6 years ago

"Reconciliation With Friend"

"I and my korean friend, we don’t talk each other for 60 days already ‘cos I did something bad and rude to him. I tried to reconcile with him many times but it didn’t work so I fast & pray and God said to me to stay still and pray and wait for his timing. So I need U guys to pray for me about this too. Thank U."


6 years ago


"Please pray for healing from tinnitus( ringing/ buzzing) in my right ear and against migraine. It is affecting my life and my joy "


6 years ago


"I feel uneasy about a feature on my phone but help me to completely see that it doesn’t matter, help that thought and feeling to completely go away "


6 years ago


"I’m having strong self doubt and anger, help it to disappear, I need the strength to get through something I’m about to do, I need to be relaxed and happy, please God help me, this doubt and anger is taking over and I need to be my best right now "


6 years ago

"The Last Step"

"I come to you again to please help me pray. My mother has had a vision that me and my partner are back together, she’s always been blessed with this. God has shown me his promise that He will bring him back to me and it feels like we’re getting close. We are currently still seperate (broken up) but live in the same house, same bed, and do a lot of “couple” things together (dinner, watching tv together etc) and things seem to be getting better. Please pray that when God decides that the time is right, that He makes that last push for my partner to start the conversation of where we are at. I’m struggling with being strong and pray for strength each and every day but I’m at my limit. I would like to also pray that he eventually will stop feeling the need to chat to other women online (I don’t believe they are meeting in person as she and name that he provides is false) and that I’m able to make him feel fulfilled and adequate. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 "


6 years ago

"Healthy Pregnancy and Healthy Baby"

"My God thank you for blessing me with a baby in my womb please keep he or she safe and healthy —born to full term healthy. In Jesus name I pray amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let my husband pass his test, so he can earn more money/obtain better job. Amen."


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago

"Traveling Mercy "

"I pray lord for traveling mercy once again for my husband and his co-worker, May they land safely, have good days at the job site, and keeping focus on you Lord. Also keep working on me lord. I know and feel so much at peace. Keep me set on you God. Keep my boys in your arms lord protect them from all that is evil and not of you"


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"References and HR"

"Please let my references and HR work out. Amen."


6 years ago


"I’m having some anxiety and I’m tired of having anxiety."


6 years ago

"Me And My Family "

"Please everyone who this reaches my grandmother will be going in tomorrow to discuss her test results if she is cancer positive I pray for strength to get through this we are not doing well with fear and worry I pray to release that energy and try to replace it with positive this is so stressful for me any my family along with other things the devil is truly has us under attack in Jesus name I pray that we don’t get all bad news tomorrow amen your prayers are always appreciated "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Lord, please forgive me for my bad decisions. Help me get my work done and save money. Please let me receive good evaluations and keep my job. Please let me get my old job back. Please let me find out something regardless of what the answer is very soon. Please let my husband give my daughter driving lessons. Please let her have her paperwork in order. Be with my son, too. I am praying for my family and myself. Amen."


6 years ago


"Please bless me to ace this interview today and get this job."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Praying For Peace"

"Please let everything work out in my favor. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me have a job. Amen."


6 years ago

"My Family"

"Every devil in hell is trying to attack my family my grandmother goes on Wednesday to find out if she has cervical cancer please send a prayer up for my family that all is well thanks to everyone who prays for me Everytime I send a request it’s so appreciated she’s been through so much I just hope this isn’t what the doctor thinks it is in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago

"Stuck And scared"

"Dearest Lord Jesus, I cannot even begin to imagine the enormous amount of pain and suffering you went through and beared for our sins—I’m weak and unworthy and a SINNER who has made mistakes and am scared out of my mind and so anxious that I’m going to lose my job and am being set up. I’m constantly beating myself up trying to do better but I’m at my wits end and don’t feel like I can fight anymore of advocate for my job——please Almighty God please clear my name and all the evil that has been spoken against me, my family and friends. I come to you now with an embarrassed but humble heart full of LOVE for your Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and ask that you please perform a Divine Intervention now and remove all the blinders from management and HR so they can see the injustice that has been done to me. The bullying, the lying, the undercutting me of my pay, harassing, gossiping, embarrassing me, discriminating, cursing me and all the good I have done at my place of employment for 15 years without failing. Please Lord my heart is so overworked and I am scared to fall ill, please come in right now!! Call all of your Angels, Saints and advocates to come in and clear the path. Fight these battles that cause me so much stress and time away from my family. I’m dying Lord. Please Save Me Now, please let your light shine ever so brightly within me so they know it’s all YOU!! All glory and honor and my hard work is for you. I’m kind and loving and a childlike person in an adults body. You know how many struggles I’ve had growing up but they’ve made me This strong woman. Please step in now, redeem me and give all the lost sheep against me be returned to you with renewed love in YOU and repentance for their SINs. Father God they do not know what they do—-neither did I before I was SAVED please Grant this prayer tonight!! In Jesus most holy and highest Name I pray. Amen!!!!"


6 years ago

"Aunt’s 2nd Lung Surgery"

"Lord I pray for my Aunt as she’s getting ready for her 2nd lung surgery on 20 March. I pray that this one is less invasive than the last and removes all the cancer. I pray for her medical team and am thankful for her huge support system. She is such a faithful, Godly woman. Amen"


6 years ago

"Aquaintences Loss Of Son"

"Lord I pray for the couple that recently lost their youngest son in a vehicle accident. I can’t imagine what they’re going through. Please be with them and thank you for the huge support system that has stepped up already. Amen"


6 years ago

"Life 911"

"God please bless me to succeed in getting one of the two jobs I need this month. Please help me to become focused and goal driven. I want to free myself from the mountain of debt I have obtained. Please help me to let go of feelings from an old relationship. Please touch my mother and heal her from the mental torment that she goes through daily as a part of her mental illness. God please help me to be content in having you in my life as opposed to looking outside myself for others. Please help me to be empowered to take control of my life instead of just living aimlessly. Please help me get serious about every aspect of my life."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Praying For Patience And Guidance"

"Praying For Patience And Guidance"


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Help me battle my addictions and have a career. Keep my family safe. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me get the gifted position Friday and talk to that lady. Amen."


6 years ago

"Adam’s Health"

"Lord I pray for Adams health. For these upcoming medical tests and that nothing comes out of them. His procedure is scheduled for the end of May. I pray that it goes smoothly, and they don’t find anything. Lord bless all the doctors & medical people involved, and help ease both of our minds. It seems impossible not to worry, but Lord I put my faith & trust in you. Amen Follow up on the 6th"


6 years ago

"Healthy Dog"

"Please help pray for the health of my 2 dogs, especially my Felix. He is like my baby (I don’t have kids) and hasn’t been acting like himself. We are about to take him to the vet. He is a cancer survivor. Please help pray 🙏🙏🙏"


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me get this position as soon as possible. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let this business deal go ok. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me get my old job back. Amen."


6 years ago

"Strength, Hope and Promises"

"Please help me pray for the return of my life partner to my side wholeheartedly(we still live together etc but have somewhat separated in the sense of relationship). I have prayed for guidance and a daily devotion has answered to me “if you find yourself holding on to something too tightly, you have to let go and it will come back” God’s promises ring true and as I don’t have a timeline, I need God’s strength in this time for I am not strong enough. I sometimes lose hope but God has always provided in these past few weeks.. I feel that now I have finally completely let go and place it in God’s hands, the trials and tribulations have increased. Please help me pray for strength, wisdom and open communication with my life partner and for the spirit of rebellion and stubbornness to leave him and for walls to be built between him and any temptations. "


6 years ago


"Please pray that God will bless me with the right job. I am currently unemployed. Thank you. God Bless You. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let my daughter get a full ride to Alcorn. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Classmates death"

"Please pray for the family that lost two children this week."


6 years ago

"My Family "

"I send prayers up today for my mother she just lost her job I pray that their is something even bigger in store for her because she was unemployed for five years I pray that not only she can get a full time position but go back to being in manager because that is what she loves and that is who she truly is god I send a prayer up for my nephew who will be going in for a brain scan tomorrow I pray that it’s not a bad one and if it is it’s something we can get through in Jesus name I pray to place a shield over my family amen "


6 years ago

"Finding Christ Once More "

"I need lots of prayers and support for my friend right now! They believed in God until the age of 19 and had a relationship with him, but for whatever reason chose another path and left God. I know that God has never left my friends side, He is waiting patiently for their return. My friend recently has been questioning some things again though.. I feel like now is a crucial time and that they need some support and prayers right now (even if they don’t know about it). I’m debating maybe collecting locations of where people are praying for this friend, and showing them sometime soon, that they have support and so many people who care. So if you do pray for him please let me know where from! Thank you! "


6 years ago

"Me "

"Thank you to everyone who has casted their prayers on me I took two pregnancy test both negative I’m still very concerned because my cycle has not come on yet and we only have a few more days left in this month please continue to continue me in your prayers for i truly made a bad decision I want to fix in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"It’s my birthday I turned “26” today and what should be a very happy day for me has turned out to be nothing but worry literally I want to move past this mind set it trying to make these guys love me I only want to focus on me from here on out I’m done I asl everyone of my people who read this I believe in god I loved this guy and only wanted him to love me back I realize you can’t make someone love you no matter what you do like I pray to god my cycle comes in please ear for me I made a careless mistake bad decision that I’m not ready to live with having unprotected sex and as much as I care about this guy I should love me more I’ve done so much for him to not be appreciative of it he didn’t tell me happy vday nor did he get me anything for birthday all he does is lie when all I want is the truth like why can’t I get that please I pray I’m not pregnant in Jesus name place favor in me I want to learn from this forresl this time my heart got in the way amen "


6 years ago


"I had something happen where I’m not feeling close with my daughter and I pray that I can always feel close no matter what. "


6 years ago

"Dads Procedure"

"Lord I pray for my Dad’s upcoming procedure on 12 March. Please give the Drs knowledge, patience, guidance, and empathy. And give my Dad a positive outlook. Thank you for his friends he can count on to take him. Amen "


6 years ago


"Lord, remind me to seek you daily, hourly, every moment. Teach me how to be in relationship with You that would only bring glory to You. Show me how to go deeper each day, reveal to me how to become lost in your presence with no desire to find my way back. I plead this request because only You are sufficient, only You are my refuge, only You are my strong tower. You know me better than I know myself. Help me to stay with you all day long Father. In the lovely and miraculous name of Jesus I pray this prayer. Amen "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago


"I did horrible on my assessment I just hope that this interview goes well tomorrow because I can’t afford not to get this job please god o need a second job in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago

"Cheryls Surgury"

"Cheryl is having her gallbladder removed and weight lose surgery."


6 years ago

"Tammys Surgery"

"Tammy is having shoulder surgery."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"New Job"

"Please let me get the job at the college and make a compatible salary. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Full Ride Scholarships"

"Please let my children receive full ride scholarships ASAP and admittance in to college ASAP. Make them safe and excellent drivers and students. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"New Job"

"Please let me receive an interview and job at the school I just applied forASAP!"


6 years ago


"Lord this kidney stone is back. Lord I ask that you pass this stone. I know the power of prayer and believe you can heal me. Please let this pain leave and heal me. To you lord be all the glory."


6 years ago


"I was up late last night dealing a kidney stone. I am tired and still not feeling 100%. Please keep me in your prayers. "


6 years ago


"I pray that I’m able to find myself and be happy. I pray that my baby is happy and healthy. I pray that I can completely let go of anything negative."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Daughter and Son"

"Please heal my daughter. Let her doctor visits be ok. Let her and my son hear back from those colleges about scholarships. Keep them safe and make them good drivers. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Praying for my father in law."


6 years ago


"Please resolve this issue tomorrow. Please I am asking for this burden to be lifted and I pray you answer. I trust you but just ready to move past this. Please please please allow it to resolve In the name of Jesus I pray amen "


6 years ago


"Dear lord I pray that Dhionisi try’s harder to open his heart to me, I know he is scared because he might get hurt again. You know how I feel about him lord I am in love with him lord please help me and Dhionisi be with each other I want him in my life please help me. I want a relationship with him and I want to hear more from him. I pray for Jim to text an call me and to see him again soon. In Jesus name I pray amen."


6 years ago

"Aunt’s Surgery"

"Lord I pray you lift Lesli up for her upcoming surgery 13 Feb. She’s already fought this battle once, now the cancer has spread to her lungs. Please let the tumors not be so aggressive, and hopefully they won’t have to do a 2nd surgery. Lord she is so strong, and so is her faith. I pray for her Drs too. Amen"


6 years ago

"Prayers Needed"

"Praying god will end this situation today. It has been almost a year of non stop anxiety and pain over this situation and just want it behind me. God please show mercy and let today be the day I get to move forward and leave this behind me. Please single me out today for a divine intervention in my life and shower me with your greatness. In Jesus name I pray for this amen. "


6 years ago

"Boyfriend Needs Jesus "

"I am asking for prayers that my boyfriend, David, finds Jesus. He used to believe but in the past few years has stopped pursuing a relationship with Christ. I want to share my life with David and his daughter but I feel like our relationship will not be able to work if Jesus is not our foundation. Please pray for him and us as a couple. Thank you. "


6 years ago

"Prayers Needed For A Friend "

"My friend and co-worker, Toni, passed away due to an act of violence by her own boyfriend. She was nothing short of an amazing, helpful, and caring person. I’m asking for prayers for Toni and all involved, including her elderly mother that she left behind. I am also asking that her boyfriend finds his way to Jesus. Thank you. "


6 years ago


"Dear God, I’m praying for my overall health and that I find a place before the summer for my husband and me to live in. I pray that when he gets his papers that he is approved of finding a job so that I can move out and start my own life. I’m too old to be dependent on my mother. I want to do the best I can and be responsible individual. Please help me and show me the way GOD. I want to live my own life and just be happy for once. Please allow me to do that. Amen "


6 years ago

"Me And My Family "

"I’d like to ask for prayer for my entire family for our health may we not be attacked by this horrible flu outbreak nor any other medical conditions I pray for the families who have lost loved ones due to this flu please let it past quickly Jesus please give me strength for all the other issues I have going on within myself in Jesus name please release me from these horrible demons I’m battling with within myself as I pray for a answers in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request regarding a friend "


6 years ago

"Prayers Needed"

"I need some good things today. Some miracles to come true. Some burdens lifted. I am asking you to pray for me. These plaguing issues are making me go into a severe depression. Wanting to die or run away. I ask for god to help me. Please lift these and strengthen me. Amen"


6 years ago


"Lord I pray for the leaders of this country, I pray that you give them guidance, soften their hearts, and take away their pride. I pray for this country and all impacted by the Government shut down. I pray that this is over quickly. In your name. Amen"


Orange County, CA
6 years ago

"Healing From My Cold"

"Lord, thank You for being the Great Physician. You know that my body has been struggling to rid this awful cold for a few weeks. It’s been difficult to sleep, which also means it’s harder to recover. God, I ask you to heal me quickly, that this infection would die off, that my body would be making enough antibodies to fight it off. Slow down the mucus production back down to normal rates and soothe my irritated throat. Help my husband, Jason, to have strength, wisdom and energy to care for our daughter Cambria so that I can focus on recovering. To You be all the glory. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me sell all of my items and stay of financial trouble🙏"


6 years ago


"Please god cover me I smoked weed last month on the 1st and 2nd I haven’t since then I have completely changed my life please send a prayer I took a random drug test for my job and I hope my results come back negative because I can’t lose this job it’s already part time please in Jesus name I pray that it comes back negative amen "


6 years ago

"Visa "

"Visa Need prayers on processing my new visa please pray for me a little harder please that there will be no hindrances or delays in processing my visa soon in Jesus name, amen.."


6 years ago

"Please Pray For Me"

"Have a serious issue at home that I need prayer over. Please god fix this now. Please. No more damage no more problems. Please god please "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let us be able to afford to send our daughter to the college of her choice. Let her be happy with ASU and/or get scholarships to both schools. Help her learn how to drive, too. Amen."


6 years ago

"Favor and Protection "

"Please help me pray for all legal issues to be cleared for God’s mercy and favor! I am overwhelmed with all of the enemy’s attacks. For protection for children, husband and self from all accidents, sickness, injury and disease in Jesus name! "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let my daughter learn how to drive confidently and keep my family members and myself safe on the road."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Life’s Calling"

"Please Lord help me find a job soon like the one I had last year, but I want less stress and paperwork. I want to work with people who are not lazy and dedicated like I am. Please let it be soon, so I can leave this job now or in May and not worry about having a job or contract. I don’t want to lose my license. I want to help people with special needs. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Life’s Calling"

"Please Lord help me find a job soon like the one I had last year, but I want less stress and paperwork. I want to work with people who are not lazy and dedicated like I am. Please let it be soon, so I can leave this job now or in May and not worry about having a job or contract. I don’t want to lose my license. I want to help people with special needs. Amen."


6 years ago

"Prayers For peace "

"Please help me pray for me and my husband. He is my life and everything I do. He is a great father to our kids but he lacks confidence as a father and a husband and doesn’t think he is good enough. He doesn’t provide financially and it kills him inside. Because of this he has lost his way with Jesus and has lost affection toward me. Please pray for restoration in his faith and in our marriage as well . He asked for a separation a few days ago and I told him that if he tries God and God says yes then we will separate. But I need your prayers so that. We can reconcile the love we once shared . thank you m "


6 years ago

"Dear god"

"Father I am sorry I am not seeing all that you have blessed me with and only seeing he bad. I do know you have blessed me with so much and am thankful. My depression and anxiety are not improving. Same issues and the feeling that you don’t care about me are making it worse. I am begging you to lift these burdens. Fix my marriage. Fix my kids lives. I love my family so much and have such high hopes for our future but need to get past some of these obstacles. Please bring these too pass with Godspeed. In Jesus name I pray amen. "


6 years ago


"I pray that when I call these jobs that I’m able to fall upon the one that is for me in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago

"Thank You Lord For Teaching Me"

"Lord jesus, I am your child and am struggling, please help me get past all of these fears. I’m asking now with a humble and grateful heart to please asked my greatest prayer and put a stop to all the bullying and harassment I’m dealing with. I’m so scared and trying to keep my eyes on you. 🙏🏻🤲🏼 please pour your blood all over me and protect me. In Jesus name I pray amen. "


6 years ago

"Safety & Finances"

"I started the year fasting, praying and tithing since last year and ever since then everything seems to be falling apart. I started fasting for breakthroughs and to draw closer to God and I feel like I’m going down hill faster. Too much to detail on here. I’m losing hope; I feel like I’m losing my faith and I am in desperate need of prayer for finances and safety of my children and myself please help! I feel like my family and I are under some kind of demonic attack! "


Burleson, TX,United States
6 years ago


"bill smith fell in well"


Burleson, TX,United States
6 years ago


"john smith broke back falling off ladder"


6 years ago

"Losing Faith"

"Please god bring me back closer to you. Help me find a good paying job that I’ll enjoy and not hate going to. Please help me clear myself of this credit card debt cause it’s weighing on me god. Help me to be smart enough to never get in this situation again. Help me to be strong in you and strong in my faith. Give me the energy to do all I can to get my finances straight. And please grant me peace within my soul while I wait for you. Please allow me to have others agree with me in prayer in Jesus name, amen. And please help me to strengthen my own faith that this will come to pass."


6 years ago

"Hope To Feel Better Soon"

"I been dealing with not feeling well for a few months I just need the extra prayers that will start feeling better soon thanks "


6 years ago


"I pray God heals Neania from cancer a 2nd time, she’s so faithful. Lord i pray for all going thru this right now. I pray for Aunt Leslie as well. In your name, Amen "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago


"I ask for prayer that the right job comes to me that pays good so I can save enough to go to New York in Jesus name I pray amen."


6 years ago

"Job & Finances"

"I have some job interviews this week. Please agree with me in prayer that God will bless me with the right job. Thank you."


6 years ago

"Praying "

"Dear god please resolve these issues this week in our favor. I am on my knees asking you to please remove These burdens and restore some peace. Work on my marriage and Work in the lives of my adult children to find good spouses and become independent. Please help all of us. Amen "


6 years ago


"I pray that my ten month old stays as healthy and happy as possible. I pray that I stay close to her and that my husband and I continue to learn more and give her everything she needs. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let my daughter learn how to drive. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Children’s Education"

"Please let my children get these full ride scholarships to college. Let us hear something ASAP. Thank you. Amen."


6 years ago


"Dear god I cannot take the stress of this life anymore. Please bring change and peace immediately. Amen "


6 years ago

"Financial Needs"

"I cannot see my way clear for the bills that are now due/past due. My job changed and l now have no money in which to pay the bills. Please pray for this need to be met."


6 years ago


"Thank you Lord...I come to you in the mighty name of Jesus. I am standing in the gap for Tiffany Pritchett. The doctor gave her a diagnosis that is not in line with your Word. I thank you that You will keep her free from every disease. You are Jehovah Rapha, the Lord, Our Healer. What seems impossible with man is possible with You. I bind cancer in the matchless name of Jesus, who is Lord over everything. I thank You Lord that Your Works will be displayed in Tiffany. The world will know and believe because you have put her on display. They will see your miracle working power through her. Strengthen her husband and her mother, encourage their hearts. Make them all steadfast and unmovable always abounding in You. It is written in Psalm 41:3, the Lord will sustain her upon her sick bed in her illness, You will restore her to health. Thank you for moving on her behalf. Thank you that she shall live and not die. In the name of Jesus I pray, trust and believe,"


6 years ago

"Please Pray For my Family"

"00:46am and I’m awake scared to death! This wouldn’t be the first time either, I have spent many nights like this as a kid too. I’m 26 years years old and still have that same fear as I did as a child. With an abusive father physically and mentally it’s difficult to get a good nights sleep I can’t remember when I even had one of those. I have prayed, I have shown love, I have wished bad, I have tired talking with him, I’ve tired crystals, meditation yoga going to the gym even resasoning with him trying to understand him and his ways! NOTHING and I mean NOTHING has helped, I honestly believe this man is demon! Because only a demon who cause so much destruction onto a person’s life. When all we want is freedom! We want to be able to breath again, live our lives without fear. We are not even comfortable in our own home! We can’t be! His energy is thick and awfully strong, he’s great at playing the victim but even better at being a bully and throwing his weight around! He acts like he does nothing wrong, he’s like a snake once he bites one person he goes to the next, he shows no loyalty and is self centred and selfish. I’m about to loose my mind In this situation and I can only imagine how my mother feels, not to mention I have a little brother too. Someone please pray over my family, please pray over our lives, please pray over our sanity, our actions and our words. Please pray over our home and please pray for this evil spirit to leave our home! Please I’m begging. "


6 years ago

"Promotion & Move/school"

"Lord I pray that your will be done in regards to my promotion and subsequent move. I don’t have to tell you how much my family feels like Kansas is home and would love to go back. Additionally, help me to not be anxious and have patience for these next 13 days. May your will be done, it’s in your hands Lord. Amen."


6 years ago


"Please bring closure to this one issue. Please pray for my job. I love my job and don’t want to lose it and hearing that may happen soon. I can’t handle anymore bad stuff. We need good things to come. Please provide god. Please show us mercy. In Jesus name amen. "


6 years ago

"Me/my Family "

"Thank you god for another year I ask that you cover my family with all your might god please i pray that I don’t stray away from your foot steps guide me to not be weak this year and only focus on what you want me to do I pray that what is for me through you I gain and what I don’t I want I pray that I get this job I pray that it’s mine in Jesus name I pray amen and thank you for the ones I have please god send me this great news "


6 years ago


"Pray for an end to a lawsuit we had to bring against someone. It is causing a lot of anxiety and causing more problems in an already problem marriage. Pray for my marriage. Pray for no more bad things to happen to us. Pray for my adult children to meet spouses very soon that will be good for them and to get independent. Please pray for my family. Pray for health and safety of all of us. Pray for end to these issues and blessings and mercy from god. In Jesus name I pray amen. "


6 years ago

"Adam’s Trip Home "

"Lord as the holidays are officially at a close I pray for the safe return of our son Adam, to Louisiana. Please keep him safe from any accidents, injuries, illnesses, and evil influences and please be with the pilots as he flies home today. I pray that the weather will be smooth and that he’ll have minimal delays. Thank you for this amazing visit with him and thank you for all you’re doing in his life. I pray that you also keep him & his Dad safe as they drive down (& back) from LGA today. In your holy name, Amen"


6 years ago


"Please save my children (Brit, Eric, Dee, Chastity, Bryan, and Taylor), my nephew (Orlandis) and my god son (Jae) ask that they all come to repentance. Please send laborers unto their pathway. "


6 years ago

"Guidance For Paying Off Debt"

"Lord, please give Dre and I the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to formulate a plan to pay off debt. I also ask that you will provide the means. "


6 years ago


"I'm entering my fifth month of sobriety from alcohol. I made it through the holidays. Things should start getting easier but I'm scared. Please Lord help me stay strong and not give into temptation. Amen"


6 years ago

"Moms Relationship"

"Lord I pray for my Mom’s new marriage. I pray that they truly love each other, treat other well, and make each other happy. I also pray that this may soften my mom’s heart & show her how to be selfless. Thank you for bringing into her life someone that makes her happy, in your name, Amen. "


6 years ago

"Traveling Mercies"

"Our 3 sets of families that met up for the holidays are all traveling back home today, I pray you keep us all safe, along with everyone else traveling for the holidays. So thankful for the family time and rest and breakaway from our daily routine. "


6 years ago

"Weather & Cold "

"Lord it’s so extremely cold in so many places right now, and snowing. Please help those without homes find a place to be warm, please help people think of those people & animals that are helpless. I pray those traveling are kept safe, the roads & road crews are safe, and people make smart decisions. I’m so thankful for the ability to provide heat and shelter to my family, thank you for everything & help me to remember our blessings and not take them for granted. Amen "


6 years ago

"Dads Procedure"

"Lord please let everything go smoothly for my Dad’s medical procedure tomorrow. It has already been rescheduled once due to a clinic error and he has great anxiety over the procedure already. Please calm his mind and we ask for a smooth procedure and recovery, in your holy name Amen. "


6 years ago

"Motivation To Be Healthy"

"Lord, I pray for the continued motivation to be healthier. This includes being disciplined in going to bed early, watching what I eat, and working out on a regular basis and not being lazy! Help me to remember to give the way I live my life to you as an offering and keep you at the forefront of my mind in all I do. You should be my motivation every day, help me to see that."


6 years ago

"You God Are Always In Control"

"Help me not to live in fear of possible dangers, but in the joy and peace of knowing that You are in control."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let my husband teach my daughter how to drive. Please let him pass his tests and get a job where he can help me pay for the kids to go to college."


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Dear Lord, would this position at the zoo make everything better? "


New York
6 years ago


"As you listen to others talk what do you say about yourself and about your life? Are you one of these individuals that don't guard your lips and the moment you become familiar with an issue you struggle with and join the move of many that fall into the trap in feeding the same old mindset . The poor me, the hurting me, I can do that listen how many times you say I can't when the Bible say that through Christ Jesus we can do all in Him. Do you realize your lips are unclean when you do that. Do you realize you are stopping your spiritual growth? Do you realize that it is you that putting limitations to your life. If you are a born Again Christian the old is gone we constantly need to renew our minds and examine ourselves. You have the power to speak life or death to your life and your destiny. If we truly live by faith and believe God's promises our confessions needs to change so that our words line up with our belief. Remember God's principle of faith is different and the exact opposite of what the world teaches. God says that believers live by faith and not by sight where as the world says don't believe anything you can't see smell taste or touch if you lacking why the word say that is because you spending too much time in the world and not enough time with God. You want miracles than you have to clean up what is polluting you. "


6 years ago

"Trey Tag Shop Job"

"Lord I pray again for the 2nd time that Trey don’t lose his tag shop job after being in the hole. "


New York
6 years ago

"Joseph and Mary"

" But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. For those that do not know about Joseph and Mary they had a very scandalous secret Mary was pregnant and it was not Joseph's baby. The Bible tells us that Joseph because he was a man with principle he began to ponder and wrestle within himself what to do in one hand he didn't want to shame her publicly and was willing to married Mary but secretly divorced her. This is a principle many of us need to heed and pray to have the godly wisdom and character he had first he didn't talk about Mary and what type of woman she was I am pretty sure Satan injected his mind with all sort of negative thoughts instead he went aside and ponder meditate on the situation pretty can tell you he was a man of prayer because the Bible goes on to say the angels then came to tell him not to fear because of what she conceived was of the Holy Spirit in order for him to be obedient one has to know the voice of Hod the voice of flesh and the voice of the devil for him to separate all the voices that did speak to him and actually discern the voice of God. Noticed how the angel began by saying son of David and sometime the voice of the devil will sound like the voice of God because if you go back and read what David he was a murder an adulterous and a liar yet the Bible did say that from that same adulterous lying killer the Messiah will be born from. For Joseph to have such faith and revelation I truly believe that he was fasting for him to move by faith and just proceed. I love the word of God it is so profound and deep but most of all it is alive. The Bible state it is to give us wisdom and it is compared to a a double edged sword to cut everything down just incase you didn't understand it the first time when you reread it it will cut deep. So I want to tell you if you are one of those individuals that sit around and listen to preachers to get your feet wet I am going to challenge you to put that aside and make the word of God your primary source and whatever it is introduced a confirmation God spoke through His voice. You grow and you will know the real voice of God. We respect our preachers but our main resource our main love and time should be devote to God and His word. How many of us can really say we would done what Joseph did often time when we see these men whom are in similar situation they call them weak and all sort of negative vulgar names . Be smart listen to the word of God and not of man Hod is unique and he never operates the same way with me as He would with you we are all here for a purpose find out what your destiny is what you have been anointing with is not the same anointing for me you understand I can't carry your cross you got to carry your own and let Jesus carry your load. I am here to tell you if you have drifted away from a personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus is never too late to do so this very moment never mind getting fix first and then I am not talking about religion I am talking about faith take a leap of faith and just talk to God just as you are . He will pick up every broken piece in your life and smooth out all broken pieces and rough edges. While you are in this journey do not for any second think it is something that you are going to become perfect because you are not we become whole in the righteousness of God as He begin to purge fill us with His spirit His love His truth Is correction to the citizens He intended to serve one another. While we are partakers of earth we are citizen of heaven . Our aim shall always is one day we will join the Father And the Son but u too we do so we have the Holy Spirit in us to reveal all truth and to teach us how to become more like Christ. So where ever you at this point of life it does not matter hat matter is just take "


New York
6 years ago


"Father God I thank you that you are at the church and you are preparing the hearts of your children remove the snakes that entangles them and that keep them from seeing you. Severe the snakes from the head in the name of Jesus Christ. Remove the scales of your people that keeps them blind in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remove the logs from their ears that clogs them from hearing from you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to day I present before your throne your church and bring it before you to the alter and ask that the blood of Jesus be applied to each of us exposed anything in us that is not you and bring us to confession and repentance immediately in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ "


New York
6 years ago


"Father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I lift our community whether it is in our work place, school setting, church setting, neighborhood setting where ever and whatever it is through out the world whether physical or via the internet I lift them up that they may be safe protected going in and going out both now and forever that they may hear the voice of the Lord calling out to them from darkness and into Jesus Christ. I decree according to psalm 91 over them in Jesus name ."


New York
6 years ago

"Family "

"Father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I lift before your throne every person and their family member that they may dwelt with you that they may serve you that they may turned from darkness to the light and commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind every obstacle in their way that is halting them from coming forth in Jesus name and release the Holy Angels that will go out and minister to them and touch the heart today and prepare them in the name of the Father son and Jesus Christ "


6 years ago

"Urgent Prayer Request"

"Please pray I have an urgent prayer request "


6 years ago

"My Aunt "

"My aunt will be having open heart surgery Jan third I will not be able to be there do to me starting my new position I’m extremely scared for her please cover her in your prayers in Jesus name I pray amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"In Need Of Prayer"

"Praying the situations for all the following people work out: D D E M C C S K D A Amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please heal my daughter’s broken heart fast. Let her find and have true love. Amen."


6 years ago

"Job & Finances"

"Please pray that God will bless me with a good paying job. Also, that my financial situation will be much better. "


New York
6 years ago


"Good morning family praise the Lord the Lord woke me up at the crack of Good morning family praise the Lord the Lord woke me up at the crack of dawn as I heard Him speak to my spirit as He say to me Diana Ross so immediately I began to intercede in her behalf and then He immediately had me listen to her music and while her music have other meanings this is what He spoke to my spirit to let you guys know "I'm coming out ' Jesus is coming soon okay Je wants the world to know that He wants His church to let it show no one is preaching no one is ministering everyone is busy doing there own last minute shopping even the church goers is all about Santa Claus and what He is saying to me to go let every one know He is coming out and He wants the world to know He is coming out . There is a new me coming out . He will not be born as a child in manger. He has risen and the Bible says from where He descended to that is where He is coming from- heaven. And I just had to live and I wanna give I'm completely positive I think this time around I am going to do it like you receive it I am going to do it. So here He is saying to me to tell you that He is alive and you all heard many times over the years generation have risen and die however just because He did come when others warned people one day He shall return the time is here and He really is coming out. And many are scare while others have Judge Him without knowing who He you are going based on a perception others have told you and you have Judge Him based on what the world knows about Him . Religion will tell you one thing. Unbelievers will tell you something else yet there are some never heard of Him and still some more are plain outraged based on what they see how His children behave but what He is saying needless to say that no matter what is out there concerning Him know Him for yourselves He is actually positive He is about life truth fun and real He is about you and me having life and to have it abundantly and to the fullest not based how man's perception what life is for it is greater and much better than that. But you got to know that for yourselves. Like you never knew it. Ooh I'll make it through the time has come for me to break out of the shell I have to shout I am coming out I want the world to know. All that I wanna be and all my abilities there is so much more to me some how I just have to make them understand and how I have a planned I'm spreading love there is no need to fear and I just feel so glad every time I hear I'm coming out. Listen to the lyrics how He is reaching out to you this morning I am just a vessel He is using obediently doing His will . I don't care what others think of me . In fact I don't want titles or a prestige consent so you can stop and listen Jesus came humble and in His humility He lived His life and I am here to deliver His message to tell you as the song say He is doing all to spread the word He is coming and stop listening to what religion and the world views of others just listen to your heart today what is the Holy Spirit concerning Jesus. Perhaps you are not a Christian and do not believe but you constantly hearing Jesus Jesus Jesus stop ask God to give you the heart the ears to hear and understand and receive what He is saying to you personally. Just because a person say they are Christian it does not make them a Christian what sounds right may be rituals get to know God for yourselves there is more to God then what you know. There is a scripture in the Bible that says if there is no one that speaks concerning Him He will have the rocks speak and as I listen to what the lyrics say the time has come for me to break out the shell not only He is coming but He Himself delivering the message uniquely since the preachers are busy delivering a prosperity message . And others who claim they hearing from God but all they posting God is good and the response is all the time yet do not post the coming is here it may not be today but you don't know when and people are too laid back and have cottons and blinders in their eyes. They too busy in t"


New York
6 years ago


"Good morning family praise the Lord the Lord woke me up at the crack of Good morning family praise the Lord the Lord woke me up at the crack of dawn as I heard Him speak to my spirit as He say to me Diana Ross so immediately I began to intercede in her behalf and then He immediately had me listen to her music and while her music have other meanings this is what He spoke to my spirit to let you guys know "I'm coming out ' Jesus is coming soon okay Je wants the world to know that He wants His church to let it show no one is preaching no one is ministering everyone is busy doing there own last minute shopping even the church goers is all about Santa Claus and what He is saying to me to go let every one know He is coming out and He wants the world to know He is coming out . There is a new me coming out . He will not be born as a child in manger. He has risen and the Bible says from where He descended to that is where He is coming from- heaven. And I just had to live and I wanna give I'm completely positive I think this time around I am going to do it like you receive it I am going to do it. So here He is saying to me to tell you that He is alive and you all heard many times over the years generation have risen and die however just because He did come when others warned people one day He shall return the time is here and He really is coming out. And many are scare while others have Judge Him without knowing who He you are going based on a perception others have told you and you have Judge Him based on what the world knows about Him . Religion will tell you one thing. Unbelievers will tell you something else yet there are some never heard of Him and still some more are plain outraged based on what they see how His children behave but what He is saying needless to say that no matter what is out there concerning Him know Him for yourselves He is actually positive He is about life truth fun and real He is about you and me having life and to have it abundantly and to the fullest not based how man's perception what life is for it is greater and much better than that. But you got to know that for yourselves. Like you never knew it. Ooh I'll make it through the time has come for me to break out of the shell I have to shout I am coming out I want the world to know. All that I wanna be and all my abilities there is so much more to me some how I just have to make them understand and how I have a planned I'm spreading love there is no need to fear and I just feel so glad every time I hear I'm coming out. Listen to the lyrics how He is reaching out to you this morning I am just a vessel He is using obediently doing His will . I don't care what others think of me . In fact I don't want titles or a prestige consent so you can stop and listen Jesus came humble and in His humility He lived His life and I am here to deliver His message to tell you as the song say He is doing all to spread the word He is coming and stop listening to what religion and the world views of others just listen to your heart today what is the Holy Spirit concerning Jesus. Perhaps you are not a Christian and do not believe but you constantly hearing Jesus Jesus Jesus stop ask God to give you the heart the ears to hear and understand and receive what He is saying to you personally. Just because a person say they are Christian it does not make them a Christian what sounds right may be rituals get to know God for yourselves there is more to God then what you know. There is a scripture in the Bible that says if there is no one that speaks concerning Him He will have the rocks speak and as I listen to what the lyrics say the time has come for me to break out the shell not only He is coming but He Himself delivering the message uniquely since the preachers are busy delivering a prosperity message . And others who claim they hearing from God but all they posting God is good and the response is all the time yet do not post the coming is here it may not be today but you don't know when and people are too laid back and have cottons and blinders in their eyes. They too busy in t"


6 years ago

"Ashes Of A Forgotten World"

"The end times are coming to an end, crisis and struggle will increase! Infirmities will break, strongholds breach security measures. Tomorrow is a new day, occasional chances to grasp the glory of God, truthfulness withheld in confidential prayers. Be aware that Jesus is Lord! He opens each seal of the deadly scroll that invoke the gruesome apocalyptic horsemen. I prey, Lord of all, forgive trespasses today that we might take up Your life again on our journey in these times of big trouble! "


New York
6 years ago

"Urgency Request"

"We all prepare for when season changes by buying the correct clothes whether in winter time to keep us warm or summer to keep us from over heating. If you do a search on your app there basically an app just for about for anything and everything. But you know the greatest app given to us is the one that Jesus left in His instruction in the Bible. First what one must do to receive salvation eternally- one must be Born Again through Christ Jesus. No other way can you get to heaven. Second He said by faith you just believe do not be deceive that religion, your effort in doing just or how hard you work or help or preach can get you to heaven. Each person must ask forgiveness for their sins iniquities and invite Jesus as Lord and savior of their heart soul mind spirit and life. Invite the Holy Spirit into your life and believe. Pray read memorize the Bible as much as you can. Fellowship among other believers and become strong in the Lord fast and pray ask God to open your spiritual understanding open your spiritual eyes and ears. For Him to give yo godly wisdom knowledge and understanding for the things of God. I usually will say do not pray for God to remove anything that is hardship however because we are living in the last days I will say this so pray this for God to remove deception from you that means people places and things and you to remain firm in your faith in Him. My prayers is this tonight that the Lord will touch and speak to your heart and for you to surrender to Him and give yourself to Him. Have God search you heart daily constantly anything in you offending Him to cleanse you first confess it repent and have Him plea the Lord over the sin and iniquities. There is a Rapture taken place very soon and many will be left behind will be deceived listen carefully start making preparation today buy water food batteries flashlight a radio that has batteries if you do not get left behind then it will be for those that will be left behind. But if you do get left behind how would you know if you hear a massive of people are missing know this that is the Rapture especially if they were Christian always praying and living godly life. You have exactly 3 years to learn that bible remove yourself from the city and go into hiding to the mountain areas if possible. Received immediately Jesus as Lord do not commit suicide especially when things will get really bad if you recalled I told you the Lord revealed to me the Martyr againstChristian will begin-soon so you will go through the great tribulation do not take the mark of the beast do not go to church the church is in Heaven however there will be other believers do not take the mark of the beast. And the only way to get to heaven from here on out will be that you will die for your faith know this you will be beheaded is in the Bible get rid of your phones you will be tracked down. The beginning will be like quiet but after 3 and half year the truth will come out and revealed that is when all the killing will go on Satan Himself will crown himself not only as one world leader but as god. Do not take the mark of the beast even if there is no food you have hope just keep praying God will always provide a way out. He loves you and He will lead you for the best of course it was not meant for Him for you to be left behind but you were disobedient. Another thing is this you will need to learn as much as possible the book of Daniel revelation Matthew 24 Jesus left instruction how the end times will be. Revelation 9, Revelation 11, Revelation 12 this is a map I am leaving for you to understand what will take place you must obey it and do not be deceived the Old Testament Daniel 12, 2 Corinthians 5:10, John 14:3, Luke 10:20, Mark 13:32, Revelation 3:10, Mathew 24:30-31, Philippians 3:20-21, Romans 8:18-19, Acts 1:7-8, Daniel12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, 1Thessalonians 4:16-18, Luke :17:34-37, Mark 13:24-27, Revelation 20:2-5, Revelation 11:15-19, One more thing do not believe what the media tells you they will lie get yourself a battery radio only way to communicate with the unbeli"


6 years ago


"Lord please give me peace. With the stress of being a single mom, finances, work and school I feel like I can’t breathe and have been having anxiety attacks and vomiting daily. Lord come to my rescue, I am being attacked by every angle. Lord protect us & show us your love. Amen"


6 years ago


"Jeremy coming home after back surgery. He is in pain and has been bleeding. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"Today And Tomorrow"

"Please let things be okay at work when I return dealing with today and my lesson plan. Please let me do well tomorrow. Amen. Help us find a church home and get everything done before Christmas. Amen."


6 years ago

"Pray For My Backslidden Family’s Salvation"

"My Husband: Kane Richard Tofinga My Sons: Darius Tofinga, Colin Tofinga My Daughter: Roberta Tofinga Salvation for my two granny kids: Alexander Collins Isabella Towan Prayer For Their Protection 24/7 From Harm, Danger, Indulgence In Sinful Activities, Self-centred Acts And Habitual Sins!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me get everything done at school tomorrow. Amen."


New York
6 years ago


"Good evening my name is Ella Arauz and the word I am delivering is about destiny . What we have seen since mid September 2017 to now is thus far bone chilling . When we think we are just to get a grip of ourselves and move forward to the promises of God He instill in us for what tomorrow holds our minds can help but wonder if there is even a tomorrow with so much happening. The times are pretty clear for those of us that have been paying attention to what the scriptures says and being said the table have been set we are in the last days Jesus is coming back to Rapture the church that is ready for Him in other words that is Raptureable. What we have seen happening is called the birth pains . There is no doubt that something have change things have become rapidly and the extensor you changing one chastrophie after another at greater length. There is also no doubt about the church is sleeping as God have sounded the alarm in the spirit and only a few heard it and meanwhile you see the church teaching about a prosperity gospel. They are out of line not godly directed these are the times to tell people what is to come read it for your self it is horrific. Just as Christian that are happy to escape the raptures did you know there are satanist and other similar rank types of worshippers do know what time is it yet half of my believers don't what is wrong with this picture in fact just the other day when the President signed for Jerusalem to become the capital don't you know the Lord let me know and showed me himself these satanist knew what time it was and trust me as I watched them glorified their god the prince of darkness and trust me they very open as to said who they are what will unfold in the coming time. So for those of you still sleeping and think that something is not going to take place and what we see just coincidence etc you will find yourself have to choose between a one-world destiny in pretty much you must bow to their thinking and ways and if you like certain rules and not others you will be eliminated in the most horrific ways the other thing about that because you have taken the mark of the beast you will for eternal go to hell. So after the Rapture only those that are the righteousness of God in Him will experience the Rapture but it will be horrific imagine a pilot being a righteous and the Rapture takes place while he is flying an airplane everyone on board will die it does not mean they were Rapture just kill where they are going to expend eternity only God knows but I can almost guarantee you if they did not get caught in the Rapture they were not righteousness. So many will be caught up in the Rapture leaving behind all over the world scenery of devastation happening anywhere from accidents etc one can just imagine. With in a few years approximately 2 to 3 years we will experience a war in which will be famine in the land meanwhile everything we seeing happening right now the earthquake the fire the violence the wars etc it will be ten times worst. America the great I so love but you can not stand behind a name you must stand by truth. And this so far what we seeing confirming every knee shall bow and every tongue confess look at everything happening pretty much left deviation rapidly to make it seem being one of the greatest country who can stand with God and opposed Him no one. So choose wisely what your destiny will be we often confirm to what is hip and what others are doing to tell no more than you are followers of man and in but so many words if someone tells you to jump you turn around and said how high. You need to examine yourselves your lives and what you are about . Many think that religion will save them. What save them is Jesus Christ become a believer accept Him into your life and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Revelation is when Spirit worship spirit you will receive revelation. The time is at hand begin to stock your closets with imperishable food water if you get Rapture at least there will be food for those left behind. I urge everyone pray repent and invite Christ into your li"


New York
6 years ago


"Good evening I come with urgency letting you know that as I have been seeking the Lord the Lord have been over a period of time for quite sometime saying there will be no other generation without His coming. People DO STOP from whatever you doing ask God to reveal this to you. Repent and turn to Him begins to seek Him like you have never before"


6 years ago


"I don’t want to effect my husband at all and I want to stay positive "


6 years ago


"God please let me get this job in Jesus name I pray amen."


6 years ago


"My husband and baby and I recently moved to a new house. I pray that the transition isn’t hard for baby or for us."


6 years ago


"The feeling after getting baptized is so amazing! God is so good! "


6 years ago


"Hi so I’ve been struggling with depression for years but lately it’s been really bad. I constantly compare my life and myself to others and I have really low self esteem. I constantly worry no one will want me or that I’ll never have a husband. I really like this guy but I’m too afraid to talk to him but I feel like if I never try I’ll regret it. Prayers and advice much appreciated thank you and God bless the Lord is good "


6 years ago

"12.03.2017 Prayer List"

"Today I pray for: Forgiveness. For I know I've sinned and fallen short of Your glory God. I pray that you forgive me for the wrongs that I've done. Acceptance. Father I accept you into my heart and into my life. Oh Lord I pray that you come into my life and into my heart and make in me a new heart. One to praise and love you. Purpose. Oh Lord help me find my purpose. Help me discover why you put me on this Earth. What is it that you'd have me to do. What path shall I take? Motivation. Lord please help me to find the motivation I need to complete all the tasks You've set before me. I ask all these in your glorious and mighty name Oh Father. Amen. "


6 years ago

"My Relationship"

"I need God to show up in my relationship. He hasn't treated me well and has broken many promises, seemingly steaming from fear. However, he is causing me a lot of pain and he doesn't seem to care he is causing me pain. I need God to heal my heart and I need God to work in my relationship. "


New York
6 years ago


"Good morning Family, may the blessings of the Lord be with you this day my prayers for you this month is that you may all take the time and really stop what you doing instead of following of the heathen ways and turn to God in spirit and in truth. In light of the first day of the month I will discuss what the scriptures speaks about in the first chapter. Did you know that wisdom have a voice always calling unto us ? Did you know that in the midst of your busy lives and when you are about to get into a situation wisdom is saying unto you "how long will you simple one love your simple ways?"? Did you know when you gossip and mistreat others wisdom is saying unto you "how long will nickers delight in mockery "? Do you know that if you reject to God's wisdom as He is called unto you and as He stretched His hands upon you and you choose to ignored His advice and would accept His rebuke God then will laugh at your disasters and mock when calamities over take you? Did you know that when your storms over take you and even when you call in God He will not answer and even if you look for Him you will not find Him? People we need to examine our lives our actions our voices our ways because the Bible clearly state that the voice of God's wisdom is always calling after us but we choose to not respond and when we get into that position what happens is that because we have curse ourselves out ourselves so deep we cannot hear nor see God in others words Satan have trapped us. So my question is this where are you? God called unto Adam after they sinned and said unto him where are you? Many of us turn to others for prayers but you need to ask yourself where are you? Sometimes we can't get out our pigs hole we are in no matter how much the man and the woman of God prays for you because you are a rebellious generation and unless you yourself unleashed yourself from that you will always be in that pig hole. Repent turn from sin confess and invite Jesus in. You may have to loose people around you cut off your phone what ever it takes for idols and turned to God. "


6 years ago


"Hope it be on by 1 o’clock lord 😔😔😔"


6 years ago


"God, why?"


6 years ago


"And if god grants me another chance I pray I get it right please god forgive me for not trusting in you more and to not think I belong to you please wipe away the nature of lust that lives in me In Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"Please protect my body Jesus as well as my soul and mind amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me get better evaluations. Help me improve and have enough planning time. Amen."


6 years ago


"God help me to feel my best and to kick whatever is happening while remaining positive "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please make work better. Amen."


6 years ago


"Please pray for my family to not argue and love each other"


6 years ago


"I’m just praying for a better year for me and my family it’s one more month and I’ve felt like nothing I’ve done has been good enough nor have I accomplished anything that I’ve been trying to accomplish it’s almost hard to keep going I’m not pleased with turning to sex for an ease and although i know I shouldn’t for someone who doesn’t care about me it gives me some since of control over my life in a weird way all I want to do is release I pray just for me to get exactly what I been waiting for and wanting for so long because between my non existent love life mon existent career my insecurities I’m just a depression wreck waiting to happen and I don’t want to be that way god save me from myself help me in Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


6 years ago


"I thank everyone for my recent prayers on my prayer request please lift me up in prayers that I get this job that I’m waiting to hear back from In Jesus name I pray amen "


6 years ago


"I’m hoping they don’t cut my checks short lord i need it for my son "


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago


"Please let me get the teaching job for the state. Let me qualify for the highest salary. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
6 years ago

"New Job"

"Please let me find a new job and leave my current one with my license in tack."


New York
6 years ago


"God loves us regardless what we do and say however He does not want us to stay in our LACK and what do I mean about LACK? If you have a bible please take it out and read MATTHEW 12:22 to the end of the chapter. So what is that saying we la k trust we lack relationship we lack knowledge we lack understanding we lack wisdom we lack correct prayers that in line with the heart of God. We lack maturity. We live in a nipple begging kicking like spoiled immature children we talk the good talk but at the end of the day we are all about our own business instead of the Father's business. The word is given to us we can learn grow and be rooted we can not mature if we do not read it every once in a while. We need to learn to surrender our will our heart our lives to the care of God. do you realized that you was paid with a prize the ultimate prize why then we take God as an casual God casual responsibility when it comes to Him. We put our feelings our friends our family our needs our wants in others words ME and everything that concerns ME and where is GOD in all the pile of ME way down hidden all the way in the bottom and only dare to take wipe and say HE is first yet why we can't see HIM aim you we have a Anemic church. It is time for the church to get off our high horses and grow up and take God serious. We are living the ends of times and even if Jesus was not to come tomorrow but the fact is our tomorrow is never promised therefore we need to learn to pray and have a relationship with God. What will you do if you are left behind in the ends time your faith will lead you astray to the trap of the anti christ. Presently I see people riding and barely making it being push around by those that rally seeking God. Learn to pray learn to listen to the voice of God want to learn how go read your baby and see how they did it is in the Bible. The problem is we are lazy want others to pray for us want others to fast for us etc we never have time for what supposed to be our eternal home our God our creator but tell me about playing a video going to the mall going to the movie etc and you will prioritize that in a heart beat if that is you today you need to examine your heart repent invite Jesus to your life and allow Him to be Lord over all of your life not just some things. This is not about you is about HIM through you. If you continue your ways you are guilty of idolatry you sit there Day and night and romanticize your emotions your concerns your wants but where is God I can't see HIM stop playing the same tune it does not work is not that what they teach in the 12 step program came to believe that a HIGher POWER GOD greater than myself come on people we all have fail GOD let's get right with GOD all HIm and none YOU"


6 years ago

"Missing And Harmed Children"

"Dear Lord, Almighty Father and ruler of the heavens and earth. Bring all missing children to their families unharmed and healed from tragedies. Hold close and wrap them lovingly in your hands that are strong and healing. Sweep across the earth and rattle the evil into despair and destruction. Hold the innocent above and shut down the slave trade with all your might. Bring reconciliation and healing. Guard the hearts and minds of the troubled. Give strength to the body of Christ to bring your children and feed the poor. Help humanity to rise above poor living conditions and starvation. Bring wealth and equip churches to do your will. Thank you for your love and hope and faith. Thank you for hearing my prayers! In love always Amen"


6 years ago

"Universal Rules Of The Primitive"

"Primitive times bring on beast and friendship. Gore was Able’s sacrificial offering, he stood gory meat. The exact opposite was Cain’s choice, he gave corn and grain. His character traits weren’t so bloody as his brother’s. If we take a closer look at nowadays video games we acknowledge that gore is righteous. Thus said God to Able... But isn’t corn and grain even more righteous than slaughtered raw meat? I prey for understanding, that our spirits will be awakened to distinguish between agricultural riches (which includes vodka, beer and gin) and pure butch."


7 years ago


"I need to pray that one certain thing won't bother me and I will take everything negative out completely 110%."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I pray my twins will score high enough on the ACT to get full tuition scholarships."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please don't let me be in trouble at work. I beg you to make things better. I don't want the duty I might have to get. Amen."


7 years ago

"Help—step In Help Me Niw, I Need Ur Help"

"Please join me in what I feel is my most urgent request for as many prayer warriors as possible. Things at my job are about to make a clear cut change for the better. Our strength of this important prayer will to help keep the Holy Spirit at my place of employment and guide this change to come. This week the truth has been exposed about the manipulation and lies at my job that mislead good employees. Now they are all pushing me out. Please Lord help me gain favor to help bridge this gap to change for the good immediately. We've all suffered to long. I'm praying with all my heart to ask that you please protect all of your disciples and goodhearted people that are trying to do your good work in spite of the darkness as best as they can and make them shine the brightest. It's been very hard for many and no one wants to step up out of fear to expose how gossipers strategize to add doubt and ruin peoples lives as if life is a game. Please give me the power to stand strong and rebuke every single spirit, bad vibe/energy, gossip and trap of trickery they try to set before me and others around us. I try so hard not to feel what they are doing but I feel the darkness when they are creating the chaos and I don't want to feel it floating around. I pray of those thoughts feelings, vibes and insecurities they have will be left at your feet so you can diminish them forever so they never bother anyone else. Please pray with me to silence the gossip and the evildoers who create mental problems and manipulation for others by things they say and actions they deny doing even though we all bear witness to what they're doing. Please speak to each and everyone of the persons involved immediately and give them their chance to repent and return to you Lord. I feel this situation is exactly as in David & Goliath. 1 Samuel 17:49 Evil & darkness has taken over and I'm begging you now to shine the brightest light & protect all of us that will have only a sling & a stone. And expose their evil ways, I cannot take it anymore and back everyone up from me and return them to you teach them to love you and forgive and repent for the things they have done. Ultimately, please protect our leader, his assistant advisors, his family and keep his eyes pure and able to see the evil doers and see the hard workers please in Jesus name I pray. Amen, Amen, Amen!!! God bless us all. "


7 years ago

"Almight Lord Thank you"

"Thank you Almighty Lord for loving me, please step in and save my reputation and everything I’ve worked so hard for. I will apply and go willingly in my own, please don’t let them fire or record anything bad in my records or files. Please step the enemies away from me, AES, LWP, CW, EF, LO, PP, SB, AA and every single person I’ve ever wronged. Please don’t let them fire me or ruin my name. I will not speak to anyone or I’ll anymore. Please hear my prayer. I will move on, please destroy their narrow mindedness and show them compassion love and that I am working very hard for you my Lord. Please forgive me for my mistakes and entertainment of sin & gossip & playing their games back. Please forgive me and shine my light so brightly that it blinds them to evil and can only see you Lord Jesus Christ, as Lord Savior - In Jesus Christ most precious name I pray. Amen! Please open the next door of employment now. 🙏🏻"


7 years ago


"I need to pray that I'm not affected by something that has been going wrong in my life and that I can function normally. "


7 years ago

"Pray For Me Please!😭"

"Please pray for me. For my mom to allow md to attend my church. Because she don’t want me to in church but I I really want to go church!😭😭 please pray me . I hope zhe realize that there’s nothing wrong in attending church every sunday. Tomorrow is sunday. I hope I could go tomorrow in my church😭😭 all I want is to feel his presence !😭"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Forgive Me"

"I gave the other lady what she wanted. I hope she leaves me alone. I feel bad about what happened. I hope to sell all my items. Release me from this guilt about my finances. Please let us here something about potential money coming our way."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me receive a full refund. I am telling the truth. Amen."


7 years ago

"Stomack Bug"

"I am asking for prayer for myself and my wife. We both have contract a stomach virus or something similar. We ask you keep us in our prayers as she can’t miss nursing school. Thank you and god bless."


7 years ago

"Rescue Me lord"

"Oh Lord, please I know your hand is on me but please cover me when your blood my heart hurts so much from all the pressure that the bulling is causing me at work they’re trying to push me out so they don’t have to deal with me or the fact that I’ve been there almost 15 years help Lord help please they’re trying to paint me out to be an ugly person and you know I’m not I do to stand up for myself but I’m not just mean. Lord Jesus Christ please help me with this, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ amen I will always be forever grateful for all you do for me. "


7 years ago

"Prayer Against The Powers Of Darkness"

"Please pray for my family and myself to be protected from the devils attacks on my mind due to persecution in my neighbourhood where untrue rumours have been spread against me I also suffer with mental health problems that are not understood also for God to give me his fatherly protection thank you "


7 years ago


"There is something in my life bothering me. Please help me not to see it as a problem and for everything to be okay. "


7 years ago


"A comment a lady made to me has been effecting me. Help me to forget and it not to effect anything."


7 years ago


"Lord let this toothache go away please lord I can’t take this pain "


7 years ago

"Prayer For Positive Mtg Tomorrow "

"Oh Lord I’m such a nervous wreck! Please rescue me from this anxiety and panic, my new boss is trying to fire me, please please help the meeting with HR go well tomorrow. I’ve never been in trouble or in a situation like this where a boss is so narrow minded ridged and plain mean. Please help the HR rep have GODLY eyes, ears, words and lead this Meeting to peace. I need my job and healthcare benefits etc. Please Lord be with me and Mh, show AES we are woman of faith trying to do Gods work not create conflict or favorites. I’m Scared, come Lord Jesus Christ Come!! Fix any messes I’ve made and I will continue to change my ways to be even better, more loving, patient and let go of things I think I’m in control of. AES is very insecure, controlling and dysfunctional, please help her see you in me and return her heart back to you! I asked all of this in the name of Jesus Christ amen!"


7 years ago


"My thanks to everyone who prayed for me on my last post today is the day I go for my check up please in Jesus name I pray that everything goes well please keep me in your prayers thanks so much again amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago




7 years ago


"I'm stressed and depressed, help me find a way out "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let this item sell to pay off my account."


7 years ago


"I think the devil has a hold on my life I want to be released from him I really like this guy and I’ve been trying to stay clear of him and not have sex until I get tested I’ve known him for years and we’ve been on and off with talking for years I love this guy but I know in my heart he doesn’t care for me so I have sex with him to keep him talking to me I had protected sex with him last night and he’s the only person I’ve had sex with since my last post god I pray he didn’t give me an std from the last time we had intercourse in Jesus name I pray that Wednesday thru don’t see or find anything abnormal I love this guy I’ve always loved him but I hope he hasn’t been neglecting using conforms and I pray the times I didn’t use them in the past didn’t leave me with something incurable because the send burned a little at first but I’m hoping that’s from the yeast infection please god "


7 years ago


"Lord, Please open my sisters eyes to my heart towards the men they choose. They think I'm just being selfish and I ask that you can show them the truth. Also, Lord, softly open my eyes towards my bitterness in this situation, give me wisdom in Jesus name! Amen"


7 years ago

"H-A-S Dysfunctional"

"Almighty God please hear my prayer, rescue HAS now. She is causing dysfunction, evil, pain lies, deceit and harm, she has become rotten. Please go to get Now and get her attention, shake her to the core and I pray she will as for forgiveness and stop this awful gossip & behavior. This has gone on much too long and harming my health and of others. Thank you my Lord for granting this request right now today! You are my lord and savior. In your most precious holy name, Love you, amen!"


7 years ago

"Scared & Feeling Helpless"

"Dear God, help me walk through my fears by facing them instead of being paralyzed by them. I want to take Your hand and trust you with all that is within me. Give me courage today to take the first step, please Lord I’m begging you please save me me now, I can’t handle the pressure, anxiety & stress. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen."


7 years ago

"Me "

"I’m extremely concerned about the way I’ve behaved I ask for you prayers that god forgives my pitiful soul I pray I have no STDs herpes i had unprotected sex when I had a chance to be protected I want love so bad that I think sleeping with someone will make them care for me please Jesus protect me even if it is this one last time have mercy on my horrible flesh I want to give my life fully to you I want someone in my life that really wants me one dah not where I have to feel like I’m doing something to hurt myself I want to love myself I want to only love god put my focus. On you please I pray that I don’t have any STDs this is going to be the longest two weeks of my life I truly can’t handle this I feel like dying would be better then disappointing god they way I have please forgive me in Jesus name I pray amen "


7 years ago

"The World Is Not Football"

"Endless nights with football and dips, tacos ‘n nachos in front of the TV, who doesn’t know that? Yet real believers met with a twilight reality, that faith had to consist in independent action, and not merely spectating! God is pleased by forerunners who belong to the glory of His testimony and His ways. I prey H. Ghost, render the words of our mouth strong and powerful onto breakthrough in times of crisis and rebellion. Follow the leader is which is baptized in the fire onto rescue. Save them out of their affliction! Yes "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let the sale stick. Let the customer be pleased. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please forgive me. Let me make up for the money I spent. Give me peace about it, please. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying for boss and all those things. Please lighten the load and make it all work out. Let us find out something soon about our system's situation. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I need a new job, so I can support my kids while they are in college. I pray for the lawyers and outcomes of the cases we have been waiting to hear about. Lord, I have faith I will receive the amount I need for my children in this settlement. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I feel so guilty about my financial situation. Please let us get our old house back. Please let the people living there move on to better and brighter things. Bless them and let them need to move, so I can either move back or sell the house. I feel guilty for moving and using my kids' college fund to support my husband who lost his job. The whole reason we moved here. Please help me provide for my kids by getting a better job."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let my children grow old. Please let them outlive me. Please keep them safe and able bodied. Avoid all injuries, wrecks, accidents, fires, and being hurt emotionally or physically. Please keep their mind and body good and avoid being sick or having any disabilities. Let them always be able to take care of themselves. Let me always be able to provide for them. Keep them safe. Help them stay away from drugs, alcohol, and jail. Make safe decisions about sex. Watch them on the highways and avoid racism or prejudice with everyone especially the police. Please let them find spouses and have children. I pray for their health and happiness. Do not let them suffer. Please give them good finances and help them make wise choices and decisions. Let me go/ die first to avoid the pain of ever losing any of them or my spouse. Please don't let me be a burden on them. I hope they never have to take care of me in such away it affects their lives negatively. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I am giving this issue to you, Lord. Please let my children choose to be Christians as they become adults. Let them get involved in church when they leave my home. Forgive me for not taking them to church as often as I should. Help us start now and stick with it. I want it to be something they want to do. I don't want them to feel forced to do it. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let this sale go through and stick. Please let this lady stop asking me questions now. Amen."


7 years ago

"Charity( Daughter)"

"Attempted Suicide on August 21. Struggles everyday with dark thoughts. Help me to pray for her. "


7 years ago


"Hope I have a good day today lord "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Dear God, I am begging you about work. Please make something happen soon. You know what I can do. You know what I need and want. Amen."


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


7 years ago

"Urgent Prayers Plz In Dispair"

"Good evening my brothers and sisters here, I am begging for continuous prayers for my job protection & safety for my family and health. !!!! Bullied, Harassed & Discriminated at work!!!! 😭 My dearest lord, I thank you for all of the blessings and love you, provide for me and my family. Lord you know and see the unbearable and injustices I’m facing alone at my job and am being bullied to quit. My lord, I serve only you and need my wages to support my household & family, I ask you help clear up any misunderstandings or interpretation that are not Godly and only leave your glow and shine. The workers bully and manipulate things and people and innocent good people lose their footing and get ensnared by envious and jealous people claiming to love you. Please step in my Lord and fix, remove and destroy all evil and all enemies directed toward me. AES, lwp, sb, hs, ps, ef and everyone Against me, please destroy all evil and please leave only Please and love. Thanm u and I love u, amen. "


7 years ago

"New Place To Live "

"My family and I need to find a new place soon and have had no such luck . I need prayer that we will find something soon"


7 years ago

"Better Job "

"I would like to pray for a better job"


7 years ago


"I pray that my baby and I always feel connected."


7 years ago


"Today is the big day I get my decision please pray for me please I’m doing this for me son lord 🙌🏽🙏🏽"


7 years ago


"I'm having terrible anxiety."


7 years ago


"So I get my decision tomorrow lord I hope when I open it up it say I’m approved lord please I’m praying all night "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Work, finances, Jessica, and family. Please send solutions or give me peace about the various problems. Amen."


7 years ago

"Struggling To Get A Job"

"I have been applying for months without any luck. Please pray with me. Hopefully I will get a job soon. Thank you! God bless us all. "


7 years ago


"Praying nothing but good vibes and I get approved and I hope god hear my prayers I’m trying to be a good person I have a big heart so when ever somebody need me I’m there but when I was down no one never seem to be there for me .. lord when are you going to bless me I been praying all day and night I jus hope it comes and November or December for my son can have a good Christmas and a very happy thanksgiving 🍽🍁🦃 I’m praying lord it’s so hard trying to be a good mother but I know u would not got me into something you know I couldn’t handle lord if u reading this just know your child need you right now she falling apart I love you so much From you daughter, "


7 years ago


"Praying for good news 🙏🏽🙌🏽"


7 years ago


"Lord I hope I get approved for my disability I’m counting on u hopefully the send something in the mail Monday sayin I’m approved... "


7 years ago


"Been worried sometimes about certain comments that I let get to me. I need to release everything and be as happy as can be. :)"


New Jersey
7 years ago


"Heavenly Father I ask that the short term disability comes in this week, you know our struggle. If it’s not able to that I get to work starting this week. Lord may your will be done. "


7 years ago


"Still praying I get approved I’m counting on u lord 😢"


7 years ago


"I ask God that my dorm mates at boarding school would stop being mean and disrespectful to me. I would like to ask God that my dorm mates would see the positive sight of me and they treat me well and we would get along very well. I ask God that my dorm mates and I would have a wonderful bonding relationship that would last long and would not be broken by he evil spirit"


7 years ago


"Father God thank you so much for everything I jus hope I get approved soon . 😔🙌🏽"


7 years ago




New Jersey
7 years ago

"Please Lord"

"Lord please help me get the approval letter and card , help me also get the job father. I pray in Jesus name"


New Jersey
7 years ago


"I am looking for employment that will help me grow in my career and also help me and my family financially. I want a place I feel comfortable in and really need to be at peace "


7 years ago


"Lord I can’t stop crying 😢 I wish this never happened to me now I have to wait on this long wait ... I don’t know what else to do I been praying really hard trying to stay focused and be the best mom I can be it’s hard , I jus wish my blessing will come , I can’t wait till this out come to be I hope it’s a blessing from you . Lord whatever I did I’m sorry . Please forgive me Im counting on you to help me get approved for my son . No one else but him "


7 years ago


"Lord they said a week or 10 days I hope I get approved 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 thank you Jesus "


7 years ago


"Please lord bless me tomorrow 🙏🏽🙏🏽"


7 years ago


"Lord hopefully I get something in the mailbox tomorrow sayin I’m approved amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽"


7 years ago


"Feel good to be a child of god 🙌🏽🙏🏽"


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request"


New York
7 years ago


"Praise be to God Almighty God is doing a new thing in the church not the building but on the people. God is elevating His people to seek Him and to trust Him more it is not about praying the right prayer to open doors for what you need it is about being in His presence and get really to know Him what He is like . It is about getting to trust Him even though.... it is about it doesn't matter ..... but I will serve the Lord God Almighty just because of Who He is. Most people are seeking Him with a carnal mentality carnal eyes carnal ears carnal being but that is the old man the newness and the renewing of the mind is the Spirit of the Living God within you will shake tremble and roar the old mentality no more will you be the same walking in a new season sayest the Lord. No longer need to be hold by the hand no longer need the pacifier to teach you is going to be okay sayest the Lord it is in my presence in my Spirit in my Words that revelation comes forth. Thank you Lord God. You are the salt and the light of this ages and a vessel of mine I will heal the broken spirit I will do a new thing where people will be astonished and wonder what happened to so and so and going to want what you have the confidence in you the newness in you the spirit of light with in you . Yes my children I am making something new so you can go therefore and make disciples followers of me . Follow me sayest the Lord and see the heavens open right now. Amen "


7 years ago

"My Baby’s Health"

"God, I am turning to you like I never have before. My son is my world. You gave him to me and he brings me tears of joy like no other only because of his existence. Thank you for my greatest gift. I need you Lord. I need you to please please heal Christian of his physical ailments. God please heal his throat his tummy and his whole digestive track. I can’t bear to hear him struggle and cry to do things we take for granted every day. Please be with him. "


7 years ago


"Hope it comes next month for I can have a great thanksgiving lord I’m done I’m leave it and your hands😔😔😔"


7 years ago


"Praying I stop crying I need it so bad lord I need yo help in the of Jesus help me please 😔😔😔😔😔 I can’t do this alone please let it come in November in I get approved "


7 years ago


"I need prayers and hope I get approved. "


New York
7 years ago


"What would you do if you came in a situation where you are held hostage by a terrorist? What would your first reactions be? The Bible says that God's people are perishing because of lack of knowledge. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood but against rulers and spiritual beings in dark places. As children of God we are to develop a personal relationship with God. It is a journey and based of our relationship with God so is the same quality your relationship amongst others. You are fighting a terrorist spiritual being each day and he is winning your battles why because you have no decrement you spent no time seeking Hod you are lazy and you take God's love and. Sacrifice for granted He died on the cross yet we put Him last on the list. The only time we turned to God only when we are in trouble and when we want something God is not your money machine or your sugar daddy that you can come to Him any old way He is a King He sit in throne and He is mighty and deserve the Highest praises how dare we are to take His love grace mercy with casualty and with no care. Aren't then we acting just as the world . Is not the church a Church a spiritual hospital why are then we still sick as we just came to Christ if we are truly born again the old man is dead each day we are to renew our minds our spirit and we get this reading the word of God spending time getting to know God and worshipping His Holiness however we are benchwarmers fueling gas only on Sunday morning and running out of the fuel by Sunday evening . Don't you know that when we are in His presence constantly we are the brazen fire our oil never runs we come with the fire we do not need no one to pump up us we pump and saturated the place with our presence examine yourselves Church for the time is short where are you in your journey with God. Ye thee with little and no faith. So you going to tell me if you came across a terrorist you going to hand yourself and give up or are you going to fight back the God I serve He is not quitter and He definitely not a punk. So as a Church why do we have dead prayers and fellowship with God . This is why you are no victories. The Bible didn't say we as Christian are exempt from life circumstances it is the opposite however in the midst of our chaos in the midst of our situations we find peace joy in His presence having that assurance we are walking in God's perfect will. If you are here mentally church you are then walking in Holy ground . He is there but you guys are going through the men and women to hear an answer when an answer shall not matter because He is who He is and therefore our mindset should be I praise you Jesus for the leaders of your spirit here I am seeking thy will thy ways how can I serve you my Lord who can I bless Lord Jesus we still got the worldly mentality all about the itching ears for a good prophecy and all about me. We do not need to go to the men or women of God we got access to the King the Almighty we just have to learn to examine our hearts and humble ourselves and turn from our own wicked ways. I hate to talk like this however I do not sugar coat what I see I am not judging anyone other than the causality and the attitude one have towards the Holy of Holies just in case you did not know. I am not going to allow anyone keep being on that pacifier and enable them that is the way to Jesus. If you want to be treated as a baby keep on going to those false teaching churches if you have a personal relationship with God the Spirit of the living God would of told you why you are not growing in the spirit. As a soldier and a Christian I will not sit here and pretend this okay that is like slaughtering the sheep when we keep quiet that is exactly what we are doing. You guys have been warned now examine yourself take yourselves to the alter and change . The blood is not in my hand but in your own hand God have send the messenger is up to you to change your own destiny. You beg for money but you have that authority to cast out demons walk over lions serpents and scorpion you have the power to move your mountains but "


7 years ago


"Been praying all day hoping I get some good news coming soon I jus really hope god bless me with this I need it lord .. I hope I win my case counting on you to get me approved for it I love you so much Lord amen 🙏🏽 I need prayers right now "


7 years ago


"I’m so stress out about this lord help me "


7 years ago


"Lord I see you working please let them tell me I’m approved for my case in the Name of Jesus I’m not giving up ,"


7 years ago


"I am requesting powerful healing Jesus prayers for my health issue. I've had arm pain for over 6 months. I have finally been approved for physical therapy but recovery is slow and I'm not even sure what the problem is yet. I have an idea but I'm just not sure. This is my first injury. Thank you."


7 years ago


"Lord help me to be strong though this I jus can’t give up now . Please let me get approved for my case "


7 years ago


"It’s October I’m praying I have it by November lord and I get approved please help me I need your help this is your daughter I jus want all good things to happen to be this year lord please be there for me don’t let the devil win please lord amen 😔😔😔"


7 years ago

"Healing And Comfort"

"This morning we awoke to the tragic news that at least 50 people were killed and over 200 wounded last night in a mass shooting at a Las Vegas outdoor concert. Please join me in praying for the families of those killed and for all the injured."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying for Eric, Jessica, and for favorable outcomes in one particular situation. Keep my children safe and out of harms way. Put it on me and not them if it must happen. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Help Me"

"Praying for sell outs, my returns, and refunds. Change my heart about work. Help me get it done and satisfy the powers that be. Amen."


7 years ago


"I need prayers lord know I do please help me "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let the person cancel my order and give me a full refund. Amen."


7 years ago


"Please pray for me . I’m going through a hard time in my life and I need prayers that I win my case .. 😔😔😔"


7 years ago

"My Dear Friend"

"Please pray for John who was diagnosed with brain cancer."


7 years ago


"John Bostock"


7 years ago


"Praying I win this case lord know I need it "


7 years ago


"I need everyone prayers right now "


7 years ago


"Lord please let me be strong though this right now hope I win my case I need it "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Work, Kids, and Tests"

"Please help me be okay at work, watch over my kids and their decisions, be with my husband as he prepares for his tests. Let us here back from our lawyers and let him pass his tests. We need extra money for our kids. Amen. I am giving it to you dear Lord. Please let this new medicine work, too."


7 years ago


"I need prayers right now "


7 years ago


"Lord I hope I win my case and the name of Jesus "


7 years ago


"I need I pray that I can forget anything negative in my current situation and do a great job. No matter what"


7 years ago

"Praying To Sell Business"

"Dear Lord, please help us to sell our family business quickly. It has been detrimental to our lives and has caused a lot of friction in our families. Please God help me to be patient and understanding. We need to start a new path where we can be happier and less stressed. "


7 years ago


"My husband and I are going through a hard time. He claims that a girl violated him at a party after we first got married but that he loves me and he has nothing to do with her and hates her. I don't want to live my life bitter toward him and confused about what happened. We also have a new baby and we're adjusting to that. I just want us to be happy together."


7 years ago

"Employment Opportunity"

"Dear Lord God, All the glory and honor are Yours from now until forever. Thank You for giving me another opportunity to be blessed and be a blessing to others. Thank You for everything, Lord. I pray that You continuously bless me. You alone know the deepest desires of my heart. I am declaring and claiming the life that You have planned for me. All these I pray, for Your greater glory, thru the mighty name of my Rock and my Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please guide me at work. It is overwhelming. I need some of the excessive and unnecessary work to go away. Help me to improve my health, and obtain sells and payment for services I have rendered. (J and E). Please watch over my kids and help them obtain scholarships. Amen."


7 years ago

"The Fall Of Men"

"Where did he come from, an abomination in the world? Foul precepts he remembers. Who spent him a strong drink that he despises the one who had distilled it? To what resembles his face that man should take notice of him? Woe to the son of perdition who tried to save himself without the perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ. May men find pardon for their souls. I pray, glory be in the resurrection body of every believer, glory in the Highest! May men find rest in their labor."


7 years ago


"Right now I'm having a hard keeping my faith. I'm still dealing with marriage problems and my wife want time apart. I'm starting to get desperate. I losing faith and hope. Please help me restore my faith and let go and trust in god process."


7 years ago


"I pray that my baby and I stay connected."


7 years ago

"Prayers For Irma"

"Please Join me in Prayer for those in the path of Hurricane Irma. Father we come before you. We ask for a hedge of protection around Florida as this Storm moves inward. We ask for strength,comfort and healing to those affected by the storm. We give you all the glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I pray for the situation at work, and I pray for money."


7 years ago

"End Of Doom, Beginning Of Glory"

"Yet You O Jehovah, are you going to permit temptation to rise over us beyond our capacities? Who endures tribulation will be given the crown of glory, one that only breakthroughs achieve. Enlighten our spiritual eye onto this kind of routing the enemy, the snake from Garden Eden. Yes Jehovah! Go on making of fiendish fools a public display, wherever they go they'll meet with frustration. The billfold of the righteous will be blessed, but moth-eaten are the precepts of the wicked. "


7 years ago


"My marriage of 9 years is on the rocks. My wife wants a divorce but I don't. Please send your blessings and prayers my way. Please and thank you!"


7 years ago

"Direction "

"I have been struggling with my work on ethics and some other issues. There is a big incentive for staying for the sake of my family, but I have a heavy burden on my shoulders everyday. Please pray for the Lords direction and the path that He wants to me go on and His peace that surpasses all understanding. "


7 years ago

"The Third Seal: Scarcity On Earth"

"Big inflation, war and pestilence, who hasn't feared it? And behold the scales that mean financial pandemonium from a time on when the seal was opened by the lamb. I prey, Lord of hosts, be today a savior to money-makers who try to raise the ante. "


7 years ago

"National Day Of Prayer"

"Please Join me in Prayer for Texas on this National Day of Prayer. Father we come before you. We thank your for all the heroic men and women who have worked tirelessly and bravely to rescue and assist those stranded and in need—from law enforcement, fire fighters, rescue workers, medical personnel, and military, to your people who just took it upon themselves to help. We ask that you will continue to protect and bless them. And we pray for healing and restoration. We give you all the praise and glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!"


7 years ago

"Comfort,Strength and Peace."

"Please join me in Prayer for Comfort,Strength and Healing as a Business Associate of mine passed away yesterday . Father we come before you in the name of Jesus. We ask that you Comfort and give strength to the family as they mourn for a loved one,And we ask that you heal there hearts and bring restoration during this difficult time. In Jesus name we pray. Amen Matthew 5:3-4"


7 years ago

"Getting Red Of A Bad Habit"

"I pray in the name of Jesus that my beloved husband get red of a bad habit that started recently, it bothers the lord and it bothers me too, I pray that the Holy Spirit will work on him and protect him from any bad disease that may touch him! Please lord I know that thing hurts you and it's bad for him so please help him give him the strength to leave the habit, in the name of Jesus amen "


7 years ago

"Family Healing."

"Please Join me in Prayer for my Grandmother. Father we come before you in the name of Jesus. We ask that your grace of healing would flow through my Grandmothers body. Your word says that you bore are sickness and diseases on Calvary's cross,so we just claim your miracle working healing power for my Grandmother in Jesus name we pray. Amen "


7 years ago


"Prayer "


7 years ago


"My mom told my something hurtful and rude and I'm trying to forget it and move on."


7 years ago

"Tons Of Infringements"

"Sodom and Gomorrah yet fully erased, destruction seeks another neighbor. What triggered the fall of fire from heaven? Mercy was the key and is yet a key to the kingdom still today! Had God not spoken to Abraham that He was not going to destroy the city for the sake of one righteous man? So they both went into doom to take Lot and his wife with his daughters out of his nightmare. As soon as they found themselves in tactical distance from Sincity, the A-bomb went off faultlessly that had been dropped from outer space, heaven. Yet the amazing glory of Jehovah endures ages and ages, the apples of His eyes are the universe, He cracks big trees in a half like matches. To Him is due reverence and honor, glory and power. Lord of the universe, be yet the universal rescue for people in calamity. Strike down the plans of Satan and his fiendish legions, You shall not regret our victory, from now till forever! Amen."


7 years ago

"Housing "

"Praying that my interview for this house goes well tomorrow, with everything falling apart in my life this would be the perfect thing to uplift me, I trust in the lord so I know things will be alright "


7 years ago


"My mother said some things to me that were hurtful that I'm trying to move on from. Also, I pray that my husband and I stay close and strong. I also pray that my baby is happy and healthy."


7 years ago


"God, please give my dad the peace he needs. Make him gentle, make him loving and caring for his wife and his children. Don't let us suffer because of his anger. Work at his heart and change it so we can live as a happy family in You. Amen! "


7 years ago

"Future Job"

"God, please give me the job You know it will be good for me. Please help me to earn the money I need to support myself without the parents help. In Jesus name. Amen! "


7 years ago

"Light Without End"

"The kingdom of light which will come is a kingdom without end. No man can trouble the skies, no witch curse it without consequences. Perfect is the fist that beats the stout-hearted who were trying to be as wicked as possible. Yet above the skies the day must be brighter, above, the light must glory in itself. An end to glory is set when the Lord says it stops, an end to pangs of death, no more resurrections, only eternal life with our Lord and savior. I pray, Lord of insurance, be a big change, be the assured cross unto deliverance. God is asking this from you. Go for gold! I prey, Lord Jesus, make disciples nowadays till eternity! Raise the dead today and deliver the merciful."


7 years ago

"Help My Marriage"

"Dear God, only your power and overwhelming grace is able to bless my marriage. Bless in Jesus Christ name my wife Monica, she is now recovering from illness thanks to your grace. I plead now to give her back the spark, her shine, her trust in herself again. It has been quite tough to let her know and understand that she is so beautiful for me exactly as she is. Please make her feel comfortable with all her beautiful gifts and traits. In Jesus Christ I beg for we have been married two months and suddenly I feel she is quite distant And sometimes I perceive her wife duties are like heavy burdens to her. Bless her and set us free from the enemy. make us be like you and not as the "world". I am afraid she does not love me the way it is supposed to be in your word. I understand I have to sacrifice myself for her, just help me do that not in vain."


7 years ago

"Ghost In The Shelter"

"From all ways we take refuge under the mighty name of the Lord and Savior. We forget the results of our God. You gave us power to overcome the old criticism, by force You took us into the blue blood of golden populations. Yet the blood on Your crown of thorns was enough for our transgressions, the stripes for our criminal minds. Freedom will prevail if love is set first above all kingdoms. Keep us busy with shaking our neighbors to paleness. Clean our own networking through the furnace of bits and bites, forge our texting to be into severe pompous action, heroic, saving the daylight! "


7 years ago

"Miss Eva"

"Give her patience and wisdom daily and re-energize her spirits to deal with my girls"


7 years ago

"Lord Thank You"

"Lord Thank you for your many blessings that u give me everyday! Thank you for opening my eyes to this new way of living! Lord I pray that you watch over us tonight . I pray that you watch over my kids and keep them safe. Dear God I pray that you watch over my dad , my brothers and my sister. I pray that you work on them and open their eyes to see things and life the you want them to. I pray that you change their way of thinking and their hearts. I pray that you do the same for Donnie Salyers and Danny too. I pray for my mom an Mike . I pray for Mike , Wanda and Racheal! I pray that you comfort them during this difficult time in their life . I pray that you comfort Chase and Whitney too. I thank you and praise you Lord . In Jesus name I pray Amen!!!"


7 years ago


"I having awful anxiety :/"


7 years ago

"The End Of Days"

"The earth is shaking under mighty angelic forces, an end times tribulation is approaching that the world has never seen, ladies and gentlemen. Everything that's not nailed down will burst, beams will break, bricks be crushed, but the will of Jehovah shall never change. Your bricks and concrete will pass away, but the word of God is eternal at your desk. Financial support will be strong in help if you donate regularly an amount to an awesome Church. They will prey for your affliction and the flicks of the wrist at your workplace shall be cleaning the debt from the time on you follow instructions of a deacon. I prey, Lord of hosts, has the time come for the big vanity that swallows up the universe in the Sheol? No? Render occasions for church workers to sustain the poor and needy. Give to the world more time to practice love and remorse. "


7 years ago

"Amanda "

"Father god I pray for Amanda who has no clue what to do at this point. It breaks my heart that she is suffering with a horrible disease. Please restore her health Lord please give her access to affordable healthcare and help her find a doctor that can treat her urgent condition who takes her insurance. Lord it pains me to work for a system that chooses money over people. Lord would you bless the nations leaders with wisdom and mercy on us so that people don't have to worry about paying to live and help us have affordable healthcare. May the nations leaders follow you and think of their fellow citizens with humility and grace. In Jesus holy name help Amanda and this world turn back to you father Jesus name amen"


7 years ago


"Lord please help my new boss have compassion understanding and return Her heart to our savior Jesus Christ who died for us. She’s very controlling and mean to God’s people, please shake her to the core to wake up and learn to love not hate, divide and cause more dysfunction. She is hard and fast about rules and using evil to keep those down. In Jesus Christ name I pray amen. "


7 years ago


"Please pray that I will be approved for Emerson Green a smaller home due to my health I love my home that I have lived in half my life however I need a smaller home to continue to work and "save my steps" sort of speak My home has to sell in order to move Please pray for a smooth and fast transition and that I won't be so sad about leaving my home I can always ride by to say "hi" to my home Thank you for your prayers that I will get an offer on my home in order to move and payoff many doctor bills due to illness and the required payments of the bank I thank you prayer warriors for your prayers on my behalf Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying for work, our transportation, school, and finances."


Mobile Alabama
7 years ago

"Help With School"

"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray to you in this desperate hour of need. I ask that you please help me overcome these obstacles I am facing. I took some summer classes in attempt to get ahead with my degree with each day that is approaching my son will soon be here. I've been striving so hard to be the best mom I can be for him, to work hard and make him proud. My partner has made so many sacrifices as well so I can go to school. I have failed by falling behind due to circumstances out of my control. I have pleaded with my professors for an extension in good faith, 2 of which were granted and another who denied me permission and said I would have to retake the course and gave me an F. I am still persisting on him working with me so I can stay on track and F will not harm my GPA, not to mention I can't afford to pay for the course again. Please let me find some sort of reconciliation with him before I have to try and fight this on a higher level Lord. Please. So much has happened and is changing, please don't let me lose my way. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen! "


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


7 years ago

"Pray For My Relationship "

"Please pray for my relationship with my fiancée and for him to resist any temptations while he is away. We are going through a bad time right now. I don't get to see him much since he is in the navy but every now and then I get to talk to him. Our relationship isn't as strong as it used to be. I'm constantly praying for him but nothing seems to be better. Please help me.. I don't know what else to do."


7 years ago

"Pray For My Relationship"

"Please pray for my relationship with my fiancée. We are going through a rough time right now. I don't get to see him much since he is in the navy but every now and then I get to talk to him. When we do talk he seems to get mad very easily and would act like I'm a bother to him. I'm constantly praying for him but nothing seems to be better. Please help me.. I don't know what else to do."


7 years ago

"Prayer For My Relationship "

"Please pray for my relationship with my fiancée. We are going through a rough time right now. I don't get to see him much since he is in the navy but every now and then I get to talk to him. When we do talk he seems to get mad very easily and would act like I'm a bother to him. I'm constantly praying for him but nothing seems to be better. Please help me.. I don't know what else to do."


7 years ago

"Apocalypse Now"

"Apocalypse is bygone some say, but yet there's a lot more to come. The mayhem is still set before us, dear America, the great shift of time and space will do. Nothing compares to the great powers of nowhere, where unknown preachers break the bondage of sickness and sin. Miraculous hands are healing the blind and lame. I prey, Lord of all, that your power will shake the broken-hearted who stopped wanting healing power for their own families, shake them roughly!"


7 years ago

"Fire From Heaven"

"The laborers are supplied as fire falls from heaven, they will not shake! Let them go wild in freedom, that no spark will touch them. The sick are being healed right now all over the world by one hand! God of mercy, show them the power of love that surpasses all understanding!"


7 years ago

"Love and Grace"

"Prayer Warriors, Please pray for LOVE for others - even to the difficult and those who have hurt us. Let us LOVE as God taught us through HIS Word. Please pray for my former fiance (a pastor of a church) and his wife whom he married this year and whom he betrayed me to a year ago during the former engagement. My mother had also been blocked by him... I understand this has been a surprise - but please also pray for them. I have forgiven them way back. Please pray for GOD to watch over them - in all their ways... and that GOD's love will always shine through in every situation and in OUR hearts - LORD, Your grace is sufficient for us .. thank YOU for Your grace ... and may GOD's will be done, in JESUS' Name, amen. GOD BLESS"


7 years ago


"I am not losing faith "


7 years ago


"I am praying with authority in the name of Jesus that this issue is resolved tonight in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus I cast out animosity, pessimism, negativity, hatred, jealousy and anything not of you Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Apocalyptic Barbecue"

"Apocalyptic horsemen are prowling through residential areas, evading all arrows of demonic threats. They fasten upon national security, trying to breach all limits of understanding. As fire falls from heaven, you must understand that we humans rather know the positive effect of fire: lighters and barbecue remains one of God's favorite ways to handle coals. Use fire wisely! Who fears fire is a fool! Undertake a social barbecue within the end of this month, overdo the choicest sauces and sausages' varieties, that even apocalyptic horsemen will stop by, dismount from their fiery steeds, to have awesome mustard on wieners. I prey Lord Jesus, You absolutely died for such unforgettable afternoons with grill and beef to prepare the way onto friendship at the grill. Give the horsemen the fill they need, for labor pays. Amen."


7 years ago

"Nans funeral"

"Holy Father, I thank you for bringing me this far in life. I have had my ups and downs but I thank you for the lessons I have learned. Lord I pray for the sake of my mother that my Nan's funeral will not fall on her birthday, they did not have a good relationship and I would hate for her mothers memory to be further sullied in her mind. Please allow the siblings to open their hearts and have the date moved. In Jesus mighty name I pray. AMEN. "


7 years ago


"Lord thank you so much, I'm having a wonderful time. Please can this be used as an opportunity to involve others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


7 years ago


"I had a bad week last week. Someone requested a prayer app for me and I said that it's hard for me to follow he bible and scriptures. I just feel guilty. Like I should try harder to read them and do well with them. Been depressed off and on. So tired of this."


Mobile Alabama
7 years ago

"Life "

"Dear Lord, I pray as this week begins I find my strength to continue on with my education. Please let me be able to catch up on my coursework for school and let my professors be forgiving of my grades. Please allow them to find it in their hearts to forgive me and to make up my coursework. My little angel baby will be here anytime and I put so much on my plate in the past few weeks trying to keep working for my family and go to school all while on my last trimester. I feel as though I am failing and am a bad mother, I want my child to know how hard I am trying. I do not want my schooling to suffer any longer but I feel it has taken a back seat. Please see in my heart how hard I am trying Lord and please forgive my for losing my way. I need you Lord. In your name I pray, AMEN! "


7 years ago

"Beautiful Savior, Endless Redeemer"

"The Lord of all is a gracious redeemer, He helps the fatherless and loves the poor. Raised are the dead from their sleep as He wakes the dawn. He will be silent in peace, praying for more Apocalypse. Alleluia the Lord God is at the reins in your company, the workers are forced to work under beads of sweat till the last day of sulfur and brimstone. Keep cool, switch on air-conditioning at the office, the Lord is going to show up! I pray, Lord Jesus, when will You have finished praying for more Apocalypse? Call the heavy-laden to put on the yoke of faith that is easier! Holy Ghost wipe away all tears in heaven, we don't want to see them again. Bye Jesus!"


7 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"I don't even know what to ask to pray for. I am just leaning on God and anyone else here that can find it in your heart to pray a positive prayer for my marriage. We both have invested so much yet feel so much pain that we can't see past one another's faults. I would like for the anger, sadness, depression, hurt feelings, anything that is not of GOD to be removed from my marriage. If anyone finds something spiritual has been placed on your heart to pray for me, please do so, it can only help."


7 years ago

"Grandmother "

"Holy Father, thank you for being with us in our time of need. Please help us to come together as a family. Please help us to celebrate my grandmothers life. Please help me to get time of work to attend her funeral and please help me to play well and make a good contribution to her home-going. Thank you in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"I had a break down a couple days ago and have been dealing with some things. Help me to stay positive and do a great job with what I need to do."


7 years ago

"Marriage Restored"

"My wife told me today that she wants a divorce. After 20 years of marriage and tons of hurt, anger, mistakes, and trials we need complete and total healing not restoration but rebuilding grounded in God first! My world is upside down! Please please pray for us. Danny and Stephanie and our son Colton "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let the job situation work out in my kids best interest. Amen."


7 years ago


"I want to always do a good job with my four month old and I want her to be happy."


7 years ago


"I've been having a problem that I've focused too much time on that I need help resolved. Unspoken."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please give me the money I need. I am leaving it in your hands about teaching. Please let people buy my product and send me what they owe. Amen."


New York
7 years ago


"Many people carry their bible under the arms. Have their JESUS STICKER on the back of their cars and pins tattooed to their clothes but don't know the word. They chew and spit chew and spit. The word is a double edge sword in which it doesn't compromise it doesn't change it doesn't exalt itself with extortion . The word transform you and change you. The eklesia that means the church, the people of God, the believer what ever word you choose to use are the light and salt of the world. God is not promoting religion in His word He is promoting a relationship. As sons and daughter of the living of God to live in peace and love and make disciple to lead others on that relationship in Jesus Christ the living word that became flesh. He is not promoting religion. Religion kills . You promote religion and you lead them to hell. They become sheep astray loss. And you will be judge for that. For every blood shed is judge. STOP PROMOTING RELIGION GOD IS NOT PLEASE WiTH THAT. For if you are under a religion law He does not abide in that. God longs to fellowship with us as sons and daughters. True religion is love that love is the CROSS. He gave it all so we can have it all ."


New York
7 years ago


"Earlier this morning I posted a word gave me this morning to tell America you will find it on the bottom of this posting however these are some of the problems God have against us. The Bible is still alive today. The scriptures of the old is the template of the present time. We are living the signs of the time as was spoken in the old days . As a nation a lot happened. What is happening in our government it. Is the scriptures on 2 kings . Listen to word . As it has been a year of controversy in our country it is also the time of revival from the Jezebel legacy in our country. I am here to tell you as the Elijah of our times I am not here to tell you if our commander chief of country is right or wrong as was in 2 king a king was to be rose to reign whom was crazy and crude however as crazy this king was he was chosen by God to bring revival from a legacy of leadership and rulers that brought a stinch to the nostrils of the Lord . The Jehu of our time is not the answer but he is the vessel to be used by God he is the window to end the contracts that stand against the absolute word and law of God. America lives between two temple.The temple of Baal sacrifices was the first thing to was overturned as is seen today. Understand the contracts that are being overturn .We are entering a season where American will be judge based on the laws of the land we stand for. our forefathers built America as one nation under God but America have turned away from God . Our leaders of the times have removed prayers from our schools . America have lost their spiritual equilibrium by inverted our values. God's words say woe to those who call evil good. When as a nation go and vote for our leaders to what they stand for note this your legal contract you sign in which part taker their covenant they believe .and their temple. as a nation we are being judge for part taking the feast of their table. Pray and repentance is the answer to turn to God. It is a prophecy that soon we be entering and many individuals will go through hard times our nation will suffer for a time and the world will be affected by it. It is a Murphy type of law. But the Israelites called it the scriptures the time of mourning . Why because it is as a season of the shamitah. And as we enter this season it is a season double shamitah. Many of you doesn't see it as blessing but a cursed however revival from legal contracts pass on from long ago begins to take form and nullified while others becoming flesh and alive. It is a season of overthrown and nullified contracts of our forefathers. Turn away from our wicked ways turn and to God. Prophecy God spoke to tell America this morning Come I hear the sound of thunder o let us come running running running back to the Lord come to your senses before it's too late sayest the Lord. O I hear the thunder lightning flashing before my eyes o come to your sense come to your senses sayest the Lord. Hosea 6:1 Come let us return to the Lord He has torn us to pieces But He will heals us He has injured us He has injured us But He will bind up our wounds Hey, so let us come running running to the Lord. Don't you hear His voice calling your name with open arms He is calling your name. He want you to search His heart deep with in. So let's come running running back to the Lord America come come running back to the Lord . After 2 days He will revive us On the third day He will restore us That we may live in His presence so come let us acknowledge the Lord Ooo yes come let Let us acknowledge the Lord Let us press on to acknowledge him As surlely as the sun rises He will appear He will come to us like the winter rains So come let us come running running back to the Lord. O come trembling running running back to the Lord America let us come running back to the Lord. America let us come back to the Lord Mathew 25:1-13 At the time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bride groom. Five of them were foolish and five of them were wise Search Him and find him Search Him find"


7 years ago

"Miraculous Healing For My Dad"

"My dad has been in ICU and he's organs are shutting we don't know if he can make it or not. The OR doctor found a huge mass in his right stomach and he couldn't operate his gall bladder. The OR doctor suspects it's a cancer but we don't know yet until we have the result of the biopsy. The OR doctor assumes if it's a cancer he doesn't think it's treatable and my father can make it. Please pray for my dad's miraculousl healing. It's hard for me to see my father in this situation tubes all over him, his only making it so far because of the ventilator so he can have more oxygen and having a series of dialysis so his kidney won't fail. We have faith to God the greatest healer and for him noting is impossible. Please pray for my dad his name is Simeon and he just accepted Christ recently before he was takes to ICU. Please pray for our families strength. "


New York
7 years ago

"Thou Sayest The Lord God Almighty"

"Come I hear the sound of thunder o let us come running running running back to the Lord come to your senses before it's too late sayest the Lord. O I hear the thunder lightning flashing before my eyes o come to your sense come to your senses sayest the Lord. Hosea 6:1 Come let us return to the Lord He has torn us to pieces But He will heals us He has injured us He has injured us But He will bind up our wounds Hey, so let us come running running to the Lord. Don't you hear His voice calling your name with open arms He is calling your name. He want you to search His heart deep with in. So let's come running running back to the Lord America come come running back to the Lord . After 2 days He will revive us On the third day He will restore us That we may live in His presence so come let us acknowledge the Lord Ooo yes come let Let us acknowledge the Lord Let us press on to acknowledge him As surlely as the sun rises He will appear He will come to us like the winter rains So come let us come running running back to the Lord. O come trembling running running back to the Lord America let us come running back to the Lord. America let us come back to the Lord Mathew 25:1-13 At the time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bride groom. Five of them were foolish and five of them were wise Search Him and find him Search Him find him Search Him find Glory to His word Search Him Find Him seek Him glory to His word Psalm 24:3-4 Who may ascend to the Hills of the Lord? Who may stand in His Holy place? Search Him Find Him Seek Search Find Seek Search Find Seek Hallelujah glory Hallelujah glory Search Find Seek Search Find Seek Yes my God Search Find Seek Open the eyes of our Hearts o Lord Let your love flow Come let us come to the Lord For He has called us Pause : All around me there is thunder in heaven lighting in heaven All around me there's thunder lightning in heaven I hear the sound of thunder lightning inn heaven. Bow before Him For Your light has come So let us return to Him America let us return to the Lord America let us return to the Lord America let us return to the Lord Bow before Him Let us return to the Lord I hear God your voice with my heart You are my skin my blood You are always with me You are my gravity We open our hearts and bind ourselves to you There is more than eyes can see there is more than can see see with eyes of the heart only way fear fear Where are the seers open the eyes open the eyes Seer what do you see Where are the prophets Where are the seers Open the heavens let the ladder come down and fill this temple Yes my Lord for the wise does see Lord open eyes to see Open eyes to see Open heaven Open heaven Open heaven What will I give to you in exchange ti am in your presence. Do you want me ? Am I enough for you Am I enough for you Open the eyes of your heart Open heavens Open heavens Open heavens Open heavens Open the heart and I will open heaven open the eyes of your heart and I will send revelation sayest the Lord."


New York
7 years ago

"Dedicating a Melody To The Lord"

"Blessings Family it is always so good to share my personal journey with my Beloved Father in Heaven, As I am on my way back to the office the Lord brought into my mind a song i sing to Him it just brought tears to my eyes as I listened to the words in my spirit as He was dedicating the same words right back to me. Here is the lyrics I whisper in His ears. Jesus you have a beautiful heart. You are the one I love. Hold me in your arms . To hold me in your arms how does it feel? My love there is no shadow in turning in you. No rebellion. No pride. You don't know greed envy pride or strife. Jesus your intentions are pure and holy always delighted to do the Father's will. For you don't have a thought against Him. But humbly you lived in perfect restraint waiting for promises given. O Jesus here I am your favorite one loving you in your arms . What are you thinking? What are you feeling o I have to know for I am after your heart. I am after you so hold me embrace me I don't want be running running running just hold me in your arms you are the one I love. Precious you have my heart you have my love. Ooo I give it all to you. Ooo given it all to you. You are the one that I hold to. You are my love Jesus. You are the one that I hold on to. You are my love.all I want is you. All I crave is you.ooh Jesus ooo Jesus I will run the race set before me. Ooh Jesus I will seek your face before me as the prize of my life. Don't you know what is in me what I feel in my veins my love can you hear the blood rushing through as I seek your face before me as the prize of my life. Jesus I will run the race set before me . Can you see that I am running running running oooh always craving after your love all I want is you my Lord. How lovely it is when you stirred up the flame with in me. You keep me alive . Ooh keep it alive the ablaze inside me. Come have your way . Arise in this place.consume our hearts for your name sake. Come Holy Spirit from above come fall upon me breathe in me. Look into my heart.stretch out your hand.come shake up this place inside me. give me boldness to lift up your the one who shout your kingdom come o your will be done my Lord. come Holy Spirit from above come breathe in me. Let your fire fall. For my heart longs to be in your presence my Lord.Ooh let your fire fall my Lord I am in need of your presence longing to be in your presence. I don't care who knows. I don't care if they talk. It doesn't matter who knows my Lord to be in your arms is all I ever wanted my Lord. So hold me in your arms as I whisper this lullaby in your ears. O I bow before you and give you thanks my Lord and praise your Holy name. I don't care what they say. Only in your presence I remain exalting Your Holy name. "


7 years ago

"Lord Please Let Them See YOU In ME"

"Lord please touch EF & AES heart and let her know that I'm misunderstood not misfit but a strong woman that needs a break and will strive hard to best the very best. I feel so paralyzed and pray this awful treatment will subside. Please keep PBG eyes, heart & mind on you and please let him see the good in me - to see you in my and my heart. In jesus name I pray. Amen!!"


7 years ago

"Healing "

"Father God, Please let me finally be free from the illnesses I have and take away all the pain from the stomach and head. Especially right side. I am so tired of going through this. And please give me strength to keep believing that you are a good Father in the middle of all of this and not listen to lies. In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen "


7 years ago

"Crucifix From Beyond"

"Your sufferings were great in the eyes of Babylon the great harlot, sore and crucified, I seek to know You. You bled the crown of thorns among Romans, rejected by Your people. As king You were hanging out upon wood, nailed, pierced into the ribs. Who were You to die like man, super fly heavyweight champion of old? Your love has not ceased, by now thunders in Your eyes, clothes white as linen, feet as glowing metal. You are the rock of my salvation! Save souls today for the hope of glory, by Your blood. "


7 years ago

"Positivity "

"Lord as you know I've been going through a lot in my life for a while now but I never lost faith it in. First I would like to begin with saying thank you father for always being there for me thank you for giving me strength when I felt weak thank you for guidance when I didn't know which way to turn thank you for all your many blessings lord I just can't thank you enough. Lord I ask that you remove anybody from my life that means me no good. Lord please remove them with no hurt harm or danger. Lord I want to get closer to you and I need all distractions that are trying to bring me down removed in Jesus name I pray thank you father amen "


7 years ago

"Freelance Writing"

"Lord please help me with my freelance writing. Please help it be lucrative in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"My Parents And Family's Health"

"Dear God our father, please surround my entire family with your protection and love, please help my parents D & O in good health and live a long happy life, Lord please our little family has struggled and been through such confusion and chaos and turmoil. Please help us all remember we are respect each other and ultimately love one another as one family, in Jesus name I pray amen!"


7 years ago

"Blessings To All"

"Lord Jesus, thanks you for helping me changed the old me and bringing me through my obstacles and letting my light shine bright!! Please Lord lift my sister up in prayer for her struggles and my family and my brother as well as my little family my daughter my husband my entire extended family please lift them all up in prayer and Brent them all peace I also asked that you please bless each and every single person who has ever spoken an ill word about me or my family or miss judged us I pray that you clear up any and all confusion and chaos and gossip, please Lord show our truth that we believe in you we live by you and love you so very much and only want to be begins to shine their light bright for you and to help our lost brothers and sisters return back home to you, in Jesus most beautiful name I pray amen!"


7 years ago


"Holy father I pray that you will help my student so that she can make a rehearsal tomorrow or soon. I feel that playing in a recital will be so good for her confidence. Lord I am praying that you can make this happen. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Job & Finances"

"I need prayer for a job and finances. Please pray that God will bless me with a good paying and right job for me. Also, that He would lead me and guide me and open up my knowledge, wisdom and understanding so I can be the best that I can be on the job. Thank you. "


7 years ago

"Thought Of My Dad"

"Dear God I thank you for the people that you have put into my life and who you have taken out. But there is one person in particular that I need to pray for and that is my dad. He has not been treating me very well the past few months. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be around him or have my kids around him. I pray that you can help him in thinking straight to get his family back because all he is doing is pushing us away further and further. I pray that we do what is best for my family. Thank you god for always being someone I can count on. Love you always."


7 years ago

"Trying To Raise Money For China Mission Trip"

"Praying for the finances to go on a mission trip to China, and do what I feel God has called me to do Also praying for a girl that's in my life that is my ex. Praying for her walk with God."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Help me lose weight and let her say yes tonight about trading."


7 years ago

"Jim And Judy"

"Please pray that Jim will get well from his cancer and Judy's pain from losing their dog will lesson Please give Judy the strength to help her husband Amen"


7 years ago

"Job Prayer Request"

"Please pray that God will bless me with a good paying and right job for me. Also, that He will lead me and guide me and open up my knowledge, wisdom and understanding so that I can be the best that I can be on the job. Thank you."


7 years ago

"Prayer For Successful Beginning At Work & New Boss"

"Dearest Lord, I thank you do very much for my job and all the talents you've given me to perform well, please help AS my new supervisor see Christ in me and be my coach and person who will stand up for me, fight for my worth, please keep PGBs eyes in you and keep everything negative far away, in Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen!"


7 years ago


"I pray that I always stay connected with my baby no matter what."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for a good day today, I am praying for a good day tomorrow, please help me to have a good day, please help me to not get frustrated and stay smiling and happy. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


New York
7 years ago

"Fervent Intercessory Prayers"

"The power of praying for others as well as yourself is indeed necessary and crucial.if it wasn't for the fervent intercessor prayers of the intercessor many people's lives will be in worst shape then they really are. Many people are searching for their creator however their search stops at the bottle, the drugs, sex, and false gods. They always searching and never landing. On a daily basis their heart mind and soul is dying and trust me they know they are dead spiritually but they do not know what to do about it. They are trapped between two world the physical body as well as the spiritual being. They may pretend everything is fine but deep inside they are scars . Father God in Jesus name I lift up every person that feels empty and looking to find you. I am also lifting those that need a newness in their spiritual life. As is in heaven so be at earth may these individuals including myself love ones and family members find simplicity, fullness and purpose in their life . In Jesus name Holy Spirit draw them close to you. Let us acknowledge you on a daily basis. For those that don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior my prayers is that you will give them a heart of flesh my God and give them the understanding that you are who you say you are o Lord that they will know with out a shout of a doubt that Jesus is the Son of God that He laid down His life so that every person may have eternal and abundantly life. Holy Spirit lead them to repentance and ask for forgiveness for their sins and iniquities not only of their selves but also of their forefathers all the way back to Adam and Eve o Lord. Fill each and every person with the Holy Spirit. Let all the dead in their being be crowded out by the power of the Holy Spirit in your presence. Father God in Jesus name my prayers is also on each of us that on this day we may turn our lives into a new beginning o Lord. Show us where we are spiritually wherever we are not walking fully with you in which you have for us o' Lord. I pray that we may take you seriously and commit all our ways to yours my God. Lord I acknowledge you are my Heavenly Father however many people have a lot earthly father 's issue and therefore they have so many misconceptions of you. Forgive us o Lord and take away our deep rooted pains and hurts. Let us o God long to receive the inheritance that you have promised your children help us to understand your truth of who you are and your Words dear Lord help us to understand all that we need to know about you and of the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fill us with your Holy Spirit in a fresh new way on this day and work in us powerfully in Jesus name I pray. "


7 years ago

"Friend "

"Please pray for Josh Jones he needs healing prayer in all his levels goes back in two weeks . "


7 years ago

"Absconding To Celestial Places"

"Too hot and burning down the roof, all yells at parties so hard, sold the world ever after... a getaway would be the definite outcome, absconding to celestial places through prayer Evangelism, 'what the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, which God had prepared for those who love Him.' I pray, Lord God remove obstacles in the ways of believers today, and kindle the fire of intellect that hinders them to fully adapt, emotionally to love the paths of justice, the lineage of the criminals, all reunited in friendship. Give grazze today, and hatred of ages shall go up like a pillar of smoke by day, by the sparks of Your love. Which guided Moses can also guide the geek of today. Open now celestial doorways to the infinite! An Angel is confirmed by the neon lights and the death of His savior. Be hospitable to strangers, serve them with food, pay them a visit in prison! Who knows? This might be an Angel on who you (reader) were waiting all your life for financial breakthrough, to lower the mountains of pride, to keep cool. Amen."


7 years ago


"Please pray for josh j his blood work cane back with some issues . Please pray God heal and do a mighty work in him . "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Job now Money now Move back into old house 2018 Lose weight/stick to diet "


7 years ago


"I'm scared that I let my baby cry too long without comforting her because she's been acting differently since. :/ I pray that my baby hasn't lost her trust in her mom."


7 years ago


"Dear God, Can you please give me a sign to helping me make my decision on moving or staying? I am trying to think about what is right for my family. Please God give me a sign or something to help me in my decision making. "


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Unspoken prayer request about my baby"


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for today. I unintentionally upset someone at work. Please allow them to forgive me so we can find a solution and move on. In Jesus name I pray. "


7 years ago

"Prayers "

"I feel thankful for this app, I love posting prayers and praying for other people. I pray that my little family stays happy and healthy. I have a four month old. I pray for the world and how crazy it has gotten and how out of control the internet is. I pray that it doesn't affect people negatively. I wish blessings upon everyone on this app. I pray for all of my friends and family. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for helping me to be able to book a holiday. Lord I pray that my finances will be ok and that I will be able to manage this without going into debt. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"The Time Has Come"

"You remember when God spoke, He said: "Baby girl you are about to overcome the mountain at your workplace! Have your breakthrough!" You found yourself pursuing the neat thing of wisdom and knowledge ever after, come on, let God show you the way of sincerity even deeper, more overcoming. I pray, Lord Jesus, redeemer of life, best actor of Israel, the scenes of Your movie are all about the Fall of Men. No bullets, no martial arts combat are Your business. But the Fall You took in the end, crucified endlessly! Make the way for breakthrough one more time, by Your blood! Amen"


7 years ago


"I'm praying for positivity in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"King Jesus"

"I was having such a positive day and it took one negative comment from a stranger to bring me down. I phoned my mum and told her what had happened. My mum told me not to worry and not to be soft and to say my prayers and this song came into my heart: I've been lied on Cheated Talked about Mistreated Used Scorned Talked about sore as a bone I been up Down Almost to the ground Long as I got King Jesus Long as I got King Jesus Long long long as I got him I don't need nobody else "


7 years ago

"Please Pray For My Family"

"Please pray for my family. Please pray for my family to be all together again, physically and emotionally. Please pray for forgiveness and understanding for everyone in my family, and most of all- love. Thank you."


7 years ago




7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for allowing me to gain all the people for the group. Please. I pray that you will help me to get good music and to organize a rehearsal date very soon, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for giving me the funds to be able to book a holiday. I pray that I have a good time and I pray that you will keep me safe in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"I want to pray that I stay connected with my baby and she stays happy and healthy."


7 years ago


"I want to pray that I stay connected with my baby and she's happy and healthy. Also, I have a unspoken prayer request."


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for helping me with my money, lord I pray that this work trip will be a good one. I pray lord that I will have a good time. I pray that you will keep me focused so I can do my job efficiently and well and I pray that you keep me away from anything negative that is not of you lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Successful Pregnancy "

"Dear lord I'm praying for a successful pregnancy this time around. I know I lost faith and questioned why things kept happening to me but I trust that you know what's best for me and my family. Lord I always want to thank you for my many blessings you blessed me with. In Jesus name amen "


7 years ago


"Praying for a good day tomorrow. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for a good day, I hope I was allowed to leave at that time in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"The Mounds Of Vines"

"Ms. Wisdom had gone up to the vineyard, she trudged through lines of infinity. Vats were filled with her, the aroma of her dispersed. She pondered her ways. Talebearers spoke volumes of her comprehension, evil-minded sluggards were listening closely and devising schemes to take hold of her, but the Lord threw a wrench in their works. He destroys the plans of the wicked, for righteousness is not coming from their lips, justice an abomination to their mouth. The Lord lifts up the man who keeps wisdom and instruction, but the ways of the wrongdoers loses its end. I pray, Lord Jesus be our savior now and for evermore! The sin You had hated but had loved the sinner. Be mine, amen."


7 years ago

"Getaway, The Assured Rescue"

"Has anyone called upon the Lord and still not been saved? The Saints of forgiveness leave that place under the cross of Calvary, they should march to the throne room in crystal peach, Angelic storms drive out all frustrations. Yet who is being saved by the God of Abraham? I believe that people had put more faith in Christ as there had been either no telecommunications at all nor McDonald's! Rescue had been at hand, nothing else. Nowadays financial crisis is striking from the Middle East to our West. No one has faith in the Wall Street that they are the answer for deliverance from demons, everybody knows that money is their only option. I pray, Ghost God shake the financial world one more time, and then the end shall come! Many shall be saved, lots be redeemed from hell. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, I have not had fun in so long, I pray that this evening I will have a good time with my friend. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


New York
7 years ago


"Do you recalled when you first began your relationship with God how passionate you were ? As you pray the time went quickly not realizing being in the spirit you were there for some quite sometime. Have hard times have your spiritual life dry? Hanging with certain individuals put an unease on others on how you perceive your calling and your personal relationship with God? You search and search and wonder where I am going ? Is there more to life than meets the eyes? My question this evening is what are you looking for? Many individuals have broken dreams , lost hope, and wonder if ever things will change? While they walk in the journey to destiny their inner man knows what is missing however their natural man does not know how to get there. Every so often we are in a path where a chapter closes and a new one open . Today I invite you to really ponder in your spirit and ask God to begin some soul searching where He have you destined for? We all have a purposes in life yet very few find that purposes or fulfilled that destiny. The book of Nehemiah speaks about rebuilding the city and rebuilding the temple of God. The temple I come to speak to you about is your personal relationship with God. There are many things that prevents you from really experienced a supernatural breakthrough. Going higher and deeper in His words or having a greater and deeper intimacy time with the Lord. As Nehemiah build the Temple we come to find out that while he had favor with God and men he had to go back and built stone by stone and guard . And what I am saying today as children of God Christian we are all destined for greater things but all these things have a significance and that is to glorify God. So today as you do some soul searching I pray not only for you but for myself Lord God we come into your presence giving you praise honor and glory for the great I am you are in each and everyone of us. I thank you Lord Jesus for your great sacrifice dying for us so that we may live eternally. Lord forgive us for we have sinned, fallen short and lose sight of our true identity in you my God. For give us dear Lord. Here I am dear Lord renewing my vows and commitment with you so that you may do with me whatever your purpose is to glorify you my Lord. Teach me to stay humble and in one accord with you my Lord. Gives us discernment open our spiritual eyes and understanding silence those voices that seems to pull us further away from ever seeking you my Lord. Open our spiritual ears so that we may hear your voice and promptly response. Help us o Lord for we are willing yet the flesh is in constant turmoil to do what it wants to do. Lord the desire of my heart is to love you with all that I am. And to know you more and more each day. To worship pray as Jesus was in your presence my Lord . Thank you Lord. Teach us how to pray for every occasions. And dear Lord because we are just men and women whom have fallen short in your sight intercede in our. Whale so that we can complete and walk in our destiny it is the desire of my heart to do all that you call us to do in Jesus name. "


New York
7 years ago


"Today I am giving my testimony that happened to me earlier this morning . As I I went to work I began to quote Psalm 91 out loud in urgency not realizing that I was going to be in danger. As I got to work someone had went to the refrigerator forgot to put my breakfast back in left it out and went bad so I had no choice but to go and buy . As I cross over to McDonald's i placed my order but this drug addict comes where I am at and kept looking at me repeatedly saying we are going around killing strangers so we don't kill our own. I moved away from her but gave her a straight face and she kept looking at me as she kept saying it meanwhile I noticed that by the doors on the exit and entrance her buddies were standing waiting so I began to meditate on Psalm 91 and make sure I stay near the cameras and I held onto my personal word I told the Lord I have a purpose and a destiny and my destiny is not yet fulfilled and therefore no one can take me out unless is God himself. I may experience challenges however no one can harm me unless God allows it. Psalm 91 is powerful scripture it is a protection I often pray for my self my family love ones my home my belongings. This morning I say good morning Father good Morning Jesus Good morning Holy Spirit. Thank you for all that you are in me looking out for me and my love ones loving us and always watching over us thank you dear Lord I praise you with all that I am."


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for getting me up every morning. I have a virus that can affect my overall health. Please lord can you get rid of it, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"My Personal Question"

"Lord God, if I have a personal question about something. I would like for that issue to stay between myself and the person I spoke to. I ask in the name of Jesus that they respect my privacy. Thankyou Lord. Amen "


7 years ago


"I need to pray that my four month old is happy and our connection is great. I want to pray for my little brother to be successful."


7 years ago


"Thank you Jesus Amen "


7 years ago

"Marriage In Trouble"

"Please pray for me and my husband. For God's guidance, blessings and grace. For me to have more understanding."


Adarsville Georgia
7 years ago

"Intersestion For Each Prayer request Listed"

"Dear Heavenly Father, We come to you in the name of Christ Jesus our Savior and Redeemer. We Ask in Firm Faith which is placed strictly in Christ Jesus and His Complete Finished Works at the Cross of Calvary that you will see this need and hear this prayer and Answer it according to your Perfect Will. You told us that if two or more agree on one thing believing without doubt that you will answer. You told us that whatsoever is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever shall be lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. You promised that if we seek we shall find, if we should knock it would be open to us, and whatever we ask shall be given. We know that all things are possible through Christ Jesus and nothing shall prevail against us. For if God be for us who can be against us. And No weapon formed against us shall prosper. We are asking in Faith properly placed and we believe that you will hear this humble plea and the solution or answer will come in Perfect time according to your Perfect will. We thank you for loving us so much that you died for us, was buried and resurrected and through your blood by the power of the Holy Spirit we are as well crucified, buried, and resurrected into a new life with you. We believe that all problems we face and trails we go through is for a short time and we will raise up from the pain and death of the situation and will be resurrected from this need that is placed on the altar before you and made new and through the rain and storms have come we have been built a little stronger than before so that we may face tommorrows weather it comes or don't. And we shall overcome by the blood of the lamb that was already shed for us and by the word of our testimony. Thanks you Dear Lord for the Blessing You have showed to us today and thank you for the ear of heart to answer this prayer. We Praise You through the storm. And know that it must be cloudy and Rainy at times to create that beautiful promise rainbow that shines over head to remind us what lies beyond pain and death and sorrow, life which will be reconstructed into many colors of eternal life with you. And we ask and believe in The name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen."


Adarsville Georgia
7 years ago

"Safe & Unhindered Trip Home"

"Our daughter age 22, and our granddaughter age 5, is Stuck in a Wayward Situation in California. They was temporarily at a homeless shelter with no means to get back home to Georgia. A door seems to have been opened to provide a plane ticket home for my granddaughter, but my daughter plans on staying there, with someone who has told her they would help her. Please Pray that Gods perfect Will will be done, and the trip home is a smooth unhindered one. God Bless You All. Bondservant In Christ Jesus, TRP"


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request"


7 years ago


"I need to pray for my four month old Kylie. She had something happen today and I just hope she's okay. I need to pray that I'm always connected to her no matter what. I want to pray for her happiness always."


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for everything in my life, I said something embarrassing yesterday and it is weighing heavily on my spirit. Lord I pray that you will help me to get over it and that you will help others who witnessed it to forgive me so that we can move on. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"I have been so depressed. All i do is cry.?Please pray God removes this spirit of depression from me. I want to be happy and hopeful about life again. Experience new cycles of happiness, success, wisdom and God's favor and blessing"


7 years ago

"Enter The New World"

"He was not a Barbarian, either a zealot of great strength, yet His offenders were many, His time limited. An appointed mo that set Him an end by the maker of all things. His sufferings, a marvel in the eyes of Babylon the great. Alleluia the time has come! The sins of the world nailed upon the wooden cross, pierced in the flesh of Jesus as of a bandit. Did this pose a big problem unto Him? He got glad by the storm, He died and rose again. Give us Lord a new fresh revelation of the cross this very day!"


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for helping me to reach 69% of my target. Please help me to make really good lemonade tonight and please help me to sell a lot of tomorrow it for the charity. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for these opportunities and thank you for being able to share it with others. Lord I pray that tomorrow is a beautiful day for everyone coming. Lord I pray that I stay in my feet and perform well. I pray that we have a good time afterwards. In Jesus name I pray Amen. "


7 years ago

"Casey 2 Year Old "

"Copied from a friends post please pray. I will update when i know of anything I have any urgent prayer request, one of my close high school friends two-year-old great grandson was found in the swimming pool this afternoon, he has been care flighted to a children's hospital with slight breathing but no brain activity please pray for this family the child's name is Casey they live in the Houston area...."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please don't let my phone I was selling be stolen. Let Wish pay me back."


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for this opportunity, I pray that all goes well tonight and that everyone has a good time. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for the skills that you have given me. Lord please help me as I organize a group. Please help me to pick good reliable serious people and please help us to get good gigs and to make a difference. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"I have a prayer regarding my baby and our relationship."


7 years ago

"Need To Heal Many"

"My husband hurt his back badly, I just had a hip replacement due to an accident . My mother is very sick I. The hospital with heart failure, my. Either tore his rotator cuff in his shoulder and my sister in law has bad spinal issues that are affecting her walking. Please say a prayer of healing for all "


New York
7 years ago

"I Am Grieving"

"My spirit is grieving to see how people whom call themselves anointed and used by God and while that may be true however it does not stop the fact that they turn the word of God to manipulate it for their own selfishness self centered and when you don't agree with their immature behavior they put a curse on you in the name of Jesus. I am. Beyond grieved "


7 years ago

"Oral Exam"

"Dear Lord! Please help my niece tomorrow at her oral exam in mathematics. Let her be calm and remember what she needs to know! Let it be a good exam and experience! Nothing is impossible for you dear God. Amen in Jesus name ❤️🙏🏻"


7 years ago

"Ascension To Eternal Dwelling Place"

"To God is due vengeance, He repays till the third generation, He renders aid to the fatherless. How could we forget His precepts that He loves the kind-hearted and scatters the foe. You will see the reward of the wicked. The harlot Babylon lived deliciously among the profane, she enquired after death and did not find it. She loved the sinner and hated the just: "Is she gone mad?" - "For real!" She prefers to be candidly mature, the world is her oyster from the very first. I pray O Lord that You open the eyes of understanding to that witch, she will be saved. The celestial places will shake if she repents wholeheartedly to the H. Ghost. The voice of the Lord will thunder: "Let that virgin be a freewoman of the city of cities. The earth trembles at the feet of the messenger I will send unto her glory!" No man has seen the darkness like You do, they just can't touch this! "


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Unspoken prayer request "


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for keeping me today, Lord, I pray that my report is a positive experience. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Thankful "

"Lord thank you for answering prayers and never giving up on me. Thank you for giving me strength to deal with so much in my life on a day to day basis. Lord I thank you for keeping my family safe and allowing us to wake up each and everyday in Jesus name I pray thank you. Amen "


New York
7 years ago

"Honoring God"

"One of the ways that the Holy Spirit whom abide in me as I became Born Again, He became to shaped me by molding and reshaping my old way of thinking. Years of abused, abandonment , tragic experiences in my life I was a mess people saw me as dysfunctional and I was very dysfunctional. But glory be to God Almighty as He began to outpour His Spirit knowledge and understanding and began to affirm healing words in my spirit man and today as I look back from where I came from and whom I was in my dark world while the struggles of everyday living is there I understand and is rooted in me that I am no longer in fear for I am a child of God. We are conquering sons and daughters people and I am a living testimony especially for those that know me personally and seen how far I come thanks to Him and I shout out to Him be the glory. The road is not easy is long but is worthy through it all. Today I encore you to renew your spirit with Him come Holy Spirit fall afresh on me pour out your Spirit in me renew my heart my thoughts my ways so that what you began can bring it to completion to very end. As you take me to a new level of thinking let my life thoughts and being be align with yours o God . O God fall afresh in me. Fall. Afresh in me it is the cry of my heart for I no longer wish to worship idols and worthless things that men in the world do. For the times are short and there is no time to waste. Help me o God to Holy Spirit minded and not be so caught up on my desire. Fall afresh on me o God. For it is the cry of my inner man. For holy holy and holy are you. Fire of God fall on me today this very moment. Burn deep in my soul and never go back to the days of dry season o God. Holy holy is the God I serve. Praise Him that have breathe come arise in me so I can worship the way I can in Spirit and in truth . O God pour your blazing fire on me. Brothers and sisters this is what the Holy Spirit led me to say and I have never been the same if you sincere with Him only you know where you at spiritually. Many of you so caught up in the worries of life and the scales of your eyes have you so far apart from the presence of God. If you really want to know the power of God and want a fresh new start this is how He refresh me from years of just getting by. I don't know about you but I come this morning I was tired of just waking up Sunday morning to hear what the preacher have to say but turned around Monday morning I was still the same way as I was just before I walked to the church. The time are not about sitting in the church and hear a word from the men and woman of God so it can pump me up to make it just enough to the corner . I came to place where I missed being in His presence. I heard the voice of God. I knew what God was going to do in my life and I knew who He was yet I felt short and as I continually living and practicing opening doors that kept me afar from hearing from my daddy the more I was dead. I pray and pray and pray with no results and many time we have to go back to pray and closed doors our forefathers left open. Sometimes we even have to petition to the Lord to open the book of life and hear our case in the courts of heaven and once we get an answer for a breakthrough we have to face our devour and let him know what the Lord says like I say I was sick and tired of being sick tire I had a taste of heaven o had a taste of being in the presence of God I know what it really meant living the Christian life and what I seen what I was going through it was for me so if you are at where I was my brothers and sisters there is hope and I come today how to get right back with God . I am not promising you that the worries in life be over all I am saying is that you are entering in a level where you will rule as sins and daughters and enjoy where you at in peace regardless of what you may face today. You will doors never been opened before. You will be able to distinguish the voice of God instead of falling into the traps and lies of the devil. May the Lord God of Abraham Issac Jacob and David richly blesses you as He my God "


7 years ago


"This may sound shocking to some of you may not want to hear it but I hate how porn has infiltrated American culture. I hate how it's easy to access and free for anyone. I hate how it forces some people to view women. I wish something could be done about it. I pray for change. "


New York
7 years ago


"Think positive and positive things will happen...."


New York
7 years ago


"The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind. Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams or trick you into giving up. Never allow it to become the greatest obstacle to success. If you can put your mind on the right track, everything else will follow. "


New York
7 years ago


" While they [the Christians in Antioch] were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." — Acts 13:2 NIV Key Thought Worship, whether individually in our daily lives or assembled with other Christians, should propel us to mission. That result was true for Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8), and it was true for the church in Antioch. When we worship, the Holy Spirit of God is at work among us and within us (John 4:23-24; Philippians 3:3; Ephesians 5:18-21). Whether the Holy Spirit voiced this message to the church in Antioch through a prophet, through the shared and clear conviction of those present, or some other way, the Spirit's message was clear! I believe that if we seek God with all of our hearts in worship and open our hearts to God's word seeking the Father's guidance, the Spirit of God will: Speak to our hearts and lead us, Guide us, Challenge us, Help us recognize truth, Convict us about what we should do, and Direct us in how we should live. (John 16:8-11; Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18, 25; Ephesians 6:17-18; 1 John 2:20-27) The real question is this: Am I seeking God with all my heart so I can fully live out his will in my life? If each of us is doing so, the Holy Spirit will guide us to live out God's mission in our lives! Today's Prayer O precious and holy God, there is none like you. There is nothing comparable to you. Thank you for letting me seek you and draw near to you. Thank you for redeeming me and choosing to live inside me through your Spirit. Please lead me and guide me by your Spirit to be transformed to be like your Son, wholly conformed to your will, and fully living out your mission for my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"I'm worried about my love for my baby. I love her so much but sometimes I'm scared to love her so deeply. I've loved people deeply, friends, family, relationships, etc and lost them so I'm scared to love sometimes. I want to love her very deeply without fear. Amen. "


7 years ago


"My brother is 24 but he can't keep a job or pay his rent and he's always in a conflict with somebody. Pray that things work out for him. I also want to pray that I do the best possible job with my 3 month old and she is a happy, healthy baby and person. :)"


7 years ago


"Lord, please let me get my vote in in time. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Confounding All Theories "

"The doctor has said: "Better watch yourself!" Yet another day the Lord spoke: "Don't be anxious for anything, I provide for you food, clothes and an awesome ride!" Go for it! Press through with Power-evangelism! The snake will bow its head, the scribes will silence their voices. I pray for a fat miracle in your region, H. Ghost You lower the pride of Your adversaries, keep them! Mold their will to the iron sculpture that everybody is supposed to admire for the centuries to come, they will bow their knees and serve you. Open now doors to celestial places, take away obstacles in our ways! The Ghost God will hear from His throne, He will thunder His voice from heaven. O miserable one that has rejected God from the beginning on, that never knew forgiveness, never compromising. Has not the mother taught you how to restrict yourself from vanity? Futility is yours, nobody is able to be better futile as you."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Help me lose the weight I gained and keep it off. Let me get the job ASAP. "


7 years ago


"I pray that I can connect with my baby and she can connect with others as well."


7 years ago

"Soul Mate"

"Holy Father, thank you for everything that you have done in my life, Lord I believe I am in a position to meet a lifelong partner and friend and Soulmate. Lord I pray that you will help me and the people around me to be wise and to make good decisions and to stay grounded and rooted in you. Lord please take control over everything in my life, in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


7 years ago


"Dear Lord! Please help my daughter, she thinks that she has failed her exam. I pray to you God, that this will go better than she thinks. Amen in Jesus name "


New York
7 years ago


"Whenever you don't understand what is going on in your life just take a moment closed your eyes take a deep breath and tell your Heavenly Father I know my life is in your hands you know the plans that you have for me just help me through it and guide me in Jesus name. Amen"


New York
7 years ago


"Did you know that when you enter to God's presence with praise. God will enter to your circumstances with power"


New York
7 years ago


"Be strong you can make it through the storm. God can restore everything the devil have stolen from you."


New York
7 years ago


"Act like you are blessed. Talk like you are blessed. Walk like you are blessed.Put actions behind your faith and see how one day you will see it become reality."


New York
7 years ago


"Don't just thank God for your blessings but also thank God for your struggles that allow you to see those blessings."


New York
7 years ago


"Hold on to God's words better days are coming. There are two type of people those that are drawing because they don't have Jesus in their life's and those that do have Jesus and are always floating and swing in His grace my prayers is that Let the words of our mouth always be Jesus I can't live one day without you. And actually be in constant in one with the Trinity"


7 years ago

"Burden "

"I just need prayer that God can lift this stress and burden off me. I have so much weighing me down I don't know which direction to go "


7 years ago

"Help Me Keep Faith"

"Lord help me keep faith in your name, every time life seems to knock me down I get discouraged. Lord show me the way teach me to have faith in your word."


7 years ago


"The wife has been feeling weird, going to doctor today. Praying for the lords healing."


7 years ago

"Faith Is The Only Option"

"Where are all the naysayers nowadays? There is none who does good. The fool speaks in his heart: "There is no God!" Be transformed today by the fat miracle that means all in all transfiguration (all inclusive)! The secret place where Jesus meets you is not the end times crypt, rather be this the treasury of exceeding riches. Yes, your bank is going to promote you even though you didn't buy the most expensive car! Yes, you will meet a revival in your area if you see angels and gold. If you have ever had a specific gift in naysaying, you will find a calling to be into doomsaying! Be doomster, end time prophet that overcomes the world! Thunder and lightning rage down from the heavens, the helpless fears tremendous judgment! I pray, Lord of all, may the lion drive out petty-minded minions, that their business will only flourish afar off and not here. Build up the walls of vanity on their behalf, walls of bricks and not of hay, built on solid foundations and not on sand!"


7 years ago

"Help Lord "

"Praying for financial help. I have a car note that I can't really afford. I'm trying to get more hours at work, I really need my car to get back and forth as well as take my son to school. I pray they don't come take my car I'm really in need lord. I'm trying my best but I feel o keep getting knocked down I just really need you God."


7 years ago

"Prayer For Permanent Restoration Of Family "

"Please pray for my family (Etienne Family), the devil is trying to destroy my family and attempting to undergo a cycled attack but I ask that you pray that this his plans will not come to pass ! God is too great for such attacks! God bless all who pray my family and who reads this! "


7 years ago

"The Cabinet Of The Highest"

"Highest are Your thoughts O Lord God, how You muse on Your people yearly, beautiful in elevation. The whole earth trembles, You flush the wicked, their evil plots go down the drain. Who are you (reader) transgressor of faith that tries to overthrow the God of our forefathers? To revile men of valor you have learned, to commit evil slander you know about but worship is not on your lips, praises are far from you! The Lord knows the day of the righteous, judgment day comes! H. Ghost send out Your marvels to defeat the enemy, the snake from the garden of Eden. Glory thrills all knowledgeable person that seeks You with a humble heart. I see several persons are going to be fired in vain, they make a bid for power, one after another. Their success is rusted, corroded metal, their countenance resembles an abomination. Fired they are in the black books of their firm, the manager is about to tell them off straight in their face. Those people you shall not follow, their path is destruction, the look in the mirror a time for horror. Lord God bless Your people with might, glorify each one as a partaker of the Gospel of Jesus. "


New York
7 years ago

"Invitation To The Thirsty Issaih 55:1-9"

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;and you who have no money, come, and buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what it does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the riches and fate. Give ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live, I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David . See, I have made him a witness to the peoples. Sure you will summon nations you know not, and nations that do not know you, because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for He has endowed you with splendor. Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him. And to our God , for He will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."


New York
7 years ago


"Father God thank you that you are the great I am in my life. Hallelujah. Lord help me today o God to open myself to you throughout this day o God so that you river of your water overflow me on this day O God. I lift up my heart , my mind, my voice, and all of me , my life , my job , my every situation o Lord and you do as you wish to do on me on this day. Let your will be done use me Father in Jesus name . Thank you Lord Holy Spirit guide teach rebuke help me on this day . "


7 years ago


"Lord, I continue to doubt your word and I am consumed with fear and doubt. I see what this does to me. When I consume myself with fear, worry and doubt I am unable to be the person I want and need to be. I cannot be the wife, mother, daughter that I want to be because these worries consume me. I continue to doubt my purpose and feel as though I have failed you Lord and failed my family. My biggest fear is finances and our inability to make it. Lord we are barely hanging on . With all the bills and our income it seems impossible. But I see you are present and make the impossible, possible. Please help me Lord to see you in all the decisions I make and your direction for all our financial needs and decisions. I'm so scared Lord. I don't want to lose all that we have worked for. This worry continues to consume me every day. It's like a dark cloud over my head that never goes away. Why I am up at 4:30 am trying to calm my fears. My children do not know why I am quiet, sad, and moody. I never have peace and yet you have brought us this far and have always provided for us. Lord, I lift this fear and consuming worry over to you and know that you will use this situation to make me stronger and use me personally to witness to others in this same situation. I love you Lord and seek you always. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Job And money"

"Please let me get a job and Money. Amen."


7 years ago


"Jesus please help me to resist the devil when he tempts me with sexual thoughts and sensations."


7 years ago


"I want to always feel connected to my three month old baby. Amen."


eastern ,United States
7 years ago

"Strength For Mother"

"So that she can get back home from rehab. "


New York
7 years ago


"Thank you Father God that your words are flawless. I thank you Lord that you are my shield and refuge. I thank you o Lord that you keep me away from falsehood and lies. I thank you my God my King that you provide for me each day my daily bread both in the natural as well as the spiritual. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"I Need A Job And Money"

"I need a job and money. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for helping me to pay my debts at the beginning of the year and thank you for keeping me out of debt and helping me to save every month. This has allowed me to pay my tithes and give to charity every month. Lord I pray that you will continue to help me remain disciplined in this area of my life and I pray that I will be able to own my own home in January 2018. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


New York
7 years ago


"Good morning soldiers of God . I want to thank God this morning for waking me up and giving me another opportunity to see another day. I want to thank Him for this prayer room ,my family friends and love ones as well as well as protecting my job,my home, and all my personal belongings. Thank you Father thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit I give you the praise and honor and glory for your mercies are new every morning. Hallelujah Glory be to God Almighty. I thank you that this is the day you have made and Father God I will rejoice on this day . I thank you o Lord that you are so good and your love and kindness is endless forevermore. Hallelujah Father I lift up those that are in need of prayers those that are lonely , homeless, sick, unemployed, those that have no relationship with you , those that are incarcerated, those that are battling illness and diseases, those that are single parents father we are your children for the word says the wicked bless those they love but you o God whom we are yours would bless us even greater and I thank you that your passionate for us and that you love us so much you have chosen each of us to your family your blood runs through our veins hey glory to the Kings of Kings thank you o God. Hallelujah thank you o Lord"


New York
7 years ago


"Despite what ever circumstances we may be facing in life we have to learn to reposition our attitude and not fall into depression, despair, anger, bitterness, jealousy instead keep on praising God in the good times as well as bad times. Get into the habit and let it become your lifestyle. When you wake up in the morning the first thing that should be uttered out of our lips thank you Father , Thank you Jesus , Thank you Holy Spirit for waking me up another day. It is nothing but the grace of God that woke up you up this morning."


New York
7 years ago


"What ever giants are in front of you that keeps you bound is never bigger than God who is in you."


New York
7 years ago


"When you turn your worries into worship God will turn your battles into a blessing "


New York
7 years ago


"Today I speak to every women and men of God in this prayer room and speak to your inner man to rise up and sit in God's presence soak in Hid presence in His words open your heart and receive be emerge in His spirit in Jesus name . Be fill in the Holy Spirit. I pray that each person may really listen with their heart. Hallelujah. For this is a time of new beginnings and He is trying to raise you up listen carefully you need to take your prayer life seriously for the great I am is calling you to rise up and take you to a new level. He so trying to prepared you He wants you to step away from your circumstances and step into His presence but not as a church experience but as of God in the heavens. He is calling you where His truth is the gateway to experience. For you to embrace your identity in Him. He wants to mature you He doesn't want you to keep drinking milk but solid food . Hallelujah people is time to pray is time to seek the Lord is time to turn our heart to the great I am is time to give Him the glory . Stop worrying so much on the things in this world for He will give you what you need this is not your permanent home your home is in heaven you are passing through. You were created and you are here for a purpose fulfill your propose fulfill your destiny is time for you to rise up and occupy your in the spirit your destiny . Let the power the fire of God behind to charge you and stir in your spirit let them not be earth bound in Jesus name. "


New York
7 years ago

"Beware Of Discourgement"

"The Bible says that the devil comes to kill and destroy. If you are a Christian you are under attack all the time. As Christian we are no longer to operate as we used to we are to take our cross regardless what we are going through and press on . We are one with God when we pray . If you are a Christian the Holy Spirit lives I. You therefore you lack nothing but as you surrender to God and pray and begging to develop in your relationship with the Holy Spirit He will show you how to operate in the spiritual realm to cast down all that interfere between you and Him. As I stand here tonight and pray in behalf of this prayer room Father I give you praise honor for who you are you are the alpha and the omega we give you the praise honor and glory give you the honor and glory. Thank you I bless each and every person in this prayer room in Jesus name. Hallelujah . Tonight the power of God will enter in this prayer room Holy Spirit we welcome you in this place let your fire release us from anything we may lack and keeping us from seeking you trusting you and going on the next level in Christ Jesus . In every thing that represents darkness whether is in the spirit or in the natural whether is emotionally psychological or simply sin we declare war on it this day in Christ Jesus let the power of the Holy Spirit burn on it this very moment for Jesus died on the cross for each and every of our inquiries. Hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you Lord God. Any person loss their job or is unemployed let them fear not but to trust on the Lord I pray that the gates of heaven be open and that the angels of the Lord takes His right position and begins to align with the mind of Christ in Christ Jesus open those doors let these people begin to get employ with a well paying jobs let them be bless and at the same time let them be a blessing to others in Jesus name. Hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory. Anyone who is discouraged today let them not fret but to wait on the Lord and know that He is never late. We honor you because you are faithful . Father God let them not loose sight let them not loose hope but let them know in their heart that they are about to give birth in the spirit and be elevated in a new level in Jesus name . Give them ability and the spirit to wait on you o God in Jesus name. Hallelujah o Lord for you are our right hand and even though we may not see with our natural eyes for what you are doing but the spirit that is your spirit knows therefore we align our souls our emotions our hearts to one in you in Christ Jesus. We will not become disappointed but we will cheerfully and patiently wait in you. Hallelujah. And because of your love for us we know with a doubt that it will be in your time come to pass. Hey hallelujah glory hallelujah. We bless you this day Father God . We thank you we arise today with our mouth giving you honor and glory our mouth will sound alive like a trumpet make music to your ears yes Lord hallelujah. For we know what you already started you will surely come it to pass. Thank you. Thank you thank you o God hallelujah. Yes Lord. Children of God Jesus is at the door and He is letting you know that He is faithful align yourself on the mind of Christ. He already knows what you need before you even ask but if you stop praying if you stop reading your word just because you become discouraged you will become disconnected with your relationship with God how then will be able to discern the spirit of lie. For the days in the future will be darker but those who hide in God's wings He will be a shelter to us. Father I pray that every person they will receive the spirit of truth and that you will place godly men bad women whom can counsel and speak and deposit truth godly leaders and whom are walking according to your characters. Hallelujah those that will build these people and I pray that they be obedient to you o God in Jesus name. Hallelujah. Give them discrete things and to separate themselves from those that is not of you in Jesus name. Give these people a desire to pray to read the word of God give them "


7 years ago


"This might sound strange to some but my menstrual cycle affects me in some ways. I pray that my connection with my baby isn't affected by it. Amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get some money. Amen."


7 years ago

"Sever The Wicked"

"The night lay heavy on the capital, darkness befell the house of carousers, all saw the stars by gin and whiskey. People were stunned, they still ask what happened to the big party last night? All hope was gone, the lights had faded in their streets. "" had been the last message, then everything among them disappeared into everlasting hardship. The Ghost himself knows all knowledge, he scatters the foe. The ultimate seal of destruction is written on their foreheads, Lord drive them out to hidden places!"


7 years ago


"I'm really scared and having severe anxiety "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let me get this job that is different from anything I have done before."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get the job Mark 11:14."


7 years ago

"The time is near"

"Who has declared the counsel of the most High? Be perfect in righteousness, be made whole by the blood of the lamb, the great and marvellous power. The Lord will return soon, his path is glory. The nations are about to fall to their knees and confess that Jesus is Lord. I feel tribulation coming and financial crisis over the nations, they will tremble who are about to be shaken. I pray, Lord God let Your power be great, Your glory fill the earth! The earth trembles at Your going in and going out. Save that which is lost who cannot help themselves in times of trouble!"


7 years ago


"I pray to release what I'm stressing about."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me sellout and make a profit."


7 years ago


"I've had done problems with something regarding my baby and work. Thanks for prayers "


7 years ago


"I'm having some trouble with certain negative thoughts that are getting to me. I pray that they go away completely and I'm able to do a good job with everything."


7 years ago

"Pray For Healing"

"Please pray this surgery works and I can heal fast and get my life back"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get this gifted position. Amen. Let this be my forever school. Amen."


7 years ago


"Father, please heal me from this cough and cold. In Jesus name I pray, amen. "


7 years ago


"Battling severe migraines and experiencing lots of pain, anxiety, and fear. I would love your prayers. Feeling pretty scared and alone. "


7 years ago

"Urgent Prayers"

"My wife is due back anytime from her private trip with her "friend". As I've stated I gave her the choice of our marriage or her "friend". Please pray for us. If she chooses the girlfriend our marriage is over and I'll be moving out of our home. I can no longer be disrespected and shamed by that inappropriate relationship. I pray for Gods grace and deliverance to save our marriage. "


7 years ago

"Charity bake sale"

"Holy father, thank you for my health, lord please help me to prepare for my charity bake sale tomorrow. Please help me bake really good cakes and lord I pray that it is a successful and that I raise loads of money for the charity. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Healing Of Mind And Spirit"

"Please pray for my healing from mental illness and personality problems that go back a long time also to keep my faith in Jesus strong and steadfast through darkness and trying times of stress thank you lord xxx"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get a job with benefits and more money that will let me stay at home. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father, I'm having a problem with my neighbour who lives above me. Lord I cannot cope with doors slamming at 4am and 6am. And at 10pm and all through the night. and the keyboard being played really loudly. This is affecting my mental health I can't cope with this. Lord please help me to find a way to deal with it productively. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Business Family Prayer"

"Dear lord, please hear my cry, you know what my heart desires and I know that you'll do the best for me, I know it's all your will but I just can't handle it no more cuz it's causing damage in the family, please lord come and take over the market business just sell it and get it over with! And the other request lord I really respect my in laws but don't let it happen!! Please pray for me.. very important lord "


7 years ago

"Gods Will In Our Marriage"

"I found out by accident through a mis sent text that my wife has been lying to me about a female friend. I believe now they are on the verge of becoming lovers. I gave my wife the ultimatum of our marriage and family or her girlfriend. Please pray for God to do His will whatever it may be. At this point I don't know if I can forgive her to save our marriage. "


7 years ago


"I pray that the connection between me and my baby is strong."


7 years ago

"My Children"

"Simon and Mira. Please keep them safe from harm, healthy and may do well in school in California. Please take good care of them for us Lord. May they keep in touch regularly so I won't have to worry all the time. "


7 years ago


"Pray for wisdom and strength"


7 years ago


"I am praying that S will understand that I need to see her on the weekend"


7 years ago

"Lets All Pray"

"I think it would be pretty powerful if we all said a prayer to stop filth from being prominent in our society. I'm talking about logging into Snapchat, Instagram, or other social media and seeing scantily clad women on ads in our faces. That's so bad for men, women, and children, for reasons I don't really want to get into. I'm so tired of it. I really just don't want to see that. Prayer works so maybe with enough people, something will change. :) I pray for everyone who uses this app every day and I hope God blesses you all!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get a job and money."


New York
7 years ago

"There Is Power In The Tongue"

"When I first became a Christian the very first song I heard is "There is power in the tongue" I am a prayer warrior and the number one thing that is hindering people's life is that they don't put a guard in their tongue. While the tongue is small very much needed but a very powerful weapon. If only you hear back every second what you say you will be surprise how much hindrance you put in your life. Everything is I can't and pretty much is saying I have no faith. As Christian we should constantly be feeding our souls with the word of God and when you speak it out loud your inner man will become stronger satanic forces will flee and at the same time you are killing your flesh. Many people do have depression and there is help for that. Is okay get the treatment you need. At the same time pray for others and yourselves going through that journey. But there are other people that have a manipulative spirit that uses their low self- esteem to manipulate others in their circle. Be careful with that. you need to get closer to God and deliver you from such strong holds the more you entertain that spirit the more it takes roots in you and the outcome is not good one . I also pray for these individuals and their love ones because you are putting a burden in their spirit and they have to walk in eggshells around you. You got to learn to stand for yourself and take a stand for God to deliver you. You becoming weak and fragile I don't want to offend anyone yet I hate to keep seeing people in chains when all they have to do is open their bibles and speak the words over whom God say you are see if the word will return void . For many of you have to say it constantly becomes it has rooted in you so deeply and have pass from one generation to next and did you are not chain breaker now you will pass that spirit to other generations to come. Arise and awake can't you see what God is showing you year after year what binds you and keeps you low unable to move to a next level or be free indeed "


New York
7 years ago

"Happy Mother's Day"

"Happy Mother's Day godly ladies. Be bless on this day."


7 years ago

"About Ambassadors Of The Holy"

"Our vision often gets downcast by financial crisis but if worldly ambassadors are sustained by state budget with exceeding payments, and they live at incredible over-the-top lofts, houses and apartments, then you just can't imagine the magnificent greatness of our Lord Jesus in real time treasury, dear believer in Spirit and time. The Ghost of time and space is going to provide each partaker of the kingdom of God with immeasurable provision, glory and success. Don't be afraid of the H. Ghost because through the prophetic realms He made us ambassadors of faith of the latter reign overwhelmed in the powers of the ages to come. Our hands are made marvels, we heal the sick by miraculous preys laying hands on the weak, those whose ears are opened for the reality of the good shepherd that keeps his sheep. I pray: H. Ghost, Give us the hearing and weak so that they will be healed by thundering and electrifying riches, sitting down on the seat at the right hand of God. Strengthen our hope of glory so that spiritual fire consume obstacles in our way, leaving behind the mere confusion. Thank You deity that you edify the poor in spirit."


7 years ago

"My Daughter And Depression"

"Please pray that God plows through the negative lies and emotional stress she is suffering. Help me to be strong and understand what is going on in her life. I want to be effective for her."


7 years ago

"Healing And Happiness"

"Please pray for my relationship with my wife. We are struggling so badly. Please pray for happiness and healing for us. "


Mobile Alabama
7 years ago

"Life Direction "

"Dear Lord, I know I have failed you over and over again. I know I've let my daily praying habits slip by the wayside. I know I haven't been as in touch with you as I once was, but that does not mean I take for granted all your blessings. You have blessed my body with the ability to carry an amazing and beautiful child that I cannot wait to bring into this world, but that doesn't come without fears my Lord. Lately I feel myself failing more and more. I feel myself struggling every day. I'm trying to go back to school and improve myself for my family. I work hard at my job despite being so far along and always tired Lord. I so badly want to be a good mother but I feel my family has endured my heartache than we can handle. Please let me pull myself together Lord, for my family. Please let us find a beautiful home to live in that we can afford, please let my partner find new employment that makes him happy for once, please let him know how much I love and appreciate him, please let him feel inspired again Lord. Please let my child be happy and healthy and for us to be able to afford a wonderful life for him without struggle. Please let me succeed with good grades in school and find happiness and success in this career I have chosen Lord. I don't want an easy life Lord, I just ask for the strength to keep me grounded. In your name I pray, Amen! "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get the job and have enough money. I need to lose weight too Amen "


7 years ago


"I have been married to my wife for 20 years. We have 1 son a sixteen year old. There is no intimacy or physical contact at all. We make love about twice a year. She has time for friends, hobbies, work friends, a best girlfriend, but no interest in me. I have tried everything to get her attention good and bad through the years but nothing reaches her. I'm dying slowly inside and I'm thinking it's time to bail out and call it quits. I've considered suicide but I don't want to die. I've considered an affair merely for the affection but I don't want to go to hell for adultery. Help me please I can't go on this way! "


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Unspoken prayer request "


7 years ago

"The Calling Of God"

"Breakthrough is where the spirit of the Lord rests, with my God I can jump over walls. If you want to be healed, you are supposed to lay hands on the sick by marvelous powers to raise the dead, because if the Ghost resurrects you into a spiritual body in the afterlife, then He can also raise any dead back to life in this age. Start healing them on the sickbed of their fear of God. Lord bless the miraculous hands of the believers on weprayers: somebody is feeling great power on both hands now while reading, it's the anointing to heal. Those are the ambassadors of Christ the Healer."


7 years ago


"I'm having some concerns, some regarding social media and other personal concerns. Thanks for prayers."


7 years ago


"Holy Father thank you for keeping me calm today when I know I was being tested. Lord please help me to get on the MAME course this October in Jesus name. Amen. "


New York
7 years ago


"Being a Christian means having faith in my vows I made that through faith Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Word became flesh so He can overcome and overthrown the devil scheme. He died for our sins eternal separation from the living God. On the third He arose arose . By faith The helper The Holy Spirit indwells in me and I have a personal relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth He reveals all things brings to memory He is real and He have feelings and thought for you to grow spirituality you must pray you must read your bible these are the food and vitamins of our souls we must worship we must say affirmation to help us grow. We must fellowship. Do you want to see your perceptive of life and situations pray speak the word of God over your every situations minister out loud over your mountains and your faith your situation will change and grow . While you may be in the midst of the battlefield but you won't be burning going out of your mind and crying as of the Lord you serve is not bigger than your situation. You will build and mature your characters . You won't be complainer and a self fish all about you and your situations instead you will hear and be sensitive to voice of the Holy Spirit and be a intercessor for others going through what you going through . This is maturity. I have been a Christian for a very long time and I praise God for all that the Holy Spirit have taught me how He has carried me through My journey in life. My life is not peachy nor is it bowl full of berries I go through real things and I battle more demons than you can imagine however because I am affirm in whom I am the righteousness of God in Him and through Him all is possible through Christ Jesus therefore I am. as I face each day life situation it is in my court to choose what to do with my situations do I choose to live trust God and practice what I preach or be a baby in the spirit till the day I die and mourn and complain and wonder if God really exist . I know who God is I have a life full of testimony how He see me through as I walk through The Valley of death He bestow me and carry me through. He is not a God whom going to snap His fingers as a Jeannie in the bottle as I go through life situations that is my battlefield school of life that is where I learn who God is and learn what level I am. I just pray for every person that today is your real experience with God and you wipe the slate to your old self and begin to see God for who He is I pray that as you wake up every morning you take along the Holy Spirit throughout the day and encounter every situation good or bad right besides Him . Father in heaven I decrease as you increase in me forgive them for they do not know the power within them but teach them Holy Sport move in them prompt them to be a God seeker and not people seeker. Touch these lives as you never had before. Bring them to the point where they can call out the name of the Lord and say Abba Father move Holy Spirit this day so they can be servant of God. Today each person reading this I speak to your soul you are the righteousness of God may you find no rest unless is in the Holy Spirit whom lives in you. May you continually search for the hidden treasure -search Him as you search for jewels hidden in the sand . May the fruit of your life be the Fruit of the Holy Spirit yeah while you walk through The Valley of death and evil your find rest and your characters are peace joy comfort love truth perseverance and may your faith and integrity be rooted in the Holy Spirit in Jesus name "


7 years ago


"I had a rough day today with my baby. I pray that things get better and I can make things positive. :)"


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for the opportunities you have given me, lord please help me tomorrow, please help me to stay focused and to play well. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Help. "

"Dear Lord First of all thank you for everything. I don't have it all but I have enough, I have what others would consider a "normal life"... Thank you for my family, thank you for all the life experiences you've granted me with Good, Bad or Indifferent. Lord I cannot help but feel like I am not yet at my best version (and it upsets me) for the pass couple years it has felt like my whole life has been on (pause) I try and I try and I try and I feel like I'm running on the spot getting no where, most nights my heart aches and screams for answers. Why has this happened? Why is it happening... The only thing that keeps me going is my family, otherwise I just don't see the point of being here I don't feel like I'm living my purpose in life. Everyday is the same for me, boring, lonely with lack of opportunity. I don't even know what to ask you for because honestly I feel like sometimes you don't hear me cry for you and your help. So I'm just going to put this prayer out there hoping you will read it, and do what you believe is best for me."


7 years ago


"I just want to go to heaven now, this pain is to much to bare. Maybe God really doesn't love me, I have been faithful and true but where is God, nothing is getting better only worse. I hate myself how could anyone possible love me. I am hopeless. Is suicide really a sin? "


7 years ago

"Gonna Keep This"

"We are reminded on all the mighty works You manifested before us, how could we forget the fire of the H. Ghost Jah my commander and iron fist? The way we were guided by a burning flame and a pillar of smoke, the first word we spoke then was Your marvel. Hallelujah the Lord God reigns! The doomsayers of glory are altogether ambassadors of Christ Jesus, Your son in high places. Help us today to recognize that the ministry of faith is power and mercy! "


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Unspoken prayer request"


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for everything you have done in my life, Lord I pray that I will not be taken of the gig, I have worked hard in preparation for it, I have been looking forward to it and I have invited guest. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Lord, Continue to guide me in a way that I can see your eyes in all that I do. Help me to rely on you and not just myself. You are present always and help me to remember you will lead me through every situation. You will never leave me. I am always trying to do things myself and question your decisions. Help me to be more Christlike and lead others to you by example. Thank you Lord for your promises! Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let me get this job. Please don't let them discriminate against my health. Let me love this job and find all the places I need to be today. Amen. Mark 24"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let your will be done."


7 years ago


"Dear Lord, I am praying for a new job opportunity please. I have faith that this blessing will come soon, in Jesus name i pray. Thank you"


7 years ago

"Jesus Take The Wheel "

"Holy father thank you for giving me optimism and happiness. Lord I do not think that I was at my best today, please help me to show the person I really am and the performer and teacher I really am in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


7 years ago

"God's Will"

"Prayer warriors, Please pray for me. Pray that I may keep walking in line of God's will. Pray for my healing ... Pray that I may also find my future spouse or that he will find me in JESUS' Name, amen. Also pray for my ex fiance for two years who had betrayed me and married another woman this year. He is a pastor of a church when I met him. Pray for them to find God's will in JESUS' Name, amen. God bless you all."


7 years ago

"My Parents"

"Please join with me in prayer for my elderly parents. They live in Northern AZ and have no other family or friends to assist them. I am their only son and do not have the financial resources to assist them and I will lose my job if I take time off which would be at no pay. My Dad fell as he was walking and landed on a set of binoculars he was wearing around his neck and he is in a lot of pain and cannot properly care for my mother as he does daily. She is unable to care for herself for daily needs. My Dad is her sole caretaker. Thank you for your prayers. "


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Keep us all safe as we drive."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get disability."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Obtain money from law suit."


7 years ago


"God sometimes this life just seems to hard and so unfair, I know that I have made uncountable mistakes and I am truly sorry. I know I took things for granted that you blessed me with and my actions and my mouth have probably put me in the place that I am in today, but Lord I need you, I mean I really really need you. I just don't even feel like living anymore, I just want to be home with you. I can't change my husband and my husband doesn't want you to change him so I really don't know what's left to do. It is to hard to live my life in an non-affectionate marriage, a marriage with no love. I know that I should do for him out of love for you but it's so hard when he never does anything loving and affectionate towards me. My mind is a continual battle field because of the relationship he had a work. How God please show me how I am suppose to live like this or take me home please "


7 years ago


"I need to pray for an unspoken prayer request regarding my baby."


7 years ago


"Holy father, I'm praying for a positive, productive and successful day tomorrow in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let us hear about the two law suits."


Odessa tx
7 years ago


"Lord please help me I'm lost torn to pieces. I need my family back. 😭😭"


7 years ago

"Forgive Me"

"Holy Father, I could have handled this situation a lot better, please forgive me and please help me to forgive myself and please help others who I have offended to forgive me, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Stuff Which Ends Endeavor"

"You came from long ago, from your grandpa that passed down to you the tenet. Who helped you with copying this very document? The curse took hold of your paper which you burned afterward in the hidden... Was your grandpa led to slough of despair for no reason? Jesus illuminates the flesh which was believed dead and found lost. H. Ghost be of mercy and enlighten our spiritual eye for things unseen so that the sick will be healed by miracle prayer now! There is one whose liver is entirely overloaded, let the best of the spirit fill that person abundantly till the full measure of anointment. You now who are reading this, if you feel spoken to, you shall go out and preach the gospel of wonders and marvels! Fulfill the immediate commando of God and be forced to join up in the prayer army of divine, spiritual warfare. Stand firm until the end, you be given the crown of glory which is lent to them who love God with unquenchable love."


7 years ago

"Desprate Need Of Help Friend Is In Deep Trouble"

"Okay I feel I should say my real name, I'm Allison and I need more prayers for my friend, Marie. She has not been herself, she has been sad, cold and distant. She talks of hopelessness and suicide and I trying my best to be a good friend to help her and to give her love. We are far away from each other for we are currently living in two different countries. I'm praying day and night and while I think she is indeed a strong and smart person she needs a lot of help. Every prayer counts and will be much appreciated, please and thank you and God bless you! "


7 years ago

"Passed Exam"

"Holy father thank you for answering my prayers and for being there and for helping me to pass my observation exam. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Missionary Pastor Need Help"

"Personal prayer shields: • In touch with Ptr. Dan , a missionary in Middle East. Here's a text/prayer concerns. Guys, let us pray for them. "Pls pray for health stability of my wife, stop bleeding, complete healing and bp will be normalized. Thanks! Last provision for our plane tickets as we go back." -Pastor Dan"


7 years ago

"Observation Exam "

"Lord please help me to get an outstanding mark for this practical observations exam so that I can be a qualified teacher, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let me hear about work or training. Please let me return those packages and get refunds. Amen. Let me return what I need and get my stuff tomorrow or very soon."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get into a summer CNA class or get into regular nursing school. Let me get a job or a volunteer position that will lead to a job. Amen."


7 years ago

"False Gods, The Shrine Of Doom"

"Do you remember the old walks to the forest the forefathers had ever done? You were at their hands, look! A tree, a shrine hanging from a branch. You could ask after the meaning of that shrine, ask a seer that knows you before you have met. There's only one God who foresees the calamity and dangers of a fallen world, He will tell His secrets to the prophets of His private society. H. Ghost let Your glory fall now from very high heavens! The grass is always greener on Your side Jesus, smoke a pillar shall protect Your people from now till everlasting glory at leisure in the afternoon, and a pillar of fire by night. Reveal the shame of the false gods! How restless their endeavors have gotten. They go astray from one place to another and only praise the unworthy, unholy scriptures which don't speak nor hear, don't know nor do they understand."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Hear Something"

"Let me here something good or bad from school, hospital, work."


Santa Monica
7 years ago


"Please pray that Rene will have everything she needs to graduate from USC in May."


Santa Monica
7 years ago


"Desperately need full time employment."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me hear about a job and/or school this week."


Augusta, Georgia
7 years ago


"We just got a new church building. God, please bring out visitors. And that they will get saved and radically converted and changed "


7 years ago

"The End Of The Rule Of Satan"

"Demonic curses and invocations haunt the honest man, he barely knows how to handle it. Yet the H. Ghost breaks all bonds to knowledge of sin which binds in the flesh. Free us Lord God for time is short and mercy is plentiful in Your name Jesus. I drive out demons in the knowledge of God, flee as loose minions. This is freedom in Christ, hallelujah, the Lord God reigns. He will be at the reins in the company of the believer if Demons shatter. "


New York
7 years ago


"We are living life way below what God has called us to do. God has called us to rule as a leader as the head we are influencer . Yet many are living day by day absent avoiding and dormant to stirred up the Gifts God has giving each Christian. This is because many are so focus on themselves, not reading their bibles not praying and focusing on water down teachings because what feels good. Many are suffering day in and day out and being presence of God has become cold in them because of being offended and instead of turning to God and ask the Holy Spirit how to deal with offense in their lives they live as heathens and see no power manifested in them. Instead of being the light and salt of the world have become fragile fearful unable to live as Christ like. People today I invite to examine yourselves and really be truthful where are you today in your walk withGod? Are you hot or cold or just like warm? And why? Revival doesn't always have to happen in the church at the laying of hands . It happens also at the presence of God one on one as He reveals to you sins, fears, manipulation etc. Whatever it may be but as He reveals to you is not for you to turn away angry at Him or keep on living as you done so before but rather He is showing you so that you can be free be elevated and as you surrender and deal with whatever have you bound he then can elevate and use you because now you ca no longer harm others as an immature Christian but walk in wisdom and as light and salt of the world. We are living in a generation that is offended and intimidated hence are baits to false teachings and immature growth. Where are you today? It is never too late to get right where ever you are today invite the Holy Spirit to reveal to you. As the Spirit of God does so on each of you I pray in Jesus that the fire of God may consume you and deal with each situation that has caused you to be bold courageous and repent and truly have a quickening and awaken to be delivered in Jesus name"


7 years ago

"Easter Miracle"

"Please pray for my fiancé Rob's salvation and that God would soften his heart and please pray that this will be a Easter miracle "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Next Week"

"Please let me get the job at the hospital or the school next week. Amen."


7 years ago

"The Naysayer's Is The Doom"

"The terebinth on an obscure hill took your steadfast behavior, a curse from above where you met the 'miller'. Yet the Ghost set his precepts, His statutes are righteous. He will bring down the rule of evil, desolate misbehavior that tried to overcome the world. Holy Ghost set on fire the old terebinth that is alive."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Please Let Me Pass My Clep Test"



7 years ago


"I'm having some awful anxiety that's been hard to control. I pray that it goes away completely and I can be happy."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Pass clep College algebra"

"Save Clep College Algebra "


7 years ago

"Shunt Revision Surgery"

"I need my 9th operation on Thursday to repair my shunt (a tube that drains the excess fluid from my skull) because it's disconnected. (I have the shunts because I have Hydrocephalus) This surgeon has operated on me 7 times before so I trust him, but I'm still nervous. I also want to be strong enough to be able to sing in the Sunrise service with the youth choir at my church on Easter Sunday."


Omaha, NE
7 years ago


"Hopefully that seizures will stay away longer than 3 months."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Get The Job"

"Forgive for turning down job and let me pass drug test."


7 years ago

"The Naysayers Lose In The End"

"Yahweh what is Your counsel for the helpless? The naysayers are the lost sheep of His pasture, You go find them in hideous places, entangled and bruised in the thorn bushes. You summon Your whole neighborhood and will rejoice over that sheep more than bread, I remind You."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"To Do"

"Led me in the right direction. Give me a sign of which position is right for me. Let it not be too late if I am supposed to stick with the position of a mental health teach. Please le me get the cna position or let me get the gifted position. Which one will make me happy. Please let me pass the Clep tomorrow. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let me get the cna job. Get me a refund on the other one. Let me pass Clep test."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Clep info I need and pass my test. Let me get this job. Let me make the right decision. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"School and job asap"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"College algebra"



7 years ago


"I have a lot of unspoken prayer requests relating to my baby who's one month old. I pray for our relationship and that any stress can be resolved."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Clep College Algebra"

"Please let me pass my clep exam for college algebra Amen."


7 years ago

"At The Hand Of Christ Be Upon Them"

"Pray daily for anyone who is spying on me around my home and hacking into my Internet and that the Lord along with the Holy Spirit will have them come to Christ and cease-and-desist any and all evil toward me would come to justice under the name of Jesus Christ."


7 years ago

"Fully Alive, Fully Destroyed"

"The counsel of the Most High has set an end to the wrongdoers, His precepts are just, the thoughts of His heart are righteous. The snake will bite them with temptation, ambushed through toil. No other instance has delivered the poor and needy from the fierceness of evil. Hallelujah Lord God Almighty, the evil is Yours."


7 years ago

"Purity and Safty in Jesus name"

"For purity 24 7 in speech, thought, actions and being alone avoiding impurity in Jesus name. Also that the demonic forces in and around my home would flee in Jesus name. Along with any person that is using mental telepathy or mind reading or criminals would be cast away away and brought to justice in Jesus name as well. That my daily 24 7 walk with Jesus would grow closer in relationship along with better nights sleep."


7 years ago

"Baby And Life "

"I have a one month old and I just pray that everything goes well with this and with life. Also some unspoken prayer requests."


7 years ago


"My friend's fiancé just passed away and she has their baby who is about a month old. Pray for peace and understanding."


Las Vegas
7 years ago


"I pray I meet new friends. Moving far away from my family and friends has been challenging, I'm not a very social person, and I want that to change. I pray I meet new and fabulous people who can pick me up off this lonely hump. 🙏 "


Las Vegas
7 years ago


"I pray for positive energy surrounding everyone. Lord place your hands over the ones in need and provide strength for our family, friends, & neighbors. 🙏"


7 years ago


"Holy father please help me to make this lesson good and interesting and inspiring, please give me some confidence in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"The Chimneys, The End"

"Smoke goes up from every chimneys, you wonder how long the pollution will last. There is a God who sets an end to each sort of pollution-talk to Him the mighty Ghost, He will answer from heaven with a blast of fire from His nostrils. Holy Ghost let Your spirit alight as a flame of fire on each Christian on this network, that the powers of Hades shall not catch up with them."


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for bringing my mum and stepdad home safely, lord please help me to prepare for my lesson tomorrow, please help me to be inspiring and informative on the subject, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Confused, Lonely And Tired. "

"Dear Lord I honestly feel so confused and lost, I've been battling with this for a while now. At the start of the year I was so hopefully that this year would be different but I'm fearful that it's going to be another year of lost hope, sadness and depression. It's started off so rocky! People have really revealed themselves to me it's been heartbreaking and honestly ALOT to take in...I have nothing really I'm passionate about and I can feel myself slowly loosing the will to hang on to your word. I'M TIRED! and I'm angry with you (Why you putting me through this rubbish) And my heart is growing cold! As I sit here reflecting I want to burst into tears because I feel selfish for even coming to you about this when there are much more serious issues in the world... I've neglected the way I feel for ages and now I'm just tired! Will you ever hear my cry all I'm asking for is a opportunity and way out! Something I can really feel for, be passionate about...something I enjoy... greater understanding and much more love and light in my world. This thing called "life" is much harder than I thought and I'm asking anyone who's reading this to please pray for me! Please pray for my sanity! Please pray for my mind, my heart.... Please pray for my breakthrough... Please I need it! Please lord don't forget me I ask! "


7 years ago


"Lord thank you for getting me through the run. It was long and painful but It has confirmed to me that I can run the half marathon later on this year. Thank you Jesus. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Lord please help me to marshal my thoughts. I have so much going on in my mind that it is making me anxious. I have pains in my chest because I am getting stressed out. Lord please help. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Lord please can I get the certificate for my last exam soon. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Teaching Observation"

"Lord please help me to prepare for my teaching observation so I can get a good grade. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Lord please help me to handle my money better this month. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, please forgive me, I got desperate and I did not put my faith in you. Lord please help me to restore my faith and please help me to pass my maths exam on the 18th April. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Hurt So Bad"

"Just when I feel that I can't get any lower I fall even more. My husband has strayed so far from where he use to be and tonight was really bad. I am crying so hard and praying fervently and ask him to please pray with me but he wouldn't. He said that he doesn't want to love me even if God gave him a love for me. He is still involved with the woman at work but says it's not sexual like it was before. I don't understand, how do you go from spiritual leader in a home to a destroyer of a home? Please I am falling to pieces, why doesn't God hear me?? "


7 years ago

"Broken hearted "

"Lord. I have given myself to yet another person that doesn't really want me, it's been difficult to come to terms with this and I'm a little heart broken and disappointed! As I thought this potentially could of been the one. I crave real love, affection and loyalty and haven't seemed to find that in humans (I'm starting to believe good men no longer exist) In all honestly I feel like my heart is turning cold and given up completely on love... How can I bounce back from this? How on earth do I prevent this from happening again? I'm tired! I'm drained... I'm continuously giving my everything to receive nothing in return especially from men. You know my heart desires a loving husband, I don't want to be dating multiple people but how then will I find my husband? I'm confused and need your guidance. Most importantly please help me to forgive because that's been the hardest struggle... "


7 years ago

"Pray For My Work And My Team"

"Please pray for me and my work. I fear failure and feel my opportunity slipping away. Please help the client and competitor find the value of service. Please intervene and stop the erosion and protect me and my team from those that seek to disparage us and displace us."


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Unspoken prayer request for something regarding my baby"


7 years ago

"Bad Mood"

"Holy Father, I have been in a bad mood today, please forgive me and please help me to bet better, please allow others who have been affected by my behavior to forgive me also in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, Thank you for being there for me and my family. Lord I pray for the opportunity to make friends with someone with the hope that it could be more. Lord I pray that your will will be done in Jesus name. I pray that you will keep our friendship wholesome in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Reconciliation with Husband"

"We have 2 children 9 & 11 and we still see each other for the kids to swap off but he told me for 2 years he was coming home eventually and I held hope but now he tells me he doesn't know and he seems cold and icy to me a lot of the time. I have waited and loves him all this time from a distance and estranged place knowing he is in school full time and even knowing he dated others. I want our family to be restored and I pray for the opportunities to get to know him again and him me. I love him and am still in love with him but he isn't in love with me and treats me like an obligation he hates dealing with. I miss my husband and I want him to be filled with forgiveness and love and the a renewed commitment and love for us. I want the chance to reconnect for our family sake. We were married for 1/3 of our lives. "


7 years ago


"I need to pray that I stay bonded with my four week old and nothing negative can stop that. "


7 years ago

"Teaching Observation "

"Holy Father, please can I get a good date my teaching observation for my course. I need to stay on track and I don't want to put anyone out. In Jesus name, Lord please hear my prayer. Amen. "


7 years ago

"HELP! "

"If anyone knows how to touch God please help me, I am really fighting suicide "


7 years ago

"Deliverance From Addictions"

"Please pray for me for deliverance of my addictions. I want to be sanctified and invite Holy Spirit to come back to his temple and fill me with his fruits. "


7 years ago

"Voice Of The Lord"

"Question please How do we know the that God is speaking to us ?"


7 years ago

"Prayer For Dengu"

"Praise be to God! You are worthy to be praised and glorified Lord! Lord you have promised that you will protect the nations if we believe your sun Jesus. Thousands are suffering with Dengu fever and it spreads fast. Lord touch our nation and send your healing power. So we are healed and protected in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen"


7 years ago


"Please pray for an issue that has come up between my husband and I concerning a few things. "


7 years ago

"My Newborn baby"

"I just give birth 10 days ago and praying that the Lord will watch over my little girl. Her weight gain slowed down and I'm getting really worried. Lord please help my baby thrive and grow she is perfect as she came from you. Please bless her with good health and may she grow up to be the girl you design her to be. She is a promise from you and I know you are faithful to complete what you started in her. In Jesus name... Amen"


7 years ago

"family and cancer"

"Lord i humble myself to You. please forgive me for my many sins. cleanse me Father and make me worthy to carry my burden and unload them at Your feet. once again I ask that You will heal my cancer if You are willing, and grant me more time with my family. You have blessed us way beyond what we need and deserve and we sometimes forget to honor and give You proper thanksgiving. forgive us Lord and keep us away from any wrongdoings. Father, i lift up my family to You. please bless my stepdad and heal him. comfort him Lord and grant him discipline to lose the weight and keep it down. pls grant him more fruitful years to enjoy life in this world. i pray that You will soften my mother's heart that she will have patience and serve her husband with joy rather than grumpiness. please give her strength and energy and keep her away from doing nonsense games. i pray that she will dedicate her time to taking care of her husband. convict her heart Lord and turn her away from her wrongdoing. pls remind her of all the goodness that You have blessed her with. thank You for my sister, Lord. bless Your Holy Name for giving her to us. Father please bless her life that she will be healthy and continue to have energy in doing her work and taking care of her family. comfort her, Father, please give her rest when she's weary. please help her guard her heart against anger and worldliness. may she always count her blessings and forgive those who have wronged her and be healed from it. thank You for blessing her with a good husband. bless their marriage Lord and protect its sanctity. i pray for my brother that You will send Your people to minister to him. please bless the work of his hands and keep him healthy and strong. thank You for my kids Father and may they grow up in the knowledge of You and putting You first in their lives. i pray for my husband that he will come to know You and love You deeply above anything and anyone. may all honor and glory be Yours, Lord. please being healing into this home and those who dwell in it. above all, save them Father, may they come to know You as we do. thank You for the confidence that You have given us to bring our petitions to You in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. amen and amen. Hallelujah!!"


Elkridge MD
7 years ago

"Little Vacation"

"Dear God Please bless my husband and I tomorrow as we take a road trip to North Carolina tomorrow. Also let us have fun for two days. Oh and please keep us safe on our journey there and on our way back home. Amen "


7 years ago

"Baby Name"

"I'm having some baby name regret for my child who is two and a half weeks old. We had a name for her but changed our minds right before she was born and I don't know if the name she has fits her."


7 years ago

"The Big End, No Escape"

"Wherever we go, God You sent tribulations the world over. Massive panic will strike the air, and no remission. Is it You that tries to beat us up till heaven? You who glorifies us? No other name will help us out of despair, no remission from foreign gods. Rather unfair are the tales from afar yet to be delivered is Your way, the only. Mighty miracles at the mention of your name, the earth will tremble, hearts be silent, Yahweh and the trouble begins. Be it so, You said it! Give a mighty healing miracle today or the world will die, now somebody's liver is hurting, drink a lot of beer this is going to wipe out the dirt inside by far more liquid flowing through it. Be healed through radical beer consumerism. Infinite God make her understand that beer is the answer."


Elkridge MD
7 years ago

"Family "

"Dear Lord Please continue to be with my Mother in Law as you know she has cancer. She needs you more than ever now she is scared and worried. I ask you to please take her worry away let her know that it's going to be okay. Please heal her. Amen "


7 years ago

"Dance Tryouts"

"Lord, dance Tryouts are coming up and I have a group of friends I love and we're all trying out. Lord it would be weird if some made it and some didn't. Please be all of us or none of us please. I believe it's fair in my opinion so no one gets hurt. In JesuÅ› name, Amen"


7 years ago


"Holy Father, Thank you for getting us through this so far. I pray lord for strength to get through the next few days without incident, please help me/us so as we can function without getting so anxious. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Seeking confirmation for a career choice."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Dear Lord, please reveal my true calling in life. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy Father, I can't believe my mums house has been broken into. Lord please cover our family and our home with the blood of Jesus. I am so far away and I am trying to get their as soon as possible. Lord please help us through this, please help us to recover from this. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I have so much worry and anxiety. Please let B be nice and cooperate with me. Save my license and image. Please release this burden from me.?Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Help Me"

"Receive money Pass all courses with A's Positive release from work Choose the right career/job Help for twins"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let everything work out. Please don't let anyone be mad. Please lead me in the right direction. Amen."


7 years ago

"Savage calling"

"Jesus said, 'I will knock at the door to come in.' the fire of the H. spirit will descend on you like haunting you, do His will. Don't disappoint Him in the doorway. No man has heard, no eye has seen that He has prepared for the one who loves Him. He comes in to dine with you."


7 years ago


"Lord Jesus Christ you clearly told us to look firstly for the kingdom of heaven and all the rest shall be given to you.your word will never pass cause it's true so I believe and confess that you will give to me and my family all what I need in the name of Jesus Christ . Make me strongly believe in you by a multiple of signs of prosperity in my life cause I really need to grow also in faith . Amen"


7 years ago


"Emotional wreck right now and having a breakdown after having a baby. I don't know what to do. Very worried. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let Mrs. Bridges understand."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me make A's in my two classes. Amen."


7 years ago


"I had something bad happen with my daughter where I felt very guilty. She's almost two weeks old. Pray that it can be completely forgotten about and we're able to bond. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Heart Attack Pain "

"My aunty who suffer from heart attack and she is feeling better now. Please someone pray for healing. Her name is himkala. If anyone can pray in Hindi that would be grateful because she is Start believing in Christ slowly slowly. Please pray for her salvation too . Thank you "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"What career should I choose? Please send me the right career. Amen."


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request"


7 years ago

"Token Proofs Of A Final Showdown"

"We wait in the silence rash, the stillness of mind is which keeps us up even in nights so desperate, we consume ourselves after the glory of God. My neighborhood will surrender their lives on the forefront of their stiffnecked attitudes, give up is the only option! The perimeter will be baptized in the fire of the H. spirit. I pray, let the blind see and the lame walk o Lord of hosts, raise everybody from the dead! Now the time has come to pray for the sick: there is somebody who has a certain issue on the eye, a little pain pertains it. I say surrender your life to Jesus and He will resurrect you on the last day! Commit the word of chri., command to the pain in the eye: love me, don't hate me! Be healed!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me obtain a gifted teaching position. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me receive the job I applied for and hear something real soon. Amen."


7 years ago


"I just had a baby a week ago and lately I don't feel good in a few ways. Please pray for my family. Amen."


7 years ago


"God I pray that I get along great with Tyler's new girlfriend. Thank you so much for my baby, she is the most amazing thing. I pray that either her name fits her or the problem is resolved. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Only You "

"Lord thank you for bring me through this evening I was extremely heartbroken. Lord I don't even know what to ask for but I know you know what I need so I ask you to restore me!... And I'm sorry I'm forever asking you for things I feel so helpless and stupid "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please be with me. Let the disability stuff work out. Let it work out at work. I pray for all those involved. Amen."


7 years ago

"Man With Porn Problem"

"A man I know, whose name I am not going to share, has had a problem with pornography for a long time. It is affecting him personally, affecting his health, and spiritual health. He is a struggling with this as this sin is getting between his relationship with God and him. The Lord knows the man I am writing about. Please keep him in prayer. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for a good week, lord please help me to sort out my uniform and have it on point for the inspection. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Prayer For Financial Relief. Miracles. Stability"

"Hello To all! My husband just got hired at a new job. We have done a lot of moving because his jobs never worked out. It's tiring and stressful on us all. Steve needs prayers so he can excel at his job as a chef and that we can get stability. We live paycheque to paycheque and we can't have that anymore. As you can see we need prayers for financial blessings as well for Steve to do great things for this new owner of a restaurant so he can be successful too. Thank You for all those praying for us daily. Amen. God Bless You All. "


7 years ago

"Give Me The Desire To Pray"

"The moment I realized I was called to intercede the desire to pray left. I still read my bible everyday, but it's difficult to talk to Father. Please pray for me that God minister to me, that the joy I get from praying return and that I realize fully that prayer is communication not grand words or just important requests. "


7 years ago

"Wife In Hospital"

"Possible deep vein thrombosis. Swelling of legs and feet and is in excruciating pain"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let my leave be extended, so I don't have to return to my job. "


7 years ago

"Save Me Lord Im So Depressed & Tired In Despair"

"My Lord please hear my cry, I need you to save me and fix the mess I knowingly and unknowingly create and remove this depression please it's killing me. I'm sorry for my sins and ask for healing again. I had been doing so well I don't know how I fell but I need you Lord! I love you Lord Jesus. Amen!"


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for yesterday, thank you that I passed my assignment, thank you that I had fun, thank you that I spent time with my friend and we had a good chat. Lord, I pray that we will have fun today. Please help me to focus and gain a new skill, please help us to finish this week without being injured. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Assurance In The Midst Of The Storm"

"Ref: Acts 27:21-25 Even in the midst of a midnight storm, God sends a word of life and a message of help and hope. One believer on board can speak and bring promise for all who hear their testimony and live to make it through the storm. Prayer: God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, we honor you with our praise who have kept us thru the stormy night. Thank you for awakening our soul to acknowledge you and that you have all things in control. We awaken in faith that you will take care of us and bless us with favor, grace, mercy that we may live and give testimony of your omnipotent power in our lives. Today we be of good cheer, and we believe in thy word that it shall be as you told us who believe that by your presence thru the Holy Ghost we are blessed with the amazing benefits for life and life more abundantly. We open our hearts to receive new life, new breath, new thoughts and new actions that glorify thy holy name. In the blessed name of Christ Jesus we prayer. Hallelujah Amen!"


7 years ago

"Imminent Fallout"

"Dark rain will fall down to the ground, shadows abound in the worlds. The shelter be overcome in the end, no man is going to stand his friend a drink at dusk. 'Humiliate the neighbor and he will be saved!' This will wrongdoers say, you shall not listen to. I pray, the apocalyptic places are all a yell at their forefathers, God You know the grudge. Don't destroy the earth!"


7 years ago


"Thank you lord, that I got so much work done. Please help me wake up on time. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"I Need Thee"

"Dear Lord the battle rages on, my husband continues to claim he has never loved me the right way. He loves me but isn't in love with me and continues to stay "for the kids". Lord so many miracles you have preformed, I know you could let my husband fall in love with me. He does not seem to be in love with the Lord either. He thinks he is doing no wrong, but how can you walk away from your savior and that be right. My mind is continually a roller coaster ride, please Lord help me, help him, heal our marriage. And please move this woman off his job that he is so infatuated with. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Should I leave my job or stay?"


7 years ago

"Prayer Requests"

"Heavenly Father, We pray for every person reading this prayer request. We pray for this prayer app. and all the prayers being requested... YOU know all our requests, LORD JESUS... we lift it all to Your throne in JESUS' NAME; Thank You LORD for this place being given for us to PRAY for one another... As we seek for any guidance and wisdom, we pray for patience and faith on You be increased; Let there be more of YOU in us, in JESUS' NAME; amen. Thanks and glory to God... May we abide in You, LORD JESUS. God bless."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Teaching Position"

"Praying to obtain a teaching position for next year in the next few weeks. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for helping me to gain students. Lord I only have a few lessons with my student before her exam, these exams are important as they affect the school she will go to. Lord I pray that you will help me during these last few lessons to do all I can to help her to focus and play well and to do her very best for her exam. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Relationship With My Mother"

"UPDATE Feb. 27, 2017: thanks for the prayers! Part of the prayer was answered this morning when my mother reached out with the request to reset our relationship. We have tons more work to do but this is a big step in the right direction. Thanks for praying and please continue to pray for this. Thank you. ORIGINAL PRAYER REQUEST (Feb. 23, 2017). My relationship with my mother is broken. She is living in sin and refuses to acknowledge it and fights with me for not endorsing her sinful relationship. We can't communicate without fighting. No amount of apologizing restores the relationship. The internal pain I feel is horrible. All this negatively impacts her ability to see my children (her grandchildren). Her boyfriend controls her and he won't talk to me. Lord Jesus help me love my mom! Please help me find the words and actions to tell her that I love her. Lord, I confess I have not been Christ-like in some of my dealings with her. Please forgive and through your Holy Spirit please heal my heart and help me communicate with my mother."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Help me stop feeling guilty about missing work."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Work Prayers"

"Please bless LES, Bridges, and my students. Let everything turn out positive for them and me as soon as possible. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Thank you for all you have done for me. I need help with my career. I pray for my current boss and work. I enjoyed sharing my faith yesterday. Maybe I need a career that would allow me to do this. The stress maybe causing my health problems. I am giving all my worries to you. I pray for patience as you work out these issues for me. I pray I will get the help I need like I am supposed to."


7 years ago


"Dear God, help me walk through my fears by facing them instead of being paralyzed by them. I want to take Your hand and trust Your heart with all that is within me. Give me courage today to take the first step. In Jesus’ Name, Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me be able to pay for college. Help the twins pick a college. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I have faith I will get the job at BMS. Please let me hear something this week. Amen."


7 years ago

"Relationship With Mother"

"I am having a difficult time with my mother and have for years. She is not a believer and she lives in sin. It negatively impacts her relationship with me, my wife and kids. It causes me tremendous pain. I need the Holy Spirit to be Christ-like when dealing with her. I also pray that she would come to know Jesus and be saved."


7 years ago


"I need to pray that I'm able to hang on. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and still work about 50 hours a week and I just pray that everything is good and I can handle everything or do what's best for the baby. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me know when I should resign and deal with my insurance and disability. Amen."


7 years ago

"Half Marathon"

"Holy father I have registered to run a half marathon for charity. Lord please help me to raise money so that with your help I can help someone in need. Lord please help me while I train for the run so that I can complete the whole distance and not get injured. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for such a relaxing day, I did not achieve everything I set out to but it was stress free, thank you in Jesus name. Amen."


New York
7 years ago


"When you face life challenges what is your perspective of it. How do you deal with life difficulties? People are often under the impression that once become a Christian they are not supposed to go through things. That because they have the favor of the Lord therefore nothing can come upon them. Today I challenge you to get a new understanding a new perspective in your Christian views a new lens . What ever level you are in spirituality what ever you are facing today open your bibles and commit to read it daily even if is one chapter a day just do it. Commit to pray daily . You don't have to pray long prayers or eloquent just talk to your creator from your heart. Stop focusing on what you want and who did what to you or where you need to be instead thank Him for who He is. Thank Him for what He has bless you. Thank Him for those things He promised you. Father God I come before you asking you to forgive me for my sins in choosing to do wrong failing to do good. Father God i. Jesus name I thank you for this app and all the Ripken in this room. Father I lift them up to you and thank you that you are working in their lives I thank you that you drawing us closer to you I thank you you are empowering us I thank you that our faith is growing rioting in you. I thank you as we face life's difficulties instead of loosing our focus loosing our mind you touch us and guide us and teach us how to pray what to pray for and keep the fire blaze with in us knowing that you will work things for our good and your glory I thank you your love your mercy your grace is more than enough to carry us through. Father as we are anxious about our problems are consumed by our bills and feel hopeless because of grief let us be secure all knowing that you o Lord will do your will equip us to pray earnestly in Christ Jesus"


7 years ago


"Whoever falls 'neath 'Mount Macab' is a fool of old. Who is committed to help the loser up on his feet again? That one is certainly going to be overcome in success ever after. Lose the temper, swallow it in the skies to never bring it up again! Or the wrath of the morning star will strike back."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Let my daughter and son learn how to drive. Help us pay for their college. Help us get the money we are looking for really soon. Let me find a job/career that would benefit all of us. Please let me get the teaching position if it is your will or lead me in the right direction. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Help me stop thinking about what happened. Let me get over it. Please make it possible that I never have to return to that store or my current job."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I pray my principal realizes the mistakes she made. I hope the truth comes to light, so she can realize that she was wrong."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Forgive me for cursing out those people in the store. Thank you for allowing me to walk away unharmed. I pray they realize their mistake right away, so no one else has to go through what I did. "


7 years ago

"Family Healing"

"Please Lord hope things go well and peaceful. Help save my sisters marriage and family "


Las Vegas
7 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for guiding me while looking for my puppy Mercedes. I am so very thankful spirits brought me to her. God bless"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get an interview and the opportunity to teach gifted middle school students. Let me secure this position for the next school year. I promise I will stay and never complain again."


7 years ago


"Lord I'm so scared please help me I don't know how to fight this battle. Please step in now and fight them Off I'm begging you please save me. I thought I was getting a fresh start but the friends of my enemy are into the game too. In jesus name I pray amen. "


7 years ago


"My dearest Lord I beg you to please come in and rescue me and help me not feel like I'm drowning with enemies. I was really happy at work and now things have taken a turn because people are playing politics just to get ahead and I am not I am truly trying to produce good work and my Company does not seem to care about that anymore only about getting things done regardless of how correct they are and getting things done their way. I am scared I found out they were going to fire me but at the moment they can't and I am scared that they will keep on pushing back them up Lord Jesus. I return each and every single one of them that are trying to create a barrier whether it's communication or by any other method because I am being blocked and always and people are responding towards me negatively, Lord please break this awfulness now in Jesus name I beg you for my health and safety sake amen. "


7 years ago


"Almighty God please I come to you today begging you to reflect on each and every single prayer of ever asked of you for my job and please answer them, there is so much backbiting backstabbing and evil around and it's hurting so many people. As for me too many people see me as a threat because I have so many life skills and they don't have the same knowledge. We are all great people in different ways but jealousy provoke them to try to tear me down and I'm just a simple person trying to make a living and take care of my family. I'm not looking for status of presidential level but as A.D. and to make enough money to pay my bills from everything we've incurred over the years and just be happy. Lord I'm asking for that security please I know you know what I need and how much of it I'm asking for favor and a little reward here for doing the right thing and standing up for myself when needed. Things have been looking up and I was so happy and still continue to be thankful even though the storm has started again but please I beg you from the bottom of my heart please remove all of those barriers and people that are trying to throw a monkey wrench is into everything. Please expose all of them to our main leader and protect him that he's making good godly decisions and whomever is to come in our new position that's open please help them be godly people and be able to coach and guy in a positive way not just dictate. I am so tired Lord and my name has been slandered and I'm not what they say however I do get upset and hold it in but never retaliate. Lord Jesus Christ please call your army and set forth to fight on my behalf and send everyone away so that I may live a comfortable life and be happy you know my suffering and why things are the way they are in my life but I'm begging you please step before me fix and fight my battles and please protect her of my entire family we love you and would love your help in Jesus name I pray amen"


7 years ago


"Prayer for me please. Some tingling pain in the head My Lord. Hoping its not serious in Jesus name! Thank you"


7 years ago

"Prayer For A Broken Heart"

"Never in my life have I felt so sad, crushed, worthless, hopeless, and weak. My ex not only hurt me emotionally in so many ways, he has now found someone else that he treats so much better. I feel worthless and sad. He was all I had at one point. I pray for strength to get through this. I am so heartbroken, hurt, and sad. I will never understand the actions of some people. Please pray for me and my broken heart. "


7 years ago

"Prayer For Blood Clot Healing"

"Hi, I am a 21 year old female and I was diagnosed with DVT (blood clot in leg) in early November and PE later in December (blood clot in lung) on Christmas Eve. I had to spend 8 days in the hospital and I have to be on warfarin til may or June. The clot in my left leg is a long one, from my calf to my hip. The doctor was surprised that I made it alive dealing with the pain for almost 3 weeks. They later found 3 small clots in my left lung. While I say I'm managing okay, I still feel scared, but I have hope. All I ask for are prayers for not only comfort but to heal as well. I believe that our Heavenly Father can do incredible things, and I believe that I will be healed but I feel I need some help, please and thank you!"


7 years ago

"Pregnant "

"I'm pregnant and due in just a few weeks. I pray that I'm able to be rested but also work hard and be happy. I pray that everything goes well with baby. Amen."


7 years ago

"Peace At work"

"Prayer against the cosmic forces that are working behind the scenes and have suddenly turned two colleagues against me without cause and are making work difficult. I pray that I can continue to provide Godly medical care as I have been without being attacked by enemies that try to attempt to steal my joy, kill my faith and destroy my love for helping people. Prayers that I can stand on God's word and continue to stand up to those who are against me."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get this new job and/or figure out my next career."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for the opportunities you have made available to me, thank you for my family and my friends. Lord I have made arrangements to get to know someone and I pray that you will guide our friendship and keep it wholesome in Jesus name. Lord if it is right for us to be more than friends as I am hoping. I pray you will guide us in the right direction in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Prayer Warriors, If you have rememered my former pastor / fiance who had betrayed me after 2 and a half years of engagement in April 2016. He had a new girlfriend within the relationship and engaged her. They broke the engagement in October 2016. They got back together and were married in JANUARY 2017 as I stumbled upon the confirmed news today. Please pray for me, LORD JESUS- as I had been unable to receive justice from the betrayal done to me, my family and behind the church no one knew what wronged he done and he gained their favor... Yet I have forgiven them... Please pray that GOD leads me to the ONE he intend me to be; if he is already in my life - that GOD may open our eyes to THIS TRUTH - HIS WILL - in JESUS' mighty NAME, amen. THANK YOU LORD JESUS... Thank you prayer warriors... GOD BLESS "


7 years ago

"Sick Father In Law"

"Prayer for my father in law suffering from lung cancer stage 4. May the Lord heal his pain in Jesus Name. "


7 years ago

"Thank You "

"Thank you very much my dear friends: Joel, Lily Flor and Zezka for your comments regarding my prayers. I was burdened by a few things and issues. Reading your comments really helped me to feel inspired and encouraged. I hope that I can be there for you all as well. God bless you all"


7 years ago


"Praying for my siblings and I to find good faithful Christian spouses. My sister and I were tricked by the enemy to marry non believers they beat us and stole from us everything that we had. We would like to find good Godly men. If this be the will of our Father. Or should we stay single? We need direction and wisdom. Sometimes we find the lonely life to be difficult. Also praying for my brother to live according to the will of the Father. Should he get married?"


7 years ago

"For My Brother And Sister"

"My brother and sister have both stopped taking communion for years. Please pray for them to come back to Jesus before it's too late. I pray this in Jesus name"


7 years ago

"Prayer For The Sick"

"Please join me in prayer for moms healing from terrible sciatic pain and malignant bp. For my friends L, R,J and healing for them. For healing for J from addictions problems and behavioural problems. For all those in hospitals and rehab. In Jesus name amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"New Job"

"Please let me here from my top three job I applied for. Amen."


7 years ago


"Praying for a peaceful neighborhood. May the Lord touch the hearts of people around this community. In Jesus name! "


7 years ago


"I'm pregnant and stressed and overwhelmed. I'm getting very close to my due date."


7 years ago


"I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I just pray that things go smoothly with this and work and things."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please keep my children safe especially while they are learning how to drive."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me here something soon about the position I want if it is in your will for me. I believe I will finally find the right career for me very soon. Amen."


7 years ago


"Asking for prayers for a friend in coma due to multiple stroke. May he be healed in Jesus Name!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying for peace and guidance. Begging to be led to the right church and career. Praying about my finances and health insurance. Praying for my family and work. Praying and believing I will be blessed with the desires of my heart. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for my friends and my family, thank you for giving me purpose. Lord please help me to find a loving relationship that is filled with honesty, laughter, communication and love. Please help me to find someone who is right for me and please guide me so I am not following my own ideals but I am following you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


7 years ago


"We lose our untouchable moment, the very deal is undone. Be of acceptable faith by now, the word is healing you. Thank You Lord God that You heal me miraculously ever after. You said the corn is good but the weed shall go up in smoke like pillars. Teach me how to deal with the weed, to avoid the evil redemption of Satan, a false one. Thank You Jesus, You did it all alone, we must do it all grieved, all ridiculous. The smoke pleases the eye, another joins us and rebukes it till the morning after. Be our strong help! Somebody be remained as the glorious face of resurrection, shining in the darkness, the mighty feeling be vanished for all time. Who threw a wrench in our works? You? Man? No morning will rise without pillars of smoke here and there, keep it low, be silent my everything. "


7 years ago

"New Student"

"Holy father thank you for the opportunities you have given me. Lord I was speaking to someone who wanted lessons and was not able to finish the conversation, lord I pray that you will help me to complete this conversation. Please help me to reach them. In Jesus name. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me get disability and time off work. Please let everything work out for my treatment and work situation. Please let me be able to afford what it is going to cost. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"My Prayer"

"I believe Friday was my last day at work. I believe I will make A's in my online classes. I believe being a nurse will be a fulfilling career. I believe I will get scholarships to pay for school. I believe my children will learn how to drive safely. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let what I have planned work out. Please let me get the help I need. Please let the right people have the same experiences with my class like I do. Please let me children start driving soon. Amen "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for a peaceful and productive weekend. Lord I pray that I have a good day Tommorrow, please help me to be focused and productive. Lord please help me to inspire my students please help me to find out the best way to teach them, please help me to make a difference. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for this opportunity lord please help me to find something that I can be useful in, that can fulfill your word and that I can use my skills in. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Begging for answers and a solution. I don't know what to do. Praying for help. Praying things work out fast. Please help me with the people causing me problems at work."


7 years ago

"Thank You For Jenny"

"Pray she is blessed and knows it . Encourage her and guide her. Thank you for mending relationships ."


Mobile Alabama
7 years ago

"Help "

"Dear Lord, Please see in my heart and know the good I am trying to accomplish. Lord I pray that I am able to remain strong and determined throughout this trying time in my life. Please allow me to always keep and open mind and an open heart. Please let me be the best mother I can be for this child of mine to come. Please allow me to finish school and get my Paramedic Science degree in order to provide for my family. Lord please give me a miracle of strength and determination, please don't allow this to be the end for me. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please help me at work. Give me a solution. Let us find a church home. Please let it work out how it is supposed to. Please let my principal be fair and learn the truth. Help me in school and work. Please let all my students work with me. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for giving me such a beautiful flat to live in. I thought I had fulfilled the requirements for the inspection but it appears that I have fallen short. Lord please help me to get it to the standard that the landlords want for the inspection I do not want to be evicted. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


Las Vegas
7 years ago


"I pray for positive energy surrounding everyone. Lord place your hands over the ones in need and provide strength for our family, friends, & neighbors. 🙏"


Las Vegas
7 years ago


"I pray that my fiancé's uncle finally returns his call after over a year and is willing to let go of the trust fund to help our family out financially. I pray for this little boost to help our family get on our feet I pray his uncle to communicate with him on any level. Please send us that check.... it will lift several debt issues off our family. I pray for peace and happiness worldwide 🙏"


7 years ago

"Thank You My GOD You Are good Always"

"Thank you almighty God for answering my biggest prayers regarding my bullies, you are so good!❤❤❤"


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for today, lord I pray that I will get to work on time in the morning and that I will have a productive day. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy Father thank you for helping me to pay off my credit card before the new year began. Lord I pray that you will help me with my savings and everything else that can improve my financial status. Lord I pray that by the end of this year I will purchase and inhabit my own home. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"We Must Praise Him"

"Psalm 47:1–9 1 Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! 2 For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth. 3 He will subdue the peoples under us, And the nations under our feet. 4 He will choose our inheritance for us, The excellence of Jacob whom He loves. Selah 5 God has gone up with a shout, The Lord with the sound of a trumpet. 6 Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! 7 For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding. 8 God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne. 9 The princes of the people have gathered together, The people of the God of Abraham. For the shields of the earth belong to God; He is greatly exalted."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for your word this morning, please help me to meditate on this throughout the day. Lord I pray that you will please help me to focus on you your word and on staying productive today. Lord please help me to get in on time, please help me to play well in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Pray For My Daughter"

"So things have been quiet for a while, but my ex-husband has suddenly decided to be aggressive for no reason again. He sent me an email (prompted by nothing) full of lies and delusions, accusing me of putting stipulations in the divorce agreement that were actually his suggestions, threatening to turn our daughter against me and against God, and saying that he let things go that were actually things he pursued and I let go. I don't want to get into detail, but it continues to be unhealthy and dangerous for our daughter to spend time with him. Please pray that he is removed from her life somehow - by mistakes or unraveling of his own making, by actions of the court, by his choice, whatever it takes. I cannot pray hard enough for my daughter to be rescued from having to grow up with this monster. "


7 years ago

"Psalm 51:10"

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. "


7 years ago

"Please Forgive Me"

"God please forgive me for allowing the devil to have any of my attention. Lord I know the closer I get to you, the harder the evil one will work to tempt me into sin. God please forgive me, please help me to work harder to be right with you. Please cleanse me of my sin and make me whole again. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me. Psalm 40:11"


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for enabling me to spend time with my family yesterday. Thank you for a good day. Lord I pray that you will help me to focus my mind on you in Jesus name. Please don't let me dwell on anything negative lord please help me to get my bus thing sorted out this morning so that I won't have an expensive journey next week. Thank you lord. In Jesus name I pray . Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for a good nights sleep. Lord I pray for a good and productive day, please help me to stay focused on you, your will and your love, in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for helping me, thank you for letting me know you are there. Lord I pray in the name of Jesus that I get on the course. Lord please help me with my application and my personal statement. In Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me be moved very soon to a better school. Amen."


Corona California
7 years ago

"Self Love"

"Heavenly Father, I thank you today for giving me a day of rest and I rejuvenate for the upcoming week. Thank you for watching over me and protecting me every day. Lord, the reason I've come to you this very moment is my struggle with self-love. Since I've put on a lot of weight this last year, I've gotten very self-conscious and don't feel the love I had for myself when I was thinner. Since my weight gain, I haven't dated and I find it hard for me to want to socialize with people. I am very embarrassed of the weight I've gained, but I still want to see myself as worthy. I am still the same person I was 80 pounds ago. I know I've let myself go, but I'm still worthy of love. Please help me remember that I am beautiful at any size. As your child, you made me infinitely full of beauty. I pray in your name that you guide me as I continue my journey of losing the weight and being healthy- also learning to love myself along the way. Lord, in your name I pray. Amen"


7 years ago


"The fact I have to live with this man is torture now.... and still you don't seem to answer my prayer.... I'm loosing my mind knowing that he's going to destroy me and my brother if we stay here...we don't have money to move out! What do we do?! You my only option.... I cannot do this anymore.... None of us can.... Please lord Please! I need you... my family needs you to pull through for us!!! This year cannot continue like this! This is unbearable. My father has no idea the damage he has caused, he doesn't care if he damages others! This is his world and he wants control over everything even though he can't handle anything. I am BEGGING YOU! Please show me you are who you say you are! I've never had to question you before but with this situation it seems as though you've ignored me! Even I have tired to ignore it.... It effects my whole being!!!! It effects my brother My mother My household The way we think There so much tension! What should I do? Show me a opportunity for me and my family please!!!!! So we can get out of this situation..... I'm scared and I don't know what he may do... I fear about what I mite do.... Please help! Please lord.... As I type this he's yelling abuse at me and my mother.... How can any normal person live with this EVERYDAY!!!!!! For 25 years. "


7 years ago

"Names "

"I'm pregnant and my husband and I are having a very hard time coming up with a name for our little girl and I'm due soon. Please pray that we can come to an agreement on the best name. "


7 years ago

"My Lord And Savior! The Struggle Is Real"

"Thank Lord Jesus for dying on the cross and washing away our sins. You are my King please continue to show me how to be at peace and focus only on you and ignore the distractions. I've had a few hard days but will try harder. I love and praise you all day long even though I'm not worthy because I'm a sinner who falls every time. Please show me how to live more like you and protect me from harm and distraction In jesus name I pray. 🙏🏻❤amen. "


7 years ago

"Falling Fire Is Spiritual"

"Rain from the clouds like cleaning spirit, the Ghost Himself is waiting in shadows. Give mercy, give grazze, please Lord God be patient, we ought to lose ourselves here in the perimeter. Lose God all of the worst deals of our early days. Keep cool, we relieve You with letting Your glory fall till the last day. Bye bye world of tomorrow, it has been nice to meet you, you go."


New York
7 years ago


"Father God I come before you to thank you and praise you and glorified the holy of holy hallelujah . Glory be to God almighty. Father God I pray that our brothers and sister in Christ will be alert and see that what is happening is part of the prophecy in the bible as your time is getting closer but Lord I also pray in Jesus name that they will arise pray and fast in behalf of Israel in Jesus name."


7 years ago

"New House "

"My husband and I recently moved into a rental house. I pray that we love this place. Adjusting has not been easy."


7 years ago

"New House"

"I have a problem, my husband and I recently moved into a rental house and sometimes I feel like I'm not liking it very much. I'm worried because we'll probably be here for a few years. I pray that something can be done to make it better. Or that I can change my mind. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Keep my kids safe and forgive me about E."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please help me at work and with E. Let me get a real professional to help me."


7 years ago

"Lord "

"Lord. Firstly Thank you. Secondly please don't leave me... I need you..even when I act like I don't."


7 years ago


"Holy father I pray for a productive day tomorrow. Lord I pray that I wake up on time and get to work on time. Lord I pray for P's family and my Mum. Please be with them I pray that you will comfort them and help them to deal with their loss. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Urgent Prayer"

"My Dearest Lord, Please step in and guide the leaders at my job please don't let anyone step above me as INT/DR, the fair thing would be no int/dr but working as colleagues parallel each other but please I beg you not above me. Please we need a strong knowledgeable team that can trust each other & not work under attack or envy & evil. My coworker is already pushing his way trying to overpower me, please don't let him or anyone influence, please let the leaders who see my hard work make good decisions not based on gossip,I beg this in Jesus Glorified Name, AMEN!"


7 years ago

"Ptayers Yo Be Answered "

"Dearest Lord, thank you for all of my answered and unanswered prayers. Please continue to protect PBG and keep his eyes on Christ and if it is your will for me please whisper my name in the appropriate ears so I can become an AD. This is the role I am currently doing and now am asking for the official title and increase in pay. Also please help everything go well in our mtg tomorrow. Thank you my Lord, love you. "


7 years ago

"Short Cut"

"The fast lane into the heart of God, You're the precious redeemer forever and amen. Death at the end of a candle, our life resembles a flaming tongue of fire that lights up an elegant white candle. A lot of children like to play with the light by holding their hand palms over it till it hurts very much, the smoke becomes black on the palm. Who hasn't played with fire is a fool like no one else. Lord God deliver us from those wicked plan hatchers that don't know what pain means. Bring our foolish vain fight against boredom to an end, show us Your salvation, amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please help me figure all this out. I need a sign. I am not so sure about myself."


South Africa
7 years ago

"Prayers for little Aiden"

"Please pray for 2 week old Aiden who is currently in NICU with severe lung infection and a cardiac problem. He is hooked up on a ventilator and has a lot of difficulty breathing. He urgently needs prayer to help him get through this. "


7 years ago

"Fallen Dirt On A Sandal"

"Jesus alone vindicated the entire galaxy over guilt, death on a cross, sore and crucified, gored into the ribs. He vanquished fear through a sudden death. Lord God, how much more can we tolerate of our neighbors? Only to see the face of my brethren is enough to overcome. We love the only way that leads us out of temptation, keep us Lord."


7 years ago


"Thank you Jesus for helping me when I have needed you. Lord please help me to get to know you better, please help me to focus on you and not the negativity that people can bring to my life, Please help me to seek your favor and your love in Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please help me find the right job. Amen."


7 years ago

"Pregnancy "

"Pray that I continue to do a good job and work and stay happy despite being pregnant and that I let go and forget about something."


7 years ago

"No Man Can Stand God's Judgement"

"Remember oh children of Israel the days of the Lord, how he blessed you the way He had promised. But yet also never forget the hard hand of God, He took it away someday, and left you alone with grief and sorrow never ending. Acknowledge oh children that the Lord promised you to breathe on the surface, worshiping the only true God who heals. Jesus be my firm foundation, my Lord who heals. Deliver us from evil, render us merciful in endeavor."


7 years ago


"Holy Father thank you for a productive day, lord I pray that I will be on time for everything planned for tomorrow and that I remain focused and productive. Lord I pray that you will help me to get a good nights sleep and that you will help me to make a difference with my teaching. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Mental Illness"

"Lord I pray for the wounded Those who are suffering in there mines. Help them become free. We rebuke the enemies plans to destroy the minds of your people any longer. We speak to the mountains. We loose anxiety, depression, bipolar and all mental illness in the name of Jesus. Lord we ask that stigmas be broken and a broken system to help the wounded become free. Amen"


7 years ago

"New Year"

"I pray that we all have a great 2017 and focus on positivity."


7 years ago

"Need Help To Be Stronger In Temptation"

"Lord Jesus Christ After praying and fasting for you to cover me with your grace.known I'm weak since the devil is pushing me into sexual immoralities to remove all the blessings you've promise me.i beg you lord Jesus Christ to help me giving me the power stop all kinds of temptations the devil is putting by my side through out this year and so your grace covers me and my family.cause all I want really want is to know you ,serve you and believe in you.In the mighty name of Jesus I pray .amen"


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for each day I am able to get up and get in with my day. Lord I pray that you will give me the strength to get through this difficult time. Please help me to keep your word in my heart. Lord I pray that I will get everything done and that I will play well and be productive and make improvements in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Shorty Has Fallen In Sin"

"God, You sweep the dirt from the ashes, You separate the signs from the wonders, You count till three and the super Frog meets the garlic. Who is like You oh Lord of hosts that takes captives and frees the lost? Hallelujah, the world is Yours! Hallelujah!"


7 years ago

"Nausea "

"I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy and I'm having a lot of nausea. I need to pray that I'm able to still do a good job at work despite how I feel. "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for being a presence in my life, thank you for waking me up this morning. Lord, I pray, that you will help me today to be on time, to remain focused on positivity and you lord and to be productive and kind. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Help "

"Lord, please help us in our situation. You know our needs Lord. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen"


7 years ago

"Please HELP"

"Lord I need guidance So early in the year (I know I know) I don't want my kindness to be taken for a weakness, I don't want to be hurt and taken for a fool, I want your voice to be louder than the ones around me so I can hear you clearly... I want to know you are talking and guiding me.... Lord I need to know that this mission is mine to take... I need to know how much to give.... Lord I'm confused... and a little frustrated... I'm always served by my heart which often gets me hurt & this time I'm scared.... I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by being honest with myself.... Lord refocus me ... so much things already have distracted me from you and my goals.... The aim was to start as I mean to go on.... I don't want to think or feel like this so early on in the year.... Make this picture just a little more clear for me please... I need you... "


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"I want to pray for something unspoken that I've wanted for a long time. Amen"


7 years ago

"Work Tomorrow"

"Holy Father, thank you for an amazing Christmas holiday, thank you for helping me to get Close to you. Lord I pray that I will wake up on time tomorrow and that I will get everything done. I pray that I will be on time for work and to CB. Please help me to focus and do well in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I pray for my family, safe travels for all, and for my cousin/aunt."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please watch over me, my kids, my husband, and students. Take care of my sister, sister in law, nieces, and nephews. I pray my husband and I will be financially secure. Please help my children with school, college, and driving. Please make work less stressful and allow me safe and timely travels tomorrow. Help us find a church home and allow my spouse to focus on his health. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for the last few weeks. Please help me to get my work done and I pray lord that you will help me with my practice. Lord I pray for a peaceful sleep in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request. Something I've wanted for a very long time"


7 years ago

"The Siege Of The Lamb Pt. 2"

"Who knelt in front of God's throne in the midst of the shadows of looming hardship, worshiping the only true savior Jesus Christ, the obsolete king? Who endures the loss of all? Be saved oh miserable one that knows only pomp and buffets. Besieged is the joy of friendship, circled by lots. Demons are closing in to free one's pride, it is never too late for remission. I pray, Lord Jesus keep calm, be free, You're the only true savior, Your mighty miracles throw a wrench in the works of wrongdoers. A pillar of flaming fire will light my night, pillars of smoke are going to accompany my days in the sight of the Lord. No man is a lost fool with You. Amen."


7 years ago

"Myself, My Husband And Our Marraige"

"Please join me in prayer.... Dear Lord Jesus; Heavenly Father, Yahweh, I have seen the miracles you have given myself and others throughout my life! You promise to always hear and immediately start on our requests! I fully believe that you, my God are answering my prayers! I ask father for my eyes to be opened and my mind to be at ease, just knowing without fail that you are in the midst and I ask that my trust would be solid. God I believe that you change situations for the better and I believe that my husband will be saved through Christ Jesus!! I understand Lord that there will be times of chastening and removal from ungodly acts! Lord let me hear you and remain solely in line with you!! Lord remove the thoughts of unbelief that enemy throws at me! I through the power of you Lord Jesus, rebuke the enemy's attacks and command him gone to never return! Jesus I ask that any ungodly words and accusations be muted at the moment they are thought, father please remove it from our household, and let us feel sick at the moment the enemy try's to enter and destroy! God you are a God of healing and you promise no harm to come to your children!! I know that you exist and thank you for saving me, I know that you can heal and change for the better and give us the ability to provide testimonies of how true you are, in order to help save others! I love you and I believe in you! Make me the child of God I am supposed to be, I want to lead as many as possible to you and pray that I can become a disciple that others can see the one true God through me for as long as I am on this earth! In Jesus name I pray, amen!!!"


7 years ago

"A Few Requests"

"I have a few prayer requests. If you could maybe add a few of these to your prayers or even pray one time, that would be so helpful. :) I have a friend who just became pregnant unexpectedly with a man she doesn't know very well. I pray that they have a healthy, happy relationship together and that their baby is healthy and happy as well. I'm also pregnant and I'm due in March. Please pray that everything goes pretty well and for my husband and I. Please pray for the labor. I pray that my brother can find a career that's stable and that he likes. I pray that he finds happiness and doesn't turn to any sort of addiction. God bless you all :)"


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for helping me with all my accomplishments, thank you for being there for me. Holy father, please help me and my family so that a conversation is not taken the wrong way. Please open our hearts to each other and move us in a positive direction. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Beginners praise"

"Dear Heavenly Father I begin this new year in life giving you praises that belong to none but Thee. Thank you for keeping my family throughout the past year which was tough indeed. But because my thoughts, my lips are stuck on praising you over and again... I will sweetly refrain about thy glory and offer no complaints whatsoever about my story. At every hand, every twist and turn you were with me and met my needs as well as used me to help someone else. Thus, our love is not in vain, we cannot complain, our praise and victorious testimonies let us echo and shout again. The Lord God he is Good and worthy of all our praises. Thank you Lord Amen!"


7 years ago

"Mobbing? You're Stronger!"

"The one that tripped you, oh reader, is an eager one, he deserves it. I pray, Lord You know our calamity, You keep business as You should. But is the very opponent the one that knows You? No? Ha, never! He'll repay my debt. He owes it. He will not underestimate my powers, he's awesome. Keep business, don't forget I need it. You're proper. Hallelujah! The debt will be cleaned, the white is strong. Thanks Lord for the white light that blights the plague of Eden. Thanks for mercy, You're the strong redeemer. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let us receive payments in early 2017. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Praying For safe Travels"

"Please watch our home and transportation while we travel. Be with us during tax time and as we pay bills. Amen."


7 years ago

"Thank You "

"Thank You lord for helping me to clear my debts I could not have done it without you. Lord please help me in the future so that I will not get into debt again, please help me to be smarter with money. Lord I thank you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. "


7 years ago

"My Everything"

"Missing... The new born son, the only is putting on our guilt. He got raptured by many and quieted by fists. His name is one that nobody knows, only He knows... He is missing. Be free my dear, keep rapturing! They say He's in heaven, do they know anything about anything? They say He's mighty, have they felt His power? They forget about Him, but His beloved keep His remainders until the last day on the cross. The doom is His, He's the bright morning star. Go to sleep! You want wake up."


7 years ago

"Debt "

"Holy father, thank you for everything you are doing in my life, please can the payment that I am waiting on arrive so that I can pay my credit card and be debt free for 2017. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Pregnancy "

"I'm having some anxiety right now caused by pregnancy hormones... thanks for prayers "


7 years ago

"Dr. Jackal And Mr. Rip Tide"

"Who has seen the beach like You have? Who thrones upon the rip tide? No man has felt the brain waves of big fishes, yet You have oh Nazarene of the final rest. Let us see waves of eternity being surfed by the children of Sodom, let us feel their gloom in a broken heart. Unsurpassed God who judges the righteous after the state of mind, the steadfast after works of justice, the wicked after the fists and hits, the addicts after the light they saw, the Saints after the overcoming glory of the Ghost in remission unto debt, thanks, You are worthy! Thanks, You are the strong redeemer who delivers from fear. Amen."


7 years ago

"Unspoken "

"Unspoken prayer request "


7 years ago

"Unending Financial Stress"

"Lord, I need your guidance because I am at a loss as to what to do. Our situation continues to spiral out of control. I don't know what else to do. We work 40 plus hours a week and try so hard in all that we do. I just feel hopeless and helpless. I never imagined the struggles we would have financially. Lord I ask for direction and I totally surrender this situation to you. Please guide me and help me to do what it you need me to go Lord. You have always provided I know but our situation has never been this bad. For it is your name I pray. Amen."


7 years ago

"Befalling Evil"

"Where has the jackal run, a prey in the jaws, to keep us busy with searching him? The end times are baddest with success, we keep following. The disaster is nigh, the end is far. God of pity, You're an outstanding spokesman holding speeches of infirmities and conversion. We understand that the sinners won't prevail in the fellowship of the saints. Keep us busy with thinking it. Amen."


7 years ago

"Bad Dreams "

"Holy father I pray against the bad dreams and the negative thoughts in Jesus name Amen. "


7 years ago

"Beautiful Day"

"Holy Father, thank you for such a beautiful fun filled day. Lord I pray for my next two days. Holy Father I pray that I can be a vessel for you and your word. I pray lord that you will use me to make a difference. Please help me lord so that I can hear you more clearly. Lord I pray that you will get rid of any anxiety or doubt or fear that I have. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. "


7 years ago

"My Father "

"Lord ... I've tried...and I'm now tired. I've prayed for all outcomes to try and make this situation better...I've prayed for my father to try and improve his behaviour and the way he treats us... & yet over and over again there is a small improvement and then it's straight back to the disgusting behaviour again... I feel like you hear my prayers and ignore then..25 years of living in a hostile and tense household can't be good for anyone... Now I'm older I have to protect my mother and brother and it's a huge amount of weight to carry... I don't know if I should be praying for him or myself...but I'm over it lord...I have no interest in building or mending a relationship with my father...honestly I've never met someone so vile, dishonest, hurtful and frightening... His aura is so heavy and dark it consumes you...His words so heavy they feel like there punching in the core of your soul...& when he puts his hands on you you already feel completely broken.... Why would you pick him to be my father? WHY? Someone who cares 0 for his kids...someone who is so neglectful...someone who is self centred & selfish... someone who lies and cheats! I can't get my head around this.... My dad is meant to be someone I trust...someone who protects and dad is meant to be my first love...My hero.... & he isn't! that shit hurts! So bad!!!! I don't even know what to look for in a man because I have no example of one to follow... My mum doesn't have the strength to tell him to leave...I have no idea why...don't she see what this does to us? At this point I don't even know what I'm praying for.... but lord I want me and my family to be free... grant us our freedom...grant us back our home! Grant us back our peace of mind...grants is back our confidence...Everything he has knowingly or unknowingly taken I ask you to grant it back to us in Jesus name.... I never wanted to cast him out of our lives but it's for them best now I think ... I pray he finds happiness "


7 years ago

"Christmas "

"Spending my 6th Christmas without my babies... it never gets any easier. I'm trying to throw myself into my work. Trying to bring joy to my residents.. It's hard to hide a broken heart though... Also this year is 13 years since I lost my baby girl. Sure could use some prayers... "


7 years ago

"Relationships "

"Lord.... I'm not sure what the problem is but I don't seem to keep or have great relationships ... EVERYTIME I think a friendship or relationship could blossom it completely fall apart & I end up an emotionally wrecked, spending days on end thinking about how I could of done things differently! Although in the past I have stated (from the top of my lungs) I DON'T NEED FRIENDS... I DON'T NEED A MAN deep down I long for something that I could talk to, hang with grow a solid, loyal, loving and supportive friendship regards to a man I long for beautiful husband ...someone that will love me unconditionally, support, protect, and adore father wasn't that for me and sometimes it's difficult to except that...I believe every person and every man will be like him! And it hurts. Lord please believe me when I say I am so grateful and happy to have you but it would be nice (A girl can dream) I know I'm only 25 and this maybe not your plan but I'm just letting you know I'm happy to wait. Also could you give me a clear eye for genuine people, I think sometimes I'm making good judgement but by that time it's all too hate... (serves me right really) because you always do send me signs but I ignore them (thinking I'm the boss) when in reality YOU ARE! Most of the time I just want to see the best in people, I want to bring out the best in them...Why make me this way just to get hurt...Sometimes I just want to be liked! And sometimes I just enjoy the's never in vain... Is it your will for me to be alone ...? Forever? I hope not... Help me to be a better person and friend to people also...(maybe that's the problem) honestly I'm not sure... I just ask for your love, patience and strength on this particular area in my life. Thank you "


7 years ago

"Oliver Ray"

"Just born and has heart defect: doing well: surgery in 4 months"


7 years ago

"The Dyed Heir Of Nature"

"Jesus dyed, heir for our sins. He took the fall by lots of mirage that were lost pieces of beacons of hope. He felled unrighteousness by not complaining about His ruthless death, nailed oh whipped. He was the one. Who wants to eat at His wooden, obsolete table drinking from His cup of suffering? The strong guy longs for mercy, he will ever prevail. Firm and patient is he with his maid or housewife. There is only one God who helps, one true savior, His name is Jesus. Lord far off overdose, rescue us in our firm endeavor, less patient with ourselves than with our neighbors. We consume ourselves with scribbling and doodling. No outcome."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Classroom management"

"Please do something about E and others perception of me."


7 years ago

"The Plagues Of Egypt"

"All hail the American night, citizens of Neo-America! God of Abraham, a fool is he who's not afraid of Your abominable Spirit that overcomes the mighty, horrible is this to fall into Your hands. Once the Frogs had fallen from the sky, Egypt had been abased, yet You tread on Frogs, You use and abuse them as toys, no match for the fist of God. Your works of justice are far beyond all knowledge, thus each fool will diminish his own works, he will cease his very own. Lord of manna keep doing Your business and feed the poor, sustain the helpless and give grace and mercy from now on till the lights of salvation. Amen."


7 years ago


"Praying I find a good guy for my kids and I. We deserve it. Thanks "


7 years ago

"Pray For My Brokenheart"

"Please pray that God heals my broken heart. This feeling is so unbearable. I feel so lost and all I can think about is the person that broke my heart. I need God more than ever right now. Please, please, pray for me. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let E's behavior improve. Keep him and others save while I try to ignore his behavior. I want the bad behavior to go away. Please do not let other students pick this bad behavior."


7 years ago


"Please pray for me so that I succeed the competitive exam in the mighty name of Jesus Christ "


7 years ago

"Success In A Concour"

"Our mighty father who is in heaven in who all the glory belongs.In your word you said "ask and it shall be given to you ", I please you Father that in this competitive exam I wrote , my name should be written on successful candidates in the name of Jesus Christ I pray . Amen ."


7 years ago

"House "

"I'm pregnant and my husband and I just moved into a house and we've had a few problems. I pray that they can be resolved. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Father I give you thanks for all the blessings that you have sent my way I ask you to bless my family and my home that we all may live in peace and if this relationship is not for me and is standing in the way my relationship with you please take it from because I don't want to live in sin and he is not considering marriage... you are my heart my soul and my everything and I want you to be Lord of my life in Jesus name Amen"


7 years ago

"Pregnant "

"I'm just stressed about some things right now. I'm pregnant and hoping things go well. "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you that I have colleagues I can talk to and relate to. Holy father recently a colleague admitted to having alcoholism I pray lord that you delete this from her life in Jesus name. Lord if she ever needs any help regarding this please give me the strength, the wisdom and the emotional strength to help her in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father I thank you for being there for me. Lord I pray that I will be married in 2017. Lord I pray that you will help me to seek the feeling before thinking about the m word and that you will help me gain and maintain a high standard of worth for my life in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Prayer "

"Pray for me to get strong In my Christian walk with Jesus Christ threw the storms and trials in my life thank you and God bless."


7 years ago

"The Firm Endeavor"

"You could end someday your works of endeavor, as long as your job isn't built on beliefs from on high. Know that everything is falling apart and ought to be taken down at the foot of the cross by resurrection power. Are you able to quit the very scene after beads of sweat having thought of eternity in gloom? But you don't mind on consequences that anyhow will keep you busy someday. The world is tumbling down and you are a bad man longing for freedom. Your face is going to be abased in the dust! Lie down on the ground right away, if you don't pray with a heated motivation, no Angel will be supposed to help you to bring your sacrifice. Amen. I pray, Lord God You are mercifully eager in the works that stay at Your right hand, Your light will shine in the darkest places and corners. You are a marvel in itself, the world is Yours, You do whatever pleases You for the sake of eternal redemption of Your sheep. At Your pastures the air is blessed, the grass will be greener, there are yet delicious fruits hanging from the trees planted along the streams of crystal. You hold them in Your hands like the stars in the dark, wide universe and the Devil wonders on Your marvels, he won't deceive the chosen ones of the Lord. "


7 years ago

"Feeling Loved"

"I'm feeling loved. Thank you lord in Jesus name. Whoever dose not love dose not know God. Because. GOD IS LOVE ❤️ Amen "


7 years ago


"Thank you lord for helping me to get everything done yesterday. Lord I pray that today you will help everything go to plan. I pray lord that you will help me to get the lights that I need on time. In Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Desperate Help"

"I rebuke the devil from my job in any shape, form, or fashion. I am discouraged and unhappy. I am praying for help and for a change. Please forgive me for my sins. Amen."


7 years ago

"The Permission Taken For Granted"

"Where does your courage dwell? Cut jobs and you go crazy? The apocalypse is out to get you, who is able to thwart you unknown user? I pray, Lord Jesus help the innocent and finish with that loser who evades the final judgment of redemption of the Gospel of Nazareth. You are glorious, You are marvelous! Who likes You remains Your secret question. God have mercy on me, I don't deserve You, yet the love You share is one of undeserved goods. Thank You for the white light that shines in the celestial places, thank You for mercy."


7 years ago

"Unspoken Prayers"

" My Lord Jesus Christ please intervene now and shed some light please Lord let them see you in me and that I'm good and dedicated please answer all of my unspoken and spoke and prayers I'm begging you I feel desperate and scared with all the manipulators and liars around me. Please help us make a turn for the better at my workplace and please cease and put a stop to any retaliation or any revenge thinkers towards me I haven't done anything wrong they are jealous people please remove the jealousy and hatred from their hearts and fill them with compassion in Jesus name I pray amen!"


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for the last few days. Lord I pray that today goes smoothly and that I will remember everything that I have to do that I will play well in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

" The Siege Of The Lamb"

"The more one person sits in darkness awaiting the siege of Snake, the more pressure falls from the throne room of God. The evil is emboldened to action, it is scared off by Christ the resurrection power. Thank You Lord for the white light that blights the plague of Even. Thank You for remission, the abhorrent will not see it. Thank You for grace, the vain will despise. Yes we admit we are here to keep Your ways and fill the pitchers of oil of which is written in 2 Kings 1-7. Thank You for the debt to be cleaned in miraculous ways, the plague will not persist. As grass is cut with time set apart for garden works, thus a miracle arises in our minds to keep us busy. Amen"


Augusta, Georgia
7 years ago

"Mr.Adams "

"He has heart issues. The doctors believe he only has a few years left. I pray he will get saved. "


7 years ago


"Holy father I said something silly to someone who was trying to be nice. I did not mean it to sound mean but it did and I'm so sorry. I hurt her feelings. Please lord please help me to fix this in Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me hear something about my job. Help me with that situation. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for giving me this opportunity to be able to impart knowledge and information to an enquiring mind. Lord I know she has to do most of the work such as studying and practicing. I pray you will help to keep her motivated and that you will help me and give me the tools to keep her on the right track. Lord as we approach this final push towards the exams I pray that you will take the wheel. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for the good conversation I have had with friends today. Lord I pray that you will be with us at lunch please help me to not be angry and I pray that we will have a good time. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, I want to walk in your light, please forgive me for being tempted for the things of this world. Please cleanse my soul and bring me closer to you in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"The Sights Of Power"

"Where has all gone? Where is my love? She withered like a flower, she went in haste. No man knows her, no babe is fed... Yet You Lord God, You ain't deserving this. You keep up the broken-hearted, You let down the sinners by plenty of works. There is nobody who did You down in the sight of God, no person to thwart You. Render insight in our lives, more sights, more powers. We deserve to heal the sick, to be on the loose and to shock people with healing power. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for the connection I have had with family today. I pray that you will help me in my time of need. I also pray for my relationship with work colleagues and AP and BM. I pray for a good day tomorrow I pray that you will help me to play well in Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let the right people see the truth and how things really are and give me credibility. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let everything be alright. Let me hear from my principal with good news tomorrow. Amen."


7 years ago


"Thank you for such a large family lord. I pray we have a closer bond in Jesus name. Amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying for feedback and a solution to my problem. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Please Ease My Mind About Yukie"

"Please let me get right about Yukie."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Pray for me"


7 years ago


"Lord i humble myself to You. please forgive me for my many sins. cleanse me Father and make me worthy to carry my burden and unload them at Your feet. once again I ask that You will heal my cancer if You are willing, and grant me more time with my family. You have blessed us way beyond what we need and deserve and we sometimes forget to honor and give You proper thanksgiving. forgive us Lord and keep us away from any wrongdoings. Father, i lift up my family to You. please bless my stepdad and heal him. comfort him Lord and grant him discipline to lose the weight and keep it down. pls grant him more fruitful years to enjoy life in this world. i pray that You will soften my mother's heart that she will have patience and serve her husband with joy rather than grumpiness. please give her strength and energy and keep her away from doing nonsense games. i pray that she will dedicate her time to taking care of her husband. convict her heart Lord and turn her away from her wrongdoing. pls remind her of all the goodness that You have blessed her with. thank You for my sister, Lord. bless Your Holy Name for giving her to us. Father please bless her life that she will be healthy and continue to have energy in doing her work and taking care of her family. comfort her, Father, please give her rest when she's weary. please help her guard her heart against anger and worldliness. may she always count her blessings and forgive those who have wronged her and be healed from it. thank You for blessing her with a good husband. bless their marriage Lord and protect its sanctity. i pray for my brother that You will send Your people to minister to him. please bless the work of his hands and keep him healthy and strong. may all honor and glory be Yours, Lord. please being healing into this home and those who dwell in it. above all, save them Father, may they come to know You as we do. thank You for the confidence that You have given us to bring our petitions to You in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. amen and amen. Hallelujah!!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Please Help Me At Work dear Lord"

"I am praying for the twins and coach Lee "


7 years ago

"Thank You Lord- End the Fight"

"My Lord I thank you so much for being with me today and helping me speak calmly when I was in my morning meeting I was scared about having the conversation because I don't want to have retaliation so please Lord I'm begging you please don't let there be retaliation from anyone at all and that the bullies I have been dealing with will turn away from me. Please Lord don't let there be any retaliation and let this chapter from the past eight years be over now. Please focus these bullies eyes on you instead of me and please turn the hearts give them a chance to repent and come back to you and stop causing problems everywhere in Jesus name I beg you to answer this prayer , Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let my principal read my email ASAP and try to better understand my situation. Help me find a better job soon. I am giving this problem to you to work out. Please let us pass our audit with flying colors. Let me be a reason we do so well. Let my principal contact me and let me know that she is sorry and that she understands. Amen."


7 years ago

"Volunteering Equipment"

"Holy Father, I have just ordered my equipment for my volunteering programe. Lord I pray that it arrives on time and I pray that I have enough. Lord I pray that with your help I can make a difference. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for yesterday, we were able to get a lot done, please help me to help my student pass this exam. Please help her to focus, please take away her anxiety and instill in her to small extra touches that will help her to get a good mark. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"We fought battle, We fought war, We win some, We lose some, But one thing we do We save soul for Jesus Christ And Jesus Christ died for your sin Gave a second chance. By Ernesto pagan "


7 years ago


"Lord please help me to make a difference today. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for the time you have given me to grow into a strong powerful woman of faith. Holy father you said to seek first the Kingdom of God and all things will be given unto you, lord I have put you first and I am praying in Jesus name that you provide me with a husband and some children. Lord if I am falling short of my promises to you please help me and show me how to get myself together so that my life can be a testament of your power and goodness in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Last Night"

"Holy father, thank you for last night thank you for making it productive and for helping me to find what I needed and for keeping everyone in good spirits. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy father please help me get the correct parts for tonight. Please can this be a good night, please help me. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Spiritual Battle Help Urgent Prayers Needed"

"Please join me in what I feel is my most urgent request for as many prayer warriors as possible. Things at my job are about to make a clear cut change for the better. Our strength of this important prayer will to help keep the Holy Spirit at my place of employment and guide this change to come. This week the truth has been exposed about the manipulation and lies at my job that mislead good employees. Please Lord help me gain favor to help bridge this gap to change for the good immediately. We've all suffered to long. I'm praying with all my heart to ask that you please protect all of your disciples and goodhearted people that are trying to do your good work in spite of the darkness as best as they can and make them shine the brightest. It's been very hard for many and no one wants to step up out of fear to expose how gossipers strategize to add doubt and ruin peoples lives as if life is a game. Please give me the power to stand strong and rebuke every single spirit, bad vibe/energy, gossip and trap of trickery they try to set before me and others around us. I try so hard not to feel what they are doing but I feel the darkness when they are creating the chaos and I don't want to feel it floating around. I pray of those thoughts feelings, vibes and insecurities they have will be left at your feet so you can diminish them forever so they never bother anyone else. Please pray with me to silence the gossip and the evildoers who create mental problems and manipulation for others by things they say and actions they deny doing even though we all bear witness to what they're doing. Please speak to each and everyone of the persons involved immediately and give them their chance to repent and return to you Lord. I feel this situation is exactly as in David & Goliath. 1 Samuel 17:49 Evil & darkness has taken over and I'm begging you now to shine the brightest light & protect all of us that will have only a sling & a stone. And expose their evil ways, I cannot take it anymore and back everyone up from me and return them to you teach them to love you and forgive and repent for the things they have done. Ultimately, please protect our leader, his assistant advisors, his family and keep his eyes pure and able to see the evil doers and see the hard workers please in Jesus name I pray. Amen, Amen, Amen!!! God bless us all. "


New York
7 years ago


"On Nov 29 2016 my mom pass away I just want to say thank you Jesus for carrying me through and giving me peace and favor thank you for this day and I love you Lord. Let your will be done not mine in Jesus name"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please keep my son safe. I trust you, Lord."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please keep me and my family safe from fire. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please protect us from what happened and the a solution for dealing with everything. Let the audit be great. Amen."


7 years ago

"Protection & Clarity"

"Dearest Lord please protect the new sr dev person that's come in please keep her eyes on you my love and please let her see you in me, many thanks. In Jesus name, I pray. amen. "


7 years ago

"Positive Day And Mtg Tomorrow"

"My Lord, I invite you to come with me at work and let them see you and help fill all of my enemies with compassion. Love and eliminate all evil and negativity please, in Jesus name I pray, amen. "


7 years ago


"My friends husband has cancer and just coded. Please please please pray."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for a productive day. Thank you for being with my grandmother and for looking after her. Lord I pray for a peaceful restful sleep. I pray for a productive day tomorrow. I pray lord that you will continue to be with my family. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Pray for me so could save peoples to know Jesus Christ and for healing with there sick, thank you and God bless my brother & sister."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let me stay where I am but give me an opportunity to do better and to obtain more resources. Please change the hearts and minds of those who are involved. Amen."


New York
7 years ago


"Thank you Father God for your love that endurance for ever thank you Lord for carrying me through each trial and tribulation"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please be with us for the refund."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please be with my students and their families. Let me get my class together and stay where I am."


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for the report I got from my mid year appraisal, holy father I pray that you will help me to find a good Mp that will help me to achieve what I'm trying to achieve. In Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying work and school is closed because of the bad weather. Praying for peace."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Praying for my state, husband, and sister-in-law. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I am where I want to be, but please let me get a smart board or a promethean board. Amen."


7 years ago

"Future Spouse"

"Prayer warriors, Please pray for me and my future spouse - that we may, in GOD's time know and find one another. Heavenly Father, in JESUS' NAME, may Your will be done in our lives. Remove in our lives barriers that keep us from following the path You have for us. Open our eyes to YOUR truth, LORD JESUS. Please speak to us YOUR WISDOM and may we be able to understand. WE claim YOUR WORD in our life in JESUS' NAME, amen. Thanks and praise be to God. GOD BLESS."


7 years ago

"The outward mask, the inner face..."

"Who come close to the broken-hearted? Who desolate in the inner circles? There is a fair, a fun fair where live gems are sold for an eternal price. Build up the fame of that which is bought there, I love it. The gems are mine, my ears are pierced and large, the gems white in cheapest plastic. You marvellous God, You owe me nothing, I must go in vain and mercy. Keep my path in mind, don't forget to wake me in the break of dawn, the night is nigh befalling evil. The gems are Yours, You break the silence, You inspire the fear of the Lord by mighty power and works. Who saves the lost like You do? The potter are You, the shards oh the shards..."


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for today it was productive. I pray that you will help me to have a productive week in Jesus name. Lord I pray that you will help me with my student, help me to get her through the grade one in two weeks in Jesus name, lord I pray for a peaceful, restful sleep in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Commitment bonus "

"Holy Father I am trying fulfill the promise I made to my mother which was to repay all my debts and be financially free by the 1st January 2017. I have applied for my work commitment bonus and I pray that it will arrive on time so that I can pay the remainder of my credit card. Lord I pray that this will all go to plan in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for my Grandmother, things have not even easy but she has shown strength, courage, and faith. Lord she is in the hospital and I pray in Jesus name that you will help her to get well. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Christmas Volunteering"

"Holy Father I have just applied to volunteer with the homeless this Christmas. I pray that you will help my application go through without any problems. I also pray that you will help me to organize a fun, inclusive and meaningful activity for the people within this organization. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Pregnancy "

"I'm pregnant and I've had some frustrating dizziness. I pray that it all goes away. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"This Week"

"Please let me get everything ready for the audit, so I can be with NaNa when she has her baby. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let the right person be president."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let my principal allow me to conduct home visits and give my assistant some help on Monday. Let me get all my files in order by Tuesday. Do not let the audit start before December 5. Please let my school pass our audit. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let my husband give my daughter driving lessons. Let him not get mad if I ask him to do it. Please help my daughter learn how to drive safely and avoid all car accidents through out her life."


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let my husband give my son driving lessons tomorrow. Let him not get mad if I ask him to do it. Please help my son learn how to drive safely and avoid all car accidents through out his life."


7 years ago

"Move On"

"Please help me to 100% move on from something bothering me. Amen. :)"


7 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for helping me and being there for me, Evan when I did not deserve it. Lord I pray that you will help me with my anger about a situation, please help me to use this energy constructively, please help me to work through this and find closure. In Jesus Name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let us hear back from my husband, sister, and my situation."


7 years ago


"I pray that anything bothersome of today could be left to today and I can move forward. Same to anyone with any problems today. Amen"


7 years ago

"The Song In My Heart Tonight"

"I've been lied on Cheated Talked about Mistreated Used Scorned Talked about sore as a bone I've been up Down Almost to the ground But long as I got KING JESUS Long as I got King Jesus Long, long, long as I got him I don't need nobody else"


7 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for today, lord please help me to keep my focus on you. Please don't let me be distracted by the world, or by negativity, lord I pray that you will guide my steps and help me to increase my faith. Thank you lord for the joy you have put I my heart tonight. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen "


7 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request"


7 years ago

"Good Day"

"Holy Father thank you for everything you are doing in my life, thank you for my friends and family. I pray lord that you will be with them, lord please help me to be on time tomorrow, please help me to play well, please help me to get everything done that I need to, please help me to do well with my fitness. Lord please help the relationship between me and my colleagues and my bosses please help them to be more open, friendlier and softer towards me in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen "


7 years ago

"AD Promotion"

"Dearest Lord, thank you for all of my answered and unanswered prayers. Please continue to protect PBG and keep his eyes on Christ and if it is your will for me please whisper my name in the appropriate ears so I can become an AD. This is the role I am currently doing and now am asking for the official title and increase in pay. Thank you my Lord, love you! In Jesus most holy name I pray. Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Give me peace and help with work on Friday. Amen. I giving this problem to you. I have faith you will work it all out. Amen."


7 years ago


"Prayer warriors, Please pray for a pastor (overseas) who had a rough time with some families/people due to a sensitive concern our Lord Jesus already knows. There is also no news where he is as he had faced a problem in the church that he leads... - Heavenly Father, We pray for this pastor- GOD knows where he is and how he is. Lord, may he have the wisdom and discernment to do Your will and to lead a church in Your direction. And may those who wonder of how he is, be comforted and be led by YOUR TRUTH, IN JESUS' NAME, amen. God Bless."


7 years ago

"Let Go"

"God, help me to completely let go of something that had bothered me."


7 years ago


"Holy father thank you for helping me organize my assessment please help me to confident and please help me to engage with my group. I pray that they will enjoy themselves and have fun. In Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"For Work"

"My sister is very underemployed and her benefits ran out. She is discouraged and depressed. Please pray for her to find a job to be able support herself. Also please pray for my mother to be completely healed from BP problems and sciatic pain and for my brother to be happy. In Jesus name I pray."


7 years ago

"Freedom From The Enemys Attacks"

"I want to pray earnestly for freedom from the enemies attacks on my family and I. So many strange things happen to us like huge arguments after prayer. Losing objects, anger, anxiety, depression, unemployment, Unexplained sicknesses. Father give us the faith that we need to break the chains and the strong holds of Satan. Help us to enjoy life and peace with you. In Jesus name I pray."


7 years ago


"This is the day that the lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) Holy father I'm in a terrible mood please help me to find joy please help me to praise you evan though I don't feel like it. Please forgive me for doubting you. Please restore my faith and draw me closer to you. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. "


Augusta, Georgia
7 years ago

"Trust "

"My family and I moved to start a church and everyone who has came has stopped. I really want God to bring people. Sometimes I feel like we are here for nothing. "


7 years ago


"Please pray for my relationship. I love him so much. But he dislikes any kind of physical intimacy, probably due to adhd. Maaaaybe medication might change this but If this doesnt change i cannot be with him. I love him and don't want to force him to change. I'm not sure what to do."


7 years ago

"Protect CGB"

"Lord I come to you today to ask that you cover CGB, my new friend with your blood and protect her from the new person L joining their team. Please guide her and give her the strength to stand up for what right and turn away from L manipulative ways, conversations, and evil doing around campus. Please let CGB see with clear eyes and everyone else at that bldg who loves to stir the pot. thank u answering my prayers, love u in Jesus name Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please let us pass our audit and get my class under control. Amen."


7 years ago

"With God All Things Are Possible"

"Dear God , Can you please heal me I have been hiccuping almost three months but now turn to my ears . God I know you are our healer , can you please has mercy on me . I. Pray that you could give me strength to fight with Satan in my daily life . The spirt and fears always keeping me down . I pray that you could take away my fear and heal my physical body. God I have faith in you because I know with God all things are possible "


7 years ago

"Pray "

"Pray for me being strong with the lord, No matter how strong the storms & trials I go threw in my life, thank you my brother & sister in Jesus Christ."


7 years ago


"Lord please make this ok in Jesus mighty name Amen "


7 years ago


"Holy Father thank you for yesterday it was a good day. Today I'm Praying for a productive day filled with positivity in Jesus name. Amen. "


7 years ago

"esp San JC"

"Thank you my Lord for healing me and helping JC remove toxic illness I carried without a clue. All glory and honor is yours! I'm a child of God!!! Amen. "


7 years ago

"Rejoice In the Lord Always "

"Thank you Lord for answered prayers!!!! I was in such despair but my Lord has revealed to me how much he loves me and is in control! I'm a living testimony 🙌🏼❤️🎉🎉 Yes Lord please continue to lead me to greatness and peace, I'm forever grateful and in his debt. Let's Praise Him!! 🙏🏻🙌🏼❤️🙏🏻🙌🏼❤️ "


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago

"Prayer of Protection"

"I am praying for the world and our country. Please don't let me get sued. Amen."


7 years ago

"Good Day"

"Holy father I am praying for a good productive day, filled with positive vibes from everyone including myself in Jesus name. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"I hope I didn't overstep my bounds. I pray everything will be okay. Please let me work things out for Antonio and Laylah. I want to keep Trey to myself. Please help us to work around the situation. Amen."


7 years ago


"Holy Father I am praying for a productive and efficient week there is going to be a lot of late nights and early mornings. I pray I get up on time in Jesus name. Amen. "


Tacoma, Washington
7 years ago

"God's Will With My Cancer "

"After over a year of surgeries and fighting pancreatic cancer I was told that I have about a year left, and I just ask for healing in this and if that's not God's will I ask for the guidance to help my wife and kids and everyone else that's close to me get through this as painlessly as possible "


7 years ago

"Rejoice In Him--God Is good all The Time"

"Thank you Lord for answered prayers!!!! I was in such despair but my Lord has revealed to me how much he loves me and is in control! I'm a living testimony 🙌🏼❤️🎉🎉 Yes Lord please continue to lead me to greatness and peace, I'm forever grateful and in his debt. Let's Praise Him!! 🙏🏻🙌🏼❤️🙏🏻🙌🏼❤️ "


7 years ago

"Pregnancy symptoms "

"I'm pregnant and I've had a lot of weakness and exhaustion and it's been hard, especially being a teacher. Thanks for prayers."


7 years ago


"Pray for my sister she try to kill her self the storms and trials we go threw, thank you my brothers & sisters, God bless."


7 years ago


"Holy Father, I am really worried about my student, I hope she is not feeling discouraged, lord please help her with her practice in Jesus name, lord please help me to encourage her so that she can enjoy learning and please take away her anxiety, please help her to be confident about the skills she has acquired. Lord please help both myself and her guardian to Make the right choices and please help her family to be a support system for her in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen"


7 years ago


"Holy father I hope an innocent comment that I made has not offended my friends. I feel that it might have done, please help me to repair any damage caused to our friendship and please open their hearts so that they an forgive me in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


7 years ago

"Thank You"

"Holy father, thank you for today I had fun and I worked well. I think I had a good day at work because of all of the help you gave me. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
7 years ago


"Please comfort and heal Yukie. Please give me more insight about what I have discovered. Let me know if it is okay for me to do this. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."


7 years ago


"My husband and I are in the process of finding a good church but we've come across some that I'm not comfortable in. Please help me to move on from anything negative and help us to find some place that we belong."


8 years ago

"The end, my new beginning"

"Darkness was closing in, no way of escape. Odd questions like where the jackals lied to never wake up arose in my mind. All hope was gone, all blighted up in the skies. Was there a man whose mere interest was it to help me on behalf of the future destinations in togetherness? God, evil-minded creepy snakes coil their way through the briars to make somebody bite the dust, no rescue is the exact significance of their poison, no shelter miles from here. Lord render aid and assistance in ominous places, We love the end of things, our own in the shadows. Yours is the twilight, yours the evil."


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for the opportunities that you have placed in my life, thank you also for the people you have placed in my life, holy father please forgive me for having bad feelings about people I feel have hurt me. Please help me to e a better person. Holy father I pray that I ave a good rest and that I get everything done in the ironing please help me to be on time and please help me to be strong and to do a good job. In Jesus name. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Dear Lord, please don't let ms. E get me in trouble? I was only trying to help. I told her that my student's family should let L be more independent because they are holding her back. I fear this ms. E may say something to the child's family, and I could lose my job for talking too much. I thought since she knew the lady she could help encourage the grandmother to make the child's parents allow her to grow and mature. The child is a miracle, but her being spoiled will hold her back in life. Please let this work out for the best. Amen. I will try extra hard not to let it happen again."


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"I pray to meet someone with ambition & a firm positive outlook on life. I pray to meet someone who has simple consideration of others. When I say someone, I'm referring to my future significant other. One day our paths will cross & I will finally meet that guy who can finish my sentence & put a unconditional smile on my face. I pray for guidance lord 🙏 I've been in the same relationship for 10 years, but I feel us drifting & letting life's stress change us. "


8 years ago


"Lord, I place j into your loving arms. Please heal his afflictions and give him peace and hope in you, as well as the physicians that can help him and do your work though them. I know you are the greatest physician and you can work miracles. I'm praying for a miracle now Lord. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago


"Please touch the heart of our new leader and guide him please. "


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"I pray for our future with Donald Trump as president 🙏 please guide this country into relief, happiness, prosperity, & wealthy opportunities. 😇🙏"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let my husband hear from his lawyer and receive enough money to send our kids to college. Please let my children learn how to drive. Please keep us safe in our house and transportation. Please send us to the right church. Please let my sister get disability. Amen."


8 years ago

"Christian Spouses"

"My sister, brother and I are single we. I want to pray for Christian spouses who love Jesus with all of their heart and who are faithful. Also spouses who will be understanding but I don't want us to move out of our town because we would like to be beside mom. I pray in Jesus name."


Odessa tx
8 years ago


"Lord I'm still in pain. I'm miss my lil family a lot. I don't want the devil to win. He has took what was not his. 😭my heart beat for my future wife and lil ones. I need restoration in my family God please I'm hurting 🙏🏻 in the name of Jesus I pray. "


8 years ago

"JOY Cometh In The Morning"

"Holy Father, thank you for the joy in my heart today, a few days ago I had lost all hope in everything and today I see things differently and I feel much better. Weeping may endure for a night but JOY cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30.5) Thank you in Jesus name Amen. "


New York
8 years ago


"Asking prayer for my mom she have pneumonia and other stuff going on on was hospitalized she had to get blood transfusion. That the Lord's will be done "


8 years ago

"The Professed Things"

"Where is the jackal when all is crying and shouting at the wedding of one's dreams? Is he roaring in dark places or striding in public? He walks about in sudden spheres, not an easy deal to keep it live. Who has seen him? Speak out now you evil endorser of iron to hang it all on the coat hangers, you're an expert in terms of washing machines yet not the live person in everyday life for the success of everything and more. Yet You Lord God, You know always best and try to understand us. Our ways are too intricate, could we deserve You? "


8 years ago

"Feelings Forever"

"Dear Lord, As I lay here on this late, lonely night, I can't help but cry myself to sleep again. Yes, I know it's been almost three years but I still cannot shake this feeling. I fell in love once, and I can never do it again. He has never left my heart and never will. Any man who crosses my path I am forced to settle for because none of them are him. But I can't force him to remember me, to want me again, to remember what we had. It still baffles me because I know he feels me because I can still feel him too. Every. Single. Day. I use my obligations, relationships, and activities to distract me. Yet, every time I lay here, when it all stops. I'm faced with the reality that he is my one and only that I can never have again. Lord, you are my only hope. Please help me shake this feeling or bring us back together in Jesus' name. Amen."


8 years ago

"Location Moves In Job "

"Holy Father I'm losing all hope I pray that this situation will not determine the location moves in my job. I do not want to be moved in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Pray for me GOING threw tough time in my life I'm crying for last day please brother & sister God bless."


8 years ago


"Prayer Warriors, Thank You for praying with me over my situation. I have an update for all who have prayed with me for God's will on the matter: After 2 and a half years - I had been betrayed in April 2016 by my fiance, a pastor of the church overseas. He got a new girlfriend and blocked me and my mother. I had no idea about him and his new girl friend till in October 29, 2016 that I found out that he was engaged. I prayed over the matter to God. I then stumbled upon the woman's Facebook account and I found out - they had broken up! I still saw that they were still planning to get married as of September 2016. But in about October onwards, I have already seen enough proof (civil status as single, declared single, change to solo profile pic and other posts pertaining to not yielding to a relationship right now - as summed up that their relationship had been UNHAPPY although they have reached the point of getting engaged in a month's time since April 2016. She has also changed her current city to a different country although there had been no confirmation if she truly moved too as this was a sudden change. The pastor, who had two broken engagements in one year is now NOT updating his profile and everything in it. There is also no news after this broken engagement, if he had even been able to go online since THERE had been no traces of him which is unlike him for years. There is absolute NO word, too, as his engagement with the other woman had been very public to the church and to the social media.... Which leads me to my prayer request - For them - and the church he pastors - to FOLLOW YOUR WILL, LORD JESUS; wherever they may be and whatever they may be doing, MAY there be in anyway, a movement of YOUR PRESENCE to lead them TO FOLLOW YOU - a direction that is YOUR WAY, YOUR TRUTH AND YOUR LIFE; lead them no longer to any path of compromise but TO PLEASE YOU alone & be surrendered to YOU, in JESUS' mighty NAME; All praise, glory and YOURS, LORD JESUS... GOD BLESS ALL."


8 years ago


"Lord create in me a new heart. One that is slow to anger and quick on forgiving. One that doesn't find faults in others but see the good. One that can stand up to evil and say no when needed. A heart with discernment that can see when boundaries are needed and when I should not fight back. Oh Lord I long to do your work here but I need help to handle my emotions. Show me when I should let them forward and when to hold back and how to say yes and no and mean it. Please Lord. "


8 years ago

"Peace For My Daughter"

"Lord God I'm asking for your protection over my daughter life right now..her being so young she may not understand what's going on in her life but I ask that you just bring her little body peace right now help her to cope with the situation and understand it's all done out of love and not just because God help us to grow with the relationship so things can start flowing better God watching her cry so hard use to effect me but I know it's in ur holy plan and things will work out Father this is a test it's a season I'm believing things will get better in the situation just blow ur love over her right now and give her peace let her know mommy loves her in Jesus name Amen......"


8 years ago

"Our Country"

"Please keep our nation safe as we are now under the regime of someone who is a bully, a racist, has threatened to bomb other countries, and who has zero political experience. I ask that you will direct and guide him to make WISE decisions about our country; NOT to show off and be ruthless and power hungry in office. Please protect our nation and its people. Amen "


Corona California
8 years ago


"Lord, Thank you for the gift of life! Thank you for taking away my brain cancer and letting me live another year healthy. I am blessed for all you have given me. Cheers to another year of happiness and love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen"


8 years ago

"cancer pain strikes again"

"Lord please heal me from this cancer if You are willing. i pray for more time. i praise You in the midst of this pain because this is nothing compared to what You have suffered for our sins. Father please have mercy and let me rest in You. pls take away the pain if it pleases You and i pray that You will help me live and eat healthier. lead me on Lord. bless Your Holy Name. in Jesus' name we pray. amen. -lily"


8 years ago

"Stomach Bug"

"Need your prayers, have a bad stomach bug as a teacher I don't want to miss anymore than I need to, plus I have college class tomorrow night. Please lord heal me from this"


8 years ago

"Lets Pray"

"Pray for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, to talk to other peoples about Jesus Christ love them and died for there sins,Amen!!!"


New York
8 years ago


"Father God I am asking for your guidance and help. Direct my steps. Help me with my attitude in Jesus name. Cover me with your blood and shield me from the attacks that I may not be loss along the way"


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me with my teaching today in Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me to be there for my friend she is going through a lot. "


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me to be smarter, please protect me from evil and wrong doing and gossip that others have towards me. Holy father please let me walk in your light. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Bad Dreams "

"Holy father please forgive me for opening a negative door in my life through resentment, carnal sin, and watching bad, violent and immoral programs. I did not realize that this was the reason for my nightmares. Lord please forgive and please help me to close the door to these things with the blood of Jesus. Please cleanse me and please help me to have a sweet sleep as you promised. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Family Success"

"God, more than anything else in the world, I want to be happy and successful as a father and husband. Please give me love, wisdom and courage to nurture my family to great legacy for your kingdom and glory:"


8 years ago

"To YOU"

"Just a prayer that all of you who read this will have a blessed day! If it doesnt go as you planned, remember that God is with you and will not Cause harm without allowing something new to be born!"


8 years ago

"Dear LORD,"

"Please help my family. My uncle and my grandpa take care of them and heal them if you desire LORD , help my family raise enough money for them to pay for the hospital bills. Take care of them dear GOD, bring peace to their souls. Thank you in Jesus's name amen."


8 years ago

"I Need Peace "

"Please pray for the salvation of my family and I. I want to experience healing and peace from my past sins and choices. I feel lost, sad and hurt right now. Also wanting to pray for my family's healing after the loss of my father. Have mercy on his soul Father and forgive him for all of sins. In Jesus name"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please keep my kids safe. Let them be happy and healthy and have a family of their own. Please help us find the right church home. Amen."


8 years ago

"Pray My Ministries"

"God could move me mighty way on my ministries, to save family, friend, and the world in Jesus name Amen!!"


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"Things are very stressed right now. I pray for some type of sign to show me I'm in the right path. Please show me guidance. I pray for all negativity surrounding our family to leave immediately. Please surround us and others in need with overwhelming positive energy leading everyone to happiness Amen "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"My Future "

"Lord, I'm at such a stressful and busy time in my life. I'm trying to get started in my military career as soon as possible, I don't want to wait until May! I can't afford it any longer. I'm losing focus and am behind in school, I can't afford to pay my tuition. My new car broke down today and I can't afford to fix it. I don't make enough money to get by but I need to be focused on my training for bootcamp and getting in shape. I've been going through a deep depression and I don't know how to get my life back on track. My ex is harassing me and accusing me of stealing and destroying his property. I have all these negative things coming up and I'm just trying so hard to better myself. Lord please help to work in my favor and regain focus. In Jesus's name I pray, amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let everything work out. Amen."


8 years ago

"YR 12 VCE / HSC Exams"

"Father, I come to thee to ask for guidance as all year 12's including myself are sitting our final exams for 13 years of schooling . I pray that you anoint each and every one of us with your grace as we sit inside the examination , may we maintain our focus on you alone and never lean on our own understanding for you are the source of wisdom ! I pray all these things in your precious name I pray , Amen 💯"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago

"The Lord Is My Shepard"

"Dear Lord, may my husband and I live to see grandchildren. My parents didn't get to experience it. I want to experience. I want my sister to experience it, too. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"I need prayers for my children learning to drive. Please let me find someone who can teach them how to drive. Please help me get over my fear of death. Amen."


8 years ago

"Good Times"

"Holy father thank you for a good week and thank you for my understanding perceptive friend LE. I pray that we have a good time tomorrow evening and I pray also that my flat mate likes my decorating (I incorporated her style and her accessories so as our flat could be a little bit of both of us)I hope she likes it. Praying in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"I loss my job pray for me to get a another job thank you my brothers & sisters in Christ God bless."


8 years ago


"I'm pregnant and I've had some small problems with my placenta. I pray that everything gets better. I've also had problems knowing who's going to deliver the baby. There are a few other small things as well such as an iron difficiency and other hormonal changes. Help me to stay strong and happy while I teach while pregnant. "


8 years ago


"I need strenght to pursue my job this week. I need to phone 200 people to ask them to respond to a questionnarie about their opinions of their Church. Lord I don't want to, please give me inclination and joy."


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, Please open the eyes of Americans that they would see the truth, and understand that the choice they are to make for their country is between good and evil. Help them see the corruption and satanic forces within the government. Help them see the choice between keeping our religious freedoms, or being persecuted for being Christian. Help them see the choice to keep America as a nation under the protection of God, one nation under God, or be under the eventual rule of the one world government under Evil forces. Help us repent as a nation, and turn back to you O Lord. Please save us from the evil one. Do not let the church be divided or be deceived. Let those who are deceived wake up."


8 years ago

"Prayer For The World"

"Dear GOD, Up in heaven watching over me and loving me, thank you for this day and letting me be here today. Today I beg of you to help us Christians now that the end is near. Please protect everyone and please help us spread your holy word. Please help me spread it to and please help us spread love instead of hate. You know racism is spreading and you can change it and we leave it all up to you Lord. In Jesus's name amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please keep us safe. I feel paranoid. Please don't let me get into trouble for trying to help a child. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Help ease my worries about the Twins' driving, taxes, fraud, fire, both lawsuits, finding a local church, tithing, charity, our sisters, nieces, and nephews, college for the twins, our jobs, floods, weather, murder, police, robbers, and death. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please don't let me get in trouble about S's and E's parents with my principal."


8 years ago

"Please Pray"

"Heavenly Father, I come before you today asking you to forgive our sins, and ask you for guidance and help. My husband is in need of employment, and it is like ever since he has gotten his Bachelors Degree in Legal Studies, he has had a hard time getting employment. He has gone on many interviews, and has gotten neither a approval nor a denial letter from potential employers. I am praying that things turn for the better, and that he gets this employment so that he can support our family. He has hurdles that are preventing this, and I come to ask you to remove them, as we both know that only you can do this. You are able to fix everything because you created all. This I ask in Jesus name I pray, A-men."


Corona California
8 years ago

"Dad's Health"

"Please pray for my dad. Tonight he overdosed and was found unconscious in his apartment by my aunt. He's now on life support. It took years and years for him to sober up and get his life back. Especially fixing his relationship with me, his daughter. I feel angry and I feel sad. I wish he could just be the father I've always wanted but I know it's the drugs causing this, not him. Lord, please help ease my dads suffering and help me rest my anger. Help me forgive him. In your name I pray, Amen"


8 years ago


"This week I'm writing my first Christian book for kids pray for me, thank you God bless!!"


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Me"

"I have never felt this done with life before. I have always struggled with depression but never to the point where I wished I was never born. Life is just too complicated and quite melancholy actually. Babies die, bad things happen to good people, bad people get what they want. I have no idea what I'm doing here or what the whole point of it is anyway. Growing up I went to church religiously, prayed religiously, was active in religious activities and giving back. I was saved when I was 8 I have always believed in God. But the older I get, the more complicated things become because of my religion. It's not fair. I feel like as soon as I "let go and let God" my life becomes boring and He takes everything that makes me happy out of my life. I know what he wants me to do but I can't trust that what's waiting is better than what I'm satisfied with now. I feel like I'm finally fixin to fall asleep after a long tiring day and just before I do, God wakes me up and tries to move me to a more comfortable bed. But I don't care about how comfortable the other bed is because I'm angry that I've been woken up from the perfectly comfortable one I was already easily falling asleep in. And by the time I get to the "more comfortable bed" it don't matter because all I care about is sleep at that point. I'm stubborn and I wish I wasn't. But I just wish life didn't have to be so much work and so little play. Everyday, we see people on the highway rushing to get to work honking, cursing and angry to get to a job that they probably don't enjoy just to feed themselves and their family. When did life become survival? Or has it really just been this way all along.."


8 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request. "


8 years ago

"Urgent Prayer"

"Please Lord hear my prayer and those who support me here on this app, I lift Lourdes up in prayer and ask you to please be with her during this emergency surgery and speak to her and tell her how important it is to take care of our bodies and please guide the doctors hands to remove the infection and bacteria and salvage her toe if possible. In jesus name I pray for her and for her family to come to her. Amen!"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Job Employment"

"Dear Jesus, Lord, I humbly ask of you to please guide me in finding the right job for me. I am in great depression because I have been unemployed for so long and my family has reached financial rock bottom. Lord, I know, I have wasted my time long enough but now I needed your help. Guide me to the right job that will not only hone my skills but also my character. Lord, I pray that I will receive an invitation for a job interview in the hotel that I applied in to. Lord, please guide me, help me, hear our prayers. I also ask for forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed. I'm sorry Jesus. I love you always and forever Amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Help my students and parents to act right. Let my husband hear from his lawyer. Make my work correct and allow me to come up with lessons for students. Keep me from getting in trouble. Amen."


8 years ago

"Please Lord Help Me"

"Please Lord come into my workplace and stop all the backbiting and sabotaging, jealousy, its too much for me to bear. Those people know what they at doing and are listening to the wrong voice. Please redeem LOPBGASHREKCWLWPSBPPAASDHSKWHSAMJTJVSKMJJSDHGDSS&everyone else not named that cause problems, gossip please ale them accountable for their actions, all of this I ask please in Jesus name amen. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Cancer Battle"

"Find out tomorrow if it's back and would like to ask for prayer"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please keep my identity safe from fraud and heal me from my addiction. Let Eric hear from his lawyer soon. Let us get a refund on our taxes and help me make a difference at work. Amen."


8 years ago

"God Is Love"

"Whoever does not love, does not know God. Because GOD IS LOVE. (1john 4:8) Thank you lord for letting me know this please help me to be your disciple. I have nothing if I don't have you. "


8 years ago


"Trecina Anderson - Spain George/Cheryl Craft - Regional & Evangelism, EME Patrick/Jean Groves - Sudan Kenya Gerry/Darla McClean - Nigeria Dan/Debbie Barkley - Chile Roger/Becky Buckland - Pacific Sim/Judi Strickland - Greece, Armenia, Macedonia Mokhles/Teresa Sandrá - Egypt Henry/Sharon Ritchie - Windward Island French Guiana Leonard/Ping-Lan Richardson - Taiwan James/Elizabeth Corbin - Bangladesh India Redovan/Tanya Hajduk - Croatia Slovenia Ed/Naomi Hosmer - Japan"


8 years ago

"Aunts Birthday"

"Holy father I was not able to put my aunts card in the post on time. I pray that she will forgive me and I hope she has a great birthday. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Pregnancy "

"I've had exhaustion and lots of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Thanks for prayers "


8 years ago


"Holy father I think bitterness is taking over my heart, I don't want to be that person, please help. In Jesus name. Amen. "


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"Our family is blessed, we are so thankful for our kids health and well-being while out playing with friends and attending school. Lord thank you for our most recent employment opportunity we are very blessed & grateful. I pray our business is blessed with your positive light and we develop the ability, knowledge and money to expand and grow more & more. Bless our family with health, wealth, & positive angles spreading love and happiness 💚😇 I pray for positive energy to surround all 💞"


8 years ago

"My Work Boss"

"Dearest Lord, please come now and rescue my boss and her work clique. They spend all day gossiping, plotting, judging people and think they are in control and full of power. They all push off their work and work people as slaves. Please come today and touch each of their hearts, show them it's you and ask them to turn from sin and to walk with you. They don't believe and laugh at those who are Solid in faith. Please continue to fight my battles and I will keep my eyes on you. Thank u for this request, it's time to rescue these lost sheep this madness has gone on too long. In jesus name amen!"


8 years ago


"I am feeling very depressed since my dads passing away last week. I don't want to live anymore I feel so alone and sad.. I don't want to do anything.. Please pray for my mother, siblings and I to find peace during this difficult time and to forgive us for our sins. In Jesus name I pray."


New York
8 years ago


"Father God I lift up my sister guide her heal her and help her. Lord you know what is going on I pray that you intervene and let your will be done in Jesus name"


8 years ago

"Generational Curses"

"Lord I ask for healing and deliverance for myself and family and that we are set free from any and all things that may be hindering us our blessings! In the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen!🙏🏼"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let Eric hear from his lawyer. Please let him get a nice settlement to pay for a new vehicle, our trip, and the Twins' tuition. Let him hear something tomorrow. Amen."


8 years ago


"My Dearest Lord, I have praying so hard to detach from "her" because of all you know she has done to make things difficult and feels like she's been sabotaging things in and around my life. I'm certain she's into unGodly things of the dark side. I thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Please help me be strong not to fall into anything she might to do try and manipulate & have a foothold on my life. If it is your will for healing to occur between us and be peaceful with Jesus leading the way, I will do anything you ask my Lord. But you know how hard this work/friendship has been and the evil that occurred. Please do not let anything like that come to fruition, we've had quite a journey of challenges, moods, odd behavior and other things Get in the way of your peace, wisdom and love. Please forgive us, show us peace and if it's your will, we will do your good works together honoring you. If anything with her intentions toward me are unGodly please stop any and all bad thought, words, letters, & harm so that she will not hurt or taken advantage of anyone else. In Jesus name I pray, amen!"


whitesburg kentucky
8 years ago


"I need prayers as I'm super depressed and down. I constantly feel GOD laying heavy on my heart. I struggle with decisions on things I know I shouldn't do. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted and need prayers! "


8 years ago


"I need help with people who have a need to control things and who tell me what to do. I need a mature, calm and constructive way to meet this behavior. Not sure if I need to be better at handling exhortation or if they need to stop controlling, or a bit of both. "


8 years ago


"I'm pregnant and stressed and could use prayers."


New York
8 years ago


"Are we connected with God today ?apart from God we can do nothing . He is the potter, we are the clay. He mold us and make us. He is the vine we are the branches if we remain in Him we bear much fruit. From Him flows everything. He is the way the truth and life. In him we find life and truth. If we remain in Him we will mature characters and bear life and hope to others. I pray that each one of us today may be connected to God that the Holy Spirit may flow in us His passion mission and love. That we may remain in one in God. In Jesus name "


8 years ago

"The new day, the old manner."

"Once we had been taught each flick of the wrist, show us more Lord God. Could we ever wait upon You? Render us interested at Your aims, we hope for mercy. Are You the God of patience anyway? Are You the father (of our redeemer)? How could we ever forget You? Don't go away, we dare not back down before Your glory. "


8 years ago


"We have lost our dear Father please pray for us all. We are deeply hurt. "


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that people using this app to laugh at those with faith would come to see their need of you in time. Amen "


8 years ago

"A burdensome time, no end, but finish."

"Forgotten is it that made me glad, gone thereby that was able to fall for the handsome freewoman of the city. Have you been listening to that my love? An outcry in desolate places, where the jackal won't hear the rabbit, a cry deep down in one's heart, could I await some more? 'Glory in the Highest, downcast in the dust, we will rise, we won't back down. Get hold of the way we beseeched You while You were in the black... Nice job.'"


8 years ago

"Lord Hear My Cry"

"Dearest Lord Jesus Christ I ask for you to please hear my deepest cry out to you, please I beg you step into my job and all the areas of darkness everywhere in the environment and please help us turn it around to be more positive and loving there is way too much darkness evil in the atmosphere and it is corrupting your people. There are only a few the bear good fruit and the rest are spoiled and causing others to take part in ungodly behaviors. They are ruled by power and titles and self proclaimed authority and treat their coworkers and workers below them less than they should as if they are less human and deserve to be at the bottom. There is continued purges them and judgment bored please come and clean the atmosphere Lord our place in playmate needs compassion peace and love for one another everyone is too busy in the dog eat dog mode that no one wants to help each other and it is getting worse. Or Jesus Christ please hear my prayer and ask our father Almighty to help release the burden off of his good will bears and don't let them be corrupt please. Please start the healing process and turning things around now this workplace has suffered way too long and needs a rescue now!! In Jesus name I pray and for other fellow coworkers who are scared and don't know you but are still good and do the right thing. Amen!"


8 years ago


"I've had some anxiety that has turned into a phobia and it's been a bit debilitating. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"A Car "

"Lord please help me to get this car. I need a car so desperately and I need one by this weekend. I fear I don't have enough money to buy this car on Friday and the car dealership keeps changing the amount they are willing to work with. Please help me Lord. Please help me make this happen by some miracle..."


8 years ago

"Anxiety "

"I've been having anxiety over some things. Thanks for prayers."


8 years ago

"For Healing"

"My bro n law is in ICU, he's been there for a week. His kidneys have shut down, he won't wake up when they turn off the sedation. The doctors are saying his chances of survival are getting lower everyday. Please pray God gives a miracle that the doctors can't explain. So not only will he get better but also so any of the hospital staff who doesn't know God will be able to see HE's real and come to him. Also please keep keep my sister and their kids in prayer for comfort. Thanks. "


8 years ago

"prayer requests"

"Father thank You for this community! thank You for blessing us with people who channel Your blessings! Lord i come to You in prayer once again to heal my cancer if it pleases You. Father i also pray for our pets as they are also afflicted. they are such a gift that adds joy to us. thank You Lord for the big and small things You bless us with everyday. Father please help me be a better wife to my husband and a better mother to our kids. i pray that You will grant us the privilege to worship You as a family. please draw my husband close to You and cause him to put You first in his life. that he will love You with all his heart and that pride will not overtake him. humble him Father and open his heart to Your grace. let him be the Godly leader in our home and to be a great example to his children. Lord You know our heart and You know our unspoken prayers. i pray that You will heal what needs to heal, comfort and strengthen each and everyone of us and that we will see where You want us to go and just follow You with no reservations. bless us o God and cleanse us that as we come to commune with You in our prayers everyday. i pray for my kids that they will grow in the knowledge of You, loving You and seeking to put You first in their lives. i pray that we will honor You with every breath and rely on Your word every second of every day. thank You for Your promises Lord and thank You for all that You are! we praise You in Jesus' mighty name. amen."


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"Lost "

"I wish I could get out of this nightmare. Nothing seems to be getting better. 😭I've lost everything. I pray n pray it will get better soon. Idk y this happened to me. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Future "

"Lord I pray you show me the light and guide me along my way to the right path for my future. Please let the navy become my new home now and allow it to be full of adventure and grant me a prosperous future. Lord I pray you help my in my financial struggles, please allow me to acquire enough money to buy myself a car and get out of this house to escape this mental abuse. Please help me to overcome this depression and anxiety. Please let me get back into the gym and stay focused on my goals. Please allow me to catch back up in school, make good grades, and still graduate this December. Please don't let me fail Lord. Please see the good in my heart and the hard work I am trying to put in. I don't want an easier life Lord, I want the strength to overcome it. In your name I pray, Amen! "


Lagos, Nigeria
8 years ago


"I don't want to ask for anything ....But all I want to Say is THANK YOU LORD for everything ....Also thanking you for stumbling on this App, to Pray along with people of Faith All over the World 🌎 ..! I decree in the name of Our Lord for all prayer Requests according to your will and our desires are being met in Jesus ...( For - Salvation, Grace, Healing, Restoration, Finances, Fulfillment of Marital Destinies, Peace, Business Growth , Divine provision,Fruit of the Womb) and so much .... In Jesus name ( 🙏🏽Amen)"


New York
8 years ago


"As I look ahead and meditate on my present situation i have come to an understanding that in a way i am shipwreck in a ditch. Many times even living a Christian life one can find themselves leading the path to Rome sort of speaking and this can become devastated especially if one is living a as hones as one can be. So this morning I am finding myself praying not only for myself but each and everyone in this prayer connection along with those I do come in contact with Dear Lord Jesus help us to determine to make the right decisions and the right choices in life. Help us to live constantly in truth no matter how much it hurts. Many of us are in the path to Rome or stuck in a ditch or shipwrecked this is devastated for me as is my present condition and although I am standing firm in you and let it be what your will is part of me feels stuck angry sad and I want more of life I don't want to continued getting up at the crack of dawn just to barely make it at the end of the week. I am not satisfied the fact that I spent 12 years in college and it doesn't do me any good and i really don't want to look forward ahead to get old and sit in Mc Donald hoping someone buys me a cup of coffee as I often see our elderly do. After they work hard their entire life they barely have food to eat once they get old. I am very upset Lord as you already know I want changes and I need you to direct my path "


8 years ago

"Assignment "

"Holy father I pray that I will get my assignment done tomorrow and that I will get a good mark. In Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father, today was a stressful day, but I thank you for getting me through it. Lord I pray for healing for this illness. I pray that you will strengthen my immune system so that I can fight this, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


Lagos, Nigeria
8 years ago

"Believing God For A Spouse ! "

"Hi , Would like you all to include me in your prayers , been waiting on God for a Spouse for a while Now , Been in a relationship but not forthcoming,but Right now all I want is God will for a Spouse in My Life ,have been staying glued to God and I know ( convinced ) that my testimony is Sure ...holding in to that faith to come quickly ( don't wanna Faint or be weary) Just stumbled on this app and am sure am already on my way to answered Prayers . Thank you Jesus Thank you all for including me in your prayers Coming back to share my Testimony💃🏼🤗"


Lagos, Nigeria
8 years ago

"Believing God For A Spouse "

"Hi , Would like you all to include me in your prayers , been waiting on God for a Spouse for a while Now , Been in a relationship but not forthcoming,but Right now all I want is God will for a Spouse in My Life ,have been staying glued to God and I know ( convinced ) that my testimony is Sure ...holding in to that faith to come quickly ( don't wanna Faint or be weary) Just stumbled on this app and am sure am already on my way to answered Prayers . Thank you Jesus Thank you all for including me in your prayers Coming back to share my Testimony💃🏼🤗"


8 years ago

"The distortion at noonday"

"Lost were those who sought after the Lord, the tempest blew hardest and no place to hide. We had all been seeking the things of ups and downs, what we found was endless gloom, no remission. Bye, bye world of kindness, once you had restrained us, but oh, the reason became foolishness, our minds exposed. "


8 years ago

"Peaceful Week"

"Dear Lord, thank you for my wonderful weekend, my family, my home, my job. Please help me start. New work week tomorrow with joy and happiness so that I may push threw the day and not be distracted. I love you and thanks you for your mercy and love. In jesus name amen!! "


8 years ago


"Please pray for something my husband and I have been working on together. Nothing bad, but something we've been trying to improve. "


8 years ago


"My best friend got married yesterday. Pray for their marriage."


New York
8 years ago


"Asking prayers for my sister ....just thinking about what she is going through it has become overwhelming. Sometimes things before they become better they become worst"


8 years ago


"My ministries in YouTube and writing a Christian book for kids, and writing Christian song, please pray for me that Jesus will bless me thank you god bless."


8 years ago

"Need A Miracle"

"I am in a custody battle and really need a miracle. There is no other way to put it. I need clarity, guidance, hope, comfort and a really big miracle. Thanks and God bless!"


8 years ago

"Forgivness "

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the lord Jesus. Giving thanks to God the father through him. (Colossians 3:17) Holy father I don't always live up to the standard set in your word. Please forgive me. Please forgive me for arrogance and impatience and anger. in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Work Colleague"

"Holy father I think I have upset my work colleagues. I'm not sure how but lord I pray for wisdom from you. Please help me to fix this. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Flat Mate"

"Holy father thank you for my Flatmate, I am grateful that we get along. Lord I pray that we can have a more open dialogue with each other. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Faith Is Lost Without Glory"

"From heaven came down the blood of our redeemer in that we are washed through faith, yet have we been able to deliver somebody? We must strive in the sacred sprinkles to keep our hearts in humility, otherwise it is mighty in power which will lie in wait, ready unto conviction. Lord spare our buddies, we ought to consume ourselves for the love in that we partake, unto eternity we will wait. "


New York
8 years ago


"Hello all, It has been overwhelming couple of days I am still not feeling well and I have personal things going on thanks for everyone who have pray for me and for those that share their stories. May God's grace be upon us all "


8 years ago

"Goly Spirit Pray For Me"

"Please pray from my soul on my behalf. You know this nightmare. You know my needs. Please pray for me Holy Spirit Amen"


8 years ago

"Pray Against This Demonic Attack"

"My life is under demonic attack. Please pray for these demons to be bound in the name of Jesus. Please pray that this is finished soon and that I can rebuild my life within His will and for His glory once again Amen"


8 years ago

"My Time By The Fall Of Man"

"Who learns a lesson that is given by the hand of God at due time? Has anyone forgotten the lore of ancientness which once comprehended, cannot be repeated all over again? Go, believe in nigh, brighter times, go on trusting in the work of the Lord, 'for disappointment awakes in a crowded place.' "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for everything. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Urgent Prayers"

"I need your urgent prayers please! There is so much at stake right now. If anyone prays spiritual warfare now is the time. Thank you!"


8 years ago

"Are You There Lord??"

"Do you care??? After thinking I could move on yesterday things are a million times worse than I could ever have imagined I do not understand why you have allowed this I don't understand why I am going through this. I destroyed and I don't want to live"


8 years ago

"Please Rescue Your Disciples Jesus"

"Please Lord reveal the manipulators & bullies against me and other fellow colleagues who are trying to do your good works to our head boss PBG. There are three women who are hungry for power and are manipulating him so bad and creating conflict that he is not aware of yet but I'm begging you please open his eyes wide. PBG is a godly man I sense it and I can tell even though we've never talked about religion, I know he's a follower of Christ. Please protect him and his family, the manipulators have an in with his wife to and just playing the game. I also pray his wife will go with her woman's intuition and advise her husband of any ill feelings she may be sensing from the women manipulators. They have talked about him behind his back but to his face they are phony. Please Lord revealed these people who are all their puppets and are doing dirty work and not your will. I am asking that you please help turn all these people back to you so they can redeem themselves from all the evil works there doing: CWLWPPAAVBFMJBLSJBLOHSSBSDKWMJJSJVAMGWPSHSTWH🙏🏻 protect me & fellow disciples from them please I'm so scared and I know others are too but no one is brave enough to expose them, they fear for their jobs while the manipulators causing all of this and laugh while they do it. Help Lord please! Protect PBG and show him how to lead us all following your teachings. I'm certain he's a Godly man, please Jesus intercede on my behalf I can't take it anymore. Grant me this favor & give me a clear sign things are going to be better please. No one deserves to go through what I have suffered at the hands of these people. Thank you so much, I will be forever grateful for this request not only for me but the rest of our company. In Jesus name I pray fervently amen!🙏🏻"


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"Thank you for my life 💚 I pray good energy surrounds everyone and provides strength for those in need🙏😇"


8 years ago

"Pregnancy "

"It seems like I've posted on here a lot lately but for a few days I've had some depression while being pregnant and it's scary. "


8 years ago

"Besieged But Not Forgotten"

"Evergreen evildoers have set a snare and nobody is able to avoid that freely. Is then long-suffering better than withstanding? God of all endeavors and each end, are You someone who keeps a promise, this one that we ought to assume Your hope more than bread? "


New York
8 years ago


"The bible mentions that God Almighty is a jealous God and that we are creating for him to worship Him and Him alone. The bible also mentions that You shall have no other gods other than Him alone. In my journey walking with God had revealed to me that certain things He took away from me was because at the time they were more important to me than God was. As I became more mature in the word and I did read the scripture I did come to conclusion that anything that takes the place of God is therefore idolatry and in a sense become a God to us. As I lay down tonight my prayer is that God forgive us for allowing people places things situation take the place where you are worthy to be praise help us and guide us cleanse us o Lord Father my prayer is that we become to point to a place where we take you seriously and give you the praise and honor you deserve in Jesus name"


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"Weak. "

"Idk know what to do. I miss my lil family. N I can't seem to get past this nightmare. I trying to be strong n keep my faith. But some how this pain in my heart is killing me. "


8 years ago

"Thank You For Being With Me"

"Thank you for allowing the court to recognised my truthfulness Thank you this step is over Thank you for my family Thank you for your forgiveness and fatefulness Lord anoint my life that I might serve you to the full Amen"


8 years ago

"Move Forward"

"I'm struggling with an event that happened recently. Pray that I can forgive myself and move forward. "


8 years ago

"Ryan and Claire"

"Dearest Father, Thank you for everything and for guidance and teachings. Please be with us today. Thank you that we may come to you and for your faithfulness and love and promises. I pray for Ryan and his health Lord. Be with him and heal him. Comfort Claire and reveal to her your loving kindness and care. Wrap them with your love and bring support to them. Hold them close and bring healing to her family. Guidance and support be with them always. May they come to and rely on you for everything bringing peace into their lives. Let no one bring shame and condemnation but everlasting joy and peace in their home. May all other things be put aside and you love abide in and be with them all. Show mercy and kindness to them and remain forever in us. Thank you Father. Please in your holy name I pray. Forever and ever. Amen"


8 years ago

"In Court And Terrified"

"Brothers and sisters. Please pray for me attending court today. I am utterly terrified. Please pray that the best outcome prevails and that there with be no press attending. Amen"


8 years ago


"I'm frustrated over a situation with a friend and some things with pregnancy. Thanks so much for prayers. "


8 years ago

"Brothers And Sisters Please Pray"

"I'm sorry for posting so much but I'm so frightened about tomorrow when I will be cross examined. Please allow those there to recognise my truthfulness and please allow them to be understanding and compassionate Lord please protect my privacy "


8 years ago


"Please pray for me- I have been betrayed by my former fiance (a pastor) and he is with his new gf. Please pray for my situation, my family, my former fiance, his church and his gf - to hear from You and Your will. Grant us obedience to follow You in JESUS' Name. His birthday is on the 28th of September. Pray he will follow God's will and lead his church with GOD's guidance and in truth. Help us discern and break any ungodly soulties in the Name of JESUS. Crush all lies and works of the enemy in JESUS' Name. We seek Your wisdom and guidance over this matter- that Your will be done, in JESUS' NAME. Praise and glory to God. Amen. God BLESS all."


8 years ago

"Legal Issue"

"Was served papers today about a car accident that happened almost a year ago. It appears we are going to have to get lawyers involved (first time ever) to dispute bogus charges. Given this to God already but would really appreciate prayers. We are looking for a church right now so don't have support in that way, but I know God is good. Ty "


8 years ago

"Please Help Me Lord"

"Lord. I know I've messed up big style. But does this mean I am wrong about everything always? Does this mean I have to take the brunt of someone's anger"


8 years ago

"Rejoice, Pray and Thanks"

"Lord, although my rehab is an uphill battle, I know you will heal me and make me walk and run, strong and healthy again. I want to rejoice, pray and be thankful every moment and each day, as they are all opportunities you are giving me. I praise and love you! Amen!"


8 years ago

"Prayers For Tim Whis Having Surgery Today"

"Lord Jesus, please be with Lisa and Tim at this time. Lord he is in such pain. Lay hands on him and free him from the hurt and give him rest while still here on Earth. We know you love him and are in control but his wife needs more time with him. Please help them through this illness together so they can continue their lives together in love and peace. In jesus name I pray amen. 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Lord Help Monday Go Well"

"Just so panicked and tearful now. Dreading Monday Lord I beg of you to protect my privacy and grant the best possible outcome. Help me get through this unscathed "


8 years ago

"Dentist's Appt. "

"I have had 6 cavities filled in the past month, I'm having issues with 2. One hurts so bad with drinks or food that's even slightly chilled and intense heat, the other with sugary foods. My dentist set up an appt. for Oct. 3rd, and if my teeth are still hurting by then I will most likely have to get crowns. I've heard there are 2 different ways to have crowns done: one is to just have a metal cap put on, and the other they drill off the top of the tooth and put a fake top on. Right now, nothing is helping my teeth. Please pray for peace of mind about the appt. and for my teeth to quit hurting and be fine. "


8 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request."


8 years ago


"My siblings and I are all single. Please pray for Jesus to help us to meet our spouses. Christian ones who are faithful to the Lord. In Jesus name."


8 years ago


"I am extremely stressed. I am in desperate need of prayers. Jesus lift my family out from all of these troubles. In Jesus name."


8 years ago

"Dad "

"Please pray for dad"


8 years ago

"Prayers For Work"

"Dearest Lord thank you for bringing me through the toughest times I've experienced from the past month and all the time before where it has built up into stress, frustration, doubt, fear, feeling untrusting of my coworkers and everyone else who has made me feel bad about myself and judge me for whatever reason. I'm asking you again to please place your hand on each and every single one of my enemies and faux friends who pretend to be working with me but are working as minions to cause me problems and spread gossip, lies and rumors about me faster than fire. Please bless each and every single person who has ever uttered my name with hate, envy, spite, or any other unGodly way, show them I am Not their enemy but a servant to you and am trying to make peace and do goodwill. I forgive them who persecute me and pray fervently they realize what they do and how they are making themselves at risk for their future. Help them repent and please protect our new leader PBG he's a Godly man I know it and this is who we need leading the way not evil. Esp. CWAAPPLEPDDMJKWACSTWHSBHSHSSPIn jesus name I pray AMEN!! "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please bless us with a safe home and decent landlord to enable us to move out of this damp unsafe house and somewhere safe and secure for us and our child. In Jesus mighty name Amen "


New York
8 years ago


"I feel a bit selfish requesting prayers for myself since I am usually praying for others but today I am asking prayer for myself. I am not feeling well.I feel very tire and very ache all over, my spirit is very low I am having difficulty praying . Thanks , "


8 years ago

"The Darkness Awaits"

"Nigh forgiveness has gone away, trouble stays where it belongs. Where is the god who knows how to solve the problem? Who chooses to wait upon Him until the end? Apart that, are you somebody who knows the very outcome? Without taking it serious, you might get down on your knees to pray for a living, but the gain is yet to come."


8 years ago

"Please Help Me Through"

"Lord I thank you for the help you have provided me this far. Every few hours i remember what is coming and the dread and fear grips me tight. Lord please keep the busy bodies away and allow the best possible outcome. Lord let it be the turning point to everything being okay again soon Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord, Be with Jay as he had his appointment today, allow him to be comforted by your presence and not anxious. Allow the outcome to be favourable to him. In Jesus previous name Amen "


8 years ago

"Miracle Prayer Needed "

"I need a miracle prayer. I failed my masters thesis that I worked so hard on and I am upset and exhausted emotionally physically and spiritually. I feel drained and I no longer want to deal with this. I want god to bring the Holy Spirit to the examiners, my advisor , and the masters committee people to reverse the racism and injustice injesus name "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Repenting "

"Dear Lord, this has been one tough year for me. I've fought tooth and nail to try and pull myself out of the grave. I almost gave up on my life this year, I had lost all fight. I lost everything. I'm now trying to pull myself together Lord. I'm trying to love myself and fulfill all the dreams that were stolen from me. I want to make a difference Lord, I want to help other people. I pray so deeply you help me to stay focused and not lose sight of my career. I pray that I make it into the Navy and land the rescue swimmer contract. I pray that I am able to get good grades and pass all my classes this semester. I pray I excel in the Navy and earn respect and recognition. I pray that those who hurt me and doubt me see the true star I am. I pray that this move is the right choice and leaving my teaching job and going back to serving is the right choice. I pray my finances finally take care of them self and that I am able to get my financial aid re-instated for school. I pray I am able to start saving money towards my future, that I am able to provide and take care of myself. That I can eliminate ALL debts. I pray that I can get a car within the next two weeks. I pray I exceed at all the things my heart desires, that I get to see the world and and all the pieces fall into place for me. Please Lord, always allow me to make the best choices that are right for me and my future, please do not let anyone or anything steer me wrong. Please let me love deeply and be the best friend, student, co-worker, daughter, sister, roommate, and child of God I can be. Please let me inspire and influence others Lord. Please heal my heart and see all my weaknesses and worries I cannot put into words. Please soften my sister and allow us to find forgiveness within one another. Please let my live an honest and sin free life Lord. I give myself to you now Lord. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen."


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"Torn To Pieces "

"I'm in need of prayers. I feel I'm losing my faith. I'm trying to keep on but it's getting harder n harder. I lost my woman n lil ones. I pray for restoration on my relationship but seem I don't get no where. I cry n cry night and day with pain in my heart for them. I want my lil family back. I wish I could be there for them. See them. Hug them tell them I miss them so much. But I just can't. I turn to God for this painful situation. I just don't know what to do no more. 😭"


8 years ago

"Salvation For a broken man"

"Please pray for Nico, he was under my parents foster care for a few years. His mother committed suicide when he was small, he was abused and did not have a nice childhood. He is now an adult and he is making really bad choices , using drugs . His life is falling apart at this moment, lost his job, house burned down, he is really suicidal at this moment....please pray for his salvation, he cant go on like this. He needs Jesus and yet he does not see it"


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Job Back And Happy Wife"

"Praying that I'm able to keep my route as I should ( so far all obligation are met ) also just to repair things in the home front as well ( basically after my fight with cancer that I won it's time to go back to work and return to some normalcy)"


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Me"

"That I get lots of work done and that my nightmare situation would soon be passed Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord woken in night frightened and panicking. Lord I beg of you to make next Monday go amazingly well and to be the first step in this nightmare coming to an end"


8 years ago

"Studies and teaching"

"Holy father, I hope I made a difference, I hope I was useful, please help my student to study so that she can make progress. Please help me as I plan my next lesson so it can be more focused and productive. Help me to be better every time lord. Please also help me in my own studies in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"O lord I pray that one day I will find a man that will love me unconditionally and treat my son as if it was his . I pray that I will get married down the road and have another child in Jesus name I pray amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Lord I fully surrender to you, please help me feel your love and presence, I feel so alone and unsteady. I don't know how I'm going backwards when I'm supposed to be going forward. Please Help me to have peace clarity and comfort so that I can take care of my family and get rid of this mental chaos in Jesus name I pray. "


8 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for the opportunities you have given me. Lord I pray that you will assist me with my new students, please help me to be inspirational lord please help me to make a difference. Please help me with the planning of my lessons so that they will be constructive in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Feeling Weary"

"My dearest Lord I am thankful for everything you have blessed me with in my life but I feel depressed and unhappy because of everything I've been through, please reignite my fire of love and happiness, I need it and I don't know who to trust anymore. I don't even have any real friends anymore, please take away the rain cloud that keeps me so weary. In jesus name I pray. Amen. 🌧💔"


New York
8 years ago


"Father I thank you for this app and I bless everyone in here. Lord tech us how to live a life that pleases you in every way make us a tool of reconciliation peace and healing in this place in our jobs in our home in our neighborhoods and everywhere we go I pray that we may honor you and surrender every aspect of being to you in Jesus name I Pray"


8 years ago

"He provides!"

"I needed a job and asked for prayers here on Weprayers and from other Christians. I got six interview offers in three weeks. Two of them were parttime jobs where I could start immediately. One of them hired me for my dream job to start as soon as other two has ended. The Lord gives in abundance!"


8 years ago

"Interceed For Sid"

"Please pray for Sid. He is sick with paranoia but has never had any medication or help from doctor because he is not willing to be consulted. He has strayed from his faith and has been separated from his wife. He has two kids but has been unemployed for a decade and only relies on a widowed mother who is also relying unto grandfather. He goes out all night in a daily basis and we have no idea what he is doing. We are praying for GOD to make a way on this situation - that there be healing and a change in the life of Sid in JESUS' mighty Name, LORD please help people in his life to be able to be a vessel of Your truth and enable him to return to You in JESUS' Name, amen. He is in much need of prayers as he has been this way for long we pray for his revival. God please intervene in JESUS' NAME, amen. GOD BLESS"


8 years ago


"I have a few prayers. If like to pray that things go fine with my husband. Also, there was a disagreement and misunderstanding with a friend that bugs me. Also pray that my pregnancy goes fine. Thank you God for the blessings in my life. 💕"


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"I am thankful for everything God has given us and I am very thankful for this app in which everyone can communicate and support each other . I need a little prayer today. My fiancé and I are arguing today. 10 years is a long relationship & we have 2 kids. I pray for this negativity that has been brought upon us today to be blown away by angles and removed for good. I pray for positive energy to surround our family and embrace our family. Please lift this stress and replace this stress with love happiness & peace. I pray our employment opportunity happens this month 🙏 Amen😎"


8 years ago


"Please pray that everything goes well with pregnancy and things related. Pray for my husband and I. 😊"


8 years ago

"Please Will You Help Me Lord"



8 years ago

"Praise Report & Prayer Request"

"Thank you to everyone who prayed for my school over the summer. 110 kids signed up for P7 Bible club this year( a 3rd of our student body!) If everyone would please keep praying that their lives may be touched and that God will anoint me to be a blessing unto them. I've seen my family ride a rollercoaster these last few months. Several things God has placed in their paths to get then to open their eyes, but they still need more. If everyone will please continue to pray that the Word of God will enter into their hearts and they may want to worship an serve him with a passionate, consuming desire. "


8 years ago

"A Bygone Day"

"Lowering skies abounded, darkness descended that day, what no man could imagine. Our soil was being plowed by a foreign hand, the crops went abroad. You vindicate them who are buffeted through glory, You love them who steadfastly implore You for mercy. "


8 years ago


"I'm such a terrible mom everything I ever wanted for my son didn't happen. Just pray lord that you will help me and guide me to be a great mom lead me , teach me . I want my son to be brought up with respect, guidance , obedience please help me to teach my son the ways and help me to my son to involved with the lord Jesus name amen "


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"I pray we find our spark again. I hope he can wake up and realize what is in front of him and take full positive advantage. It seems like he's lost his way of just not caring anymore. I ask for these negative clouds to be blown away. God place your hand on our family our relationship and embrace us with opportunity and happiness and health 😇 Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord, I ask of you to please be with me at all times. Lord, I know I'm not worthy of your grace but allow me to seek your forgiveness in times that I forget your teachings. Lord, guide me whenever I lose my sight on your grace and submit myself to sin. Lord, touch and heal every parts of my body that needs healing also heal those I love who are suffering from pain and illness. Lord, may you grant me the job that I have always wanted and I promise to do good. Lord, I lift everything to you and surrender my life to you. I'm now yours Lord Jesus. I love you. Amen "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for a good journey home. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


New York
8 years ago

"Who have Bewitched You"

"His talk is smooth as butter, yet war is in his heart, his words are more soothing than oil or lotion yet they are draw swords or underneath are daggers "


New York
8 years ago


"My prayers is that you may become servants and apostle of your own lives. As you begin to built the church in you as you begin to serve to your own destiny that He may begin to show you and clean,restore, built in you. I pray that your faith, knowledge may continually grow and that you may not only live a godly life but also produce a godly life be bless in Jesus name"


New York
8 years ago


"We have to have a servanthood spirit. To serve others is to serve God. Many times in our journey of life sometimes we may be walking in disobedience, other times we may be in tune with God's voice and yet face challenging moments where we can't explain what is happening to our life, spiritual walk with God and your mind begins to wander where is God in all of this. If you are a parent you know how busy life can get. If you are a student you know there is not enough time in a day in trying to manage time. So how do we work out our own salvation, how do we become disciples , apostles to our own life. Paul talked the immature Christian .....when I was a child and walk like a child talk like a child but when he became mature you speak walk as adults does with maturity to me this eating adult fruit of the spirit . I live in a area where is very undesirable when I first moved here I felt like Jonah the few years of my life living in Nineveh side part of my world but I tell you I knew deep inside of me I have a purpose in my life. It doesn't matter who likes me, it doesn't matter whether I am rich or poor it doesn't matter my education level because before God He qualify and approve me not base on my own merits but base on God's. As I came to the Lord and continued seeking Him I became knowledgeable and aware there were things in my life that needed to change once again not on my own but with God's help and guidance as I tried and walk towards the path of righteousness things became more harder I face more challenge then when I was out in the world. There were times I felt I was suffocating and it hindered me to focus it hindered me to pray to read the word of God but I kept pressing I and kept on holding to that mustard seed of faith I had in my creator. And as time went on I do see God using me equipping me and I continuously on a daily basis at times moment learning not to rely on my will but on Him and I kept surrendering that it became part of me and habitual of just letting grand allow God be God it was not easy and there are times is not easy but this is a relationship and like all relationship you do what is best for that relationship to make it work. And as time goes on it doesn't seem hard any more because is a way of life. I may not at times like what I am going through but as I surrender myself into Him I also learn to separate myself from people places and thugs and many times that included family members and other Christian individuals my brothers and sister keep in mind just because a person is a Christian it does not mean we have to dine with every Christian we are all in different levels and what ever effects your relationship with God cut it loose learn to love and pray for others from a distance I learn to stop depending on the pastor, the prophet the anointed sister that swing from one chandelier to the other figure speech and I learned to solely depend on Him. I learn to spend halothane time with my Lord and learn to search the scripture on my own. I learned to worship before Him in spirit and in truth I am not worry about who criticized me or who condemn me the Lord knows my heart is pure before Him and if people worry about my style of worship is not the proper way then I would said take it to God and speak to Him about instead of the criticism. Don't people to tear you down you keep on praying you keep on seeking the Lord and praise Him and pray love for those from afar. Today when I go before others and present myself whether in person or via the web I go with the understanding how can I serve them how can I show them to get closer to the heart of God. I also know that when God gets me involved with others whether in person or via the web or in the spirit is with a purpose and is for a season and usually it is to elevate them from where they at. We are all one body in Him I need you we need each other we cover each other with prayers. The word says we are always among the poor it doesn't necessarily have to be financial but today I challenge you and pray that you become servants and apostle of your ow"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Let The Registration Be Ok"

"Lord also please help my marriage strengthen through you"


8 years ago

"Christ before me"

"My dearest Lord Jesus Christ, I invite you from this moment forward to walk before me and clear the way and give me strength to get over the obstacles in life and touch each and ever single person I encounter through my walk with your love, peace and compassion and disarm any negativity and anger, FREE them and reveal yourself to them and make them feel safe so they will genuinely turn their hearts and eyes back to you all the days of their lives and be at your serve, as "I" a simple woman who continuously surrenders to only you. In Jesus Name I Pray this will be the start of a beautiful new chapter in my life and everyone I my path. AMEN!❤️🙏🏻 "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for being able to have fun and good conversation with work colleagues. Than you in Jesus name. Amen. "


New York
8 years ago


"Psalm 46:1 says, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Know this God cares about you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him. Let God direct you as you wait. When you cried out to the Lord with your voice and tears know this He hears you out of His holy matter what you going through no matter who is at your side and even if you want to throw in the towel just press on and keep on believing that He will see you through in everything. Psalm 27:13 says, I have fainted unless I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You will reap every seed you sow into your own life. Jesus is the bread of life and who ever comes to Him shall not hunger and who ever believes in Him will never thirst. So my dear brothers and sister when your faith is gone God will strengthen you when you feel lost He will give you hopeHe will strengthen you when you barely can hang I you just have to sometimes like baby take baby steps and crawl into His presence. Your faith will grow as you press through . My prayer is that no matter what you going through today that you may find confidence in Him ask Him for a fresh pouring of the Holy Spirit today ask Him to come into your life and Benoit just lord savior of your life but let Him reign over your life. Sometimes people think that because they are experiencing difficulties in their lives that God doesn't love them or that if He discipline you is because He don't care about you but the truth is because He love us He will not leave us filthy do not reject His discipline and do not be upset when He corrects because when He does He is showing His love for you. Father God I come before you and I lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ I thank you for them I thank you Lord that our glory is not dependent upon ourselves but on you o Lord so thank you for your grace for your love and for the great sacrifice Jesus did on the cross. Father God in Jesus name I pray for this prayer room and I cover it with your blood I cover each and every person that visit this room and I pray that will know that they don't need to look to themselves to find joy but that all they search for has already been purchase by you in the great sacrifice did on the cross. May each every person here Father desire your glory more than this world and may they find in their lives in you alone I thank you as you chase after each and everyone's heart o Lord.Father God in Jesus name magnify yourself in them o Lord draw them near to you o Lord And pursued them with your unfailing love. May they know that joy and pleasure in this life is nothing compare to what you have to offer the help them dear Lord To see draw near to you while they struggle o Lord guide them Holy Spirit empower each and everyone of them to praise you to pray to stay focus and to love you o Lord Help them to worship you o Lord In spirit and in truth thank you Lord Jesus you who are prince of peace I pray that you will fill each and every person in this prayer line o God with your joy with peace with your presence father I pray for an abiding in your joy that persist not only in the best time but Lao in the worst time o Lord. Satisfy them in your presence. Please give them eyes to seethe ought the Cain and hollow promises of worldly happiness to the truth of being whole and satisfied in you o Lord. Sorrow do each and everyone of them with godly people who will seek to encourage and build them up people after your own heart not only that will lift them up in prayers but also to fast and stand in the gap in their behalf I pray that my brothers and sister in Christ in this prayer room will be wellspring of joy in their lives and that they will also be to others remind them o Lord to seek after your joy o Lord in Christ Jesus and not the joy that this world has to offer.cause them Father To find the deepest satisfaction in you. Rescue them o Lord rescue them from looking to other things to find satisfaction and pleasure help them and lead them in en"


Augusta, Georgia
8 years ago

"Spainsh Class"

"For Mrs. Bengochea. The kids in that class. For me to be kind and to love the kids and to show them who Jesus is. "


8 years ago

"The Day, The End"

"We were instructed the flicks of the wrist, could we demand more? Quarrelsome wrongdoers worship false gods, abominations among the elders, they sell their heart for vanities with loathsome adoration and are serving them with false lips. But You oh Lord, You abase even the ashes in the ashtray, grace the tree by bringing it down, You love the garbage as You recycled it all. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my health couple nights ago I awoke , sharp pain in my abdomen just pray nothing is wrong pray father God you will have your hand upon me healing whatever caused that pain in Jesus name I pray amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Work Place"

"Heavenly Father, We pray for unity and solution in our work place. We pray for the bosses and employees to have better working relations and better flow of work. There have been a lot of stress at work and we lift it all to Your throne. LORD JESUS, grant us Your peace and guidance in all that we do; in JESUS' name, amen. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago


"Lord Please Rescue me from my enemies NOW, one of the main ones just threw me under the bus bad!!! Jesus, Prince of Peace, you have asked us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We pray for our enemies and those who oppose us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, may all people learn to work together for that justice which brings true and lasting peace. To you be glory and honor for ever and ever. Amen. "


Corona California
8 years ago


"Lord, Please help me calm my nerves so I can relax and enjoy the evening you've given me. I will never be perfect so I need to stop trying to be just that. You are the only perfect one. This anxiety is not helping me live out your word. I am a good student and don't need to get perfect A's to be valuable. You made me intelligent and good just the way I am. I love you as I pray in your name. Amen"


New York
8 years ago


"Although you may be in despair do not quit when you quit you are giving up on God and God is not a quitter. When you are nourishing your spirit with the word of God dedicating time to pray you are nourishing your inner man and you are giving hope to your situation you are victorious in Christ Jesus light up your path by staying close to God's bosom protect your power by watching and being alert what you allow in your home and in your spirit declare the word of God day and night you are a champion stand strong build your spiritual muscle people lets get ready let fire of the Lord take you let him empower you build your muscle in the spirit people pray stay in the word stay strong watch and learn stay prayerful watch and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness stay alert don't go to sleep watch those around you pray that God only those individuals supposed to be there so that the enemy don't try to persuade or move you from seeking Almighty God "


New York
8 years ago


"Change my heart o God make it ever true change my heart o God may I be like you you are the potter I am the clay hold me and make me this is what I pray thank you Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Father thank you Lord thank you Holy Spirit. These are days of Elijah declaring the word of the Lord and these are the days of your servant Moses righteousness being restored and though these are days of great trials of famine and darkness and sword still we are the voice in the dessert crying prepare ur the way of the Lord behold he comes riding on the cloud shinning like the sun at trumpet call lift your voice it's year jubilee and out of Zion's hill salvation come hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah ... In the morning when I rise o Lord give me Jesus give me Jesus you can have all this world but just give me Jesus give me Jesus my Lord I give you thank o God with a grateful heart give thanks to the Holy One I give thanks to you o Lord I give thanks to Jesus my Lord and now let the weak say I am strong let the poor say hey let the poor say I am rich because of what who because of what the Lord has done hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ....your the God of this city you are the God of my home you are the God of my job you are the God of my life you are the King of these people you are my king you are Lord of this nation for you o Lord are the light in this darkness you are the hope to the hopeless you are peace to the restless and there is no one like you and there is no one like you my king. Who are we that you are so mindful of us what do you see that is worth looking our way dear Lord for we are free we are free in ways that we never ever should be we are free sweet release from the grip of these chains we are free Emmanuel for God is with us my heart sing of you Emanuel my heart sing a brand new song for my debt is paid and my chains are gone o Emanuel all that is within me cries for you alone to be glorified I bow before you are King of King you are Lord of Lord hallelujah I bow before you giving you the praise honor and glory I worship thee o Lord I glorify your holiness for there is none like you o Lord hallelujah hallelujah I praise Holy name hallelujah here I am o lord to worship you and lift your name on High I come before you to lift up your Mae o Lord hallelujah holy holy holy holy are you o Lord let fire blaze let fire blaze thank you Lord praise thee o Lord thank you Lord worthy is the lamb of God worthy is the lamb that was slain and I bow before Him and cry holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty all creation bow before him exalt him and worship Him alone and in the mention of your name who is who was and is to come we sing praise to your name we sing praise to your name Lord I adore you Lord magnify your name Lord I praise you Holy Spirit come thee is nothing worth more than your presence hallelujah come for you are my living hope hallelujah come close to me hallelujah want to feel and be in your presence hallelujah Holy Spirit you are welcome to this place Holy Ghost fire hallelujah it is what my heart log for to be in your presence hallelujah hallelujah holy are you o Lord holy are you o God hallujah "


New York
8 years ago


"Hallelujah Glory hallelujah I honor you and glorify you o Lord for you are the rock of my salvation o Lord o . You are the cornerstone of my foundation Lord Hallelujah . You are building me for your habitation shine your light in me Lord you are my inspiration . Hallelujah hosanna to the highest hosanna have hallelujah Jesus reveal your mystery hallelujah other my song I come before to shower you with praise and sing to the my Heavenly Father I worship you I praise you o Lord I worship you with my life o Lord to honor you to give you praise o Lord I move to feed my soul with your word o Lord I worship thee hallelujah hallejah hallelujah hosanna hallelujah hosanna hallelujah God I thank you for making a way to help me cross the great divide for your love o Lord your love built a bridge to make me over that gulf in life that is deep and wide thank you Jesus thank you Lord for Calvary I am redeem my past is behind me hallelujah and I am save cause of you o Lord hallelujah for God hears the sound when the leaf falls to the ground a cry of despair though great or small He hears it all even in silent prayers He hears it all o Lord I never have to spent my life alone for I know o Lord when life becomes too much and words are not enough I know that you are listening with care o I know I know my soul knows you are attentive o Lord hallelujah hallelujah "


New York
8 years ago


"Father God in Jesus name I am in need of your supply of love healing and guidance as I am facing problems both at home and at work o Lord I ask for the removal of negativity adversities and none sense in my home and workplace I need your divine intervention o Lord in need your wisdom and grace o Lord so I may understand and be understood with everyone I work with and live with o Lord I ask for your clarity and positivity in all my career oriented affairs as well as my home situation thank you Father for loving me and anointing me with all your favor and blessings I am grateful to have a job and come to know the person in my home knowing all conflict are already resolved in Jesus name"


New York
8 years ago


"Father God as I enter my home and workplace I bring your presence with me everywhere I go o Lord. Father in Jesus name I speak peace you grace your mercy and your perfect order in my workplace and my home o Lord. I acknowledge your power over all that is being spoken thought decided and done not only within the walls of my workplace but also at my home. Lord I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with I commit o God to using them responsibly in your honor in the best I know how. Give me a fresh supply to do my job at work and to live in peace in my home anoint my projects ideas and energy so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring honor and glory to you o God that also includes in my home situation lord when I confuse guide me when I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit may the work I do and the way I do it bring faith joy and a smile to all that I come in contact with each day of my life thank you Holy Spirit thank you Lord God thank you Jesus "


New York
8 years ago


"In the name of Jesus I come boldly to your throne o God where I find rest where I find hope where I find love where I find grace where I find my master my savior my healer my Father my daddy Lord I am under attack not only at work but also at home dear Lord I am looking to you o Lord to intervene in these situations Father God in Jesus name I am asking that you take this battle up for me and that you o Lord bring it to complete and total deliverance on Christ Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus against each and every demonic spirit that is operating at the workplace as well as in my home o God that is behind the scene causing havoc Demon in Jesus name go now from my home and work place father I am asking you to move quickly and protect my job and deal with the situation at home at once I thank you that you are moving in the time frame that you desire o Hod to deliver me o LordI thank you Father I thank you Holy Spirit I thank you Jesus hallelujah "


8 years ago

"Dear Lord Please Help Me"

"Please fix this dreadful situation. I am in despair"


8 years ago

"Help Me Lord"

"Rescue from this nightmare "


8 years ago

"Please Helo Me God"

"So many hurdles ahead and do much Unknown. Lord help me I beg of you. I don't want to live anymore right now. Lord please bring me through this. Please allow me to become productive and a great mum so that my depression about this doesn't affect my kids etc"


8 years ago


"Please pray for my lost love ones. Help me pray that they will come to the Lord soon before it is to late Thanks for your prayer"


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"I pray for love peace wealth health and happiness. Our family is great full for the life we have. I pray for surrounding positive energy during this time of our life. Hoping and grabbing for this life changing financial opportunity for our family. Life is short, grab every chance you get, use good judgement, & have no regrets 😇 Amen"


8 years ago

"New Job"

"My Lord Jesus please tell me what to do. I'm trying not to worry but please help me know what to do with my current job and if it's your will send me other opportunity. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for giving me solace and a place to find peace. Please help me to always feel this way. I guess what I'm asking is please help me to increase my faith. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Good Journey "

"Holy father, thank you for a good journey. Please help me to stay focused on the important things to you lord. Please help me stay positive so as I can do a good job in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Sick Mother In Law"

"All - Please pray for my mother in law who is not recovering from pneumonia. She is such a wonderful, sweet, God-loving woman and she is the heart of our family. God please place your healing hands on her. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Life Is Falling Apart "

"Dear Lord, I've worked so hard this year in order to reorganize and reshape myself and my life and I've become quite overwhelmed. Things from my past are starting to resurface and bite me. I'm simply not making enough money, I'm working two jobs, taking 15 credit hours, volunteer firefighting, and trying to find time to workout. I have to move out of my place in a few weeks and have to get a new car... I have no money for either. I'm really stuck and scared Lord. Please just help me! I'm hitting my knees and asking you to help me through this! Amen!"


Corona, Ca,
8 years ago

"Mom Lives"

"So I've brought my mom here to St.Joseph's ER room again ! She's in severe pain her shoulders Knott has multiplied and has fever they think now it might be cellulitis ! Very serious if it is cellulitis this would be life threatning for her with bad odds! Due to her medical history ! Please pray for my mom to be healed ! "


8 years ago

"Peace & No Fear"

"My Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for healing me, please grant me favor of a happy, peaceful and non-conflict day at work tomorrow. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Thank you lord for letting me have no desire to talk to my babies dad .I feel so happy since I never spoke to him. When I would speak to him I would feel depressed and he would make me feel everything is my fault than I would be down .Im not depressed any more I feel happier and blessed to have such a beautiful baby boy .Amen "


New York
8 years ago

"The lord Of Host"

"Tonight the Lord of Host reveal Himself to me in a very special way. If anyone have a special need am in trouble call on the Lord of Host. Alike many individuals I have experienced difficult situation there were time I cam out of one situation just to get into something bigger and worst . As a Christian this can be questionable of character however I realized that through those experiences what God was doing is teaching me to solely depend on Him. I didn't ran out of my situation but He walk me through the situation and made me see what was going on. Too often we want to run because we hurt and are afraid but if we truly trust God and truly learn to trust in Him we learn that He will see us through. At times we will deal with consequences but we learn who really God and that is more important. Because He love us He will teach us because He love us He will be like a father to us and they will be times we will have to deal with the consequences of our sin however we will also see His grace. Never give up on God because before He ever formed you He never gave up on you. Remember He put us through the fire to purify us and make us whole and righteous in Him we can not continued with the old clothes before we were born again the old has fade away. We don't want a microwaveable experience we want everlasting price "


8 years ago

"The Riddle"

"We will vanquish the air through holding fast the endurance we learned, and you will wipe our tears, we fall on deaf ears. How come there's a hard side of life we breathe daily? How come faith is easy notwithstanding that practice is uneasy? It was You who made all things, You who took care of the detail, You render redemption... Thank you everlasting Father."


8 years ago

"Thank You For Your Prayers"

"It has meant so much to have people pray for me Thanks you"


8 years ago

"Please God Help Me"



Corona, Ca,
8 years ago

"My Mom Is Very Ill"

"Please pray my mom survives she has a personal bowl blockage not a. Candidate it for surgery and over night a cyst formed on her shoulder took her to hospital they pressed on it today she's in massive pain wind go to hospital urine is dark brown I do t know what to do please help me please don't take my mom please God "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Holy father thank for today, thank you for being there for me evan when I don't deserve it. Thank you for a great family. Holy father please continue to work on me in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank U For Healer "

"Thank you Almighty God for the person healing me from harm, bless him❤️ amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord I put my relationship with my partner in your hands. I leave it up to you to fix this seemingly insurmountable issue. I cant see how it shall be resolved. Show me how to love him through this and come with your resolve soon. I thank you for the fact that there is indeed some purpose to this, for you will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born. I pray for him. Come with your spirit and love to him. "


Corona California
8 years ago

"Cancer Free"

"Lord, Thank you for giving my dad another chance at life. Blessing him with life without stage 4 cancer is the biggest gift. Thank you for all your blessings. It's still his time to make a difference on this earth. I am grateful for all the wonderful things you provide- such as life. After taking away MY brain cancer and now my father's, I know you're watching over our family. I pray for health and happiness for everyone. In your name I pray, Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord please pray that the hearing is cancelled and that I won't have to do it please God be with me please cancel when my court is in October please dear lord Jesus name amen 🙏🏻"


New York
8 years ago


"For those that are Born Again the Holy Spirit is always with you no matter what you go through in life remember the Holy Spirit is with you speak to Him to you show you what to do..... Ask Him to reveal to you....ask Him to cover you .... Ask Him to keep you strong....are you aware of the power that is within you spirits trembles if you only knew by tapping into the Holy Spirit how your life can be transform . People often run to the pastor for help run to prayer warrior for a break through to the prophet for a word but how about tapping into the Holy Spirit in you just as He done miracles through others He can do that with you in you. "


8 years ago

"Good Rehab"

"Lord, I thank you so much for allowing me successful spine surgery. Thank you for touching me through doctor's hands. Now I need to do rehab to regain strength and balance in my core and lower body. I pray that you continue to watch over me and give me strength to persevere. Thank you, Lord!"


8 years ago


"My sister is in the hospital for depression and my brother as well depression I need all the prayer thank you my brothers & sisters in Christ."


8 years ago

"Help Me Lord"

"I'm so very scared"


8 years ago

"Is There A Good Life After This?"

"Lord please help me through to better things"


8 years ago

"Lord Help Us Back To Hope"

"Lord I pray that you will grant us hope and a future through the gloom soon. "


8 years ago


"World peace in this dark world we are living and Know Jesus Christ as there lord and savior Amen!!"


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that you will help me or help me to find a way to get my 8 month more involved with God I just pray that you will help me to find a way to church in Jesus name I pray amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Help Me Lord"

"I can't breathe with the stress"


8 years ago

"Lord Let Them Stay Away"

"In Jesus name Amen"


8 years ago

"Thank You GOD Your Are Merciful"

"Thank you GOD for an answered prayer, I promise to not let that happen again. Thank you for fixing my worry about this problem fr school. I love you!! "


8 years ago

"Help Me Lord"

"Reach down and rescue me I beg you"


8 years ago

"Rescue Your Disciples"

"Please Lord reveal the manipulators & bullies against me and other fellow colleagues who are trying to do your good works to our head boss PBG. There are three women who are hungry for power and are manipulating him so bad and creating conflict that he is not aware of yet but I'm begging you please open his eyes wide. PBG is a godly man I sent it and I can tell even though we've never talked about religion, I know he's a follower. Please protect him and his family, the manipulators have an in with his wife to and just playing the game. I also pray his wife will go with her woman's intuition and advise her husband of any ill feelings she may be sensing from the women manipulators. They have talked about him behind his back but to his face they are phony. Please Lord revealed these people who are all their puppets and are doing dirty work and not your will. I am asking that you please help turn all these people back to you so they can redeem themselves from all the evil works there doing: CWLWPPAAVBFBLSJBLOHSSBSDKWMJJSJVAMGWPSHSTWH🙏🏻 protect me & fellow disciples from them please I'm so scared and I know others are too but no one is brave enough to expose them, they fear for their jobs while the manipulators causing all of this and laugh while they do it. Help Lord please! Protect PBG and show him how to lead us all following your teachings. I'm certain he's a Godly man, please Jesus intercede on my behalf I can't take it anymore. Grant me this favor & give me a clear sign things are going to be better please. No one deserves to go through what I have suffered at the hands of these people. Thank you so much, I will be forever grateful for this request not only for me but the rest of our company. In Jesus name I pray fervently amen!🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"My Dearest Loving and merciful Lord Jesus Christ please come to my rescue at this moment I've been having a rough morning worrying and trying not to be anxious about facing next week. I promise your mighty God I have changed and I will do better. Please please please keep away all of my enemies and I pray no one is trying to trap me or get me fired please help!! I've been doing the best I can to cast my worries on you but slowly worries come back to mind and I feel like I should come up with a solution and I know I'm not supposed to, because I am not in control you are. I'm sorry I'm having a weak moment Lord but please help me be calm and confident and unafraid, in Jesus name I pray, & love you! "


8 years ago

"Lord I Pray..."

"That this time next year this nightmare will be passed and things will be great for our family. Our souls, our bodies, our relationships and our work. Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord I need discernment. Which way is your will in these two issues?"


Corona, Ca,
8 years ago

"My Mom "

"I'm taking my mom Barbara Messado to the ER her shoulder has a lump and he abdomen is painful she's had this for a few day and a history of medical issues please pray it's curable and she comes home with me please pray she's healed please god don't take her please"


Corona, Ca,
8 years ago

"My Moms Heath"

"I'm taking my mom Barbara Messado to the ER her shoulder has a lump and he abdomen is painful she's had this for a few day and a history of medical issues please pray it's curable and she comes home with me please pray she's healed please god don't take her please"


8 years ago

"Rescu Me Lord"

"Please turn this situation around for the good "


8 years ago

"Lord I Come To You "

"Let my life be changed, renewed"


8 years ago

"Lord Thank You For The Prayer Warriors"

"On this app...I'm so grateful to read their prayers at a time when I cannot share my problems with anyone else Thank you for their faith in you. Thank you for the work you are doing through them Amen"


8 years ago

"Manipulative Mother "

"My mother is manipulative and toxic at times to her children. I feel like I have the strength to deal with it but I could still use prayers. "


8 years ago

"Pray For My Parents"

"My mom is on her way back to the hospital with her 6th case of cdiff infection. She has spent about 2 months total time in the hospital with this. My dad has dementia and when she is gone, he goes downhill so fast. They have been together for 53 years. I'm an only child and my family just moved back to their hometown to help them. My husband doesn't have job. I'm getting behind at my new teaching position because of trying to take care of everything with them. Please pray for healing for my mom. We really need this cdiff to go away!"


8 years ago


"I would really like my son to meet his great grandma before she passes . I have no way to get thier though. Lord god please help to find to see my grandma my son didn't get to meet his great grandpa so I would like him to meet his great grandma please lord "


8 years ago

"Lord Thank You For Sian"

"And the Angel she has been in this situation "


New York
8 years ago


"There is no power capable of coming between us dividing our love. In my darkness I will pray for destiny to send me your way. Our tomorrow's are ticking away and our faith that together we can weather the storm. Lord your love make me strong . Your power is my strength I can depend on. Your love make me strong to lean on. Your love make me strong to carry on your love is a tower of strength I can depend on. Lord Jesus my devotion will see me through cause nothing is going to keep me from you. Your love makes me strong. Not even the seven seas can keep us apart your love makes me strong hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah holy and holy are you o Lord hallelujah hosanna hallelujah shate viante curiande shate hallelujah hallelujah hosanna hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Jesusholy and holy are you o Lord God you are awesome hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah thank you father thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you father thank you Holy Spirit hallelujah thank you hallelujah hosanna hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord God"


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"My Job Back This Month"

"After winning the cancer fight it's time to return to work, I'm awaiting the call from the Dr. Who will do my assessment ability to return to work and I just need that done A.S.A.P"


New York
8 years ago


"You are welcome into this place Lord you are welcome to this holy place your sanctuary you are welcome into this place Lord you are welcome you are welcome to his holy place you are welcome to this place hallelujah hosanna to the highest hallelujah hallelujah hosanna hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah glory to the king of kings and lord hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah hosanna hosanna hallelujah hosanna hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the king of king glory to the lord of lord hallelujah hallelujah no weapons no weapons formed against you shall prosper no weapons formed against me shall prosper hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hosanna hosanna hallelujah you are king you Lord hallelujah blessed be the name of my Lord blessed be His holy name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah holy are you o Lord holy are you o Lord hallelujah lord my strong tower you are my peace you are elshadai hallelujah hallelujah hey jande glory hallelujah glory hallelujah yes no weapons formed against you shall prosper it just won't work!!!!! Yende hallelujah yende hallelujah "


8 years ago

"Help Us Lord"

"Lord our family needed a break. Tiredness ill health and depression. We needed things to turn around. Now because of me they have got a million times worse and there is nothing I can do about it. I know you forgive me but I cannot bear the thought of everyone finding out my woes. It's so humiliating Lord I haven't hurt anyone but that doesn't matter. I'm stuffed anyway. Please perform. Miracle in my life and rescue me from this pit and give me another chance. I feel so destroyed and I can't imagine feeling happy or enjoying my life ever again Please rescue me Lord"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Help Me"

"Please help me move on without fear"


8 years ago

"Please Give Me A Miracle Lord"

"Please protect my name and reputation "


8 years ago

"God Please Protect My Reputation"

"I am already so humiliated Lord. Please don't let anyone find out"


8 years ago

"Please Help Me"

"Thank you for being with me"


8 years ago

"Please Cocoon Me"

"Please protect my reputation and career"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Sort The Mess"

"Help me get back on track and keep me focuses on you. Lord heal my husband and find him a less stressful job Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord I'm begging you from the depths of my soul to please forgive me for anything I've done or failed to reveal and fix any mess I may have created with work and please fix anything that may not be clear at our family's school and church please. I'm scared and don't know why things feel unsettled. Please Lord help me now, I cannot take this worry anymore. In Jesus name I pray. ❤️"


8 years ago

"Kyrie's Healing"

"Lord, all the glory and honor are Yours from now until forever. I pray that Your healing hands touch our Kyrie. May she be healed from her sickness (fever, cough and colds). May she redeem her good health and feel well and comfortable again. I declare that she'll be healed thru Your healing power, Lord God. I ask all these in the mighty name of Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen."


8 years ago

"Another Day To Get Through"

"Lord I feel I'm carrying so much I can't bear it at times. Please put your hands on my life and heal the troubles. Please bring me through this quickly and get my career back on track without family, friends and neighbours finding out my woes. I don't think I could beat it. Please lord let them to be blind to it. Amen"


8 years ago


"I just pray that karma will get my babies dad we had court yesterday morning and he served me with papers he had stated that he is responsible and had 3 children. His mom raised his children he said I shouldn't be a gurdian or something because I'm mental.thats not true )Than when I just had Issac the next day he was screaming at me swearing told me I ruined Christmas that's it's all my fault cuz I told him our son gotten apprehended I can't take this abuse no more . I don't deserve this . He deserves everything he did to me if not worse . I just want to be happy and not depressed he sent me a text like in May saying that I will do everything possible to destroy your life . And the sad thing is he is doing just that. Please help me through this 🙏🏻"


Las Vegas
8 years ago


"Please bring happiness and opportunity for our family. Thank you for our positive life changing opportunity. We shall embrace all and show kindness towards others. Please enhance positivity surrounding all. Amen"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Help Me"

"To get through this with no one finding out, making assumptions and judging "


New York
8 years ago


"Call on the Lord in the days of trouble and He will lift you up. Never thought being a Christian meant more troubles. The more I pray the more I read my bible the more I try to live a holy life the more I am bombarded with problems, and the enemy attack. The enemy comes to kill destroy and distract your peace. For anyone that is going through the fire I will suggest continue to pray read the Word out loud praise the Lord for your current situation and ask Him to guide you through the midst of your chaos or busy life. Pray for others that are going through similar situation keep the focus of your problem and keep your focus on God press on and keep on moving forward "


8 years ago

"Lord Please Give Me A Miracle"

"Deliver me miraculously from this situation I beg of you "


New York
8 years ago


"When I was very young I felt deeply in love with a man that did not deserve my attention my time nor my love. We were both young and while my feelings were sincere his were just to get by and over in life. I have gone through so much and I am not ashamed to be a open book as long I able to get at least one person pause look at God and reconsider his or her walk. Today I stand before not by the grace of my self but of the grace of God. There was a time I thought I knew it all. There was a time you couldn't tell me anything because I had it all plane out. We all go through phases in Life but I learn something from each lying I fall. If I would just listen to momma..... If I would of just stop and pray.... I was warned about so and so.... Ever been there as time passed I understood the meaning when the bible says, do not forsake your mothers teaching. I am not ashamed of my pass but I come to realized that wisdom is learning life lesson through other people's experiences. I have walked around the same mountain of my life over and over again expecting different result alike the children of Israel. The fact is no matter what o say or do I will never get him to change. I can overlook his addiction, illness and make excuses for his behavior the fact is what excuse will I have if he puts me six feet under. My dear child I realized today God kept me alive this long because each time I went through things in life I humble myself and ask God to change my ways. As I became just a bit wiser I pray and told the Lord to remove every person that is not supposed to be in my life or is causing me a halt to get closer to Almighty God I also pray that He will choose my mate. The moment I pray that pray i walked alone I had no friends at all it has been just me and the Lord. I do not regret it . Dear Lord anyone lacking faith I pray you give them a double portion any body lacking wisdom you give them discerning in Jesus name"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Protect My Reputation"

"Let me get through this and onto better things. Heal my husband Lord and help him find a job with less stress. Protect my children Lord and draw then close to you. Lord let me heal and move on from this mistake and forever remember the lesson"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Nadia"

"Lord please heal Nadia who may have a brain tumour"


8 years ago

"Lord Help Me Reach Out To This Man"

"Who does not understand his own needs. Lord please undertake and keep him calm so that he doesn't refuse necessary care even more"


8 years ago

"Will I Ever Be Happy Again?"

"I can't imagine it Lord Please help me through this situation and onto better things"


8 years ago


"Please lord rid me of my shame, guilt, fear and lack of self-love. Please fill me with love, joy, compassion and teach me how to set boundaries. If it is your will for me to get the art director job, and I'm worthy to hold the position please grant me the job, in Jesus name I pray amen. "


8 years ago

"A Brief Time After The Fall"

"Sadness is life, where does it lead us to? How do we do? Great unsurpassed God, don't chasten us right away while we're aspiring after Your ways, our own prior ones which we upheld so far are now blighted by the skies, vanquished with fear. We take hold of Your path of glory, cloaked in discretion, colored in white, by certainty we will not fade, we go up in the shadows..."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Peace"

"Dear Lord, i come to you in prayer asking for peace... Our country has been disturbed by terrorism.. A few days ago, a night market in a province has been bombed leaving a number of people dead, lives were lost and families were broken.. Now there have been news about bomb threat in the city.. We are all afraid Lord, pls embrace us with your hands for safety. Make the people doing this think twice before the act.. Pls open their heart and mind to stop what they are doing.. We lift everything up to you Lord..Amen"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Give Me A Miracke"

"Turn the bad into good in the name of Jesus Amen"


8 years ago


"Thank you Lord for the peace and grace I feel right now, I trust in you and know you will battle my enemies and make things new love you! In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Please Prat For Me"

"Sisters and brothers Please will you pray that everything works out for me and that my mistake doesn't halt a career I have worked so hard in Thanks "


8 years ago


"Lord let nobody I know or work with find out"


8 years ago

"Healing Of My Kidney Stone"



8 years ago

"Lord Please Send Me A Sign"

"That everything will be ok and I shouldn't worry "


8 years ago

"Lord Please Protect My Reputation"

"Lord I pray I can get through the next few months without people finding out. I'm so low I simply don't know what I would do if that happened. Please help me Lord"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Healing"

"Holy Father, You have been so faithful. We praise your name and in humbleness reach out your glory so your powerful hand touches our brother and my bride to be's father Ruben Arellano. He has faithfully followed and obeyed your commands throughout his life giving light to all people surrounding him. We gather in the name of your Son Jesus and pray to you asking to please heal his body, take out his ailments, stop the pain he feels in his hands and give him soon recovery. We pray In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. "


8 years ago


"Everyone please pray that the hearing at court tomorrow will be cancelled in Jesus name father God amen "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, first I would like to thank You for blessing me with such an amazing man. I don't know how to explain it, but he is everything I ever hoped for that I never knew I wanted. My parents didn't like him before they even knew anything about him. All they saw was his picture and knew we were an interracial couple. Please open their hearts and eyes. I have met his parents and I would really like him to meet mine. We discuss religion often and I try my best to make You the center of our relationship Lord. However, he avoids going back to church for fear of being judged. Lord, we took our kissing a little too far on Saturday and I humble myself now, asking for Your forgiveness and that You bless me with the strength to repent. I can tell something is bothering Him and he has been borderline rude since yesterday but he doesn't even know what's wrong. He suffers from anxiety and depression and I just pray that You show him the light at the end of the tunnel, restore his hope, give him wisdom, a sound mind and heart, and please lift his spirits and fill him with joy. Please keep my emotions in tact as I try my best to understand. Amen."


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me today, get through this issue, I'm feeling trapped and isolated and helpless. Please help me relate to others in a positive way how they have made me feel. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord, First of all I would like to thank you for everything that I have today. Thank you for giving us everything more than what we need. Lord, thank you for letting my blood sugar result favorable. Once again, I am saved. Lord, I ask of your guide once again as I will be visiting my Ophthalmologist for my vision problem that I have been suffering for the longest time. Lord Jesus, I ask of you to please touch the heart of the Doctor who will examined my eyes that he may give me the right diagnosis. I pray that my eyes do not have any sight threatening disease and could be saved by medication. Lord, another petition that I lift up to you is my application for a job that I have always wanted I know that I tend to get easily insecure especially with my height but let my passion and goals and of course love and guidance overcome my insecurities. Lord, I lay on to your feet my worries and fears and let your peace be in my heart. Thank you Jesus! I love you Amen "


8 years ago

"Lord Show Me Tge Way"

"Where shall I begin in knowing you better and serving you?"


8 years ago

"Pleasecprotect Me"

"Lord cover me in your protection and love"


8 years ago

"Sept 12"

"Lord be with me and the nomination committee Sept 12. Prepare their hearts to do the work that needs to be done and help them to listen and understand why certain changes need to be made. Be with me and help me to be calm and gentle but firm. Help me to say and do the right thing to persuade them. And thank you for Toni and her willingness to step forward. Please help the committee to be on board with her serving and I pray that you would use her to support me and to further your kingdom."


8 years ago


"Please pray for me- I had been betrayed by my former fiance (of two and half year) who pastors a church abroad. Please pray that I may receive complete healing and direction over this matter. May God reveal to us His will and direction over this matter. Please pray for me, my family, my former fiance, his church and his new girlfriend. Lord JESUS, You are faithful and You mean good to us... LORD JESUS, grant us acceptance on our life circumstance - use us in our situation - to cause us to RISE HIGHER spiritually through CHRIST. May Your will be done. We love You LORD and we trust that YOU know best. That You will, on Your time, make the path clear IN JESUS' NAME, amen. God bless."


8 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request"


8 years ago

"Lord Help Me Ride The Storm"

"And allow my career, health, marriage and family to end up better as a result. "


8 years ago


"My dear Lord, i offer this prayer of thanks for the the accomplishment we did today,thank you so much for all the blessings and the people you use for us to be blessed! I humbly ask for understanding, from people whom i have wronged, my family who i have disappointed... I pray that you give them patience and understanding coz i ask for little more time to settle the mess i have created.. I feel so broken everytime i disappoint them.. "


8 years ago

"My Daughter"

"Please pray for my daughter to be healed from "cutting," eating disorders and suicidal thoughts."


8 years ago

"Thank You Lord"

"Thank you that work were OK with me withdrawing my resignation. Help me get back on track. Gain my confidence back and progress. Help me with the conversation with the other job on Monday Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord you know what I am facing within my marriage and I pray you touch my husband. Give him the vision to see his wrong doing and adulterous ways lord. I pray that you open his eyes and show him what he has at home and what he is about to lose if he doesn't change. Lord my family means the world to me but I can't take the pain :( my heart is shattered and I hurt for my babies. I never wanted a broken home but my husband has stepped out on our marriage and I need help, I'm lost and confused. Help us lord, show us the way. I've already forgiven him but I cannot trust him again as this happens to often. I need a break from him so that he can see what he's missing "


8 years ago

"Pregnancy "

"I'm unexpectedly pregnant and I've freaked out a little so thanks for prayers."


8 years ago


"Seems like everything is falling apart in my life just praying that you will mend me back together everything that could of went wrong in my life has gone wrong for me I just need prayer God that things will go right . Praying that you will help me find a laptop for my course I need to have for the 6th please God I pray that you will me in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Just praying that the hearing at court Sept 6 th will be cancelled and that things will be worked out between my babies daddy lawyer and my lawyer I come in agree to you lord that things will workout . I just can't stop worrying about this I just won't this stress , depression, anxiety, fear to be gone In Jesus name I pray for everything to be settled that you will have your hand upon on me leading me through this situation in Jesus name I pray amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"My Life Is Over"

"Please help me"


8 years ago

"Please Give Me My Life Back"

"Lord I'm so sorry for failing to heed your warnings. Please deliver me from this mess and give me a zeal for evangelising for you a passion for your word and a burning desire to serve you first and always Amen"


8 years ago

"Lord Find A Way"

"Oh lord please help me with this mess I am in. I have done such a stupid out of character thing and it will haunt me forever. Please rescue me Lord I beg of you "


8 years ago

"Thank You For Your Prayers"

"Dear lord. Thank you for the prayer warriors who have prayed selflessly on my behalf in my time of crisis and regret"


8 years ago

"Lord Please Hand Me A Miracle"

"Even though I don't deserve it. "


8 years ago

"Where Is The Great Counsel?"

"The obscure, black night befell Man by the hand of the quick-tempered evildoer, who enticed him from his kind-hearted mind? Revenge to him who seeks out for his own heart the abominable place that can't be adorned. The Lord is God, he repays till the third generation, he will show you the reward of the wicked. Have they earned something? Nothing but sweet wine is on their lips at banquets and buffets, places fulsome of music, while wandering the streets, yet the praises are far off and not dusted off. God could I forgive a man that forgot how to worship decades ago, that won't be found by the shepherd? Am I supposed to endure a woman of unclean lips, that seeks to ensnare an innocent in the city and in the fields? Renewed must be the oath that we made so diligently, fresh is the word that gives us strength for one day. Glory be to the strong shepherd, to Him who keeps the precepts until His return. "


8 years ago

"Team Manager Position"

"Lord I deeply regret not taking the position and pray they quickly offer me again It is the only way out as I see it Amen"


8 years ago

"Lord Deliver Me"

"Lord I beg you to deliver me from this horrendous mess"


8 years ago

"Regret And Fear"

"Lord you know the huge mistake I have made. I could have messed up the career I have worked so hard on and brought shame on my witness and precious family. Lord please find me a way out of this mess and I will serve you with fervency all my days Thank you for your unfailing love and forgiveness"


8 years ago


"Father god I pray for my health and I thank you for my health. I am a hypochondriac and I always think something may be wrong with me. It doesn't help that I work in the medical field or that my mom taught me to act this way. But God help me with my faith in you that I would know when to go to the doctor. That you will help me through my anxiety father. I pray for my sore throat and irritation in my chest to be healed in Jesus name Amen!!!"


8 years ago

"Prayer warriors Help Me Pray For Healing "

"Today, I ask of you my brothers and sisters to please pray for me. I will be taking my HBAC1 blood sugar test this morning. May the result be favorable towards me that my blood sugar will fall on the normal range and I pray that everything will be okay . Lord, you have the power to change everything. I humbly ask of you to please lay your touch on my body, clear my blood and perform miracle in my life. I surrender my worries in your hand. Lord, thank you for waking me up every morning and guarding me every night. I love you Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Urgent Prayer For Suicidal Bro"

"My brother has been getting himself into lots of debts. He's very suicidal now. Please pray for God's mercy and intervention "


Corona California
8 years ago

"Loving Myself "

"Lord, You've blessed me so much today and I love you so much for giving me another opportunity to make a difference in lives around me. I ask you to help guide me in finding happiness in myself and not trying to get it from anyone else. I do not need a man to make me happy. I am beautiful and worthy all on my own. Please help me remember this. We are beautiful children of yours and you want us to love ourselves for the people you made us each to be. In Jesus name I pray, Amen"


8 years ago


"Please pray for my mom who got a TIA yesterday and is in hospital. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Healing"

"Dearest Brothers and Sisters and my prayer warriors I ask for your prayers for my HBAC1 blood sugar test tomorrow. May the Lord, grant me with normal blood sugar and may I be negative of Diabetes. May he lay his touch on my body and bring back healing in my body. I ask you to pray with me because I am so scared about the result. Also May the lord, heal both of my eyes. In Jesus name, We pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"Scared I Lost Her"

"I have had a friend for years and we always wanted to date each other. She moved away and I had been putting everything together to move down there. She texted me that she started dating someone else which has given me such a gut wrenching feeling of emptiness. I've lost her for good. I was planning on so much and unfortunately I'll never have the chance to finally make our relationship work. Not only do I feel empty, but I feel like I lost my best friend. "


8 years ago

"MetroKids Centre"

"We are a not for profit organization and we run programs for inner city kids ages 4-18. We run a very large Bus Ministry. We are currently looking for a centre that we can call our own. We don't have the finances for purchase, let alone the upkeep. We are asking for a financial blessing and for the building. We know it will happen one day but we don't know any details. We want God's will to be done. Whatever He wants, whenever He wants. "


Las Vegas
8 years ago

"Positive Lifestyle"

"Lord thank you for our most recent employment opportunity we are very blessed & grateful. I pray our business is blessed with your positive light and we develop the ability and money to expand and grow more & more. Bless our family with health, wealth, & positive angles spreading love and happiness 💚😇"


8 years ago

"New Complications"

"Just found out that my ex-husband is no longer employed. I found out by calling the state to find out why my child support was short. My job is stable, but not enough. Please pray that something turns around for us financially, and that this is the beginning of him leaving our lives for good. I'd take temporary financial struggles over his influence in our daughter's life any day. "


8 years ago


"Lord, We put our situation in your hands. We will move where you want us to be to do your will. Guide us Lord to the right place to live and enable all the barriers to moving to be eliminated. In Jesus mighty name Amen "


New York
8 years ago


"Father this evening I come before you with a heavy heart o God some of us have gotten into situation we very well know had no business getting into and the consequences have been more than we can bare. Father God I admit some of us are in toxic situations have toxic relationship it has become a one sided relationship and for some of us the relationship have not only taken a toll but start to put a negative effect physically. There are walls around these individuals they have built o Lord and no matter how mature and loving and one is the relationship for some have turned to chaos disrespectful and abusive not only has it pull away from You o Lord instead of closer to you. And therefore we loose our voice we loose our identity and we become someone else. Lord I lift up every person struggling in a relationship that was not called from you I pray that these people will get on board with you let go of who ever they need to let go and press on towards building a stronger relationship with you. I recognize Lord that Satan will set traps to keep us distracted from our true calling but Lord I recognize that we have failed you in every way and ask for forgiveness Lord we have taken you for granted with our actions and have treated you not honoring you. Forgive us Lord and help us guide us. Father marriage is a ministry,having a family is a ministry, our neighbors are our ministry, our work place is our ministry yet we fail to do labor in the spirit realm help us to be more focused on you in Christ Jesus we pray for things we desire and when you give us those gift we take for granted and tossed to and from not acknowledge that is a gift I pray as we lay head down and take inventory of how we failed you that as we arise with a new mind perspective and a new attitude it will be for your glory I. Christ Jesus "


8 years ago

"Healing Prayers"

"Please pray that my lower back will be healed - the discs made new - my spine straightened and my hips more flexible. In Jesus mighty name!"


8 years ago


"Praying for a local, loving, honest, patient and gentle Reborn Protestant man to come into my life and to find common interest & passion in the Lord together. Pray that we begin to date and fall in love and move to marriage. He is healthy, strong, has good teeth, beard or glasses, nice smile, prefers physically plus size ladies as he sees beauty in them. He's a hard worker and is now ready to find true love. "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, i received a very good news a few days ago about my mom's test result. They all came out recurrence of breast CA etc.. Inthank you Lord for this, no matter how hard life may be for me right now, you still give me hope and make other people your instrument in letting me know that you ate always there.. Pls Lord, allow me to be a blessing to others and make me your instrument as well, i lift everything up to you Lord, thank you!"


8 years ago

"Insurance Approval"

"God, I have a surgery next week Thurs and doctor hasn't received my insurance's approval yet. I need insurance approval before my surgery. Please help."


8 years ago

"Strength For Family"

"Lord, during my spine surgery and recovery, please provide our family strength to think positively and smile and support each other."


8 years ago


"Lord I am praying for you to restore my marriage and rekindle the flame with my husband and I. We have drifted away from you lord and each other. We need help before the devil gets ahold of our family. We have two young boys that look up to us and we need help getting past our differences and working together and focusing on communication and respect. Lord please forgive me for my sins in Jesus name amen"


8 years ago

"Dealing With Anger"

"Lord I am praying for strength and guidance when it comes to dealing with my anger and frustration. I tend to act before thinking and lash out in an ungodly way. I yell and scream and curse and I need help learning how to control my temper especially towards my children and my husband. I need prayer warriors right now."


8 years ago

"Stop Drinking And Smoking"

"Dear lord. I pray today for help, as I have prayed before to remove the temptation to drink, which leads to smoking cigarettes and eating poorly. This is a weakness I face, and with every day I struggle. I have so many hopes and desires for my life, which you have put inside me- but drinking is standing in the way of this. Please help me."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Healing"

"Dear God, I pray that you would heal me from the betrayals of my two closest friends and that you would give me clarity on my relationships with those friends in the future. I also ask that you would lift my depression and anxiety and give me an enduring sense of peace and hope. Please help me to find a way to praise you again. In Jesus' name, Amen."


8 years ago


"Pray that I find a laptop a cheap one for my course coming up on the 6th in Jesus name please help me find one amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Lord I need a job. "


8 years ago

"Pray "

"My ministries in youtube to do well,to tell the truth."


Las Vegas
8 years ago

"Positive energy"

"I pray that good vibes and good actions are brought to my family. I pray that these negative clouds blow away and let the fabulous sun shine with happiness wealth and health 💚😇💞"


8 years ago

"Prayer For healing "

"Lord, I will be having my HBAC1, fasting blood sugar tested and eye exam this coming week. Please hear my prayer that the result will be more favorable towards me. Restore everything in my life Jesus. I lift my worries up to you. In Jesus name, Amen. "


Sunnyside UT
8 years ago

"Traveling Mercys "

"Pray Father watch over all the holiday travelers this week may they reach there destination safely A-Men "


8 years ago

"New On App"

"I pray that God will use me on this app, and use others in my life on here as well! "


8 years ago


"My brother struggles with bad anxiety. Please pray that he can find a way to cope and be happy."


8 years ago

"My All And All"

"Lord I come to you tonight praying for you guidance and strength, I plead your blood over any evil spirits that are coming against my marriage, I pray against anything that is not of you, Satan you have taken the joy out of my marriage for long enough, I come against you in the name that has all power and authority and you have to flee, I will not give up and I will not give in. I command you to take your filthy hands off of my husband and off my mind, we where joined in God's name and you will not destroy us! This battle was already won on Calvary so go on you wicked enemy!! In Jesus name "


8 years ago

"Good Judgement"

"Dear Lord, as i wake up today i thank you for the gift of life, the coffee that i am drinking right now and the many many blessings i don't deserve. As I go through my day today, please help me to avoid bad things to come out of my mouth..I am facing a lot of difficulties right now, financial, family problems, please bless me with good judgement that i may know what to do.. Thank you"


Sunnyside UT
8 years ago

"My 3 Beautiful Girls"

"Father in heaven I pray you work in my girls hearts that they may live for you and by your Word everyday and watch over then keep them safe in you mighty name A-Men"


Sunnyside UT
8 years ago

"Lost Love"

"I ask you Father in heaven to work in my marriage and mend it the way only you can let us live for you and love each other with the love you have for this world Father thank you for your favor in my life and all the blessing you send me and my wiff in your name A-Men"


Sunnyside UT
8 years ago

"Health And Well Being"

"Pray for the health and well being for my Mom and her husband Lenard that they may receive all the many blessings God has stored up for them in Gods name A-Men "


Sunnyside UT
8 years ago


"I pray Lord God our Father in heaven keep working on Carla's heart that she may except your gift of salvation and we can become a church family and live to praise God above. A-Men"


8 years ago


"Please pray that I will be able to find and afford a iPad / laptop before sept 6th court to do a course I need !!!! Please God I pray that you will help me tot find a lap top beforehand 6 th in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻 "


8 years ago


"I'm pregnant and saw something bad, please pray"


8 years ago

"Flatmate "

"Holy father, thank you for everything you are doing in my life. I am getting a new Flatmate tomorrow and I pray and ask you that this will be a positive experience and that we will have a good relationship. Please bless our flat with the blood of Jesus and please have dominion over our lives in Jesus name. Amen "


Virginia Beach
8 years ago

"My Medicine Being Stolen"

"Please pray for this situation that my medicine was stolen."


New York
8 years ago

"Prayer For Our Situations"

"Good afternoon Father I praise and glorify you for who you are. I thank you Lord that we your people can come a pray for each other's needs. Father there are so many need so many hurt so many things going on with not only your people but those out in the world. The bible state in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future . I thank you as your children you have us in the palm of your hands and you watch over us. Father I am lifting each and every person that is in need of a job and shelter I plead the blood of Jesus Christ for all those individuals for all the broken families for all those that are unemployed for all the women and children who are alone and without any help. For all those animals that are homeless and sick I am also lifting up anyone that is sick and suffering from any type of illness in the mighty name of Jesus father there is wars natural disasters earthquake flooding broken marriages and victims of various circumstances father God I am listen them up in Christ Jesus. May the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse our sins o Lord so that we may be healed and our prayers be answered without any hindrance o Lord. May your precious blood protect us from all type of evil guide us strengthen us and comfort us dear father have mercy o Lord And that your will be done in our lives. In Jesus name "


8 years ago


"My Lord Jesus Christ I surrender to you please walk before me and handle my battles and messes. I love u"


Orange County, CA
8 years ago

"Work From Home/Work Flexibility"

"Lord, I know I was denied being able to work any days from home, but please soften Marcus's heart so that there will at least be some flexibility in my work schedule. That way, my husband and I can save some money on childcare costs. With the new law that passed in CA, we can't send Cambria to daycare because of a religious choice to decline some of the unnecessary vaccines like Hep B. That means we'll have to use a nanny, which is very expensive. Plus, staying home even a few hours more each week will allow me to bond more with Cambria. Help Marcus to trust me as he has trusted me the last 6 weeks to work part time from home. Cause him to remember that others in our department are allowed to work from home, and many new moms in our company have been able to work from home a couple days a week. Remove any barriers that may be preventing Marcus from saying yes to allowing me to work from home in some capacity. And help me have peace, trust and patience in the meantime. Perhaps you are also telling me, God, that my time with this company is over and I am supposed to look for work flexibility elsewhere. If that is the case, give me the wisdom and faith to see it. Help me to trust in You with all of my heart and to not lean on my own understanding, that I would acknowledge You in all my ways so You can direct my paths. Also, I pray for our appointment on October 3rd with Cambria. God, I believe her family medical history puts her at risk of a bad reaction to any vaccine. I pray that if that is true, then you would give wisdom and discernment to the doctor to know that too and to write a medical exemption for our daughter so she can attend daycare. Thank You, Lord, for always providing."


Orange County, CA
8 years ago

"My Work Environment"

"God, You know that I'm facing adversity at work. I pray that you would give me joy, peace, patience, strength, wisdom, discernment, self-control, gentleness, kindness, hope, love and faith during this challenging time. Help me to point others to You, that they would know there is no other possibility that I could be acting the way I am without You in the equation. Cause me to be quick to listen and slow to speak. I pray for my "enemies" at work. First off, I know I'm not perfect. Help me in my sanctification to be more like Christ so that all they have to complain about is godly character, and that I could hopefully win some over - not just in liking me, but in loving You. I also pray that you would be working in their hearts. Help them to be open to receiving Your love and grace. Cause them to start feeling guilty when they gossip so that they will stop this in-fighting and bickering. Bring unity to our department. But even more important, draw my coworkers to You. Open their eyes to the gospel so that they may experience Your grace. Thank You, Lord. “I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭18:1-3‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?— the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless. He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights. You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭18:30-33, 35‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body. If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame. A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle. From the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:1-2, 7-8, 13, 19-21‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19:14‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭20:26‬ ‭ESV “and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure;” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Drive out a scoffer, and strife will go out, and quarreling and abuse will cease. He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:9-11‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:29‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and s"


8 years ago

"The Peeler Family"

"Heavenly Father I want to lift up the Peeler Family, may John be cured from Cancer, Angellee strength and courage to carry the load for the family and Chris be freed from wrongful imprisonment for a false crime that was never committed. May all demonic activity be lifted that was placed on this family and receive back what has been stolen from them10 fold. Bind any unclean spirits and cast down all demons in Jesus name.May they have Shalom and the love of your beloved son Yeshua(Jesus). May the blood of Jesus be covered over this family and a hedge of protection be in place. In your son's name Yeshua(Jesus the Christ) Amen"


8 years ago


"Please pray that it will stop raining before 10am for sons Doctor appointment in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"In Times Past Life Came Up Short"

"How did You make a dart at the calamity that had befallen us, You who know everything? Couldn't You spare our flesh? We consume ourselves, how dare You throw so many qualms at us? Our everlasting taskmaster, is there still mercy left in the cup that You serve us so diligently? We will drink out of Your hands if we're needy, do You reflect an even thought on us? "


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Us"

"I am a single mum who quit a career to enter fulltime ministry. I am raising a little boy - his dad left us years ago. My parents and brother are unsaved. My twin/best friend has cut us off. I am praying for years for peace between my parents. My son is longing for a dad and he is struggling in his studies. I feel overwhelmed and alone. Also miffed with life as we have been alone 8 years and could do with a supportive partner. My ministry is blocked too - not easy being divorced. God wants me to stick on and I need prayer. My son John too! "


8 years ago


"So my grandma has dementia and is 87 years old would like my son to meet his great grandma before she leaves this world . Lord I pray that you will help me to find a wag thier and back please God help me find a way thier . In Jesus name amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Brother "

"My brother is suicidal and is going through a lot. Hes on the way to a mental hospital. He's had a lot of problems in his life. Thanks for prayers."


8 years ago

"Praise Report"

"Got my test results back and it looks like everything is going to be ok. Praise his holy name! What a wonderful lord we have. I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I sure wouldn't be here today without you. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Right now I am asking everyone who is anyone to please pray for me. My future is look rather dim at the moment. I've prayed the Lord will shed light upon it and grant me many blessings. I've been praying for quite sometime and things keep seeming to get worse. I need financial assistance. I need help with my schooling, I need help paying for my education. I am ONE semester away from graduation, away from the Navy, away from my future. I've fought so hard to get here I don't want to be held back from it... Please lord help me in my finances. Allow me to get my financial aid and another great paying job as well. Lord I need you to help me and allow me to build this future. Amen! "


8 years ago


"Lord, I pray that you please bless us financially. We are doing our best to keep our wedding expenses under control. I'm trying not to stress about money because I know that as long as we have you by our side, we will never want for anything. "


8 years ago

"Dear Heavenly Father"

"Please heal my torn rotator cuff, thank you in Yeshua's name. Amen"


8 years ago

"Please Abba Save This Country"

"We need you Abba, please come fill this land with your presence. Help us to realize as a body that we need to humble ourselves and repent. To bless your holy name YHWH and that we are to love one another according to your word. To see sin the way you see it and to turn completely back to you. In your son's mighty name Yeshua/Jesus Amen"


New York
8 years ago

"Sealing Your Prayers"

"After praying have you been spiritual attacked? Many people do not know this when you are praying you are in a battlefield and you will be under attack. When you are full force in warfare the enemy is out to destroyed you your family and belongings it is so important to hear the Lord voice for instructions. We have to learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Many times people are afraid to pray or they just pray without power because of either lack of faith or because there have been patterns of spiritually attack. But I am here to inform you to seal your prayers when you seal your prayers not only you putting a hedge of protection upon your prayers but on yourself and your love ones and your possession "


New York
8 years ago

"Hail To The King"

" Hail Jesus! You're my King! Your life frees me to sing I will praise You all of my days You're perfect in all Your ways Hail Jesus! You're my Lord! I will obey Your word Because I want to see Your kingdom come Not my will but Yours be done Glory, glory to the Lamb! You will take us into the land We will conquer in Your name And proclaim that "Jesus reigns!" Hail, hail! Lion of Judah! How wonderful You are! Hail, hail! Lion of Judah! How powerful You are! "


8 years ago

"Big Deal"

"Lord, if it may please You, I want to get this big deal done. In order to do that, I need you help arranging the necessary relationships. Please send me helping hands. But no matter what the outcome is, let me maintain humility and genuine heart for people."


8 years ago

"The Will Of God"

"Jehovah Im not sure if I am living in your will. I thought that I was, but now I do not feel like I should get married to him also I am skeptical about my career as well. I thought Id heard from you on both issues but now I definitely need some conformation. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾"


8 years ago

"Breathrough ❤️"

"Praying for a breakthrough regarding my legal issues. Everything is on hold until it is resolved."


8 years ago

"Lost "

"Dear god. I'm lost. I don't know what to do no more. I just don't know. How do I keep going with to much pain in my heart. I feel empty n lost. I lost everything. I don't know how to continue no more. 😭 help me please. "


8 years ago


"Praying for her lekiumeia that she be healed in Jesus name. For her marriage lord . Her pain that she has and keeps pushing through it. Finances to pay for her medicine. Her kids to be ok from her sickness/peace . That she will come to church with me. "


8 years ago


"God please I pray that Sept 6th the hearing will be cancelled , I just don't know how this will turn out . It's not necessary to have one just praying it will be cancelled in Jesus name I pray amen "


8 years ago

"Belief And Healing"

"Lord, Thank you for the many blessings in our life. We are sorry when we have not praised and glorified your wonderus name. I pray for healing for j of his many afflictions and that he will believe that though you all things are possible and that he can be healed. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Good Week"

"I'd like to pray that my students, coworkers and I all have a wonderful week this week. "


8 years ago

"Oliva's Family"

"A family lost their child at the age of 21 about a month ago and they are still suffering from their lost. I cannot imagine the pain they are going through. Please join me in prayer for the Oliva's family (father, mother and brother)"


8 years ago

"Health Concern"

"Keep me in your prayers brothers and sisters. My heart is heavy with concern over my health tonight. I know it's satan trying his best to make me question my faith. Pray that the lord will have my health in his hands and also that I can put all my faith in him. Also, pray that my relationship with the lord will grow stronger. Thanks you all. God bless"


8 years ago


"Give K the ability to finnish this exam. Be his strength and peace as he struggles so much to get it done. "


New York
8 years ago

"True Love Reveals Evidence"

"What does it look like to pray with God given strength today? What does it look like to pray with courage today? How it might affect our prayer lives to know our hearts dear Lord. What does it look like to come boldly before God's throne in light what His words says. What ever may be worrying you press the pause botton and talk to God right now. Let's cast our all on the Lord . Jesus loves you let me say it again Jesus loves you. God Almighty is in love with you just throw yourself at His feet because He loves you very much. His ever lasting love is forever more. His words says I have drawn you with loving kindness I will build you up again and again . Wha joy it is to know this to be able to meet up with your Heavenly Father anytime and anywhere. I pray that each person today in this website may trust in Jesus Christ let them be rooted down into the passion of Christ Jesus that they may grow in the Lord let their lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving in Christ Jesus . Help us o Lord to grow deeper in you and in the knowledge of knowing personally through a personal relationship of who you are o God. Help us o Lord to crave for your word more than anything there is o God Holy Spirit keep our thoughts pure and focused on the Father while we may dealing with our daily lives.let our priorities be fix on you o Lord. As we are about to enter in a few weeks into a new month father raise in us a new beginning on how we approach you o Lord let it begin this very moment that our lives never be the same in Christ Jesus"


New York
8 years ago

"A Prayer For Your Children"

"Father as I come before you and present myself to you I stand Lord bringing my petition and pray for this prayer website I lift up the daughters and sons each family have and bless them in your name and glory. Father God I pray that you would cause their children to find the deepest satisfaction in you o Lord. Rescue them from looking to other things to find satisfaction and pleasure. Help each parents to lead them in enjoyment of you o Lord. At the right hand where true joy is found. Help each parent to truly believe this and live by it accordingly in Jesus name. Jesus you are the Prince of peace and I pray that you will fulfill each child with your joy and a deep abiding in you o Lord that only persist in the best and worst of times. I pray o Lord that you would make these children certain of their salvation and let them be determined o God to invite others to know you o Lord as well. Please Lord give these children eyes to see through the vain and hollow promises of worldly happiness to the truth of being whole and satisfied in you. Surround these children with godly friends godly peers godly men and women who will seek to encourage and build them up in the joy that you offer. Let these children wellspring of joy in the lives of others as well. Remind the parents o Lord to seek your joy also not what this world offers what pleasure is. In Jesus name I pray."


New York
8 years ago

"Healing Is a Process We All Have To Face"

"Earlier today Lord I heard something that I already knew in my spirit but this time when I heard it it made more sense. "You will know if you are healing base on how you respond " if it still hurts if you still irritated by it and want them to know or feel the pain you feeling then you still struggling with the pain. For me I knew that but this time I literally had to pause and look at myself and look back 20 plus something years where I am with those feelings and emotions. For some part I have to take it to the cross and pray others as situation uprise I must say I do flee and perhaps is a mechanism that helps for the time being till i really start dealing with you. Others depending on the situation I tend to explode but at the moment I realized it hey I am getting beside myself I pray and come to the presence of the Almighty shadow my God who is with me. And I want to thank you Lord I need more of you and less of me. This is a spiritual battlefield and for most part we can only fight with the weapons of the spirit which is the word of God , faith, obedience, fasting, praise and worship and stand stand by thee that not matter what the circumstances may be you will see us through. I am glad Lord that most of the things I went through life was not an instant deliverance an instant healing an instant what ever that may be but rather as I walk through the situation you walking me through and the battles that I face root in me godly wisdom and godly character and make me a soldier in you o Lord so thank you dear Lord. All around me I see nothing but hurt and pain and at times it can be overwhelming even in that you teach me that sometimes is not the situation to pray but rather for self control as well as discernment. I realized that many times as we facing difficulties and challenges is to built our walls of a Christian lives the church in us so we can edifying others with godly wisdom. And I thank you o Lord I just want to praise you and give you thanks father the desire of my heart is keep me focused in you. Teach me Lord and continue to use me to be a blessing to others I am not looking for fame I am not looking for a title behind my name hey all I am looking for a place right by your feet where I can worship thee o Lord. I love you Lord. "


8 years ago

"Gift Of Family Here On This App"

"My Lord Thank you soooo much for introducing me to this APP on my phone and I am overflowing with joy on how we are using this tool to share our prayers and godly ways to help lift one another and give each other confidence to keep moving forward and know that you are the Almighty King in control and we need to keep our eyes on you. Please continue to help build trust among each and every single one of us posting prayers here and I am asking you to bless the inventor of this application and please God open up more of our nonbelievers to seek you in anyway they can whether it is via the Internet talking to friends or whatever you're Avenue maybe. I'm so thankful for you and everyone here God bless us all and keep us and our family safe we are all disciples here working for you in your honor. Amen amen amen!!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️"


New York
8 years ago

"Reviving Our Prayer Life"

"Giving thanks in all circumstances. Appreciate all things. Shut the door pray in secret to your Father . there are 86,400 seconds in a day how many of those seconds are used to praise the Lord. Don't let asking for things be dominant of your prayer life but just really praise him and thanking him worshipping him. In the midst of our worst situation praise the Lord. in the midst of all situation praise the Lord. My prayer today is that people's prayer life is revive I pray dear Lord that there be an explosion in their lives that they may begin to experience passion to pray to worship before the king of King and lord of lord I pray that their prayer may not so much focus what they want but rather to really experience what true worship really is to experience His presence "


New York
8 years ago


"Hallelujah glory be to the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lord. Holy Angels we bow before our Lord and praise His holy name hosanna to the highest hallelujah. Holy holy holy is my Lord. I thank you for wisdom knowledge and understanding I thank you for the trials and even temptation because dear Lord I realized because in the midst of all our concerns in the midst of our life O God there is a difference and because you are there o Lord that is what makes the difference Jesus says the blind see the mute talk the sick are heal. Because you are there and you exist we walk in holy grounds therefore our very troubles our very chaos life becomes meaningful just as you come in and walk is through and show us and make us realize hey you are in charge you are the master and we are. The clay as you mold the walls of our stories praise you o God Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Nissi the great I am of our life. Thank you lord that you are not only our father our salvation our healer our lawyer our counselor our redeemer our banner our holiness I thank you dear o Lord . So today o Lord I acknowledge you exist for what can you do for me but rather as you walk through story of my life as you walk through the garden of my story o Lord you there holding my hand walking side by side with me at times carrying me through deep waters but you are there and because just because the grass in my garden may not be green at times a figure of speech when I am in chaos you exist and you are God it doesn't matter living a perfect life in an imperfect world it doesn't matter if you are popular or not but is Almighty God lives in your life and today my Lord my life is meaningful because I breathe because of you I eat because of you I am because of you. The book of Ecclesiastes David talks about the meaningless for those that wake up up and just exist they may have all the money in the world they may have a huge home a brand new car park in their garage travel around the world within the beauty of enjoying their possessions their lives is meaningless without you. They don't stop and give thanks to you o Lord they don't stop acknowledged the king of host among them they don't live their lives realizing that the moment we put God out of our own we become meaningless so I stand before you in the midst of my chaos in the midst of my tokens in the midst of my world dear lord there is light and that light is you you shine and illuminate my life your very existence is life to my soul so thank you Lord thank you Father thank you Jesus. As we walk this morning the garden of my life I may need pruning here and there I may need replanting a tree here and there I may need to water more often some things but praise be to God almighty that you are there to see me through "


8 years ago


"My son went to sleep in his crib please pray for protection and the lord will be with my son in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Please pray for me- I had been betrayed by my former fiance (of two and half year) who pastors a church abroad. Please pray that I may receive complete healing and direction over this matter. May God reveal to us His will and direction over this matter. Please pray for me, my family, my former fiance, his church and his new girlfriend. Lord JESUS, You are faithful and You mean good to us... LORD JESUS, grant us acceptance on our life circumstance - use us in our situation for Your kingdom purposes. May Your will be done. We love You LORD and we trust that YOU know best. That You will, on Your time, make the path clear IN JESUS' NAME, amen. God bless."


8 years ago

"Summer Lake Church"

"Please pray that we are sensitive to God's guidance as we establish a visible body of Christ in Central Florida. Pray for the leaders that God will put a hedge of protection. Also pray for the flock that God is sending our way. "


8 years ago


"Dear lord, I pray for a healing miracle for Lilly Hurst, an 11 year old girl who is having her 4th heart surgery. Please touch her with your healing hands and bring comfort to her family as they are going through this tough time....all these things I pray in JESUS name, amen!!"


8 years ago

"For sara n & ME"

"Dearest Lord Thank you for helping me find the article below of a Sister-in-Christ, who posted this in regards to something she read and has comforted me with her story, I have no idea why I alienate myself and sometimes think I'm the only one with this problem of never learning to pray and release or perhaps I've been so used to bring in control that I try to solve the issues on my own by pulling them back to me and the stressing and replaying things over and over thinking this helps me solve the problem. Please Lord Jesus Christ forgive me for my lack of education and bad behavior by doing this, I whole heartily repent snd as you to teach me to trust you. I'm begging you for help to heal me from this behavior, how do I really let go??? Prayers for Sara N I LOVED chapter three- I have mentioned before that I have tremendous anxiety with work- something I have to face every day. I specifically and repeatedly prayed today that: I gave God my burdens and told Him I didn’t want them back. I asked the Lord to protect me from Satan’s lies that say I should hold them close and steal them back from my all-powerful God. I’m going to keep praying this until it takes hold. So far my morning is ok- thank you for this study and the encouragement!"


8 years ago


"Help me to stay positive and forget anything bad."


New York
8 years ago

"Food For The Thought"

"We are living in the times where people are not reading their bibles. They are reading you and if you are worth a while and make an impact they will want to become like you otherwise they will continue to go to the media and the social network and get their information and become like them. As a Christ center individual are you going to the Father and praying asking God for wisdom and to exposed and reveal those things you need to change so you can become a Christ like to others. I have been a Christian for a very long time I have seen it all and one of the things that worries me is that many people in the church are caught up in titles . Earlier today I began worship song go tell it to the mountain that Jesus Christ is born sometimes those mountains is not our neighbors or the people out there it is ourselves our flesh we have to remind ourselves hey we were bought with a price why you continue to live as if Jesus Christ is not your savior. I am so disappointed and distraught the fact that how so many Christians live and speak and acts no better than the ones in the world and they put on their Christian suit only on Sunday or when they around the pastor. The pastor didn't died on the cross Jesus did. Sunday is not the only day we are to treated as holy we are to live holy unto God every day hour and minute we breathe and we are Holy because He is holy not because we can live holy. Our actions become a sweet praise into Him God sees our hearts and psalm 150 does says everything that have breathe praise the Lord let lives be a praise to His holy name"


New York
8 years ago

"Raising Up For Battle"

"Praise the Lord everybody praise His holy name for He is worthy to be praise. Psalm 150 says praise God in His sanctuary praise Him in the mighty heavens praise Him for the His acts of power. Praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Praise Him with the sounding with the trumpet praise him with harp and lyre praise Him with Trimble and dancing praise Him with strings and pipe praise Him with clash and cymbals let everything that have praise praise the Lord. When we praise God not only are we honoring Him but at the same time we are using warfare weapons to defeat Satanic attacks. When we praising God we are are fighting warfares. the enemy wants to keep us under his control and make us believe that nothing will never or ever work out . He wants us to believe that When we pray God doesn't hear us . The honest truth is It seems we come out of one battle just to enter another .the truth if we equipped our minds and dress for battle in the spirit we will overcome obstacles in our lives. Great men and women in the Bible achieved their battles because they fought the good fight with spiritual weapons some of us need to start practicing get out of our emotional get out of focusing what happened to us and who did what .sometimes God allowed things to happen so we can used our thinking hat and pray for those that persecute us. If things are not rough in our lives many people won't even pray. The spiritual weapons is fasting prayer thanksgiving praise obedience and the Word of God. come on people do you want your neighborhood to change .do you want your family to be save . Do you want to see transformation and healing in your land than we have to be the torch. we have to be the surgeons in the spirit and get to your post . We constantly complaining and grumpy that every thing comes out our mouth become to existence of the very chaos many of us are living today. Because your words is what you giving it power to be. If is something come to existence let it be for the glory of God. Change your words change your thinking record yourselves and see what you bringing to life. Olympians are not born champions it takes dedication practice and as Christian we are to treat our position with such. We are not born warrior we become warriors. Today I challenge you take the time and pray open your bibles and read and ask God what it say how that words relate to you trust me you will see a change in your life and of those around you. The Devil can ripped your from all your possession but he cannot ripped you from the hands of God He can slow you down and mess you badly to fellowship with God but He cannot ultimately take that away from you unless you allow Him to.look at your actions what doors you open get back to your post and closed those doors in Jesus name."


New York
8 years ago

"Just Praise Him"

"Come tell it to the mountain that Jesus Christ is born come tell it to the mountains that Jesus Christ is born. I once was lost and now I am found I once was lost but now am found so come tell it to the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. My Jesus my savior Lord there is none like you all of my days I want to praise the power of your majesty love more power more love in you thank you Jesus my savior thank you father I worship you thank you Jesus my savior thank you father I worship you. More power more love in you thank you Jesus thank you Lord hallelujah hosanna to the highest for there is none like you o Lord there is none like you o Lord hallelujah hallelujah hosing to the highest hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the king of kings glory to the lord of lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hosanna to the highest hallelujah thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit hallelujah hosanna to the highest hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you o lord hallelujah hosanna hosanna thank you Jesus praise you Lord . In the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have the victory in the name in the of Jesus Satan will have to flee. Hallelujah hallelujah no weapons formed against me it won't work no weapons formed against me it won't work no weapons formed against it won't work. We come before you o lord to give you praise to give you honor to glorify your holiness we thank you o Lord for who you are the alpha and the omega we give you praise honor and glory thank you Jesus thank you Lord. Hallelujah hallelujah glory be to God for there is none like you o Lord. We worship you we glorify you o God hallelujah hosanna to the highest thank you Lord thank you Jesus. "


8 years ago

"A Prayer For Vision "

"Lord, please hear my prayers. Lord, I humbly ask you for your healing. I have been experiencing visual disturbances for almost 3 years and I went back and forth for different hospitals and went to visit Ophthalmologists but still haven't got a proper diagnosis of what really is wrong with both of my eyes. My vision has been getting worse as each days pass by I suspect that this could be a possible case of Retinal Detachment or Diabetic Retinopathy although I haven't been diagnosed with Diabetes but we have history and also have symptoms of the disease. I feel frustrated, I feel lost, scared, and desperate since financially I don't have any money to continue to seek medical help. I am at my lowest point Jesus. Everyday, I have lived my life with worry and questions like "What if I go blind" "What if I will never see the light of the day when I open my eyes" these mere thoughts scares me. I can't count the times I woke up in the middle of the night with panic that I might go blind. I stop living ever since it all began. Lord, I have sending message to various organization/foundation that caters to preventive blindness some of them responded once, I got a number of rejection and at times, I got no response. There were times that I cry myself to sleep, and when I am having panic attack I hugged my prayer booklet and my rosary to calm me down. Lord, I ask for your forgiveness when at times that I feel like waking up is pointless and I am having all these negative thought questioning if you are real and worse I am having thoughts of harming myself. I'm so sorry. Lord, I ask you for help. Please help me get through this. The reason why I still wanted to continue living because I am still for you to move in my life. Lord, I know I have made mistake, I sinned a lot. I remember the time when I was in great trouble back then I told you that we'll get through this hand in hand. I remember, i kept saying "Lord, lets hold hands" when I find myself in the center of crisis or trouble only to realize that I was always the first one to let go of your hands whenever my problem passed. Lord, non of us know how you worked in our lives, how you make miracles but I am waiting for the day that I experience your miracle. Lord, I know your delays doesn't mean NO that's why I am willing to wait for the day the you will lay your healing hands and both of my eyes and take away whatever disease I have. Thank you Jesus. May you spread healing in my family, my friends and those who are in need. Thank you Jesus. Amen "


New York
8 years ago

"Christ Is There"

"Many times out of our worst fears and out of our worst situation such as :illness birth a ministry that we may not know about. If God is to give us the details most of us can't handle it. Today I lift up my my brothers and sisters in Christ that are going through the fire that they may feel :help less and hopeless but Christ is there. We may feel empty but Christ is there. We may not have the answer but Christ is there. We may feel like giving up because of the fears that entangled us and think what if .... But Christ is there. There is always a solution to every situation sometimes we will receive instant deliverance or instant healing other times we have through go through what ever it may be :it may be divorce,death,an illness and we may not understand why.know this ....Christ is there. Never give up on Christ .He will see you through. We may not like going through the painful experience. however great men and women are raise from the birth of their trials and tribulations. lives are transformed. churches are birth and people receive salvation.once again if you going through the fire never give up !!!!pray and praise your way through it. the weapons of the Spirit is the word of God ,prayers, obedience and praise . And remember Christ is there. Father God I come boldly to the throne of grace Give my brothers and sisters in Christ strength courage open their spiritual eyes and give them wisdom used them Lord in a mighty way in your name and glory let them be the legacy in their families let them be the legacy in their workplace let them be the legacy in their neighborhood that they were godly man and women whom fought the good fight. I boldly confess our hearts are receptive to the word and the voice of Almighty God our mind is alert and we will never be the same in Christ Jesus I pray"


8 years ago


"Asking for prayer, head cold keeps waking me up coughing my guts out. Believing for peace and healing amen."


8 years ago


"I think I miss my my babies dad that is even though he emotionally ,mentally abused me . I may have PTSD or some form of depression I feel Lonley I think of him I just feel sad and down and not myself but I pray that I'll get over this depression father God so I can focus on my son with always having anxiety or depression 🙏🏻🙏🏻"


Corona California
8 years ago

"Love Jesus. Love People"

"Dear God First of all, thank you today for blessing me as you always do. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to always improve and become the best I can be. Lately, I've been feeling down and I pray today for happiness. It's my sister's birthday and I want to enjoy my time spent with my family. My sister and I don't have the best relationship due to jealousy and I ask for forgiveness for all my negativity towards her in the past. As Corinthians 13:4 states, love is not jealous. I am to love you and love people. Please guide me into being a more loving person. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago


"Being a single mom can be so difficult at times and really stressful. Lord please give me the strength and courage to not get frustrated at my son I cry sometimes cuz I get so frustrated and stressed out. I don't want to get frustrated please lord help me to be more calmer with my son and not to get so mad . Give me the strength to be a good mom 🙏🏻 in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"Pray For Wisdom And Guidance"

"Dear God, I come to you in prayer during the most trying and difficult time in my life , please give me guidance and enlightenment that i may do the right thing to do.."


8 years ago


"Job interview in 40 minutes. Lord let them see that I can offer what they need and hire me. Let me be calm and self assured."


8 years ago

"Healing For Both Of My Eyes"

"Lord, may you grant me the healing and restoration of my vision. May you lay your touch on both pf my eyes and bring health to it. You are the greatest healer of all I trust you that you will move your hands and I will be healed. Thank you for everything Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for today. Thank you for our blessings and thank you for helping us fellowship with each other. "


8 years ago


"I pray that I will get my child tax today I can't afford pampers & wipes for my son . I pray father God you will help me to afford it . I just come before you that you will help me out father God when money is tight . Please help me father God in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Now the surgery is schedules on 9/8. Lord prep me physically and mentally and please allow me to go into the surgery in good condition so I may have smooth recovery and rehap. During the surgery and recovery, I want to use the time away from work to rebuild my spiritual fortress with you. Thank you no matter what my Father God!"


8 years ago

"Break Ups"

"Pray for my cousin who is going though a break up at the moment. Pray that God brings her peace and hope that the right guy is out there for her when the time is right. "


8 years ago


"I need to pray for patience. Since I've been pregnant, sometimes it's harder to be patient. Pray that I can be patient and happy with my students and with everything. :)"


New York
8 years ago

"Thank You lord"

"I want to share a praise report. 2 days ago my manager text me to tell me to invite me on a last minute meeting where my supervisor and director will sit down to talk to me . Immediately I text her back by saying did I do something wrong do I need to have my union representative present during this meeting when she didn't respond right away I immediately asked my supervisor she didn't respond so about half an hour later my manager responded no we just going over some concerns in my spirit I pray and pray and left it in God's hand this morning I got attacked by a co worker but I set my ground and demanded to be speak with respect. My manager took the opportunity to drive me to the job I needed to do to tell me o after today's meeting it be followed by another meeting tomorrow morning with another director so I turned to tell her why was I not notify I am sensing I need representation o no is procedure ok I went and pray and told the Lord this is in your hand but at the same time I will alert my Union it so just happened that my boss overheard partial of the conversation I was having and I pray again before I went into the meeting the tone change it was informative and collective at the end the lord made sure that what ever they even thought of doing to me it will not take place. As I share my praise report one of the things I want to say is that when you take God's business in my case praying for others God will take care of yours . The next thing I want to say is that when God gives you something make sure you know how to take care of it pray over it treat it with respect and fight for it. Give it a value I learn to how to put into action certain things . Thank you Lord for protecting my job in Jesus name"


8 years ago

"Pray "

"Pray for my ministries to go good in YouTube and everywhere in the name of Jesus Christ!!!"


8 years ago


"Kinda need prayer and support right now feel like giving up and breaking down . My babies dad is serving me with papers tomorrow cuz he thinks he deserves to be in are sons life but yet he can't make a effort to ever show up to his visit just blows my mind . Just please be with me lord and help me to get through this . I am the one who has primary care of my son , i really just hope and pray for the best 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"im so sad today , to let you know of this betrayal im facing right now.l discovered that my sister has been seeing my fiance n soon-to-be husband, im so heartbroken ,im shattered and i dont want to do anything in this state lest l hurt myself or someone.please pray that l may not act out of anger n let God be the judge.i need prayers like yesterday "


8 years ago


"We have a major thing that we are incompatible on and it won't go away. I thank you for the fact that somehow this will be good for something even if i cant see it yet and i also ask you to help us with a solution. Please Lord come with your love to us."


8 years ago


"Lord i come to You once again following the example of the persistent widow. Lord i know and trust and fully accept that my cancer is well under Your control. thank You Lord that i am renewed everyday and that i feel well and good. i thank You Father that despite my terminal state, You wake me up everyday and add days to my life. to be absent from the body is to be present with You - this is such a great comfort for me and my family. i pray Lord that You will give me more time and use me to rear my kids until they come of age, and if it pleases You, to heal my cancer completely. no matter the outcome, i have nothing but praises because i deserve nothing from You, yet You bless me everyday with Your mercy and grace. Lord i pray that You will continue to mold my husband into the Godly leader in our home that You intend him to be. please also help me be the wife that does him good all the days of his life. please help us be the best parents to our kids, exalting Your name all day long and teaching them about You, with Your wisdom. help our kids grow up to be great soldiers for You. bless our lives that we will be a blessing to others. help us recognize the people that You bring to us to bless. help us with our work, Lord, that we may perform at our best and embody You and Your work. help us be humble and gentle in our dealings with others. use our lives for Your glory, Lord and forgive us from all unrighteousness. help our sick brothers and sisters in Christ and we pray that we can also be the answer to somebody else's prayers. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago


"Please pray with me to help my husband be healthy and motivated, he's not functioning well and I'm scared. Please help us and keep our family safe, at peace and together strong so we can make these changes. Thank you, I love you. In Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"Crisis In a Family"

"My friend Charles is fearing that his fiancee is going to leave him and take the baby. Please pray for reconciliation for this family. "


8 years ago


"Today as l sleep, its bedtime in my country but i need u to pray with me nomatter where you are..☺️ Sweet Jesus, Rose of Sharon, Lion of Judah Sympathising Jesus, Great in Battle ,Jehovah is Your Name.Lord we Reverence Your holy name, there is no other name in and under heaven given to men by which we are saved, Lord you said at the Mention of YOUR name Oh Father take the glory my God, that EVERY knee shall bow n every tongue confess that YOU are God.Father the knees of our hearts are bowed and we are humbly confessing that YOU are Our Lord.while on others u shower blessings tonight do not pass us by Precious Jesus, Your Faithfulness is our Strength and You Hand is our Shield, Cover Us By the Valuable blood of the Lamb, no disaster will strike us , thank you Father for answering this prayer as we declare protection in Jesus, name amen and amen.. goodnight family☺️"


8 years ago


"My friend Chase has apprehension about seeing a psychiatrist for his anxiety attacks and is a constant drinker. Please pray that he'd stop drinking and that we find a doctor he likes that will help him."


8 years ago


"please pray for my family, its falling apart and people are fighting, may God bring back peace love n happiness, im not happy😞"


8 years ago

"New Orleans Trip"

"I am a member of many clubs at school. One of those clubs presented an opportunity for me to attend a Women's Conference in New Orleans. I was very excited to attend, then the news was broken to me that I might not be able to. It all depends on how much funding I receive. If it is in God's will, I would love to attend the conference in a few months. I ask this in Jesus' name. 🙏"


8 years ago

"Where Is The Time?"

"Where is the time when it is bygone? Where are the ashes of the burnt wood and stalks? Do You observe veggies growing from the ashes You mixed in the soil to manure it all? No? Ashes are pure and clean as snow from on high, believe in it which remains acceptable. You made all this, You dare smash the furniture and vases that cost You dearly. Will You need me or the companions for time is short? Would You lighten my path for future walks? Lord God You are the great and marvelous one who decides, You go up in the Highest. Are You everlasting, are You kind? Are Your decisions not unshakable, are they? You smash the vases to shards... Help us."


8 years ago


"I'm pregnant, please pray that these symptoms aren't too bad."


8 years ago

"Thanksgiving Prayer"

"Dear Lord i pray to you today not to ask for anything but just to give you thanks and praise for endless blessings some of which i don't even deserve. Amen."


8 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for this day and waking me up this morning with food to eat, a warm bed, and two feet to walk on. Lord, you know my struggles. I move out to go to college on Friday and I bought my own phone plan yesterday. My parents told me it was up to me but I truly feel like they will be angry when my phone arrives. Please bless our communication and their understanding of my actions. I pray that You would give them an open mind about my romantic life. They do not like the idea of online dating or the idea of me dating outside of my race but times have changed and the guy I am pursuing a relationship with is a man of God who is respectful, meek, and the most selfless man I've ever met in my life. Please give them acceptance of our relationship and peace in this transition period of my life and I pray that You would bless me with a financial miracle in the name of Jesus. Thank You Lord. Amen."


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, You know my struggle. Sexual temptation has always been my weakness. Oh Lord you know that I have struggled with porn since the tender age of just 9 years old. God I try so hard to resist but I always fail after a number of months and it can take me a number of weeks to stop again. Please help me. I do not do this sin on purpose. I feel like I cannot control it. Like something comes over me and forces me to do it. God I am going to college on Friday and I have struggled with this for so long. I have an amazing romantic relationship lined up and a new phone coming and I do not want to be stuck in this sin anymore. The pornography, the masturbation, the lust. Please God just make it stop. I love You and I want You. I don't want to hurt You anymore but I need Your help. Please God. Amen."


New York
8 years ago

"Psalm 23"

" "Psalm 23" [Verse 1:] Your hands reached into the depths of darkness, Your arms pulled me to the light above them. Your voice spoke the words that broke my heart, and Your eyes burn with holy passion, fire, and love. [Verse 2:] You lead me beside the quiet waters, You are in the shadows of death's darkened doors. You make tables right before my enemies, You take oil and then You pour it over me. [Bridge:] You are my shepherd, I will fear no evil (fear no evil). You are my shepherd, I will fear no evil (fear no evil). Surely goodness and mercy, shall cover me. All the days of my life, they shall cover me. Surely I am going to dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever, forever and ever. [Verse 2] [Bridge] [Ending:] Ever and ever, ever and ever more. [repeat "


New York
8 years ago

"Help With The Workplace"

"Lord help me in that situation I am going through at the workplace. Father help me that your spirit and light shine on me. Protect me and guide me at all times today I bless each of my co workers and bosses with the blessing of the Lord in Jesus name"


8 years ago

"Job Interview"

"Dear Lord, Thank you for this day. I am going for a job interview i really like. Please be my guide and touch the heart of the person who will interview me. In your will i be hired.. I love you. Carol"


8 years ago


"For my sister she keeping going out with depression and mom is suffering, love you guys,God bless."


8 years ago

"fighting temptation"

"please pray for me my dears, im struggling with temptation n sin sometimes l feel l cant even pray cos God cant look at me.i need the strength to pray and say sorry to God n actually feel sorry.i really really want to fix this relationship i have with God its slowly drifting away n im the one thats drifting."


8 years ago

"Help In My Very Troubled Relationship"

"I don't know what to do or where to go anymore. I need all the help that I can get. My boyfriend and I have been on again off again for a few years now. We got back together last September. We moved in together in December. As of last Monday he has partially moved out telling me that he needs to find himself and that he needs space. We are still together. He won't see me or spend time with me. He barely texts me and when he does he isn't very nice to me. He made so many lifelong promises to not only me but to my son. I just don't even know what to do anymore. My heart is broken. I cannot even sleep in the home without him there. I would do anything for him to open his heart back up with me in it. I would do anything for us to all be a family again. Please pray for me. Thank you"


New York
8 years ago

"Becoming A Fullydevoted Follower Of Jesus Christ"

" (Understanding the Wheel) We use the Wheel Graphic to help describe the kind of life that God desires for everyone: A life of rich, interactive relationship with Him A deep confidence in His love for us—pursuing, accepting, sustaining us The qualities of an eternal life that begins NOW Security and safety in His Kingdom despite difficult circumstances In short, we become transformed and able to live the kind of life that Jesus did. We become Fully Devoted Followers of Christ—Mobilized to Change our World (Tire). 1. It Starts in the Center where we make two decisions (the Hub of the Wheel): We decide to put Christ at the center of our life—trusting in his love for us We decide to live our life as he would live our life—depending on his help 2. Then, as we do these things, God begins to work on our character, in often unseen ways. We aren't simply "making lists and checking them off" to be "good Christians." We are becoming more loving and patient, less angry and anxious--different people who are more like Christ! (the Spokes of the Rim): Spiritually Mature Knowing and depending on God—HE is our audience of one Intellectually Wise Able to discern how to choose "best" in each situation Emotionally Healed Healed from our past, we are forgiven and forgiving Relationally Healthy Secure in who we are in Christ—we love others as he loves us Physically Balanced Mastering the resources of our bodies (time, abilities, priorities) Professionally Skilled We see God as "our real boss" so we strive for excellence at work Financially Free We reject materialism, eliminate debt and store up treasure in heaven Click a link above to view a sermon on that topic by Senior Pastor Chuck Milian. 3. Over time, following the pattern of Jesus as it is revealed in the Bible, we choose to do five specific things we call the "Actions of Discipleship" (the Rim of the Wheel): Connect The Bible compares the church to a body. Each part benefits every other part—mutually enriching the whole. We need to build friendships with each other! Grow From the beginning of the Christian life, becoming like Christ is our goal. Learning more about God and his kingdom is key. We need to know God! Serve God gives us gifts and abilities that are energized by his Spirit to help others. We have meaningful work to do with God which we are passionate about! Pray Communication is key to good relationships. Prayer is conversation with God about what concerns us and others. We have unlimited access to God! Give Because God provides for us, we grow to trust Him more and learn to live generously as we seek to live on 80%, save 10% and give 10% (tithing). Christians aren't "just forgiven." We desire to live the rich, full lives for which we are created. The wheel is a model of that life which guides believers and invites all seeking God to "Come Roll with us!" "


New York
8 years ago

"God Says Don't Worry Be Happy"

"As I sat to listen to what God is saying in my spirit I heard Him say tell them "don't happy ""


New York
8 years ago

"Zion Is Calling Me"



New York
8 years ago

"Holy Ground Part 2"

" A Biblical Approach to Confessing Sin Question from a Site Viewer Scripture says we should confess our sins to one another. Confessing sin seems to be emphasized in the Bible. But what if our sin was terrible . . . a sin that might ruin lives? Should we still confess? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your questions concerning confessing sin. You speak of a terrible sin and you believe that confessing it would ruin lives. Confession of sin is a Biblical mandate. In the law, God promises to respond unfavorably to His people when they walk contrary to Him, but then He states that if His people will confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers and accept their guilt, that God will remember them (Leviticus 26:40-42). Daniel knew of this promise and presents us with a beautiful prayer and model of confession in Daniel 9:3-19. Nehemiah also understood this promise and offers us another beautiful model of a prayer of confession in Nehemiah 1:5-11. A third model is found in Nehemiah 9 where the people confess both the sins of their fathers and their own sins. Each of these confessions was to God. One of the most powerful Psalms on confession is David’s great Psalm 32. David opens this Psalm with the words: Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. He speaks of keeping silent about his sin and then describes the drain on his life. Then, he states, he acknowledged his sin to God and did not hide his iniquity (and I believe again this is in reference to God). He states that he confessed his transgression to the LORD, and the LORD forgave him (verse 5). David never mentions to us what his sin was, nor does he mention any confession to men. But we know from this Psalm that God forgave him. Again, in Psalm 51, when David confesses his sin concerning Bathsheba and Uriah, he focuses on the acknowledgment of his sin before God (verse 3-4). While certainly David confessed to Nathan, the prophet, that he had sinned (2 Samuel 12:13), it was not the confession to Nathan that brought about forgiveness, but the confession to God (at least that is how it is presented in Psalm 51). In Proverbs 28:13, we are told that the one who covers his sins will not prosper, but the one who confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. The Apostle John picks this up in 1 John 1:9 where he states that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Confession is simply saying the same thing about sin that God says. We acknowledge our sins as being sins, that we have failed God, and we seek His forgiveness. Hosea has one of the most striking passages on confession of sin. If you know the story of Hosea, God starts out saying that He is through with His people because they have departed so far from Him. But then God says that even though He wants to be through with them, He cannot give them up (Hosea 11:8), because of His great sympathy for them (Hosea 11:8-9). He closes this great little book with the passage at Hosea 14:1-4 where God calls Israel to return to Him. He states it in these words: O Israel, return to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity; take words with you, and return to the LORD. Say to Him, “Take away all iniquity; receive us graciously, for we will offer the sacrifices of our lips.” And if Israel would do only this, then God says that he would heal their backsliding and love them freely (Hosea 14:4). What God wants from sinners is a simple acknowledgment that we have sinned and a request to Him that He take away sins. He even gives us the words in this passage to bring to Him. Confession, then, is first and primarily to God. All sin, ultimately, is against God and we need to acknowledge to Him that we have sinned, turn away from our sin, and seek His grace. If we do so, He has promised to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). There are no other Biblical conditions to God’s forgiveness. I note that in none of these confessions is there a description of the details of "


New York
8 years ago

"We Come Into Your Presence In Holy Ground"

" "If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work." (2 Timothy 2:21 NLT) God uses all kinds of vessels — big vessels and little vessels, ornate vessels and plain vessels, very expensive ones and very ordinary ones. But there is one thing God will not use: a dirty vessel. So if you’re going to be used by God, you have to do some cleanup. Joshua told the people, “Purify yourselves, because tomorrow the LORD will perform miracles among you” (Joshua 3:5 TEV). The fact is, God wants to do something great in your future, too. But you have to start by settling the accounts of the past. You have to clean up yesterday. How do you do that? You do it through confession. Augustine said, “The confession of bad works is the beginning of good works.” We start by dealing with our past. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do right: he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing” (1 John 1:9 TEV). I’ll never forget the first time I made a "sin list." I felt like God was a million miles away, that he was distant. I couldn’t feel his power or his grace. I felt like my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling. So, one night, I took out a pad of yellow paper and said, “God, show me every sin between me and you, and I will write it down specifically. I committed it specifically. I'm going to confess it specifically. We’re going to deal with it right now and get it out of the way.” I started writing. And writing. And writing. I thought I was going to write a book, like "The Purpose Driven Sinner"! I ended up with about nine pages of sins. It was 2 a.m. when I finished. I confessed all those sins to God and wrote 1 John 1:9 over each. I’ve had to make a sin list many times since that night, because it’s very easy to let things come between us and God. You need to make a sin list on a regular basis so that you have a clean vessel to offer God for his use. If you only take the garbage out of your house once a month, it’s going to start stinking. Talk About It How long has it been since you confessed specific sins to God? ."


8 years ago


"For my sister she left home, since 6am she never came back home she is so depression, thank you God bless."


8 years ago

"We've Heard Of The Masks"

"Have we recognized Man that he might be scared? We know a lot of things, but who hides behind the mask? God Your mask remains Jesus, how could we ignore it? Give us light for we are losing ourselves here in the obscure rooms from time to time... Men wear masks like You do, they have all a hide, all private spheres."


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, You know my struggle. Sexual temptation has always been my weakness. Oh Lord you know that I have struggled with porn since the tender age of just 9 years old. God I try so hard to resist but I always fail after a number of months and it can take me a number of weeks to stop again. Please help me. I do not do this sin on purpose. I feel like I cannot control it. Like something comes over me and forces me to do it. God I am going to college on Friday and I have struggled with this for so long. I have an amazing romantic relationship lined up and a new phone coming and I do not want to be stuck in this sin anymore. The pornography, the masturbation, the lust. Please God just make it stop. I love You and I want You. I don't want to hurt You anymore but I need Your help. Please God. Amen."


8 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for this day and waking me up this morning with food to eat, a warm bed, and two feet to walk on. Lord, you know my struggles. I move out to go to college on Friday and I bought my own phone plan yesterday. My parents told me it was up to me but I truly feel like they will be angry when my phone arrives. Please bless our communication and their understanding of my actions. I pray that You would give them an open mind about my romantic life. They do not like the idea of online dating or the idea of me dating outside of my race but times have changed and the guy I am pursuing a relationship with is a man of God who is respectful, meek, and the most selfless man I've ever met in my life. Please give them acceptance of our relationship and peace in this transition period of my life and I pray that You would bless me with a financial miracle in the name of Jesus. Thank You Lord. Amen."


8 years ago


"For my brother that's in debts, He don't know what do, he get very angry thank you and God bless."


8 years ago

"Raise & Job"

"Dearest Lord Jesus, Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me another chance to be better and turn my life around back to you. Thank you so very very much for my raise and opening this new door to bigger and better for me and my family. Thank you so much!! I love you"


8 years ago


"I'm lost. I feel lost with out my lil family. It's tough not being there 😭💔 help me God please. I'm torn to pieces. I need them back. I ask you lord because you put them in my path for me to love. Please restore this relationship please God. "


8 years ago


"God you know exactly which two things Im thinking of now. I need help with them. "


New York
8 years ago

"Never Give Up"

"Do you feel defeated like throwing in the towel. Well don't. Just because life circumstances is where they at it doesn't mean it always is going to be like that. The spiritual world is always revolving doors just as the world is. For quite sometime my family have been going through a critic situation where Friday a decision was made.the whole circumstance looked really bad the decision bad everything was and still is bad. but it doesn't mean it will be there sometime tomorrow you see if we don't give up on God there is always hope for tomorrow it doesn't matter what other says God got the last word and while we may appeared before others defeated and put to shame when have you heard God's children being defeated let them think what they want Satan may have the present laugh but God got this too. And just because He didn't move mountains now don't mean He doesn't have something up His sleeve there is always tomorrow no what is going on your life no matter how bad it looks praise Him even if you all worn out fear Him and praise Him worship Him for there have been true ministries raised out of people's worst time in lives. These are the ministries that are never moved by emotions how they feel but what of what God says. I don't know who am I am speaking to today all I am saying is never give up on God because He has never given up on You you were bought with a high price so before you throw in the towel pick it back up and praise Him and if you can't praise Him because it's too overwhelming is okay let the tears do the worship that glorifies and move God. Today my family may look defeated and you think devil you win and perhaps you had for a moment but see you forget who I serve you forget that He is in control and just because He have not put his draw card but doesn't mean that sometime down the line He will and even if He won't but no matter what He is God and just alone for that I will scream it to the world that I worship Him and I will praise Him and my family may be the laughing stock and humiliated it doesn't matter I am here to humbly serve him with my being and if we are to laugh at pointed at is okay as long as I earn a seat in heaven I am passing through. I am here today and gone tomorrow but I look and see that my God will always be glorified through my life in some sort way. So Jesus walked up to the fig tree inspected and spoke to it the Lord knows my heart and I am sure he has inspected and He will speak to those mountains at His time. I speak to the fig trees so rounded by me that all they do is curse you with their negative words and negative actions get thee behind Satan and I curse you with curse of the Lord. And I speak life to myself and my family I speak deliverance and salvation I speak wisdom knowledge and understanding I speak that we serve the Lord no matter what with love dignity fear and the love and sound mind .this is the generation that will stand before our Lord this the generation that will raised up children to come children of obedience that will serve the Lord with truth and love and passion In Jesus name."


New York
8 years ago

"Sometimes We Too Busy To Hear God Speaking "

"Rise Up Andra Day Lyrics You're broken down and tired Of living life on a merry-go-round And you can't find the fighter But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out And move mountains We gonna walk it out And move mountains And I'll rise up I'll rise like the day I'll rise up I'll rise unafraid I'll rise up And I'll do it a thousand times again And I'll rise up High like the waves I'll rise up In spite of the ache I'll rise up And I'll do it a thousand times again For you [4x] When the silence isn't quiet And it feels like it's getting hard to breathe And I know you feel like dying But I promise we'll take the world to it's feet And move mountains Bring it to it's feet And move mountains And I'll rise up I'll rise like the day I'll rise up I'll rise unafraid I'll rise up "


New York
8 years ago

"Attain To Prayers"

"If we look at the book of Job we see that often time Job dedicated his time as the enter easier of his family and he said because he didn't know how and if they have offended God. As I revisit my life my walk Lord I have to stop and pause and said dear Lord while I know you Lord my journey ha e not been easy and I must revisit the tainted and said o Lord heal your land o God. Father in Jesus name I stand before you o Lord lifting up my forefathers my present generation along with my future generation line and I stand in the gap saying Lord we have offended you we have sin we have fallen short before your sight hear the cries of this child and ask that you o God hear my tears as I ask for forgiveness as I bring my family past present and future our transgression at foot of the cross and ask for forgiveness ask you Lord to bring us into repentance and change us give us the desire in hearts to love you is the reason to live to serve you is the reason to live to honor you with our being is the reason to live let us not get caught up with the things that attract people of the world but let be so focused minded and in one accord that we are just here for a moment we passing through and to be here is to serve and honor you in Jesus name"


8 years ago


"Pray for Daughter salvation "


8 years ago

"Bobs Family"

"Lord, Please give bobs family comfort at this time now that he has been promoted to glory and is with you. Be with them all as they grieve and may those in the family who do not know you come to be saved. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Pray "

"Let us pray for the lost soul in the world, that don't know Jesus Christ "


8 years ago


"I'm believing in you Jesus 😊"


8 years ago


"Holy Father I am very angry about a situation well to be honest a few different situations. I am angry with people who I feel have done wrong to me and I am angry at myself for not being a better person or dealing with these things in a productive way. Lord please help me to change these feelings so that they can be used for something good and productive instead of the darkness that I feel sometimes. Please forgive me for allowing these things to get the better of me and please help me to make right what I have done wrong. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Finances "

"Please pray for my business and cash flow orders my mortgage due 16 th need the money. God bless"


8 years ago


"I'd like to pray that my pregnancy goes well and I don't have pregnancy brain."


New York
8 years ago


"Father God in Jesus name I lift up my sister you know all about the situation is in your hands I also lift up my nieces and nephews and pray you watch over them give them favor o Lord and protect them in your name and your glory in Jesus name "


8 years ago

"Ernesto Ministries"

"God answer prayer, check it out on YouTube call Ernesto ministries God bless"


8 years ago


"Father God I pray that my depression will go away in the name of Jesus . It's got so bad that I just start crying for nothing some days I don't want to leave the house . God please give me the courage to see a doctor so I can live a normal life cuz this depression is really taking over my life I pray God that you will help me to be strong I feel very sad and Lonley at times . In Jesus name amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Pray for Chicago to stop the killing each other, it's getting out of control, in Jesus name!!"


8 years ago

"Thank You God"

"Holy Father, thank you for all the marvelous and awesome blessings you have given me and made real in my life. Thank you because you have established a new life in my whole being and given me a true woman for my company, Monica. Please bless her in the name of your son Jesus Christ and make me be as you are so I can always love her the way you want me to. Bless her life, her health, her heart and her family. In the name of Jesus I pray amen."


8 years ago

"Positivity At School"

"I'm a first grade teacher and I work with some people that are very negative about the students and the job. Please pray that I'm able to stay positive, help the children to learn as much as possible and be happy at school. "


8 years ago

"A Prayer To Have Friends"

"For the past two years I've felt incredibly alone. These years have been a combination of good and bad, finding out who I am without the company and security of companions, but at the same time, I'm so ready to have people that know me and love me. I've prayed to God for so long that he would give me people I could trust and love and have fun with. Please pray that I have the courage to meet new people and open up to strangers, and that new opportunities arise for me to do that. Thank you so much everyone! Much love!❤️"


8 years ago

"Ignition For Light"

"You are the great blacksmith who was, who is, and who is to come, a marvel in itself. You mold our dreams, hitting them as with fiery hammers, have dragged them over the coals. You want one fervent unto eternity, we glow. Let us adapt to every work according to Your Word that we love, we can't wait to settle down in the safe haven. Your works are always greater than any from down here, the earth. Your works are marvelous, You keep loving the flicks of the wrist. And You drag them over the coals again, till You have made perfection before Your eyes, You are victorious, yet a blacksmith."


8 years ago


"God, I'd like to recruit Sean S. as my teammate in the company so he may provide back-up during my spine surgery and recovery and eventually build and expand our team in the company. Please help me through the recruit process so two of us and the company may build a trusting relationship."


8 years ago


"Lord, doc recommended surgery and I am ready and willing to go through it. I know you are working in all of this to make me better, to accomplish what you have in mind for me. God, I want to continue to walk through this with you."


8 years ago


"Father in heaven we come humbly before you and ask for your covering throughout this day and everyday. Thank you for waking us in our right minds. Put a hedge of protection and a shield from all harm and danger around us. Please forgive us for our sins and bless us individually and as a couple. Bind up and cast out all distractions and evil influences, people, places and things sent to pull us off our path. Bless us in our areas of employment, homes, and finances. Please supply all our needs. Keep us loving and kind towards one another. Any and all hindrances remove then. In Jesus' name. Amen"


8 years ago


"Accept Jesus, peace about Dad's hospice/nursing care, life stress"


8 years ago


"I have so much coming up. Please God supply all my needs"


8 years ago

"Protect New Leader"

"Please pray to protect our new leader PBG and keep his eyes on Christ and protect him from evil. IN JESUS NAME Amen! Thank you Lord, I know you are working in this situation. ❤️"


8 years ago

"Lauras Bro + Sis Law"

"Hit by drunk driver"


8 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, You alone can do any and all things. You are perfect in everything You do, knowing what is best for your people. Lord, I humbly bow before You to ask of You only one thing. Please allow me to become a member of the C-STEP program. I am working as hard as I possibly can to get into it, and I have the faith to know that You will help me get in just as long as I keep working hard. I pray that You allow my request for membership to be accepted. I want this so very much, but I understand that Your plans are not mine, and neither are Your thoughts mine. I will understand if I were to not get into the program, for I know that it would be for the better good. I love You Lord, and praise be to Your Holy Name! "Delight in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4"


8 years ago

"Mrs Draper"

"She goes to Heaven peacefully in the next few weeks. Pray this will be catalyst to hubby receiving Christ "


8 years ago


"Please pray everyone ! That on sept 6 th the hearing at court will be cancelled in Jesus name please god I come to you in prayer please help me in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Please pray warriors I need peace, it not that I am not thankful that my husband is back home but the torment in my mind is dragging me down, I do not question him or throw it up in his face but my mind is screaming at me, what did he do with her, where, when, how, he loves her more he is only here for the kids then the way he talked so cruel about in those text messages I read. I do want my marriage to work but will this ever end? Why can't he show me he is sorry for what he did? At times I think I am going pure crazy. Please I really appreciate all the prayers you prayed for me, but please I beg don't stop. "


8 years ago

"Financial Blessings"

"Lord, I pray for financial independence. Please pour your blessings upon us. Please send me new contacts and opportunities so that I may serve them. I pray that we can set and achieve our financials goals so our family can have better financial pictures."


8 years ago

"Spine Issue"

"God, I pray that you heal me and rebuild me, physically and spiritually. Whether or not I may need a surgery, Lord please give me strength to recover and maintain positive outlook regardless of circumstances."


8 years ago

"Miracle Blessing"

"Lord I am praying to you for a blessing or miracle ~ it's been 6 months of no job and working on contract but my contract jobs have not had the income to pay me so I can pay my bills to keep a car and roof over me and my daughters head ~ I have never been in this deep of financial trouble ~ everything I have in savings is depleted ~ I need a job offer and the ability to pay rent now. Please help us! I feel so numb I'm very scared ~ please take care of us ~ I am faithful ~ please also ensure that I let go of hurt from my old Boss of letting me go for no reason at all please let my old company not believe his ways ~ I have never been terminated ever and now I am in desperate situation scared ~ please raise me up Lord!! Thank you and bless everyone who is need of prayer on here. "


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that if John Butler likes me at all in any way that he will let me know I'm just sick of being alone and being depressed it's slowly eating at me . Lord please let me know if he does like me I pray that you will help me find someone that will care about me and love me for who I am. I just want postive role model for my son someone he could look up too . Lord please help me find that special someone 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"July 7th, 9:44 pm So God I haven't been active in this app and I'm gonna start doing it again but God I pray that I don't get stressed about anything else cause it really hurts my chest when I get stressed and God I thank you for a good week (mostly) please help me with my loving skills so I get to love like Jesus. Anyone readying this one please pray that things with Jayden work out (Ik you don't know who that is) but please pray I don't get stressed and I have a good day tomorrow at field hockey. I thank you for everything please give me one person to share your love with everyday, in Jesus name I pray Amen❤️"


8 years ago


"I want to be what God wants me to be. I am so desperately holding to His promises. We serve the same God that healed crippled legs, opened deaf ears, and gave sight to the blind, help me Lord not to waiver in my faith in you to heal my broken heart. You brought my husband back home please take the pain of his betrayal and affair away. I wish I would have never read the hateful word he texted her about me. I just want the pain to go away. Will I ever be able to love him like I did, will I ever be able to trust him again. Lord if it's not your will for us to be together, I still pray you save his soul. "


8 years ago

"Time Of Need"

"Lord Heavenly Father please see that we are able to make it through this next week and are able to guide the courts to see that we return to the love of our family in Jesus name I pray that we are able to escape from this horror of a domestic violence situation and that we are able to heal and overcome with the strength of God to get through this situation and that I do not end up losing my nursing license due to choosing to love the wrong person. In Jesus name I pray God will forgive me of any wrong doings for in my heart I know I am not the horrible person that these people have made me out to be. Please God see that my son is guided by your love and that he will be able to heal and give him strength and the wisdom of your name"


8 years ago

"Pray For My Sister"

"She is very in deep depression, thank you God bless, her name Julie "


8 years ago

"For Me "

"Thank you for everyone who prayed for my last prayer I found out that I have bacteria vaganosia it can be cured thank you Jesus I didn't have an did nor AIDS I don't ever want to feel that scares again hopefully nothing else will be wrong I pray I don't get another call and that this is over I told god that I'm going to change my life seriously I've given up sex so I pray my flesh can stay strong I also have to be tested for diabetes I pray that I don't get another phone call when my results come back also I pray I don't have diabetes in Jesus name I pray amen "


8 years ago


"In need of prayer so Sept 6 th I have court and my babies dad is planning to tell the judge everything bad I know I shouldn't be scared but of course I am I pray lord you will let me know that I shouldn't be scared or worried because I have you by my side .i pray you will have your hand upon on me letting me know not to worry just take a deep breath . Please let everything workout and cover me with the blood of Jesus. I want me and my babies daddy to get along and quit arguing it's just difficult stressful makes me depressed "


8 years ago


"Having a symptom that's been hard right now. Thanks for prayers."


8 years ago

"Pained "

"I've lost everything. Losing My lil family is the worst feeling ever. I have no reason to go on. I get suicidal thoughts. Cuz my heart is torn to pieces. I have nothing to live for no more. "


8 years ago

"David N Debbie"

"Strength, comfort, and peace"


8 years ago


"Lord I pray thank you for every thing you do for me and for what's to come. I know your fighting for me. My battles my sadness and my pain. Your my everything lord. I ask in the name of Jesus. Please Bring restoration to my relationship with the beautiful women n lil one you blessed me with that I no longer have. It's been months without them. Not know anything of them is painful. I miss them so much it hurts my heart. My eyes hurt from the tears I cry for them. I pray for us to have each other's heart. For us to love one another like the beginning when you made us cross paths. Show us your ways and for us to love each other like you love us lord. I'm in need of there love again. I love them and always will have love for my lil family. I leave it in your hands lord. In the name of Jesus I pray. 😭😭"


8 years ago


"Holy father I'm praying for a good day today in Jesus name, please open my colleagues hearts to me so they can understand me and accept me more. Please help me to play well, please let this day be drama free. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"The Title Of A Play"

"If our life were a scene, where would be the setting? You don't know perhaps how could you dare to make us? We forget. The ignition for the making shall be the title of the play, with goosebumps and a dramatic, final scene, the thrill for an evening that makes one's blood run cold. Though what I still want to say now is that we cannot bear our iniquity, especially we want nobody to understand us entirely, completely as anybody else, too. We need the sphere for our own, we need the rest that lies in your hands. Where is my beloved?"


8 years ago

"The Song In My Heart tonight"

"Jesus be a fence all around me every day Jesus I want you to protect me as I walk along my way I know you can I know you will Fight my battles if I just keep still Lord be a fence all around me everyday Thank you Jesus for this song today, thank you for giving me fellowship with you. Lord please be with me in these trying times, please put me on the right path. Thank you Lord in Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my grandma that she is loved and cared for. Please pray that my parents will soon find a job that they will fall in love with. Please pray for my siblings for strength and guidance. Please pray for my dog to be relieved from pains we cannot understand. Please pray for me that i can enjoy my last year in high school. Please pray for my whole family that no matter what we can still succeed and that God will help us through our journeys. Please pray that we can find happiness even in our dark times and that we can grow from this pain. Please pray that a change for the better is right around the corner. Thank you. "


8 years ago

"Please Pray"

"Please pray that my boyfriend of 30 years and I will work through some problems that have come up in the past year and so we can be together and finally get married "


8 years ago

"Financial Relief"

"I desperately need a financial blessing in Jesus name"


8 years ago


"Please pray for my son and that he may recover from some traumatic events that have happened to him. Heavenly Father please see that a court matter is dismissed and we are able to return closer to family and away from a very scary domestic violence situation and be safe from our abuser"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Help... "

"Please everyone pray for me, my life seems to be coming together and falling apart at the same time. I'm so lost with myself and need reassurance from God. I need to feel his presence... I'm struggling win school and work and not making enough money. I can't keep up with my schoolwork. I'm trying to get into the military and just interviewed for a new job that I want more than anything. I need desire and focus again. I've been getting distracted by my depression again and it's ruining me. I've been pining over a man who I care about very deeply and pray for regularly but I don't think he really sees me. I wish to have a real relationship with him and hope that it's in God's plan or that he may rid me of these feelings. Please just pray for me and that I start coming towards something great... "


Los Angeles
8 years ago


"Please pray for my friend's father, Bill, who is in ICU awaiting surgery on 8/3 to relieve bleeding on the brain."


8 years ago


"I'm a teacher and I was treated badly at work and some coworkers said some awful things about me and it's affecting my job a little bit now. Please pray that I can get the abusive things out of my head."


8 years ago

"The End Of Gloom"

"How could I express my feelings while prayer? How much have we understood the loss, the fall of man? People like raindrops rain down from the high skies in the nights and odd days. Even dogs must feel uneasy among all the yells, all the outcries. Where is a God who could spare us from future fallouts, a Lord that knows what Lordship is about? "


8 years ago

"Job Oppurtunity"

"I have been talked to about a really great job opportunity. But they are still making a decision based on a reference. This would be really great for my family and my ministry please pray that God would allow this if it is His will. Thank you all God bless you."


8 years ago

"Financial Break"

"Please pray for a financial breakthrough right now. I really need a better job. Please open up the storehouses to rain down a blessing today Lord"


8 years ago

"Prodigal Sister"

"I'm asking prayer warriors to Please lift up my baby sister who is 25. She met a young man in our church's men's recovery home and has spiraled with him into a lost and prodigal life. She has never had a background of addiction. She was very innocent to living in the world and I am heart broken. I don't want her life to be like this anymore. "


8 years ago

"Still Here"

"It has been a few months and a fight like no other. My husband is still with me and the affair ended but how do I regain my trust in him? I really want the pain to go away, all the hateful text he sent her about me that I read still brings so much pain. He still is not came back to the Lord and if he doesn't how can I ever trust him? "


8 years ago


"Dearest Lord Jesus, I'm begging you, please remove any and all negation spirits that have been causing me trouble. Thank you so much?!"


8 years ago

"Crying Heart. "

"Lord I'm come to you in this moment because I'm at lost of words. My mind goes in circles trying to grasp understanding. I miss my beautiful woman n lil ones a lot. I don't know what to do with out them lord. I pray for restoration In my relationship with them. I miss there warm hugs. There beautiful smiles. 😭 I feel the need to fight for them till the end of time God but I don't know how. I come to you lord to give me understanding. N bless me once more with them again. And forever. For us to have twice as much love in each other's hearts for one another in Jesus name I pray. Thank you Jesus. Amen. 😭😭😭"


8 years ago


"My God, I invite you and the Holy Spirit into my thoughts and being tonight. I ask you to take over my thoughts and help me deal with evil and opposition. As I humbly and awkwardly pray for those that oppose me out of hate and evil, give me peace and a true understanding how to see them as God sees them. To see them with grace and love. "


8 years ago

"Court Dismissal"

"Please pray that a court matter be dismissed and that me and my son may move closer to family and far away from a very scary domestic violence situation that we are able to heal and recovery from this situation"


8 years ago

"Prayer For All "

"Father in heaven, may we all be cleansed by the saving Blood of Jesus; may our consciences be purged of dead works. Scripture says that evil is defeated by the Blood of the Lamb, so we ask that the Blood of Jesus cover all who are in need of protection (all civil, religious and lay leaders, our families, friends, enemies, all those for whom we have promised to pray, and ourselves). We mark the borders of our nation and the doorposts of our churches, homes, schools and places of employment with the Precious Blood of Jesus. Also, we cover our vehicles that no one may ever be injured through them. Thank You, Lord, for shedding Your Blood for us. May the Water and Blood that came from the side of Jesus create a protecting fountain of grace, one which flows directly from the throne of God to us. Come, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit.""


8 years ago


"Please pray for me that the joy of the lord will be with me . That this depression will leave me alone . I pray that you will help me to not feel so Lonley all the time . Father god I pray that you will protect me from emotional and mental abuse to the point were I think about dying . I just pray that my baby's dad will stop with the abuse feeling like I'm useless and good for nothing God please be with me and help me to love you and learn to walk everyday with you . Amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Lord, Please help rid our house of this infestation and make it a safe place to live in. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago


"Please pray. I love Jesus and have served in local churches for years. Recently went through a lot of change as wife had life threatening health issues (of a nature many in the church do not understand and worked through a ton of questions and hurts) and after much prayer, resigned position as Asst pastor in a network of churches that we have come to know for almost 15 years. On this side of things I can see God's mercy directing us into new things and new places for our good, but I must admit I'm struggling. I'm now over 50 and I have come to terms with the fact that some things just need to die in order for whatever God wants to live - it's like I'm starting all over. Still going forward trying to connect with people but inside I feel that I'm damaged. I don't want to continue feeling this way. Looking for God to supply as I know I'm in need of His touch. Ty 😊"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Strengthen"

"Lord, I come to you for the strength to move forward.. I want more in life and I want a husband sent from you.. Lord, you know my heart and you hear my cries. The devil seek revenge and is trying to steal my soul. Yet, I am your child and my soul you hold. Man has hurt me and man has left me but you love me through it all. You're still here and you provide it all. Yes, my child father feels hate towards me and I do not know why? He left us for another woman and he is not supportive. He keeps himself away from us. He allow others to physically harm me, and does nothing about it. Lord, I know I deserve more and I know this is not what you want for me and my girls.. The betrayal is tearing me apart and I'm drained.. I can't stop thinking about how he left us. My love for him is real and my heart is torn. The dreams and images of our life is destroyed because he cheated and he walked away. He let the girls down and blame me for everything. So I come to you to ask for strength to let him go and to allow you to do what it is you created me to do.. Because, I know you have greatness planned for me.. In Jesus name I pray amen !! "


8 years ago

"My Health- I Just Want To Feel Normal "

"Dear lord. Please heal me of my panic disorder, seizures, anxieties. I am so grateful for the things you have given me and I have always felt selfish praying for myself. I am at a point of desperation and I am terrified for my life. I pray that you give me strength and energy and health so that I may drive again and be able to leave my home and take my son places. Please help me clear my head and lead me on the right path and steer me from temptation. All my love. In Jesus name. Amen. - Nicole Simpson "


8 years ago

"Mental Health "

"Dear lord. Please heal me of my panic disorder, seizures, anxieties. I am so grateful for the things you have given me and I have always felt selfish praying for myself. I am at a point of desperation and I am terrified for my life. I pray that you give me strength and energy and health so that I may drive again and be able to leave my home and take my son places. Please help me clear my head and lead me on the right path and steer me from temptation. All my love. In Jesus name. Amen. - Nicole Simpson "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Healthy Pregnancy"

"God, Thank you for my children you have given me. We are trying for another and after the ectopic pregnancy in november I am terrified of falling pregnant and having another ectopic pregnancy. Im also worried about low progesterone. After having a chemical pregnancy last month, i am scared it will keep happening. I am waiting to take a test this month and I am lying here with left pelvic pain. Scared. father, i pray and ask that you protect me. Help me to conceive a healthy baby without anymore complications. Protect me from another ectopic pregnancy and ease my mind."


8 years ago

"Pregnancy & Car"

"I've been struggling with some of my pregnancy symptoms and my husband and I are in a conflict with a car situation. Thank you for prayers. "


8 years ago

"My Family"

"Praying for transformation of my fiancé. Praying for him a better job. Praying for a 9-5 M-F in my hometown with the salary I need. Please return the monies I have lent to all multiplied. Let us be debt free. "


8 years ago

"Alone And Grieved"

"Accomplished I did the task that was lying there, somebody insignificant was to gain... The rat race confounded me, where is a contender that could thwart me? Oh but now, behold my darkness catches me, the shadows cover me. What will be the outcome? Which futility is in the can? Isn't it all my foolishness to love You Lord God in the Highest more than bread, more than life? For without the blood of the Messiah no gain unto me, without it no remission unto eternity. Be kind Lord God, be merciful. "


8 years ago

"Me "

"Dear Father , your humbled daughter seeks you to ask you to increase my faith . To use me to help others in any way that I can . Co-workers , Friends and Family , help me help them to learn more about you . In Jesus' name I Pray , Amen 💗"


8 years ago

"Miracle For Our Business"

"I'm thankful for those who've joined me in my prayer for a miracle saving our company. It's a service business serving the sick. I continue to ask prayer warriors to join me in asking God for a miracle, more healthcare providers to join us so we have increased ability to serve. This will save the business. "


8 years ago


"Prayer request for healing in my husband. He is battling cancer and a few spots showed up that weren't there in the last scan. Surgery has been postponed for now while this areas are treated. We know God has a plan and hears our prayers. "


Central Florida
8 years ago


"Dealing with 2 autoimmune diseases as well as lifetime health issues causing chaos in my life: isolation, depression, judgment, unemployment, divorce, custody issues, pain, etc."


Central Florida
8 years ago

"My Health"

"Facing so many issues resulting from Heath, including isolation, judgment, pain, depression, homelessness, unemployment, divorce and child custody. "


Central Florida
8 years ago

"My Health"

"Dealing with 2 auto immune issues and lifetime illnesses. Facing isolation, depression, judgment, unemployment, divorce, homelessness, and custody of daughter, along with pain and med side effects, including chemo. Was a lawyer when healthy."


Central Florida
8 years ago

"Law Enforcement"

"Please pray for officer safety in these troubled times. Their lives, partners and kids are a wreck. They don't deserve this. The only group left out of so many prayers."


8 years ago


"God I just want to come to you in prayer because it always works out for me when I place my trust in you I'm going for a check up and I pray that u have no stds nor hiv/AIDS I have committed myself to you to stay right and wAlk in my faith and resist lust I just pray that everything works out and I'm clean in Jesus name I pray amen "


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Heavenly Father, I ask that you continue working in my marriage. Turn my husband from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to you. Give him a new spirit and replace his heart of stone with a heart of flesh. Lead him back to you and back to me. Please heal and restore my marriage and family. I am blessed as believe what the Lord has said to me will be accomplished. Praise the Lord! Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear Jesus I pray that you will help me to get accepted into social worker counsellor I pray you will help to apply for student aid in Jesus name I pray amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"New Battle Feild"

"Lord I pray for strength and courage as go to a new school this fall Lord. Lord I pray that I will be bold and bring many class mates and more to your grace and mercy Lord. Lord I pray for the right words and timing when I talk to these people Lord. I also pray for boldness to get over my shyness Lord. In Jesus name,amen🙏 "


8 years ago


"Please pray for me- I had been betrayed by my former fiance (of two and half year) who pastors a church abroad. Please pray that I may receive complete healing and direction over this matter. May God reveal to us His will and direction over this matter. Please pray for me, my family, my former fiance, his church and his new girlfriend (to this day). Lord JESUS, You are faithful and You mean good to us... LORD JESUS, grant us acceptance on our life circumstance - use us in our situation - to cause us to RISE HIGHER spiritually through CHRIST. May Your will be done. We love You LORD and we trust that YOU know best. That You will, on Your time, make the path clear IN JESUS' NAME, amen. God bless."


8 years ago


"Dear Jesus I pray that you will help me save enough money before September 6th so I can buy a laptop and take a course for court, I pray you will help me to save money to afford the laptop in Jesus name amen.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Unspoken prayer request."


8 years ago

"Almighty God, hear this prayer"

"Dear Lord, I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other's worth. Please touch the heart of my partner,fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other's heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I love you. Amen. "


Julie a
8 years ago


"Dear god I pray for my boyfriend Chris dickey who tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, thank you for Saving his life, God help us deal with his traumatic brain injury God you know before Chris's injury he was the sweetest most caring, selfless person with the biggest heart, now after brain injury he's a stranger he's full of anger, hateful, depressed, and acts like he hates me, God give me the strength to keep going to visit him at the hospital even though all he does is yell at me and says hurtful things, the doctors say that Chris will have to live few we In a nursing home because he's abusive now he's only 38 years old but God I'm praying for a miracle for Chris there's nothing the doctors can do but you are a miraculous God you have performed far greater miracles than this,I'm praying that you would restore his mind bring back the old Chris,I pray that he would be saved and get to know you God. I prayi don't get fired from work for missing so many days please give me the help I need mentally to handle this, I pray that my short term disability for work and fmla would get approved so I can time some time off to get my own head together, help me not feel guilty anymore. God please walk with me through this give Chris and I the strength to get through this please cause I feel like giving up please God help in the name of Jesus amen. Thank you "


8 years ago

"Prep For Test - Need Focus"

"Please agree with me in prayer for certification test scheduled on Tuesday. I need focus, clarity of mind, retention of information and victory! Bless you!!"


8 years ago


"I found out I was pregnant and it was unexpected. Please pray that I can still teach first grade very well and please pray for a good pregnancy and healthy baby. "


8 years ago

"In Need Of Prayer "

"I'm in Calgary visiting cousins god I pray that the social worker will phone my cousin Wanda and tell her that she will pick me up the 29th dear Jesus please God or I pray that Wanda will call the social worker and tell her to come pick me up than in Jesus name amen lord .. "


8 years ago

"The Detail Goes Wrong"

"Oh why are the wicked growing cold in each break of dawn? Why do I wait here for remission? Lord You had made all well, practiced goodness in the aspect of God, You fell down to rise up in glory. Who wants to rise up in honor to come down with a shame? Evil knocks at the door, and doesn't want to leave again. If one ignores Satan, he will ignore that one. Keep your steps from leading you into a face to face with temptations that you can't withstand lest one buys everything he tries to dispose of."


8 years ago

"Relieve of Stress"

"Hello iam very stressed really stressed out I can't even sleep at night I keep worrying about a girl and worrying why she doesn't want me because of my looks and im not eating for days because when I look in the mirror the person in the mirror doesn't look like a person she would date so I keep trying to lose face fat and not eat for several days for a girl that doesn't even notice me. Really stressed about the sport football to no matter what i do I always fail at it i work and grind and still see no proven progress season about to start do not know what to do to much is going through my minds feels like im dying on the inside and just a matter of time till it shows on the outside. I cry every night about this girl i cry every night about football i cry every night about everything. I pray i pray and i pray and iam just waiting for blessings to come down. I hardly get 1 hour sleep during the week I feel like ny brain is about to explode because im going so crazy crying to much thoughts in my mind I can't think I just want to be great in my parents eyes but all i do is try to change how i look to impress others. Really stressed out please pray for me"


8 years ago

"Family Situation"

"I'm afraid I might be pregnant. My husband and I had decided we were comfortable with 2 kids. Another child will cripple us. "


8 years ago

"In Pain. "

"God I'm coming to u right now cuz I'm sad and depressed. I don't know what to do no more. I miss my lil family so much it's burning a hole in my heart. I feel empty without them. I ask you lord please restore my relationship 😭💔"


8 years ago

"Internediate family & School "

"If everyone who is willing will continue to keep my family in your prayers. I believe that Jesus is hearing and doing a great work, but there's no need to stop now. My family still hasn't actually got there quite yet. Also, please pray for my school. We have a group which enables young leaders to step out and be bold in their faith in order to help children give their lives to God. "


8 years ago

"Friend Who Suffers With Heriditary Kidney Stones"

"My friend has been suffering from kidney stones. She has been on several trips to Emergency Room at hospital. Soon as she recovers from surgery to remove the stones, they fill back up in her kidneys. She is now loaded down with kidney stones again! Plz pray for her condition to disappear! Miracles CAN happen!!"


8 years ago


"“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” ‭‭~Luke‬ ‭6:38‬ ‭KJV‬‬~ Homeless Kidnapped Abuse Women, men & children within 100 mile radius US Government to come President Barack Hussein Obama Vice President Joe Biden Secretary John Kerry Congress Senators Governors Mayors Chief of Police "


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Sister Marie"

"God, I pray for you to send your healing powers and your loving grace to my sister Marie. I ask that her pain and suffering of her mental illness be shortened by your love. I know you are all powerful and all knowing so I put me trust in you. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Pray My Father Gets A Good Job"

"My father got his hopes up earlier this month, thinking he had been hired at a school district. We found out today that he wasn't hired. He's been very depressed and is beginning to question his worth. If he can't find a job over the next few months, there's a strong possibility that we might lose our house. Pray that he finds a great job, with kind people, and that he realizes his value. "


8 years ago

"My Niece And Sister "

"In Jesus name I pray that you lift the Angels all around the delivery room Jesus god you know what you need to do my sister has already went through one scare please don't allow the devil to let us see another one please Jesus the baby has pooped inside of her and we just need prayer right now I don't want to be nervous "


8 years ago

"A Better Day Far Off"

"Our iniquity we graced through business, our darkness is greater than we thought. Notwithstanding there is time that pulls it down, sand in an hourglass, dust. There is one day that settles the score, the great day of loss is approaching. Oh God of revenge spare me in this trouble, let me handle the flicks of the wrist to gain all required."


8 years ago

"My Sister "

"My sister is in labor I pray she has a wonderful pregnancy god please protect her her first pregnancy my nephew didn't come out breathing by the grace of God he is still with us doing wonderful thank you God thank you for your prayers in Jesus name I pray amen "


8 years ago


"Please pray that my pregnancy symptoms aren't too bad. Thanks so much."


8 years ago


"I recently found out that I was pregnant and it was unexpected. My husband and I are excited but shocked. Please pray that things run smoothly and the baby is healthy. I also have to go back to teaching soon and I pray that I'm still able to do an excellent job despite being pregnant. Amen."


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thank you for blessing me with stronger faith every day. I know you have better plans for me in your time. You are my only hope in this trying times. I love you! C"


8 years ago

"Pain "

"Lord I come to right now because I need ur help. I'm lost. I'm losing my mind. I miss my lil family so much. All I can do is ask you lord. The only one I can talk to about. My heart hurts. I can't sleep eat or anything. I need you more then ever God. Please help me. In the name of Jesus amen. "


8 years ago

"Stop My Devoice "

"My wife Robin file for a devoice 7 weeks ago. We have a temporary hearing on August 9th. She wants me out of the house. Satan is working overtime to destroy this marriage. On my wife side Satan already won but I rebuke him and speak in the name of Lord God Satan release my wife and cancel all demonic assignment and word spoken against me and my marriage. Pray for my Robin to open up her eye and honor our marriage. "


8 years ago

"Prayers Please"

"My dearest Lord there is such evil and ugliness occurring in the world right now and also my place of employment. I'm praying with all my heart to ask that you please protect all of your disciples and goodhearted people that are trying to do your good work in spite of the darkness in the world. It is very hard especially for me at my job it is filled with nothing but evil doers and gossipers and they are trying to ruin peoples lives as if life is a game. Please give me the power to stand strong and rebuke every single spirit, bad vibe/energy, gossip and trap of trickery they try to set before me and others around us. I try so hard not to feel what they are doing but I feel the darkness when they are creating the chaos and I don't want to feel it anymore. I pray of those thoughts feelings, vibes and insecurities they have will be left at your feet so you can diminish them forever so they never bother anyone else. Please pray with me to silence the gossip and the evildoers who create mental problems and manipulation for others by things they say and actions they deny doing even though we all bear witness to what they're doing. Please silence these mouth's, LWPCWMJHSGWPSJVLOEVMBSSBJTKJASBSDPAPAA, And expose their evil ways, I cannot take it anymore and back everyone up from me and return them to you teach them to love you and forgive and repent for the things they have done. Please protect our leader PG, his family and keep his eyes pure and able to see the evil doers and see the hard workers please in Jesus name I pray. Amen! "


8 years ago


"Dear lord, Have a healing hand upon Bob and cure him of his cancer. In Jesus mighty name Amen"


8 years ago

"Prayer Our Business Makes It"

"We have a business that serves people who are sick. We need a miracle for the business to survive these next 2 weeks. All employees will be without jobs unless there is a miracle. I know God can do it. Thank you. "


8 years ago


"Thank You, Lord, for another blessing. My heart is pounding with so much joy and gratefulness.😍😍😍 I declare success in this new endeavor. All these for Your glory and honor. In the mighty name of Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen."


8 years ago

"The End Times"

"Thanks to You Lord God I had learned the flicks of the wrist wherein lay this to be in the black at my work. Thanks for the bargains that I struck by my beads of sweat that ran business. Notwithstanding it is You who blame with heat each iniquity, You pursue us for sin until the very last bottle. Why must we hold fast the confession? Because formerly the guilt had been close to our hearts with no resolution."


8 years ago


"Help and deliverance also mercy for my family and I"


8 years ago

"My Lil Family. "

"Lord I come to you this morning. I thank you for everything you have done for me. And for what's to come. I come ask you to take care my lil family that I'm missing day in and day out. 🙏🏻 I recognize that we need you more then ever. Please restore our broken relationship that wasn't meant to be broken. Because with out you were nothing. Lord show us ur mighty hand and let us see your blessing of be together and worship you once again lord. Guide us in ur path together as one. 😢. Thank you lord. In Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago

"My Babies"

"Dear God, thank you for the abundance of blessings in my life. I pray for my family and my children especially. Please watch over them, keep them healthy and I ask that you please help Mikey to continue to thrive and speak. I ask you to please take my worries and help me to remember each day how blessed we are. I love you God and I know wonderful things are happening. Glory be to you in all things. Please bless everyone, lift us all up, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen."


8 years ago


"Lord tonight I pray for everyone to be unable to hide behind others faults, that each person in my life, have to face the judgement they place on others. Not for vengeance, but so that they can be shown and reminded just you are perfect, and in each other's eyes, ours sins, aren't as bad as the next. Sin is Sin. And we will all have to face your judgement, and only your judgement holds weight! In the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN "


8 years ago


"Lord please remind me of your faithfulness toward your children, so that I may remember to be faithful to you. And that your promises of your love are to be trusted, even when things are at what may seem to me our worst, it may in fact be just the turning point, toward the life you have always planned for us. In the name of Jesus AMEN "


8 years ago

"fam day"

"Lord thank You for answering my prayers today. please give us a productive day that is full of love and service to one another, in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Pain N Suffering. "

"Lord I help me in my relationship. I'm at a lost. And don't know what to do. 😢 I hate this feelings. I miss my lil family a lot. All I do is think about them. I can't and don't feel like doing anything. If it's not with them. My beautiful woman and my precious lil ones. 🙏🏻 I pray to get to be together God. I need wisdom on how to get back what the devil took away from me. I'm lost without them lord. I come to you lord because you are the all mighty. The Alfa and omega. King of all kings. Lord please restore my relationship with my lil family because I'm dying inside. 😢in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for healing for my daughter kaitlyn. She is having a hard time right now. She was sexually molested by her uncle, my brother. She has internalized her feelings and shut me out. Lord, please take care of my daughter. She is your daughter too and needs you so much right now. Comfort her and heal her. I know you bring goodness out of all bad. Reveal to her your goodness. Please help repair our relationship. Put the words in my mouth that she needs to hear to help her heal and come back to me. Shut out the negative thoughts and sayings by others from her ears. Help her to know you and turn toward you during this time of sorrow. Lift her up and carry her until she is able to walk on her own. Thank you dear God. "


8 years ago

"Keep Us Together Billy & Kathy"

"Dear Lord, hard times have fallen on Kathy and I. She is upset, angry, mad, disappointed and wanting to end our relationship. Dear Lord she has been brutal to me. Even going so far as to say she is seeing someone else, falling in love with someone else and sees a future with someone else. I do not believe it, as to me it is just her wanting to hurt me with her words. This is also not her character. I think She wants me to feel what she feels because she is under the assumption that I still want To be with a previous relationship or something. My ex wife had called me Monday night and threatens me and then all hell breaks lose with Kathy. I'm sure it has to do with whatever My ex wife wrote her. So my dear God. I am your son. You made me, you know who I am. I'm yours so please help me father. You are in the business of miracles lord, you are in the business of healing and in the business of redeeming and restoring. You are in the business of turning a negative situation into something good. What I ask you Lord is to repair our relationship. To give her faith and confidence in me. To open her heart to me to have her love me, make me feel wanted and cared about. Dear Lord please protect our relationship from intruders. Especially ones who threaten our relationship. Dear Lord protect us from naysayers who put negative thoughts in her mind. Let us grow closer to one another and have that happiness that we usually have. Help me dear lord rid the negativity from my life. Bless me with my business and allow me to be successful. And to gain control over my finances. Please dear lord. Give Kathy a spirit of calmness and peace when it comes to me. Please send the Angels to minister to her. The Holy Spirit to fill her heart with love for me and trust for me and compassion for me. Fill her with reason and to let her focus on nurturing me and not being so critical. Let us be blessed by you dear lord. Keep her close to you. Have her seek you dear father. Please give us a super natural break through. Let her love me with out any doubts. Dear Lord I know you did not put her back in my life last year for things to end like this. I know you have a loving purpose for us and I hope with all my heart that we can be restored better then ever. But I need your help Lord. Please help us realize how much we love one another. Keep me strong , calm and loving and help my business father. Thank you for the blessing. In Jesus name AMEN. I LOVE YOU "


8 years ago

"Satisfaction With My Christian Life"

"I feel like I'm not satisfied at all with my Christian life, like I'm just not where I want to be, I feel like I'm just not Christian enough, like I'm just so weak And I'm just strong enough to still have hope "


8 years ago


"Lord, you've said that if we ask for wisdom it will be given to us. I pray you will grant me wisdom in all areas of my life, but specifically in my marriage. Help me to know what to say and when to say it. Help me to know when to act and when to just be still and As I wait for direction, help me to know what to do with the frustration and resentment I feel. Do I act like no offense has been committed because I'm trusting you to take care if it? I don't know how to behave! "


8 years ago

"Peace And Harmony"

"Praying that the world (all continents) will experience peace that only comes from above that surpasses human understanding despite all the struggles therein that your peace Jesus will reign."


8 years ago

"Mauri Beaver"

"A friend was called by the uncle of a young couple in Franklin, TN with a 10 month old. They recently moved here from OH and were visiting congregations in the area but had not placed membership anywhere yet. The young father was feeling unwell and was transported to Williamson Medical, where he passed away this morning. They have no one here right now (Her parents are on the way from OR) and was looking for someone to check on her. This is a very sad situation and the family needs prayers. Her name is Mauri Beaver. "


8 years ago

"Job For Sister"

"My sister has an interview for a new job that will provide better pay and better insurance. My prayer is that she will have confidence and the ability to answer all interview questions with no hesitation. I pray that she secured this job in order for her to provide for herself and her children! Amen! "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me love my new job. Give me the skills that I need and the desire to stay at this location for a long time. Amen."


8 years ago

"In Pain "

"Lord I come to you with pain in my heart. I miss a three people near n dear to my heart that idk if they know. It hurts me a lot for me not to know anything about them. How they are doing. I miss the long conversation with them. The warm hugs, smiles. Idk what to do with out them no more. 🙏🏻I pray to you lord to help me restore this relationship that was never meant to be Broken. You put us in each other's paths for a reason. They mean a lot to me. I wish u could put me in there minds and heart once more. I ask for mercy from you lord. Because with out you were nothing. Please help me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Trouble And Distraction"

"Often fun and pleasure keeps us close, the very laughter is far off your way of remission but the grudge is paid so soon, sooner than we thought. Lord God You chasten your sons to teach us your straight ways. Why does the punishment lie nighest oh great Creator of the worlds? Grant us one more hour to perform our arts we chose. It was You who swiped our works that had faced corruption, You who brought down our high season. Lord God, truly, You cannot be overcome, this I admit, You alone are the strong tower of which mighty warriors are frightened to the bones, they turn around ashamed to seek a brighter day far off. Beads of sweat are running down their faces at the glance of Your Word in black and white. "


8 years ago

"Prayers Needed For Marriage"

"Me and my wife are really struggling with our marriage. Please pray for us. Thank you!"


8 years ago

"Intermediate Family "

"I want to give a request to all those who pray and would be willing. I want my whole family to have a strong relationship with God and a desire to worship and serve him with their whole heart. What better way other than to start right here at home? Please pray that my family will have the longing to renew their lives and let God into the door of their hearts. I want to see my family and friends go to Heaven. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Thank you for everything you have blessed me with in this life. I am so grateful for what you have put in front of me, I can only try to reciprocate these feelings to you. Please continue to bless me by giving me the motivation to consistently go to the gym and workout harder and harder every time. Please give me the knowledge to be smart about what I am eating and the knowledge to know the proper way to workout so I can gain the most out of the workout. Thank you so much Lord. Amen."


8 years ago

"I Need Prayers To Help Me Find A Job I May Have A Child On The Way And Its Time Have Sone Guidence"



8 years ago

"Pray For My Mum"

"Hello brothers and sisters, my name is Michael and I'm 20 from the UK, my mum has recently when for a Brest cancer screening, today she had her results and it said she has to go back for further tests, of course this might be fine but her myself and family are terrified, I just ask can someone pray for her and let God have his way with this situation, please pray she will be okay, as I feel we have so much worry in our lives as it is that this will send us over the edge, I know God is good, but it's still very scary for me, if any one can pray for my mother about this I ask Jesus to bless you, thank you x "


8 years ago

"In Need Of Emergency Prayers"

"Please pray that I find a job that pays well and health care benefits asap. I do not have anymore savings and no other options for sustaining myself. Also I am getting evicted at the end of the month and would appreciate prayers to find a new place to live so that I am not homeless. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings "


8 years ago

"another year"

"Lord thank You for my birthday. may it be spent giving thanks and glorifying You. i lift up my cancer to You Lord - that You will heal me, though not as i will, but as You will. we pray that You will grant us the time to be with my family in sweden this year. please save my family and friends and send Your people to minister to them, as what You have done for me. search my heart Father, crush any anger and resentment that You will find. i pray that i may freely forgive those who have wronged me and heal fully from the hurt that they caused. please also heal and bless those people i have hurt and wronged in my life knowingly and unknowingly. i pray for my husband that You will draw him close to You, to worship and love You above all else. may he get to know You as You reveal Yourself to him. mold him into the Godly leader of our home that You intend him to be. i pray for our kids, that they may grow in their knowledge of You and that You will be #1 in their lives. use us all for Your glory. direct us Lord and make us great stewards of Your blessings. please turn us into channels of Your blessings to others. may we see the opportunities Lord and not miss them. help us Lord and i offer my life, my love and my home to You. in Jesus' name be glory and honor forevermore. amen."


8 years ago

"Visa Approval "

"I pray to God to help me gain admission to a school in Canada and He answered,now I have applied for a study permit and I pray that God helps me get a visa approval in Jesus name amen."


8 years ago

"A Brief Moment Of Hope"

"Let me pray tonight Lord God unto You my hope in Whom I trust. You gave all You had owned, Your Word, it is for us you laid down the most importance amid mankind. Spend me some rest, I long to listen to the wind without being disturbed somewhere amid the roses on a bench. Don't forsake Your servant, one strives to do Your phrases. "Where are you?" This You had asked Adam for he had hidden from You, how peculiar, this I ask you where you are oh God? You leave us for a labyrinth down here in the worlds, though we own a GPS on each phone but in the beliefs it is easy to go astray. You are good, notwithstanding you leave people wicked, don't give in Lord God, I will not back down with my foolishness to love You, Your Word be my strong help in trouble and gloom."


8 years ago


"Lord please be with my husband today at work and at home. Please comfort and cover him. I pray that he can be a light to others and help out anyone he comes in contact with. I pray for those who will come in contact with him to see the kind and caring person he is and for them to only have kind thoughts and words to speak to him. His job is harder now than it ever has been. Also please heal his back pain so that he can continue to serve the people of our community. "


8 years ago

"The Bravery In Despair"

"The night is lying upon the land and evil plotters are walking about in darkness around the corner. Now this is how nobody had imagined the world in the beginning, but nowadays the faithful servant of the Lord doesn't question it anymore. He dare have faith in uprightness and prays for the needy, he helps the poor. This is the strength of a believer in Christ to justify the helpless. Lord God save the one who helps in times of affliction, spare him for the sake of eternal redemption."


8 years ago

"Praying For David"

"My son lost his job and is in a deep depression right now. Praying for a miracle. "


8 years ago

"I Need You Back"

"Lord i feel so alone right now , so incomplete. I have forgotten you when i was happy and for that i ask for forgiveness. I want you back in my life lord. Please help me. "


8 years ago

"Lord Help Us"

"Father in heaven I pray for America as a nation tonight I pray that You use our weaknesses and strengths for a great revival in Christianity in America in Jesus's name I pray amen"


8 years ago


"Woke up compelled to pray for his safety. Lord have mercy."


Riverside County, California
8 years ago

"Healing, And Strength"

"My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 larynx cancer in February. He had a complete Laryngectomy, and seemed to get out all the cancer, but a new mass has formed, very quickly. We get biopsy results Wednesday, we are praying it's not cancer. He has been through so much already, and lost so much weight, but I know everything is in Gods hands, I have faith in Him. My family needs all the prayers we can get, for healing, strength, peace, and guidance, it is a scary time for our 4 children, seeing their dad sick. Please pray for our 3 boys, and little girl. Thank you so much, God is good! God bless all of you. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please allow this baby to be delivered safely and naturally. Let the labour be relatively painless In Jesus name amen"


8 years ago

"husband's healing"

"Lord please heal my husband from his ailment. save him from his pride Lord and draw him close to You. please send Your people to minister to him and mold me to be the wife that You can use to sanctify him. let me do him good all the days of his life. i pray for mike magpily's family. comfort them at this trying hour and praise You for welcoming their dad home in Your presence. please heal me Father and give me more time with my family. help me be a better mom to my kids and to always teach them about You. i pray that my family will put you first at all times. thank You for blessing lindz with a healthy baby boy. in Jesus' name we glory honor and praise, amen."


St Petersburg, Florida
8 years ago

"I Need To Hear God"

"My family is under tremendous pressure and we need direction. I have significant back problems which limits me. I am also a shepherd without sheep. Play pray that I can see what He is trying to teach me "


8 years ago

"My Children "

"Jesus I thank you for Sarah and Michael . I am so blessed to have these two in my life. I pray for their physical protection and mental protection. I ask of you Jesus to place your angels around them both to keep them from harm. I pray that you would put the right people into their lives that would lead them to closer to you and to help them on their life journey. I ask of you Lord to keep them away from false religion that can harm their minds by leading them away from the truth that You are the one true God. In Jesus name. I pray that their hearts will be filled with great love for others and when possible to help those in need and in return they will get help when they need it . I pray that they will see how much Jesus loves them and see the great value they are to You It's in Jesus name I ask these request Amen"


8 years ago

"Police Officers "

"Father The shooting and killing of the police officers Thursday night was such a horrible senseless act. Even the policemen who were wounded ! God have mercy on us ! How can we stop this horribleness ? I pray for the families that lost their loved ones . Jesus bring your comfort and peace. We can't make sense of this so I can only imagine how the family members feel then?! Jesus I pray that the families would find comfort in you. I also pray that the community can heal and there would be no civil unrest in the mighty name of Jesus My heart is so broken , so heavy , so full of sorrow for the police officers who lost their lives . I pray that they found you and are in your loving arms Have mercy dear savior have mercy Protect all the officers as they go about their duties each day and night I pray for safe keeping and that your angles would go with them as they do their job. Protect them from evil In Jesus name I pray and I thank you for hearing my prayer Amen "


8 years ago


"Please pray that Nathan grows in love, has integrity, makes good choices, and feels God's love in order to develop a deep relationship with Him. "


8 years ago

"Aunty Ingrid"

"Dear Father please heal my Aunty Ingrid. Touch her lungs and health and work your way into her system cleansing every cell of her body. May she feel your love and your presence and rely on you for all things. Praise be to you and always. Amen"


8 years ago

"Moms Health"

"Dear Father, Thank you for giving life to my mom after her health problems and returning her to her family with us for longer. Father please be with her and comfort her in her sadness. Give her strength and hope. Give her all that she needs. Please reveal to her your graciousness and love. Bring her peace. Please help her to stop worrying and to find comfort in you and Christ. Teach her your unconditional love and patience, never ending and always enduring persuiance of her and your children. Please help her to stop drinking alcohol and taking sleeping tablets. Help her to move away from idols. Thank you Father for who you are and understanding your children. Please heal her again and all glory to you. Amen"


8 years ago

"Training Team"

"Holy Father, Thank you for making this a happy stress free day. Holy Father I pray and ask you if I can make it onto the next training team. I would love this opportunity. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"parable of the persistent widow"

"Lord thank You for giving us this parable and teaching us to pray unceasingly. in this sense Lord i again pray that You will heal me from my cancer as You alone can do. i pray for my sick brothers and sisters in Christ that You will bring them healing too. i pray for the unbelievers that You will give them mercy and save them. use us Lord in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Restoration, Peace And Clear Concious"

"My Great Heavenly Father I come to you Lord with my weak and broken heart. I am struggling holding it in together in front of everyone the fact that I'm past grieving for my 5 months old baby who passed away three weeks ago. Lord every time I pray I read your words I know that I'm ok and he is at a better place. As soon as I see his photo or walk up to my front door I have flash backs of the day my son was being carried out in a bag by the officers and the coroner. Lord I want to be strong for my two boys and try my best to overcome and keep on reminding myself that he is in a far much better place but the flash backs and the way I get to blame myself at times really breaks me more emotionally into pieces if I could have kept on giving him CPR and not Stop may b I would get him back or If I would have watched him sleep and just stay up nothing would have happened. But Lord I reminded myself that he passed away in his sleep and that he didn't struggle in any way what so ever but Lord it's Hard it's really hard... I have tried over and over again I need your will to be done in my life the way you want it Father but not recapturing my memory on the past and based in the fact that I can't turn back time and correct it is what that's hurting me more. I love you Lord and I know you know how hard it is to lose someone who meant EVERYTHING to you and who has been your centre of Attention for the 5 months 3 days since he was born. It's hard and it might get more harder Father But I need you Lord to take Control Over everything in Life My Family My two boys My husband despite his Faith and our Business and My FAITH for it not weaver or doubt You any sec(Which will never Ever happen)SINCE WITHOUT YOU I CANNOT SURVIVE. LORD I NEED YOU AND I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW. Forgive me Father for I have sinned and fall short each and every time for now Lord I Given You the key to my Heart and to My Family,School work, Business and Most Importantly to my heart. Lord sit and take control and give me and the boys Peace with in to Know that Our BabyAngel Avery is Happy and in a far much better place awaiting us. I love you Lord and You ALWAYS AMAZE ME with the work of your precious hands. I ask these of You in Your Mighty Name Our Heavenly Father: Amen "


8 years ago

"My Brother"

"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for my brother. I fear for him. I'm afraid that he might get hurt..... Or worse, die. God please stop his addiction to energy drinks and cigarets. Please make him sick to his stomach when he has even a slight thought of consuming one of them.... He is only 18 going on 19 next month lord and I already lost an older brother I don't want to lose another...... I pray for a healing touch upon him Lord.... In Jesus' name, amen "


8 years ago

"A Brother's Health"

"Please pray for healing for a brother who is going through a health crisis. Pray for the powerful move of God for he and his family. Thank you and God bless."


8 years ago

"Healing of Cats"

"Please pray for our two cats who are both sick and not eating for days. They are now taking medication (dextrose) through mouth intake. Please pray for their healing- they are very close to our family. Heavenly Father, we entrust this unto Your care for You are our HEALER nothing is impossible to You, in JESUS' name, amen. Thank You LORD. GOD BLESS EVERYONE."


8 years ago


"Lord please forgive me for snooping on my husband. I need to learn to let go of the past and live in the future. Please help me overcome this and stop snooping on his accounts. Help me trust and have faith in him. Please lord. Please continue to heal our relationship and instill faith. Please help my husband trust. Even though he was not faithful and lied to me, he needs to trust in me as well. Please help the both of us. Amen "


8 years ago


"I'm coming today to pray over my family things are always seeming to look up and then take a turn for the worst we are a family that believes in God and has extremely high faith in Jesus Christ I pray that we all get through any kind of situation we are going through god my mommie has not worked in four years and she really wants to take a job in China please Jesus send her one I pray that everything works out for my school next mth because school starts in September and I haven't been able to reapply to student aid until next mth but I am keeping my faith I also pray to get over a broken heart I was in love with someone for eight years who never loved me I hope for someone to fall in love with me one day if that is what you want for me God I pray that my little sister is protected because she is in an abusive relationship I pray to be able to forgive my oldest sister for the evil things that have come out of her mouth I pray that my father can find someone to work his route for his new job I pray for the health of my grandmother and great aunts we need them healthy and around as long as possible they are all my mother has and last but not least I pray for any curses place upon my family to be broken God give me the strength I know I got into the New York film academy not to fail but to fly me being an actress is all I ever wanted and I cherish the opportunity God please allow everything to work out for my family in Jesus name I pray amen "


8 years ago


"Lord please save my husband from the clutches of fears and worries. renew his spirit Lord that he will be one with You, worshipping You and loving You above all else. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Be Aware Of My Former Deeds"

"The sun sets unto gloom, my darkness is overcoming me again. Oh, what foolishness? Fierce wolves walk the streets in the big city, see the guilt and the clothing, they tried hard to get rich, they wear golden rings and are flattered by betrayal. Yet you are a God of rise oh Lord, see the beauty and ignore it, though look at the uprightness and let it be sustained for the sake of mercy and pity."


8 years ago

"Friend Accept Jesus"

"God, I pray that my best friend will accept Jesus as her savior. Thank you for giving me the confidence to share my beliefs with her. I know it will be difficult for her to do so coming from a Jewish background, but I know you can do anything. Please open her eyes to Jesus's truth so that she can spend eternity in heaven. "


8 years ago

"Pray For Salvation"

"Please pray that Nathan develops a close relationship with God. Pray that God quiets his anxieties and depression. "


8 years ago

"Depression , Anxiety "

"Lord please heal me and help me to love myself . Please lord help me to stop being depressed and anxious and love life more . Help me to stop crying from feeling so broken inside , in Jesus's name amen . "


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"My Lil Family "

"God I come to this morning Cuz I need guidance. I don't know how to deal with all this pain. I need you more then ever lord. Please hear my plea. I ask you to Restore everything that the devil took away from me. I kneel before I give my life to you God. Cuz with out you I'm nothing. Heel my heart n pain. My reconciliation with my lil family means everything. With out them I feel lost. thank you lord. "


8 years ago


"Lord God, Thank you that you hear our prayers and thank you for the body of believers to intercede and stand in the gap for one another. Father I need a mighty work of healing. I know you already know these things but first off my heart is broken and I feel so betrayed and rejected by my last relationship. I know it was not your will to stay in that situation but I miss having a loving companion to do life with. I am also asking for you to heal my body of lupus and dysautonomia. Lord please restore health and vitality to my body so that I can have a career, a husband, and serve you with strength and endurance. Please open doors of opportunity and lead me in the path I should go. Restore hope and joy to my life, Jesus. I look to you for all my needs. I am trusting you with all my heart, my hurts, my hopes and my dreams. I love you Lord. You are a good good Father. Amen. 🙏💞"


United States
8 years ago


"Dear lord, Thank you for having me stay here everyday on this earth. It's a beautiful creation, and I'm absolutely blessed to be living this wonderful live on it. I thank you, Amen."


8 years ago


"I come to you God and lift up my husband Jerrold he is struggling at the moment with his job and as a family we are struggling financially God I lift up my husband please work on him to have total faith and know that you God are the provider and all our needs will be met Father God I pray for my husbands health diabetes and his battles he faces with his depression God place your all healing hands upon him and heal him of any aches and pains and struggles with depression God work in him to overcome these daily obstacles and know that all is good and God you will not let your children suffer. In all gods mighty name Amen "


8 years ago


"Prayer warriors! Please pray for me: I have been betrayed by my former fiancee who is a pastor in abroad. I still do not know what to speak to him when he contacted me weeks ago. I forgave them - he and his woman (if they are still together- I do not check on his profile and I do not know why he contacted me). Heal me LORD for anything that is not according to Your plans for me. Remove all unwanted doors and open doors that lead to You. I am praying for God's will in our life. May GOD shine a light on the path He wills for us and may we OBEY God in JESUS' name, amen. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago

"Deciet "

"Lord, Please expose my deceitful husband and give me strength. Lead us in the right direction. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord please help me to spend quality time with my girlfriend today and to not get hooked on the sexual perversions of the world. The world and the devil tries to influence our relationship and to entice us, but I pray we stay steady through the storm no matter how hard the temptation is. Help me to see her as the human being she is, instead of an object of pleasure as the world tries to influence it. Amen."


8 years ago

"Family "

"Put my family in your loving arms God bring us closer to see eachother in loving ways Our financial struggles I lift them up to you God we are your children and you always provide for us help us to better understand the trials we are going thru and help us get a better understanding on your loving word and we want you in our lives more God you are the healer the provider the ever lasting life God flow thru our family and work your blessings I lift up Alexis, RJ, AJ, Madison, Samantha, Jerrold, Annabelle and Chloe In Gods name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Please Lord Help Us Out Of Debt"

"Dear father in heaven, I ask that you will provide the money for my wife and I to get our debt paid off. We both work hard but need more help. In Jesus name I pray, Amen"


8 years ago

"Nurse For Camp"

"I work at a Christian ministry that is in need of a nurse that would be willing to work for the summer or multiple nurses that would work for a week. Without one we would have to close after the first week. Praying that God would send a nurse that is looking to getting paid to use their gifts to serve others. "


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"My Lil Family "

"😭God I'm lost of words. I come to you for guidance. I need you in my life. I ask you to show me your blessings lord. I'm missing my beautiful lovely woman and my buddies. I miss them and love them with all my heart. I ask you lord help me with my lil family. Im lost with out them. Restore my family I pray. I need them back in my life God. I grow weary and weak not being able to see , talk, even see how they are doing. I ask for communication with my loves. Hear my heart God in need. Thank lord. In Jesus name amen. "


8 years ago

"$8000 Provision"

"Hi I'm in need of $8000 and it's for the following: Tuition Credit card debts New clothing New suits Thank you and may God bless you!"


Antipolo City
8 years ago

"The Right Man"

"Thank you Lord for guiding me to the right path. Thank you for showing me my worth. Thank you for giving me the strength to walk away from the man who did not appreciate me, who did not treat me right and who betrayed my trust. Thank you for healing me. Thank you for wonderful friends and family who were there to support me during those dark times. I am much better now and I know through your grace I will be whole again. Through all my failed relationships, I know I have learned a lot. I pray that this time I will finally meet the right man for me. Please continue to lead me to the right path. Thank you, Lord. I love you. Amen. 🙏🏼"


8 years ago

"we prayers"

"Lord please bless this community and use us all to further Your work, to touch lives in Your name and to bring comfort to people in need. please give us Your words of wisdom when we pray for ourselves and for others that Your light may shine upon us all. may all glory and praises and honor be Yours forever Lord Jesus! thank You for this great privilege to commune with You in prayer at anytime. amen."


8 years ago

"Thanks For Freedom"

"Who is able to bring us liberty, who some repose like the sound doctrine? By the time I read in the scriptures I realize that nothing is safe down here. You won't bring us definite peace. Nevertheless God you are kind hearted, stay the way you ever did. What thrills my heart is not the fair once a year where there beer flows in plenty, my heart is inclined to your verses day by day, I give my all to read it. Grant us friends and more for the following years that we might take notice that life is fun, because of mercy we don't need to pay the grudge. Amen."


8 years ago

"Pray For Strength, descernment, & Direction "



8 years ago

"A Prayer For My Nephew"

"Gracious God, My nephew is becoming involved with the Harry Potter series. He is running around dressed in all black and saying strange things in Latin. Please release Satans hold on him and free him from the Occult. In the name of Jesus who hates all witchcraft, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Slight Misunderstanding"

"Hi, God. I don't mean to criticize. The universe is pretty great and everything. However, I think there may have been some confusion regarding my genitals. See, I was born with a penis but I think you meant to give me a vagina. No harm done, just reimburse me with some cash so I can have a surgeon do the Lord's work and fix my physical appearance. Thanks for understanding. PS please protect me in Target from your nutjob followers. Some of them have guns and I'm getting nervous"


8 years ago

"Dear God "

"It's way too late to pursue purity, so please get me laid. You know, since you're not busy saving people from rape or murder or anything. If you can find time to help me out with this in between finding keys for people or opening up parking spots, Id appreciate it. - your child, who has been alone so long she can feel her virginity coming back "


8 years ago

"I Am Poor"

"Heavenly Father, All I've got is this glass of tap water. I have faith in the miracles of you and your son Jesus. I declare in his name that my cup may be full of the finest wine. Whiskey works too though, your will be done. Amen!"


8 years ago

"Devastated "

"I bought a pack of cigarettes a couple of days ago and I can't find them anywhere. If God loves me surely he will help me find them today. Lift me up in prayer fam"


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Son"

"Father, Move on my son's heart. Help him to forgive the past wrongs done to him by his dad. Turn the heart of my son to his father. Restore our family. "


8 years ago

"God Is Good! "

"Lord Jesus, Thank you for answering my continued prayers about my school appeal. I have three classes left until my masters degree is complete! Thank you lord Jesus. Faith! "


8 years ago

"Pray For My Husband"

"Lord Jesus, Please pray for my husband Dane and that he finds his way back to you. Please help guide him to your love and support. Please help him find peace with himself. If he is being deceitful please expose him. Please help my marriage. I pray that we find faith in you and in each other. I pray that he finds his way back to me Jesus. I pray that I stop accusing and looking for negative answers and things that destroy my marriage. I cast the devil out of my marriage and home! He has done enough! Amen "


8 years ago

"Debt Forgiveness"

"My Dear Lord, I am asking that you please let the proper authorities see my complaint regarding the college and financial obligations, I was not properly acknowledged about, please ask them to forgive the small debt incurred for the late withdrawal, I beg you! In Jesus name I pray and will be forever grateful! Amen!"


8 years ago


"Lord please help my kids with school work specially donita. please give her focus Lord and please enable my kids to do all advance work needed for sweden. we pray for our travel there Lord and we pray for london as well. its too much to ask Lord but we pray that You will grant us this great family time. Father please continue to mold me to be wise and gentle and meek and please draw my husband closer to You. please give us the privilege Lord to worship together. i pray that You will help our family to always put You first and align our hearts to You will. please grant us Godly help in the house including the repairs that we need to do. please give us honest people to work with us. thank You for providing for our every need. please grant us all a cheerful heart for giving to Your work, to Your people, to our church brethren, our family and those people in need that You bring to us to minister to. may we recognize them Lord. if there is any unclean spirit in us that makes us selfish and uncaring, please remove it Lord. may we always live in harmony and give You honor and pleasure in everything that we do. in Jesus name. amen."


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"My Family "

"Dear Lord, you know what path I am on right now and that I am in agony. I am having a disharmony in my relationship life. You have instituted marriage since You found that it is not good for man to be alone. I deeply believe that You have given me beautiful woman and wonderful kids to love and to hold for the rest of my days. The Bible has taught me that a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Come and be with us, Lord, for only You can make two broken hearts understand each other. You are the King of Peace and I know You are able to change any sad situation in my life. Father, I know it is Your will that we should lead a loving and peaceful life with one another. Hear me, dear god, to fill us both with more love and to understand each other better to bring unity to our relationship. Help me become more understand to my partner’s needs and feelings. Grant me wisdom that I may know how to deal with this unlikely situation so I can build a house in Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray, O Lord. Amen."


8 years ago

"All In Remembrance, Little Recognized"

"A lot has passed away yet, the most is set before us. Remember our few good deeds we accomplished so diligently, keep in mind our love we were having for you Lord Jesus by the time we never failed, though times change and the burden upon the shoulders weight heavily for now in real. I cannot understand why you had thrown a wrench in the works, why these gruesome dreams in hopeless nights? Nevertheless the keys for fun and business are fun and business, I will gain my favor in the sight of the Lord and ever stand on the ground of glory. Be patient Lord Jesus, be holy, count on the laborers in the golden kingdom for without them I'm nothing, without one of them my heart is grieved. I will teach the wicked a lesson that they will never forget, a lesson of patience and mercy, holiness and friendship, glory and life... Because of you I go through darkness, I say grace tonight."


8 years ago

"I see you devil"

"You can not have our children You can not have our spouses You can not have our young people You can not have our bodies Get out of our churches Get out of our homes "


Odessa tx
8 years ago


"jesus i come to you in pain. I miss my lil family. I miss them so much. There all I think about day by day. Please restore my relationship with my beautiful women and lil buddies. I don't know what and how to continue with out them. Send me the blessing of having them with love in all our hearts. Help us continue in your path God. Hear my heart. In Jesus name AMEN. "


Odessa tx
8 years ago


"Lord, Jesus, I come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give You my entire self. Lord Jesus, now and forever, I invite You into my lifeJesus. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I love You Jesus. I praise You Jesus. I thank You Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Peace In The City"

"I would like to pray for the peace of the city Waldorf, MD and Temple Hills, MD"


8 years ago

"The Need Is Yours"

"The wicked have plotted evil, they tried to perfect a lot of snares they had laid upon my way. Who is to be thwarted by strength, who is scared off by patience? Nobody will hinder me learning my lessons I chose, nobody can take my memories away which consist in glory of your scriptures. It is my pleasure to do your phrases, it is my protecting shield that the plotters can't pierce. They fail, they guess it's usual, they topple over and tumble down from the high black stool, yes they tumble down in the depth of blackness, yes in the shadowy corners of their flats. Let me say grace oh God for the dizzy victory you achieved unto us, it had been you who had done the hunters down forever."


8 years ago

"Pray For My Legal Situation Which Is Debilitating Me And My Family Im A 23 Year Ikd Female"

"Hello, I ask kindly that who ever reads this Prays for me and my family which is in deep troubles as well to please help me get out of the legal problems they are not bad it's just it is costing me a lot of strength and time and putting my family in a hard situation since my father passed I feel like I am alone and misguided I have fallen in to the dark side of drug abuse just to "feel okay" I was clean for 6 months and I have just began to meddle with it I cannot stop the feeling of guilt that ls brewing inside me. My mom worries a lot and she got diagnosed with cancer and she isn't a very strong minded person the only thing j ask is that you pray for me to get out of my legal woes so that I can get back on my feet again (I get so nervous I stay in bed for days.) it's time to stop this for good. God put me here for a reason, and I know it was not to live in fear or depressed. Please pray for me so that the judge may have mercy on me and not let me see anymore prison time. I wanna live a good life please pray for me I am only 23"


8 years ago

"Comfort During My Loss"

"Lost my 3rd son 5month 3 days old baby. He died in sleep and after autopsy the result was cot death. It's really hard for me to get over it. At times I blame myself at times I question the lord I need to have peace and accept that his gone to a far much better place now. I need to be there for my husband and two sons. I need Peace inside so I can overcome and move on. "


8 years ago

"Physical Healing"

"Please pray for my healing: Heavenly Father, Please heal me from my sudden sickness in JESUS' Name. Grant me comfort and wholeness for You are our Healer, amen. Thank You LORD. Thank you for praying for my healing. May God bless you."


8 years ago

"Reconnection "

"I'm praying for peace and reconnection with my ex. We both love each other dearly we were together 8 1/2 years We have been separated for a year now. We have two beautiful children together. I feel it is time for a fresh new start for us and our family. I'm praying his heart opens up. He comes to the lord and listens to his inner voice. He finds peace and happiness and let's any bitterness in his heart melt away. I pray that he can feel that I forgive him and together as a family we can start the healing process. And begin to love again. I pray that he finds his way back home and figures out the best way for him to re-enter our lives . "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Connection With God"

"I feel like I'm not as connected as I used to be with God. I want that one on one relationship back with him where I seek guidance, peace , and love from him not the people and things of the world. "


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"My Loves. "

"Dear god i come to you this morning asking for reconciliation with my beautiful woman and lil buddies. That mean the whole world to me. Hear my heart see my tears. I miss them so much lord. Thank you in Jesus name amen. "


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"Family. "

"Dear lord i kneel before you tonight to thank you for all that you have done to this point and what's to come. THANK YOU LORD. I PRAISE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I come forth to u knowing I'm in your hands. I ask for you to help everyone that is in need of ur help as I am. I come to you to help me reconcile my relationship God. You lord are the almighty. With out you were nothing. I miss my lil family a lot n it hurts. Pain and sadness in my heart lord. Please hear my heart see my tears. You lord only you have the power to restore this broken relationship. I love them so much it hurts my heart. I love as you love us God. Thank you for hearing my prayer lord. Thank you. In the name Jesus. AMEN. "


8 years ago

"Help Me Lord"

"Lord, Help me with all my struggles, give me strength to get through everything. In Jesus name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"For Damien"

"Dear Lord please comfort and heal Damien during this difficult time. Surround and fill him with your light. He loves you, believes in you and needs you now. Protect and guide him moving trouble away from him. With you through you and in you with all your power and glory please save him. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord thank You for getting me through this ordeal day by day. i praise You Father that You have used my cancer for love and blessings to overflow. forgive me Lord for my many sins and guide me everyday that I may be useful in furthering Your Kingdom in this fallen world. i pray for healing, not as I will but as You will Father. i ask that You will give me more time and use me to guide my kids and husband to getting closer to You. with just 1 word, if You're willing, we will be healed Lord. i pray for the other people who are afflicted that You will bring them relief and healing as well, specially the kids that are battling the same. have mercy on us Lord and hear our prayers. please continue to strengthen us and sustain us. may all glory and honor be Yours, Father God and use us. everything that we are and everything that we have, in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Prayer For A Serious Situation"

"I am asking for prayer for a situation I am in. I can potentially be in serious trouble. It was not intentional and is did not hurt anyone. I want prayer that I do not get in serious trouble so that I can move on with my life and do what this says the Lord. I also want prayer for peace of mind. "


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"My Family "

"Dear lord. I come to you tonight with sadness in my heart. I ask for reconciliation and communication with my lil family again. You understand my pain. I miss them so much I just don't know what to do but to ask you for help lord. I kneel with arm high up praying before you God. I ask That you hear my heart. See my tears that I cry for them. There always in my head 24/7. I need you more then ever lord. Help me receive your blessings by having my lil family back thank you. In jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"A Lot Of Space Is Granted"

"You had strengthened my feet in the days of sports, I had truly realized that milk and honey had been flowing in all nations. How could I forget the laughter we had had on our lips sometimes while secondary classes, it was you who shut my mouth in the evening years ago, merely at due time of significance I dare speak out the things of kindness and hold speeches of interpretation. Let me say grace this evening Lord."


8 years ago


"lord god, i have walked a path only you can describe and only you know how it goes. i trust in you and i know i cannot pray for myself or the person i wish to be reunited with. i pray that you have given me my soulmate but he has blinded me off you and so i lost him. i wish god , you could help me back to him and let us be happy together. i also understand i have many demons to fight lord god, archangel micheal and all the angels above help me as i make these changes and postitive aspects to my life. amen "


8 years ago


"God i want to thank you for all you do in providing and keeping all your children save wherever they may be, keep them from harm and always may they feel your presence beside them. As humans we do not deserve any of this as we sin daily. but the lord our god hears all our prayers wherever they may be. i ask you lord to protect those in any harm or danger and make them feel your love. i ask you lord to protect those who are ill or bereaved and need your support, comfort them and help them heal. i ask you to help mend those broken hearts and fix them to follow in your footsteps. lord i do not know my way but i will follow you as you do i pray for all those families who deal with starvation and hunger every day lord pray they will eat plenty . AMEN "


8 years ago

"Tha Rob My Fiaece Would Stop Using Facebook And Messenger"

"Please pray that my fiancé Rob would stop using Facebook and messenger and start doing family things with me and his stepdaughter Cassandra"


8 years ago

"What's Next"

"Future Work/Ministry Opportunities Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."


Odessa tx
8 years ago

"My Family. "

"God I'm come to you today to say thank you. I know you are working on my lil family. Please reconcile my relationship with my beautiful woman and my lil buddies. Please restore what was never meant to be broken. Restore our communication to each other. I Know the devil destroyed what he saw was yours our happiness. You my god the almighty can remove any harm that comes to us. I kneel before you Cuz with out you I can't do anything. I need you. I'm in need of my family. I miss them so much. Only you know how much and my heart feels for them. Thank you God. Amen "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Lord I know I sin daily and I am trying to change my ways. Lord I ask that you please help me find answers to questions and let me find peace within again. Please aid Michael in whatever battles he's facing. Please help Matthew find himself. Please let me leave a lasting impact on both their hearts. Lord if it is your will please let me hear from Michael again and allow us to rekindle things. Please bring him back into my life. Show me a sign this move is right for me. Please allow my finances to flourish. Lord be with me. Amen"


8 years ago

"Peaceful Start For My Hard Mornings"

"My dear Lord please help get rid of the morning anxiety and struggle I have every single day to start my morning. I have lived like this for way too long and would love to know what it's like to wake up happy and ready for the day without resistance or procrastination I thank you for all the situations your handling in my life please Lord help me get past all of this and any depression. I'm a very hard worker I earned my wages and put out a lot of work and do it all in your love but I am weak and I'm tired and would love to change this situation so I can focus my attention on feeling relaxed and joyful. Please help me so I can heal myself and my daughter & family. Thank you my Lord for all you help me with and please bless everyone on this prayer board, in Jesus name I pray amen!"


8 years ago

"Betrayal "

"Prayer warriors! I have received feedback from our prayers regarding my situation: I was betrayed by my former fiancee (pastor) and he blocked me & my mother since April 2016. Last night, I received an email from him for reason I don't know if they have already broken up or why he suddenly contacted me. Please pray for my right decisions and God's will: Heavenly Father, I submit to You my situation. I am praying for the right decision in this matter- that only Your will be done. Guide us in Jesus' name, amen. Thank You Lord. Thank you for praying and may God bless you. "


8 years ago

"saoirse's healing"

"Lord please heal saoirse and restore her to health. please help us with work and teach us to be great parents. pls save my husband and mold him to be the Godly leader of our home. Lord please teach me to be a better person filled with Your wisdom and meekness and help me be the best wife and helper to my husband. please take our kids under Your wings and may we be faithful and wise in bringing them up to be good Christians and useful for You. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Me & God"

"Please pray for me to become closer to God this holidays. I have drifted from him :( "


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Prayer For Tomorrows Procedure"

"Please pray all go's well tomorrow for my medical procedure being done and that it actually fixes all its supposed to"


8 years ago


"Lord, thank you for the progress I've made so far, the new life and my family, I am eternally greatful for my family...thank you for my job, my friends, new friends, hope...thank you for my nephews, thank you for new beginnings, thank you for helping my mental and emotional stability...I pray everyday that I grow and prosper and for those around me to grow and prosper, I ask for stronger will power to resist temptation and gossip and negativity...I pray I stand my ground I pray I never lose control of a situation, thank you, amen,"


8 years ago

"Pray For Job "

"Dear God, I have been struggling to find a job in my field for over a year. Please deliver me from this blockage and open the paths to all jobs that I am qualified for and that will help me to glorify your kingdom! Please fulfill my wishes for a job that I want. In the name of Jesus I pray amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Strength "

"Praying for a lot of strength in my life. Everything seems to be coming together and falling apart at the same time. I have no money and can't pay my bills. I'm suppose to move, trying to enlist in the military and just have so many stressors weighting me down. Lord please help me."


8 years ago

"Grandpa With Cancer"

"Lord I would like help for my grandpa who has cancer and give him the strengths he needs to Support all of the pains he has"


8 years ago

"Give Me Life"

"Father, change me. Change my desires and conform my heart to your will. Make me like you. Help me to find myself and my joy in you. Help me to be content and delight in the most excellent blessings that you've given to me-my husband and children. "


8 years ago


"Lord, please help me have the strength to do as you want me to even when it is hard for me."


8 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for providing me with a stable income. Please forgive me for being evasive with my debts. Holy father please help me to clear my debts by the end of 2016. So that I can live as you want me to live and be able to contribute more to your Kingdom. I don't want to owe money and it is not in your will lord you told us to owe nothing except for LOVE. Thank you in Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago


"Please Lord rescue me now from the bad dreams & mental stress/conflicts. Come Lord Jesus Christ come rescue my from any and all snares I'm tired, weak and feeling hopeless. Help me please and remove all the negativity around me, I really want to be happy In our Lord Jesus Christ name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago

"saoirse and tyler"

"Lord please heal saoirse and let her and tyler have their full lives. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"SQE at Amrep"

"Dear Lord God, All the glory and honor are Yours from now until forever. I humbly ask for Your mercy, loyalty and faithfulness to work on my application and lead the way towards the realization of my prayer to be hired as SQE at Amrep Inspect. I lift it up to you, Lord. May Your will be done. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen."


8 years ago

"Breech Baby"

"Lord, Thank you for your miracle blessing of a baby. I pray that you are able to turn around the baby that you created in my womb to enable a normal natural birth with out the need for a c section and relieve my anxiety about the baby's birth. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Court Case"

"Please pray for a civil matter that has dragged in courts since 2004 due to some level of interference and intimidation that Jehovah may bring it to pass to the glory and honour of His Holy Name. Amen!"


8 years ago


"Pray with me that God's promises upon my life and that of my family will come to pass and more so we be found in God's will."


8 years ago

"Thanks For This Forum Of Prayer God Bless You All"



8 years ago

"Boyfriend "

"Dear Jesus, Please fill the relationship with the Holy Spirit and cancel out all negativity. Bring back joy, peace, love, laughter, fun and harmony between us. In the name of Jesus I pray amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇😇"


8 years ago

"The Days Are Few And New"

"So many things are able to hold one downcast, so much trouble to scare me off these days, a lot of evil at the door, shining darkness in random haps, sinister scriptures laid open at the table. I've kept on reflecting on some significance my Lord, I held fast the customs even in gloom and fear, therefore fire shall consume my heartily love if I fell off your straight ways, if I didn't long to accomplish the task you had laid so heavily on my heart."


8 years ago

"husband to worship God with us"

"Lord please my husband to worship You with us as a family today and in the sundays and other days to come. Lord please open him up and mold him into the Godly leader in our home as You intend him to be. forgive us Lord and guide us. help us bring up our kids in the knowledge of You. embrace my kids Lord and let them grow up loving, following You and putting You first in their lives. please heal me from this cancer and give me the privilege to grow old with my husband and use me to guide my kids as they grow older. use our lives for Your work. in Jesus' name, all glory and honor be Yours God our Father. amen."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"New Beginnings "

"Lord please help guide me in this new chapter in my life and assure me I'm making the right choices. Please forgive me for my sins and deceit. Allow me to flourish financially and prosper wildly. Please allow me to receive good grades and catch up to graduate. Please give me a sign I should move to South Carolina and it's the right decision. Please show me where I should be. Please let Michael come forward and tell me he does love me and want to be with me and have me there. Lord please help me find these answers I'm looking for. My heart is breaking and I'm hurting so deeply. Please help. "


8 years ago

"Prayer Petitions Please"

"Calling all prayer warriors to pray with me now. I work in a very unhealthy environment with gossip, hate, manipulation. It is soooo hard to do God's will in this darkness. Please pray for our God to step in and turn this all around for more positive interactions and dealings. They are trying to push people out of their jobs, caught up in office politics and garbage that puts honest employees look bad and gang up on people. Please help us pray to silence these liars and ask them to return to GOD and repent through Christ our Lord. I pray this not only for my workplace but for everywhere else where gossip, jealousy and hatred is thriving and trying to ruin people. This is not the way. Please pray to silence these mouths especially of CWLWPMBJJVHSBTPPPAASD and pray GOD will have mercy on them. They know what they are doing and are trying to be more powerful using evil ways. God Bless and return and/or introduce them to Christ. Lastly I pray for you to continue to guide & guard our new leader pbg and not let him be manipulated, keep his eyes wide open & protected under your wing. In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN!!!"


8 years ago

"to be more like Jesus"

"Lord i mostly forget how to be more like You. please forgive me and save me from pride and unrighteousness. in Jesus' name, please use me as light bearer and help me be aware if my actions are not pleasing to You. please help me align my will to Yours Lord. strengthen me Father and grant me Your wisdom. please help me be a better wife to my husband and a better parent to our kids. may we live to worship You as a family. please save our family, our friends, our bosses and coworkers and our country's leader. please help the sick, feed the poor and give rest to the weary. use us Lord. in Jesus' mighty name. amen."


8 years ago

"Healing "

"I need prayer for healing of female organs and for it not to be cancer I appreciate your prayers . I know Jesus is our great physician. Blessings to everyone "


8 years ago

"Restore Matthew & Amanda's Marriage "

"For God to restore my sons marriage and to break the strong hold of infidelity off of him. For Matthew to be saved & to seek the Lord for His plan for Matthew's life . For him to become the husband, and dad that God intends for him to be. "


8 years ago

"My Daughter"

"My dearest Lord I am weak, scared and Need you to help me with easing my daughters separation anxiety. I don't know how to help her have self confidence and not be scared. Please Lord step in this is an emotional overload for me. I trust in you please rescue her from the fear and never let it return, in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear Father ,god I come to you as humble as I know how ,praying that you lead me to a career job you have already prepared for me Dear god in Jesus name I pray amen."


8 years ago


"Lord please help me with my work. please grant me wisdom that i may give the right answers to those who ask. please let me point all glory and honor to You and that in everything i do, i will seek to please You. please help my bosses reconcile and remove people that only cause strife and have no concern for the good of the company as a whole. i pray Lord that You will save my bosses and give them healing and that our company will be company that bears Your name. give us more Godly people in the leadership positions. this we ask in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Pray For My Healing"

"Please pray for my healing wholly. I suddenly have physical concerns tonight and I am praying for speedy recovery. In JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers, GOD BLESS."


8 years ago

"Give Me Breath Today And Forever"

"Let me be the way I want to stay close, I long to give it away to you. Begging you the thing ain't alright, the utmost destruction awaits in the dark around the corner. I am a grown man of a kind, I'm doing some more but the truth ain't showing up as though you belonged to me anyway. "


8 years ago

"Need New Job/Income"

"I am searching for a new job. The one I have was fine for a two-income home, but since my ex-husband walked out and left me a single mom, I am struggling every day. Child support in this state is an insultingly small amount - it's not "support" in any sense of the word. So I need a better job to support my baby and myself. My parents have been amazing and so helpful, but I can't keep asking them for money when I am capable of making more. Please pray that I am able to find a better job quickly, and that my finances won't bury me before then. God has brought me through so much, I know He can handle this!"


8 years ago

"Visa And Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, Thank u for all the blessings uve given me. I really appreciate and know that you are thre to provide my needs. Lord I know that the job im into right now is not for me, someone deserves it. I do not want to be unfair with myself and the company. Lord I pray and beg for my visa to be released, pls touch the hearts of the immigration people. I want my life with my husband. I beg for our marriage restoration Lord God. I want to be the godly wife i am designed to be. I want to show my husband how much ive changed and how much im willing to do everythng for us. I do not ask for career or money anymore, i only want a family. I have realized that these are the most important things in the world. Please Lord im begging you. Guide us Lord in everyday, in our thoughts and deeds that you may be the center of our lives and this marriage. Please change our hearts Lord God. Please touch his mind, ears, and heart to know you and to know what is right. Please lead him back home. I love my husband so much Lord. Im begging that our marriage be healed and that my visa be released. Please Lord. Amen!"


8 years ago

"Battle Against Porn"

"I pray that I have the strength to defeat temptation and move away from unclean thoughts. I pray that I can find someone to help hold me accountable until I can hold myself accountable "


8 years ago

"Mighty Protection From On High If Far Off"

"Come down on fiery clouds with iron fists and a golden head you glorified One who had lost it all to grasp the new life through a sudden death, my Jesus. Who are you to send me throughout calamities at noon and to make me fall asleep amid wolves? You dare love me but how long will it take to get me out of here? I had praises on my lips for once you had sought me, don't destroy me, your servant, I long to serve you in the Highest. Please spare my body for brighter days, give me a drink when I'm dried out, spend me some bread when I'm starving, I love you."


8 years ago

"The Mighty Protection From On High Is Far But Still I Choose You Oh Lord"

"Come down on fiery clouds with iron fists and a golden head you glorified One who had lost it all to grasp the new life through a sudden death, my Jesus. Who are you to send me throughout calamities at noon and to make me fall asleep amid wolves? You dare love me but how long will it take to get me out of here? I had praises on my lips for once you had sought me, don't destroy me, your servant, I long to serve you in the Highest. Please spare my body for brighter days, give me a drink when I'm about to be dried out, spend me bread again when I'm starving, I love you."


Nashville, TN
8 years ago


"My ex boyfriend and I broke up about a year ago and now he wants to get back together. Since we broke up he has gotten MICs and has made very poor decisions. Decisions I wouldn't tolerate if we were dating. He says he's done with that but I just don't know. We broke up last time because he was going to college and just got bored. I don't know if I have feelings for him or not. I'm leaning more towards no but I just don't know. He doesn't have a very strong faith either. He doesn't help my relationship in Christ grow at all. But maybe I still do have feelings. I don't know what to do. I'm scared and confused. Prayers and advice are very appreciated!! "


8 years ago

"My Family"

"Lord I pray for my oldest boy to have fun and learn about your word at VBS this week. I pray he finds you and holds that relationship. I pray that you keep my kids safe & my husband safe today! Put Gody friends in their lives. Open the eyes to their hearts and show them the light. In Jesus name Aman! 💜"


8 years ago

"under the weather"

"Lord please help and heal my husband and inspire him to lead a healthy lifestyle. if there is any illness in our home, in our church, in this community, among my family and friends, please have mercy, forgive us from us sins, cleanse us Lord and grant us healing inside and out. i pray for wisdom Lord that You will be in the forefront of our family. to follow You where You lead us to go. i pray that You will wrap us in Your loving protection that no harm will come to us. keep our eyes on You Lord and use us for Your glory and honor and praise. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Kimberly Ann"

"John 6:29 "This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent." My prayer is for God to perform this work in Kimberly Ann. Prayer for salvation. That she develops a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. That she walks with Him and learns to trust Him in every area of life. That the scales of deception falls from her eyes and she sees that there is a wonderful God in heaven that loves her soooooo much and wants her to submit her life to Him. That she teaches her children in the Way they should go so when they become adults, they will not depart from their Godly upbringing. "


8 years ago


"John 6:29 "This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent." My prayer is for God to perform this work in Richard. Prayer for salvation. That he develops a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. That he walks with Him and learns to trust Him in every area of life. That he teaches his children in the Way they should go so when they become adults, they will not depart from their Godly upbringing. "


8 years ago

"Paul Matthew"

"John 6:29 "This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent." My prayer is for God to perform this work in Paul Matthew. Prayer for salvation. That he develops a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. That he walks with Him and learns to trust Him in every area of life. That he teaches his son in the Way he should go so when he becomes a man, he will not depart from his Godly upbringing. "


8 years ago

"Anxiety. "

"I just can't control my anxiety. It's almost like I'm unable to breathe at times.. And my head is hurting so bad. "


8 years ago

"jannsen's family"

"Lord please help janssen's family to live harmoniously and provide for her operation. please bring her healing. Lord help didet's family as well. help me be more sensitive and guide me on how to be more tolerant and gente in dealing with her. bless them Lord even mel bless her with Your guidance. please bring peace to the ramseys and remove people that cause them strife. help us glorify You in our work and in everything that we do. help us be Godly parents to our kids and raise them up to be close to You. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Friend In Trouble"

"My dearest friend needs help, they are going though so much and have gotten better. However I feel that they are dealing with spiritual warfare and have changed. I am praying that whatever that is evil attached to them will soon be gone in the name of our lord! Then my friend will live a happy healthy life. I love my friend and I will not give up on them. I know the Lord is good and loves all of his children. Amen!"


8 years ago

"Test 2"

"The other thing"


8 years ago

"Test 1"

"That one thing "


8 years ago


"I need urgent prayer. So sick. I've been to dr. and had blood work done. She was going to check some things she said. It takes 3 days for results. While I'm waiting for results from the tests, my neck is swelling, bad nausea, feels like pressure in my head, and my stomach is swelling. I feel like something is going to happen... Plz pray for me! Thank you so much."


8 years ago


"Holy Father, someone has tried to drag my name through the mud because they cannot take accountability for their own actions they are now involving other people including myself and making it look like we are accomplices to their wrong doing. Lord Please help me to clear this up. Please allow the truth to be seen. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"help around the house"

"Lord please give us our much needed helper in the house and also the someone who will do the repairs. let them be honest and Godly ones. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago


"God please pray that you will be there for me that everything will work out that you will be helping me through this tough situation. I pray that court will be held in July that you will be looking out for my son , just please help me through this situation let me know that everything is going to be okay and just be with me . Please god I pray that my baby's daddy lawyer will not change the court date in July I pray that you will be with me and my son that everything will be fine please help me not to worry . I really need court to be July I pray everything will workout in Jesus name amen 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"My Niece And Her Children"

"My great nephew (10) and Great niece (4) using profanity and disobedient... Plz pray... Satan working overtime~ My niece needs help too in that area. The children are saying there is no God and taking on atheism from their parents. Parents laughing what their children say... This has got to change in Jesus Name!"


8 years ago

"Child Birth"

"Lord, Thank you for the amazing miracle of a baby that you have blessed g and I with. I pray that the babies are delivered safely with no complications and without the need for a c section. I pray this in Jesus mighty name Amen "


8 years ago


"Thank you Lord for my admission & financial aid so that I may finish off my degree and test out of classes. In Jesus name amen "


8 years ago


"Holy Father, please help me to be closer to you. Please help me to have more faith. Holy father I feel like I am struggling with life. I feel like I am being victimized. Lord please take control of this situation. Please make me wise so that I can deal with things a lot better. Thank you lord in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for all you are doing in my life. Lord please cover me and my family with the blood of Jesus. Please protect me and my family from anything that is not of you. Please protect us from the things if this world please help us to be strong and to walk in your word lord. Bless everything that we do Lord as long as we do it in your name. Help us to live lives that glorify you in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Hallow Land On Our Behalf"

"Lord we have a lot of space and time, some spheres are really close to my heart. Nevertheless the land upon which I stand is an one of non-believers and I fear it will ever be this way. How could I gain the true repose amid the vicinity when all is dark and all gets night. Cover me with darkness, oh you strong being, cover me with light... Cover me oh Lord, cover me, I'm in need of your mighty hand, I lose myself. Whom will you send to help me? How long will it take to get me out of the affliction at noon?"


8 years ago




8 years ago

"Reunite With Co-Worker "

"Prayer warriors, 🙏🙏 Please pray for me and my co-worker who all of a sudden just resigned in the midst of a task we were working on. He left with no contact or anything - not a word. Our last conversation at work need Your healing, LORD JESUS.. My coworker and I are close outside of work and I am praying, if it be God's will, that my co-worker and I may reunite and reconcille in anyway possible (thru text or facebook) - and though I may not know what this serves, I PRAY for God's will in this matter ... that my co-worker may also be guided wherever he may be right now. In JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD bless."


8 years ago

"Lord, Please Heal My Broken Heart"

"Recently, someone so special to me decided they didn't want to be in my life anymore. We were in love with eachother, had so many plans, and had such a strong bond. My heart is broken and it hurts so bad. I miss him so much. I pray that God heals my broken heart and can lead me down a path to happiness again. I pray that everything will workout and be okay. Please pray for me and my broken heart.. It hurts so bad and prayer is so so powerful. God bless everyone.❤️"


8 years ago

"Faith, Uplifting Ancouragement"

"Lord, I need more faith, uplifting encouragement and energy and charm, please, thank you <3"


8 years ago

"A on Government Test"

"Dear Lord, I am privileged to have a God like you who loves me and cares for me deeply despite of my sinful state. You know the depths of my heart and still chase after it! How can I not want to follow you? You are worthy of all praise! Lord, I have something that has been weighing heavily on my heart, and it's that I receive a high score on my government test. I have been studying and I really wish to score well. I wish to get an A in POL 120, as you know how great that will be for my GPA. I want to stop worrying about it. I know that you are all powerful and can give me wisdom and guide my thinking as I take this test. Thank you Lord for everything that you do. Worthy is your name to be praised!! "


8 years ago

"warvi's trip"

"Lord please grant my brother a safe travel. thank You Lord for a smooth checkin. also please help our pastor in his talk. in Jesus' name. amen. may all glory be Yours."


8 years ago

"Spiritual Leader"

"I ask you Lord to allow me to minister to my wife and my family. I need you to help me I can't do this on my own in your name I pray amen."


8 years ago

"Workplace Challenges"

"Dear God, I pray that I will be triumphant over a workplace challenge. I pray that this adversity will make me stronger and draw me closer to God. I know that through God all things are possible. Amen "


8 years ago

"Rightful & just Increase"

"My Dearest Lord, I'm begging you, please grant me the large increase im looking for to pay my bills please don't let ANYONE hold me back. I know raises come from you but I really need this increase to help cover my expenses and help family. Please! I'm worried they won't do it, the annual review wasn't as formal as I hoped. Please Lord, I will be forever grateful. In Jesus name, amen. "


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, as day passes i miss my husband so much. We have not talked again from the time he said hurtful words. Lord i dont want to believe all those hurtful words because everthing can change. I feel envy everytime i see married couples near me, why cant we be together again. Lord i pray that you please touch his heart, change his heart with peace and love. Open his eyes and ears for what is right and for the truth, to know you more. I also pray that whatver it is that stops him to reconcile be gone. Lord please guide me everyday, help me to be the godly wife i need to be. Help me to forgive wholeheartedly. Please give me patience, a stronger faith, and a hope for my situation. Lord, please also do your mighty wonder in the immig so that my visa will be released and i could be with him. I know you have a plan for us. Please lord im begging. I love and miss my husband so much, i want to be with him and start a new life. Amen."


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, it has been a month now since my husband decided that we separate. He said he doesnt see any light that we can fix our marriage, and that we are no longer good for each other. It pains me so much to hear this from him. I love my husband so much and i dont want to lose him. I know Lord that you will help us restore our marriage, that you dont want divorce. I pray lord that you please touch his heart. Open his mind and eyes and ears. Lord please guide us always. I really pray that in time everything will be work according to your plan. I know lord you have a plan for us, for us to change our ways and give us a new and clean heart. I also pray lord that you give us wisdom and strength. Lord please be in the center of our lives. Help me to be the instrument to bring him closer to you. There are times i really feel so depressed that i forget that you are there and that i need to trust and let you do your plan for us. Lord i also pray that my visa will be released and it will be a reason for us to be together again so we could start restoring our marriage. I know you have a plan and timing for everythng. Help me have patience. Please hold me lord, hug me and carry me. I cannot do this alone. I cannot move on, i cannot have normal a life. Im really depressed. I am so affectd. Please help me lord. Make me feel loved, i need your presence with me alwys. Please guide and keep us in your arms and away from sin and temptation. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, as day passes i miss my husband so much. We have not talked again from the time he said hurtful words. Lord i dont want to believe all those hurtful words because everthing can change. I feel envy everytime i see married couples near me, why cant we be together again. Lord i pray that you please touch his heart, change his heart with peace and love. Open his eyes and ears for what is right and for the truth, to know you more. I also pray that whatver it is that stops him to reconcile be gone. Lord please guide me everyday, help me to be the godly wife i need to be. Help me to forgive wholeheartedly. Please give me patience, a stronger faith, and a hope for my situation. Lord, please also do your mighty wonder in the immig so that my visa will be released and i could be with him. I know you have a plan for us. Please lord im begging. I love and miss my husband so much, i want to be with him and start a new life. Amen."


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me with my project. Please help me to make the right decisions. please help me to be successful. Holy father I pray that the meetings that have been delayed can be rearranged for tomorrow and that it will go well in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father pls be with me tomorrow pls help me to focus pls help me to be the person that you want me to be. Please forgive me for my sins in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my physical (pain) and whole healing in JESUS' Name, amen. Thank you for praying. GOD BLESS."


shaark lam
8 years ago

"Job Interview and Offer - Prayer Request and also Gratitude"

"Dear God, Glory has been, is and forever will be yours eternal. Christ, Father and Holy Spirit, I pray to thee to give thanks for receiving my pass results today for 1 of my professional paper. I pray to thee that Christ enter in my life and make the job application that I applied for to be shortlisted and conclude successfully with a job offer. This being I realise the role that I need to play and I was made for more than just another job dear Lord. I pray to thee knowing my roles and how I can do better this time at the role. Dear God, let it happen, and give me the strength to obtain that job offer dear Lord."


8 years ago


"Holy father pls help me to make a mends with my Flatmate. Please help me to forgive her because she did things to hurt me but I know that she is a person in pain. Lord pls use this situation for your Glory. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thanking God For My Assistant Designer & Pattern Maker Job"

"Pray: Atelier Great teachers and team Wisdom Knowledge and skill Joy & Peace Established in my city An apartment: studio "


8 years ago

"Lustful Action"

"Please pray for got to help me with my lustful thoughts and actions thanks "


8 years ago

"Hope And Strength "

"I need a prayer for strength and courage. I need strength because I have a few medical tests on Thursday I will need some mental and emotional strength for. Please pray that the resukts will come back by his will.... Let his will be done. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Strength "

"Asking for a lot of prayers this week as I head into one of the most difficult times in my life. I'll be finalizing my divorce and I've been so anxiety ridden I've hardly slept. I've been moody and an awful person to be around and have been causing a lot of disruption in my relationships. I keep pushing away someone I love very much and I just wish they could see how hard everything is right now. Please let them find forgiveness and love and be willing to stay. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Baby With A Fever"

"My one-year-old baby has a fever tonight. I've called the doctor, and it's nothing that Tylenol can't handle at home, but she's not sleeping peacefully and clearly not feeling well. I've been at home with a bad respiratory infection all week, and I need rest, too, so this isn't great timing! Please pray for the fever to go down, and for rest for my sweet girl and me. "


8 years ago

"I'm scared"

"The end is coming and I'm really scared "


8 years ago


"I need help and deliverance also mercy I need our Lord Jesus Christ"


8 years ago

"honor You with my work"

"Lord please help me do my work in a way that honors You. i pray that You will grant me wisdom and speak on my behalf. let me be a peacemaker and let my speech be filled with grace for everyone. use me Lord to enlighten and inspire. in Jesus' name. amen."


United States
8 years ago

"Sister Sentenced To 5mth jail"

"On 30th May my family is in Pain coz my sister is sentenced to jail. Pls pray for my father, mother, & brother in law for peace & Covering of protection of my Sis during the times of loneliness for her first month from now to 30th June...jeremy ;("


United States
8 years ago

"Pls Pray For HEALING"

"SINCE 4-4-2016 I was diagnosed with a sexual infectious disease: GENITAL WARTS...there is pus@ my Anus & it hurts alot, pls pray that the treatment of NITROGEN will make the Warts heal & not be present@ my butt, thanks, Jeremy :("


8 years ago

"Women's Camp "

"Spirit move, in your Temple...🙏🏽 I pray that your spirit will move in everyone's lives this weekend! Thanks Lord Daughter Dolores ☺️🙂"


8 years ago


"I lost my job in April. My savings are limited. I'm scared. Please help. I believe when two or more of us are gathered in his name that prayers are answered. I am humbled by the actions of perfect strangers when it comes to prayer. Please pray for me that I return to work shortly. Thank you very much for your love and prayers. I am grateful to all of you. 🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, it has been a month now since my husband decided that we separate. He said he doesnt see any light that we can fix our marriage, and that we are no longer good for each other. It pains me so much to hear this from him. I love my husband so much and i dont want to lose him. I know Lord that you will help us restore our marriage, that you dont want divorce. I pray lord that you please touch his heart. Open his mind and eyes and ears. Lord please guide us always. I really pray that in time everything will be work according to your plan. I know lord you have a plan for us, for us to change our ways and give us a new and clean heart. I also pray lord that you give us wisdom and strength. Lord please be in the center of our lives. Help me to be the instrument to bring him closer to you. There are times i really feel so depressed that i forget that you are there and that i need to trust and let you do your plan for us. Lord i also pray that my visa will be released and it will be a reason for us to be together again so we could start restoring our marriage. I know you have a plan and timing for everythng. Help me have patience. Please hold me lord, hug me and carry me. I cannot do this alone. I cannot move on, i cannot have normal a life. Im really depressed. I am so affectd. Please help me lord. Make me feel loved, i need your presence with me alwys. Please guide and keep us in your arms and away from sin and temptation. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Help "

"Holy father please forgive me for being hard hearted please keep working on me. Please help me to trust more and to have an open heart. Please help me to continue to work through my issues. thank you for today lord. Please continue to reach out to me as I have an affliction that only you can heal lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Missed Message "

"Today I was walking down the street and a man with a bag comes from behind me and says do you want a message from the gospel ma'am, he had a leaflet in his hand. I thought he was a nuisance so I asked him to leave me alone then he walked away and I noticed that he did not try to give the leaflet to anyone else on the street. I feel regret and a little silly and I think missed my message. "


8 years ago

"Love "

"Heavenly Father thanks for all your blessings and healings let the love come back into my families lives lord let us be one again lord a family that is not hurt by what has happened but looks for ways to heal what has happened please reach out to my wife and let her start having contact with my mom lord let her know forgiving is the way to you lord that she should forgive and she herself will be forgiven. "


8 years ago

"Your Presence Lord "

"Holy father please forgive me for not being more open others. Lord please help me to connect to you. I really need to feel your presence as I'm feeling alone. Please help me to understand the problems going on at work please help me to make them better in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Work Presence"

"Lord, please guide me at work with what I talk about and choose to share with others...please help me to only talk about work appropriate topics such as work, gardening, cooking, etc...and I pray that nothing comes of the religion talk that was had at work today...lord I pray I learn to balance this all out and fast and smoothly...please...lord, I want work to be all around 100% positive and healthy..."


8 years ago

"My Sister Wants to Move"

"My sister, who lives in Nebraska, has located a house to move to. It is perfect in many ways and her daughter and her children will be living there also. BUT it is HIGH rent. My sister will lose her housing assistance. She needs to keep money aside for her medicines and with HIGH rent, I don't know if it's possible? There may also be a HIGH deposit. I don't know if it is a wise decision to move there or not? Plz pray that she will get wisdom and if possible a MIRACLE to make this move a success, if it's the Lords will? "


8 years ago

"I Need Prayer"

"Anxiety is overwhelming me. I need prayer."


8 years ago

"Cleansing "

"Holy father please cleanse my mind my body, my heart and my spirit of anything that is not of you in Jesus name. Please surround me with your power and your love. Please help me to walk in your light. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"May Your Will Be Done"

"Lord God, all the glory and honor are Yours from now until forever. Thank You for another opportunity to be blessed and be a blessing to others. I lift up to You the results of today's final job interview. I have done my part and gave my best. I trust that You are in the works to those which are beyond my control. If You will that I may land to that job, may it be done. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen."


8 years ago

"Praying To Overcome Drug Addiction."

"Today I'm praying praying for God to give me the strength to overcome my drug addiction that I've been battling with for 3 years now.Living with a drug addiction is not an easy thing to deal with because it's not something that's just goes away it's a horrible disease that you have to live with everyday of your life & if you don't get help it will soon take your life.It hasn't only damaged me mentally & physically but it also has caused me to have issues that will probably have an permanent affect on my body if I continue to use.Never in a million years that I would be dealing with something that I willingly gave the power to by making one bad decision having no idea that that decision & choice that I was making would soon take me down a dark path of destruction that I wasn't ready for.Living with an drug addiction problem isn't an easy thing to deal with or tell anyone about if you have one especially in this world that we live in today that's full of people that give off the impression that they're living a life of perfection which makes it hard for people that's dealing with real life issues to open up & be honest about certain situations that they think might be the first half of the year and embedding witlieveryone wants to pretend like they're problem free which we I wish we were truth is everyone has problems or something that they're facing concerned about the well being of simeanymore people only of me trying to do better with my life I started hanging out with childhood friends that weren't going anywhere & had no ambition,dreams,plans,or goals they wanted to accomplish in life so really I couldn't expect them to give me any good advice or teach me anything different from what they knew to do & that was hang out all day long get high and do NOTHING.What I did learn is that they were into somethings I knew nothing about we'll...I knew about drugs but at the time I'd never done drugs or knew the type of effect they could have on someone and their life until I tried them for myself & to be honest now as I look back I can't blame anyone because we as individuals have free will & choices to make in life that can help or hurt us and it was my decision to engage in things I knew for a fact weren't good for me that I didn't consider or think soon those things I was into will soon have the power & advantage to not only ruin my life but my families & also others that cared about me.All the people I use to hang out & do drugs with are now in jail,rehab,and halfway houses & me I'm 31 staying with my mom addicted to drugs trying not to give up on myself dealing with an everyday battle that I have to face being an addict.I'm very angry with myself I feel like I let my family down also myself because I wasn't raised to be the person I've become now I see the saying bad company corrupts good manners is so true,it kills me inside to see my mom upset & disappointed with me but I thank God she's still standing by my side & helping me supporting me with my addiction that I know gets hard to deal with at times she hasn't gave up or turned her back on me & I'm grateful for that but I feel horrible that she has to deal with my issues & problems that I've made for myself Im an adult & I didn't do my part to make her proud or give her my best that she gave me in return so I understand her frustration & disappointment with me especially knowing how hard she worked everyday for me to have a safe,healthy,and happy life growing up & also as of now.I just pray before it's too late I can get the help I need not only to get clean & sober for a min then relapse again but so I can get my life on track & live a happy positive life with meaning also I want to see my mother happy again she deserves it I don't want to just get better jfor myself but also for my family too because I've sent them through a lot & I need to make it up to them by being a better person by them also a dependable daughter,sister,aunt and also be an active productive member to society I need to return the favor by getting my life together so I can do my part and lighten "


8 years ago


"I've been battling addiction for 15 years now and I'm continuing to pray for deliverance"


8 years ago

"healing and self control"

"Lord please heal me from my cancer if You're willing. please give me more time and take away the pain. Lord please strengthen my resolve that i will not eat or drink anything that will be detrimental to my health. continue to point me and lead me and make me compliant to Your provisions that help me live longer and with quality here on earth. may all my days be useful to You Lord. may Your praise be always in my lips and may i shout it out loud for all the world to hear. use me Father to lead my kids to You. mold me into a Godly wife that will my husband to You as well. use me for these Lord. and i pray that You will send Godly friends to my husband that he may be able to walk with the wise. let us magnify Your Name in everything that we do. reveal to us Your wisdom and enable us to do Your work and bring glory to You. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago


"I got into a car accident an loss my car and my job in the same week I need uplifting because I've been feeling so down about it. No financial stability and my bills are just piling up. "


8 years ago


"Prayer Warriors, Thank you for praying with me and standing in agreement for GOD's will in my life. I have been cheated by a pastor who proposed to me... He is now with someone else after our 2-year relationship. I have then forgiven them. I pray for God's will for us all, In JESUS' name. Please pray that the ONE whom GOD plans for me as the rightful one - may know and realize GOD's will. Wherever he may be, in GOD's time, I pray I may also realize that HE is the ONE God willed for me... That I may not make decision by my own will but only by GOD's, in JESUS' name. I thank God for no matter what GOD wills for me... I submit to HIM. THANK You for all your prayers... GOD BLESS ALL."


Central Luzon, Nueva ecija.
8 years ago

"Fill me"

"Lord God I want you to comfort my heart, filled me with your Holy presence, I want you to saturate me. Cleanse me Lord. Don't let my faith shake. Nothing is impossible with you, I believe in you. Make me more prayerful, keep my fire. Use me always. This is what I pray In Jesus name Amen. "


8 years ago

"Tomorrow "

"Holy father thank you for the opportunities you have given me. Thank you for being there for me. Lord please forgive me for trusting you as much as I could. Please forgive me for having a bad attitude and for being selfish. Lord please help me to stay focused tomorrow so as I can do a good job. Please help me to stay strong physically as it will be a long day. Please help me to play well and in tune and to remember the routine. I'm also praying for a good rest tonight lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thanks "

"My mom came by yesterday and was graceful as my wife was I'm happy for your blessing lord my wife is still hesitant she still had Ill thoughts this morning thinking my mom was in a bad mood. Please lord I ask for you help in molding my wife into being a women that is not so quick to judge but to sit back and take though of situations that she feels are full tension and realize what could have happened in there day To make them seem less than pleasing please help her analyze the situation and not be so quick to judge. Help her mold her into the person you lord want her to be help her be less in guard I know her parents have done a lot to her the past 5-7 years but that does not mean that everyone else is trying to do that. I love you lord and thank you for your blessing today and everyday. Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear God i pray that you help me have a place of my own where Nataniel can grow up:)"


8 years ago

"prayer warriors"

"thank You, Lord for this community. bless the people here. use us Lord to spread Your word and Your comfort, and to commit to do it everyday that we are alive in this world. in Jesus' name. amen. friends, please feel free to add. if you need prayers, just email me: lily"


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"Thought & Helpers And Friends"

"Here willing to share together our lives to keep in touch and not worrying about anything For anything anyone:7864064387 Bryan Bueno Text me your name let us be part of one body and one church, one faith, one baptism, we are able to get it together together we are able through Christ Jesus In Jesus name Plz plz"


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"Interceding Of All Unbelievers "

"Intercede on the behalf of north Miami Deliverance of all sorts of evil desires and tricks of the the enemy Atheist salvation and deliverance of all lies of the enemy The need of Jesus to do such things in their life "


United States
8 years ago

"Guide Me"

"Dear lord I pray that you guide me in the right direction I have not listen to you in the past therefore I have strayed away from the path you laid out for me I pray for your forgiveness and I pray for better understanding of what it you have chosen for me in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"Glory "

"Heavenly Father I want to bask in your glory I want you to fill me with your spirit. The healing will come when you see fit lord. In the mean time bless all my family and heal us. In your name we pray amen."


Victoria Australia
8 years ago

"Ex Husband "

"Please please pray for my ex husband . We are friends but it is so difficult. I want to see the best in him and I see Gods potential in him but he is soo self obsessed . The whole world has always revolved around 'him' and nothing has changed . His wife and children weren't as important as what he wanted in his life and now he still offloads all his issues on me and issues me up to dump all his emotional stress on .please pray for an emotional breakthrough for him and also spirit because I think it may well be a demonic issue as well. Thankyou so much for your prayers "


8 years ago

"My Sister Needs Help"

"My sister has two grandchildren. My sister is in bad health. Her daughter wants her to babysit every day the grandchildren. Even tho she has told her no, her daughter continues to bring children to her moms home to watch them so she can work, go to college, party on weekends, spend time with her boyfriend. It's draining my sister. Lots of drama if she refuses to watch grandchildren. Plz pray for my sister that she will be stronger than the drama, to be able to release herself from this responsibility that isn't hers. "


8 years ago


"I am struggling with things in my walk. I lost my father-in-law a year ago this may. My daughter developed a tumor last August & then passed away in December 2015. Since then I have been an emotional roller coaster & a wreck. Happy, sad, believing, doubting, questioning God, angry, resentful. I cry a lot. The word says that sorrow may endure through the night but joy comes in the morning, but I can't seem to find that joy. I read my word, spend time with The Lord, just don't seem to feel His presence or hear His voice. Please pray with me to get the joy & love of the Father I once had back in my heart. Thank you & God bless."


8 years ago

"Hope "

"Well lord they are still at it one text and the other will not respond please send you blessing and healing lord. I will wait patiently because you lord are almighty in your name we pray amen."


8 years ago

"Pray for home for family"

"Please pray for us, we need a financial miracle in order to get my family under one roof. Me and wife were divorcing, but have reconciled. We don't have money to get a home, and move them to this city. Please pray for this to happen for us"


Central Luzon, Nueva ecija.
8 years ago


"Lord please do guide me, keep me in fire give me a humble heart, be with me always Lord. Amen."


Central Luzon, Nueva ecija.
8 years ago


"Lord I ask for your guidance and please be with me always, kepp me humble and keep me in fire with you. In Jesus name Amen. "


8 years ago

"Please Help Me To Pray For You, And My Husband"

"Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus. I'm coming to you today with thanksgiving and praise. Im asking that you touch anyone who is in need of your touch. Im asking that you heal those who needs your healing today. Let the lonely, feel your presence. I ask that you forgive the sins of your people, and help us to forgive others as you always forgive. I ask that you pour out your blessings on your people right now. Heavenly Father, I know that you have helped me. You have always helped me. I ask that you help my husband to pass his LSAT test in June 2016. He is very stressed, and he does not do well in timed test. I want you to help him to pace himself and to study and practice hard. I pray that you are there with him and give him comfort during the test so that he does very well in June. I ask that you guide him, and help him to remember his studies and the basics so that he does not panic. I ask that he scores very high so that he can get into Law School, and achieve his goal of helping people as a lawyer. These things I ask in Jesus's mighty name........ A-men"


8 years ago

"friends and family"

"Lord thank You for all the people that You have blessed me with. You know their hearts, their needs and their desires. please have mercy on them and reveal Yourself to them as You have done for me. Lord, please teach me to be humble, open and gentle, and that i will be a light bearer for You. help us Lord and lead us on. if You're willing, heal us and forgive us and let us grow in the knowledge of You. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Youth Group"

"We are losing two key members of our youth group staff. With them gone it just leaves me basically. Please pray that God would bring me a volunteer to help grow the youth group spiritually and numerically. I can't continue this group on my own. Thank you and God bless all of you in Jesus name."


8 years ago

"Needed Prayers"

"I ask that you all pray for my husband who suffers from depression and alcoholism. That he make be guided back to the ways of the lord"


8 years ago

"God's Love "

"Dear god, Fill me with your unconditional love from Christ. Fill me with joy peace and love during a time when I find it hard to find sparks of joy. Amen 💗💗💗✨✨✨"


8 years ago

"Direction -Career"

"Praying for gods direction with my career and business decisions. Not happy where I'm at but grateful I have a job but I feel like I need the opportunity to be in an environment to be creative and grow and flourish. God please here my prayers. "


8 years ago


"Lord I hope for a blessing today, but I will wait til you see fit me and my wife are better I see you are working and I know that time will heal all. Bless us today lord. Amen"


8 years ago

"my family for You Lord"

"please help us to worship You as family. let us not drift from putting You first above all else. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago

"Prayers for Cindy Potter"

"Recently our Aunt Cindy received a liver transplant. After the transplant Cindy became less and less responsive. Prior to that, she was able to open her eyes for a minute or two and follow simple commands and answer yes/no questions. The doctors were searching for an infection of some kind that might account for her condition - that search is still ongoing. In the meantime, a second MRI of her head was done. The first MRI, done about 10 days earlier, was negative - it showed nothing of significance. The result of the 2nd MRI was devastating to us. The MRI showed the signature of CPM. Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM), also known as Osmotic demyelination syndrome. We are praying for a miracle, as this damage is hard to reverse. "


8 years ago

"Overcoming Financial Struggles "

"Lately I've been in a terrible rut when it comes to my finances. I recently lost my car and I'm having to depend on others to take me to work and where I need to go, if you could just take a quick second and send up a prayer for me that good things come my way soon so that I may be able to live in peace I would appreciate it so much! Thank you all and God bless!"


8 years ago

"Blessings "

"Bless us today lord you are almighty please send us your peace. I am waiting patiently on your healing lord. Through you anything is possible without you nothing is. "


8 years ago

"Love "

"Praying for an unconditional love because I put myself down a lot and I feel like it has a lot to do with never having a physical father figure in my life. "


8 years ago

"Please Be With Me Lord"

"Holy father please don't let me stray from your will, your wisdom, your understanding and your love in Jesus name. Pease get me up on time, please help me to get to work on time and please help me to play well and to be strong. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Getting Through Life"

"Lord let me put you first everyday . Let my family do the same. Guide me down the right path and shield me from pain. Lord I need you to work a miracle. I feel my kids are drifting in the wrong direction and my husband the step dad is holding grudges against them. Let us be at peace and a family held with love and no drama . Be with me lord and help me. Amen"


8 years ago

"Stability And Home"

"Lord, I pray for stability and home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home..."


8 years ago

"My Husband"

"Thank you Father, for the blessing of my partner. Let our union be ordained by you and bless him in everything he does in your name. Do not allow the devil to lead us into temptations that my shake the foundation of our marriage or lead us against your teachings. Lord, hear me as I pray, In Jesus name Amen!"


8 years ago

"Blessings "

"Lord send blessings today to all my family let everyone know your power and your loving hand lord be with my family and protect us lord kept us in your light and and send healing on us when it is time. "


8 years ago


"Dear brothers and sisters: Please help me with your prayers to ask The Lord to grant healing for my mother. "


8 years ago


"Prayer Against Witchcraft Control Are you, or your loved ones, oppressed? This can be an effective prayer. Pray this daily or as frequently as you can. Have others pray with you, if possible. Print this out and keep it nearby, to use as a reference. Add to it, to make it fit your individual prayer needs. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I bind all principalities, powers of the air, wickedness in high places, thrones, dominions, world rulers, and strong men exerting influence over_____________( for all persons prayed for, also workplace, finances, home, etc.), and I forbid them to operate against him/her/them or against the one praying this prayer. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break witchcraft, witchcraft control, mind-binding spirits, spirits that block and/or bind the will, mind control, destruction, lust, fantasy lust, perversion, intimidation, rebellion, rejection, schizophrenia, paranoia, anger, hatred, wrath and rage, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, slander, unteachableness, deception, doubt, and unbelief, passivity, pride and false humility. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the spirits of Ahab and Jezebel, fear, hypnosis and hypnotic trance, rock music, greed, addiction, drugs, alcohol and compulsive behavior. (Pause and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any other spirits which should be named.) In the name of Jesus, I bind kings, princes, and world rulers for each spirit named. I strip each spirit, and his hierarchy, of power, armor and rank, and separate each from the other. I speak confusion to the ranks of the enemy, and declare their assignments against_________ are hereby rendered null and void. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break all evil affecting the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing; all evil against the emotions; and all evil against the seven points of body used by witchcraft – the base of the spine, spleen, navel, heart, throat, between the eyes, and top of the head. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break all evil on the systems of the body – reproductive, skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break any and all evil powers giving aid or pulling these systems in our bodies toward evil, by means of energy drawn from the sun, moon, stars, planets, constellations, earth, air, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, matter, elements……or from lines, squares, circles, symbols, artifacts and/or potions against us. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break any transference of spirits in family, friends, or associates of ___________( name the names of the people from whom you forbid transference of spirits – those that would curse you or others in this way). With the sword of the Holy Spirit, I sever all evil soul ties between these negative persons and _________ (those you wish to protect). I declare that the blood of Jesus covers ___________(victim’s) mind, emotions and will, preventing these soul ties from ever being re-established. In the name of Jesus, every spirit in this prayer is bound off each person prayed for, as well as for the person uttering this prayer (Matthew 18:18). This prayer is also in effect for every person, with whom those praying and those prayed for have contact. In the name of Jesus, spirits from the netherworld, spirits between, over and around those praying and those prayed for, and all familiar spirits are completely bound and forbidden to manifest – in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the power of all curses spoken, all rituals or sacrifices, all divination, spells, incantations, meditations, and all sorcery or magic. I release and call upon the Spirit of the Lord…..the spirit of …… wisdom….understanding….counsel…might…knowledge…and the fear of the Lord ( Isaiah 11:2) upon the persons praying this prayer, and the persons prayed for, along with spirits of mercy, grace and peace. In the name of Jesus, I place shields of Faith over the minds of those persons to protect a"


8 years ago

"Overcome Anxiety"

"Please, pray to God to give me strength to overcome my anxiety,panic attacks and unwanted thoughts."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Clarity And Purpose"

"Please pray for me that I find my purpose and God's plan for my life. I have suffered from depression for the last 8 years since I had an abortion and I'm feeling really lost and depressed right now. My life feels empty like I have nothing to live for and no reason to wake up in the mornings. I don't have any close family or friends that I can turn to. Recently I got a job which I thought would be 'the one' for me and it hasn't worked out that way and now I feel confused about where my life is supposed to be heading. Please pray that I find clarity and God's will for me."


8 years ago


"Lord, I do want to be successful at my career, successful at the gym and eating healthy and I would like to have my own home again in my families neighborhood...but I don't want to live alone...and I want to be able to save my money...I also want to learn how to have fun with good people and be good myself...without fraternizing with co workers after work. I just worry so much about friendships turning me to never let that happen again. I pray a stable living arrangement alternative to my current one presents itself soon. I apriciate living with my parents but I think I'd rather just visit...I could totally live with my sister but there just isn't enough room...unless I can turn the garage into a room or something. But, for now, I'm just trying to make it through training at work. I pray Florida cooperates with me, I'm sure they will..."


8 years ago

"Pray "

"I need prayers I know God will provide when the time is right but please ease the pain in my heart I need peace lord my family needs peace pry for my family give me a sign that all is going to be better soon."


8 years ago

"Reconcilliation With Co-Worker"

"Prayer Warriors, Please pray for me and my co-worker because we had conflict at work yesterday. We are good friends. But yesterday, our friendship had been strained and I am praying for our reconcilliation. Restore what is broken, LORD JESUS. Remind us to live peacably with others, LORD JESUS. Heal us from any negativity in JESUS' mighty name, amen. Thank You LORD. Thank you for all your prayers. GOD BLESS. 🙏👫"


8 years ago

"Complete Healing"

"Please pray for my friend who is in her mid-forties who has more and more new serious health complications seemingly every week. She has a young child and I want her to be around to see her grow up. Pray that Jesus will perform a miracle as he did in days of old and grant her total healing. Thank you 🙏"


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"Soo Many Unbelief People "

"Heavenly Father I come to you at the altar of God to remove and take every pain they are going through to the limit where they will fall to their feet in your name they ask to you to come in their hearts and surrender completely in Jesus name! I ask i Jesus name! To where you don't know how much I want them to wake up to know you I don't care what it is but to surrendering to you In Jesus name! Amen "


8 years ago

"Thankful "

"I want to just says thanks lord for your guidance, love , providing, protection , grace and mercy also for your favor that is upon my daughter, mom,sisters, I love you lord thanks for continuing to do all of that in Jesus name amen "


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"Prayers for Paulo Church Member"

"Heavenly Father please protect him from evil spirits and demons And there are things going in life that be control him all the time and doesn't have time for you and him to talk Please help me Rescue him as possible Because we real care about him very much Whatever quiet the enemies voices and try to confuse the plans of the enemies now In Jesus name I pray amen "


8 years ago


"26 Lord my God, help me; because you are loving, save me. From all the wickedness at work and hatred against me. Please keep me strong and fight my battles for me and I train myself to be still as you command. 27 Then they will know that your power has done this; they will know that you have done it, Lord. 28 They may curse me, but you bless me. They may attack me, but they will be disgraced. Then I, your servant, will be glad. 29 Let those who accuse me be disgraced and covered with shame like a coat. 30 I will thank the Lord very much; I will praise him and share his love and testimony with many! 31 He defends the helpless and saves them from those who accuse them. In Jesus name, Amen! "


8 years ago

"Help "

"Forgive me lord for I have sinned please help my family lord let all the animosity go away please let it be as it was lord.. We are all hurting we need your healing my wife, my mom, and me please bring us back together. "


8 years ago

"A+ Or A In POL 120 "

"Dear God, You know my heart. You know that I want to get into the C-STEP Program, and if I have a high GPA, it would be much more possible. Even more possible than that since I have you! Lord, it is my desire to get a high grade, an A in POL 120. It will carry my GPA up to a 3.53, and that will be perfect for me. Please help me Lord. Help me to trust that you will allow me to walk away from the class with an A and a 3.53 GPA. I believe that you will :). Please help me to have a clear mind when it comes to the discussions. I really want to score high, a 9 or a 10. Please allow that. Thank you Lord for everything. I love you. Praise be to your name! "


8 years ago

"Healing For A 20 Year Old Man"

"My cousin Anthony is 20 years old and is in ICU almost in a diabetic coma. This is the second time this year. Last year about 5 times. He want eat right and check his blood like he's supposed to. The Doctors can't help him if he want help himself. My prayer is that Anthony will step up. If he wants to live. He's angry that he has had this problem since 14 years old. Pray with me for healing and clarity in Anthony life."


8 years ago


"Lord, take any and all hostility within me and replace it with patience, wisdom and intelligence, please, thank you, amen. And lord, thank you for guiding me in conversations to the point that you have, please help me to further escape unwanted chit chat both at home and at work...I don't want to wish for time to move quickly but...this long time period in training has me edgy...please keep away from me those I wish to avoid, thank you, amen."


8 years ago


"God; please, help me to think before I speak, help me to have good thoughts, help me to stop participating in negative conversations and please help me to keep my personal life more to myself...please, thank you...Also, I pray I mind my manners consistently and not be lazy and do things on my own...lord help keep me grounded, whole and well rounded, please, thank you, amen."


8 years ago

"Doctors Appointment Tomarrow "

"Please pray for total complete healing of my body and good report from the doctors ~ thanks Jessica "


8 years ago


"I would like for you to pray for my daughter to be protected at all times that if something isn't from God it can't come to her in Jesus name that know magic or anything that God don't stand for can't be around her me my family as well as the courts or anyone who speaks our names in Jesus name that my God is stronger than anything anyone's ELES can do in Jesus name amen I pray God's favor upon my daughter as well as myself in Jesus name "


8 years ago

"Strong Prayers Please "

"I have a prayer request that needs strong prayers please I know God is in control and as my daughter and I back I'm just getting out of an abuse relationship that lasted 10 years I have a six year old that as been abused as well and are trying to get the abuser and his side of family away from her life (it's her dad) so if whoever reads this can stand in one accord with me on him getting out of my daughter and I life thank you much "


8 years ago


"When I was eight my father cheated on my mother than proceeded to leave my whole family. The divorce court papers were a lot of money but we payed. My father got married to the lady and tricked my mother into signing papers that said we had to pay of my fathers debts. As time went on money got tight my mom is barley making it by as an insurance lady. She is the main soul and I'm just one of her three children. She struggles to take care of us, go to court, pay off debts, taxes, mortgages, and be a mother. She is unable to find another job. Since we are tight on money we are forced to sale our home. In which we have lived in for 20 years. It's either that or it undergoes foreclosure. We sold it and are packing up but we still can't afford another home. We will be practically homeless. Recently I have had some health issues but I'm unable to go to the doctor with our bills. I have found a black spot in my eye, possibly leading to melanoma. We are very low on luck. Each night my mom gets very upset and cries. She doesn't drink. She is unable to get antidepressants. She is also worried for my sister in which is considered, well I can't tell. But is able to die. My grandma has also gotten a half divorce where she is still with my grandfather but doesn't live in the same house. He is over at her house 24/7 she owns 4 different houses and it is eating up my moms money. Other problems are, grandfather died, moms dad. Grandmother on the insane side, moms mom. Great grandma, mom, died. Although We are Christians we pray and we are still struggling. My mom hates to ask for help but I think it has gotten to the point where it is vital. My other sister will be heading off to college and I will be needing braces. The expenses are adding up and our faith is going down. This is why I'm coming here. Please pray for us. We need more help. I pray every night but it doesn't work as well. Pray for us."


Victoria Australia
8 years ago

"Early Onset Arthritis "

"Please pray for me for healing. A few years ago I took some collagen tablets and I became very ill. I began to quickly lose all my cushioning in all my joints and spine and even my membranes thinned in my mouth and my gums shrank quickly . It's a been a nightmare . I've had to have my knee joints replaced in quick succession. Please pray for my healing . Thankyou so much "


8 years ago

"Overcoming Addiction "

"Please say a short prayer for me as I battle an addiction. I'd rather not say what it is but God knows and he also knows my heart. I just want to be able to live my life without having the thought of this addiction even cross my mind anymore and I need prayer warriors to help me through! Thank you all so much 💜 "


8 years ago


"Lord help me make it through this trial. Please let my daughter be truthful am ok. Please let me and my husband live in peace an togetherness. I want an eternal family.!please I hope he loves me enough "


8 years ago


"Bless us all today lord I try to leave in your hands but can not help but always think about my families problem I will try to do better lord I love you lord and I know all will be ok but I am a person who hates conflict. Bless everyone today even the souls that are against us."


8 years ago

"Pray For Me To Have Forgivness "

"I want you to pray for me to have forgiveness and forgetting certain situations "


8 years ago

"Physical Healing"

"Please pray for my physical healing in Jesus' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS"


8 years ago

"Draw Me Near"

"Recently I have been feeling like I have been placing things before God and allowing worldly things to come first. I am requesting prayer so that my footsteps be redirected and that I always remember to put God first, also I have been making a lot of mistakes at work due to distractions and am in fear of losing my job. "


8 years ago

"Good Day"

"Holy father thank you for getting me up this morning it has been a long week. I'm praying for a good day tomorrow. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"When you think you're drowning in the storms of life; remember our lifeguard walks on water!!!"


8 years ago

"Jesus Is Coming Sooner Than You Think. "

"God is bigger than you think. When you think you've hit rock bottom; Jesus is the Rock at the bottom !!!"


8 years ago

"Help "

"Please lord help me with my wife so that she can call my mom and talk out there differences I know they are both at fault but let her be the bigger person and please give my sister a conscience so that she can realize what she does and that she can abstain from being a meddler in what is happening with my wife and my mother I know this sounds mean but I new your divine intervention O Holy Spirit please come to me and help fix what is wrong in my family. "


8 years ago


"Please pray I can find my faith again I have been trying to figure out how to pray and have not been sucessful in way too long..... My addiction is drowning me and I believe God is my only way out ....."


8 years ago


"She's been attacked for a couple of months. Spiritual and physical. Now her job is being attacked for being a witness for the Lord. We will know the outcome Thursday. My prayers are for her to rest in the Fathers arms and let Him fight for her. In Jesus name Amen"


8 years ago

"Issues At Work"

"There is a group of people at work that bully me. I made a mistake of confiding in one I thought I could and it turned around and bit me. I trust very easy and sometimes it gets me in trouble. I ask for prayers that I won't lose my job and that God somehow minds the relationship between all of us. I am scared for my job, I think I made the "wrong" people upset at me. I have a family of four and I am far from my mom and brother that would be able to help me if I lost me job. Please pray for peace in my work place, that I am able to not only keep my job but prosper in this very tuff situation. "


8 years ago

"I Am String In The Lord!!"

"Lord take away these insecurities, in Jesus name, make me STRONG "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Lord God thank you for the answered prayers. Thank you for your goodness and everlasting love."


8 years ago

"Peace & Stillness"

"Lord Jesus, this prayer is for everyone here posting their worries, pains and suffering, I boldly ask that you please heal each and every single one of us, grant us peace and beautiful words to speak as testimony to bring other's back home to you as well. Please heal us now, we will be forever grateful!! In Jesus Christ Name, Amen 😘🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Gabriel's Salvation"

"Please make my son, Gabriel, a solid man after your heart. Please touch him in a way that causes him to want to learn more about you and seek you out. Please deliver him from the generational bondage of addiction that plagues his father and grandfather, and elevate him out of spiritual poverty."


8 years ago

"Putting God first"

"help us Lord that we may glorify You with every waking hour of our lives. may we worship You as a family. crush the pride when You find any and bless us with Your grace Lord that we may always humble ourselves before You and that humility be our way of life. in Jesus name. amen."


8 years ago

"Help My Patience With Unruly Child"

"Lord help me, my child is defiant, I am losing my patience. She is 13 and has the worst attitude, I can't stand her at this stage in her life, with Your help, guide us through this"


Pevely, MO
8 years ago


"Pray for healing and good results of the tests of her colon due to the colitis."


8 years ago

"Send Healing "

"Dear Lord please send your healing to my family please let us go back to the way we were Lord we and in great turmoil it feels like we are all hanging by a thread the emotional state is very high right now I just ask that you bring us all back together and that you send your peace to everyone in my immediate and extended family we all need your help lord I love you please helps us. Also lord please heal my little girl she has 2 ear infections and pink eye she is miserable and she is only one please help her recover quickly."


8 years ago

"Clarity And Forgiveness"

"My Lord please help me easily discern good requests from my work verses manipulative requests made in order to falsely make me work overtime and pull me away from family time. I trust in you my Lord and please forgive me for the shopping cart situation yesterday and not moving it out of the way regardless of the locked up wheels. I'm Sorry. In Jesus name I pray. "


8 years ago

"Please pray For Me"

"Sick. Woke up sick. Freezing. Nausea. Plz pray for Terri in Kentucky. My son had flu yesterday... his wife had it day before.,I need prayer help"


8 years ago

"God's Will"

"Prayer warriors, 🙏🙏 Please pray for God's will in my life, my former fiancee (who betrayed me) and his new girl friend. May GOD grant us wisdom, understanding and discernment of HIS WILL in our situation. May YOUR WILL be done. In JESUS' NAME, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Job"

"Hi everyone, I would like to humbly ask for prayer for the job I interviewed for today. These past months I've been struggling so much with not having money and have not always been kind to my parents and sibling because of frustration of constantly being broke. I would also turn to my vices because I felt isolated and depressed at my situation. I am committed to being a more mature, healthy, patient and sociable person and hope getting this job will make that process become a lot easier for me. I needed my energy not to be fixed constantly on my emotions and this is a great opportunity for me. Thank you guys so much for reading and I pray God blesses anyone who reads this in their life if that is His will now!!! 🙌🙌🙌💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈 "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"My S/O"

"Lord, I know j have made a lot of mistakes in my life and in my time here on earth I have done my fair share of sinning but I'm asking you now to please help me find the right path. Please strengthen mine and my significant others relationship while he is deployed. Please Lord don't give up on us, let us reconnect once again. Let us feel happiness once again. Lord please let Matthew and I miss each other and reconcile our differences. In your name I pray, Amen. "


8 years ago


"Give me strength dear Lord to continue working hard. Give me the energy to overlook my struggles and strains. Do not let me suffer in pain O Lord. Let my hard work pay off and all praise shall return to you for always being faithful. Amen"


8 years ago

"Release Me From Pain"

"Lord Jesus, I'm begging you to please wash over me, cleanse, heal and protect me from all the narcissistic abuse I've finally discovered I've been living with from a family member and now friend. I have been under my fathers control & fearful and now that I'm grown, married & a mother he still wants to control me and talks down to me like I'm incapable. I can't handle the mental stress anymore please place your hands on ME, provide me peace, heal my mind and heart help me move forward in more positive and loving ways. I have lived like this too long and need you to rescue me. Also protect me from acs and help her realize her problems that she causes and help her role, behaviors, return to you for healing so that she won't hurt anyone else like she has hurt me & her family. I love her as you tell me to love my neighbor but is hard when she is so mean, defensive, hard to love at times. I pray for her family to be well and keep them sane! In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen. Thank you for granting this request!"


8 years ago


"Lord I ask that you let this kidney stone pass, I have surgery scheduled in two weeks lord and am terrified to go under. Lord if this is what must happen give me peace of mind. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Needing The Lord"

"I know there are so many more people who are more in need of the Lord, but right now in this very moment I need him to reach out to me... I need him to touch me and fill me full of light. I pray he brings reconciliation between my significant other and I and that I am granted a second chance. Lord, please let us heal and come together and be stronger than ever... In your name I pray, amen. "


8 years ago


"Asking for healing for myself from emotional and psychological abuse. And for my husband to realize what he is doing, and for it to stop, for him to get help. "


8 years ago


"Lord thank You for my life and my salvation. thank You Lord for waking me up daily and giving me Your comfort and joy. i pray that You will add more quality years to my life as i go through this ordeal, and if You're willing Lord, please heal me completely. please use my life for Your work and Your glory. i pray the same for my family, my church family and everyone in this community who are going through the same. bless Your Holy Name Lord. in Jesus' name. amen."


8 years ago


"Oh sweet Jesus, thank you for helping me still while I await to see how my work life will unfold. I know you have a better plan for me than I could ever imagine but it's hard to completely let go and trust things without feeling like I need to control it. Please continue to do your beautiful works within me and around me so that they will open there minds and hearts and hunger for you. Please help all of them change their hearts from evil, gossip, envy, insecurities and whatever else of the unknown be dissolved and replaced with genuine kindness and love for one another. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen and thank you! "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Relationship "

"Please, everyone who is anyone... Please pray for my significant other and I. I love him very much and this deployment is very difficult between us. I only want to be happy and have a future together. Please don't let our relationship deteriorate. I love him. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord God, I pray that you may grant me happiness in my life. Take away the clouds of sadness that hover upon me. You promised in your word that in your presence, there is joy and peace. Make my life be filled with your joy as I begin my day in Jesus name I pray, Amen."


8 years ago

"My Relationship With Ariel"

"Lord, please confirm our relationship if he is the man that you have made me for me. Soften his heart to marry me with your blessings. Change my heart so I can learn to be content and submissive like Your Word says. "


8 years ago


"When I was eight my father cheated on my mother than proceeded to leave my whole family. The divorce court papers were a lot of money but we payed. My father got married to the lady and tricked my mother into signing papers that said we had to pay of my fathers debts. As time went on money got tight my mom is barley making it by as an insurance lady. She is the main soul and I'm just one of her three children. She struggles to take care of us, go to court, pay off debts, taxes, mortgages, and be a mother. She is unable to find another job. Since we are tight on money we are forced to sale our home. In which we have lived in for 20 years. It's either that or it undergoes foreclosure. We sold it and are packing up but we still can't afford another home. We will be practically homeless. Recently I have had some health issues but I'm unable to go to the doctor with our bills. I have found a black spot in my eye, possibly leading to melanoma. We are very low on luck. Each night my mom gets very upset and cries. She doesn't drink. She is unable to get antidepressants. She is also worried for my sister in which is considered, well I can't tell. But is able to die. My grandma has also gotten a half divorce where she is still with my grandfather but doesn't live in the same house. He is over at her house 24/7 she owns 4 different houses and it is eating up my moms money. Other problems are, grandfather died, moms dad. Grandmother on the insane side, moms mom. Great grandma, mom, died. Although We are Christians we pray and we are still struggling. My mom hates to ask for help but I think it has gotten to the point where it is vital. My other sister will be heading off to college and I will be needing braces. The expenses are adding up and our faith is going down. This is why I'm coming here. Please pray for us. We need more help. I pray every night but it doesn't work as well. Pray for us."


Bangkok Payatthai
8 years ago

"Pre-Thesis crisis"

"Dear Lord Almighty, Please help me for I am lost. I lost my motivation after many criticisms (Communication Design Student). I do not know how to go on with a better design solution. I am stuck and the final submission is on the 16th of May. I need Your help. I kept trying and constantly got rejected again and again Lord! My hope is dying. Lord , I pray that Your will sustain my faith. Please draw my close, help me be unafraid to push again once more, help me not to be complacent out of fear, help me to go on and stay on track. Help me finish before the deadline so I have time to check, help me Lord! I also have another exam on the 12th everything is clashing and I don't know where else to put my hopes on but you alone. I feel tired, i feel worn and hopeless. Please be the light in my life and help me get through this third year so I can move on to year 4 and fulfill your will with a graduation project Father! May my professors see your power working in my life. May my pre-thesis project submission be a testimony of your grace! Use me O Lord. Fill my withered soul O Lord! Help me to never give up! And help me not cry out of fear anymore. Amen"


8 years ago

"Kyrie's Healing"

"Dear Lord God, All the glory and honor are Yours from now until forever. Thank You for all Your blessings. May You continuously bless and guide us. Lord, I pray for the healing of my daughter Kyrie. She's experiencing on-and-off fever since Saturday. I hope that this is nothing serious. And is just brought about by the weather. I declare her healing and good health upon Your mercy and love. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, our Rock and Redeemer. Amen."


Elk Grove, California
8 years ago


"Please pray for the immediate healing of my body. I seek a miracle. I pray I will be better and feel better. "


8 years ago

"Sunday Preaching"

"I am doing a three week series starting this Sunday. And I don't have my sermon topics picked out. Please pray that God would give me the exact sermons that our church needs to hear and that he would use me to bring a challenging and life giving message through his word. Also please pray for my discipline to study amongst all of my other duties so I can show my self approved to God. God bless you all in Jesus name."


8 years ago


"My God, my Lord - I pray that u will help ease me of my financial burden, stress, and hardship. I worry 24/7 my Lord about my finances and I am unable to lay my burdens down because my family depends on me to include my son, my brother, and my mother. I am a single mother trying my best to take care of everyone. At times I dont eat to ensure everyone has a meal. At times I dont sleep worrying about how I am going to pay for everything. I am so stressed my Lord. All I want is for my mother to be happy and healthy. For my brother to be happy and healthy. For me son to be happy, healthy, and focus more with his school so he can have a great future. I will give up all I have and all I am to make sure they have the best of happiness. Please my Lord help me have the strength to do what I do daily to provide and take care of my family so that they can smile and be happy. Help me get promoted and earn my degree quicker so I can make more money and better provide. Help me increase my finances and decrease my debt. Help my son focus more on his studies so he can get into college and have a bright future. Help my mom love her life instead of being depressed every day. Help my brother grow up more and be independent for himself in a happy way. Please keep me strong and healthy my Lord so I can continue to keep on daily to provide. I love you my Lord. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Schooling / stress"

"Dear Lord, I pray that you provide me continual guidance and wisdom as I enter this new chapter of my life. Currently seeking out a nursing degree , which is so stressful and will take so much work. But it's only through your grace and strength that I can do this. Please provide me with patience and discipline these next couple of years as I lay down the foundation for my future. Thank you for all the blessings I currently have, you are one amazing Savior. "


8 years ago

"Your Healing Touch "

"Heavenly Father my greatest fear has happened my mom and my wife finally had it out after my daughters First Communion I am heart broken. I tell my wife that she needs to stand up for herself. They have always been at odds my mom is a teacher she she is alway preaching about studying with them and spending time with them and we do but we also have full time jobs and are taking full loads in school. My wife thinks my moms is trying to act like the kids mother I need help lord please send peace and understanding to my wife and to my mother let them get along and let my wife not think every time there is a fight that it is the end of the world. I have put up with so much from her parents from here dad kicking her mom out about 50 times up until now to him saying that my wife was not his and that our kids were not her grand kids or telling everyone that I was sleeping with her mom be cause he was so high on drugs Not once did I take out what he did to her in her I was there for her and helped her I need help lord my family is slipping and I need you to bring us back together. "


8 years ago


"Good day prayer warriors! Please include to your prayers my situation: My former fiancee, who pastors a church abroad, cheated on me after 2 and a half years. He proposed to me in 2015 and has already discussed marriage with him in the earlier years. We sought God's will and promised to remain faithful. He made me wait for him since he works overseas and goes home annually. He has led me and my family to church. He met with all my relatives last year with intentions to get married. We had the home and business - our future lives planned. I continued with my prayer and bible study all this time - cause I prayed to do GOD's will. Then one day, just about a few months from his proposal and departure from the country, he said he cheated on me and he now has a girlfriend... He initially blocked me and my mother. Yet he still emailed confessing his mistake. We were supposed to get married this year or when he returns. The girlfriend is from his church and has been proclaiming in social media how lucky she got (no one knew in her social media that the manner she got in the relationship was by stealing someone else's fiancee and making a pastor break a promise with God). People still applauded and are happy for them. They are expecting them to be the ones to get married because they did not know the truth... 2 and a half years - our relationship was kept personal & private then one day, the relationship from an affair was the one that went public and I do mean - so many people were misled by the "innocence" and "godliness" they show to others... Heavenly Father, I pray for justice in my situation, o LORD - For You are righteous and just. Open doors rightful for us and close doors that are not right for us. Please pray for the man, the other woman and their church - that YOUR WILL be done in JESUS' mighty name, amen. Use my situation, LORD, to bring others to You- in JESUS' name, Amen. Thank you for all your prayers. GOD BLESS ALL."


West Virginia
8 years ago

"Neurologist Appointment"

"Dear God, please give me a calm heart and mind about going to see the neurologist on May 19th. I've been so scared that he's going to tell me I need brain surgery or need to be on some medication that we can't keep trying to conceive. Don't let what may happen ruin my life. Thank you, Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord you know my heart you know how it hurts when I hear statements and accusations that are not godly. I lift up my husband to you father that you would bind his tongue of ungodly statements or accusations or blames. I ask Lord that you would just silence it, I can't take it anymore it hurts my heart to hear the arguing the constant blaming the ungodly statements that are not of love, not out of love!! I'm asking father God that you would just take control of the situation I can't do it anymore in Jesus name I pray amen"


8 years ago


"Father today I ask for complete obedience, I ask that whatever comes my way that I hear the Holy Spirit and act according to your will! Help me to ignore the attacks of the enemy within my family and draw me closer to you, in Jesus Name...Amen "


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Friend"

"Hi everyone, I humbly ask for prayers for my friend who lost her dog and mother last year. This will be a tough Mother's Day for her and she would appreciate the love. Thank you so much for your gracious support! ☀️🌈💗"


8 years ago


"Thank you lord for today, thank you for the relationships and friendships I have in Jesus name. Thank you for healing my mothers Bach ache. Lord I pray that you will help me to get up and get to work on time as it's an early start. I pray that tomorrow will be a good day lord Please help me to focus. Lord I pray for acceptance from others. Please help me to have a good relationship with my friends my family and my colleagues and my boyfriend in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Youth Group"

"Our youth group at church just lost several kids because of the Devil. We are a small youth group. Please pray that God would strengthen those who are left and also that we would grow spiritually and numerically. There are many youth in our area who need the good news and discipleship. Partner with me in praying for them to be reached! Pray for us that we might be the means by which God teaches them! Thank you for your prayers and partnership."


8 years ago


"Almighty God, I sing praises to your most holy and merciful name, for it is great and worthy to be praised! I make a joyful noise unto You, serving You with gladness and joy. Omnipotent and Omnipresent Father, I honor You and thank You for Your many blessings that I have so graciously received. Thank You for Your goodness and for the privilege I have to worship You. I will continue to adore Your greatness! I glorify and worship You Loving Father and thank You for Your ever-sufficient grace and for carrying me through every season. "


8 years ago

"Mom Feeling Weak In In Body No Feeling To Good Prayers Please "



8 years ago

"Peace "

"Please lord give my family peace and comfort I do not know why there so much tension in my family right now I feel stretched my wife on one side my parents. There is always some sort of tension either my wife think my family is mad or they think she is mad. I try to please both side but It is hard I need peace I need my wife to understand that our kids come first I feel like the girls are not getting her full attention. Please lord go into my wife's kids and show her the right direction lead her back to me and the kids we love her we need her please walk into my sisters life and show her that the way she is hurts no one else but me and the kids please just let every one get along please send me a sign lord please. "


8 years ago


"Father give me the piece surpasses all understanding to allow me to see to hear the Holy Spirit give me the confidence to know that everything is fine and going according to God's will allow me to move the way the Lord wants me to move here with the Lord wants me to here and do what the Lord would like me to do! In Jesus name I pray amen"


San Diego, CA
8 years ago

"Still Small Voice..."

"Lord I pray that You will share with me Your Still Small Voice. Open my ears to hear and my mind to act according to Your perfect instruction. I give You thanks and praise because Your Word promises my deliverance if I acknowledge Your greatness. Psalm 35:3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. 4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. I ask these things by the only name that gives me the power to do so, Jesus, amen. "


8 years ago

"Husbands Job"

"Please pray my husband gets a job. He's been out of work a few weeks and money is running out. Please pray we her good news from the company today, we desperately need this job! Thank you. "


8 years ago

"Doctors Appointment"

"Believing for a report of healing today at my doctors appointment. The devil trying to make me doubt but I believe in the healer. "


8 years ago

"Draw Close "

""Lord Jesus, may I be one with you in all that I say and do. Draw me close that I may glorify you and bear fruit for your kingdom. Inflame my heart with your love and remove from it anything that would make me ineffective or unfruitful in loving and serving you as my All.""


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for giving me a good day. Thank you for the fun conversation I've had with my colleagues. Thank you for putting wise and understanding people in my life. Thank you for being there for me and answering my prayers. Lord I pray for the new relationship that I have with my new friend, if it is part of your plan please help us to be able to communicate and to grow closer in Jesus name. Lord I pray that you will help me to do a good job tomorrow, please help me to be on time and to play well and please help me to improve my relationship with others in Jesus name. Thank you lord for healing my mothers cold please heal her back pain in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"I need deliverance and help also guidance"


8 years ago

"Spiritual Protection "

"Dear Jesus Please bring justice in all my life situations. Please help bring clarity and wisdom in my love life, my work life, and spiritual life. I ask you Jesus to bring the blood of Jesus to protect my soul from anyone and anything. God remove all blockages and obstacles in my life. God bring forth people who can help me now! I ask you for justice."


8 years ago

"National Day Of Prayer"

"Today is the national day of prayer in USA"


8 years ago

"Sexual Temptation"

"The Devil is aiming at me in an area where I am weak. I pray for strength against my flesh and the Devil. I believe that a stronger desire for Gods word will bring me victory of course with the help of your prayer. I am a pastor and if I don't master this sin it will ruin my ministry and bring shame to God."


8 years ago

"Thankyou & Request "

"Thank you lord for today, thank you for helping me to be receptive and open to change. Lord I pray for my mother who has a bad cold and a back ache and I pray u heal her in the precious name of Jesus. Lord please help me tomorrow please help me to get things right and be on time and that I stay focused. Please help me to get along with others. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Love Life"

"Lord I pray make our relationship strongest, and our love deepest so it can survive the challenges that comes along the way. I pray that we will always trust each other and understand each other more.make a way for our communication. I pray that no matter what happens we are meant to be together forever. I pray to be reunited with my love soon.remove anyone or anything that wants to intrude or cause damage in our relationship you know who they are. Thank you for everything Lord."


Grenada ms
8 years ago

"Judson Cravens And Family"

"Judson has a condition which is life threatening form of epilepsy. He is 3 and these disease has been dormant no one new he had it until the recent months past. His family are local people here in Winona and they thought they had beaten the disease however after months of recovery and good reports with no seizures regaining the ability to walk he has relapsed with several uncontrollable seizures. He is unconscious and his heart rate and blood pressure and both started to decline which is not a good sign his brain possibly has received permanent irreversible damage. The family needs prayers. He needs prayers for miracle healing if it be in the fathers will and the providers providing his health care need prayers for knowledge on this rare disease process."


8 years ago

"Kidney Stone"

"My kidney stone is trying to push through, we prayed that it was gone but the Devil is trying to make me doubt. Lord please push this stone through. You are the alpha and omega, beginning and the end, you have the power to move mountains please lord take this away from me. You are healer lord and I believe you can, In your name I pray lord Jesus "


8 years ago

"Marriage Healing"

"Dear God, I cannot imagine how this all happened to me now. My husband and i parted ways but good thing that we can still chat though. I also dont know what their status is also, the other girl if ever they really do. I dont know if he is responding out of respect or because he really wants to. Lord i know you have plans and purpose why all these had to happen. Please guard my heart, give me strength and wisdm. Please touch the heart and mind of my husband for him to do what is right. I claim that there will be an instrument who will open his eyes, mind and heart, to go back home using his heart. He said that any relationship i same as marriage. Please englighten him lord.I will not give up lord. I dont want to let go of my marriage."


8 years ago


"I just found out that someone who I thought was a close friend only talks to me cause he feels sorry for me. Lord, I feel lost and broken and I don't know what to do. I don't know who I can count as my friends now. I know you will always be my best friend and that's all that counts. Help me to understand your ways. I need your help and guidance. "


8 years ago


"God I pray right that you will send lots and lots of rain Fort Mcmurry is burning up its the biggest forest fire and it's moving quite quick lord I pray right now that u will you will send rain and stop this horrible fire in mighty name I pray amen "


8 years ago

"Forgiveness And Thanks "

"Holy father please forgive me for being petty towards others and please forgive me for doubting you this morning. Lord please help me so that all will go well tomorrow. Lord please help me to find a balance between work and family and friends because I don't feel like I'm balanced right now. Thank you for being there for me in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Heal My Heart"

"GOD please heal my heart, even though I am understanding that this ex girlfriend who left me is not in your will for me, I still miss her voice and company, help me pass this test as I am now completely yours and believing in your promise please give me strength to endure and to accept these memories are just buried in the past. Help me take out this pain which makes me feel so sad and suddenly so lonely after these six years of her company which finally turned out to be an evil deceit. Fill my heart with your grace and peace God!"


8 years ago


"Dear God, i feel like i am going crazy. I dont know to feel and think. My husband does not contact me anymore since he said that we have our own lives now. He wanted to be alone and have his own time. He said we fix ourselves and maybe one day we could still be together but we have to leave everything to God. Lord i am confused if this is really true, because i have caught him with an affair. I really love my husband so much lord but i am helpless in our situation. He does not even message me anymore. I am so confused. I want to end my life so as not to feel the pain. Lord please help us and guide us. I pray that you please touch his heart and mind. I pray that you please send him and instrument for him to wake up and lead his heart back home. I love him so much lord."


8 years ago

"Angels singing"

"Yesterday I heard angels singing while I was driving. It sounded like a choir! It was definitely supernatural. I'm wondering if someone is in need or I heard that because something is going to happen soon and I needed comfort. ???? Plz pray for me"


8 years ago

"We Need Help"

"Our vehicle is in bad shape. We had the axle on passenger side fixed and brake pads put on. Now it's bouncing on road and a new sound like something is breaking. It scares me to drive it. I would much rather get a small car that is in good shape. Many ppl depend on me to take them places to pay their bills and so on. We depend on it to get our groceries and pay bills. We have no money to buy small car. Plz pray that The Lord would have mercy and help us to trade our vehicle off for better car. Thank you so much for praying. "


8 years ago

"My sister Needs Prayer"

"My sister sees and feels and heard hallucinations!!! Dr gave her anti psychotic meds. I believe it was demonic. She said she asked dr if it was demonic and of course dr said no. But I believe it is! Plz pray for her to be delivered from this. She says even her cat reacts to these "hallucinations".... "


8 years ago

"Answered Prayer!"

"I sent in request for my son who had staph infections. I didn't have a clue how to contact him. In 5 min or less I got a phone number to call and found him! Hallelujah! He went to urgent care and got the staph lanced and taking meds. He is much better, praise God!!!"


8 years ago

"My Love"

"The love of my life and I have gone through much to be together and make our relationship work but communication lacks poorly. We are two ppl who rather avoid the daily conflict or minor disagreements but when things come to a head the fights are ridiculous and over exaggerated. We've hurt each other, I'd agree. I find his wrong doing out of proportion to mines and that bothers me. I want to forgive and I struggle with this. I think of what could've happens and even poorer choices could've been made if I didn't find out when I did. I don't want to be that desperate woman but we both have ALOT riding on this union. I love his son, his parents & siblings adore me. I respect him and admire his ideals toward family and work ethics so much. If he weren't my man, I'd honor his sole friendship. He's the only man I've ever wanted to kiss and embrace for absolutely no reason but Appreciation of his existence in my life. I've never felt like this previous relationship. We work hard in our careers for the sake of OUR future. I pray God sees this man as my husband and guides us to a stronger union that prepares us to be the mates WE deserve. I ask for prayers to a better and more constructive communication foundation with my friend, my love."


8 years ago

"Salvation Of Brother"

"Please pray for my brother Carl that he would get saved. Thank you."


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, I pray you bring my wife to you. I understand this will be the only way restoration will happen. Today she brought up divorce for the first time and is looking to want to go through with it. She does not believe prayers lead to miracles. I'm asking you to please do a miracle in my marriage and bring our family and marriage back. I pray to be the spiritual leader I never was and I pray you will guide us. I know you showed me a sign today to not give up and I don't plan to do so. I will continue praying and leave everything to you. Please renew her heart of stone and turn it into one of flesh. Please remove the other man in her life. In Jesus name! Amen."


8 years ago


"Please pray for my wife, she's very sick today "


8 years ago

"Last Day In Marriage"

"Dear God, my heart breaks now. Because my husband wants to have space and time in our marriage. In a couple of hours il be heading back home and start a new life without him. He said we'll leave everything to God. If its us, then its meant to be. I trust you Lord God. But honestly i am really scared in the course i have to take. Please guard my heart oh lord. Please make me strong in heart and mind. I hope you touch my husbands mind and heart to do whatever is right."


8 years ago

"Addiction "

"Please pray for me, I'm addicted to pornography and I can't break free. I really want to; it's making me feel hopeless. "


8 years ago


"That my husband comes home and we can have a restored marriage. "


San Diego, CA
8 years ago


"Lord as I read through the global requests on this app, so many of them are about broken marriages. I know that only You can work such heartbreaking matters out for Your glory. I ask that You make us strong and faithful spouses, and fully aware of the fact that You are sufficient for all our needs. I pray that we keep You at the center of our lives, and that You will become the center of our spouses' lives. Use this time to show us a greater, more intimate side of Your love and healing Lord. It's in Jesus comforting name I ask, amen. "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, help my family find comfort that my grandpa is with you now. Tomorrow will be a year since he passed and I know it will be a hard day for my grandma and mom. Help me to be strong for my family."


8 years ago


"Im praying a complete healing for my mother and 7 months old daughter who are both suffering from colds and dry cough. In Jesus name amen."


St Petersburg, Florida
8 years ago

"Open Doors"

"I am a shepherd without sheep. The Lord knows my heart and my wife and I are willing to go where ever He leads. I have applied to many churches nation wide with little response. My family is in financial need at the same time and there are some health issues too. If the Lord is trying to teach me something before He makes clear the path, then I pray my eyes are open to it. He has been good through many trials. Thank you for praying sisters and brothers. Much appreciated. Press on! Will"


8 years ago

"Brother In Law"

"Lord, Please be with my sister and brother in law at this time. Heal him like you have before. Lord they have young children and need him with them at this time. I know you are a mighty God and can do great things. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago


"Holy Father hear my prayer. My Lord God, I plead with you to answer my prayers. I love and miss my husband so much. I fully commit to the vows we took on our wedding day. Please Holy Father help me, please clear his confused head. So many people are giving him false advice and making him annoyed. I can't begin the process of reunion until his head is cleared of these people. Lord, please my Holy Father. Allow him clarity to know I've his back 100%. I ask this in Your Sons name, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼"


United States
8 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father I come today in need of prayers for peace, I'm going through so much but I know it's your will but ask for strength to get through the father,the son and Holy Spirit amen Thank you... "


8 years ago


"We praise and thank u oh Lord,. Why would some people blame others for their own mistakes? I cant understand why. My cousin keep on blaming me when her inlws caught her cheating. It is so hard for me that she thinks that way.. "


8 years ago


"Oh sweet Jesus, thank you for protecting me and answered prayers. Thank you for helping me see my faults and actions so I may work on being a better person and leader to "your people" by example. I humbly ask that you continue to do your work through me and please don't let me suffer too long for the things I learned as a child from BP/NPs, I didn't know and I don't want to carry that anymore. Please Lord, with a strong repentant heart I ask for another chance to change my behavior at work, get the raise I have worked so hard for, and that with your help each and every single person I've ever hurt and sinned against will change their heart/vote of opposition/hatred towards me because of my aggressiveness, strong personality, insecurities, family worries, boastfulness and bitterness you have revealed and I've been passing on to others with my attitude. "Forgive me My Lord, I did not know" I beg for your healing, in Jesus Name I pray. Amen! ❤️ "


8 years ago


"Prayer warriors, please pray for me and my situation- my former fiancee and pastor of a church (in abroad) cheated on me. They are now together and all the people are applauding them - because they did not know what the man did to me and my family. He has led us to CHRIST for the past 2 and a half years - he used GOD's word all the time. We spent for his accommodations when he visits the country. The other woman is thinking she is lucky and she is being applauded by others because they did not know THAT the man has alreay proposed to me last November and we are to be married this year. We have talked and planned about matters of our future- yet one day, he just said he have a gf! We are praying for GOD's will in this situation; WE pray that GOD may speak to them and to their church - LORD we pray for GOD's will in this very unjust situation. For YOU ARE JUST- may YOU help us in our situation in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for today. Thank you that I'm feeling better. Lord I pray that I will remember everything that I need and that I will be on time. Lord I have prepared myself and I am praying that you will help me to exceed my expectations and standards that I have set for myself and also of the one that other people have set for me. In Jesus name. Amen. "


United States
8 years ago

"For Strength"

"I come to ask for more strength to get through life challenges I'm not happy with my job I have now it's have done nothing but stress me out these few years of being employed there but I don't wana be ungrateful because I could have no job,so please pray for me in need of a better job...Thank and bless y'all... "


8 years ago

"Finacial Blessing"

"I'm in need of a break through, I want to be debt free"


Pittsburgh pa.,United States
8 years ago

"Prayer For Peace"

"Lord give me peace and contentment. Thank you. In Jesus Holy name, Amen. "


Pittsburgh pa.,United States
8 years ago

"Prayer For Peace"

"Father in Heaven please bless me with peace and contentment. In Jesus Holy name. Amen"


8 years ago

"Restore a broken relationship"

"Dear Jesus, Dear heavenly father, I pray that you restore my relationship with Megan Hall. You know how much she means to me and how enjoyable our relationship used to be. You already know this, that I made a mistake. I was not understanding enough to give her the space and time she needs and often insist on talking to her. I realized my mistake when she refused to talk to me and I feel that I have created this mess on my own. I pray that you change the way I see myself as well, as she is often frustrated at me being insecure about myself and how I get jealous easily. I am deeply sorry for all the hurt I have caused on her and I pray that You Lord save me out of this trouble of my own making. I know You feel my hurt and You love me, and come and pick up the pieces for me.My hands are too weak and imperfect, but Your hands are strong and almighty. I'm determined to change, and Lord help me with this, give me another chance and have mercy on my situation. Thank you so much for bring her into my life, and I cannot ask for someone better. I love her so much and I cannot lose her in my life. I pray that you soften her heart and restore the sweetness in this relationship. Grant her the peace of mind and the strength that she needs in everything she does. Hold us together, and all Glory belongs to You. Once again, I declare- restore! I am believing for a miracle Lord. Thank you. Come and help me Lord. In the Name above every other name, Ricky Carmona"


8 years ago

"Heal Our Marriage"

"Dear God, i only have a few days left with my husband. He wants us to separate. He said he wants time, but i know he has someone else. On may2 il be heading back home. I feel like im dying. And i see him like there is no pain in him. Lord whre are you? Did u abandon me? In times like this, how could u allow all this? I know its wrong to say all these, but i am just wondering. Please help me save my marriage. Please."


8 years ago


"A prayer for our earth All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace. Pope Francis, LAUDATO SI’"


8 years ago

"Please Pray For My Marriage.."

"Please pray that The Lord will strengthen our marriage. We're in a rough and painful season in our marriage and only God can restore this..Thank you🙏🏻 #prayForUs #Marriage #NeedPrayer #Jesus"


8 years ago


"Need prayers for a job I'm only 14 but I really want to help my family out they need my help my dad hasn't been working for over 2 weeks and we need to pay bills i need a job please guys pray for me, if you know of anything please write me back. My dad is a professional painter and has been working in paint for over 25+ years and counting he can do many things and I help him it's more of a family thing but he does do a wonderful job, please contact me if you have anything I need a job too I live in Portland Oregon so if you know of any place trying to hire younger people I would be more than thankful to look into it and get that job asap thank you for spending your time on reading this. God bless "


8 years ago

"Healing & Guidance"

"Praying for God to lead me, to heal the hurt from my selfishness, from being stubborn and thinking I knew what I needed. praying for the strength to let go of a man that isn't who god intended me to be with, and for the faith and patience that he will be revealed onto me when the time is right. "


8 years ago

"Gusrd My Brother Now And Always "

"Please keep him gda safe on the road hope you're safe with happiness him to share in Jesus name I pray amen"


8 years ago


"For acs to be at peace and stop pressuring me and return to a calm peaceful state for work and maintain professionalism & remove the wedge & ---- in Jesus name I pray please and thank you! "


8 years ago

"Please Pray with Me For My Heal & Others To Dtop Their Hsrmful Actions"

"Please Lord I'm begging you with all my heart and for the sake of all other good souls at work please protect us from the evil doers who are obsessed with control & power over other employees, to push people out of their jobs, caught up in office politics and garbage that makes honest employees look bad. Please expose these women and the men who are just as bad that have joined in. I pray to silence these liars and ask them to return to GOD and repent through Christ our Lord. These 6 people need to be exposed and removed immediately cwlwpmjsbkwpshsofc I pray this not only for my workplace but for everywhere else where gossip, jealousy and hatred is thriving and trying to ruin people mentally & physically. Please let them be judged for the harm they've caused so many. In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN!! Thank you for your support "


8 years ago

"Those Coming Between Us"

"Holy Father, hear my prayer. I believe that you my Lord will silence anyone who is attempting to come between us, telling my Husband that reconciliation is wrong. It would seem today when he called to my mothers that other people are giving him false direction and until that stops my husband won't get time to clear his head and miss me, our life together. Lord God, only you the Almighty Father can help our marriage. I pray in your Holy Name My Father. Please please help me fix my marriage. Amen."


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for today, please help me with my performance today. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"For the working relationship and friendship of me & c be healed and renewed so we have peace and calm. In Jesus name I pray "


8 years ago


"Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to make church tonight despite the physical tiredness in my body. The Word was good. Lord let me apply it accordingly. Thank you for a good day. Please keep my son and I safe as well as family and friends. Also, please heal my b/f mom and guide the hands of the surgeons on this week. Please help keep my b/f focused and calm during this time and help him communicate with me during this time."


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Father"

"My father suffered from brain stem stroke on February 11 and he is in hospital since then. At present he only opens eyes and does not have movement. I pray in the name of Jesus Chirst to bring complete and hasty healing to my father."


8 years ago

"Reunite My Marriage"

"John 14:12–14 Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to my Father. Whatever you will ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it. My Lord Jesus Christ, son of my Father in Heaven, Please Hear My Prayer. I implore you Lord Jesus to help me reconcile my marriage. Please show me the way to fix our mistakes. My husband left me, just walked away. I know most of the problems where mine. But I love him, my heart beats only for him. I need your guidance to 'waken' him up. To see we truly are soulmates, he always said we were destined to be together. Now I need him to fulfil the promises he made. I need my husband, I miss him. I'm struggling Lord, please please help me. Amen."


8 years ago

"Marriage "

"Please join me in prayer for a resolution to my broken marriage. My husband and I have been separated now for 8 years. I left him because of verbal and emotional abuse. We have one son. Since then I have lived with my parents. I love him, he is my life, but he doesn't want to reconcile. Please pray for us that God works out this situation according to His will. I am 39 years old and i have been waiting for him all these years. I'm getting lonely, and don't want to spend the rest of my life this way. We tried to make things work twice before but it was a disaster. I pray God will make His will clear to me, and give my husband a heart to love the Lord. Or if I should give up hope I want God to tell me so I have zero doubt. Amen and thank you. "


8 years ago

"Before The End Times "

"By the time that the Lord will have come, it is too late for repentance dear brethren, this is why I post that you shall take refuge under the name of the Lion from on high who is strong enough to ensure you the payments, to wake you up at the break of dawn with storm, strong enough to make you feel comfortable in your car every time you drive, strong to give breath and heartbeat to every guy on earth. If you doubt this, it will be too late for remission of sins however you may practice it, do it now the hard way, you won't regret it. I ask you oh God raise prayer men and women who know how to behave amid the rivalry of the sects and so, who try to distinguish between useful foolishness and senseless fun, who can stand the pressure to understand the proper interpretation that not all things are acceptable in the sight of the Lord and far way not all words righteous. Give us the fun on your name, I dare speak it out, it's the pleasure of my lips. Never is to underestimate the power of your own reputation. Give us patience, we shall wait upon you, never go."


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for the opportunities that you have given me. Please help me with my performance. Please help me to play to the best of my ability. Please help me with my nerves and please help me to enjoy the piece and to play the right notes and rhythms. Thank you in Jesus Name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for me and my cousin. Her inlaws find out that shes cheating with his husband and i think she blames me for what happened. I talk to his husband to warn her about her wrong doing but i dont say anything to him. Please pray for my cousin to enlighten her mind and Repent o her sin. Thank u"


8 years ago

"Carol Rudicle - restoration of health"

"On ventilator after spiraling down with flu. She has cancer and a weakened immune system. Please pray for recovery and strength for this incredible godly women. "


8 years ago

"Guidence "

"Heavenly Father I need you I am lost I do not know what to do my life feels like it is spiraling out of control I try to put on a strong happy face for every one but I am lost work has me feeling like I am just not cut out to be anything. My wife said I am old I feel like I am loosing her she wants to go out and do things but I know I am in son kind of rut lord and I need your help to get out I am stressed out I always try to please everyone and end up spreading myself to thin I feel like I am going to die my heart hurts I nerves are shot I do not know what to do I love my family my kids and my wife. I just wish she would understand that I always try to make her happy sometimes it just seems like is it not enough. I fear that I am losing her. She has been out a few time and not gotten home til 3,4,5 in the morning I stress out that she is ok that she is safe and she says not to worry about her. But I do because she is my life. I fear for all my family my kids my wife my parents my Inlaws my sister that everyone is safe and careful. I just feel weak emotionally spiritually and physically.. Lord I ask you that you help me that you let everyone be understanding during this time and that you let there not be any fighting or I'll thoughts toward anyone. Lord I need you to enter my heart oh Holy Spirit save me from what is happening in my life give me peace to handle all that comes my way and to deal with it in a godly and holy manner lord I leave everything I. Your hands you will help me and lift me up with out you lord nothing is possible but with everything is possible. "


8 years ago

"Gossip And False Accusation "

"Dear god I am being falsely accused and through gossip people are trying to blackmail my name. God in the name of Jesus I ask that you protect me with the blood of Jesus and that you bring justice to the situation and that I am able to remain calm and composed during this time of trial. My college is going to extreme measures and I ask that you bind all harmful entities and enemies. In Jesus name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear God please enlighten the hearts and minds of our peers, these days marriages have been affected and families are being threatened by the enemy. Please give us strength and wisdom to endure and to defeat all attacks. There are several families in the place where I work known for having troubles in marriage, please bless them and help them. Special prayer for Alma and Gustavo. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. "


8 years ago

"First Anniversary"

"Holy Father hear my pray. Today marks the day you called my Daddy home. It's been a year since my Daddy lost his battle with Cancer. This year without him has been horrible. I miss him so much and with so much going on in my own life this girl really needed her Daddy for advice and that all important hug! Lost keep my Mum and Sister and Brother in your thoughts as we progress through the day. We need your strength. 🙏🏼 "


8 years ago


"Holy father, please help me as I prepare my solo. In Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago


"I pray for my husband to seek God. To be the man God wants him to be. I have hurt him for many years and now he has disconnected from me. Worlds things have him distracted. I pray to God that Walter's heart softens and remembers our love. That we may renew our vows so that I get the opportunity to show him how God has changed me."


8 years ago

"Pray For William And Alexa"

"My husband is separating from me. I pray that my son William and daughter Alexa feel God's love. That they use this opportunity to seek his refuge. I pray for their protection."


8 years ago

"Patience. "

"Lord, help me to wait patiently for the man you have for me. I'm tired and lonely. It seems like I'll never find the one who was meant for me. I just want to feel loved and appreciated. 😓"


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that my baby's dad will stop abusing me . I pray one day that I will fall in love with someone who treats me like a princess .i do wanna get married some day someone that will treat me with love and respect that's all I ask I just don't deserve to be constantly treated like shit no one deserves that it tears me apart having my son to see me broken . But I'm trying to be strong cuz my son is the best thing that ever happened to me . He makes me happier all the time . I just pray that u will help me to find someone that will treat me with respect and love in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"Feeling Lost"

"Oh Lord please help us God. Please help my family for we are in desperate need. We're behind in every bill, my husband is depressed and hates his job and I've been out of work too. Please please help, for my husbands faith is failing (it seems) and I don't know what to do. I'm in tears writing this because I'm so incredibly upset, lost and so confused. Please God, bring us a miracle. "


8 years ago

"Natalie Mackin"

"I pray for Natalie for her to share better, but mainly for her salvation in Jesus. I am not quite sure if her and her family believe but Lord help me convince her the right way so she may go to heaven. "


8 years ago

"Heal My Heart"

"GOD please heal and restore my heart, you know how frustrated I feel after my girlfriend left me for this 19 year old teenager. How could I have fallen in such deceit through 6 years of "trust". Dear brethren please help me out with prayers, I am 35 years old and I was going to get married to this girl who is 29 years old and she betrayed our relationship for this 19 year old boy. It has been 4 months and I have not recovered."


8 years ago

"Doctors App"

"Last weekend I was in the hospital with a kidney stone they sent me home and now I am going back today to see what they need to do. I am believing that God has removed it or dissolved it but still nervous. Please keep me in your prayers. Much love."


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"John 14:12–14 Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to my Father. Whatever you will ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it. Our Lord Jesus Christ, son of Our Heavenly Father. I call upon you now to hear my prayer. Please listen to my petition and help my husband to find his way back to me, so we may honour and fulfil the marriage vows we took so we may life as man and wife once more. I ask this in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen 🙏🏼"


8 years ago


"Please pray that my faith stands strong as I wait on the Lord, it is so hard to wait! "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, I'm not worthy to even ask you for anything. I haven't been very committed to you like I used to be in a very long time. I fell off and I never got back up. I'm going through some things and I know if I'd let some people and things go I'd be ok. The things are easy for me to let go but some relationships may be hard for me. Lord, please give me directions. I'm tired of trying to do things on my never works. Please forgive me of my sins and help me get/stay on track for you. Please bless my family even the ones closest to me that I don't "seem to know" anymore. They're caught up in other things these days & I support them 95% financially. I'm tired of feeling used and unappreciated.Please help me in all areas of my life as they're many Lord. I need you right away Lord. Please fix me up for your glory. Amen"


8 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for being there evan when I doubted you. I have been feeling lost lately and I am just starting to feel better about things. I now see that you have been the glue holding everything together but I was so lost I could not see that. Lord I pray that you will continue to guide me in your love and your wisdom in Jesus name. Please help me to stay organized so that I can complete my projects. Please help me to do my job to the best of my ability and please help me in my personal relationships. Thank you lord in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Holy Father, hear my prayer. My lord thank you for the first communication I've received from my husband, it wasn't very much chat, but I'm taking that as a positive sign. It was something. I'm emotional I know. I'm in tears again, but it's because I miss him so much. I give thanks to you with my whole heart that you guided my responses. I put my faith in you my Lord that we can progress with positivity from here. Thank you with my whole heart this Sabbath Morning 🙏🏼"


8 years ago

"Healing Please "

"T & L L Dear Lord Jesus, Divine healer we turn to you and ask that you please be with Tim during this time of illness and please help guide doctors to quickly diagnose & care for him so he isn't in any more discomfort or pain. Please restore him to good health and place hands on him and his ever faithful wife, Lisa with strength and peace as she takes good care of her husband as you have instructed us to do. Please keep their love and honor strong for one another as they said in their wedding vows " in sickness & in health" and help them get back to health and being able to enjoy freedom of worries of illness. Love you Jesus and thank you. Amen!"


8 years ago


"For my friend and prayer warrior MVE Please protect her and her family and help her get this job she has been patiently wait to interview for. She is so deserving and needs a fresh start, her company isn't doing well and she's scared. Please relieve her worries and guide her in this day and always, protect her mind and body from pain or disease, in Jesus name we pray. Amen!"


8 years ago

"Remove Toxic With Prayer"

"Prayer warriors all over please pray with me. We must pray for the gossipers, instigators, toxic insecure people to become Christians and for God to remove the wickedness from their hearts and the scales from their eyes. Pray for them to become cleansed or born again in Christ, so that their old natures will be replaced with a new spirit of love and kindness. They are driven by a dark spirit that has nothing to do with Christ and everything to do with the evil one. Until they choose to follow Christ, they will continue to see us as their enemy. The devil's mission is to "kill, steal and destroy" and that is what toxic individuals are doing and "I beg you to pray with me, this is the only way we can put a stop to it with prayer!" Jesus always instructs us to pray to turn them back to him and be saved from this worlds teachings. In Jesus name we pray - all Glory and Praise to God. Amen I really appreciate your help. God will bless you for helping take a stance to stop and reverse this hatred. Thank you , God Bless You Abundantly, Amen"


8 years ago

"Expose Evil Doers, Cease & Remove "

"Calling all prayer warriors to pray with me right now to put a stop to all the gossiping people around me and about me and others. They a have become corrupt and seek power over other employees, to push people out of their jobs, caught up in office politics and garbage that makes honest employees look bad with their lies. Please help us pray to silence these liars and ask them to return to GOD and repent through Christ our Lord. God takes lying and gossip very seriously and these evil plots need to be exposed and removed immediately cwlwpmjjvpsmhsbppaahssbkwtwhbspsofc, these people are not doing good, I pray this not only for my workplace but for everywhere else where gossip, jealousy and hatred is thriving and trying to ruin people. This is not the way. Please pray to silence these mouths and pray GOD will have mercy on them. They know what they are doing and are trying to be more powerful using evil ways. God Bless and return and/or introduce them to Lord Jesus Christ and be judged for the harm they've caused so many. Please do something to stop them from keeping people from under them, making others feel powerless. I ask that you protect ME, MY FAMILY & New Leader PBG & family, mentally, physically and spiritually, In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN!!"


8 years ago


"Lord Jesus you know that for the past six weeks I've been struggling with an illness or allergy that is causing me to have painful ears, a bunged up nose and head, more recently a sore throat and just generally my face feeling "full". We have prayed and the symptoms improved and Jesus I thank you so so much for that! So Jesus I pray for your continued healing, we know that you can heal. We know that you can save. We know that you are a merciful God. So please Lord Jesus if it is your will, heal me father in your time because your time is the perfect time. Thank you, thank you, thank you! In the name of Jesus...AMEN! Xxx"


8 years ago


"My son is "missing" right now. Please pray everyone that reads this! He needs medical attention immediately!!! This is life or death urgent request!!!! He has a staph infection in both arms and needs to go to ER hospital. He is 34 years old and this is BADDD! Plz help me PRAY that he calls or he is sent to hospital ASAP"


8 years ago

"Heal Our Marriage"

"Dear God, confusion is running through my head right now. I dont know what to feel, i dont know what to expect. My marriage is struggling. I dont know if im just being too paranoid to think theyvare alwys chattig even in front of me. May God bless his fone to do whatever is right. May God touch his heary and mind. I am hurting inside and im trying my best for him not to see. Lord please help me. I am not ok. "


8 years ago

"Prayers For Healing"

"Tim & Lisa Dear Lord Jesus, Divine healer we turn to you and ask that you please be with Tim during this time of illness and please help guide doctors to quickly diagnose & care for him so he isn't in any more discomfort or pain. Please restore him to good health and place hands on him and his ever faithful wife, Lisa with strength and peace as she takes good care of her husband as you have instructed us to do. Please keep their love and honor strong for one another as they said in their wedding vows " in sickness & in health" and help them get back to health and being able to enjoy freedom of worries of illness. Love you Jesus and thank you. Amen!"


8 years ago

"Direction, Clearer understanding, And dislpline "

"Dear Lord. You are magical in more ways than one! You have done some wonderful things in not only in my life but also in my family and friends lives- For that I am truly grateful, you are my provider, comforter, my bestfriend, my everything! I am so grateful for you and your pure and true love. I would love for you to help me be reminded of your love and to encourage me not to be lazy to talk, pray or ask for your help when I need it, not only that but just to tell you how grateful I am which is on a daily basis. Btw. Help me to understand my mind and provide me with a clear understanding - yes I'm ready, I'm no longer afraid of the truth! Although it may hurt I know your my healer and you'll never want me to be in pain - send your messages in ways in which I will understand are from you & only you. & lastly I ask that you focus me on what's important!!!! In JESUS NAME AMEN I LOVE & LIVE YOU "


8 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Dear Lord, I want to thank you for all that you have done in my life and all that you are currently doing. You blessed me with 3 beautiful children and a wife that I truly love. My wife has fallen to sin and is seeing someone else. We have been separated since the beginning of the year. God, please give me the strength to deal with this situation. Some days are better than others but I’m constantly hurt. God, I forgive my wife for what she has done and I forgive the other man. I pray you can fix her heart and show he the grass isn’t greener. Please show her how important this family is and send signs that what she is doing is wrong. Please put the right people in her path especially since she hasn’t been with you in a very long time. I know this experience has drawn me back to you God and I’m very glad for that. I know you have been missing in my life for the last 20 years. Please help draw closer to you and restore my marriage and family. In Jesus’s name, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Deliverence "

"God of miracles, I ask you to deliver Chris from his enemy, alcohol. Please make him strong where he is weak and give him strength to resist temptation. In Jesus name, Amen!"


8 years ago

"Hear My Cry! I Need You Lord 🙏🏼"

"Father, I'm lost without him, and feel so alone. I need your strength right now. I'm sitting in tears. I miss my husband, Lord please help me resolve this separation between my husband and I. He is the other end of my red string, my heart beats only for him. I'm at my end. My Holy Father, I plead with you to help me fulfil the vows I took in Your presence, in Your name. Please please help him find his way back to me. In the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙏🏼💔"


8 years ago

"Prayers For My Cousin"

"Please help me pray for my cousin. He is currently looking for a job and it hasn't been easy so far. May the Lord bless him with a job that is truly meant for him and may the Lord keep him safe while he is out searching for work. Thank you so much for your prayers. "


8 years ago

"Heal Our Marriage "

"Dear God, today we talked about our marriage. And yes he said he is having an affair. He is confused of whether we should continue our marriage or not. But i want us to try, harder. I love my husband so much and i am willing to do everything. All compromises. Please lord touch his heart and mind to do wht is right. You brought us together for marriage, please help us heal our hearts and marriage. For yhe girl, may god touch ur heart and mind to let of what is wrong. Please i am begging you. I love my husband so much. Please lord god. I am begging."


8 years ago


"Please help me pray for a dear one for his exams. May God help and guide him while he takes the tests. And may he not feel any anxiety. Thank you. "


8 years ago

"Thank You - Prayers Are Working "

"Thank you and let's continue to pray. Our prayers are working "


8 years ago

"Remove Toxicness"

"Prayer warriors all over please pray with me. We must pray for the gossipers, instigators, toxic insecure people to become Christians and for God to remove the wickedness from their hearts and the scales from their eyes. Pray for them to become "born again" so that their old natures will be replaced with a new spirit of love and kindness. But trying to change them yourself is pointless. They are driven by a dark spirit that has nothing to do with Christ and everything to do with the devil. Until they choose to follow Christ, they will continue to see you as their enemy. The devil's mission is to "kill, steal and destroy" and that is what toxic individuals are doing to you. Only you can put a stop to it with prayers! I really appreciate your help. God will bless you for helping take a stance to stop and reverse this hatred. Thank you Amen"


8 years ago


"Isaiah 40:28–29 Haven’t you known? Haven’t you heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, doesn’t faint. He isn’t weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might. I am weak Lord, I am human. I ask humbly for your strength to get through today. I'm new in this job and don't feel I'm giving my 100%. I need this job. My mind shifts constantly to my marriage separation, any my Holy Father I'm trying so hard to keep the tears, loneliness and great blackness trying to suppress me. Holy Father, please hear my prayer, give me concentration and quiet head today. I ask this in your sons name, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏🏼💔💔"


8 years ago


"For my friend and prayer warrior MVE Please protect her and her family and help her get this job she is interviewing for. IJN we pray, amen"


8 years ago

"Mental Endurance For Exam "

"Dear Jesus I ask for mental endurance and focus in my studies that are challenging! I pray for spiritual strength. Thank you. In Jesus's name I pray, amen "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please help me to manage with all the stress at the moment and not allow it to effect the baby in my womb that you placed there though your miraculous work. Lord we pray that you will bless us with solutions to all of our problems. In Jesus mighty name we pray Amen "


8 years ago

"My Child"

"My girlfriedn is being put on bed rest and its not even close to time for naiomi to come i know ive betrayed you and i dont deserve any of your help but im begging you im changing my ways. I just ask you to put your body over my child and makayla. Thank you lord in your name i pray amen.😭"


8 years ago

"My Cousin Wes And His Family"

"My cousin has a virus around his heart and it caused damage. His wife Amanda is going in to have heart surgery coming up this month. They have two kids."


Orange County, Ca
8 years ago

"Seeking God"

"I suffered a heart attack and coma. I am back to work but the stress of my workplace is weighing on me as I feel my job is at risk. I just want to stay alive and provide for my family. They need me and it's taken a few years to realize I can't do this alone. I am looking toward God and knowing not what to ask of him "


8 years ago

"Pray To expose The Evil Schemes Of 4 Puppets"

"My dearest God, you tell us to ask and we will receive, I'm asking, in fact BEGGING you to expose the Reds and remove them from the the workplace they have stirred too much trouble and are no longer good or there to help, they are on power trips causing pain In Jesus name I pray, please save us now!!"


8 years ago

"Morality In Our Hearts"

"Lord, there are so many marriages and relationships running into trouble. The family is the foundation of society and is pivotal for your divine plan. We are not taking it seriously anymore and we are ALL suffering because of it. Please restore morality in women's hearts because as we go the WORLD follows. Let us respect each other and ourselves. Let us stop giving away our most precious gift as if it had no value. If we don't value ourselves how can we expect men to value or respect us? Open our eyes Lord and allow us to see how we are undermining our own selves with our actions and lack of obedience. Allow us to trust in You and Your word and follow it. Help us to remember that You love us most and that You will never leave us or forsake us but help us to hold up our end of the bargain by not ever leaving YOU or forsaking YOU. Help us repent and return unto You. Help us to stop our foolishness. Help us to stop going against what we KNOW is right just to please men and focus on pleasing YOU. I know our men will follow and respect us so much more for it. They may not like it at first, but we will ALL be better off individually and collectively if we will ALL practice abstinence outside of marriage. Help us to understand the difference between lust, love, and LIFELONG DEVOTION. Help us to understand that men need to be inspired towards LIFELONG DEVOTION towards us before we agree to give ourselves to them and that pre-marital sex is not what gets them there. Grant us that collective backbone and STRENGTH Lord to do Your will, knowing that You are NOT a liar and that you will bless those who keep your commands. I pray this prayer for myself and women everywhere, in Jesus' holy and blessed name, AMEN!"


8 years ago

"Debts Paid"

"I have a Cosmetology School Debt That I have been needing paid of for going on Two Years now.. The Debt itself is keeping me from my cosmetology Liscensing and it saddens me. I have prayed many times to somehow get this debt taken care of and this prayer has gone unanswered. I am in need of God's SUPERNATURAL favor in this matter. Please Lord Show me your favor and power in this situation. Amen "


8 years ago

"Recocillation "

"Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, the LORD, my rock, and my redeemer. My petition, is to allow me to fulfil my vows to both my Husband and You my Almighty Lord. I place myself in your hands. Amen "


8 years ago


"Please pray for me - I have been cheated on by my prayer partner, former fiance and pastor of a church in abroad. We sought God's will in more than two years for us and planned to be married this year. Please pray for my family - we have spent for the man's accommodation expenses when he visits in the country. We have supposed alloted shares of my family's businesses with him in the future. Yet he has treated my family by blocking my mother and cheating on me. Please pray for his church and woman - that they may see God's will follow it. He has hidden me and this situation to appear godly to others. Please pray that the man will awaken unto righteousness. MAY THE GUIDANCE OF GOD BE WITH US as we pray for GOD's will be done in our situation, we pray in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS ALL."


8 years ago


"Disrespectful. Praying for a serious attitude change ASAP! I can't deal with him one more day! Give me directions on how to handle this. I'm ready to put him out of my home and life forever! I'm tired of this mess beyond words Lord. Please intervene ASAP God before it's too late. I feel nothing but negative things about to effect his entire life....soon. Disrespectful children vs. parents never turns out good. I've seen some people pay the ultimate--a quick unexpected death all from shortening their days upon the land from disrespecting their parents....the same as his father did. I don't wish any harm on him but I do ask that God have mercy on his soul. However, I do ask that you do something ASAP to give me peace. I'm at the edge and I'm tired now. I don't want to do anything stupid."


8 years ago

"My Parents "

"Dear Jesus Please help my parents get to know you better as they go to church. And be filled with the Holy Spirit!! Help them to discern from fake worshippers of Jesus. Help them to develop a deeper spiritual maturity and understanding and handle their emotions in a more mature way. God I pray for peace and joy and love in their relationship. And I ask you to teach them how to heal and receive god's grace!!! Amen "


8 years ago

"God's Peace"

"Dearest Lord Jesus, i have been very restless and anxious lately. Disappointments, frustrations, regrets from the past are returning in and i wanna get rid of them. I know that You are in control of everything. I wanted to trust in you so much but i still worry. And im getting tired of this. Please help me... In Jesus's sweet Name, Amen."


8 years ago


"I'm reaching out for God to heal my soul. I want to be saved and I've tried so many times and back slid. Lord, help me please. I need thee Lord."


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, Please protect and keep son. He's under some stress about a schedule change at his job. Keep him safe to and from work and watch over him while working. Strengthen his physical and spiritual well-being please."


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"To Hear Good News Tomorrow "

"Tomorrow as I goto Seattle cancer care alliance hopefully they have some good news for me as we move forward, so I ask for good news and healing and that the cancer stays gone for good and as I know only God is in control"


8 years ago

"Kidney Stone"

"Went to ER Friday and told me I have a kidney stone, pray that it will come out with out needing surgery, also have a unspoken prayer."


8 years ago

"Acceptance Letter"

"Please help me pray for my very special someone to get accepted to the school he really wants to go to. And may the Lord cast away all his anxiety and sadness. Thank you. "


8 years ago

"Shera's family"

"Shera's Father in law is not doing well and Kevin and Megan pray for strength "


8 years ago

"Prays Please"

"Dearest Lord, I'm doing the very best I can to deal with all of those who are causing so many problems with gossip, lies, manipulation and abuse in their positions at work but please, In Jesus Christ Name I pray, please do something to stop all 3 of them. They are not following your ways and love to created chaos and animosity between people, I beg of you to come to our immediate assistance so they can't damage any more reputations, environments and heartaches and stresses. I promise to continue to spend your word and turn away from them and others who act like them. I'm also worried for our new leader that they won't fall into the game and manipulation please keep his eyes open and protect him and his family from harm. IJN, AMEN Gossip is a sin that God takes seriously. God declares in Leviticus 19:16: “Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.”"


8 years ago

"Help My Marriage"

"Holy Father, Hear my prayer. We took marriage vows, with witnesses in your Holy Name. It is your will that marriages be for a lifetime; Therefore what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. I ask that this petition of prayer be read aloud, before all the Angels of Heaven, before Jesus, the Holy Spirit and you my God. I believe you will move to save and strengthen our marriage and I ask in the name of Jesus that you will do whatever it takes to protect and defend this marriage. Amen. 🙏🏼"


8 years ago

"Marriage reconciliation"

"Dear God, today is day. My husband and i will meet in person from the time i caught him from his infidelity issues. Lord please help us restore our marriage. Please heal us, our hearts and minds. Lord i believe that what God has bound together, let no man put asunder. Lord please help us. I want our marriage to be saved. Thanks."


8 years ago

"Type 1 Diabetic"

"Prayer for healing from my type 1 diabetes if it's gods will. If not, prayers for control/stability of this disease. "


8 years ago


"God please save my marriage! Please give us a miracle! Save our children from the pain and hurt of a broken family!"


8 years ago

"Relationship Restoration"

"Im trying to take a break for myself for a week without communicating with him ..i pray that when we begin taking again things are better. I want us to be stronger and have more effective ways of communicating. I want his heart to connect with mine in the best way.I want him to become the best him not only for me but because in my heart i know that it is the person he desires to be.I know things are shaky right now and his attraction for me might not be there and he doesn't appreciate me but lord please make this change.Lord I ask that you help his relationship with her end so that we can focus on what we have .Lord i love him and i know that things are going to be how i desire them to be but only with your us to get better personally so that together we will be unstoppable and forgive us of our sins together and personally.Lord please give us a true second chance..more like a miracle. I do not want to be just friends with him or just convenient fun i want to be his heart and i want him to feel as serious about me as i feel about him (and only me) ."


8 years ago


"Lord I really need help for some reason I find it extremely difficult to get over and move on from a abusive boyfriend I don't know why . It has never been a issue before I think I'm afraid of being alone and I do get Lonley. I'm trying so hard to move on with life . I don't want to get my son taken from me so that is why I'm trying to be a single mom. It's very hard at times . I get Lonley I just me and the baby barley no one visits and well I do want to feel loved . I have to do what's best for my son . Even though I find it so difficult. I really don't know why most people would leave a abusive relationship fast and never go back . Don't know why I keep going back I always ask myself that question I just pray God that u will direct my path that you will be with me the entire way . I don't want anything to happen to my son please watch over him and protect for me . I'm trying my hardest to be the best mom I can be and to do everything right so that I don't get him taken from me . I just need guidance and help directing my path . In Jesus mighty name I pray amen "


8 years ago


"Please pray with me that we close on our house soon. I am waiting to hear from the bank this week. I would appreciate all who would be willing to pray with me."


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for getting my uniform ready. Lord I pray that it fits and I pray that it looks good for work tomorrow and good for the inspection. Lord I'm praying for a good day, I pray that I play well with the section and that I pick up things quickly for our performance. Lord I pray that you continue to let me be a light that shines for your glory. please continue to help me with my projects and I thank you that I was able to help someone today, thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy Father, hear my prayer. I give thanks ahead for the comfort and strength you've provided me with over the weekend. For the new person who helped me greatly to seek hope. I ask again my Lord God to continue to provide me with strength and concentration in the next week as I seek to learn my new job. I ask during the hours of work my focus is on the task in hand and not my situation. I'm not ignoring it, I embrace it. But I need my head clear to learn. I'm grateful for your steady hand guiding me. I ask this in Your name My Lord God. Amen. 🙏🏼 "


West Virginia
8 years ago

"Neurological Issues"

"Dear God, please give me the strength to hold onto You during this time. Not knowing what this tumor in my brain is scares me. I don't want to say the "C" word because I'm scared of what will come of it. Help me to trust in you with whatever I may face. Help calm my heart and my mind, and help me to understand that going through this is part of your plan. Amen. "


West Virginia
8 years ago

"Fertility Issues"

"Pray that I can have a period, so prayerfully I can ovulate and we can actually conceive. My heart aches for a child and I know my husband's does too. Only being in our 20's and not having success after over a year of trying is exhausting. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Fathers Speedy Recovery"

"Please pray for my father. He suffered from brain stem stroke on Feb 11. He is in hospital since than. He is not able eat, talk, move. I really want God to make this miracle and heal him completely and also I want to pray for his speedy recovery."


8 years ago

"My Sister Jenny "

"Dear Jesus I pray for wisdom and guidance and the Holy Spirit to work through my sister Jenny's life. I ask that you lead her with mental and physical courage and boldness and honesty and confidence; that she rises above challenges . She has estranged the whole family and we are all worried about her. God I pray for breakthrough and I pray that you help her for mental stability and graduating from College. In Jesus's name I pray amen amen amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😇🔥🔑💥"


8 years ago


"Lord, I pray that you will bless us with a safe and secure house to bring up your miracle child in, away from drug addicts and bad influences. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"I haven't been on here in a while and I wish I had a good excuse. It's easy to get caught up in life and forget to pray. I hope God can forgive me and see I am working on rebuilding me and becoming a better person. Over the next 6 months my boyfriend will be deployed. Please keep him in your prayers. Please keep our relationship in your prayers as it has not been easy between us with this to say the least. I miss him dearly. Please help strengthen us Lord. Amen."


8 years ago


"Lord, Please heal j and remove any anxiety he has that is making him feel worse. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Marriage Petition"

"Holy Father, hear my prayer. We took marriage vows, with witnesses in your Holy Name. It is your will that marriages be for a lifetime; Therefore what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. I ask that this petition of prayer be read aloud, before all the Angels of Heaven, before your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and you my Father. I believe you will move to save and strengthen our marriage and I ask in the name of Jesus that you will do whatever it takes to protect and defend this marriage. Please Lord, remove this negative stubborn selfish mood my husband can get. I will not give up praying for our reconcillation, I have faith Lord, you will bring us together once again. I pray my whole heart to you. Amen. 🙏🏼 🐜&😇"


8 years ago


"Prayers for strength wisdom knowledge "


8 years ago


"Prayers for a FINANICAL breakthrough in Jesus name Amen"


8 years ago

"I Am suffering In Job My Collenges Pressure Me And Harrasment Me "

"Please pray for me last few year I am suffering tension in job my colleagues harassment me in job they are non Christian now I am 45 years old my wife is house wife I have two kids they are studies. I didn't get way what I have to do. My family depend on me Please pray for me in my job problem God give me strength also please pray for my family."


8 years ago


"Use me For your glory Lord God, I am tired of me I need more of you and less of me Jesus, have your way in my life in your mighty name and anything or anyone that is not of you remove it or then out of my life in your powerful name use me up Father God please I beg of you in your name Amen and Amen"


8 years ago


"My back is killing me. Need prayer please"


8 years ago

"A Sign"

"What to do with or family with I trust at all even with camera in place and it is a everyday fight and not able to talk with my oldest at home with out callen her names or just being plan mean to her she sometimes starts it with my husband but for must part it is him please lord Help me GOD our Fathering heaven please what to do and our son hearing the fussing and name callen "


8 years ago

"Heal Our Marriage"

"Dear God, please heal and restore our marriage. I have not slept and have not eaten for days. I cannot take care of myself because my mind is taking over my body. Please shower me with strength and wisdom. May forgiveness and acceptnce be with us. Please carry us and guide us to the right path. In jesus name, this i claim and ask. Amen."


8 years ago

"Balance And Inner Peace "

"Dear lord I ask for inner peace from the Holy Spirit and I yearn to hear your voice! God I also pray for balance in my work and studies and my emotional life. In Jesus's name I pray amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let my insurance pay my hospital bill. Please let the hospital refund my money."


8 years ago


"Really need prayer for my son cuz I really messed up and let my ex in my place with my son around & it was court order for him to have supervised visits only not to be at my place just please please pray that nothing will happen to my son in court amen "


8 years ago

"Prayer To Save A Marriage"

"Lord you know our short comings, you know our need. Heal the hurt, forgive us our sins and trespasses, strengthen us into our inner man. Soften my wife's heart to be open for us to get help. Gain us, grow in us, turn darkness into light, and arguing into forgiveness. Save us and save our marriage."


8 years ago


"Need prayer lower right side of my back is in pain. Think it's a pulled muscle. Prayer warriors need, thank you with love"


8 years ago


"Really need prayer for my son that God will intervene & make sure nothing bad happens please I'm really worried "


8 years ago

"Help Me Get Through Today"

"Holy Father, hear my prayer. I'm struggling daily to deal with my husbands abandonment. I ask for the bonds to be broken. I cannot cope with the daily constant tears. It's effecting my work, my sleep and even my exercise classes. I can't focus. If it's your will this marriage to be over, then that's your choice my Lord. I stand by my vows and refuse to relinquish them. I just ask for your mercy Holy Father to be able to move on with my life whilst I await your direction. I thank you for bringing the most sweet gentle soul into my life, it's my mental health that's pulling me down into the Devils will and I'm having thoughts of sacrificing my life. They're thoughts and will, but I'm strong enough through your grace not to act upon them. I'm in a bad place my Lord, I pray for clarity, purpose and direction in the next 3 days. I thank you Lord. In the name of our Lord Jesus, For the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with me now and forever more. Amen. 🙏🏼"


8 years ago

"Spirtual Protection "

"I pray for emotional stability and spiritual protection against all things not of Jesus Christ my lord. I pray that I feel secure and grounded and focused during a time when I face many responsibilities and I ask Jesus for clarity of mind, body, spirit! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇😇 may I stand strong knowing I am Christ's daughter and may I stay energized, bold, confident, and hardworking!! Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear God, please help me restore my broken marriage. Please touch the mind and heart of ny husband that he will come to me. Leave whatever it is the makes our marriage broken. Please help him have wisdom. Please open his heart to walk with me in fixing our marriage. I love him so much and i wont give up on us."


8 years ago

"Spoken Promises"

"“My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation…The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; against them he will thunder in heaven.”—1 Samuel 2:1,10"


8 years ago


"In need of serious prayer so next month I have court for my son . And my baby's dad is not allowed at my place ! Court orders and he was over I dunno what to do . I just am praying that everything will go will and pray for clarification that the judge will tell me I need to move away from my baby's dad ! I just pray lord you will be by my side the whole time . I pray that the outcome will be nothing bad in Jesus mighty name amen "


8 years ago

"Betrayal "

"Hello prayer warriors! Please pray for this man (a pastor, overseas worker and my former fiancee), his house church that he pastors in abroad and his new girlfriend whom he admitted he cheated on me. Hence, this disappointed my family because they thought he was a godly man because he spoke God's word all the time. He led my family to Christ since 2013. He proposed to me last November and was supposed to get married this year in GOD's will. We sought God's will and thought our relationship was GOD's will. Please pray for the house church that he pastors. The woman is in his church - pray that GOD's will be done and may GOD's voice be heard by HIS church... Please pray for GOD to intervene - for GOD cannot be mocked in this unjust situation. THE WORD OF GOD IS LIVING and HAS POWER. Please pray for revelatory guide of God's will for this situation. May GOD grant us the wisdom and discernment on what to do. Pray that GOD may point us to the RIGHT direction and may MEND and prepare us for the FUTURE that HE ALREADY KNOWS. GOD pls help us understand this in JESUS' name, amen. THANK YOU FOR THE PRAYERS. GOD BLESS US ALL."


8 years ago

"3 Puppets"

"Dear Lord, I beg of you to please put a stop immediately to the 3 women in my office causing such problems & drama with their lies and are puppets of the evil one. The've done this for years and hurt many please Lord only you can stop them in their tracks and turn their cold hearts to your loving ways and be merciful when they repent. Please & thank you prayer warriors! Their mouths are the source of the gossip and evil please recall them please expose them and give them the opportunity to repent & bring them back home, in Jesus name I pray. Gossip is a sin that God takes seriously. God declares in Leviticus 19:16: “Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.”"


8 years ago

"Lord im Scared"

"My husband left me, I've been trying to communicate with him and he's ignoring me. We've went through so much in this last year. It was so sudden and unexpected. I've been praying for hope and reconcillation to no avail. I'm struggling now, I want to go to sleep and not wake up. It's affecting every aspect of my life. I'm constantly in tears and my heart hurts so bad. I'm ready to give up with this life, it's just to cruel. I love and miss my husband like crazy, I'm just so broken. "


8 years ago

"First Anniversary of Daddys death"

"It's nearly been a year since that hateful illness Cancer took our beloved Daddy to meet our Lord God. It was hard to let him go, but his body was ravished by the disease and he was in so much pain. So I thank the Lord that he spared my Daddy that pain, 4 1/2 years is a long time to fight. Lord, please hold my Mum in your gentle embrace over the next few weeks, she's been through so much and now my unwanted separation from my husband adds extra upset to her. My Mum is a strong woman, but I'm sure truly these things are taking toil on her. My Lord God almighty, thank you for the Mum I have, she's amazing, she needs your strength. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen. 🙏🏼 "


8 years ago

"Prayer Needed"

"Feeling a bit under the weather this morning"


8 years ago

"Prayer Against Harm"

"Please protect me and cover me in Jesus blood and reverse all the evil energy around me. This is a battle I can't face alone. Please silence the gossipers and evil doers. Please teach them to lift me up instead of hating on me. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Healing "

"Dear Jesus Please heal me from my past wounds from friends family and college. Break every chain in Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago

"Getting A Job"

"Dear Jesus, I ask and pray for a job in which I am happy and satisfied and it keeps me engaged and motivated in life. And a job that I am proud of and excited to wake up for. Break all chains that are keeping me stuck and allow for a job that compensates for my higher education degrees. God I pray for your blessing so I can get the job I wish for in management consulting at a top global firm like McKinsey BCG Bain Oliver wyman lek Deloitte promontory. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen amen amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Lord I messed up bad there was a court order against my baby's dad stating cannot be at my place and I kinda fucked up by allowing him my home I really hoped dear god that we didn't breach . I just pray that nothing bad will happen in court next month .i hope for the even though I don't deserve it . Please dear lord protect my child please make sure that nobody will take him from me. 😇🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, please bring M and J peace and strength. IJNA"


8 years ago

"Marriage Reconcillation"

"We've been through a lot in this last year. Please Lord, I need help to honour the vows I took on our wedding day. Life got too tough for my husband and he left me, I've prayed daily and continue that in your time, you will show him a way back to us, to reconcile and live as one as you intended. Holy Father, please hear my prayer. Amen."


8 years ago

"Set Up"

"Holy father I am being set up and I ask you in the name if Jesus to help me to retain my emotions and my anger and I ask you in the name of Jesus to reveal the truth. Thank you lord. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"prayer For Exam Retake Oxford "

"Dear Jesus Please allow me to succeed in this exam retake. Show me how and guide me with wisdom as I study again and redeem be from anyone sabotaging my test scores. Bring justice and help me to shine in this exam. In the name of Jesus I pray amen 🙏🏻😍😍"


8 years ago

"Chelsea "

"Pray for situation with father and completing chart pray for heart and courage she had what it takes , with Jesus she is perfect "


cincinnati,United States
8 years ago


"Prayer for my marriage on the brink of divorce. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for me. I'm dealing with anxiety and depression from a sexual assault 4 weeks ago. I don't feel like myself most days and just when I think it's getting better, the incident keeps coming back. I've been debating about seeing a therapist but don't know if my health insurance will cover it. Really need some prayers! "


8 years ago

"Prayer Warriors"

"Calling all prayer warriors to pray with me right now to put a stop to all the gossiping people around me and about me and others. They are trying to push people out of their jobs, caught up in office politics and garbage that puts honest employees look bad via their mouths. Please help us pray to silence these liars and ask them to return to GOD and repent through Christ our Lord. I pray this not only for my workplace but for everywhere else where gossip, jealousy and hatred is thriving and trying to ruin people. This is not the way. Please pray to silence these mouths and pray GOD will have mercy on them. They know what they are doing and are trying to be more powerful using evil ways. God Bless and return and/or introduce them to Christ. In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN!!!"


8 years ago


"PRAYER POINT : Father, let my life reflect the image of Your Son Jesus."


8 years ago

"Morning meditation"

"#MorningPrayer - - - - glorious God, beautiful King, excellent God I bow before Your throne - I give You glory, honour, power and majesty - You're the great I am, beginning and the ending. There's no one like You, the ultimate Kingmaker. The Almighty God - I bow my knees in awe of Your matchless power. Thank You, Thank You and Thank You. With a contrite heart I come before the throne of mercy this morning - I receive grace in time of need; wash me Lord, cleanse me and make me fit for Your use. Your Word says " If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. Ps. 91:9-12. I declare by faith this morning because the Lord is my Refuge - no evil conquers me, no plague comes near me. My destiny is secure in Christ, my family and loved ones are protected from pestilence and my business is immune to drought. My going out and coming in is blessed from now until Jesus comes. I rebuke accident and I decree me and my loved ones will not embark on a journey of no return in the Name of Jesus. Everyday of this week will bring testimonies. I declare financial dominion is my heritage in Christ. I am blessed and highly favoured. "


8 years ago

"Morning prayer"

"I pray God lead you today, not only to be of service to others but to ensure that you find quiet moments for yourself and for Him."


8 years ago

"I Need Prayer"

"I am in need for prayer about my mental health as I keep having severe breakdowns, spurts of uncontrollable emotions and ive even started seeing things. I know its not very specific but i need all the spiritual help i can get. As i believe that i can be healed by my heavenly father "


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Prayer Of Cancer Gone For Good"

"Dealing with so many ailments at the moment but slowly things seems to maybe be better But cancer is the main issue and getting this fluid build up fixed and helping me regain weight and strength "


8 years ago

"Endless Love"

"Dear Lord, thank you for everything. Forgive me for everything. Please, fill me with your love today and every day. I am finally ready for you to have your way. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Thank you for me new job. Please let it stick and be a place I will stay for a while at least five years to get vested. Let me be able to serve my students properly. Please let me make good grades on my two classes. Amen."


8 years ago


"My bf of more than 2 years has admitted that he already has a girlfriend. He proposed to me last November and was supposed to get married this year in GOD's will. We sought God's will and thought our relationship was GOD's will. However, we have been in a long ditance relationship since he works abroad. He is also preaching in a church there and was the one who led me to Christ; hence, this is very out of mind. Now, he tells me he has a girlfriend and has blocked me too on FB so I could no longer reply. Please pray for me and this man and his new girlfriend. Pray that GOD may point us to the RIGHT direction and may MEND and prepare us for the FUTURE that HE ALREADY KNOWS. GOD pls help us understand this in JESUS' name, amen. THANK YOU FOR THE PRAYERS. GOD BLESS US ALL."


8 years ago

"Help Deciding Goals"

"Dear God, I've discovered that lately I'm at a bit if a loss. I don't know what my goals are any more, I don't know what j want to strive to achieve. Please help me rediscover the fire of passion towards a righteous goal I want to achieve. Thank you, Amen."


8 years ago


"For Aivar to contact me and us to start chatting again. Hopefully we can arrange to meet up for a coffee or a walk. I'll be feeling better again (no cold) and he'll be less busy (has time to meet up). I'd like to start a romance with him if God wills it :)"


8 years ago

"Prayer Of Thanks For God's Provision"

"Prayer OF Thanks For God’s Provision Dear Father in heaven, I do bless and glorify Your name for Your graciousness towards me and that Your day by day provision You have faithfully provided for me and my family all our lives. Thank You that you are always faithful to Your promises of provision. Lord it is a great comfort to know that You know everything about me and that You know when I sit or stand. You know the needs I have before they arise and You faithfully set in motion the answers to my prayers, even before I call. And Lord, even though the answers to my prayers may sometimes be delayed, I so often see Your hand of blessing in so many ways. Thank You for the way that You have used difficulties and delays to perfect and develop my trust in You – and Lord although I do not always understand when things do not work out the way that I expect, I do thank You that You have always been there to provide for my needs in Your time and in Your way. Keep my heart ever thankful for Your gracious provision and loving kindness towards me and my I grow in grace and come to know You more and more in the days that lie ahead, in Jesus name I pray, Amen "


8 years ago

"Prayer For a Thankful Heart"

"Prayer For a Thankful Heart. Thank You Lord that You know all my needs and necessities of life, and thank You that You delight to provide for each of Your children day by day. I praise You that are willing and able to make all grace abound towards each one of Your children - so that we have all sufficiency in all things and have Your 0ver- abundance for every good work. Teach me Lord to pray for all my needs with a grateful and thankful heart and, keep me from using prayer as a lever to get my own way, but rather may I come to see prayer as an opportunity to pray into Your will, so that Your will for my life becomes my own will and prayer and petition. And Lord, when I pray for the things that I think I need.. help me not to miss Your alternative and better provision. Give me discernment to see and gratefully accept all that You have purposed for me with a heart that overflows with thankful praise for Your goodness and grace towards me. Teach me I pray to pray according to You my gracious Giver and Provider, before I look for the gifts that You are so willing to drop into my lap. Thank You that You are my Father and thank You for your never-ending and never-failing love for me – teach me to love You Lord as You deserve for You alone are worthy, in Jesus name I pray, Amen"


8 years ago

"Praise "

"Thank you so much Lord, you never let me down💕"


8 years ago

"The Time Is Now?"

"God, I don't know what you are trying to say with this. I don't know why this unbearable urge has hit me like this. I know we broke up but what we had was unreal. I know I will never find him in another man. No matter how hard I try. There can never be another him. It has been over a year since we've been apart. But since I've been aware of his existence, he's found a place in my heart. Why is this urge attacking me like this in the middle of the night? Was it all meant to be, just not quite? All perfect for me and now the time is right? Or is it all a trick from the Devil, with his deceitful ways. He knows what we want most and attacks us with dirty plays. I have a feeling I'll know the answer within six days. Please, show me a sign Lord! Amen."


8 years ago

"Burned Out"

"Please pray for me. I currently deal with being burned out and i'm only 26 years old.. The stress was too much.. I"ve been in a lot of pain but God helped me out, because that part is almost over now.. Lord, help me to find the balance between things that need to be done & having fun, socialize with family&friends and to rest from time to time. And bless my recovery so i can go back to school without falling backwards in exhaustion or stress. Help me to understand this situation and make a new habit by taking better care of myself and maintaining balance and making adjustements, so I won't get a burn out in the years to come.."


8 years ago


"Pls don't let the repairs be expensive lord. In Jesus name Amen. "


8 years ago

"Calling All Prayer Warriors For Immediate Prayer"

"Please pray that all the gossip going on around me & about me will STOP immediately it's harming too many peoples lives and jobs and the people caring the gossip are enjoying the mess they created in Jesus name I pray we can stop this! Us believers have the power to turn this around and help make a difference so it stop destroying peoples lives and causing them psychological harm. Amen and thank you to all of you for your help!!!! In the name of Jesus 🙏🏻🙏🏻 "


8 years ago


"Please lord let my notebook work properly, I really need it. In Jesus name. amen. "


8 years ago

"Need A Transportation Miracle!"

"Our vehicle is falling apart. It's not safe to drive! We need a used smaller and more economical vehicle. Please pray with me that we will be able to find one... I'm so disheartened. "


8 years ago


"Lord help me find away to either fix this or to go different ways and do it with grace as much as I can anyways"


8 years ago

"This Week"

"Please keep me in your prayers this week, friends. I have to face some difficult challenges and possibly say some difficult things. I really need wisdom, anointing, and a sense of God's peace to be able to accomplish it. Would you please join me in prayer for this matter. It involves many more people than just myself."


8 years ago

"Jaquline Devaughn"

"Aneurysm and stroke"


8 years ago

"Light At The End Of The Tunnel"

"God, I know You do not hurt people. It is my understanding that, sometimes, You let people hurt so we can get closer to You. You have the power to save and comfort. But I am disheartened because You continue to choose to let me suffer instead. This has happened so many times, I am starting to doubt the purpose for my pain. After yesterday, I now know this is not the man You want for me. But, I also know that if he comes back I will not be strong enough to push him away. Please, show me the light at the end of this dark tunnel I have been traveling and strengthen me. And I ask you kindly to send me the man of my dreams and to never let me fall for another man that is not my forever. Amen."


8 years ago


"Here we go much to pray for and not even sure where to start or how to prioritize everything. But here we go. First off Lord I want to thank you. Thank you for the wonderful weekend that I had with Billy. For my safe travels to and from Wyoming. For putting him into my life and for the love that I felt from him. He is a wonderful man with a heart of gold and I cannot thank you enough for leading him back into my life. Lord I pray that he continues to love me and love my kids and finds the patience to stay with me while I deal with what I need to deal with here in Pittsburgh. I do not want to lose him. I pray for my kids. I do not plan to abandon them. I want them in my life and in Billy's life. I pray that you give them the peace that they need to know that we can indeed have a new and better life in Wyoming. Whether it be just me and Faith who go or all of us. Let us be guided the way you want us to go. I pray for Faith, that her heart is softened. That she learns to deal with her emotions and her anger. That she realizes I do love her and that Billy loves her and our life in Wyoming could be so much better and happy. I want nothing but happiness for both of my children. Lord, I pray for me. Help me to stop and think before I speak. Let me stop and think before I get angry. Soften my heart and open my heart and eyes to the needs of the kids and put them first and foremost in my life. But at the same time do not let them take advantage of me and take more than they give. Already so much to pray for here. But you know all that is in my heart. I just pray that your will be done. "


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago


"I see how this works now. I serve in my church, I pray every day, I listen to worship music every morning, I read the Bible every night, I do my best to put others first. I've always been lonely. So, I decide to see if I'm "allowed" to have a man in my life. If I'm lucky I'll get one, then God lets me get deep. I keep my relationship healthy with Him, but apparently that's not enough. He rips my heart out and He lets me weep. He does it long enough for me to get close to Him just to start the process all over again. I try as hard as I can, and nothing I want ever comes to me. Other people don't and get everything they want. Everything is an endless, pointless cycle. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to the good. Please, stop tricking me. I give You seven days God. After that, I give up. I would say amen but this is all I have left. Stop letting me get my hopes up Jesus, I know where it already leads."


8 years ago

"Praying For Eveything. "

"Holy Father thank you for showing up when I need you. Thank you for taking care of my problems. In Jesus name. Lord I pray that my uniform will be ready next week and that it will fit. Lord please help me as I tackle my new projects and please guide my romantic relationship. Please help us to grow together, please help us to communicate with each other constructively please help us to have fun and laugh together in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Cancer Trying To Destroy Woman"

"My neighbor is diagnosed with two kinds of Cancer. She needs God's healing touch. She is a Christian. Her name is Fay. Please pray for her!"


8 years ago


"Prayers for rain... Kansas and Oklahoma fires... SW Kansas dirt storms... Dust bowl is happening all over again."


8 years ago


"I just feel like the worst mom ever . I'm please god I lean on you for guidance help me to not get so angry quickly but to appreciate everything my son does . I just pray that u will help me to focus more on my rather than my phone "


8 years ago


"God I just that you will help not to get so angry with my 3 month old help to feel calm happy . And not to be angry or mad with my son even if he wakes me up 3 times lord please help me lord god direct my path lead me lord when I'm bout to get mad just help me lord to settle down "


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith "

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago


"Holy father I just found out that I owed money to someone. Please help me to resolve this. Please help them to forgive me as I made a gross oversight . In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord I thank you for this day. I thank you for life, health,& strength. I thank you for keeping me and my family. Thank you for my job and the approval process for missed days. Thank you for blessing my family and friends. Please forgive me of any sin. Amen"


8 years ago

"Nursing Exam"

"Please pray that I can retain the information I have been taught. Not only for my exam tomorrow, but for wisdom in the field, that I will know what to do in a life or death situation. And that God will use me to bless others and to lead them to him."


8 years ago

"My Heart "

"Bless my heart to be fertile ground for your word, God. Let me receive the word with gladness, study it, and live it out. "


8 years ago

"Perspective "

"Help me to see things according to your perspective, God. Myself, my family, my community, my city, my country, my world - help me to see it all the way you view it and respond according to biblical principles. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Our Farming Operation"

"Please pray for a successful year in farming for us and secured financing to operate. Thank you and God Bless!"


St Petersburg, Florida
8 years ago

"Financial Need"

"Please pray that the Lord will provide for us. Today is a crucial. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please be with bob as he undergoes treatment for cancer. Have your healing hand upon him and be with his family at this time. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen"


8 years ago

"Divine Appointment"

"Pls join me in praying to God for a good job"


8 years ago

"Custody Case"

"Dear Jesus, Please protect over me and help me win my child custody case! Full & sole custody. I know his father is doing this as retaliation because of the child support order but I ask you to please bring me through this."


8 years ago

"Custody case"

"Dear Jesus, Please help me win my court custody case! Please let me so full & sole custody of my son."


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago

"Urgent Prayer "

"God I pray that you will please , please ,please help me to get out of a abusive relationship. I need to get out for my son and I he scares me he hurts me emotionally I'm terrified of him I greatly need help father God I beg that u will help me please lord I thought he was going to hit me today so scar d "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get the pre-k position. Let me find out next week. Let me make at least a C on my next two tests. Let me have at least a B average. Amen."


8 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for being there for me when I really needed you. I have had a hard time recently. Holy father I pray for my mental health and my temper. Lord I pray that I will get my uniform next week and that it will fit in Jesus name and I pray that you will strengthen my relationships lord both with my friends and family and my romantic relationship in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"For kenet's kidneys, that the cysts & liquid continues to be benign and disappear forever. For his heart! Please unclog all his arteries so blood can flow free. I pray that his work will be a place of happiness and friendship "


8 years ago

"Restoration "

"God of Miracles, Thank you for silencing Chris from the lies of the enemy. Thank you for giving our family a 2nd chance. God I ask you to restore Chris' heart with love for me and me only. Give him new eyes to only see me. Please restore Chris with so much love for me that he never strays from you or I ever again. In Jesus name I pray, Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that my uniform arrives next week in Jesus names Amen. "


8 years ago


"Thank you lord that I'm feeling better today. I'm praying for a good. In the name of Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago

"Peace For Children"

"As a mom, CNA, and nursing student, I have seen first hand so many children in our little community who are suffering such pain. These babies are dealing with abuse, fear, loneliness, depression, cutting, drugs and alcohol, and even taking their lives... They face so much more then we had to not so long ago. They're hurting desperately. My heart breaks for these children. Praying for peace, God's protection, unconditional love, and Christian friends. "


8 years ago

"Vroom Vroom"

"Dear Lord, I pray that I get a car by the end of April. I have had my license over three years now and am going to college in four months..I work hard. I need a breakthrough. Please. Amen."


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


St Petersburg, Florida
8 years ago


"My 8 year old daughter Addison and 7 year old son Aiden each experiences nightmares. Please pray that they will have a peace and a break from this. This is Addison's request. "


8 years ago

"I Need Guidance "

"Dear God, You've shown me what I need to do but I keep delaying due to fear. Please show me that you have something amazing in store for me. Amen "


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Bleeding Stops From My Procedure Yesterday"

"Yesterday I had a drain put in my side for fluid removal and I just need it to stop bleeding very soon "


8 years ago


"Praying for marriages today... There are so many hurting and falling apart. Today I just want to lift up marriages in general, Whether they are hurting or going great. Praying for peace, unconditional love, forgiveness, strength to resist temptations, time to spend together, and opportunities to serve together and to serve each other. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Lord I'm finding it difficult to be thankful so I'm going to give praise to what I can. Lord thank you for giving me someone to talk to about how things are. Thank you that work has been ok. Thank you for taking control over my finances. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you that I was able get back online. Thank you for giving me someone to talk to as I have been feeling sad, alone and confused. Please help me to shake these feelings lord and please help me figure out my difficult living situation. Please also help me with my job lord in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Unspoken Intentions"

"Help me O Lord in deciding what is right from wrong. Help me correct each one's failure and let them know what is right for me"


8 years ago

"Grace Of Strength And Understanding"

"Prayers for understanding and guidance. Lord grant me grace and reason to defend what is good."


St Petersburg, Florida
8 years ago

"Silence "

"Easter, eight years ago my now wife invited Jesus into her heart and life. Megan is the reason that I am in seminary. I do have some health issues which resulted in a loss of employment (resigned), but I have not been able to find a job that would not aggravate my pain issues (several bulging discs in my spine). Health issues aside, I am a shepherd without a flock and have applied nationally but have had no significant responses from churches. It feels as if we have been on the launch pad forever, and I remind myself and my wife that our timing and His are often not the same. I love to be an encourager to others and have seen God working in the lives of others I have prayed for, but God remains silent. I feel like I am missing something and have prayed for wisdom buy day after day, it remains the same. So I am turning to you brothers and sisters to lift my family up in prayer; wife Megan, daughter Addison (8), and son Aiden (7). Financially we are not in good shape. Prayer that a church will see and value my career experience, education, calling and heart soon and that it will be a great fit. Thank you. We have been through so much and have tried our best to be thankful, obedient, and praise Him in the storm, but again need some encouraging news soon. Peace, Will "


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Prayer For All Is Well During My Procedure Today"

"Ever since my surgery my liver is making a ton of fluid that builds in my body up to 8 liters a week, so today I'm having a drain or pump surgically put in so that I don't have to go to the hospital once a week for a drain, just pray this is only needed for a while and all go's well today "


8 years ago

"Acceptance For My Relationship"

"Prayers for acceptance of relationship"


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago

"Job "

"I need a job! The school year is coming to an end and I don't have any prospects. Please put me where I need to be. I would like to be in Texas but that isn't looking to bright but neither is Atlanta. "


8 years ago

"Dumars "

"Allow him to not let other people dictate his relationship with God. Allow him to not be settled until he has a desire to know you more. Allow him to see that there is change for the better. Allow him to not let other people dictate his relationship with God. Allow him to not be settled until he has a desire to know you more. Allow him to see that there is change for the better "


8 years ago


"Pray that I find a job. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith "

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


Tacoma, Washington
8 years ago

"Healing Of Cancer"

"After they found pancreatic cancer in October I had surgery ( called the Whipple procedure ) after that and chemo for months I lost a lot of weight practically withered away , had to stop working for not sure how long yet which cut our income by 2/3, also many medical complications and just a couple weeks ago did 11 days in the hospital, I go in for a procedure tomorrow and slowly seem to get better maybe but also I can barely walk using a walker in the house, I'm 42 and was in great health until surgery to remove the tumor from my pancreas "


8 years ago

"Reconciliation and God's Guidance"

"Heavenly Father, In JESUS' name, open our heart, LORD JESUS. Remove any hardness and stone in me and my prayer partner's heart. Open our HEART to love as You LOVE us, to love one another and to forgive any past hurt. In JESUS' mighty name, amen. --- (We have alreay been well days ago but another coldness stirred. Please pray that we may know what is causing this and may GOD lead us to reconcille, follow GOD's will and to overcome any trial in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for all the prayers. GOD BLESS. "


8 years ago


"Please continue praying for me marriage, family, forgiveness and financial guidance during my coming out of a 3year experience that has left me broken, trying to make a come back through therapy."


8 years ago

"My Children"

"God please give me back my children who were taken from me last year... Please bless me with stable housing and income and patience to take care of them and please give good health to my unborn and help me live for you Lord so I can raise my children through you and your love. In Jesus name AMEN."


8 years ago

"please help me"

"I need help. idk if life is worth living right now. please give me someone to talk to. I need help please pray for me and give me some way to contact you if you want to help me. I'm only 13"


8 years ago


"Lord please direct me to and keep me on the path that you have chosen for my life. I feel as though I'm walking blindly through life. Amen. "


Little Rock, Arkansas
8 years ago

"Trey And The Babies"

"Family blessings. That God may bless with wisdom, love, faithfulness and strength. "


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago

"Moving Forward"

"My divorce has been final for about a month now. Things are not ideal, but I did everything I could to protect my baby. Please pray for my little girl's safety, above all else. And please pray that my controlling, twisted, narcissistic ex-husband will take his complete lack of morals and his faked photos of the baby and just leave us alone. I just want to move forward and heal, and he's making it as hard as he can. "


8 years ago

"Miracle "

"I need a prayer for a miracle of getting a new vehicle... It is been tough for me of being a single mom of 2 with little help. I am hard working mom that will do anything for someone. I always have bad luck especially with vehicles. In the past, my credit got out of hand and ended with bad credit but trying to repair now but still not good enough for a car loan and don't have no co signers. I usually do not ask for prayers for this of problem but I am desperate. I need God's help. Thanks "


8 years ago

"Blessing For A Camp"

"Please, God, bless the camp in my city that is going on next week. Let the people attending be good witnesses for you, help us to reach the city with your love and let people come to know you. Help us to be good and faithful servants. Thank you for this opportunity."


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago

"Laurie's Sister"

"I pray Lord that your perfect will would be done and Laurie's sister's life. I pray for strength and comfort for her family and for her. I pray that you will keep her comfortable as she transitions from this life to the next. If she does not know you then I pray that you would send a labor into her path. I am willing and able to go. "


8 years ago

"For My Future Husband"

"God has placed the desire so strongly in my heart for a husband and family but I have yet to meet him. Sometimes I feel hopeless but I know God has a plan and I'd like to be faithful to that."


8 years ago


"Please pray that I would not be overwhelmed by my AP Calc course. I feel like it has a lot of pressure. Thank you!"


8 years ago

"More Godly Men In The Church"

"There are few young Godly men at my church, Shiloh. I pray more men come to the Lord and come to church and develop a relationship with God to be good leaders in the community."


8 years ago


"I'm really rating that God opens up a door for me financially and athletically for college. I just want to walk down the path he has for me and would just like prayers for my spiritual protection as I walk down this path. Thank you all! "


New York
8 years ago

"Por Conversion A Cristo 🙏🏻"

" Estamos orando por mi Prima Nancy Escobar para que DIOS pueda tocar su corazon❤️y Asi Ella pueda ser una Mujer de DIOS 🙏🏻 pedimos a todo el pueblo cristiano se unan con nosotros "


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Prayer Partner"

"Please pray that he will have God's wisdom and strength NOT to fall from any temptation even when away and for him NOT to give up on following JESUS. Please pray that he may know God's will and that he may KEEP his promise to stay pure for his future spouse. And please pray for the other (persisting) women who is keeping him away from GOD's will. Pray that the women may hear from God and to obey GOD in JESUS' name. May Your will be done LORD. We submit to You all these in JESUS' name. Amen. We trust You LORD. Thank You so much. God bless everyone. Thanks for praying."


8 years ago

"My Family"

"Please pray for my dad. He still has a cold heart towards God. I pray that the Holy Spirit touches and changes him."


8 years ago

"Lost. Please Pray For Me"

"Please pray for me. I could go into every sad, lonely detail, but all that you really need to know is I'm so lost. And feeling so defeated. In every area of my life. I'm having a very hard time seeing when the pain and sorrow will end at the moment. I try like hell everyday. None of it seems to matter. No matter what I do, everything caves in around me. Please pray for me. Please pray that I can have strength. Please pray for God to guide me to where and surrounded by whom he would have me be. I search for His will daily, and it all seems to allude me anyhow. Please, please lift me up. Because I need a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you."


8 years ago

"Healing For Joshua"

"Please heal him from the stomach pains he has been struggling with!! Please make him better and let him enjoy his trip in the Tanzania without being sick! Your words say by your wounds we are healed! And you ask us to have faith in you!! You are his healer and I declare healing to his body!! Please make him better Lord!! "


8 years ago


"Please pray for healing for my health. I have several chronic illnesses that have taken me from a healthy person to debilitated in 5 years and I am only 32. I have excruciating chronic pain and debilitating fatigue. Please pray for healing for me. I long to be healed! "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me hear something about a teaching job next week. I am worried about the one that requires a CDL license. Please give me peace and place me in the right job. Help me stick with a decision."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Keep my child safe and the other prom goers safe on the road and whatnot. Amen."


8 years ago


"Please pray for my grandma. She has had a VERY hard time with her colitis in her legs, and then it moved inside her body and she has had it for a couple months. It's hard to imagine what life would be like without her. He loves everyone and everyone loves her. I need to keep the faith but its hard. Please also pray for me and my family that we keep the faith and don't give up. "


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago

"Blessing Of A Child"

"Lord, I pray that you will open up my colleagues tubes and bless her with a child. I know you can perform miracles like you have for me. In Jesus mighty name Amen "


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


8 years ago

"Leap Of Faith"

"Dear Lord, I know I don't deserve it. I know the aspects of my with relationship with him are secular. But Lord, please have mercy on us. Please, save him. I truly feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man. I pray that you will give me the strength to bring him to Christ. My parents the strength to accept him as he is. And him the strength to open his mind, heart, and spirit to the possibility of You. Faith as little as a mustard seed. Is all he needs. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago

"Lost Mail"

"Please let UM find my daughter's paper work. Amen."


8 years ago

"Faith Doubt Fear "

"Experiencing intrusive doubtful thoughts relating to my core belief in God and Jesus Christ which has left me feeling debilitatingly fearful. I wonder if God forgive my doubts and see my faith however weak it is as sufficient so that he wouldn't turn away from me. "


8 years ago

"Faith, Doubt, Fear "

"Experiencing intrusive doubtful thoughts relating to my core belief in God and Jesus Christ which has left me feeling debilitatingly fearful. I wonder if God forgive my doubts and see my faith however weak it is as sufficient so that he wouldn't turn away from me. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me hear about the teaching job before TH. Please let us get a settlement and let my insurance pay my bill. Let me get my refunds. Amen."


8 years ago


"If I get my math scores up, I have a shot at getting into Yale. Please pray for me to have confidence in who I am in God and for me to submit to him when it comes to his will. I struggle with thinking I'm never good enough. I want to cry when my parents told me I have a chance of getting into Yale. I don't believe in myself but I know God does. Please pray for me to be motivated and get my math scores up. Thanks"


8 years ago

"Deliverence Restoration"

"God of miracles, Please help Chris to be strong in you so that he will be delivered from his enemy. Also, I ask you to fill chris' heart with so much love for me that he never strays from you or me ever again. Please continue to move mountains in our relationship-thank you that You are a God of second chances. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Thank for our many blessings. We're sorry when we forget all the great things you have done for us. Lord please give us peace at this time when we are feeling do stressed and unwell. Lord please bless us with a new safe home for us and our child. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear God, I pray that you help heal my broken heart. My boyfriend of five years recently broke up with me, and it hurts so much. There's been no contact between us, and to go from talking everyday to not talking at all is very hard on me. Jesus, I trust you. In every aspect of my life I trust you. Everything happens for a reason, I don't know the reason, but you do. I have no hopes of us getting back together, but I pray that he may have an encounter with you and find true joy in you. Emily"


8 years ago

"Fasting "

"Please pray for me, I am beginning the Daniel fast and wish to complete it. I need prayers for strength, and that I may find more of God through out this fasting. "


8 years ago


"Pls pray for my wife Annet. She is suffering from fibromyalgia. It is attacking her body. It also attacks her faith"


8 years ago

"Bring Us Close"

"Dear God, My family needs you. We battle one another. Please help us to find You God. We need you. We need more prayer, church, reading of the Bible and whatever else you see fit for us to be happier. I am tired of being sad and drained when it comes to family. Please Lord let this be our time to get it together. I love you God and thank you for everything."


8 years ago

"My Little Family"

"Dear God, I know I have wavered back and forth with the idea of what I want in relation to my family. But honestly God....if I am being real candid...I do want my family to work. I dream about it working and being this beautiful union. Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are in vain but then hope creeps in and then I remember that I have to have faith. God I know that this is not our time but I pray that our time comes in the near future. God I do desire to be married to the father of my child. But I really know that will not be possible if he does not find you. Please bring him closer to you. Take him in your arms and show him who you are. Show him that he needs you. Show him who he really is. I think he fails to see that without you he is weak. Help him to grow to be a man that seeks to be more like you. Help our family to grow in you! We cannot be a unit without you. I want a happy family that loves one another, supports one another, cares about one another and just enjoys one another. Life is too short to hate. Life is too short to fight. Also, when that time comes for us to mend please allow me to let go of the past and move forward. Allow both of us to let it go. I love you God!!!"


8 years ago


"Lord please fill my child with peace and true happiness at UHS, let her laugh and make as wonderful memories as she would have at LOHS. Please let her find what makes this all worth it. Please take any sadness she feels from having to leave her school away and replace it with wisdom and content. Amen"


8 years ago


"Give me the strength to forgive the people involved with Jayda's situation, give me the strength to move past it and find peace in my own heart and mind. "


8 years ago

"Easter "

"Christian brothers and sisters Easter not a pagan is Christian Right brothers n sisters ? It's we're Jesus came to life and walk among us. Easter is not a pagan it's not wicked all my 19 yrs on earth Easter is Christian it's good not for candies it's for our Jesus who came to life. I'm sad my family pple saying this n upsetting me in tht other app 😪😢 amen"


8 years ago

"Pls help me find a way"

"I need to be with my parents. pls help me find a way. "


8 years ago

"Continue Prayers Famiy Marriage Financial"

"Please pray for all areas that I find the resolution to all problems in Jesus Name"


8 years ago

"Drifting Away"

"Please pray for me. Last few days I'm running low on faith. I'm struggling with my marriage & I'm confused. Sometimes I wanna quit, walk away but I don't want to follow my emotions. I wanna do Gods will in my life. I've been praying for months now. We have 5 kids. Pray for me to have faith, strength & patience. Also my wife to go back to the Lord. Thank you all. God bless"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get this job and make A's on my two classes."


8 years ago


"Dear God, I desire to be married. I hope that is your desire for me as well. Please help me to break the cycle in my family in which the women can never stay in a stable relationship with a man that loves them unconditionally. Please send me someone as soon as you feel I am ready. I pray that they have a relationship with you and that we can grow in Christ together. I want them to love my daughter just as if he was her father and build amazing memories together. God please allow me to meet someone that is willing to court me and willing to fight for our love. Love you always!!!"


8 years ago

"Mom's Health"

" Please help me to ask The Lord to grant healing for my mother. "


8 years ago

"Sister In Law"

"My sister in law was just told that she might not be able to have kids one day. She Absolutely LOVES kids and so for her to hear that news was heartbreaking. Please pray for me an my sister. "


8 years ago


"Thank You, Lord God, for always giving me the opportunity to be blessed. Thank You for this another blessing. Help me to turn this opportunity to bless others as well. "


8 years ago


"Everyone i feel is against me . No one is for me .... Our Lord is my only hope now... I feel I'm crying n can't stop n no one cares. No one ...😪😢 amen 🙏🏻✝"


8 years ago


"Lately I haven't been praying and reading the bible as much as I should I've been getting distracted by the stupidest thing and i need to get back closer to the lord "


8 years ago

"Emily And Family"

"Loss of Lillian "


8 years ago

"My Brother"

"Dear God, Thank you for my brother. I am so proud of him. Please help him to find the perfect tow home in this area. I would like for him to be in a neighborhood where there are not a lot of issues. It would be great if they had a fitness center as well. Also, please help him to find something in his price range. I know you know what he needs please just guide him there. Love you!!"


8 years ago

"My Tongue"

"Dear God, I know I talk too much help me to listen. And when I have problems have me to come to you versus anyone else. Give me the strength to bite my tongue. I need to learn how to listen more and speak less. Often times I speak over people because I get impatient or frustrated. This is not right. Please help me Lord."


8 years ago

"Thabo's business"

"Thabo's business is at a crossroads at the moment and may you guide him in making the right decision to stick through it or to sell it. May he trust in You in this season as he has trusted You before or may he start to trust in You so that he can pass that on to his great-great-grandchildren and Your name may be praised forevermore. You have been with him through the darkest periods of his life and have prepared a table in the presence of his enemies, please don't let his enemies rejoice over his loss and pain. Guide him and protect him at all times, in Jesus name I pray. "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, How confusing You are. Just when I think I get it, I don't. Just when I think I'm up, I'm down. Just when I think I'm right, I'm wrong. I can never tell what Your plan is. Or Your voice from Satan's. The two of You are oh so different yet, you both put me through so much pain. I don't know if he's the one. I don't know anything at all. But, I know if I lose him I probably won't get back up again. Last time was the last fall I could take. So now, what more can I do other than pray? I pray that you save him, I rebuke the enemy from his life. I pray that you bring us closer together with You as our light. Please, do not take him from me. I will only fight back. I know we had our argument but I want our romance to be rekindled. I want him to put forth more effort and I want to be less jealous. Please, help me understand why I always feel picked over or like I am not enough. And please, help him to understand where I am coming from. He's the closest to real I've ever gotten, I can't just give up now. But, as hard as it may be to believe, I want You both to have my heart and I want both of Yours."


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, I know they are just fillers. I know I shouldn't smoke. But I do. I know I shouldn't give myself to him. But I want to. I know our relationship may be unhealthy. But I like it. This world is a ticking time bomb. I feel like my time is running out. I don't want to spend it waiting for something to happen. I've waited my whole life and I am officially done. I want happiness now. I want romance now. I want sex now. I want contentment now. This is my last resort. I have called on You, I have asked for fulfillment from You and guidance and have been completely alone and miserable for You and still have not gotten You. Now You say there's something better planned for me but why should I believe You? Is now Your plan? Are my problems Your plan? I don't know. You're so strange. I don't want to but I do and I know they're just fillers."


8 years ago


"Lord this is not working, help me. Lord what am I doing wrong, show me. I can't do this without you God, please guide me. God please rid me of this emotional roller coaster. God I really want a positive relationship with the father of my child but I don't see the silver lining. I can't deal with his lies and deceitful ways and at this point I'm over it. Please guide me to free myself if the responsibility of this situation. It is too much to bear. I give you control. I will keep silent in this season and not be led my emotions. The best way I see to do that is to avoid all contact. I pray that this is appropriate. I just don't see how I can relinquish control and separate my feelings any other way. Also, please don't let the courts get involved. "


8 years ago

"Know You Have Gods Love"

"There is times where we wonder if the Presence of God is in us. Well the moment when you see a homeless and you hurt inside, the moment when you see someone hungry and you hurt inside, the moment when you see a child cry and you hurt inside, the moment when you see someone in need and you hurt inside, the moment you wish you could help but you have to let God do his job while you hurt inside. I am sure that if you hurt inside we can not deny God is hurting inside with you too. Next time we ask ourself is God living in us ask yourself why else would you hurt inside and I don't mean physically. It's up to us to accept its God because when he breathed the breath of life in us he gave us his characteristics too. God Bless you guys! "


8 years ago

"Graduate School"

"Help me with this and help me trust you with this, Help me with tuition waiver Lord, you are able, help me fit in as an international student! Help me with provisions for my graduate school "


8 years ago

"My son Desperate Need"

"My son is out of work now... laid off. He has two children to take care of. His income tax refund has not came yet and IRS is holding it up for review. He needs that to help his family and bills. Plz pray that it will be resolved and he will have answers for his problems. Thank you so much for your prayers"


8 years ago

"Pray For My Wife & Marriage"

"Pray for my wife Alice. Pray that her heart melts for Jesus & rededicates her life back to the Lord & that she puts God first in her heart. We need a miracle in our marriage. Thank you all. In Jesus's name. Amen"


Shunyi, Beijing
8 years ago

"Orphan Baby Hospitalized "

"Hello, urgent need for prayer and help!!! Our little adopted Chinese baby boy had a terrible seizure today, and he has a severe fever, so we rushed him to the hospital, the doctors there said he needs to be admitted for awhile, and he needs medical care and tests done! So for the next while he will be in the hospital here. Please pray for healing for him!!! He is not doing well.... These are pictures of him today! Also, to find medical help here in China is very expensive, currently we don't have the funds for him to stay in the hospital, and be cared for, but we are stepping out in faith that God will provide for him! As missionary's here we are struggling financially, and to get healthcare in China is crazy high of a cost.... If you can, or know anyone at all that can help with the cost of his medical care please share! We are praying for a miracle in the hardship.... Our family ministry donation link is this.... Feel free to spread the word!!! Leaning on the saviour right now.... Jennifer weaver "


8 years ago

"Prayer Of Seeking"

"Lately I have felt distant from the Lord. I can't hear him clearly, feel him near, or feel the guilt when I sin. I feel that I have ran so far away, I can no longer see Him. Please pray that through prayer, reading His Word & guidance, that the close relationship I once had with the Lord will return. Thank you! "


8 years ago

"Patience "

"We have to rely on Jesus and not our eyes. If we were to close our eyes and speak to someone without seeing them we would not have room to judge. But if we were to approach someone before we get to them we already have something in our minds about them because of what we see. What I am saying is that sometimes we do not see the Blessing right away with our eyes. So what happens? We have a comment that's full of doubt about Gods promising words. Let's be patient and know that God does not lie. It's impossible he is perfect. God Bless you guys."


8 years ago


"I have been bitten bye a bee by my eye and it was swollen all day then I went to sleep at night woke up at midnight and I couldn't open it 6 hours passed and I can't open it still any advice"


8 years ago

"Mom Has A Bad Cough "

"I hope it goes away soon and she feels better and can get sleep😔"


8 years ago

"A Heart Of Jesus"

"We as people who believe in The Messiah sometimes wonder why things happen the way they do. Why is it that people are so mean hearted. But to answer that question when you open your heart to God and allow him to mold your reasons. You will see that the reality is.....unfortunately these people don't have God in there heart. And since God is Love what Type of Love do they really have in there hearts if it's not of God. God Bless you guys."


8 years ago

"For My Untie Glo"

"God please po. Pagalingin nyo po si untie glo... alisin nyo po ang lahat ng sakit na nararamdaman nya. Mahal na mahal po namin sya di po namin kaya ang mawala sya. In the name of Jesus I pray amen"


8 years ago


"Dear Lord,I pray that you grant me admittion in the school of your choice in Canada. In Jesus name I pray amen."


8 years ago


"Dear God,please reconnect Prince and I,soften his heart,show him your ways Lord,let him stop smoking and all other sinful him to love you more and love me too more.may you reconnect us and be the center of our relationship. In Jesus name I pray amen. "


8 years ago

"Protecting Me"

"Father God, I pray to please protect my heart from all evil. Take away the things that steal away my joy and happiness. Falling down the loop at times, but you never seem to fail me and put me back into my place. 🙏🏽"


8 years ago

"The Little Things"

"Sometimes we forget that we are just human. We try to cope with God in a way that would make sense. But the reality is that are capacity to understanding God is not enough for us to grasp him. It's okay not to have the answer to everything, but it's not okay to not want to know. Always being hungry to a Holy curiosity opens doors you didn't even think or thought existed. "


8 years ago

"Witnessing For Christ"

"I have the opportunity to take a very special trip but I do not want to take it unless I can be an effective witness for Christ. Truth is I have not been effective at all. I am praying that God will send His Holy Spirit to be with me and will show me what to do and say. I pray that he will begin to touch and change hearts and keep me strong. Please pray for me brothers and sisters. This trip can take place next month. THANK YOU! 4/11/16: missed my flight to NYC and lost my air fare and money used to rent a car both ways to and from the airport."


8 years ago

"In Need Of Many Prayers"

"Currently my fiancé is in jail for something I know in my heart he couldn't do. I know that Jesus lives in my heart but I need all the prayers I can get. I don't know what to do help"


8 years ago

"Help Me Father"

"Lord, please help me with my job, please heal my mom, please help our financial situation and please give me favor with my customers and prospects. I need my job Jesus please help me!"


8 years ago

"Feeling Hopeless"

"The last few months have been filled with one trial after another. I've become depressed, hopeless, and angry. Please pray that I am released from these troubles and that I can find happiness and relief. Please pray that I am led in the right direction and my faith and hope are restored."


8 years ago


"Dear God, use me to help my boyfriend know You. "


8 years ago

"Lost My Way"

"I have lost my way from God and I pray that you guys please help me pray to get back on track with God ! I need him !"


8 years ago

"prayer for a miracle"

"dearest brothers and sisters, please pray for a miracle for me this EASTER for my God sent to come back and take his place with me as my fiancé and husband . that God will grant this miracle for the sake of our little angel. thanks"


8 years ago

"Pray For Strengh & To Surrender My Marriage To Your Hands"

"My name is Tony. Pray for me to let go & surrender my wife to the Lord. She's hurt & lost. I broke her heart. Sometimes she wants to leave or stay. She's confused. I'm praying for her to have a strong conviction that her heart will melt for Jesus. My desire is for her to rededicate her life back to the Lord. Thank you all & God bless"


8 years ago

"Chest Infection"

"Lord, Please heal j from his chest infection and cough. In Jesus mighty name Amen "


8 years ago

"Jesus Hears You"

"Most people think god can do everything well yes he can and he knows your prayers before you ever think about saying them. But you must think about this before you ever do anything. God answers all your prayers but do you ever actually thank him most will say yes others may say no well before god does anything for you sometimes you need too just sit down and thank him for what he has already done.....hope this helped some of y'all let me know of it did"


8 years ago

"My nephew Needs prayer"

"My nephew is being abused. He is a grown man. His live in girlfriend is violent. They both need The Lord in their lives. "


8 years ago


"Please pray that my prayer partner will reveal to me or that I may know why he seems cold or mad at me. Pray that God may guide and help us reconcile. We pray for God's will be revealed unto us regarding this matter. In JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago

"Nephew Is Being Abused"

"My nephew is being abused! I know usually you hear that women are being abused but it's a man in this situation. Please pray for him and his soul needs saved too. Please pray for his live in girlfriend too that is abusing him, throwing things at him and punching him. They have children. They both need The Lord. "


8 years ago


"I get consistent panic attacks that can sometimes stop me from doing what I need to do. I am also trying to deal with knowing what God wants me to do. Please pray."


8 years ago

"Just me"

"Please pray for me to be strong in my faith. I'm being singled out and bullied at school about it. I'm okay about it but it just seems like the cherry on top of all my problems sometimes. I also just ask that I could be released from worrying so much. I have so much guilt and shame. I feel worthless and loveless sometimes, even when I know I'm not. So, really, I'm fine. I'm just struggling really hard to be fine. So yeah. Thanks. Bye"


8 years ago

"Ever Growing Madness"

"With every passing day, I'm getting worse. Ever since last Christmas, when after a decade of ignoring my prayers, God actually hurt me. I've been trying to put myself back together ever since, without success. If he has any sort of plan, any reason for any of this, now is the time to tell me, before I go so far down the rabbit hole that I never find my way out again."


8 years ago


"Holy Father, thank you for being there for me evan when I don't deserve it. Thank for listening to me. Lord today I pray that you will keep me focused in Jesus name. Lord I pray for a positive energy and acceptance from others in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Don't Take Offence"

"Dear Lord I know taking offense to things people say, misses opportunities that could be used to further your kingdom or could show us the truth in what they're saying . But God, how can I not take offense to someone being SO offensive and SO brutal? It really shows you.. It's so sad. They literally have no idea how to treat a human being, and it is very hard to not take offense when being treated like trash. I want to pray for this person, who seems like a lost cause, and has always been this way. I guess family really can be toxic . But I want to pray for him because you are amazing and you do the impossible, you are the almighty, all powerful, the great I Am, and if he can be changed, only you are able. Thank you Lord. I love you. And Lord, the environment I'm in isn't very safe right now...thank you for protecting me and blessing me."


8 years ago

"Bills "

"Lord I can't pay my bills, please lord help me. I don't know what I am going to do. I am trying my best. Lord I know you are always providing, but I am scared. I know I shouldn't be and I should trust you. But I am so scared lord. Please help me. In Jesus' name Amen"


8 years ago

"Pray For My Wife"

"Pray for Alice. She's hurt & she turned to alcohol & drugs. Pray that her heart melts for Jesus & rededicates her life back to the Lord. We need a miracle. Thank you all. In Jesus's name. Amen"


8 years ago


"He is really serious.. He just had a breakup that is hurting him and he keeps saying he is going to kill himself that its over...I don't know what to do I am praying and I want to go to his house but he is blocking me out and I am worried."


8 years ago


"Please pray I have court on Tuesday for parenting order & supervised visits for my baby's daddy ) because he's into drug trafficking, he's not nice, does drugs , has crackhead friends don't want my son to be a part of that and now he's going to go see his lawyer see what he can plant on me . And my old place was infested with bed bugs so when I moved to my new place I guess they didn't do my mattress good enough and there was a few he will be telling that in court . I'm so worried I got rid of the bugs before my son came ) I don't want anything bad to happen on my part please lord I'm begging that everything will go as planned ❤️"


8 years ago

"Boyfriend For Thought"

"I'd like to ask for my boyfriend to be prayed for.. For him to feel a tug. For him to know he's not alone. That he doesn't have to do it all by himself. That he's never been alone. That continuing the lifestyle he is will result in horrible consequences. Pray that he'll see something in me (if God wants) that makes him want to be a Christian. Pray that he will feel. I mean, really feel life. He says he's never felt anything from God. Ever. If he's not a Christian.. He doesn't have God, and God is love. So how on earth is he supposed to love me when he's not a Christian... I'm very torn at the moment and would appreciate some prayers for me, as well. It's not the easiest, but it will be worth it. I care about him, but not just him. I care about his soul and where it goes, too. Thank you and God bless you."


8 years ago

"Empty Tank"

"Dear Lord, I know not what you want me to do anymore. I have prayed for direction, contentment, peace, strength, and have gotten none. I don't know how much more I can bear. I can't keep pretending that I'm okay when I am not. I've been at the point where I have no idea what you are doing in my life for quite some time now and I think I have been finally pushed over the edge. I am sorry for rebelling against you, but I can't take anymore pain and confusion. I think I am going to go back to my life of sin, I know it is not of you and will not make you happy but, I really don't know what will. Things were just easier that way. I was actually happy. This is not something I want to do, it is something I feel I have to. I am so sorry. Please, help me. Somebody help me. Amen."


8 years ago

"Not Feeling Well"

"Mommy not feeling good stuffed nose and body aches prayers for her to feel better thanks😔"


8 years ago

"Pray For My Marriage"

"Lord help & teach me to surrender my marriage to you. Please forgive me for doubting & for my sins. Help us to forgive each other & heal our hearts. Melt our hearts for you & to place our marriage in yours hands. Use our marriage for your Glory Father. Restore our family. Amen. Pray for us"


8 years ago

"God's Will"

"Please pray that my prayer partner will keep his promise - that we will follow God's will. Please pray that we will not give up no matter what. May God reveal to us HIS will and guide us. May we be able to do GOD's will in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for the prayers. GOD BLESS ALL."


8 years ago

"Athiest With Orange Hair"

"Dearest God, through your spirit you gave me an argument to write. I presented it to an atheist at school and it was really scary. He took it. Lord, I pray he'll read it and it will plant spiritual "seeds" that will one day grow into faith. If he is mean about it, give me your love to pass on to him. Oh, Lord, give me strength. In Jesus Name AMEN"


8 years ago


"I received a vision from the Lord, 3 days later I found out that I lost some hearing in my left ear. 2 days later I found the scripture of exactly what I saw in my vision, The Rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. I'm so grateful for the vision and I pray the Lord restores my hearing. I'm thankful i caught it early but there's no guarantee I will receive it back completely. God I just ask for your healing. "


8 years ago

"Everything Go As Planned. "

"Holy father thank you for the opportunities you have given me. Thank you for helping everything to come together. Lord I pray that everything will go as planned today. I pray that I will be well turned out, that I will be in synch with the team and I will remember everything I have to do. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"A Promise I Made"

"Dear Lord, I fear that in this confused, sin-filled generation and new ungodly world that I will not find a man who shares my gift of virginity. Ever since I learned of what sex was, I decided it was something I wanted to save for one person, and one person only -- my husband. I pray that you will bless me with someone I can share this gift with and, should it be Your plan for me to be the lover of a non-virgin, I ask that You will give me the ability to accept this part of them with minimal detriment to my mental and emotional health. I feel like this is something I simply cannot handle, yet something I may be forced to as we desperately near the end of this world we have destroyed. Unfortunately, I seem to only attract non-virgins and/or non-Christians. Lord, please give me strength and confidence that when this day comes, I will make the right decision. Amen."


8 years ago

"Prayer for direction"

"Dearest brothers and sisters , Please pray for me to find Direction and to feel loved again as well as for my studies . thanks"


8 years ago


"I have a unspoken prayer request please keep me in your prayers I am struggling"


8 years ago


"God I'm praying to you asking you to please take all this anger out of my heart that I have for my ex, it's just that I love him so much & it's so hard to see him move on & it's hard for me to move on from him lord please give me the strength Jesus I'm just so heart broken🙏🏽"


8 years ago


"Lord, Please continue to bless j and give him a job so he can support his family. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago

"Tornadoes In Raleigh"

"Please keep my brown eyed girl in your prayers. Raleigh is under a tornado watch and North Carolina doesn't utilize warning sirens nor does her apartment have adequate shelter."


8 years ago

"Praying For Breakthrough"

"Lord, praying for breakthrough for my brother, Charles, he has been going through a lot of hard situations .. Please intervene on his behalf, extend your loving arm to help and turn things around for him, in Jesus blessed name I pray. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for Daniella. She is in surgery today following a serious horse accident. Dear Lord we pray for the doctors and that you guide their hands and provide them focus clarity and insight. We pray you mobilize the resources in her body to repair the damage so that she can recover quickly and fully. We pray that you're with her family in a time of need and provide them the necessary emotional support. we pray for protection as she recovers physically and emotionally. We pray that this is the final resolution through this surgery Father we pray this in your name Amen. "


8 years ago


"I want to get my own house, I want to be able to support myself, I want to meet girls, I want to fall in love, I want to get married and be able to make love. In a matter of months I'll finally have a chance to turn my life around, but after over a decade of preparing, waiting, and praying to a cruel & merciless God, I'm sick and tired of waiting. There is a God, I recognize him as my sovereign, but history has taught me that I can't trust him any more than I can trust the devil. I have to do everything myself. Will my life be turned around? Am I just setting myself up for disappointment? I don't know, and it's driving me insane."


8 years ago

"Tornados In Raleigh"

"I pray that Brittany and Brian are safe during tornadoes going through Raleigh tomorrow."


8 years ago

"My Friends Son"

"Whitney's request "Matt my oldest is having spine surgery. I'm not even off bedrest yet. You do ever wonder not what your kids did to go through all this but what you did for your child to deserve this. And I know it could always be worse but that little boy has been through so much and he is barely 10.""


8 years ago


"Please guys pray that my baby's dad will text me / come to my place tonight I'm really worried he is not answering his phone it's not like him ,"


8 years ago


"Lord, I understand that it is not easy to follow your plan. But, why do I feel like I have to jump through hurdles to achieve what comes so easily to, seemingly, everybody else? And even still, have gotten nothing but even more painful experiences in the process? I understand that after I suffer awhile, you will strengthen me and bless me. But, how much longer must I suffer until You are satisfied? Thank You for the mercy You have shown me thus far. I understand You have my best interest in mind. But, I am asking you to have favor on me and to spare my feelings and please not take him from my life too. If You must allow me to suffer yet again, please just make me numb to it all. Amen."


8 years ago


"I pray my baby's father will text me back or come to my place in really worried about lord please "


8 years ago

"My Friends Son"

"Sarah's request: "Just took my son with asd to get a blood test for severe leg pain. I am terrified because the doctor mentioned bone cancer. Please pray for my son.""


8 years ago


"Lord, I pray for successful ivf for z and that she will be blessed with the precious gift of a child. I know the pain and heartache she is going through but I know that you are an amazing God and can bless her with a child. In Jesus mighty name Amen"


8 years ago


"Dear God, please help me with my writing. I just want to relax and let the words flow. Help me to honor you with it. Give me strength and peace and I think thank you you for the ability to write in the first place. Amen"


8 years ago

"Mission Work "

"I am waiting to hear if I will be accepted into a mission work program, and I am feeling very nervous that I will not be. Please pray that I am accepted into the program, and that the nervousness that I am experiencing is soothed. Thank you."


8 years ago

"Hurdles To Overcome"

"Lord, Thank you for the many blessings in our life. We're sorry for the times when we failed to trust you to meet all of our needs. Lord we need your help now, J is feeling really low and needs your loving arms around him. Please bless him with a job so that he is able to provide for his family and lift him up through the depression and anxiety that he is suffering and heal him and show him your love as he is feeling very much like everything is going wrong and that the devil is attacking him. Lord you are mighty and able to overcome. Lord we pray in Jesus mighty name for you blessing upon us Amen "


8 years ago

"Spiritual Warefare "

"I need help, rescue and deliverance I'm being oppressed I need our Lord Jesus Christ"


8 years ago


"God I just ask for physical healing that no doctor can provide. This is an annoying condition but I know you are the ultimate healer and I have faith you will take it away. "


8 years ago

"My Unborn Son May Be Going Into Kidney Failure"

"My unborn son may be going into kidney failure. There is a lot of fluid around his kidneys and he needs a touch from God. Please, I'm begging, I've already lost one unborn baby this year. All prayers are appreciated more than you will ever know"


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"Use Me"

"Lord today I pray you open me up and strip to be used by you. Don stop Father until I totally surrender to you and you are living well within me. Let what you do for me and to me spill over into the world and save a nation. Praise God! Amen "


8 years ago

"Restoration Of Relationship"

"Please keep on praying for the restoration of my relationship with my prayer partner. We are talking again lately but we are not as we were before. I do think I am learning why he has been cold to me for more than a month though he does not want reveal it to me. Please pray that I may know more about it and what to do about it, in JESUS' name. Amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD bless us all. "


8 years ago

"Sin and Temptation"

"Please pray that I will be delivered from sexual sin and Temptation. I desperately want to do what is right, but I keep giving in this area of my life. I take full blame because I continue to give in. Lord I need strength and courage. I am so tired of disappointing you. I ask that you create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Help me to change and make better decisions, "


New York
8 years ago


"Dear Lord, Help guide me to a new relationship with you and others around me. A relationship that is full of love and generosity! Amen. "


8 years ago

"Ethan Kyle"

"Lord, pls heal Ethan from his stutter. He may find joy always and in you. (That his happiness is not in material things) He might surpass his limitations. He will be blessed in all aspect. He will be confident and be a great motivational speaker. Praying for his future wife. "


8 years ago

"Please God Dont Let Me Lose My Job Tommarow "

"Dear god I'm going back to work tommarow after this week of being sick I'm really nervous that my boss is going to be upset with me please let everything go smoothly for me please don't let there be any stress or drama. I'm still in a lot of pain and still need to get back to the doctor. I just got a new apartment please God don't let me lose my job please I'm begging you."


8 years ago

"Please God Help Me "

" Dead God please help relieve my mind and protect me from the negative things that I'm so worried about right now. I'm so filled with anxiety I'm moving tommarow I'm so worried about not having enough money to survive and pay rent because I am not going to be able to get a full paycheck till the end of March. Due to me being in the hospital and sick all this week. Then I'm terribly afraid of losing my job or being given a hard time at work please don't let them take my job from me. I need some type of relief for my mind and health sake please God I beg for your help and healing. I'm going back to work tommarow I'm so nervous my boss is going to be upset with me please don't let me lose my job or anything bad happen please "


8 years ago


"Lord I'm coming to you praying that I did well on my interview yesterday, I'm praying that the managers will choose me to work with them, God I promise I will work my hardest on this job 🙏🏾"


8 years ago


"Pray for help and deliverance I have been oppressed by the enemy for a long time. I need our Lord Jesus Christ"


8 years ago

"Continue Praying"

"I have asked for prayers please continue praying for me financial, marriage and family. My relationships aren't going so good, thank you for your support."


8 years ago


"Lord god I pray for both my baby's dad and myself I pray we will stop arguing all the time and agree to go to counselling . I pray father God you will help us yo get along and stop fighting so much it's stressful and it makes me sad Especially for my baby he dosent need to be put through I just want to be happy and communicate with him without any arguments makes me wanna give up seems like nothing is getting better . I pray that my baby's dad will realize and apologize that words do hurt . I want nothing but the best for my son and constantly arguing is far from the best ! It makes me feel like the worst possible mom "


8 years ago

"Sick Of Waiting"

"I'm beginning to become convinced that God doesn't have anyone special out there in the world for me. After over a decade of disappointment and heartbreak, I'm sick and tired of waiting, and the stories in the Bible don't inspire confidence."


8 years ago

"I'm Sick Of Waiting"

"I'm beginning to become convinced that God doesn't have anyone special out there in the world for me. After over a decade of disappointment and heartbreak, I'm sick and tired of waiting, and the stories in the Bible don't inspire confidence."


8 years ago

"10 Day Fast"

"Prayer to sustain fast and that I will draw so close to God that I will hear from Him what His calling is on my life!"


8 years ago

"My Destiny "

"Dear Lord, I know that you want me to be a doctor because that has been my life long desire and it is you that gave me that desire. I however, have been struggling to fulfill your purpose. Lord please provide the financial means to help me complete my prerequisites for medical school. I can't afford to pay for them but I know you will provide a way. Thanks Lord for always having my back and loving me unconditionally. In Jesus name, Amen! "


8 years ago

"My Destiny"

"Dear Lord, I know that you want me to be a doctor because that has been my life long desire and it is you that gave me that desire. I however, have been struggling to fulfill your purpose. Lord please provide the financial means to help me complete my prerequisites for medical school. I can't afford to pay for them but I know you will provide a way. Thanks Lord for always having my back and loving me unconditionally. In Jesus name, Amen! "


8 years ago


"God please blessing with good thing's long life and prosperity,what I will shall not lack in my life and money shall not lack in my pucket amen"


8 years ago


"Lord god please be with me I'm so scared right now I don't know how to feel or think knowing my baby's dad has a lawyer and is talking to him right now ( because he dosent want unsupervised visits or he wants parental rights ) he does drug trafficking does drugs , has crackhead friends , treats me like a piece of shit I just don't want him to win I want the best for my son I'm like crying I'm so scared ! I just pray father God that my lawyer will fight this god that u will be with me at this stressful time . I pray for the best "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"Lead Me"

" Lord make me over. Fix my walk my talk and my attitude to represent you. Do a new thing in my career. Help me to reach these children as you intended and make a difference. Lead me where you would have me to go to make the greatest impact. Call me to remember every hour of everyday that before I am anything else I am your servant here to do your will. Set me me financially and spiritually. Take the shackles off and remove anything that hinds me from being completely yours. Amen Thank you. "


8 years ago


"Pray for deliverance and help also that I may receive the Holy Spirit "


8 years ago

"Reconciliation "

"Please pray that me and my prayer partner may get along again. He has not told me the reason why he is not speaking to me. Pray that I may know the reason and that we may resolve it. Thank you for the prayers. GOD ESS."


8 years ago

"Ill Timed Illness"

"As if I didn't have enough on my plate, with my broken heart and crisis of faith, apparently something is wrong with me. How serious it is remains to be seen."


8 years ago

"Finalizing Divorce Agreement"

"We are trying to come to a settlement in our divorce and custody fight this week. I am so close to putting this all behind me - well, as much as I can when I'll still have to see my soon-to-be-ex-husband when he has visitation with our baby. I am praying that everything can be worked out and that we are making the best decisions we can with the information we have available. I'm also praying that my baby will be safe - I still don't trust my husband at all, or believe he is a fit parent, but I've done all I can to protect her. I'm praying for my husband's soul, but I absolutely do not want him in my life anymore, now that I can finally see what he really is. "


8 years ago

"Help Provide Data"

"Lord I have a big meeting today, I'm not prepared. I need Your help, please Lord, I ask in Your name to favor me and give me the knowledge and expertise to know what is needed and to provide, in Jesus name. Amen."


8 years ago

"My Temptation"

"Lord, I pray that you'll help me over come my problem with porn! I know that You are faithful and just, and that You are still sitting upon Your throne! You know exactly what You're doing, even if I don't! "


Worcestershire ,United Kingdom
8 years ago

"Prayer For Matthew"

"Please lord, Give Sue, Matthews mum good news about the phone call she is awaiting about her son. Let it not be that he needs to leave his home. But instead will receive more help. "


8 years ago


"Lord God Remove the "pain" that I don't have strength to move myself. I know your deletion is my protection Lord God I pray in Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago

"Prayer Request"

"We praise and thank u oh Lord. Please help us now on our financial problem. Please help my husband to have his onboard job much early so that we can settle things out. But whatever is your will it will be done. I know that u will provide and we have nothing to worry. We entrust all in u Jesus name we prAy..Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago

"Praying For Restoration "

"I'm praying that God touches my husband heart. He says that he wants to divorce me because he's just not in love with me. I pray that God touch him this very min and begin to give him a change of heart. I pray that he help my husband to make the right decisions and to let him know that divorce is not an option. This coming April we will be married 8 years. Together we have 3 children, and he has 2 whom are living with us by another woman. Please keep us in your prays as we allow God to work on us individually as he prepare to bring us back together as one. Thank you!"


8 years ago

"Mother "

"Father, At this very moment I earnestly pray if you can be with my mother as she is very ill 🙏 You were there with her through every step when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer & you are most definitely with her now , I pray that you restore her energy too . This is my prayer in your precious name I pray , Amen 🙏 Please keep my mother in your prayers , thank you so very much 💯😊🙏"


8 years ago

"A Suicidal Quest"

"Lord, thank you that my friend is still here but you know last night wasn't good for him. He is going through some pain and he thinks the only way out is death, lord but that's not true. He needs to come to you lord but he doesn't know how and he feels rejected by people if he isn't good enough. Let him know he can do this and if he comes to you he will have a prosperous life on earth as well as in heaven. In your name I pray amen"


8 years ago

"Run Out The Clock"

"Over the past couple years, God has done nothing but ignore my prayers and hurt me. As a result I cannot trust him any more than I can trust the Devil. In a few more months, I'll finally have a chance to fix this on my own. All I need to do is run out the clock, but I've already waited so long that it's becoming unbearable..."


8 years ago


"Please pray that my boyfriend Rob would forgive me for the fight we had on Sunday and that he would talk to me so we can work things out!"


8 years ago


"God of miracles, I ask you to restore the love my husband has for me. Please restore our marriage and fill Chris with so much love for You and me that he never strays from us again. Thank you that you are a God of second chances. In Jesus name, Amen "


8 years ago

"My Best Friend"

"Lord, I want to thank you for giving me this amazing friend but I want to pray you will help my friend step out in her faith and just spread the word because I know some people need it and need to hear it from her. Lord she was so close to you but it's failing now and she needs a boost to start her flame again. I pray this week you give her that boost. In Your name I pray Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord god I pray that I won't keep talking to my ex that all feelings that I ever had will disappear in Jesus name for all the abuse he put me through its not healthy it's toxic and my son doesn't need to be around that father God "


8 years ago

"Pray For Those Dealing With Loneliness"

"Lord, I pray for all those dealing with loneliness for whatever reason. It leads to so many acts of despair. Please help me and others to look to You for u are our only Prince of peace."


8 years ago

"Physical Healing"

"Please pray for my physical healing in JESUS' name. Thank you for the prayers. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago


"I pray for guidance father God that you will lead me on the right path . And take off the path of depression and suicidal thoughts I pray you will comfort and be with me . I pray my ex will feel bad and apologize for all bashful /hurtful things he had said to me I need prayer cuz it feels like I'm falling apart I don't my son to see me like this but deep down I'm really hurting . My ex had caused this pain to me "


8 years ago

"1 John 4:4"

"Thank you Jesus for giving me a word that I needed to hear: Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Thank you Jesus. "


8 years ago

"God's Will & Reconciliation"

"Please pray that me and my prayer partner will choose God's will. We have been cold lately - we are not speaking the way we used to before. Pray that we may reconcille and know the root of our silent treatment. May GOD make a way for us - resolve any issues in our relation. May we know what God wants us to do. May we follow HIM, in JESUS' name, amen. THANK YOU for all the prayers. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago

"A Mutual Who Is Struggling..."

"A mutual of mine is really struggling with a nasty breakup between he and his girlfriend. He is struggling and looking to harm himself. Please pray he will fight through this and use it to strengthen in God. "


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"Gizele Prayer For Return To The Lord"

"Dear healer Help her know that someone really likes her very much but can't be with her if she continues like this I don't want to fall in sin because of her but I need her immediately to her spiritual eyes be awaken and that everything she is doing begins to close but to reopen opportunity to serve God and get married to a man who will love her sincerely because she had left your path in walking in your ways of the lord I need your people to join in prayers to go all in because she needs to realize that many can set free with what God has for her in heaven Thank you father God for hearing me in times of loving you more than someone who may end up my wife but surely gives her life 300% of her life to you Jesus In Jesus name, I pray Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear god I pray you will be with me through this hard time I'm having . Going through depression I feel so alone since I had my son I feel like no one wants to see me . I feel like everything is falling apart for me I pray my ex will apologize for the hurt he has caused me and has caused me to feel depressed and bad bout myself I just pray you will help me through all the trials & tribulations "


Idaho ,United States
8 years ago

"Praying For Guidance "

"Lord I need guidance through out my day. And I pray you will show me the way through the tough times. When I am in need of guidance please show it to me. In Jesus name I pray, amen. "


8 years ago

"Keep The Devil Away From Me "

"Lately I feel the devil is trying to get to me . I keep repeating the same sentence over and over in my head " I hate the devil and I love God . " I'm so scared the devil is trying to fight God and the devil is trying to make me his child . I'm God's child and I always will be . I believe he is my lord and savior . I give my life to God , I need prayers that the devil will leave me alone and this sentence I am repeating over and over will go away and I will never have to repeat it over and over again in my head ! "


8 years ago

"Keep The Devil Away From Me "

"Lately I feel the devil is trying to get to me . I keep repeating the same sentence over and over in my head " I hate the devil and I love God . " I'm so scared the devil is trying to fight God and the devil is trying to make me his child . I'm God's child and I always will be . I believe he is my lord and savior . I give my life to God , I need prayers that the devil will leave me alone and this sentence I am repeating over and over will go away and I will never have to repeat it over and over again in my head ! "


8 years ago

"Sour Friendship"

"Holy father I pray for my friend who has deliberately hurt me because they were coming from a place hurt and anger and jealousy. Lord please heal the emotional pain that this situation has caused us. Lord please help me to forgive so that I can move on and have peace in my heart in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Please Lord"

"Dear lord, i cannot and do not want to ask much. All i ever wanted is the health of cielo my dog bestfriend. I love her more than my life. Please take care of her slways, if i could trade my life for her i will do it. I will take all her sickness. Id rather have it than her. Ilove her so much lord. Pls shield and guard her always. Thank you."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago

"Thank You"

"I passed my test please let me get an A in both classes and get into nursing school. Amen."


8 years ago

"Family Prayer & Guidance"

"Dearest Lord, thank you for all you have blessed me and my family with. Please continue to guidance and protect my family and help my daughter make good decisions and move away from the bad influences and not give in to peer pressure, help her get past this, in Jesus Name I pray, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Spiritual Growth "

"Holy father I place every aspect of my life in your hands. Lord please help me to grow in your love and your wisdom. Please help me to be the woman you want me to be. Lord please help me to be more patient and understanding in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for yesterday. Although I was not feeling 100% I got through the day with your help. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Praise God! I pray that everyone who is in need of God's loving grace and mercy would turn to Him, the only one who can save. Thank you Lord for the wonderful gift of Your Son. Help us to follow You. “And I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail over you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you, declares the Lord.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭15:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27:14‬ ‭ESV‬‬"


8 years ago


"God I ask that you be with me tomorrow every step of the way. Speak through me, give me strength. You tell me to not be afraid and yet I still am. Help me to not be afraid and trust you. Turn this horrible situation around. I thank you for all my lessons God please carry me through this swiftly and safely. "


8 years ago


"Lord, please help little Bobby. He has been suffering so much, and enduring pain and suffering that most of us never know. Please ease his and the rest of our family's pain and help us see the light, Lord. Help guide us through this daily walk of life. "


8 years ago


"Have been trying for a baby for a few months now. Praying for acceptance that maybe another baby is not God's will. Praying for understanding that He knows better than I do."


8 years ago


"Lord, Please help my grandpa's hip. He is in pain I know. I know that is hard for him living on the nursing home away from his wife. Please be with him. Amen"


8 years ago

"House Sale"

"Lord, please help our house to sell quickly and for the contract to go through smoothly. Help another family to love you and love each other in our previous home and help us to be relieved of the financial burden. Please bless our new home and help us to fill it with live, joy, and peace."


8 years ago

"Legal Decisions"

"Please pray for me and my baby. I am having to make some major decisions this week in the custody fight and divorce. I don't trust my soon-to-be-ex-husband in any way, including with our child - or any child. But his legal maneuvers may not have left me with much choice but to share her. At this point, I need help from God to either find new ammunition for the fight, or feel peace about the decision to settle. I don't want to make decisions out of fear or exhaustion, but that's about all I have left."


8 years ago

"Please God Let Everything Go Good With The Lease Today "

"Please I need prayers and blessings please God help and help everything go well today I'm supposed to sign my lease for my new apartment please let everything go smoothly. I've been so anxious for this day please help everything go well please don't let there be any problems "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Relationship "

"Lord thank you for bringing this special person into my life. Please help us to create opportunities to meet so that we can grow and communicate as a couple. Lord I pray for the future of our relationship cover us in your love in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for helping me to get everything done yesterday. Thank you lord for a good practice and thank you lord for blessing me financially please continue to help me in this area. Thank you lord for a good rest. Lord I pray that you will help me with my tone and intonation today. Please help me to fit into the section well. Lord I pray for acceptance from others and I pray for focus and positivity and peace. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Breakthrough "

"God I need a miracle. Work like only you can. Help me to trust you in the middle of this situation. Remove the anxiety and depression and help me to see everything will be okay if I trust in you. It's been a long and tough 3 years and you've saved me every time I've fallen and made mistakes. God I ask that you show up and show out again. I've messed up again and only you can save me. "


8 years ago


"Thank You, Lord, for everything.😊😍👆🏻"


8 years ago

"End Of The Line"

"It's been two months since my faith was shattered, and it shows no sign of healing. No one understands or cares for my plight. It is impossible for me to pray. How can I trust a God who for over a decade has done nothing but ignore me, give me the exact opposite of what I want, and hurt me? The only thing that keeps me going is a faint and fading hope that in a few months I'll be able to fix this on my own, but I'm already sick and tired of waiting... I've already waited so long."


8 years ago

"Healing Spirit"

"Please pray for all those who have been struggling in life. Please pray that their spirits heal so they can be strong. Please pray for those who are suffering from loss and those who are struggling with their health. Please pray for those who have a broken heart and those who need strength and guidance. Please pray for those who are recovering from substance abuse and anything else that consumes them. God is our strength he is our salvation he is our spirit out life. He guides us though our journey and helps us though rough times. We lean on him during our rough times. He is our happiness our laughter our love. Amen"


8 years ago

"Prayer request for a dear sister"

"There is a dear sister On this app that I only know as sparkles. She is having trouble with her marriage. As anyone that has been married for awhile knows that the honeymoon period in a marriage only lasts for a short period. Then comes the common stage. The mom and dad stage. Spouses tend to distance themselves focusing on children and the trials of life. The marriage drifts from a beloved spouse to friends with a common goal then to an almost business partner. No one wants to be at work all the time so we look for a break in the same ole same ole. The sin that has all ways been in front of us starts to look like an escape. A break in the common. The reality is that this " vacation" is sin. One small touch and it takes you farther in than you wanted to go and costs more than you were willing to pay. Often the cost is your marriage. Sparkles is at this point in her marriage. God hates divorce, and its not necessary. Only God can clean up a mess this bad. Thats why I'm asking my brothers and sisters to pray for them. "


8 years ago

"Contentment And Understanding"

"Lord, please give me contentment with you and only you. I feel like I will only be happy with a companion..probably since I have never had one. As an adult, this is becoming more and more frustrating and pressing. Please, strengthen me. Amen."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Relationship"

"Lord thank you for bringing this special person into my life. Please help us to create opportunities to meet so that we can grow and communicate as a couple. Lord I pray for the future of our relationship cover us in your love in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Guidance"

"We praise and thank u Lord for all the blessings you've given us even if we don't deserve to be blessed. Thank u for loving us so dearly. Lord i lift up all to u our prblems and your will be done. I trust in u all the time. I know i have nothing to worry because you are always on my side. Iloveu Lord. In Jesus name we pray.Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for the things only you can make possible. Thank you for my job, thank you for my projects and thank you for my family and friends. Holy father please keep us safe in Jesus name. Lord I pray that you will help me to complete my task for the day so that I can have a good practice and a good fitness session. Lord please keep me positive and focused in Jesus name. Holy father I pray for acceptance from others in Jesus name. Amen. "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"A Clean Heart "

"Lord give me a clean heart so I might serve thee. Lord I am overwhelmed and consumed. Give me strength and patience Heavenly Father to see you in all things and to know you are Lord. Give me hope where I feel hopeless, grant me peace. Be a fence all around Father God and send your angels to camp around me protecting me from the enemy and myself. These things we ask in your name. Amen "


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for being there for me. Lord I pray for my romantic relationship. I pray that you will bring blessings to our relationship Lord I pray that you will bring us together in peace and harmony and love. Lord I pray that our relationship will grow and blossom and that we will have good communication in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for being with me, thank you for helping me get everything done on my list thank you for helping me with this transition thank you for a peaceful day and thank you for a good nights sleep. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Our dog is very sick and in renal failure. Please pray for her. She saved my son's life and is his world. She is such a wonderful dog. Please I pray for a healing miracle. In Jesus name amen"


8 years ago

"My Nieces Baby"

"Please pray for my nieces new baby. He is very very sick. Please lord give the Drs clarity to see what is needed. Please comfort his parents and family they need you now more than ever. Please strengthen his body, help is new kidneys to start, heal his brain. Lord we need a miracle. I ask in Jesus name amen"


8 years ago


"Our dog is very sick and in renal failure. Please pray for her. She saved my sons life and is his world. Please pray for a miracle. In Jesus name amen"


8 years ago


"Lord god I pray for my ex father I pray that he will stop bullying me and stop abusing me . I need to be strong for my baby but it's hard when he is constancy tearing me down what does he want me to take my life he is pushing me to the point I need my life back u want to be happy again I want this rejection, hurt , depression, fear, bitterness , lonelyness, scared, angry, worry I pray all of these will leave me in the name of Jesus I want my life back I just pray for my ex to leave me alone And stop abusing me to the point were I feel like taking my life . I just father God my ex will know how I'm feeling and feel bad I just pray for a miracle lord god I can't take this hurt no more I don't deserve this lord ."


8 years ago

"Over And Over"

"Lord, I don't understand what it so wrong with me having a decent man in my life. I went through a rough point of obsession and the last relationship I had with an atheist almost destroyed my entire life. I have redevoted myself to you, and am constantly asking for guidance, contentment, understanding, and sometimes even companionship. But, I feel like I am answered with silence and teasing. I still spend my days wondering and every time you send me someone I am interested in, something always goes wrong. Why do you keep doing this to me? So Lord, I lift up Bryan. Please anoint him and bless him with Your Holy Spirit. God, I ask that you would open his eyes, mind, and heart to you and illuminate his soul. I ask that you would help me to be a light in his life. He is a good person, I know, who is weary of only guidance and trust. Father, I really do not want to end our newly budding relationship already but, if it is what I must do...yet again, please give me the strength to do it and next time, I beg that you bless me with a relationship that lasts. Amen."


8 years ago


"My husband is committing adultery, with a horrible sinner that finds it funny. My heart is broken, I knew he didn't just fall out of love with me but I think that this is more than I can bare. I ask his adulteress to leave him alone and she said she would have me arrested for harassment, where are you God? "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"Be Revealed"

"Father God this day don't let the devil rib me if my joy. Lord be revealed this and everyday. Let your glory be revealed, save your children this day set them free and deliver them from all evil. Move God like never before create a shift that would move the nation and create an earthquake in the world. Thank you Jesus for all you are. I bless your name. Amen"


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for a good day yesterday. Lord I pray that today will be good also. I pray that it will be productive and I will get things done. Lord I pray that you will keep me focused and positive in Jesus name. Lord I pray for acceptance from others in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank lord for the opportunity to practice. Thank you for helping me get things of my long list done. Thank you for peacefulness and rest. Thank you for the happy people I met. Thank you for a good day. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Physical Healing"

"Please pray for my physical healing in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for the prayers and GOD bless."


8 years ago


"Lord, I place Jay into you hands. I pray for healing of all his ailments not only the flu but also his anxiety and ptsd. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago

"Overcoming Anxiety"

"Lord, please give me the strength I need to overcome crippling social anxiety and paranoia. Let me be open to others and not assume they are intending to harm me."


Dallas, Texas
8 years ago

"Disabled Homeless Man + 3 Dogs Need A Home"

"I have been homeless for 4 months, living in my car with my three companions. I can't find any help in my city other than to go and surrender my poor elderly dogs to probably and most likely to be put down due to their advanced age and then for me to go live in a homeless shelter and wait until a social worker decides if something could be done to assist me. Of course I do not find my community's methods or strategy to assist the homeless acceptable logical or desirable. The police harass me every chance they get and the scripted response of disposing of my dogs and reporting to the homeless shelter is the only speech they know to give. I never bother anyone or ask for any sort of handouts from individuals , I just move from spot to spot each day and do my best to blend in and hope people don't realize that I do not have a place to live and act normal. Until now I haven't even asked God if he would show me mercy and lead me out of this life of hopeless despair. Although this experience my have been part of his plan for me and my life, after four months, my health is seriously declining, my feet are swollen , teeth are failing and my spirit is desperately weak. Could you pray for me? "


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for everything you are doing in my life, lord I pray that today will be a constructive day in Jesus name, lord please help me to get things done. Please help me to have a good practice. Lord I pray for acceptance from others and I pray for focus and positivity in my mind and heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you Lord for helping me to complete the move. Thank you for the people that helped me move. Lord thank you for the sense of peace and thank you for giving me a good nights rest. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Over And Over"

"Lord, I don't understand what it so wrong with me having a decent man in my life. I went through a rough point of obsession and the last relationship I had with an atheist almost destroyed my entire life. I have redevoted myself to you, and am constantly asking for guidance, contentment, understanding, and sometimes even companionship. But, I feel like I am answered with silence and teasing. I still spend my days wondering and every time you send me someone I am interested in, something always goes wrong. Why do you keep doing this to me? So Lord, I lift up Bryan. Please anoint him and bless him with Your Holy Spirit. God, I ask that you would open his eyes, mind, and heart to you and illuminate his soul. I ask that you would help me to be a light in his life. He is a good person, I know, who is weary of only guidance and trust. Father, I really do not want to end our newly budding relationship already but, if it is what I must do...yet again, please give me the strength to do it and next time, I beg that you bless me with a relationship that lasts. Amen."


8 years ago

"Thankful For The Fight"

"Dear father I'm thankful for everything I do have,you give me the will to live God is good amen🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"World Peace"

"Dear father I pray for peace in the world and please help the poor and helpless God bless🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Give Me Strength "

"Dear father please give me the strength to cope,I'm really struggling with the pain from my illness,I feel so alone and anxious,I'm grateful I have you in my life I love you with all my heart❤️I have faith and hope that you will get me through this bad time Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Faith And Hope"

"Dear father I pray for peace happiness and inner strength,I live in hope that things will get better in my life,I pray for my family and I know dear father you are looking after them Amen🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Parents Teaching Children Wrong"

"My niece and her boyfriend have two children. They lost a baby when she was one month old due to heart condition. Someone told them her baby was in hell because they were not married. So now they are bitter against God. They are teaching their other children to not believe in God. They became atheists. Plz pray for this family! Plz pray that they will get married and serve God as He is a loving God! Update: her boyfriend is abusive to her and children. Plz pray that she will be able to move out and find a safer place to live. Thank you so much!"


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for everything you are doing in my life, it feels difficult sometimes but nothing is impossible with you lord. Lord I pray that I will get everything done that I set out to do today. Lord I ask that you be with me to help me focus and stay positive. Lord I pray for acceptance from others in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You "

"Thank you lord for helping me with this transition. Thank you for helping me to get things done. Thank you lord for the people in my life. Thank you for helping me accomplish things and sort things out. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"Discerning Spirit"

"Dear God, Fill your people with a discerning spirit. Help them to see the wicked devil and his tricks. Allow us Lord to see him in the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the shows we watch, and all other areas he tries to slip in and transform our minds. Creat more soldiers for you Lord, more warriors for the battlefield. This we ask in your name. Amen"


8 years ago

"Struggling College Student "

"I am a college student, I definitely need prayer. I have tried so many ways to pass my hard classes and all I'm asking for is a BIG blessing! I have gone through anxiety, depression, and stress b/c of school. I have prayed, read the bible, and confessed in so many levels! I have put it in gods hands and asked him to guide me and give me wisdom. All I'm asking is for a boost. I know prayer is power! Please keep me in your prayers🙏"


8 years ago

"Born With Cancer"

"Dear Lord, I am praying that you help heal my cousin's 6 month old baby of this terrible disease that she has in her eyes. I am praying that she will become stronger after she gets through. I pray that her parents and her siblings can live and love together for many years to come. I pray that nothing will stop her and that she will be able to do many things. I pray for her and her family and the rest of our family. Amen."


8 years ago

"Friendship In Need Of Help"

"Dear Lord, I am praying that our friendship will be saved. My friend and I have felt that we are tearing apart. A lot of negativity between us such as fights, hurtful words and trust issues. It hurts me really deep and I think they're hurting just as much as I am. I ask of you to please save our friendship so that we can live in harmony again! Amen!!"


8 years ago

"Lord Give Me Guidance "

"When does it cross the line to emotional abuse? Isn't your husband suppose to support you, now it his money and I better not touch it. Not for groceries for nothing and I better start making the payments on my car and the insurance and he is taking me off his medical insurance. How long do I trust and pray? "


8 years ago

"Please Hear My Prayers"

"Please I humbly ask that you pray for my family. I recently moved to a new state and have been desperately searching for a job. I pray this last interview can be life changing for my daughter and myself. I pray my daughter is not depressed and makes new friends soon. I hate to see her in pain at 12. I pray for the cruelty in this world. I don't need luxury just health, love and happiness. God bless you all and thank you Lord for keeping us close to your heart! I pray for a special lost friend that he believes in you and his soul is freed from alcohol as Kia clouded his judgment "


8 years ago

"My Life"

"Lord I ask that you heal me from all my demons. Lord you kno my heart. I ask that you allow me to give you all of me. Lord I ask that you take total control. Amen"


8 years ago

"Please Dont Let Me Get Fired Or Anyyhing Happen To My Job "

"Please pray for me and help me at work to not be given a hard time about work and being sick please I beg of you help me not to lose my job and people to be compassionate please God "


8 years ago


"Lord I ask for your healing today "


8 years ago

"Please God Dont Let Mywork Be Mad For Me Being Sick "

"Please God don't let my work be mad about me being out sick please don't let there be a problem on Saturday or Monday please God please don't let them give me a hard time ."


8 years ago

"Very Comforting prayer"

"I bind to myself today - God's Power to guide me, God's Might to uphold me, God's Wisdom to teach me, God's Eye to watch over me God's Ear to hear me, God's Word to give me speech, God's Hand to guide me, God's Way to lie before me, God's Shield to shelter me, God's Host to secure me, Against the snares of demons, Against the seductions of vices, Against the lusts of nature, Against everyone who meditates injury to me, Whether far or near, Whether few or with many. Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ at my right, Christ at my left, Christ in the fort, Christ in the chariot seat, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me."


8 years ago


"God I'm coming to you praying to you asking that you find a way in Tuwuan "my ex boyfriend" heart to talk to me, last night we got in a big argument & now he won't talk to me, I'm scared that I lost him for good Lord & I really don't want that to happen cause I love him so much & I don't want it to end on bad terms lord please I'm on my knees praying that hopefully soon he come around . It's just so hard trying to continue life with out somebody I've grown to love , in Jesus name , amen 🙏🏾"


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me to fit in well with the section please help me to play well please help me show my potential. Lord I pray for acceptance. Lord please help me to focus and be positive, please help me to remember all I have to do today please help me get things done, please help me find the thing that I lost in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for being there for me, thank you lord for the last few days, thank you lord for the opportunity to get to know new people, thank you lord for a good rest, thank you that I'm feeling better. Thank you lord for my family and friends in Jesus name. Amen"


8 years ago

"Unspoken Prayer For Over The Top Challenges"



8 years ago

"Strength And Peace"

"Lord God I pray and asked you to give me strength and peace right now Lord because I know my heart can take so much Lord God that you give me strength to overcome situation I can't handle myself Lord God in Jesus name I pray. Amen"


8 years ago


"Please pray for me to get the job I interviewed recently. I really need this job and I need your prayers "


Sallisaw OKlahoma
8 years ago

"Brenda And Gil"

"Lord I just lift up BRENDA and Gil and ask that you would prick both there hearts and bring healing to their marriage!"


Sallisaw OKlahoma
8 years ago

"My Cyst In My Back"

"Dear Lord by the power and the name of Jesus Christ I ask and claim healing if the cyst in my back! In your mighty name amen"


8 years ago

"For Myself"

"Dear God, i pray that my visa be processed and that i land on that good job. Please lord, guide me. Its time to help my family and husband and self. Thanks you lord."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get into nursing school. Allow me to get a scholarship. Help me pass my class with a good grade. Amen."


8 years ago

"Custody Fight"

"Things are not going as well as expected, and I am deeply worried about my daughter's safety. My husband doesn't want her, he just wants to "win." He is pulling ridiculous legal moves that, unfortunately, might swing things in his favor. Please pray that God will protect my baby, that things can be resolved quickly, and that my husband will stop being so aggressive and arrogant and instead focus on what is truly best for our baby. And please pray for peace and comfort and faith for me - I am dealing with a lot of fear and frustration and questions right now. "


8 years ago


"This is so difficult to ask prayer for. I need rebellion spirit to be broke off me. I know what The Lord wants me to do. Plz pray for me to be obedient. "


8 years ago

"My Sister Kim"

"Kim is having horrible nightmares about things that are not true. She is also suffering from all kinds of pain fibromyalgia and heart trouble. She is almost 54 years old. She also has insomnia. I'm concerned about her. She doesn't have a vehicle and if she did, all the meds she takes would interfere with her ability to drive. But plz pray for her soul too. "


8 years ago


"Lord god I pray for my baby's dad anyone seeing this I pray that God will move in mysterious ways in his life I pray he will totally and completely turn his life around for his children and new baby ) I pray that the enemy will take his hands off of him right now I pray for his outrageous temper to go right now in Jesus name I also pray God for his drug trafficking to stop father God I pray he will be a changed man if he wants to spend more time with the new baby . I pray for a miracle in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"Please Dont Let Me Lose My Job I Need My Job"

"Dear god and anyone who hears this please I need your and least week was stressful for me at work . That girl who was bullying me apologized to me and I went to my boss for help and she said hr would speak with me and be willing to help and that my job was safe. But today felt really uneasy and I'm scared that the corporation is trying to turn this on me because the girl is being nice to me now so I'm scared they are going to try and make it look like it wasn't serious. Now today I hear that they might be cutting back employees my co worker said I'm safe however I've been here before and I'm still worried please I beg for prayers.please please don't let me lose my job I've been through so much please please don't let me get fired or laid off please I just got an apartment I need my income right now desperately "


8 years ago


"praying that my aunt be ok , she is in the hospital , the medicine they gave her made her sugar go huh , God please let her be ok 🙏🏾"


Fort McMurray
8 years ago

"Drug Induced Psychosis"

"YHWH God father of Abraham David Jacob and Isaac I come to you with the request for my brother Wayne. Please Lord touch him and heal him from the drug induced psychosis and his heart attack to your glory. We know nothing can be done without your touch you are the creator of the universe you are also the creator of everything in the universe. By your word everything is created by your word people are created by your word nothing is done without it. I come before the maker of heaven and earth to heal this infirmity. I also come to you Lord to be with the family as they go through this challenging time. Even though I cannot be there in body Lord I pray that you can bring me there in spirit for support to not only my brother but my family as well. We Humble ourselves before you Lord for you say that if we ask anything in your name it shall be given.. we ask now in your name Jesus Christ for the healing and restoration Amen. "


8 years ago

"Hearing This Morning"

"There will be a hearing this morning to determine whether or not my husband has to turn over evidence that is relevant to our custody case. Please pray that the judge finds in favor of making him turn it over - this evidence could make all the difference in protecting my baby! "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please help me to prepare for my licensure test and give me confidence to take the test in the next few months. Lord I know I can do this but I peace that only comes from you. Thank you Lord for all the opportunities you have given me and all the blessings in my life. In Jesus Name. Amen."


8 years ago


"Please pray that me and my prayer partner will gain understanding because we are lately not speaking and are in silent treatment. None is being said why so. Please pray that we may reconcille and resolve this matter in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS."


8 years ago

"Work At Home Decision"

"Lord, I ask for guidance, wisdom, anointing, your will! I need you to guide me to choose the right at home work opportunity. I ask if this is a good company to work for them you show me a sign and open the doors or close them to your glory I pray be exalted! I ask and pray in Jesus name for your help Lord, Amen. "


8 years ago


"I pray tomorrow in court that everything will go awesome with me mh baby's dad and my son I pray that m baby's dad will not say anything to screw this up for me "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Greater Faith"

"Lord I know I need greater faith. Please help me to trust you to be who you've always been: Healer, Savior, Restorer....Lord help me to seek you and to find comfort in you. Help me to be a better priest to my home, to my wife and dear children. In Jesus name I pray. Amen 🙏🏽"


8 years ago


"Recently I made a hospital visit with a stranger.... I felt that I needed to bring a new bible and visit with someone who hadn't had any visitors. Please don't take this as bragging, there's nothing I could ever do by myself. It's all God working. I just want to ask prayers for this man. He is very sick and is being moved to a nursing home and he wants to be back in church but is physically unable. Please pray for healing of this great man I can now call a friend!!"


8 years ago

"Job For J"

"Lord, Thank you for blessing us in our lives. I'm sorry for the times when I failed to fully trust in you, you are almighty and you never fail. Please help j to get a good job and be able to support his family. You know his heart is yours but he has been struggling lately. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


8 years ago

"Looking For Lost Phone"

"We praise and thank u oh Lord please help me find the phone of my frend he thinks he lost his in our home but i cant find it. Pls give a sign or anything. Thank u Lord in jesus name we pray Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago

"Ouvidos Espirituais "

"Oração para que meus ouvidos Espirituais sejam abertos para ouvir a voz de Deus e o Seu chamado "


8 years ago

"Be A Successful Online Entreprenuer"

"I'm praying that my online entrepreneurial endeavors will be successful enough for me to quit my job to focus more on God, my family and acquiring my Masters in human resource management. "


8 years ago


"Lord please let Samuel my 2yrs old cousin be able to walk. He hasn't made a step nor stand on his own ever since he was born. Father please let healing be his portion. In Jesus name I Pray. Amen"


8 years ago

"God Heal Jarrod"

"My boyfriend, Jarrod, is having some heart issues. They don't know many details yet but he doesn't feel good and I'm terrified. Please pray for healing. "


8 years ago

"going Thru A Break Up 💔"

"God I'm praying asking you to please help me get thru this heart break , I'm hurting so bad lord Jesus idk how I'm going to get thru it, I feel so lost, I feel like it's never gonna end God, I just need peace lord, I just wanna be able to get thru this , in Jesus name, amen 🙏🏾"


8 years ago

"intentions for successful IVF procedure and pregnancy "

"God please bless my sister Stephanie Cabatit and brother-inlaw Bodgie Cabatit for their intentions. Tomorrow The ivf procedure for her to get pregnant will be done, please touch and bless the whole team inside the room where ivf will be held. I believe that YOU GOD are powerful and will lead the procedure to make it a success. In YOUR name GOD we raise everything to YOU. Amen"


8 years ago


" My husband has been battling addiction for about 7yrs now we could really use all the prayers we can get please pray for him so we can be a family again he has lost sight on what's important in life I pray for him everyday but sometimes it feels like god looks over me or my cries r lost in the crowd 😢 please pray god gives me strength and guidance "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Husband"

"We praise and thank u oh Lord. Please pray for my husband,he always humiliate me to anyone. Shouting at me and always pointing out my fault to Anyone. I feel so sad about this Lord. I am the kind of person with a lot of patience with him. I keep on telling him this matter but he always shouts at me and saying than im a fool. Im love him so much but i am also hurt.. Please help mo Lord. In Jesus name we pray Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago

"peace & tranquility"

"God I'm asking you to bring me peace as I go thru this break up, I just feel so depressed, because stuff can change so fast, I'm asking you to help me continue my life with out this person, how can you love somebody so much and not be with them, I feel so hurt Lord Jesus, I feel like there's never gonna be nobody out there for me ever. I have low self esteem, I just feel so lost without him Jesus , I know you do everything for a reason my God, just help me get thru this please, in Jesus name, amen 🙏🏾😭"


8 years ago

"My mom"

"Is it possible for someone who has passed away to be rescued from the depths of hell and be saved? My mom is deceased. She was infested with ungodly spirits. I read in a magazine where a soul was rescued from hell, but it was a near death experience. That man came back~ I'm not asking mom come back but I'm asking prayer for her to be rescued. Is this possible? "


8 years ago

"My Neighbor Needs Prayer"

"My neighbor, Fay has been diagnosed with two different cancers. This lady is a Christian and a good kind hearted lady. She plays a guitar for funerals and benefits. She is a good neighbor. Please pray for her. The chemo is not working so the dr put it on hold. I believe her faith is being tested. "


8 years ago

"Dear Father"

"Thank you for another day my dear father Jesus Christ our Lord Amen "


8 years ago

"Dear Father"

"My dear father thank you oh lord Jesus for giving me another day,for my family and friends,a safe home with all we have,please help me get strong to cope with my pain I do suffer each and every day,i struggle with my lupus but my dear father you wouldn't have given me this if I couldn't cope,I am thankful for all we do have many people have nothing,I also pray for them,God bless Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"


8 years ago


"I need our Lord Jesus Christ with Him may come help "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Cousin"

"Please pray for my cousin she's cheating on her husband. But sge's acting like she's not doing anything. I dont want to ruin his marriage,i just warn her husband but she knew about what i did and then she's so angray with with me. Please pray for her to enlighten her mind Lord. From then oni keep in silence.i will not say anything to anyone. Lord please guide her. In Jesus name i pray. Amen 🙏"


8 years ago

"Help! "

" My husband has been battling addiction for about 7yrs now we could really use all the prayers we can get please pray for him so we can be a family again he has lost sight on what's important in life I pray for him everyday but sometimes it feels like god looks over me or my cries r lost in the crowd 😢 please pray god gives me strength and guidance "


8 years ago

"Im Still Holding On"

"Dear lord, i know nothing is impossible, i am still holding on that may dog bestfrined cielo will have her vision be restored and healed. I believe that love can heal and have a miracle. Pmease lord i am begging you please reatore her vision. I love her with all my heart, no conditions. Pure love. I dont want her to get hurt and be helpless. Please lord im begging you."


8 years ago

"Just a quick thank you"

"For all the blessings..i am grateful. "


8 years ago


"I am in financial trouble and was hoping to get a job that paid more unfortunately the job did not go through. Please pray for my family and I "


8 years ago

"break Up"

"God please help me get thru this break up, I feel so bad, I feel so lonely, I feel so unwanted & unloved, I'm really hurting lord Jesus 😥😥, my heart really aching, I know you could help me get thru this lord. In Jesus name glory hallelujah 🙏🏼"


Birmingham, AL
8 years ago

"Mark Fulton - Encouragement And Direction "

"Encouragement for a rejuvenated believer. Also direction and patience for the will of The Lord for my next move. Thank you so very much!"


8 years ago


"God I'm praying that you help me to lead me in the way of a job, I know you gone send me something that's right for me lord, I been trying Lord Jesus, I been out of work for almost 7 months, it's hard, I got friends making fun of me because I'm unemployed but I know their not really my friends cause real friends wouldn't do that, I'm praying hard God , please father , in Jesus nam glory hallelujah 😭🙏🏾"


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for answering my prayers. Lord I pray that today will go to plan. I pray that we will have a good morning filled with joy. I pray that no one gets injured and I ask you lord that you will be with us on the way home please make it a safe and drama free journey in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you father for looking after myself and my family. Thank you for yesterday. Thank you that I was able to meet new friends. Thank you in the name if Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago

"I Need Prayer"

"I am coughing and it's every night. I take meds but it's not kicking in. I need a healing touch. I have diabetes, glaucoma, sleep apnea, asthma and now insomnia. Plz pray. Thank you for your kindness. Update: feeling much better. Thank you God!!!! 😊 and thank You for prayers!!!!! 😊"


8 years ago

"My Uncle Jay"

"My uncle Jay has struggled with cancer for about a year or so now. The doctors told him he had a couple of weeks left about 2-3 weeks ago so we're preparing ourselves for what's to come. He can barely feel his legs anymore and the cancer is closing his throat up more and more everyday. Dear lord, please don't make him leave us, we won't be able to handle life without him but I'm trying to understand if you do take him from us. PLEASE perform a miracle, we can't lose him!!"


8 years ago

"My Uncle Jay"

"My uncle Jay has struggled with cancer for about a year or so now. The doctors told him he had a couple of weeks left about 2-3 weeks ago so we're preparing ourselves for what's to come. He can barely feel his legs anymore and the cancer is closing his throat up more and more everyday. Dear lord, please don't make him leave us, we won't be able to handle life without him but I'm trying to understand if you do take him from us. PLEASE perform a miracle, we can't lose him!!"


8 years ago

"Best Friend In Trouble"

"Dear Lord, I am praying that my best friend will have her faith back and love herself. I pray that all the negativity will be gone and that only You can touch her soul. I pray that my friend will no longer feel so much doubt. I pray that she will no longer feel sad, scared or angry. I pray that you will watch over her. Jesus name Amen!"


8 years ago


"my sister takes one of test for her nursing certification, she's ready but gets nervous during tests. Please remember her in your prayers today. "


8 years ago

"Everything Is A Mess"

"I don't understand what is happening for me as a single mom all in matter of 30 days my whole life has changed -I lost my job suddenly and my car and I'm so afraid. It's only me to take care of our finances and I am so scared, worried and stressed about all that is happening. I am a good person and strive to help others and be kind I worked hard and ensure my daughter and I attend church weekly -I am faithful and trust in God but I can't see why all this bad at once when everything was going right in a flash it's all one big mess. I am feeling so lost -need any and all prayers I cannot see what to do please please I ask for any prayers I do believe in Gods plan for us I just can't see what I am supposed to do "


8 years ago


"Have a unspoken request for healing and wisdom."


8 years ago


"God of miracles, Please fill Chris' heart with love for me again. Give him a remorseful heart that longs to make things right. Please silence Chris from the lies of the enemy. Thank you for moving mountains. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago

"God Uses Your Problems for Good"

"A devotional I read today: God Uses Your Problems for Good Life is not a series of random, freak accidents. Life is not totally unplanned. Life is not without meaning. God knows what’s going on. He’s weaving the tapestry of your life, and it has light and dark threads — happy and sad times — to give richness and texture and color to your life. Nothing can come into the life of a child of God without God’s permission. Everything is Father filtered. Don’t misunderstand. I am not saying that everything that happens to you in life is God’s perfect will. That’s just not true. There are a lot of things that are not God’s will. If you go out and sin, that’s not God’s will. If somebody sins against you, that’s not God’s perfect will. But God does have a permissive will. If I go out and I overeat, I pay the consequences. If I go out and wreck my body, I pay the consequences. God does not cause evil and God does not cause suffering. But he does allow them because they have a purpose. God permits them, and then he uses them. God is an expert at bringing good out of bad. He could have kept Paul out of prison in Philippi, but instead he let Paul go to prison, and the jailer became a believer as a result. God could have kept Jesus from the cross, but he let him go. He let his own Son suffer and die. Did he bring any good out of that? I’d say he did! God loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections. The things you wish were most removed from your life are often the very things that God is using to shape you and make you into the believer he wants you to be. He wants to use that problem for good in your life. There’s something more important than your pain. It’s what you’re learning from that pain. God is in control. So what’s the key? What’s our response? Our response is to look past the pain. “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 2 Corinthians 4:16-17"


8 years ago


"Holy father please help me today and tomorrow please give me courage to step outside my comfort zone. Please keep me safe away from physical harm and from emotional and spiritual conflict. Lord I pray for acceptance and patience and focus in Jesus name Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You "

"Holy father thank you for getting me this far, thank you for helping me with this task, thank you for being there for me. Thank you for the people you have placed in my life. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"My Life "

"I haven't asked for prayers in a while but today I'm really needing some. I'm working 3 jobs and struggling so hard to support myself. I'm suppose to graduate in May but if my grades keep suffering I won't be able to. My husband left me when I needed him most and now my life is such a mess. Not only am I dealing with our divorce but all that's on my plate. I get up at 4:30 every morning and try and workout and go to work and take care of myself. I really just need a miracle right now. I can't afford my school books and I'm behind in bills. I just need things to work themselves out. I need the money my husband owes me. I need him to wake up and realize he's a fool. I want to be happy and successful but right now I am beyond overwhelmed. Please Lord, help me. "


8 years ago

"Spiritual Warefare "

"I'd ask for help and deliverance. I'm being oppressed by the enemy. I need our Lord Jesus Christ"


8 years ago

"Healing Prayer"

"We praise and thank u Lord. U are the great doctor Lord please chrge your angels to ny nephew baby Tristan. Please help him breathe normally and his lungs to function normal. Please give him enough strength our Lord to recover quickly and also to my sister in law. Please heal them Lord in Jesus name we pray. Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Strength"

"Hello Believers, I had to do something that was very difficult yesterday; break up with my boyfriend. We have not been able to make any headway for over two years on a very important issue which involves my allegiance to God and I finally had to put my foot down. I need your help in asking God to send His Holy Spirit to trouble this man's soul to seek Him and to serve Him first and love Him most. Thanking you all in advance and thanking God in advance for the miracle he is sure to deliver, in Jesus' name Amen.."


8 years ago

"Feeling Lost"

"Lord God, please guide and help me. I feel so lost. I don't know what to do with my life. Help me discover what you have planned for me. Amen."


8 years ago


"My soon-to-be-ex-husband is about to be very unhappy and possibly very afraid, as some of his secrets come to light. Please pray that he does not do anything to harm my child or me! God has protected us this far, and I know He will continue to do so, but it is a constant battle to turn my fears over to Him. Also, please pray that the legal proceedings move quickly and work out in the best way possible for the safety and well-being of my baby!"


Queens, NY
8 years ago


"Heavenly Father I come before you this morning asking for a hedge of protection around me and my son. I had a dream about snakes which signifies danger for me. Please Lord have the saints join together and pray for our protection. I pray no weapon formed against us will prosper. Keep us in your care we pray this day now and forever. Amen"


8 years ago


"In need of prayer, have a in grown hair that is causing me some trouble. I know it seems small but it is extremely painful and I know there is nothing too big or too small for my God. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Dear Lord, Thank you and I love you! C"


8 years ago

"My daughter"

"My daughter needs food in their home! Plz pray for her!!!! Update: everything is ok!! Praise God! My daughter has food has food and lots of it!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊"


8 years ago

"My Daughter "

"My daughter and her husband in a terrible bind. He was laid off, she just starting working at McDonald's (not pay day yet) and they are out of food. She applied for food stamps but it's not came in yet. They have a one year old son. She fed him their last can of Raviolis and they are doing without. I would give to her but we are out too. We are barely making it. Plz pray that The Lord will supply them food until things get better for them. Thank you soooo much. "


8 years ago

"Please God Help Me Make This Stop"

"I please ask God for your help and prayers I'm being bullied at work a girl harassing me and tried to get me fired I'm going to my boss for the last time today please help protect me and get something done about this please I beg of you"


8 years ago


"I'm in need of your prayers I have let my job get in the way of God and I have let my fire burn out I just feel like a failure and I feel like I have no chances left please pray "


8 years ago

"My Child Is Hurting"

"Father God, I pray that you will protect my daughter's heart and mind. Raise up in her the warrior that you intend her to be. Help us to encourage her with integrity, wisdom and grace. In Jesus name."


8 years ago

"My Niece"

"She is suffering with a terrible migraine for days now. She can't miss school and has to make it one more day before she can go to doctor. She's in her late 20's and has two children. The children's daddy is not helping her. He needs prayer too. Plz pray for Jenny Update: Jenny was scheduled to get MRI and cat scan but something is wrong with her medical coverage so the hospital refused to do the tests. She needs continued prayers! "


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Me."

"Please pray for me. I feel so lost and heartbroken. I feel so sad. I am so tired, exhausted, and stressed. I feel like nothing is working out for me and things aren't getting better. Please pray that God leads me in the right direction and fills my heart with happiness. Please pray that God helps me to get through this difficult time that I am going through. Prayer is so powerful. God bless. "


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that you will help me to be happy and take this depression and hurt away lord I pray to will focus on my son and forget about this depression in Jesus name "


8 years ago

"Complicated Pregnancy"

"Please pray for the safe development and delivery of my baby. "


8 years ago

"prayer for favour"

"Dearest brothers and sisters, Please pray for the Lord to have favour on me in my life. Pray that His peace and love is with me always and that my guardian angels protect me and my loved ones from danger and harm. pray that I may feel complete in HIM answering my prayers. pray that my baby is well and peaceful. amen "


8 years ago

"My Mom"

"She has had two brain surgeries!!! The first was from trauma from a fall, and 6 days later she stroked, so they had to do another brain surgery to remove a partial scull!!! This all started on October 12. Her blood pressure is very elevated. The stroke effected her right side, so she's unable to move the right side!!! I am also praying her brain will have complete healing as well!!! She's on a feeding tube!!! It's also a struggle with her kidneys. One day the kidneys are working proper the next they're not!!! Thanks so much for praying!!!"


8 years ago

"My Mom"

"She has had two brain surgeries!!! The first was from trauma from a fall, and 6 days later she stroked, so they had to do another brain surgery to remove a partial scull!!! This all started on October 12. Her blood pressure is very elevated. The stroke effected her right side, so she's unable to move the right side!!! I am also praying her brain will have complete healing as well!!! She's on a feeding tube!!! It's also a struggle with her kidneys. One day the kidneys are working proper the next they're not!!! Thanks so much for praying!!!"


8 years ago


"Lord give me the strength to stand on your word, believe and trust you with all my heart, all my mind, and all my strength. "


8 years ago


"God of miracles, Thank you for moving mountains. I know you are working on my marriage. Please continue to silence the lies of the enemy over Chris and continue to restore the love between us. Thank you for giving us a second chance. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago


"Orar por mis papás"


8 years ago

"Sick Kids"

"Dear lord please help my kids to feel better. They've already missed too much school. Please take all sickness out of this house I'm Jesus's name Amen. "


8 years ago

"Complicated Pregnancy:"

"I am requesting prayer as I am very anxious about my current pregnancy. Ian positive I don't have the worst case a Dr has ever seen, but I am in shock. Please pray for my baby and his safe delivery. Thank you!!"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Depression"

"I feel a little drained today, tired, and depressed. Please I lift this to God to take it to take it away. "


8 years ago


"Please heal my mother whom I believe has suffered from PPD the majority of her life, and is moody and never satisfied. Please give her wisdom and good judgment and see and treat others the way she would like others to see and treat her. Let her realize that not everything is about her. Please heal our tense, superficial relationship, in Christ's name I pray, Amen."


8 years ago

"Business Success"

"Please bless and grow my business Lord. Allow me to earn enough to escape the depressing environment which surrounds me. In Christ's name I pray, Amen 🙏 6/22/16: Lord I am upping the urgency of this prayer for my finances, especially given my current circumstances. I want to move forward and have a future with Abel if it is your will. In order to do this and keep my health insurance and meet all if my other obligations and take care if my mom, my financial picture needs to change drastically. Please Lord, You have done so much for me already and I trust You. Please continue to perform Your miricles."


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Us"

"Please lead the man who loves me to love you foremost. Please trouble his heart to serve you and allow him to see the wisdom of abstinence before marriage. Please reorder my relationship with You so that it is not negatively filtered by denominational dogma. Please show me how to be an effective witness in Jesus' name I pray, Amen 🙏"


8 years ago


"My Lord, hear my cries and pleas before you. I'm in pain and hurt. I need you. My neighbor seeks to do me wrong. Lord, I ask you to stop all communication between Vanessa and Khurshid. He seeks to deceive and lie to my wife. Lord, please you are there judge, discipline them, continue to work and restore my marriage that you have created. I ask in the name of Jesus, that you save and fight for my marriage, wash it in Jesus' blood to cleanse it and renew it. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen"


8 years ago


"We praise and thank u oh Lord please help my mother to solve his financial problem. I dont think i can help her this time. Please send some people to help her in her prblems. I know my mother has a good heart and a helping hand but her ways is wrong he used the funds of the school where she works and the auditor might find out what she did and might loose her job. Please help her Lord. In Jesus name Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago

"Lord Do U Hear Me"

"Dear god, do you hear me? Pls say you do because im getting so depressd. I cannot be happy anymore. U didnt leave me god? I know u are here. Pkease hear my prayer lord please. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Help the people and the children in Syria. Especially the ones who are dying of hunger. Protect them and watch over them from all harm. Send your strongest angels to guide them. "


8 years ago

"Mind On you "

"Lord God I pray and ask you that I keep my mind stayed on you and that my focus don't get distracted by the things in the world Lord God. I pray Lord God you keep me in my right sound mind with Peace, Happiness and Grace in Jesus name I pray. Amen"


8 years ago

"I Love My Bestfriend Dog Cielo"

"Dear God, i am hurting right now as i see her sleeping, she has been with me for so long, until now tht she's old. It hurts me because she cant see, please restore her vision lord. We will be relocating to hongkong soon and i cannot leave her like this. Who will love her the way i do, who will take care of her. I cannot abandon her becaise i know that she needs me. Please hear my prayer lord. I cannot bear the pain. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my husband to pass his interview later for 2nd asst engr. Lord your will be done! In Jesus name we pray Amen! 🙏"


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"The St. Family"

"Lord our God and Savior we humbly come before you asking that you be with my friend and his family. Mend any disconnections and broken hearts. Heal where it is needed. Be with his daughter Lord. Run the enemy out of her mind. Fix her behavior, take her off the medicine and just be God. Give her dad peace of mind and a home for his daughter and keep God first in their lives forever I pray. Amen "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"The Lumps Have Been Removed"

"Mighty God I pray this day that the lumps in my friends breast are removed. Lord I know what you can do, all power is in your hands. I am a living testimony of what God can do. You removed the lumps in my breast and I know you are the same God who will do it for my friend. Father I praise you in advance for all you have done and what you continue to do. Amen "


8 years ago


"We praise and thank you Lord. Please take extra care for my husband today and tomorrow for he is taking a training. Please send ur angels with him to keep him safe all the time. Thank u Lord Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago

"Pray For Our Family"

"I would like for everyone to pray for my wife she lost her dad Thursday and is still having a hard time with things like paying for his funeral and the fact that she lost him just remember us in your prayers tonight especially her and her sister they are having a real hard time"


8 years ago

"Broken Dreams"

"Lord I know your will for my life is grand. Help me to see your desires for my life. You are the God of all and my unanswered prayers are still heard by you. Your will be done in my life. Thank you for unanswered prayers and for those answered. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Dear Lord, Thank you for everything! I love you! C"


8 years ago


"Lord please help with marriage, children, financial. Also want to give thanks for the many blessing now+future."


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"Birthday Blessing"

"Father as you bless with one more year of life keep me under care. I pray Lord that as I mature you use me more for your glory. As I embark on another year help to relax in your care and confidently declare you are God and there is nothing to hard for you so I wait in anticipation of your greatness and the things to come in my life that glorify you. Amen"


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"All Girls Who Are In Porn"

"Prayer for all hookers and porn stars Human trafficking, drug dealers, pimps, teens, schoolers, party freak, nerds, Just about everyone In Jesus name You know what to say in this prayer... Guys you prayers well for God "


8 years ago

"For Daddy"

"I pray for safety an peace help him to stay focused I rebuke stress anxiety an worry for them are not of u lord I thank u for answering my prayer earlier in faith for putting the right people in his path for help for our family continue to strengthen him an give him wisdom for the man of this house hold I plead the blood of Jesus over our family amen"


8 years ago

"I Love My Dog So Much"

"Dear Lord, i am begging you to please grant my prayer. I love cielo so much, please restore her eyesight. I dont want her hurt and helpless. She cannot eat and drink alone. I cannot leave her like this. From the bottom of my heart i am humbly begging you pkease lord. I will not give up on her and wull not stop praying until the day that she will see again and be ok. Please help us pray. Thank u."


8 years ago

"Pray For My Mothers Health"

"I lost my father four years ago to cancer and since then my mother has been in and out of hospital. She is back in hospital now in the same ward as where my father passed and I am terrified that she will be taken from me. My mother is my best friend, only friend, my rock, my everything. Even though I live independently I need my mother more than anything. I will always need her. I won't be able to handle loosing her!both my parents are my rocks .. I've already lost one .. So I pray that God can give her strength and renew health. Please dear God please! "


8 years ago


" Lord, I pray to you to keep me strong Give me strength to care for this autistic child. Everyday lord the road gets rough, no one wants to hear my cry but you lord!!! Wrap me in your arms, and give me grace, I'm so weak without you lord, I love this child so, help me to do what's right for my child o lord!! Let my light shine lord. So I can tell others what you have brought me through. Amen"


8 years ago

"Thank U Lord"

"We praise and thank u Lord.! Thank u for answering our prayers. Kung ano po ang kaloon nyo samin malugod ko ping tinatanggp Lord. Mrming slmt po sa malusog n ktwan ng aming buong smbhyn. Sa pag iingat nyo po sa amin araw2x. Marming salmt po never po kyo nagkulang sa amin khit po ang dami kong pagkukulang sa inyo bilang isang kristyano ang pag ibig nyo sa amin ay damang dama ko po araw2x. Thank u Lord for everything. Please bless my parents to have a long life with us. Please me to solve all my financial debt. Thnk u Lord. In Jesus name i pray Amen! 🙏"


8 years ago


"I have prayed and prayed I do not know what else to do, i am very thankful my husband hasnt left but i do not feel like i can take much more. he is now saying that he cant live for God because he does not love me as the Bible tells him to, " husbands love your wifes as christ loves the church" now this is added to he saying he doesnt love me. i feel like i must be a horrible person yet i try so hard fix his plate, lay out his clothes, run his bath water, fix his lunch, i bought myself a pistol and have been fighting whether or not to hold it to my head, and end it all. maybe i am just hopeless. "


8 years ago

"Baby Pierce"

"Prayer for Brandon and Nicole's precious little girl and her continued development. Prayer for baby and Mommy's health. Prayer that Brandon and Nicole will have fun choosing her name and be in agreement. "


8 years ago

"For my Bestfriend"

"Dear God, please heal cielo's eyes that she may still see me and the beauty of this world. I dont want to see her helpless and hurt. I love my bestfriend dog, she has been with me for long through happy and sad days. I will not give up on her, pls dont give up on us. Please hear me lord, i am begging you."


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"Holy Spirit Go Before Me"

"Most precious Savior, most Mighty God send your Holy Spirit to prepare my classroom. Holy Spirit that you make my classroom an atmosphere of love, encouragement, and determination. Help every student to strive for perfection and instill in me a spirit of hope and perseverance. Holy Spirit transform my eyes to see the best in every student and my heart so that it may be filled with compassion. Allow Holy Spirit to fulfill the assignment you have set before me with excellence. Move with all power in your hands make changes that shock the nation and the world and receive all the glory. Let me mouth not speak unless you inspect and ordain it. Keep my heart and mind pure. Impose on me every second of everyday that I there because of you and I am your assignment as your humble servant. As your servants read this prayer cause a massive sweep of individuals, families, and churches to lift up all teachers so they may do the job you have assigned them. Let the enemy not prevail but God arise in every case. Lastly I pray Holy Spirit that every imp and demon spirit that is not of you be removed in the hall ways and all classroom, the front entrance, the back entrance, the bathroom. I pray the every corner be transformed by the mighty power of God. Amen"


8 years ago

"Heal My Marriage"

"Just really struggling right now. We have only been married since this passed September. But we have been dating since 2011. Lots of hurts and words between the two of us that cannot be unspoken. Lord, please heal us and our marriage. "


8 years ago

"Prayers Needed"

"God please help me. I'm struggling with so much anger and hurt towards someone I cared for like a son. He hurt my daughter, who loves him. He changed so drastically. We don't know what happened to him and how he became so immature, insensitive and selfish. I pray for Your spirit and love to fill him so that one day he will realize what he's done and ask for reconciliation and maybe restoration. For now please help my daughter and I to forgive and let go and move on. Help him to grow up and find You again. Our hearts are so very sad. My daughter feels as if she never mattered and that he never really loved her. Her heart is so broken. Help her to know her worth. God please heal us in every way. Please calm our anxiety. Thank you for Your blessings and love. Amen"


8 years ago

"Test Prep For State Certification "

"Preparing for my state certification teaching exams. Pray for knowledge to be able to understand and retain information needed for the test "


8 years ago

"Please Let Me Have A Good Day At Work Tommarow "

"Please help me be a little more relaxed at work please help me feel more secure and not worry about people trying to get me in trouble please let me have a good day tommarow "


8 years ago

"Build My Relationship With Rey"

"God I want to build my relationship with Rey. Help us to be a couple and be together from now on. No obstacles will be because you will be our base. I would like to spend the rest of my life with him."


8 years ago


"Lord over the past 4 years of my young life I have fallen into temptation. Pornography has ruined my childhood. Lord I have tried many times to shake this temptation off but I stumble because of I don't include you. Lord I pray that you will guide me as I fight this temptation."


8 years ago

"Lord Help Me Through "

"Lord please help me me I've fallen into a hole I cannot seem to climb out of. Lord help me escape the temptation of pornography. I've lost 4 years of my life to this evil. I've tried to do this for to long on my own please help me overcome this."


8 years ago

"Please Dont Let Me Get In Trouble Or Fired "

"Please don't let me be in trouble or fired I love my job I was talking to my boss earlier and she seemed like she was in a mood with me please I'm begging for prayers please don't let anything happen with my job I know that I sent an email asking for some 7 to 4 days cause of school please don't let my boss be pissed about that and get mad please God "


8 years ago

"Health And Wealth"

"Please pray for our family to become more healthy especially my husband,our provider. Please for me to be a great mother to our children to teach them to be become a good person inside and out. Please pray for us to have our decent own home,financial stability and to have a true frrends and i also want to pray for all my inlwas for them to have a good life and more time for us to bond bcoz they are also my family. To my parents please pray for their health i cannot live without them. To my siblings thank u amen! "


8 years ago

"Pray For My Husband"

"Please pray for my husbands way of speaking he always nags and saying nasty words that sometimes i cant contain he keeps on complaining on everything. I love him very much he is a great father to our children and a great provider i guess nobodys perfect indeed. Sometimes i wish that he would go back to work onboard asap to prevent him from talking to me that way. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Me"

"Please pray for me i've been so confused right now. I hurt someones feelings unintentionally by telling to his husbad that shes (not straight to the point) cheating. I think she new about it. She keeps on posting on fb and i think shes pointing it out on me. I feel guilty but im jut telling the truth. "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"My Students And Classroom Environment"

"Jesus most merciful Savior be with me in my classroom. Tell me the cheeses to be a motivation to be inspired to be an encourager give me strength give me patience give me A heart of love that I can transfer to every student. Send your Holy Ghost to run in the classroom before me. Send a fresh anointing daily. Allow me to touch on every component of learning with the power of the Holy Spirit by my side. Send your Holy Ghost power into every seat and every corner of the classroom. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord, please restore the relationship between my husband and father-in-law. Please offer peace and pour your blessings over them. Please help them to start over on clean slate. "


8 years ago


"I pray God will give me grace and understanding to his will. I pray I can be more like him and less prideful "


8 years ago


"I pray for God to help me fight for my marriage "


8 years ago

"Please hear my Cry "

"I'm just asking you all to pray for my family, I have an abusive (mentally and physically) Dad who won't leave our home so me, my mother and little brother can be free and live peacefully in our home or grandmother left for us. I have been living this way for over 24 years and I've prayed and fasted, I'm starting to give up faith (And I don't want too) I really want him out of our lives and no matter how much I pray & talk to God nothing has change. His behaviour is unbearable now and it brings me to tears, I've asked my mum to make him leave but I believe she's scared. I really don't know what to do anymore, it's effecting my little brother too. Please PRAY for us. "


8 years ago


"Lord I am praying for my Mother. I know she has a distrust if others and is skeptical of all the man of God speaks. Let her heart be open to your word, let her here confirmation of what you are speaking to us from other sources, so tht she may hear from you. "


8 years ago


"Lord, I pray for healing for Giles. In Jesus mighty name Amen "


Sheffield il.
8 years ago


"Recently,I've been struggling with agreeing with my parents because we've had a disagreement on some things,and my father is being stubborn in making a decision and I fell torn between what to do... I just don't know what to do... "


Sheffield il.
8 years ago


"Please pray for back pain,and knee pain... It can almost be unbearable at times..."


8 years ago


"Our Father in Heaven who sits high and looks low thank you for being all I that I need. Thank you for healing in so many areas in my life. Lord open the doors, make the way, give me patience, help me to be keep silent,continue to give me a praying spirit. "


8 years ago


"Lord god I pray that you will help me and guide me as I take care of my son on Tuesday for 5 days pray that will help me to do everything right because my cousin is going to be watching me than report back to CFS than fhey report back to the judge they want to see if I'm capable of looking after my baby if not he gets to live with another family member and I really don't want that . I want my baby boy with me he needs his mom so god I'm asking in praying that will help me to take care of him "


8 years ago

"Big Decision"

"Lord I have a big decision to make please guide me in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord Thank you for your grace and your mercy. Lord I pray that I will get along with my new colleagues and my new flat mate. Lord I pray for acceptance from them and lord I pray that I will have found some new friends in them. In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Lord, thank you for making my event a success, thank you for placing positive people in my life, thank you for helping me pack and move, lord thank you for a safe drama free journey. Thank you for my accomodation. Lord I thank you in Jesus name. Amen."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Myself "

"Lately I haven't felt the passion and fire for the Lord. I am trying. Where is he?😔"


8 years ago


"Lord please be with me as I go to church today. Let me be open to you, open to your word, open to others, open to myself. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name Amen!"


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Friend"

"Dear Lord I'm praying that the dark spirit attached to my best friend to leave and never return. I also pray that it will not harm others as well. I pray that she and her friends and family can live in peace again. I pray that fear will no longer be in control in her life! I pray that she and her faith will stay strong! Jesus name, Amen!"


8 years ago


"Lord god I'm praying for my baby's dad That he Will realize all the hurt and pain he had caused me and I pray that he would apologize how badly he has treated me that you will just show him what all he has done to me "


8 years ago

"Healing Prayer For Daughter"

"For my daughter, please God heal her in every way and bring happiness and joy to her each day. Heal her emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. Bring and keep people in her life that help her to be herself and have fun. Help her to see and love herself as we do, only then will she be ready to love again. Please bring the right person to her when it's time and she's ready. Maybe she's already met him. She needs to believe in herself, go after what she wants and know that she deserves to be loved and supported. May she keep following her dreams and realize these past months have brought some heartbreak and hardships, but there's been so much more good to outweigh it all. May she learn to refocus on all those positives in her life. God please hear my prayer for her and heal her. Embrace her in Your loving arms as I just want to hug her and take the pain away. Thank you God for Your blessings. Amen❤️🙏🏻"


8 years ago

"Pray For Peace"

"Please pray that I may have peace. Pray that I may have renewed energy. In JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD bless."


8 years ago

"My Texting Issue"

"Just want to thank everyone who prayed and took time out to pray for me thank you very much.I am better but still keep thinking about the issue need to get it off my mind!!!!"


8 years ago


"God of miracles, Please restore the love between Chris and I. Give us a second chance for our children and for each other. Show Chris this is not your way for us. Fill Chris with your love and blessings. Remove all anger from his heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Fill his heart with forgiveness. Thank you that you are a God of second chances and with faith all things are possible. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago

"In Desperate Need Of Prayer "

"I pray father god that you will help me to get my precious baby back he has been apprehended and now is in foster care ) tomorrow they are looking at 6 month temporary gurdianship for him I'm so torn I do not want that I want him with me I'm trying to do everything I need to so I can have him back . Lord I pray u will be with me and help guide me and strengthen me . I'm just asking that everything will work out father i come to in agreement that things will de done in your name I pray amen "


8 years ago


"Lord idk how to pay off all that I need to . Can you please help me"


8 years ago

"I Need Thee"

"Lord I come before you in the most humble way I know how thanking you before asking of you anything. You have already done more than I deserve just because you Love me so. I'm asking you to keep me humble,let me continue to see through your eyes, continue to provide revelation, strengthen my gifts that I may use them to build your kingdom. Take away the doubt and hesitation that I may be bolder for you.Continue to convict me that I may live according to your will in every area of my life. Let me continue to pray for answers and not make my own decisions, increase my patience, make me a better steward. Lord I know there are others that need you like I do so I offer them up to you have your way in our lives as we make you first in all we do. I will continue to give you the Glory for all that you have done. Thank you for hearing me in days that have passed. In Jesus Name Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear father God I come to you and pray you strength me , and give me the faith and guidance to lead my family to you in Jesus name . I pray that you use us all for your purpose and the things that you need us to accomplish for you . It's a battle right now with my teenager and I pray that you soften his heart and open his eyes use to the things that you want him to see ..continues blessing my daughter t follow you and do good,,, I pray that you send your Holy Spirit down to be with us all and guide us to walk in your path and most of all that my husband take the position that he needs to in this family to be the leader for us all that he have the wisdom and strength from you and courage to guide this family as our strong Godly influence . In your precious son Jesus Christ name amen"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Growth And Spirit Of Prayer"

"Lord I pray for Spiritual growth and for the spirit of prayer as your word says we must pray without ceasing, lord may I pray always without getting tired And may I have a deeper level of Initimacy with you, thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago

"A New Relationship. "

"I'm meeting a guy from Christian Union tomorrow. It's a sort of date. Please pray for relationships to grow and for us to grow to love the Lord more. "


8 years ago


"Lord I pray right now that you help me deal with my anxiety . It's not easy for me on a day to day basis but I'm trying my hardest to cope! I need you lord to step into my life and take over. I lay my burdens down , amen "


8 years ago

"prayer for the year 2016 and forward"

"Dearest brothers and sisters, Thank you for your prayers , comfort and efforts towards helping me for the last year. I pray that God blesses you individually and gives you a bright , happy, loving and positive 2016. Please pray for me this year to have a successful one! with your prayers and mine, God has helped me to successfully pass all my examinations. it was not easy to have studied, lose my baby and my boyfriend all at the same time. I faced so much already and kindly ask you to pray for me to be blessed with much happiness. "


Ladera Ranch CA
8 years ago


"Rain on farm in the Kalahari desert - South Africa"


8 years ago


"Lord as I pray interceding for my brothers and sisters I feel such a peace . I thank you Lord for what you've done,what you doing, and what you are going to do. Eyes have not seen ,nor ears heard.. We stand on your promises believing that if we ask it in your name we shall receive it. I come before you asking you to hear our cries Lord and grant these things unto us according your will, give us patience to wait on you, faith to believe you will provide, courage to accept your will, and strength to endure until this storm shall pass. I am praising you in advance for answering my prayers. Because I know you are able to do ALL THINGS. Lord I thank you! Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for getting me up this morning. Lord I pray that today will be filled with positivity and love, in Jesus name. Amen. "


Hallandale Beach, Florida
8 years ago


"Dearest Heavenly Father, I come to you to beg for the truth in what has happened in my relationship with someone I thought was a true friend. For the past few years I have been questioning a lot of things in my marriage. I never thought that I could feel as hurt and trapped as I have been lately. I take loyalty and truth serious. Please give me the final truth so I can move on without the sour mentality that I have.. In Jesus Holy Name AMEN😇🙏🏼"


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for helping me to accomplish everything I set out to today, lord please please continue to help me as I transition into the next phase if my life, lord please allow us to have a good event tomorrow in Jesus name, please can we have a fun peaceful fellowship with no drama no negativity and no gossip or back biting in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please be with jay as he gives his presentation, let him get it done well and on time. Lord I know you are almighty and can do anything. Please can you also heal him of his illnesses, he has been through so much and we love him dearly and want to see him fully well. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago

"Hardness Of Heart"

"Please lord, break down the barriers of Chris' heart. Help him to forgive and soften his heart where it has hardened toward me. Help Chris to see us the way you do. Show him your way for us lord. Silence Chris From the lies of the enemy. Restore the love between us. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago

"My Son"

"Dear God I pray for my sons eyes to be open , for the Holy Spirit to guide him , and watch over him thru these adolescent years ... And for any resistance to flee in Jesus name amen"


8 years ago

"Keep My Faith"

"Lord, help me keep my faith in Christians. Let me know there are still real Christians, truly living in your word. I'm trying so hard to keep my faith, with all that has happened in the last year. Show me where I need to be set Jesus!!! Wrap me in your blood!!! "


8 years ago


"Praying that God will send someone to help me move my stuff to my new house I pray God you will send someone to help me move my stuff on Jesus name amen "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thank you for today. I have nothing except my faith and trust in you. I know you will provide and i thank you for this forthcoming provisions. Please dont let me falter through this crossroad. I love you! Carol "


8 years ago

"Peace and Contiment"

"Lord I come before you first thanking you for waking me up this morning and seeing your many blessings that weren't promised to me. Father I'm asking you for peace and contentment.Will you soothe doubts and calm all fears. In Jesus Name. Amen"


8 years ago

"Today/this Week,"

"Lord thank you for being there for me, evan when I don't deserve it. Thank you for the people you have placed in my life. Please look after them, guide them and bless them in Jesus name. Lord please help me with my anxiety so that I can keep hold of the peaceful feelings please help me to get everything done so that I accomplish everything and have a productive day. Lord I pray that you will give me acceptance and I pray that you will help me to stay focused on you on everything positive and on my responsibilities and task. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"My Marriage"

"Praying to save my marriage of 18 years from ending in divorce. I was very neglectful for many years and have seen the error of my ways and the bad choices I made. My wife has said she doesn't feel the same way about me as she once did and that she is pretty sure she wants a divorce. I love my wife with all of my heart and soul and I can't even imagine my life without her. I am very remorseful and have asked for forgiveness for taking her for granted and neglecting to nurture our relationship. If it is God's will, I pray that she falls in love with me again so we can begin anew with a stronger bond, a deeper love, and a true partnership. She is my best friend and I love her dearly. 🙏👫❤️🙏"


8 years ago


"With a heart of thanksgiving I come before you Merciful and Gracious Father. I come standing in the gap for my brother and sisters assembled in this setting. Father we ask you for deliverance,new beginnings,fresh starts, reunions, peace, love, renewed relationships, stronger relationships with you, healing, and other unknown requests on this platform. Father God we know that you are able to do all things but fail. We ask that you hear our cry Lord and move on our be halves we thank you in advance for granting these things unto us. It's in Jesus name I pray. Amen"


8 years ago

"Deliverance From Drinking And Porn"

"Please pray that my boyfriend Rob would be delivered from drinking and porn ."


8 years ago

"Co-Worker Surgery"

"Please pray for my co-worker, Nick. He is having exploratory surgery tomorrow to determine if he has cancer."


8 years ago

"If Anyone Is In Need Of A Miracle.."

" If anyone is in need of a miracle please go to this link. God bless you all. "


Ladera Ranch CA
8 years ago

"Rain on farm In South Africa"

"Farm name: Kalkbult"


8 years ago

"Please Let Me Get A Response Back With Some Good News"

"God please help me I'm so nervous I just want this apartment to go through in westmont 5 minutes from my work please let me get my new chapter I'm so stressed out over it worrying "


8 years ago

"Please Help Me Get This Apartment "

"Please God I applied for this apartment last week getting them everything they needed please God please let me have got it so I can start preparing for a new chapter in my life please "


8 years ago


"Father, Today I would like to pray for those whom are unfortunate . Lord , those whom are in need of youu right now , may you please comfort them with your love ,may youu also show them that you are there right beside them through thick and thin . I'm also praying for those whom are at war or are living in terror , father I cannot wait for the day youu arrive & IT'S NEAR 🙌 Honestly , my heart goes out to the needy & lord shelter them in your arms & under your wings 🙏 I pray all these things in your precious name I pray , Amen 🙏"


8 years ago

"Evening Prayer"

"Our Father in Heaven, as we come to the close of another day I want to thank you for keeping us from dangers seen and unseen. Thank you for allowing things to be as well as they are in our lives. Praying for others that may not be as well as we are,asking you to shower down on them. Asking you to cover us as your word is fulfilling each moment. We are living in those last and evil days we need you. Asking Father that you guide us,have us to be the people you have called us to be. Let us have that love that runs from heart to heart and breathe to breathe. I thank you for this chance to call your name and lift each and everyone up to you. You know our every situation ,I'm just asking your will be done and we accept your will for our lives as you know what's best for us all. Keep us lead us and guide us forgive us of our sins it is in your Mighty name I pray Amen. Be Blessed My Brothers and My Sisters "


8 years ago

"Change Me"

"Lord I pray that you will change me into the woman you want me to be, the wife you want me to be, the mother you want me to be. Bridle my tongue, reign my temper, make me think before I speak. Help me to be used of you so your love will spill out and soften my husband and draw him back to you to love you first and for most and me secondly as in your word says men to love their wife's as Christ loves the church. Please restore my marriage and my family. Devil I command you to take you hands off of my husband in Jesus Name! He is not yours but has been purchased by the blood of Jesus so get out now!! "


8 years ago


"I have a feeling my baby will be coming back to his mom . I just ask you guys will continue to pray that he will be out of foster care and social services will put him with me . I pray when I go to this meeting Saturday that social services will NOT try and put my so. with anybody else but me lord I pray father god that will be with me me and have your hand upon my son and me I pray you'll stand beside me "


8 years ago

"Morning Prayer"

"Thank you for waking me this morning.thanks for the use and activities of my limbs.thsnks for allowing my mom to be alright. Asking you to dispatch your Angels in camp them around my family as we are absent from each other. Give us travelers grace to the dr today let me get a good report. I pray for those I know not of. In Jesus name Amen "


8 years ago

"My Mom Janis"

"For her to have fight, strength, nutrition and hydration. Help her body to heal. Let her get the rest she needs and not be in pain. Keep her lungs strong. Give her things to look forward to and more good days than bad. Fill her body hope and healing thoughts. Let her have light and feel all of our love surrounding her. Let her feel you working in her life Dear Lord. Amen!"


8 years ago


"Lord, Please give Chris a forgiving heart. Please restore the love that we had for each other. Soften his heart where it has become hardened towards me. Thank you that you are a God of second chances. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago

"Children Meet Our Lord"

"I pray for all the children to know and have the opportunity to know about learn about God and his love for us. He gave his son to die for our sins. "


8 years ago

"Where Are You God??"

"We went to church last night and I really felt the anointing of God. My husband seemed so bound. I have cried and prayed and cried and prayed all my husband says is he does not love me. Why, how? 20 years and he says he has never loved me he says he has prayed for God to give him a love for me but he has never received a love for me. What is wrong with me? Am I unlovable? I thought nothing was impossible for God? "


8 years ago


"Lord please forgive me for straying from your path. I pray that you will continue to guide me. Lord please help me to finish packing tomorrow. Please help me to find the barrel that I have lost and please help me to continue to be focused, productive and positive. Lord I pray for acceptance from others. In Jesus name. Amen."


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for today, thank you for your miracles and your blessings. Thank you for helping me with my anxiety and I pray lord that you will continue to help me. Thank you for helping me to have a productive day and thank you for helping me find the deal. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"My Son"

"My son is in jail. He is sick. They won't help his kidney. Please pray he can get help. He also owes a lot of money on a fine. There is no way I can help him financially. I'm his mom. They won't allow shampoo or soap from home. He has to purchase it from jail. I feel so bad that I can't send him money to help him. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For Healing"

"Please pray for my dad. He is fighting for his life In the hospital. Please Lord help him be strong. Please heal his body to recovery. Take away the illness. Free him from pain. Strengthen his heart, lungs, kidney & mind. Thank you all for the prayers and positive vibes. "


8 years ago

"Freedom From The Past"

"Pray that I may let go of past hurts that I felt from relationships. Pray for healing and GOD's way to lead us in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS. 🙏"


8 years ago

"Famiy Issue"

"I need prayer for a issue and situation I have going on at the moment thanks"


8 years ago

"Sorry "

"I'm sorry lord Jesus inlet this world and my activities ignore the fact that I need to give thank to you and pray I'm sorry lord please forgive me for any of my wrong doing lord please forgive me lord I want your word in me lord I want to be a great prayer lord help me I know it's all on my I want to pray constantly not just when I need or want to lord I love you and give thanks lord I feel happy lord I pray that it stay like that I know life is not perfect but lord I pray that me and my family stick together my mom stop drinking and my brother stop stealing lord god help my family help my relationship with Darian grow help my relationship with his kids from others grow lord take all frustration and hurt and anger I have for the situations we been through away inwantvtk start over I want to love him with no droughts no grudges lord please help us that's my beset friend lord help my relationship with his family grow lord help us lord I pray that we get married and still living this life with our children i want to be his wife I want him to be my husband lord I pray we have a long lasting marriage I never want to hear or think of divorce lord help me be a better person less annoying lord thank you for my life my family life I love you amen "


8 years ago

"Childrens Center"

"That we will have ideas in design that will engage the kids and prepare them for church. So every Sunday they can't wait to get to church "


8 years ago

"A Great Job"

"Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Please provide a The Job you have prepared for me. I ask that I can pay my bills. I ask that I can keep my family together. I ask that I can keep my home. I humbly ask this of you O Lord. Amen."


Jones County
8 years ago


"Lord I ask that you give me wisdom and strength to make the right choices for my family concerning work and living in your light I pray you guide us in your path set for us help us with our everyday struggle. Amen "


8 years ago

"Lords prayer"

"Our father in heaven let you name be kept holy. Let you kingdom come! Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread today. Forgive us as we forgive others. Don't allow us to be tempted instead rescue us from the evil one! "


8 years ago


"Lord I pray that social services will return my son back to me . Father I pray when I meet with my lawyer that he/ she will fight for my child to be back with me I pray for everything to go well at court in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"A Issue With Texting Someone"

"Prayer that everything will be ok and all this texting drama will end just fine "


8 years ago

"Pray For My Son And I "

"My son had gotten apprehended and is now in foster care lord I look to you I pray father god that my boy will be returning back to me in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago


"I miss my best friend so much it hurts. This is the worst pain in the whole entire world. My whole body is aching. I feel like I can't breathe. My heart hurts and feels like it's cracking. I feel so lost. I feel like a part of me is missing. I miss him. Please pray for me. Please pray that I can get through this. God bless. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let us win tonight. Please let me ace my courses and make the right career choice."


8 years ago

"Life Changes Needed."

"Please pray for my son Chris, he needs God more than ever, please pray that he makes life changes that will bring him closer to our Lord Jesus Christ."


8 years ago

"Life Changes Needed."

"Please pray for my son Chris, he needs God more than ever, please pray that he makes life changes that will bring him closer to our Lord Jesus Christ."


8 years ago

"Life Changes To Come Closer To Our Savior Jesus"

"Please pray for my son Chris, he needs God more than ever, please pray that he makes life changes that will bring him closer to our Lord Jesus Christ."


8 years ago

"My Life"

"I am praying for a money miracle for our rent. I pray My God for a career not just a job. I pray that you will stand with me and help me to move past the things that have harmed me and I pray for full restoration. I thank you for the rest you are giving me. I pray for Anthony my son to get well. I pray for my other Anthony to start believing in our relationship and move closer to you lord. I pray for our love to be stronger and fight past his insecurities and mine also. I pray for my children and anthony as I transition and grow into a new career field to take better care of us and be a blessing to others. Thank you Lord for you favor and grace you have Shown me. I trust you and believe you will help us thru this point in our lives. I know you will provide a means for us to keep our house and utilities on. Lord I am praying for a vehicle, as it gets colder i don't want my girls walking to and from school in this cold. Please send help, I am asking and praying in your son Jesus name. Amen "


8 years ago

"Restore The Love"

"God of miracles, Please restore the love Chris had for me. Please fill him with your love, light and blessings and show him Your way for us lord. Silence him from the lies of the enemy. Please take my fear and give me faith, lord. In Jesus name, Amen!"


8 years ago

"Sinus Headache"

"Dear lord please touch and heal me lord. I have been up through the night waking with this pounding headache. Lord I pray for your healing so I can get some rest. I ask this in your holy name. "


8 years ago


"Lord, thank you for another day, Lord I pray for healing in my body, mind and spirit so that I will not need those pills anymore In Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father, thank you for helping me with my fears, thank you for supporting me I feel I have the courage to carry on. Please continue to help me with my anxiety and stress and please help me to focus on what I have to do. Please help me to remain positive in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"So much hurt so very much hurt, will I ever feel normal again. Why does my own home feel like a prison to me. How can husband and wife live in the same home but feel millions of miles apart. Not even a card for my anniversary. He is not the same man he use to be God is no longer his chief joy and he only seems to drift further away every day the further he get from God the further and more hateful he gets to me. I don't believe anything he says anymore, I feel so all alone in this world, so much hurt why must I hurt so much "


8 years ago

"Missing Friend"

"One of my closest friends went missing today please pray she will come home safley as soon as possible"


8 years ago

"I Need Help "

"Lord God I need help in every aspect of my life right now just guide and protect me over from anything that's going to Hinder me Lord God because I'm hurting Lord God and I need your Grace to protect me heal me Lord Jesus I pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"MSC is Today "

"This morning at 8:30 am PST is the court divorce settlement called an MSC. We both are equally equipped to take care of ourselves without going after the other. I am praying for a miracle in my favor. I am prepared for whatever the judge rules on. I am standing on faith. Please pray and stand with me. "


8 years ago

"For the Dying And The Deseced"

"For all the Dying and the Deseced."


8 years ago


"Dear God, I selflessly ask that you bless Curtis with the things that he needs; that you remove the obstacles in his way that prevent him from achieving his professional goals; that you bind the rage and hatred that harbors within; that his blood pressure get under total control and that he be able to strengthen his relationship with his children. This I ask in Your holy name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord, thank you for a safe journey. Thank you for a good practice session today. Thank you that I was able to get some rest. Lord I pray that you will guide me through this transitional phase of my life. Please help me to stay focused on what I need to do and not be distracted by negativity. Lord please help me with the move, and with my course and my upcoming project. Please help me with this feeling of being overwhelmed and anxious. I pray that I will be able to go on the trip and I pray that I will get feedback from my tutor very soon. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Restoration "

"God of miracles, I ask you to restore the love that my husband had for me, I ask you to shield Chris from the lies of the enemy. Show Chris your way for us. Thank you that you are a God of second chances. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago

"Losing Everything"

"Very scared single mom who it seems I will be terminated from my job next week for reasons I can't understand- my boss is literary mentally not stable-No one who works with me or around me understands why this is happening -I would for sure own up to any mistakes and I have the best record for my division as well as my career. I have never had any negative career aspects for 15 years! my apartment lease is also up and I'm now financially in trouble. I have no where to go it all makes no sense? I am doing everything I can but everything is at once. I am so scared for me and my daughter. I don't understand why it is all at once or why anything? I am not catching any breaks I am having a hard time understanding this. I pray for protection and guidance and for doors to open. I am so scared "


Las Vegas, NV
8 years ago

"Lord Jesus, Please Be With Me Tonight "

"Lord, please watch over and protect us tonight lord Jesus please be with me as I struggle addiction and work toward recovery. Thank you "


8 years ago

"Thankful "

"Lord God I want to say I'm so thankful for everything you have done for me are doing for and will do for me Lord God because without I am nothing so Thank you God I give you all the glory and I magnify your in every way Lord God in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"For Understanding And Gentle Heart"

"Lord, I pray that you soften my heart as well as my boyfriend's. I pray you heal and renew his mind in You. I pray that you be with us in these uneasy times. I pray you heal my heart and help me to be gentle and loving. I've gone through a lot and I don't want to give up on us now. I pray that you help him to better his life. I pray that you guide and protect him. I pray that you break the chains we both have on our hearts and minds. I pray that you keep the enemy from telling him lies and making him feel worthless. I pray that more love is brought in and peace with us both. I pray for joy with both of us. In your name, Yeshua. Amen."


8 years ago


"Lord, I ask that you restore my boyfriend and I. Things are tough and we have hurt each other. I feel bitter or angry, but I want to feel humble and loving. We act out, out of anger and I don't want to feel like that towards him. I ask that you help me to be humble and more patient. I got irritated with him this morning and he got angry with me saying to lose his number and saying "F*** you" and it felt as if it was saying to our relationship and everything we have built. I don't want things to end or for us to part. He's my best friend and I love him deeply. I pray that he sees clearly the love we have for each other and that we can get through this. I pray that we are gentle with each other because we both have healing to do. I pray that you help me to be understanding and calm. I pray this will make us closer and that he was reacting out of anger and not wanting to break up. I know I can be mean with words or react how I don't want to, but I pray I can do better. It is possible and I pray so much that we make it through this. I love you, Lord. Amen"


8 years ago


"Happy birthday, Father dear. We miss you and we love you so much. I know you keep watching and guiding us from up there. Hope we are making you proud. May this greetings reach you in heaven.😊😇✨"


8 years ago


"Heavenly Father. I ask that you keep healing my wife and daughters heart. Keep leading them away from evil and temptation. I leave them, my marriage, my family, my heart, and home in your loving care. Help us keep your ways. Thank you Lord for all that you have done and given them. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for the time spent with family this last few weeks, lord I pray for a safe and drama free journey tomorrow, in Jesus name. Amen. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Life "

"Lord, thank you for all these opportunities you have presented me with. Thank you for all you have blessed me with, I praise you! I ask that you please help me in my finances, please allow me to work hard and make good money at work, let me be able to balance school and work. Please let me get good grades this semester and graduate on time. Please allow me to pay my bills, I am stressed out and wish to be able to pay them. Please don't let my car get repossessed! I am terrified this will happen. Please continue to walk with me and let my achieve greatness in your light. Amen!"


8 years ago


"Lord Jesus I pray for health as it seems I am falling into a place of sickness. Help me not to become depressed about it but to appreciate every day. In Jesus name I pray Amen"


8 years ago

"Hi Everyone"

"God bless everyone"


8 years ago


"Lord, I want to thank you for helping. Slowly things are healing through you. Keep leading and guiding my wife and daughters heart closer to you. Help them do what is right and follow you once again. Give them the strength today to fully give there hearts. Keep making my marriage and family stronger and blind them from all the evil temptation, keep stand in between anything that is trying to destroy them from receiving you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen"


8 years ago


"I pray for my daughters dad (Jon). I pray that God works on his heart and forgive me for holding on to anger and allow him to be the man that God intends for him to become. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago

"Please Let Me Get This Job And Be Able To Take The Classes"

"Potential conflicts "


8 years ago

"My Son/myself"

"Eldest son, J, is having probs adjusting to adult life; believes he needs meds to help with depression but doesn't think counseling is part of the treatment. All of this is taking a toll on me and I have no answers or anyone to help share the burden w/o feeling responsible for it all. "


8 years ago

"New Begining "

"God of miracles, I pray for a second chance with our family. I pray that our new baby girl will help bring our family back together and start a new beginning this new year. Please silence the lies of the enemy over Chris. Please give Chris a forgiving heart and soften his heart where it has been hardened toward me. Please show me how to be instrument of restoration, show me how to be the wife he needs. Give my husband a new wife and let it be me. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago

"Please Pray."

"Please pray for me. I am so stressed out right now with school which eventually takes a huge toll on my body. I get stressed out so easily and then get stomach pains to the point where I can't even move. Please pray that God heals the pain I have been feeling and I can hand my worries to him. I pray that things get easier and I become less stressed out. I pray that God heals my broken heart too. I truly do believe in the power of prayer. God bless you all. "


8 years ago


"I need help and mercy for me and my family also that I may be filled with the Holy Spirit "


Belize city
8 years ago


"My husband and I had a child seven years ago and he died only after 6 days as he was born at 27 weeks. We have been trying to have a child since, we are believing God that we will convince another child, please pray and believe with us. "


8 years ago

"Familys Heart"

"Lord Jesus, I keep praying for my heart and my wife and daughters hearts. Our heart are yours and there's no place for temptation. Keep leading my wife and daughter to you and get them back on your path. Keep standing in the way of anything or anyone that keeps trying to get in the way. They are yours and my marriage and family are yours, no evil can prevail against you my lord. I pray to you Jesus. Amen."


8 years ago

"My Mother's Health"

"Please pray for Sharon Lee Moshier as she battles pancreatic cancer. We are praying for her healing. God bless"


8 years ago

"Anxiety For Future"

"I need to make major changes for me and my little daughter. A single mom who is at a crossroads with job, where we live everything is up in the air -I have a ton of anxiety. Pray for some doors to open and my guardian angels lead the way and God protects us and provides a way. I believe he is watching over us but need to see his light. Amen"


8 years ago

"Breannah's Well-being"

"God, I pray that you help my daughter get past the rage, self-doubt and hatred that dwells deep within her soul so that she may find true happiness and joy. "


8 years ago

"My Boyfriend."

"God please I'm praying to you asking you that you heal my boyfriend as he go thru his 5th surgery today , God please work thru those doctors & surgeons hands lord please lord I know you can do it guide them in the right way to help him get thru this , please send your angels to watch over him lord , cover him with your blood Jesus , in Jesus name glory hallelujah , amen 🙏🏼😭❤️🙌🏼"


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"My Career"

"Father in the name of Jesus I to you as humbly as I know how. Order my steps Lord teach and convict me with wrong from right. Guide me to the place where you would have me to be. Help me to be who and what you have called me to be the way you desire me to be it. Lord where I am weak give me strength, where I am frustrated and overwhelmed comfort me and exchange my burden for your yoke. Where I am confused give me clarity, where I am insecure fill me with confidence. Use my heart and my mind and mouth to deliver your message of love. Teach to love every student you give me and what you have called me to do. Restore and renew me daily with your mercy. In Jesus name. Amen "


Queens, NY
8 years ago

"My Career"

"Lord you chose me to teach to make a difference and to show the many signs of you in what I do. Merciful Savior I pray you keep me on the path that leads to your will. Give me strength and patience and understanding and allow me to see you in everything. When I'm frustrated show up Lord, when I'm overwhelmed show up Lord, when I feel like giving up and I just not in the mood show up swift and strong. Give me a sense of pride and perfection as I represent you daily. Let my heart and my mouth be vessels that promote Gods unfailing love. Amen"


8 years ago

"Cares "

"Lord God I am casting all my cares on you Lord God and letting you take the wheel of life because I just a passenger of this ride. Lord I know you will directed me and steer me in the way you have intended for me Lord God and Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"Help Me To Find My Way"

"I am asking for prayer for myself. I am trying lord to fall back into your army God. I know I have stepped out of line for so long I know I have sinned. But my heart belongs to you lord I need you in my life I need to learn to pray again I know I have a long journey ahead of me but with prayer I know I can feel like and be a reborn Christian Thank you Jesus for all ur love and forgiveness. "


8 years ago

"Prayer For George"

"Pray for a complete healing of his hernia"


8 years ago

"My Wifes Heart"

"My Lord I continually pray for my wife's heart. That she may seek you in all things. Help her find you again for she has gone astray. Make known your word to her once again. Deliver her from evil and temptation. Stand in between anything that is hindering her from receiving you my Lord. In Jesus' name I pray to you."


8 years ago

"As You See Fit"

"Lord please guide me and give me a clear answer as to how you want me serving your kingdom. Lord I want to be used by you... Lord I want to teach others about you... Lord I humble myself before you, I submit and commit to you and the Glory of your kingdom, however you see fit, I am willing. Lord please guide my prayer life and my desire for you, please abound my faith and remove any fear. Lord I desire and seek you... Thank you for loving me!"


8 years ago

"Get Me Through"

"Lord, Thank you for everything you have blessed me with. Be my rock as I am going through hard times In Jesus precious name Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord I pray for my heart and my wife's heart. Help up restore the love that we once had for each other. Remove all the evil in our hearts. So you may serve you with a pure heart. Amen."


8 years ago


"Lord please help me get my dreams back and conquer them. Please help me set my goals high and do what you have planned for me. Thank you God for you are so good."


8 years ago

"My Fiance "

"Dear lord Please help me through these difficult times. Please keep my fiancé safe in jail, please help him become a better man and father, please help him change his ways and hopefully get out of his situation. Please let him see his children grow up in person not threw glass. Please let everyone forgive him for his wrong doings. Please lord give me the strength to get through this and be strong for my children. Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thank you for today. Please help and guide me as i walk through a path with faith as my guide. I have nothing after this resignation but i trust in you. I love you Carol"


8 years ago


"Dear Lord, please help me overcome my addiction to porn. Please just help me to say no whenever temptation comes my way. I really want to stop and I know that I can't do that without your help. So please help me overcome my addiction to porn. In Jesus name I pray, amen. 🙏🏼"


8 years ago

"My Boyfriend "

"I'm asking for God to please watch over him as he go thru this difficult time God please help him recover , God I'm begging you please help him get thru this help he be strong my Heavenly Father , I know it's gone be a long process just help him get thru it Jesus please I'm begging you God I know he could be strong just give him another chance lord 🙏🏼 In Jesus name glory hallelujah 🙏🏼"


8 years ago


"I'm praying that you heal Tuwuan Heavenly Father I know it's gone be a long process but I know you could get him thru it God I know you put your strongest soldiers thru the hardest battles God just help him God put your angels over him I'm asking you to give him another chance God please I'm begging you , in Jesus name glory hallelujah 🙏🏼"


8 years ago

"Please Pray."

"Please pray for my broken heart. I am trying my hardest to trust in Gods plan for me and stay strong. It just hurts so bad. I can not even explain the pain. I feel so lost and broken. I feel like I'm missing a part of me. I feel so unhappy. Like nothing is working out. Please pray that when the timing is right my best friend and I can be in each others lives again. I know that when things are really meant to be they will always find a way. I just feel like nothing will workout. Please pray that I put my faith in God, trust in Him with my whole entire heart, and that I can be healed. The pain I am feeling is unimaginable. Thank you and God bless everyone that is reading this."


8 years ago

"My Family"

"Please pray that my boyfriend/father of my child decides to give his life to Jesus. I know everything will come together after he gives it all to The Lord. Thank you "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my family. God knows the need. Thank you so much "


8 years ago

"For My Best Friend"

"Lord, I pray for my best friend Brooks. Lord you know what she is going through, you know her feelings, her thoughts, her every concern. Please help her to realize that she isn't doing this alone, that she has you and she has her friends. Please help her to turn to the good influences in her life and not the bad. I know she feels like no one can help her, but you can. I pray that you will lift her heart during the sad times, and give her strength when she is feeling weak. Lord, she needs you during this time and I pray that if she won't reach out to me, that she will find herself reaching out to you. I claim this in your name! I know that you will place her life in your hands. "


8 years ago


"I pray for my small home missions church to grow and reach more lives. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let them find my replacement. Please give me peace about my decision. Please let me get the job working with children. Amen."


8 years ago

"For My Husband "

"Lord please help Robert find his way to be the man and father he really needs to be. Show him your light lord! Give him strength and wisdom to grow in you lord. Show him the grace of forgiveness, patients, and true love. Give give him direction lord . Let him see that being a man of God is they only way and let him rejoice in that. Lord grant me peace in my everyday ventures in every situation. Thank you lord for working through me and giving me your strength. Thank you for just blessing me with such beautiful people in my life. Lord help me love Robert and help me support him through his troubles and lead by example so that he comes back to you lord. Jesus I pray this to you. I need you lord. Amen "


8 years ago

"Praying for Blessings In The New Year"

"I pray that all students and their families be blessed in this new year."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Lord I pray for healing, strength, happiness, and the ability to be the best "Ashley" I can be in 2016. Let me live my life through you. Please bring me job security, security in my finances, somewhere to live so I'm not sleeping on my parents couch anymore, may I get my dog back and and conflict in the divorce settlement work in my favor, and success in school. My life seems to be falling apart in front of me Lord and I feel there is nothing I can do. I don't want this divorce, I want reconciliation for my marriage. We are suppose to be one in flesh! Please help me! I need you! I need your presence! Please show me, please speak to me, please let me feel you again. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Prayer Of New Year"

"God Bless Everyone Happy New Year!"


8 years ago

"Nee Begining "

"God of miracles, I ask you for a new beginning with the man you have given me. I ask you to silence the lies of the enemy and to give Chris a forgiving heart. Give us a fresh start and new beginning, fill us with hope. Show us Your way for us. In Jesus name, Amen!"


8 years ago

"School "

"I hope i can be a more succesful person at school ans i hope i can pass to 8th grade . I am asking to be eligible for all te celebrations and im asking to make my mom happy . Im asking lord to help me become a better person &' to get better grades lord . Amen"


8 years ago

"Prayer For blended Families"

"I pray for blended families... May God bless them with understanding, balance, wisdom and the love he has for all of us. It's not easy to share parents but through God, all things are possible! Amen🙏🏾"


8 years ago

"Please Pray For Me."

"Please pray for my broken heart. Please pray that everything will workout in the current situation I am in. Please pray that I will always trust in God and give my worries to him. Please pray my best friend and I will be okay someday and things will workout. I'm hurt and miss him so much. "


8 years ago

"Love And Commitment"

"Pray that BH & I profess love and commitment to each other in 2016. He is the love of my life and soulmate. Please bring us together Amen"


8 years ago

"New Job Opportunity "

"I am in desperate need of a new job opportunity in early 2016. Lord please bless me with open doors! scared and worried for me and my daughters future. Thank you Amen"


8 years ago

"New Year..."

"Too much to share...just life. "


8 years ago

"Still Fighting This Battle "

"Please pray, Christmas Day I took a lot of over the counter sleeping pills. It didn't work, my husband is still here but still declares it is only for the kids. This hateful self centered man is not the same person I married. I got no Christmas gifts and no birthday gift nor no anniversary gift, they all fall in December. I don't know what is wrong with me, am I too ugly, am I over weight, do I look to old why can't my old loving husband come back. I don't think I matter to anyone. Would anyone even notice if I died? Please pray for me "


8 years ago


"Father God. I'll come to you today to ask you to please help me in finding my true purpose. Please open my eyes and my heart, so I can see and feel my calling. "


8 years ago


"Father God. Thank you for all you have done for me and my family. Thank you for loving me and caring for me. Father, I come to you today to ask you to please soften the hearts of my husband and my son. For them to her to know you, to have the blind folds removed from their eyes. For them to get to know you and start a relationship with you. Father, please use me as your tool to help them. Make them see you beautiful and loving work through me. I was your rough canvas and now I am your beautiful work of art. You brought me from death to life. Thank you Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for all the opportunities you have presented me with. Lord I feel like I have so much going on and I am struggling to stay focused. Please help me to focus. Please help me to complete my goals please help me complete my course please help me with my move and please help me with my new project and my new job. Please also help me with my relationship with you and please help me to remember that I cannot do any of this successfully without you. I would not be here if it was not for you lord. In Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thanking You Jesus "

"Thank you so much lord, I can never say enough to you of how thankful I am. Even in the struggle the pain the deceiving stress the world puts upon us . Thank you for another day, a day I'm able to look upon my sweet childs face. I pray for those who need your light lord that they receive your light your love your grace. Where I am I know you are Jesus you are in me and everyone. For though who cannot see yet I pray for them I pray they grow stronger in their faith everyday and to see and feel you are always with them. Full of the Holy Spirit is what you bless us with everyday when we accepted you as our lord and savior. Thank you for all that you give us lord. With you I would of been lost and hurt , blinded by the darkness of evil . Please deliver us lord today tomorrow and forever. Eternal life is something so amazing that you give us lord to know we will be with you beyond our life on this world thank you thank you thank you. In Jesus name amen !"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Needing God"

"Lord, I have not felt your presence in a while. Please fill me full of you, let your light shine through me and all I do. I am so hurt, so discouraged, so lost. Please guide me. Please save me and my marriage. I need you Lord and I know Kyle does too. Please don't give up on us. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Show Me The Way Out..."

"Heavenly Father, it's been a long time that I've been hurting now.. Only you know what my heart been though these past 5 years, and it hasn't been easy. I've been struggling to let go of the love of my life, the man who I am madly in love with but doesn't love me in return. I've been trying my best to stop to loving him but nothing seems to has changed. About year ago I made the first step and that was to end our relationship. It was the most painful thing I had todo. I am mad at my self because all these time has passed by and I am still hurting I am still loving this person, I wonder when would it stop? I want it to end... My heart keeps aching for this person, my heart it's filled with hopes still and I am trying understand why? This man doesn't love me, please help me. Set me free from this impossible love.. I've done everything in my power to move on but he still the person who I truly love and I want to be with.. It seems like nothing I do would bring us together, I am just trying to find my way out. And it feels like that's impossible. Please lord guide me out, help me. My heart it's tired, I am tired of loving a man who doesn't love me.. Only if he did but it seems like the universe doesn't want that.. I just want to find my way out, amen. "


8 years ago

"Self Control"

"My prayer is to be self controlled in all areas of my life. I would also like to start thinking of how I can help others rather than always focused on me. "


8 years ago

"Self Control"

"I realized that I've been living in my imagination and not in reality. I take more pleasure in my made up world rather than the real world. I've been tied up and chained by the evil one. I've been living deceived. No more I am going to wake up now."


8 years ago

"Depressed & Worthless"

"Going through an ugly divorce my husband cheated on me I found out he assaulted me went to jail got out for his own apartment then with a different girl started seeing her next thing I know while we are being intimate regularly he moves in with his girlfriend and mom then they get a house and now are living together he's divorcing me Indont want it I still love him so so much we have 5 kids together They want there dad home he is under so many lies and so much sin and adultery he acts like he hates me but then talks all loving to me and kind and try's to be intimate with me :-( there's so much hurt and pain and mistreatment from him .. But I pray for him daily with every drop of love I have for this man my husband father of our children :-( I have been so lonely so Depressed so sad all the time no matter what I am doing or how many people I wan with around or talking to.. I need prayer for my marriage only the lord can heal us and our marriage and out our family back together healed and for the best part of our years "


8 years ago

"Forgiveness "

"God of miracles, I ask you to give Chris a forgiving heart. Soften his heart where it has been hardened. Help me to be the type of wife he wants me to be, a source of restoration. Please show Chris your way for us. In Jesus name, amen. "


8 years ago


"I know that God's knows what he is doing, & and he doesn't need my help. I'm the one who needs him. It's trusting and believing that He will."


8 years ago

"Rip Uncle"

"Lord I pray for my Uncle who has recently passed away. Lord may his soul rest in peace. Lord thank you for his life and thank you for all the good times. Lord please help our family with our loss. In the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"I've been feeling sad lately and alone I know God is with me but I still am sad a lot. I moved to a new school this year and I still have no friends. I hate it. Please help me. Amen"


8 years ago

"Marriage "

"Dear Lord, Lord, in Your Word it says that a man that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing. It says that it is not good for man to be alone. Your Word also says that a man shall leave his father's house so that the two shall become one. It says go forth be fruitful and multiply. The Bible is replete with examples of strong and powerful marriages. Lord, I desire to serve You in my marriage. I have a deep desire to be married. Not the wedding, not the party but the life long commitment of sharing my life with the man that You have created for me before the world was made. Lord increase my faith. You have said all we need is the faith of a mustard seed. Lord, I started looking at wedding dresses and have said to my family and to an unfriendly friend that "I will be married in 6 months" Lord, do not make me a fool. I also do not want to rush You. Give me the patience to wait but also a strong, uncompromising, aggressive faith. Lord, do not allow the enemy to steal my blessing. Guard, Seal, and Protect our union. Lord, I pray for a romantic love story. To be courted. For a union that is a testimony and brings others closer to You. Father, I pray that You prepare me spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically and psychologically for this Union. My prayer Lord is that this meeting and courtship is IMMEDIATE and QUICK! Do not allow doubt or fear to enter. I cover our union today in the blood of Jesus and bind and cast out all of the enemy's plans to arrest our meeting in the earthly realm. Father, I activate my faith, may we meet, be convicted by the Holy Spirit, fall in love, get engaged, plan the wedding and be married all within the first six months of 2016. NOTHING is impossible or too hard for You God! Thanking You In advance, Amen! "


8 years ago


"i'm only 17 and seeing couples my age pressures me to enter a relationship. i've never had a boyfriend and no one has ever courted me. i know it's not the right time. but sometimes i cry out to God because of depression, frustration, and anxiety. negative thoughts have been running around my mind which always leads to self-pity. i also ask for forgiveness because of all the problems in the world i'm here thinking about something i shouldn't be thinking of at the moment. help me Lord to guard my heart and focus on my relationship with you."


8 years ago

"Prayer For My Family"

"Please pray that my boyfriend finds Christ-Like friends and doesn't go down the path he's going down. I pray that he finds Jesus and our lives change for the better. Thank you "


8 years ago

"Money "

"I pray that some people may be generous and donate 200 dollars to me "


8 years ago

"A Job For Dave W"

"Bless him that he is offered the Honeywell job in January 2016. "


8 years ago

"to overcome temptation"

"no one knows about this but God. i've been struggling with masturbation for almost 2 years now. i kept praying and asking for forgiveness but i just end up doing it again. i want to make a change in my life and i know God is the only one who can help me overcome these temptations. starting this day i'm surrendering it all to Him! "


8 years ago

"Job & Relationship"

"God I'm coming to you and asking can you please get me this job at the restaurant please & make my relationship stronger , keep us together & help us get our first apartment. Thank you amen "


8 years ago

"People "

"I tend to think people have a hidden agenda when they are nice to me or complement me. I know these thoughts are just my sinful nature. I am praying to be pure in heart in 2016. "


8 years ago

"Answer for Possible Career "

"Have new job position which may be a career fit and not just a new job! Thank you Lord Jesus!"


8 years ago


"My prayer is to be disciplined in all that I do. I want my relationship with God to be deliberate, and consistent. I want to find joy in my relationship with the lord."


8 years ago

"My Faith Is Dead"

"After a decade of unanswered prayers, last winter my heart was broken. After that I promised myself that by year's end, my faith would bear fruit or die. As this final month bled out, I prayed harder than I ever have in my life. God answered my prayers by giving me the exact opposite of what I wanted. Instead of finding the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, my little brother just got engaged. My heart and my pride are broken, and my faith in God is shattered. There is a God, but it's now painfully obvious that I can't trust him anymore than I can trust the devil."


8 years ago


"Please God, I ask you to soften Chris' heart and open his heart to reconciliation. Please silence him from the lies of the enemy and pour your blessings over him. Give him hope. Bless him and show him your way for Us. I love you Lord. Thank you for helping me thru this difficult time. In Jesus name, Amen"


8 years ago

"For My Daughter"

"God, please bless R. Help her to see the wonderful person she is and that she is lovable. Praying for healing of her anxiety and depression. Praying for her to know that she matters and deserves to be happy. Praying for her to open her heart and let people in. If someone crosses her path that she has an interest in, may she build a friendship with them and if it's Your will, may she fall in love and live in the moment. Please God, guide her and help her to be the free spirit that she is and help her to embrace Your love and a love for all life has to offer including people. Praying for her happiness and love in her life. Thank you God. Amen "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Missing The Lord"

"Lord, I've been praying for the same thing every day for months and lately I haven't heard you or felt you around me. I have faith but I need you and your reassurance Lord. Please don't let me feel alone anymore. Please save my marriage and let me feel you with me. In Jesus's name, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Being A Peacemaker"

"That I may be a peacemaker in my next discussion with my wife. "


8 years ago

"Returning Family Van"

"Lord Jesus Please help me heal my broken heart. Tonight I will be giving the van my current husband who is commuting adultery living with his girlfriend who wants to replace me bought me for our family him me and our 5 kids. The Van is in his name the payments are not affordable for me they are way to expensive and going through our divorce I don't want! Him not paying his child support payments and spousal support walking away from his family has left me and our kids in a money struggle I am trying to get better and right for me and the kids. I got other transportation that the lord opened the doors for I can afford the payments and it's better for us Praise God But as I am cleaning the van out crying broken! Another part of our life together as a family will soon be gone I don't even want him to not be in my life! Lord make this go smoothly and not hurt me Jesus stop his girlfriend from driving it and lord please stop her from driving it with our children in it as this is way way wrong lord. Father heal my family break him of his sins lord and lord if it's your will place our family back together :-( "


8 years ago

"John Hiemstra"

"Has pneumonia again and is on heavy antibtiotics."


8 years ago


"Praying for Curtis in the Church "


8 years ago

"Anthony My Brother"

"Lord, please bring my brother to you! Help him to see things as you see them! Remove the blinders from his eyes and protect him from the evil one! Help him to stop drinking and using drugs! Help him to stop fornicating! Heal his pain and bring down his pride! Help him to realize that fighting is not cool! Teach him to Love as you call us to love! Do your perfect work in him Lord, in Jesus name I pray! Amen."


8 years ago

"Deeper Connection With Husband"

"Lord, I pray that I may have a deeper connection with my husband. I pray that we become friends instead of roommates/co-parents. Lord help me to understand him more, to be able to anticipate his needs, and help me Lord to be more open and available when he needs me. "


8 years ago


"I have a lot of stress work to do, feel like wants to cry, I really can't spend time with my family because I think about my job. Secondly I am new to that company and I scared I will make mistake on that job, please lord Jesus help me and please please please be with me during this time and finally please take care of our family and everyone in the world "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for all the fun I had on Christmas Day, thank you for the food, thank you for family and friends, thank you for the presents we were able to give and receive thank you for your love for me evan when I don't deserve it. Thank you in the name of Jesus, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Daughter To Come Home"

"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for my youngest child, who won't even call or text anyone in our family on Christmas Day. It makes no sense to us, or her sister who was her best friend in the whole world. We love her and have always loved her, and always did all we could for her. Her boyfriend- we know is involved, but is it her choice, or is she feeling pressured to do what he wants, or is she doing it to please him in some way? I pray she is not in an abusive situation. I pray you protect her Lord, and that you make a way for us to see her soon. Please let her feel your love, Lord, and the love of her family. Please open her eyes to the truth. My heart is broken."


8 years ago


"I thank you lord for allowing me to Have a wonderful time with my family on today. It was nice to see my brother Reginald and his wife. My mom cooked good food and we ate. But most of all happy birthday Jesus! You are the reason for the season. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago


"God of miracles, I ask you to silence the lies of the enemy. Please fill Chris with hope and pour your blessings over him-I know this is not your way for Us. I ask you to give him a forgiving heart and remorseful heart. Please bring him home to us! "


8 years ago


"Tonight I got a piece of plastic stuck in my throat, when I got to the hospital the doctor couldn't find anything and sent me home told me if I felt something in the morning to come back. I am asking for prayers that the Jesus heal this and that I would not have this when I awake. I know this sounds kinda of silly but I believe there is nothing to large or small for my savior. I pray for healing in Jesus name, amen"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Christmas Miracle "

"Dear Lord, please grant me a Christmas miracle. Please bring restoration and reconciliation to my marriage. Please heal mine and my husband's heart and let our love strengthen and grow. In Jesus's name, Amen!"


8 years ago


"God, this the season to forgive. Please give me strength and help me to forgive those that have hurt my loved ones. Praying for them that one day they mature and realize the hurt they needlessly inflicted on another person. Praying they look back fondly and have good memories and remember the love they truly had for the each other. Praying that if he matures, maybe their paths will cross again. For now, may my loved one and I heal and have peace and love in our hearts. Thank you God. Amen"


8 years ago


"Thank you lord for everything you are doing in my life lord I pray today will be productive and filled with love. Thank you lord for the changes that have been made lord please help me with this move so it will be quick smooth and efficient. Lord thank you for the inspiration for my new project please help me as I make the idea/ dream a reality. Thank you in Jesus name, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Second Chance "

"Heavenly Father I ask that you forgive Tati and that you soften her heart towards me Lord! Lord I ask that you show her the right direction for us! And that you defeat the lies from the enemy and that you cleanse her body and fill her heart up with courage and trust and faith in our relationship Lord! I pray for a second chance! In your name I pray, Amen! "


8 years ago

"Tati And Carlos "

"Lord I ask that you wrap your arms around me and Tati to bring us closer to you lord and that you give us another chance to workout our relationship and give us the strength to move forward and leave everything in your hands Lord! Lord I ask that you give us a sign that you are working on us Lord and that you are healing our hearts and that you are opening up our eyes that you are here for us and that you hear our cries and that you cleanse our bodies and take away the negative and fill our bodies up with the positive Lord I ask that you bring us back together and make our relationship strong and that nothing can break our chain of Lord that we have you protecting us with your shield Heavenly Father! Lord I ask that you change our ways and that you fix our relationship lord in your name I pray Amen"


8 years ago


"God of miracles, I ask you to give Chris a forgiving and remorseful heart. Soften his heart toward me. Show him your way for us, and silence him from the lies of the enemy. I pray for a second chance. In Jesus name, amen. "


8 years ago

"A Fight Between Mother and Daughter"

"I am asking the lord to help my mother and I to end our fight. My mother and I had a really nasty fight this morning and there has been a huge misunderstanding and I want to explain myself. My mother had told me hurtful things and I believe it's hurting the both of us. She even said that she and I are no longer family. She has been under a lot of stress and I know she does not mean the things she said. I love my mother very much and I am praying for my mother and I for our hearts to mend. Amen"


8 years ago

"Fight Between Mother and Daughter"

"I am asking the lord to help my mother and I to end our fight. My mother and I had a really nasty fight this morning and there has been a huge misunderstanding and I want to explain myself. My mother had told me hurtful things and I believe it's hurting the both of us. She even said that she and I are no longer family. She has been under a lot of stress and I know she does not mean the things she said. I love my mother very much and I am praying for my mother and I for our hearts to mend. Amen"


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"CEM - Communidade evangelica De Miami"

"Heavenly Father I ask as i remove all the seeds of death, sickness, illness, lack of love, lack of giving, lack loving back and all that to everyone in the church to be brought in Gods hands He took care of his people and it will rise up! Lift it up "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Lord, I pray you help me sort out all this chaos in my life. Lord please lift me up and fill me full of light. Please soften Kyle's heart and let him be a man of God. Please bring restoration to my marriage Lord, my soul knows him. I hear you Lord. Please end this divorce. Please help me with all this financial stress, please allow me to find a good job and find a way to pay my bills. Please help me sort out all this financial aid stress for school so that I may receive financial aid this semester. Please let this situation with Letty workout. Please provide me with answers tomorrow Lord. I need for. Please don't give up on me. Amen! "


8 years ago


"Lord, I'm sorry when I have been selfish and ungrateful for the wonders you work in our lives. I want to thank you for all the blessings and provisions that you provide for us and for your grace. I pray that we do not get complacent with all of your blessings. I also pray for those who do not have many of the things or freedoms that we have. I pray for all those who are hungry and without a proper home, as well as those who do not have the freedom live we do to worship you openly or even have freedom of speech but who are persecuted by their government. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"God of miracles, Thank you!!!!! I see your work in my situation. Chris' heart is softening and he has been communicating with me more. I am so grateful for Your work in my life and relationship. I am so grateful and blessed to have healthy children, a roof over our head and a warm bed to sleep in every night. Thank you for your many blessings in my life. In Jesus name, amen!"


8 years ago


""But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions, then stand still and watch the lord's victory." 2 Chronicles 20:17 "The lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm." Exodus 14:14 I am clinging to these verses today. God has fought so many battles for me in the last few months. But the war is not over, and I need help more than ever. God, please guide my lawyer and the judge. Please give my lawyer the words to say as we pursue what we need to pursue in the next couple of weeks. Please direct my husband's lawyer in his advising of my husband. Please let me find favor with the judge. Please protect my baby from my husband, whatever it takes. Please bring my husband's sin and darkness into the light as soon as possible. And please continue to be my strength, my guide, and my peace. "


8 years ago

"Morning convo with The Father "

"Father, thank you for the gift of another day. Thank you for keeping my family & friends. I ask for peace with those I'm at odds with. I need to stay focused and apply your teachings and instruction. Everything I do or speak let it have positive meaningful purpose. I need my light to shine to lead others to you. What in me do I need to improve on? I love you, in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Attention Everyone "

"Dear lord, tonight I ask that you keep your hands over all these people who are struggling it having issues with something. I pray you confront them and guide them to get trough these tough or trying times. I pray that people who are having marriage problems you bring husbands and wives closer together, i pray for people having finance problems, I pray for people who have anxiety to be calm, and I pray for people who are having a hard time for any reason at all be blessed with your love. In Jesus name I pray AMEN! Hope everyone has a good night LOVE TO ALL"


8 years ago

"Marriage "

"Dear Lord please bless my marriage. Please help me understand and be patient with my husband. Please watch over him everyday as he leaves to provide for our family. Please help me be a better wife to him and please help guide him lead our family in a godly way. I thank you for all your blessings in my life for my husband, my house my family for everything. I know that I am blessed and for that I am forever grateful. I love you lord. In Jesus name I pray AMEN "


8 years ago


"God of miracles, I pray that you silence the lies of the enemy. I ask you to give Chris a forgiving heart and uplift him. I ask for restoration of marriage. Thank you that you are a forgiving God. In Jesus name, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Healing And Renewal"

"Lord, I pray that you give me healing in my heart and renew my mind so it's more like you and less like me. Give me love, humility, peace, hope, but most of all Strength and Faith. I need you so much. I can't do this alone. Please be there to guide me."


8 years ago

"Christians Back"

"My son who is 19 injured his back at work and is off of work laying in the bed for about three weeks can't move has gone to the emergency room the pain isn't getting no relief his body is almost twisted at the waist. he never takes pain medicine but he's just in severe pain. Complete healing "


8 years ago

"This One Little Thing"

"Last winter my heart was broken, and I've been trying in vain to put the pieces back together. My faith has been dying a little more each day, and I only have a few days left before the fire goes out completely. If I can't spend Christmas with a special woman, is it too much to ask that there be some snow on the ground?"


North Miami, Florida
8 years ago

"Porn & Sexual Thoughts - Desire"

"Heavenly Father I ask you to remove these things that contains a place you to be because every time I see myself looking after to my sexual desires and wanting to feel sexual at that time in the moment that I want to do I fall in if like a little idiot thinking its going to do any good for me but it ain't because it's dishonoring a king who is worthy and holy holy to all worthy king of all nations to be praising him In Jesus name God, I am sorry txt me "


8 years ago

"Hall Honda People"

"Father, It's 1:12 am and I'm up thinking about a situation that happened at work Saturday. It's bothering me that much. (""If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. “I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:15-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “The king’s fury is like a lion’s roar; to rouse his anger is to risk your life. Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling. Though good advice lies deep within the heart, a person with understanding will draw it out. Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable? The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them. When a king sits in judgment, he weighs all the evidence, distinguishing the bad from the good. Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right. A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don’t hang around with chatterers. Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.” Wait for the LORD to handle the matter. The LORD detests double standards; he is not pleased by dishonest scales.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:2-3, 5-8, 11, 19, 22-23‬ ‭NLT‬‬,5-8,11,19,22-23.nlt I've never been this angry and felt this much hate towards a person before. I can't be in the same room with this guy without wanting to beat the living day out of him. That's not how I need to be thinking nor how I should act. I just wanted to share my heart with you at this hour. I thank you for taking the time to always be available to listen even when I don't feel you near. I know you hear me and hear my heart. Keep my focus and trust in you and your ways Father, In Jesus name. "


8 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, Please provide complete restoration of my marriage. In Jesus's Name, Amen"


8 years ago

"Giving It To God"

"Today I have decided to give my struggles to God, my husband and I have been trying to have a child for 5 years with no luck one three rounds of clomid and most everything else is out of our price range. I feel good about this decision, so I'm letting go and letting God! If he sees fit it'll happen. I will continue to pray about it daily but instead of asking for it I will instead make sure it's ok either way. I give all my glory to him trough the good and the bad! I love you lord jesus "


8 years ago


"God of Miracles, I ask you For a second chance, I ask you to silence the lies of the enemy and I ask you to fill Chris' heart with forgiveness. Please continue to soften his heart and open Chris' heart to reconciliation. I know this is not your way for our family. Thank you that you are a forgiving Lord. Amen"


8 years ago

"Healthy Pregnancy"

"Lord, Thank you for blessing us with the precious gift of a child. I pray that we will be healthy during the next few months and that the nausea and exhaustion will soon pass. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


8 years ago


"I pray for baptism."


8 years ago


"Jehova I pray that my family's eyes be open to serve you in Jesus name amen "


8 years ago

"My Children"

"Jehovah I pray to you thru your son Jesus Christ name , that you protect my children always, that you open there eyes to see what ever it is that you want them to see!! "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Divorce "

"Lord, I pray you remove this divorce from life. Please heal and strengthen my marriage. Please allow me to find reconciliation with Kyle. Please open his eyes to real love and understanding, allow him to miss me and desire my companionship and love again. Please heal my heart and remove all hatred and resentment. Please forgive all our sins and allow us to have a loving and God centered relationship. End this adultery, remove this mistress and may she be served rightfully for her sins. Please answer my prayers Father. Please delivers Christmas miracle. Amen."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Sean's Mother Passing "

"Lord, I pray that you be with Sean and his family in these days to come. Sean's mother has been such a trooper with her fight with cancer. So many people loved and supported her. She is going to make a beautiful angel and thank you for letting her hold on one last day to see her son turn another year older on his birthday. While it doesn't seem fair I know you have something beautiful planned. Please watch over her children and let them be strong. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Clear My Mind"

"I read some things tonight that I wish I hadn't. Details about my husband's affair that I wish I didn't know. Please, God, please empty my mind and help me to forget these things and not to dwell on them, at least so I can get some sleep tonight. Please. "


8 years ago

"Fertility "

"Dear Lord, I promise I won't talk your head off tonight, I know i have done a lot of bad things in my lifetime and I know that by no means do I deserve this, I just somehow cannot get it off my mind it's not that I feel like I need it because everyone else has it, or even to feel complete I am 100% thankful for the family that you have given me, I have a special request if you see it fit could you please bless me with a child, every since I was a child I have dreamed about becoming a mother and now I have in a different way than I imagined but it is simply amazing I promise if you allowed my husband and I to borrow a child I will raise them right I will teach them your word I will be the very best godly parent I can be. I need directions, I don't know where to go from here in torn please bring me peace if this is not something that you want for me or not something that is in my will. Wrap your arms around me confront me. I had a chance and I ruined it I asked for forgiveness and I know I have been forgiven I promise if I was giving another shot I would not disappoint you. But however if this is not in the book for me I will continue to raise Heaven and Wayne as well mannered Christians i love you and thank you so much for all of my blessings in life already! "


8 years ago


"God of miracles, Please fill Chris' heart with forgiveness and remorse. Please show him this is not your way for us or our family. Soften his heart where it has been hardened towards me and please silence him from the lies of the enemy. Amen"


8 years ago


"Didn't quite get what I prayed for but whatever. Praising God always. AMEN"


8 years ago


"Lord I thank you immensely from the bottom of my heart for making this move possible. And I pray that tonight only goodness, light, positivity and happiness surround me in Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago


"Father, I pray you put a good job in front of me. A place where I can grow and honor you Lord. A job that will fill my financial needs. I living in fear of losing my home father, please remove all my fears as they are not of you God. Replace fear with determination and action. Please remove all the negative self talk in my thoughts and fill my heart with your love. This is a selfish prayer, but father you know what's in my heart. I want to walk in a healthy close relationship with you. Thank you , in Jesus name I pray. Amen! "


8 years ago

"Work At PT"

"Lord God, I lift up work at PT and pray for the company and all the people. Please send blessings to unite everyone as a team, with respect for one another, and understanding of one another. Allow us to do our work in the name of Jesus. Guide us in our day to day dealings and let us praise you in everything we say and do. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Sean's Mother "

"Lord, please help Sean's mother and her battle with cancer. Please allow her to make a miraculous turn around in her health. She's such a strong woman and a mother to three children. Please don't let her leave this world. Amen! "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Needing Help"

"Lord, I pray I can find a job that brings in a great deal of income in order to help me get back on my feet. Hopefully something as a server so I can make tips because I can't make it until payday. I'm struggling so much now Lord. Please don't give up on me. Lord please help me turn this situation around. Please let me finish up this semester strong and may my grades be all A's. Please let me be strong for myself and keep working out and eating right to be happy and healthy again. Please fill my life full of great people who love and support me, especially as I need it. Please allow me to get to a place where I'm no longer sleeping on a couch at my parents. Please heal my marriage. Please Lord make Kyle miss me and want to reconcile our marriage. Remove this woman from his presence, do not let her taint him. Please allow me to forgive him and myself for our sins. Please let both of us walk in your light and have a God centered marriage. Please don't give up on me Lord. I know I fail you every day but I am trying. Please just give me strength. Remove all doubt, let those who do not have the faith that I do be wrong and please come back to me. Amen. "


8 years ago


"I am struggling right now I pray that it will get better and never give up "


8 years ago

"Forgiveness "

"God of miracles, Please help Chris to have a forgiving heart. Soften his heart and open it forgiveness and reconciliation. Show him this is not your way for our marriage. Amen"


United States
8 years ago

"Unspoken Prayers"

"Lord, I want to pray over People's Church Indy, Pastor Chris, the direction the church is heading, the church as a whole, the unspoken prayers of the church, baptisms & babies being dedicated & that your will is done in the church."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"A Miracle "

"Lord, I have been feeling so lost. I'm trying so hard to better myself and be a woman of God. I have had people shake their heads and laugh at my faith in you Lord because I know in my heart what is there. Everyone tells me not to get my hopes up or to give up but I WON'T! I've prayed my heart out everyday, multiple times a day. I believe in you Lord. I told you I would give myself over to you Lord and I have. Please prove everyone wrong! I welcome your light Lord, please let me feel you and speak to me Lord. Please reassure me. Anything is possible through you. I won't give up on you! Amen! "


8 years ago

"Family "

"Pain no more Lord 🙏"


8 years ago


"God of miracles, thank you for always working on my troubles. I ask you to soften Chris' heart and open his heart to reconciliation. Please silence Chris from the lies of the enemy and take away his hurt and anger. I know this is not your way. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Living for You, others second, me last"


8 years ago

"Protection For My Baby"

"I don't want to go into detail now, but please pray that the darkness we know is in my soon-to-be-ex-husband's heart and mind is exposed. Surely your sin will find you out - this is the time for it to happen. I need to protect my baby from him. "


8 years ago

"Desperate Prayers To A Cruel God"

"For over a decade I've been trying to find the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with; but all I've gotten for my troubles is a broken heart. Last winter I promised myself that by year's end my faith would bear fruit or die... As the final month of the year slowly bleeds out, I've been praying harder than ever to find what I'm looking for. These past few weeks I've been wondering if anyone is listening. Now I believe God is perfectly content to give me the opposite of what I want, and leave me to rot as others around me continue to fall in love and get married."


8 years ago

"New Project"

"Holy father please help me as I transition into this new stage of my life. I feel someone is trying to jeopardize things I have worked for and will try to make things difficult for me as I make this transition lord I ask you in the name of Jesus please be with me, please guide me and please help me in Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago

"A Good Tuesday"

"Holy Father thank you for answering my prayers and helping me to feel your presence in my life. Lord I pray that you will be with me tomorrow and please help me lord to stay focused to stay away from animosity and negativity, to be punctual to be accepted and to play well. "


8 years ago


"Lord I am filled with anxiety and worry, please help me in Jesus name I Pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you lord for today. Thank you that I was on time. Thank you lord that I accomplished things, thank you lord that I stayed focused. Thankyou for reminding me that I have a friend in you. In Jesus name I thank you. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Thank you for blessing us with your miracle gift of a child. I pray that the scan will go well and that you will grant j peace as he is worried and allow him to cast all of his burdens on you Lord. In Jesus mighty name Amen"


8 years ago

"Second Chance"

"God of miracles, I ask you to soften my husbands heart and open his heart to reconciliation. Please silence Chris from the lies of the enemy. Please uplift Chris in prayer and uplift my marriage in prayer. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord, Help me to be humble and not bitter. Release the pain that I have and give me peace. I pray that you restore my heart with love and help me to forgive and move on. Guide me and give me strength. Thank you, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Career Doors To Open"

"Still need prayers for my career. Very stressful, tough, never stopping-constant travel job- working for very tough, perfectionists, very corporate high responsibility job. Need to open doors into a more rewarding position that keeps me home more and with my daughter. Very difficult leadership makes the job harder to feel happy in. Always stressed! Lord I need some guidance and care that will lead me to better. A positive transition into where I'm supposed to be. Tough living in big city with living expenses so high-not sure where or what I am supposed to do but being stressed and sad is not it! I love my industry and my job just the people in leadership are not rational- I feel like a machine/robot for them. Single mom no choice but to keep going! Also, pray God brings my husband my way whomever he is wherever he is please let us meet!!! My heart is open! Amen."


8 years ago

"Friends For Daughter"

"Just praying my fun beautiful little girl especially in heart finds some true good friends. While she is very social and happy I only wish for some good friends to be around her. She is such a nice good little girl who likes to make others laugh and is very giving. I pray she has confidence in herself and is blessed with some great friends. Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord please help me to be there for my family in the way that they need me. I pray that we have a good Christmas and that you will help us to connect with each other. In the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Good Day"

"Lord please help me to have a good day tomorrow. Please help me to be punctual to have focus, to be constructive, to be positive at all times and lord I pray for acceptance from others in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for everything you do for me. You are there for me Evan when I don't deserve it. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Dear lord thank you for answering my prayers. Lord please forgive me for how I dealt with the situation. I could have handled things better. Please work with me and help me to make things right, in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Marriage And Family Restoration"

"Please pray for my family. My husband filed for divorce. We have two sons, 7 and 5 and it has been very hard on all of us. My husband has turned away from the Lord and living a sinful life. I don't want a divorce but really confused as to what The Lord wants me to do. Thank you for your prayers:)"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"My Marriage "

"Please Lord, please heal my marriage. Please bring reconciliation between Kyle and I. Please remove resentment and envy from both our hearts. Let us know nothing but love and understanding for one another. I am striving to be a woman of God and live in your light. I hope and pray Kyle will soon open his heart up to you as well. Every day I pray for him and our marriage Lord. I've been attending church faithfully and reading the bible hoping that my prayers may soon be answered. Please don't forget about me. Amen. "


8 years ago

"My Grandbabies"

"I have two grandbabies that won't have Christmas because their dads boss refuses to give their daddy work hours or his Christmas bonus. They really need it and something has to be done ASAP ....plz pray!!!!"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Daughter"

"Lord, having a rough night. My daughter's heart is so sad, which makes me sad. Please help her to see herself as others do. She has such a kind loving heart and it saddens me that one person has affected her so much and made her feel worthless. May she accept new people in her life and not be afraid to take a chance. Please God, guide her. Please show her and give her the confidence she needs to keep pressing forward and dig out of this hole of depression and anxiety. May she release the hold J has on her heart and have peace. IJNIP, Amen."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Marriage, Husband, & Self "

"Please everyone, please pray for us. Lord please hear our prayers. I need your strength and guidance. Please don't let my marriage fall to divorce. I want to repent and forgive. I want my husband to become a family man and a man of God. I want a God centered marriage. Please don't give up on us Lord. I need you. I need my family back. Help me please. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Endoscopy showed no scar tissue. No strictures. No hernia. Plus the medicine seems to be helping with my swallowing almost immediately. Thank you God. Amen"


8 years ago


"I need immediate help the enemy is attacking me I need our Lord Jesus Christ"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Dear Lord, I have given myself over to you and have been trying to walk in your light. While I fail daily, I never fail to pray. Please forgive me for my sins and let my future be wonderful. Lord please let these struggles end, please help bring healing and reconciliation to my marriage. Lord please allow me to forgive this mistress in my heart. Please make my husband a man of God and devote himself to you and I. Please let his mistakes change him for the better and come home to me. Please reunite us and heal our hearts. Please remove all traces of distrust and resentment. Let him reach out for me Lord and seek my comfort and to rekindle our love. Please Lord, please help me be strong again and get on my feet during this difficult time. I trust in you Lord. Please hear me. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please heal her broken heart fast and dry up her tears. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my friend who is the only girl in a class full of guys is struggling with grades and is having family struggles "


8 years ago

"Pregnant And May Have An Infection"

"I am pregnant and may have an infection. I need prayer that the infection will go away and that the baby will be fine."


8 years ago

"Job Opportunity"

"Lord please help lead us (Alex) to the job that you have prepared for him. To help provide him full-fillness in helping the community and being able to put his heart into something again! Lord please guide us into that direction, in your name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord, I am so fearful all the time that I become stuck instead of trying. I don't want to be at a standstill. I want to go after my dreams, I keep thinking how am I going to obtain it? Where do I start? I need guidance and motivation. I need faith and inspiration. Please. I ask this in Yeshua Name, Amen. "


8 years ago


"Please pray for my mum who's questioning what she wants to do in her life right now"


8 years ago


"Prayer for deliverance..I'm given unique gift of discernment. The oppression is unbearable. Please pray that Jesus delivers me and my family and for salvation of my family. Amen"


8 years ago


"I feel oppressed and need deliverance prayers for myself. It make me me do bad faces and I forget things. I desperately need prayer and even a word from God if he has one for me. I need advise and people or places to go to help me. I feel them on my skin. I very depressed over this and been faithfully praying for 9 years but Jesus has not delivered me. Please Help"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get an interview and the weekend job while I am in school. Amen."


8 years ago

"Weightloss "

"God give me the strength of will to persist with my weight loss. I want to be a better father, husband, and Christian. Some days 80lbs seems an insurmountable goal, but I know that through you all things are possible. "


8 years ago

"Uncle Looking For Christ"

"My uncle is in a very bad place right now. His grandson has been institutionalized. His youngest child has been incarcerated. He's estranged from his eldest. Also, his wife is aggressively atheistic. He is a nonbeliever but has begun asking questions. Right now, his earthly success is hindering his ability to be humble before God. But he's started asking questions for the first time. Please pray for him and his family as well as for those of us to whom he is turning for answers. "


8 years ago

"The Lord Got You Covered Brotha"

"Dear lord I pray for the fast healing and painless healing of my friend Carl! Lord give my brother strength, patience and a painless recovery. In God we pray Amen..🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾✌🏾️"


8 years ago

"Heaven "

"We miss you down here. "


8 years ago

"Is Anyone Listening?"

"I'm praying harder than ever, but I don't see any sign that anyone is listening. For over a decade I've been trying to find the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with; but all I've gotten for my troubles is a broken heart. Last winter I promised myself that by year's end my faith would bear fruit or die... I can feel it dying every day and with every prayer I say. Time is running out... Is anyone listening? Do they even care?"


8 years ago


"Lord, Thank you for blessing us with the gift of a child, I pray that the pregnancy, mum and baby are all good and well. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear lord Please be on j's side as he's just found out about court action against him that went on in 2012, when he didn't know about it and wasn't able to defend himself. Lord you know his heart and know he is innocent of any wrong doing. Lord please let the court see this and for the outcome to reflect this. In Jesus mighty name I play Amen "


8 years ago

"In deep need of prayers"

"Pls send me thoughts of strength and resolution. going through marriage problems. money problems. rent. need surgery. unemployed. house badly needs repair. i feel alone with no one to turn to. i seek calm answers and huge miracles. pls God, if there are any miracles left for me - pls let it hapoen today. i open my arms gratefully for your blessings. i know you wont let me down. i am done with the anger, this uncertainty, this fear. this is rock bottom. can someone, anyone please help me get up? "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Husband And Marriage "

"Lord, I pray you see all these changes I am trying to make in order to help grow for myself and my relationship. I pray that Kyle misses me and seeks me out and wants to "come home" and be a family again. I hope he feels the feelings he use to of love and devotion to me once again. Please open his heart to you and I Lord. Please let him heal and move forward. Let him be the great man and husband for me I know he is capable of. There is not a day that has gone by I have not asked for reconciliation and prayed for him. Please Lord, grant me the miracle or restoration. My soul knows him Lord. Please send me a Christmas miracle. I have fully devoted myself to serving you Lord. Please hear me. Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let my daughter and I make the right decision about school. Amen."


8 years ago

"Reconciliaition "

"I am asking for prayers for my estranged husband- please ask God to soften his heart and open his heart to reconciliation. Please uplift my marriage and my husband and ask God to silence the lies of the enemy. In Jesus name amen. "


8 years ago


"A prayer for my brother who is stressed out with his difficult corse in university "


8 years ago


"Please pray for me that I am not layed off at work. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Husband "

"Lord I have been think hard and praying harder for my husband. Please help him be at peace with himself and learn to not only be a family man, but a man of God. Please let this distance soften his heart and cause him yearning. Please bring healing and restoration to my family. Amen."


8 years ago


"Need prayer on how to deal with lust by the finished work of Christ as I am failing over and over again in my own strength."


8 years ago

"Husband's Salvation"

"Lord I'm asking that you give my husband a Damascus road experience. Dave him from the enemy. Open his eyes to your truth and give me the strength to continue to do your will. Restore my husband to you."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Hope "

"Lord, I pray you see the good in my heart and that is says the things to you my lips do not. I hope you see the changes in my I am trying to make. I pray you grant me this job position tomorrow and my interview is successful. I pray that my hard work in school pays off and that I am able to continue to get good grades. I pray that you open all the right doors for me to be successful and financially stable. I pray that I never have to struggle like this again and I will soon have my own roof over my head. But mostly I pray for happiness and peace with the things I cannot change. Please soften and open up Kyle's heart to you Lord. May he find you and peace within himself. Please restore my family and bring back our happiness. Please help me Lord. Amen!"


chihuahua cuauhtemoc
8 years ago


"Pray for the Isis"


8 years ago

"Mortgage Availabilty"

"For grace to be offered and wisdom used in decision regarding mortgage amount to use as base for home pursuit during conference call tonight. A heart to accept whatever Gods will is for me as we make decisions about housing. A guard against anxiety and anger if finances are not where they need to be at this time - acceptance of truth and gratitude for what we have - each other :)"


8 years ago




8 years ago

"A Career"

"Please pray for me I lost everything two years ago. Plus I have had many deaths in my family. I am trying to get a job but so far nothing. It's been two years since I have worked. I need my career back. "


8 years ago

"Dec 6 "

"Need tuition money, gas money and horse hay and feed this week. I keep telling myself God will provide but ya hard not to worry "


8 years ago

"Prayers For Mother's Surgery"

"My mother is having surgery this week to correct a medical issue with her stomach, and I would really appreciate prayers for a successful operation as well as a speedy recovery. Thank you and God bless. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Lord "

"Lord please speak to me at this new church and service today. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!"


8 years ago

"A Career"

"Please pray for me I lost everything two years ago because of jealous/ racist person in power. I haven't worked since then and I have been forced to major in something I don't like because of money and time. I am still in debt and I have bad credit as a result of me loosing everything two years ago. I am thankful for having helpful family and friends. That's what keeps me going. I have inventions that I want to create and patent. That gives me hope. "


8 years ago

"Problems In My Life"

"Please pray for me.The advisory spoke to me in a bad way two years ago. I was thrown out of my major and I lost my job. Then my grandma died right before my eyes. I haven't worked in two years because the advisory put me out of the school for simply being black. I am trying to stay positive and I have a great family and friends that are behind me 100%. I am thankful for that. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Questioning "

"I have never questioned so much of my life as I am right now. Lord I need you. Please help me. Please send me a miracle. Where are you?"


8 years ago


"Lord, I pray that you deliver my best friend from his addiction. I care and love him so much. He's so close to success. I pray that you lift him up and give him strength and a strong will to leave it behind for good. I pray that you guide him and be with him. Protect him and let him know you're presence will be there. Help him to heal and renew his mind. Amen. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Help "

"Lord, I am so blessed for you to answer my prayers to get a new car of my very own. I am also so blessed you have been guiding my financial situation however tight it may be. I ask that you please help me to get this receptionist position. Please help to continue to guide me and my finances, please allow my situation flourish during this tough time so that I can get back on my own feet. I can't help but feel wrong being here at my parents, as if I don't belong and they are hiding something from me. Please help improve our relationship and strengthen our bond, please let things be different this time. I'm relying on then and wish not to be let down anymore. Please help rectify all these situations and allow me to find the path you wish me to walk, I feel stuck. Please help mend my marriage and let this all just be a stepping stone. Please help open up Kyle's heart and improve his relationship not only with me, but you as well. Please Lord, help bring restoration to my marriage. Please allow me to continue to do well in school and graduate this summer. Please let my mental and physical health improve. Please watch over my family and friends, and especially the homeless man on the corner I fed today. Help him and his situation Lord. Please help all of those here on We Pray as they do for me. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen. "


8 years ago

"Full Time Teaching Job"

"God please help me to find a teaching job that would be a perfect fit for me. I feel really drawn toward U Prep. God please open up all the right doors so that I may find a position there"


8 years ago

"Prayers For Family"

"Lord, please give me strength to let go, heal and forgive J for hurting my daughter. He was such a part of our family and she still loves him. I can't get past the anger I've been feeling recently. I know in my heart he's just lost and needs to mature. Still hurts to know how selfish he suddenly became that he decided he couldn't handle a relationship anymore. He was her best friend. Praying she has found some peace on her service trip by serving others and that she's finding happiness in her heart again within herself. Please ease our hearts and minds so we can move forward. Give me and her strength to let go of anger and heal. Please watch over J, maybe one day they will meet again. Please help my husbands heart to soften. He does not understand depression. Help him to be more empathetic. Praying also for the relationship between our son and him to improve. May my son also try harder to get along with everyone in the family. Thank you God for your blessings. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord,Im very pain now.My right legs is very pain now because of the lump..I need your healing touch Lord to ease the pain what I felt right now..I need your Miracle Lord,pls help and give long life to live.."


8 years ago

"My Uncle's Cancer"

"Dear Lord, perform a miracle for my uncle with cancer. This new treatment is the last thing they can try and they're doubtful it will work. He is the best uncle in the world and I can't imagine life without him. His wife, my aunt, has already lost her mom and I think she is mad at God for that and now her husband is sick. He also has a 19 year old son who I'm afraid would not be able to handle his loss. Please help me find strength and courage to get him saved and PLEASE perform a miracle Lord! Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get my refund and avoid paying for extra insurances. Please let me keep my license and be let go. Amen."


8 years ago


"Please pray that I'll trust more in the Peace of Jesus as I act onstage tonight & every performance hereafter, trusting that He will help me recall all my lines, not panic, etc"


8 years ago

"A Job In Time To Start The New Year"

"I have a special prayer request that I am sending out for this evening to all my prayer warriors. Dave W has had over 3 phone interviews for a good job with Honeywell this past month. He is an excellent fit for this company. Please lift him that he is selected in the final round as their ideal candidate and lift the interviewer up in prayer that they both make an impression that leads to a job offer and job acceptance. "


8 years ago

"Spiritual Warfare"

"Please pray for deliverance and guidance"


8 years ago

"Car Repaired"

"Dear God, thank you for getting my car fixed. Now there's no evidence that I am a bad driver! Please God help me to pay attention when I drive so I don't hit or back into anything else. "


8 years ago

"Work In Progress"

"Please keep my little broken family in prayer. I still love my husband, even though he has made his choice clear, he has treated me like garbage, and his psych eval has verified that he's basically incapable of a healthy relationship or honesty or fidelity. I know God has bigger and better things for me, and that He has pulled me from a bad situation, but it's going to take my emotions some time to catch up. We have come to a temporary custody agreement, and now we need to work on the details of the rest of the divorce. This is an incredibly difficult process and I am ready for it to be over. In the meantime, my baby is six months old and I can only pray that she will always have the amazing joy that she has now. I will do my best to raise her in a Godly home, even while her father will aim for the opposite. I continue to pray for his salvation, too. I have been in Christian counseling since about three weeks after he left, which has helped immensely. But I still have days where I feel so alone, and like no one can understand the depths of my hurt, or how I could still love him and want to be his wife and yet just want him to go away and leave us alone, or any of the other conflicting things I'm going through right now. Most people in my life are incredibly angry with him for all that he's done, and while I understand and appreciate that they are so supportive, I also feel like I spend so much time calming others down and being the rational one that I haven't really gotten to be angry myself yet. I need prayer and I need God - no one else knows my inner thoughts and feelings like He does, and no one else can keep me together right now. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Miracles "

"Lord I pray you please bring forth miracles in my life. Please help bring restoration in my marriage. Please let Kyle and I find love between us again. Please don't give up on us. I know there is still love in there. Lord please help him realize divorce is not the answer. Amen!"


8 years ago


"I'm running on empty and I pray Lord that you give me hope and strengthen my Faith in you. "


8 years ago


"God of Miracles, I pray for restoration and healing of my marriage. I ask You to soften my husbands heart and be opened up to reconciliation. I know divorce is not the answer or Your way. Please silence the lies of the enemy that says divorce is an option. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"New Car"

"Lord I pray I may get this new car I have just applied for. I am at my wits end and this divorce has taken so much away and made my life so difficult. Please Lord help me to get this car to make it back home to my family and find another job. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen! "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Marriage "

"Lord please bring restoration and peace to my marriage. Please remove any thoughts of divorce from both our hearts and minds. Please fill our marriage full of love, forgiveness, and understanding. Lord please bring this miracle to light. I need you now. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"For My Friend Back On Drugs"

"I went to a ministry and met my friend Julie. I was a drunk and she was addicted to heroine, I remember her being so tiny. Within a few months you could see Gods glory on her,and her testimony was being used to bring people to Christ...was beautiful. I just received sad news she is not only back on the stuff but she's worse off then she was when I met her 😰 she has a son and he finally got his mom back now she is gone again. Please lift her up, she needs true deliverance from the only One who can set her free💙 thank u. I will post something as soon as I hear anything. Thank u Godbless "


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for the last few days, I pray for a safe drama free journey in Jesus name. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Praying for peace in areas around the world where followers of Christ are being persecuted. "


8 years ago

"Praying for Godly Wisdom"

"Praying for godly wisdom as a parent. Praying for the spirit of patience with my children and ability to show them love in all my interactions with them. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Answers "

"Lord right now all I need is answers. I have asked everyone that I know to pray for me and the restoration of my marriage. I have also gone beyond my shallow prayers to ask for not just the restoration of my marriage, but for the restoration of my husband's relationship with you. Please Lord heal our marriage, take away all thoughts of divorce. Please surround us your light, let our marriage be centered around you. Lord I pray for repentance and restoration. I believe all is possible through you. Please show me the answers to my prayers! Amen! "


8 years ago

"Service Trip"

"God bless my daughter and the young adults this next week as they give of themselves to serve others in St. Louis. May you use your strengths to help provide comfort and hope to those in need. May you foster new friendships, embrace your faith, regain confidence and believe in the power of prayer that can heal your beautiful soul and heart. Praying for a safe week and travels free from the outside world of technology. 🙏🏻❤️"


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for a safe journey. Thankyou for getting me up on time Lord please help me to have a productive day please help me to do my job to the best of my ability. Please help me to stay focused in Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Having A Hard Time"

"I am having a hard time understanding if God is really there? I've been going through struggles and no answer from him. Does god really love me?"


8 years ago


"So thankful that my husband is still home and the situation is even bearable, at times he is even nice, I see God slowly doing a work. Please say a prayer for a healing in my body I have been extremely ill of late, weak, tired, nauseated, cold sweats. Please keep me in your prayers. "


8 years ago

"In Much Need Of:"

"Lord, I pray that you give me motivation to go after my dreams. That I have the strength to get through hardships. Right now, I need guidance to push forward and to not give up. I feel kind of stuck. I want to write music, make videos but I feel I don't have inspiration and I've been doubting myself. I don't want to live with a regret that I didn't pursue what I wanted. I want to live free of fear. Thank you, in Yeshua name, Amen."


8 years ago

"My Father's Health"

"Please pray for my father's health. May God gives him joy and peace in his lonely times. May God gives him strentgh he needs for a normal daily life."


8 years ago

"death of friend"

"please pray for my friend who has died of drug overdose yesterday. and pray for closure to his family"


8 years ago

"Am Jef"

"A young lady who has lost her way."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let my children fall in love with MSA, both apply, and get accepted. Amen."


8 years ago


"Thankyou lord for today, thank you for helping me to be on time for helping me to play to the best of my ability, for giving me absence of peace, for helping me to increase my faith. For helping to accomplish my goals for today and for showing me your love. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago


"I'm praying for communication from my estranged husband. Please uplift him in prayer and ask God to restore and heal our marriage. "


8 years ago


"I am praying for communication from my estranged husband. I pray for him constantly throughout the day. I am praying for a second chance and restoration of marriage. Please uplift my husband and marriage in prayer and for communication from him. Thank you!!!"


8 years ago


"I've come this far by faith leaning on the Lord, each step each test I asked you, God to pull me through and you pulled me on out. I'm blessed to have made it this far, for now I'm in test that it is breaking me apart. My faith is still strong but the question why? Now escapes my lips from time to time. Saying lord this isn't fair... I never really asked why. I always just gave thanks and praise... You said i shall live.. But my doctors are saying not for long.... I ask you god why isn't things getting better? If I shall live then why am I not getting better. I pray and I give myself to you lord.. Heal my body.. Heal my liver oh lord.. Let it remain stable and functional so I can live a long life in your light lord. I worship you lord I love you lord, I know you will never leave me or forsake me... I just ask you to send a fresh anointing my way lord... I always say if it's my time lord... Don't now let me suffer, Let my soul be with you.. I love you almighty God, I'm claiming life, health and healings in Jesus name... I thank you lord amen "


8 years ago

"End Of The Line"

"I've been waiting and praying for over a decade to find the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and all I've gotten for my trouble is a broken heart. Last winter I promised myself that by year's end my faith would bear fruit or die. There is only 1 month left in the year... This is it... end of the line. Will God reward my patience, or let my faith die?"


8 years ago

"Dads Health"

"My daddy has to go to the hospital to be drained today. His liver has not been in great health at all so it puts liquid poison in his tummy. He swells up and it's painful on him. The procedure is scary and has high risks every time he goes. I'm asking for his healing. That he would be comforted during his operation. That the doctors would be precise and have a solution that will help him back to health. That God will heal my Daddy. "


8 years ago


"Thank You Father your love and your mercy. In the name of Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago


"Thank you lord for the peace you have given me right now, thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Thank you Lord for helping me to accomplish things today. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father thank you for the safe journey. Thank you for a nice peaceful day with people I love, Lord I pray that I will be on time tomorrow. Lord I pray that you will keep me focused on you, on positive things and on all the things I have to do. Lord please keep me alert and help me to do my job to the best of my ability in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Strength During A Trying Time"

"Hello I'm requesting prayers during a difficult time in my life. I am very fortunate and blessed however my heart is heavy and it is difficult for me to feel a feeling of completeness during this stage in my life. I'm in a nursing program and the instructors are very intimidating which makes me feel incompetent and uncomfortable. I have anxiety and have dealt with depression in the past and dealing with such things has always interfered with my success. So, I'm asking for prayers for strength to remain and complete this nursing program. I'm also going through financial struggles and a relationship that seems to be failing with my current fiance which I've been with for 7 years. I'm not sure what I should be asking for but I just want to feel whole... Happy... Because I should feel that way beings that I've been blessed. Thank you for reading and praying for me <3"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Finacial Relief"

"Lord please be beside me tomorrow and help see that our financing comes through, it could be what saves us from bankruptcy until we can sell our business. I lay all my hope in you and have faith that you will provide me with peace and hope. You are my heart and strength. Thank you for praying with me!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me know tomorrow if I will be allowed into the program again. Please let me keep my license in tact and let our funds work out. Amen."


8 years ago

"Please Pray..."

"I want to ask everyone with any real faith to pray for my family... My mom (D.M.), my sister (E.M), my sister (La. M.), my sister (Le. M.), my brother (E.D.M), my children (A.D.C. , A.C-J. C., A.K.C., A.O.C., and A.W-E.C.) , my husband (F.L.K.C 2nd), and myself (T.S.K.C). Please pray that things go well for us as we are falling on hard times. My sister lost her premie baby just last week, and things are not going well as far as Christmas and financial issues. I'm asking that everyone pray with us.......... Heavenly Father, (in the name of Jesus) I'm coming before you today with my whole heart, asking that you hear the suffering of your children. Asking that you forgive us of our sins as we forgive others of the wrongs against us. Please hear every prayer that is prayed to you, and help us all to have the strength to handle what may seem impossible. The world is full of evil people that are out to hurt the innocent, and only you know the true feelings of a persons heart. Please I ask that you bless your children (young and old) as you continue to protect us from the hands of the enemy. Thank you for always being there for us, and for your everlasting love. For you are perfect, and can know no hate. Thirst things I ask for us all, in your mighty name I pray, A-Men."


8 years ago


"Lord, heal my daughter's heart and soul. Praying she can let go and move forward. May You guide her to someone even better suited for her in a life of serving You. I have faith that You know what's best and will open her heart when it's time. Please hear the prayers in my heart and hers. Please embrace her and fill her kind heart with love and happiness. She is lovable and she does matter. Praying for her healing on her service trip this week. Thank you Lord for your blessing on my family. Amen"


8 years ago

"The Lost"

"Those who are deceived by cults, in bondage with sins, who are suffering and cause others to suffer because of it, that they would be made aware of the power of love, and mercy."


8 years ago


"Intoxication demon"


8 years ago

"Persecuted Saints"

"Those being abused or mistreated for the Lord's sake, especially those in captivity."


8 years ago


"For her peace and guidance this girl senses demonic harassment and battles depression."


8 years ago

"Getting Sick"

"My throat is hurting and I'm worried that I'm getting sick. I don't want to get my baby sick, and I can't take off from work right now, so I really need to feel better asap. I know this is minor compared to other requests - including my own over the last few months! - but it's significant to my life at this point. Also, I could really use a definitively answered prayer right now."


8 years ago


"Dear God, Please give me the strength to let go of this toxic relationship. I am really struggling with this. You can't help who you love. Please guide him in the right direction because I would hate to lose him to the streets, prison or death. "


8 years ago


"Please Lord, be with my friend Rick. Help him through his depression and addiction. Help those who love him be a light that leads to you and your peace. "


8 years ago

"Bills Leg"

"My friend Bill broke his leg pretty badly. Torn tendons, etc. he's in his late 70's and an avid motorcyclist (didn't injure it on a bike). Please pray for quick healing. "


8 years ago


"Lord, help me to be strong for my family. Please lift me out of this depression and ease my anxiety. Praying for reconciliation, forgiveness, healing and release for my daughter and J. Praying for her to have peace soon and to know if she should wait or move forward. Praying my son and daughter learn to appreciate each other and truly get along. Please bring my family together and make us stronger under your love. Praying for strength. IJNIP, Amen"


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you Lord for other day..Guide us today Lord.."


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for getting me back on the right track. Thank you for showing me the insecurity that lies within me and what I should be doing about it. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Job Offer"

"Dear Lord, Please prepare me for my upcoming interviews. Prepare my words and my heart to move forward in the right opportunity. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get the job I want that I applied for at Hindscc. Amen."


8 years ago


"Please pray for my sister Brenda Angulo that she would be come to know God and delivered from evil and be saved "


8 years ago

"New Job"

"In a week will need new job. Praying for Lord to provide providential guidance."


8 years ago


"Dear lord thank you for the peacefulness yesterday. Thank you for helping me get started on work I have been putting of for a while. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen"


8 years ago

"Heart and Distance "

"Please pray for my special someone cause he now left the country for work and we are broken hearted cause he will come home a year after (prayerfully, he will). Please pray for our healing in this long distance relationship and that our relationship & love will survive THROUGH CHRIST... Amen. Thank you so much in advance. "


8 years ago


"Lord help my family as we go through life without the money we used to have. I know money doesn't make you happy but it's something we need. I trust you to help us steer away from out wants and help us manage our money. lord help my moms disability gets approved this time. lord that you for all you do for me and my family. so very thankful! "


8 years ago


"I'm not doing so well emotionally. I have depression and I feel that I am on a downward spiral. I need God to intervene and lift me out of this."


8 years ago


"Please Pray for me,for my health..I hope I have my operation soon..Give me a Miracle Lord..Heal me oh Lord.."


8 years ago

"Prayer For Open Heaven "

"I want God to open heaven and cause the rain of wisdom to live a fulfilling life for the Remaining days of my life on earth . Things that I have been imagining to do God should cause his heaven to open so that I can be able to do it easily . "


8 years ago


"I applied to my first choice college and I'll know if I get in soon... Please pray that I get into that college "


8 years ago

"Career Is Dark"

"Single mom with extremely tough demanding corporate job. I am at a loss because I am working day and night, weekends, traveling more than anyone and being away from my child to only receive negative and 1st ever negative evaluations from a boss who only wants perfection and shows no regard for anything I achieve. I am scared as if I lose this job for reasons I don't understand my child and I will be left with no real choices. To start all over again, find another position. It seems like a sudden dark cloud is over my career that I have worked for 20 years to achieve. I am at risk of losing the little we have. I'm trying to be a good mom and provide for us. I pray for this dark time to pass and doors to open and God to light my path and protect me and my child. To protect and answer prayers for all single moms. "


8 years ago

"My Marriage"

"Restore our home bring my husband back home and let him remain focused in our marriage with our kids and u Lord. Any thing that will hinder his return remove lord. Restore our first love and bring peace."


8 years ago

"Good Day"

"Lord please be with me, I feel weak and upset. Please help me to be happier. Please show me all the amazing things about life and your love. In the name of Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago


"Dear lord Thank you for the opportunity to bond with others. Lord please help me to do a good job today, and please help me to be positive and happy. Lord please help me to deal with negativity as others have found pleasure in putting me down and I feel very upset. Please help me to deal with this situation in the name if Jesus. Amen."


8 years ago


"My friend suffered her 4th miscarriage... I don't know what to say..."


8 years ago

"Complication With Pregnancy"

"In need of urgent prayers for my pregnancy. I had a complication tonight. Please say a prayer that my baby is ok."


8 years ago


"Thank you Lord for blessing us with a pregnancy when drs said it was impossible and healing my womb. Lord please keep us both safe and healthy over the next few months. In Jesus precious name Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord I pray for clarity and to know your will right now. I don't know if you are wanting me to go away from my husband, I don't believe you want to divorce...but I've been continuing to find out the extent of his betrayal and lies, and the fact my health is now in jeopardy because of his actions just makes me feel like maybe I am supposed to let him go and move on from this marriage. I don't know what to do Lord. Guide me, give me strength and wisdom and rest. Please help me Lord, I need you. "


8 years ago

"Be with me lord"

"Be with me, with us, and lead us through these trying times. let no spite, blame or doubt come between us. help us resolve and triumph over this. fill us with your hope, love, courage and strength. help us trust eachother and work things out. ignite our love and respect for eachother so we might never hurt eachother. pls always be with us with your peace and guidance. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Lord I feel so small and broken in this world. I feel so overlooked and misjudged. I just want my family Lord. I want my family back together and for everything between us to be reconciled and whole again. I want to be happy again. I want my husband back, I do not want this divorce. Lord please help me make this happen. Let this be your will. Lord I PRAY with every ounce of my being that I can be whole again and rejoice with this family. Lord please give me your blessings, grant me a miracle to put an end to this heartbreak Lord. I know you do not wish to tear families apart. Lord please, do not forget about me. I need you now more than ever. Speak to me, show am a miracle. I beg of you Lord. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Tinnitus And Depression/anxiety"

"I'm 34 years old and was recently diagnosed with tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears). The doctors tell me that it's permanent, it won't ever go away. Ringing in the ears might not sound like a big deal, but the constant loud noise is enough to make me feel like I'm going to loose my mind. And as if that wasn't bad enough the horrible depression and anxiety the tinnitus causes just makes the situation even worse. The thought of having to deal with this for the rest of my life is so overwhelming I don't know if I can do it. I know that I can do all things through the Lord God who gives me strength, but it's so hard. Please follow brothers and sisters in Christ, pray that God heals me from tinnitus and pulls me out of this horrible dark place that I'm in."


8 years ago


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you Jesus for the lessons that have brought me here. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord please help me to stay focused on my work and on you. Please help me to be on time and to be nice to people Evan if they are not nice to me. Please help me to be a positive light. Please help me to get the sequence right so that everything is executed correctly. Please help me to play well and live authentically for you. In Jesus name I pray Amen"


8 years ago

"Good Weekend"

"Thank you lord for this weekend. It was relaxing. I had time for spiritual reflection. Lord I pray that I will continue to grow and develop in the way you want me to. Thank you for helping with my makeover. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen"


8 years ago

"A prayer for you. "

"May divine light surround and pour through you right now to cleanse, calm and remove your worries. May you be protected, shielded and constantly be guided - away from harm, illness and trouble. And may blessings of hope and miracles come your way right now. May it be better than you imagined. May you recognise and rejoice those miracles as they happen. And may you never forget to forward blessings and kindness, especially to those who need it most. 🙏 "


8 years ago


"Without Faith this Dark world will be Lawless And at War Everyday!!!"


8 years ago

"Prayers For Daughter's Well-Being"

"Please God, watch over my oldest daughter and embrace her with Your love. She's been very depressed the past 2 months and it's getting worse. She wants to just disappear and not be here. Please reassure her she is loved and matters. She has people to talk to, except the one person that matters most to her. She gives from the heart to all she meets. She's such a good person with a good heart and never expects anything in return. God, please bless her and give her courage and strength to make it through this rough patch. IJNIP, Amen"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Restoration "

"Lord I pray you please bring restoration in all my relationships. This is the first time I have seen and spoken to my parents in a year and a half and it is in weary times. My marriage is failing. I am about to go through a terrible divorce with a man I still love and wish to reconcile with. Lord please cleanse me of my sins and fill me with your light so I can continue on as an honest and noble woman. Please grant me strength and mercy. Please walk with me on this journey. I aspire to be the best daughter of God I can be oh Lord. Please heal me. I need a miracle Lord. Please hear me. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord Thank you for helping me to make today a productive day. Lord I pray for the people in my life and I pray that I will have better relationships with them in the name of Jesus. Amen."


8 years ago


"Please uplift my marriage and husband, please pray to soften his heart and be open to reconciliation. We have a young family and are praying for restoration "


8 years ago

"I'm broken"

"In every possible way..i dont trust hope right now. where are you? "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Miracle "

"Lord I feel myself praying for the same things from you every day... Lord I need a miracle. Please Lord help me! I need a miracle to heal and move on Lord. Please let me have touched Kyle and his mother by my speaking your words as you have mine. Remove all judgement that clouds their vision and let them look upon me lovingly and adoringly. Please God let my path be straight and narrow, please guide me and not let me get lost. Lord I PRAY for your light to fill me and remove these demons inside me. May the law work in my favor and I receive the justice I feel I deserve. In your name I pray, amen! "


8 years ago

"Job Hunt"

"God I pray that u help me find the job u have suited me for and that u give me strength and encouragement to help me keep my head up high and know who I am no matter what happens. "


8 years ago

"Court Trial"

"Please help my friend Taylor who is facing a lot of legal action right now do to a stupid comment he made. "


8 years ago

"Still believe in miracles"

"Please God please help me. i am desperate and alone in my troubles. please come with miracles of money. "


Southern CA
8 years ago

"Prayers For A New Job"

"I ask you for your prayers so that I can get this amazing job that I have been so blessed to come across. This job will save my family's stress on finances and be the fresh start on my new journey in life. My sick father has cancer and is drowning in bills and I hope to get this job in order to help him pay his bills and mortgage. Every prayer counts! God bless."


Southern CA
8 years ago

"Prayers For A New Job"

"I ask you for your prayers so that I can get this amazing job that I have been so blessed to come across. This job will save my family's stress on finances and be the fresh start on my new journey in life. My sick father has cancer and is drowning in bills and I hope to get this job in order to help him pay his bills and mortgage. Every prayer counts! God bless."


8 years ago

"Need miracles in full force"

"If there are any miracles left for me Please let it happen now. i need 100,000aed in 7 hours. please i beg u."


8 years ago

"Protect My Baby Tomorrow"

"Soon-to-be-ex-husband has first unsupervised visit with our six-month-old baby tomorrow. I'm so scared. Please pray that it goes smoothly and that she is safe. "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago


"Lord, you have a lot of requests I see. These requests never end from us Lord. I know you must be overwhelmed yourself, having so many prayers and people who are more needy than I. But Lord I PRAY you find the time to hear mine tonight. To know I AM being selfish right now because j need too. I need a miracle. I need for my heart to start healing, for my mother in law to finally see the light in you and have no judgement despite her inabilities, I pray for reconciliation in my marriage, I pray to hear from my husband and let him speak loving words into my soul and APPRECIATE and APOLOGIZE to me. I pray you remove me from this dark place of self destruction that I have been put in and that I may become a REAL proverbs 31 woman, the one you intended me to be. Maybe my desires are not in your plan Heavenly Father, but please do me justice. I need this miracle Lord. Before it is too late. In Jesus's name I pray, amen! "


8 years ago

"Husband Leaving "

"I'm not sure what to pray for honestly. He has cheated and lied many times and I have tried my best to save us. But I know that I can't save us now. I pray for my husband, for God to watch over him. For God to break the bonds and addictions of lust, and in Jesus name to cast the spirits of evil away from him. But I also pray for myself, to take this time to let go of trying to control the outcome and to learn how to truly forgive him for all of his transgressions in my heart. Of course I want my husband back, but I want the man I love not the man who lies to me...and I can't change that. Only God can change his heart. I want to let go of control here and give it up to God, please pray for my strength to do so, and pray for my husband to find peace and be able to break away from the things that steal away his real happiness and his ability to be in a loving relationship. Pray his heart heals and he learns all about love: Gods love, how to love himself, how to receive love, and how to give it. My heart aches for him and I just want him to be happy, and I just want to let this go out of my hands. "


8 years ago

"Pray For Business"

"Please pray for our new business. So that we are able to run a great business and bless others with jobs and be the light in our community."


8 years ago


"We have a urgent need. We need food in the house. Don't have anywhere to turn to or anyone. "


8 years ago

"Lord You Are Great And Mighty. "

"Lord you are so great and so are your miracles. There is no one above or beside you that is like Jesus who is seated at your right hand. You are on your throne looking at the unjust evils in this world. Isis, on the rise. Homosexuality, on the rise. Abortion...on the rise. Church persecution is on the rise. No one cares for his neighbor anymore and greed is in our hearts. Lord, how can it be that you haven't destroyed us? How can we survive? How can this world get through this? Lord we need healing in and by the blood of Jesus. Will you help us? Will you cleanse us? Your grace has helped us. Your Son has helped us. Give us eyes to see where we are needed and let us be your hands and feet to help a far gone world be better. I ask that everyone pause a moment and reflect on this and says a special prayer for America. Amen"


8 years ago

"My Rent "

"My landlord call me yesterday reminding me of my rent that will expire by next month . I just want God to surprise than I expected , God should have mercy on me . "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Miracle "

"Lord, I need a miracle from you today. I need all of these plans to come together and fall in order because I am falling apart. My physical health, my marriage, my husband, my family, my education, my finances, all of if. Please guide me and help me get through this. Lord I asked you to save me. Please save me. "


8 years ago

"Good Day"

"Thank you lord for being there when I need you. Lord I pray that I will get in on time that I will be productive, positive and focused in the name of Jesus. Lord u pray that I will play well and do my job to the best of my ability. In Jesus name I pray. Amen "


8 years ago


"Let's pray for world peace my brothers and sisters, Amen!!"


8 years ago

"Custody Deal"

"Husband offered a compromise that I am considering. God, please give me wisdom, and help me to know what's best for my daughter. And please give me peace as I try to make the right decision. "


8 years ago

"Newborn Reiley"

"Please continue to pray for my premie niece Reiley. She is so small and weak. Please pray for her strength to increase and to grow."


8 years ago


"Lord, please give me strength. After speaking to my daughter last night, she needs to be at peace. It breaks my heart, to see her struggle each day with heartbreak. Please bring her reconciliation and restoration or please bring her peace and closure. I cannot stand to see my child hurting day in and day out. Thank you for Your blessings and for your love for us daily. Amen"


8 years ago


"Lord please help me to increase my focus and my concentration so that I will not be distracted by negativity and anything that is not of you. Please help me to be productive today. Please help me accomplish everything I set out to do. Please help me to be happy. In the name of Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago


"thank you lord for your love, thank you for answering my prayers. Thank you for helping me to increase my faith in you. Thank you for helping me to feel safe in you. In Jesus name Amen."


8 years ago


"Lord please be with the people affected by the Paris terror attacks. Please help them to come to terms with this. Please help them to find peace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


8 years ago

"Pray For Hanna's Mom"

"Lord, Please be with Hannah's mom as she has surgery and a biopsy. Please be with the doctor and guide his hand. Give him insight and clarity. Please be with Hannah and her family. In Jesus name amen."


8 years ago

"My Mistake"

"Lord, I made a huge mistake at work just realized. Can you please help me to minimize the damage and guide those in control to mitigate issue, please The consequences could be horrible In Jesus name amen "


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Losing Hope "

"Lord, I feel as though I am losing hope. I believed in you Lord. I put my faith and troubles in your hands Lord and I feel let down. I needed you and I believed the words you spoke to me. But now all is lost. I don't know what to do Lord. Please help me, please deliver. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Holy father Thankyou for everything you are doing in my life. Lord I pray that today I will be productive, and focused and positive and happy in Jesus name I pray Amen. "


8 years ago

"My Sister And Her Newborn Premie Girl."

"My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was born nearly 4 months early, and only 15oz. 😥I have seen babies born sooner, and smaller that made it. Please pray for both my little sister, and my newborn niece, so that she may live, grow, and become a living and walking testimony in Christ. I know that where two or more are gathered, the presence of Christ is there, so please help me to pray for life and healing. My sisters name is Emilia M., and her new baby's name is Reiley " Miracle" Simone M."


8 years ago

"My Sister kim"

"My poor sister has cysts all over her. From inflamed hair follicles. She has fibromyalgia, diabetes, neuropathy , heart problems... she's always in pain! Plz pray for her... and her soul. Have the m pray about my sevrre depression too please .I cry at the drop of a hat and am vrry irritable"


8 years ago


"Thank you lord for today it was difficult but with your help lord I got through it. Lord I pray that you continue to keep me focused on you Evan in times of difficulty. Keep me away from negativity in the name of Jesus and help me to focus on my work. Lord I pray that tomorrow will be productive. Please help me to be on time and please help me with my anxiety and my insomnia lord. In the name of Jesus Amen "


8 years ago

"My Pregnancy"

"I have an ultrasound tomorrow at 1:30. I am very nervous because with my first pregnancy we found out somethings was wrong with the baby at the first ultrasound. A week later we lost the baby. I could use the prayers that my nerves will be calmed and that everything with the baby is ok. Thank you, I appreciate it. God bless!"


8 years ago

"Short Prayer"

"Hello I would really like if someone would pray for my science test that's tommorrow I am really stressed out "


8 years ago


"Praying for J. Praying he matures and grows and is ready to reconnect openly, honestly and kindly with R. Praying he has found some humility and is more selfless. Please Lord, may J and R come together soon to reconcile and restore the relationship they entered into with Your guidance to begin with. Believing and having faith you know what's best for them both. Praying they will be together again soon after this time apart to work on themselves. Thank you Lord for your blessings. "


8 years ago

"Thank You"

"Thank you Jesus. This is a difficult day so I'm gonna praise and thank you more and more. Thank you Jesus."


8 years ago


"Thank you Jesus for your love. Amen "


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for a safe drama free journey, thank you for the ability to be able to bond, have conversation with h. Lord I pray that I will remain focused today. Lord please help me to be productive today. Please help me to accomplish everything I set out to do. In the name of Jesus. Amen."


Romford, Essex
8 years ago

"Beat My Addiction"

"Please can people pray for God's grace so that I can beat the addiction that has crept back into my life, despite my knowing it is a barrier between myself and the Lord. Many thanks and God bless. "


8 years ago


"Lord, Please have your healing touch on my shoulder so that I can work and be pain free. Lord I pray also for complete healing for j in all parts of his body, you know all his ailments. In Jesus precious name Amen "


8 years ago

"Prayer Of Reconciliation "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


8 years ago


"Thank you for this weekend Lord, it was fun and relaxing. lord I pray for a safe, smooth, drama free journey in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


8 years ago


"Lord, please give me strength to be there for my children. It's emotional for me to see them struggle with hurt and heartbreak. Please bring restoration for my daughter and J. She loves J so much and it's tearing her apart not knowing why he suddenly couldn't handle a relationship. I just want her to be happy. Please guide her to find the answers she seeks.please bring restoration/closure soon. IJNIP Amen"


8 years ago

"Prayer For Anointing And Breakthrough In My Life"

"I want to be filled with the presence of God. I want me and my family to be used mightily by God around the globe to spread the Gospel Thank you for doing this for me Lord,in Jesus name, amen"


8 years ago

"Prayers Please"

"Praying for my anxiety to calm. Feeling very low tonight and my heart goes out to my daughter. She is still struggling to come to terms with a break up that she was blindsided by. He was overwhelmed and just said he couldn't handle a relationship anymore. Praying he uses this time apart to grow and mature and realize her worth. She's feeling so unlovable and that she doesn't matter. Please Lord, guide her and reassure her and answer her prayers. Praying for reconciliation and restoration. Please God, hear our prayers. Thank you for Your blessings. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let DB, SH, and M work with me. Amen."


8 years ago

"Through Our Struggles"

"Lord, I pray that you help me in the my friend through our struggles. Hope us every night go through things that are un-pure in your eyes. Have an angel watching over me and my friend and help the temptation fly out the window."


8 years ago

"Mission Work"

"dear Lord, I ask that you would give me the opportunity to witness your word on to other people. And I pray that you show me that witnessing does do something. Because in Jamaica, when I went on the mission trip in June, whenever I try to witness to someone, I felt like they weren't understanding what I was saying. I feel like he didn't understand how important your word is. So when I go on this mission trip in 2016 June, I beg that you show that this trip is not just for fun. Please help me with this on to others."


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Husband "

"Dear Lord please let today be the day you deliver a miracle. My husband, me, and our marriage need you to save us. Please Lord hear me. You are my savior. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen! "


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me get out of my contract, not have to pay any money, not get in trouble, and get all my short term disability."


Senatobia, Mississippi
8 years ago


"Please let me pass all tests and classes with good grades. Amen."


8 years ago


"Lord thank you for a safe journey, please help me to stay focused today, please help me to be on time and help me to do a good job, in the name of Jesus. Amen "


8 years ago

"Bless Me Lord "

"Lord Jesus's pray that you would please help me to learn how to obey your word God , Lord help me to do all things unto you and help me to be a light to others , help my to rightly represent you in all that I do and help me to bring glory to your name 💖 God forgive me for the sinner that I am and help me to trust you with all me heart , help me to have faith in you and seek you in this trial , I love you so much God !! Please help me to keep striving to grow in you DAILY. - in Jesus' name I pray Amen 🙏"


8 years ago

"Thank You!"

"I just want to say thank you Lord for allowing me to witness Joyce Meyer's sermon live today for her last conference of 2015. Such a blessing & those beautiful words were much needed! I ask that you continue to guide me Lord, in Jesus' name, Amen!"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"My Husband "

"Please dear Lord help my husband see the error in his ways. Please let him see the bigger picture and what he has lost in our marriage. Please let there be a reconnection and reconciliation between us Lord. I know through you anything is possible. In Jesus's name, Amen!"


8 years ago


"Let's us pray for Paris and pray for the parents children's and husbands and wife's, that died yesterday, may God bless them and protect them,Amen!!!"


Mobile Alabama
8 years ago

"Husband And Marriage"

"Please pray for my husband and my marriage. We are at our wits end with one another. Talk of divorce carries heavy in my heart and makes every day seem long. I felt an awakening in my worship group on Thursday but things seemed to have turned worse... Please bring my husband back to me and in my life. My we find peace within our marriage and eternal happiness with one another. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!"


8 years ago


"Lord, I pray for those who have been injured and for the families & friends of those killed in the terrorist attacks in Paris. I also pray for all those who survived physically uninjured but are now dealing with the trauma of the events. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


9 years ago


"Lord I pray for a safe journey, and that I get to all my appointments on time. Lord please help me to have a productive weekend and I pray that I will have a good time with the people I love. Lord please help me to be a vessel for your will and a light that shines for your glory, in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Success Throughout My Med Year"

"Am seeking for God's favour and success throughout my studies in medical school and continue to bless my parent in all endeavors 🙏"


9 years ago

"Guidance For Answers"

"Lord, please guide R in her quest for reconciliation. I know how much she wants restoration with J and I pray for that for them both. Please let some growth and maturity have opened J's eyes to a life without someone that accepts him and loves him unconditionally. I pray he's reflected on the relationship and is ready to return and reconcile and be more selfless. Praying for them both to come back together again and remember why they fell in love. Praying to see the happiness and sparkle in her eyes. In Your name I pray for the prayers in R's heart and mine. Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻"


9 years ago


"Please pray for my deliverance and mercy that our Lord Jesus Christ would send for help of come. May He enact judgment on the devil and his demon"


9 years ago


"Please pray for my deliverance and mercy that our Lord Jesus Christ would send for help of come. May He enact judgment on the devil and his demon"


9 years ago

"Emily Anderson "

"Pray that Emily will recover for her leg and back and be free from pain and drugs "


9 years ago


"Dear God, Please give the strength to go to work today. Give me the strength and motivation to do the things I need to do. Please forgive me when I am doing less than what I should be doing. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"


Lufkin, Texas
9 years ago

"Please Pray That God May Guide Our Eyes"

"My little sister lost her dog yesterday when visiting our grandparents we've looked and looked and haven't found her yet please pray that God may bless us with her safe return I know this may sound trivial but this dog really means the world to our family and especially my little sister"


9 years ago

"Some Good News"

"I just want to thank god and praise him because I have had some very good news in regards to my work situation. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Peace Of Mind"

"Please pray with me that my husband might receive peace of mind. He's such a strong man, but doubts his worth. Praying for God's grace to strengthen and encourage him."


9 years ago

"Closer Walk With Jesus"

"Praying for a closer relationship to feel His Presence, to learn how to pray to Him. Building a solid foundation within myself daily..being in His word. Being a light in my walk on this earth to all i come in contact with knowing and feeling Jesus Christ is my rock and my refuge. "


9 years ago

"To Continue With Out Health Marriage"



9 years ago




9 years ago

"Get A Government Job That She Applied For"



9 years ago


"Dear JesusPlease heal my son Nathan Seodat of ADHD, Autism, Speech Delay, Fine Motor and Gross Motor Skills Delay. I believe nothing is impossible for you to do my Lord Jesus. I'm claiming complete healing for my Nate. I'm so scared Lord and confused as to what I need to do for my baby boy. Do I give him those meds to help him be balanced out or do I just believe that you will heal him and is that healing you are going to give him mean that he'll still have to take meds. I want complete healing for my son where he doesn't have to be dependent on any meds the rest of his life. Thank you Jesus for what you're going to do in my son life. I love your you Jesus. I know at times it may not seem like I do but my soul deeply longs to have a close walk with you daily. "


9 years ago


"Lord please give me the strength and courage to end a toxic relationship. Amen. "


9 years ago


"Lord please help me today. I will face new challenges. Lord please guide me, keep me focused and positive in the name of Jesus. Amen. "


9 years ago


"I would like to get a ministry job. I also would like something to do with sign language and ministry. I have a strong tug that I need to learn sign language and I know I'm supposed to be in ministry."


9 years ago

"Healing From Stage 4 Cancer"

"Please lift my lovely God given wife Cecily up to the Lord for complete healing from stage 4 cancer. 1 Peter 2:24. By his stripe we were healed. Thanks so much"


Mobile Alabama
9 years ago

"Reconciliation "

"Lord please bring reconciliation between my husband Kyle and I. My heart is broken and hurting so bad from our separation. I love my husband so much I would give him my last dying breath. Please let him see this and feel it in his heart. Please reunite us in a strong and unbroken marriage. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Please Pray For Me "

"My heart is so very overwhelmed, I honestly feel like there is no use in me even being alive. I have cried my heart out and prayed but my prayers are not getting answered, I do not want to live like this. I can't live like this. My mind tells me one thing and my heart tells me something different. Please I beg someone touch the throne of God for me. "


9 years ago

"Prayer of Reconciliation "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago


"Please join me in Prayer for my Great Aunt for Healing,And Strength for family. She has severe Heart problems. And Doctors say it doesn't look good. But we serve the Great physician the Lord Jesus Christ. So I ask you to join me in prayer for God's Miracle working Healing power to flow into my Great Aunt's life. Thanks! Doug Matthew 18:19-20"


Mobile Alabama
9 years ago

"Feeling Weak "

"Lord I am feeling weak today. I know I have failed you with my doubts but please carry me through this! I love my husband and want things in our marriage to work! Please open his heart! "


9 years ago

"Prayer For My Sister"

"Dear Lord Please soften my sisters heart so that our relationship may be restored. Help me also to be open about it, willing to forgive. Help me to accept her and ease my heart from bad feelings towards her. Amen "


Mobile Alabama
9 years ago

"Learn To Forgive"

"Lord please allow me to learn to forgive others and myself. I understand people cannot see into my heart as you do Lord and know my true feelings and intentions. I mean the best, I always do Lord. Please remove this anger and frustration from my heart and mind and allow me to forgive. Allow my husband to understand me and forgive me. Amen. "


9 years ago

"A Friend"

"Please pray for a friend of mine who requested prayer today from anyone who prays."


9 years ago

"Prayer For Healing"

"Please God, let R's ankle be healing. She's been through enough and needs some good news. Please let this be the day that good news and days are coming her way. IJNIP. Amen"


Mobile Alabama
9 years ago

"Becoming a Better Woman"

"Lord I pray you can see the woman I am trying to become in my heart. I try so hard every day to better myself and feel like I am failing. I ask that you raise me up and empower me to do and be my best. Please remove the self criticism from my heart and mind. Please let me be the best wife, student, and friend I can be. Amen. "


9 years ago


"Help me gross and become better! "


9 years ago

"Overwhelmed "

"Will this situation ever change, my heart is so overwhelmed as I daily strive to shower my husband in love and continually get rejected, how much more my heart can take I just do not know. I continually tell him I love him only to be greeted back with silences. I know with my God that nothing is impossible, but what if the person is not willing? Can God still do it?? "


9 years ago


"Please Lord see it in Your heart to have R and J reconcile soon. Her sadness is overwhelming. Praying he comes to terms with the demons he's been fighting and comes back to her with open arms and an open heart. He fits so well into our family. We've been concerned about his well being and praying for him. Thank you Lord for listening to the prayers of a concerned mom. Praying for healing spiritually, physically and mentally for R and J. Amen"


9 years ago

"Hard Days"

"Husband came to visit the baby Saturday. It was one of those rare days where he seemed clear-headed and together, and he was friendly. It's been my experience since he left that when that happens, he's just setting me up for another blow - for example, the last time we had a pleasant visit, he told me later that night about the affair. Still, interactions that go smoothly make it momentarily hard to hold on to the perspective it took me so long to find. I have thoughts of just wanting to be a family again, and wanting to celebrate his new job with him instead of calculating the new child support in my head. It's natural, I know, but at this stage in the divorce process, it would be easier on me if he were always awful to me. Just 30 minutes of nice can set me back! I want us to be able to have a peaceful relationship in the future, but right now, it's too hard. I have to remind myself that one good day does not make him a good person, and I just have to replay the last few months in my head to remind myself why I'm not fighting for my marriage anymore. But love doesn't just go away. God, please help me to remember what you've helped me finally see about my husband and our marriage. Please help me to remember all the reasons I am protecting my baby from him, and help me to continue to see through his attempts to manipulate me. Please give me strength and courage and focus as we move through the business of divorce. And please let the psych evaluator see through my husband when he meets with him on Tuesday, so I can protect my baby, and so my husband can get the help he needs. "


9 years ago


"Today!!! I be preaching the word of God with no fear, with love,faith,hope, in YouTube, let's save people for a lovely God that we serve and died for our sins, his name is Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!!"


9 years ago

"People On Earth"

"Lets pray for the peace on earth 🙏🏻"


9 years ago

"Prayers For My Brother "

"Praying for my brother to find the Lord & know that the only way to come out of this situation & turning his life around completely is by giving his life to God & learning the word. Lord I pray that you soften his heart & help him to realize you're all he has! In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! "


9 years ago


"Heavenly Father, I pray for everyone on Global Requests. I pray you will put the Cross of Christ between each of them and everything of the enemy. I pray you will put the Cross of Christ between all those they love and everything of the enemy. I pray you will put the Cross of Christ between all that they hold dear and everything of the enemy. Lord, I pray that you will give them the protection and the covering of the Blood of Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen."


Mobile Alabama
9 years ago

"Reconnecting With God "

"It has been some time since I have given myself over to the Lord. The Lord has shown me mercy for my sins, he has continued to love me when I have not loved myself. Lord I ask that you walk with me on this journey to the light, may I find salvation. My I learn to love myself again, may I learn to give my husband all the love and support he needs and be a godly wife, may I find a prosperous job, may my future be bright and bring good fortune for my family, and may my husband find forgiveness in his heart for the both of us and our marriage. Lord I may you ease my pain and remove the fear in my heart. You are my savior. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Relationship Reconciliation/Restoration"

"Lord, I come to you to ask for prayers for the reconciliation and restoration of my daughter's relationship with J. Please let J see his immature ways and come back to her soon. She is such a giving and selfless person and loves him. I just want her to be happy and we love this young man as one of the family. He fit in with all of us. She saw a future with him. Please let J get himself together and return to her soon. Believing and having faith in You and Your will. Thank you God for listening to my prayers and hers for reconciliation and restoration of her relationship. IJNIP. Amen"


9 years ago

"Mothers Prayer"

"I would like to pray over my mother Carol for her to be covered in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and shielded from demons the negativity I pray for her faith to be reinstalled Lord I pray for my son to be protected and covered in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray for this financial burden to be lifted over myself and my son and my mother in Jesus name a man"


9 years ago


"Prayer for my husband Jeffrey, may the power of the Holy Spirit bring him to repentance and obedience again. Guard our marriage Lord and bring him back to him from the bondage of sin."


9 years ago

"Visiting New Church"

"Praying to hear a good word as I support my great Aunt at her church. In Jesus' name, Amen!"


9 years ago


"Let us pray for all the Christians in the world,to be protect ."


Mobile Alabama
9 years ago

"Marriage "

"Please pray for my husband and I. Our marriage is being tested to the point of divorce. I love my husband more than life itself and I know we can overcome these obstacles if he can find both strength and forgiveness in his heart. I need the Lord to guide and carry our marriage now. "


9 years ago


"Lord Please grant me and my husband a good nights rest as we have had troubled sleep all week and we are exhausted now. In Jesus mighty name Amen "


9 years ago


"Prayer for my marriage, reconcile"


9 years ago

"Protect My Marriage From Divorce"

"Things went too far last night and I'm afraid my husband is going to leave. He has told me he can feel the devil on him. I pray the devil will leave my husband and that my husband can begin to forgive and let go of his grudge without weeks going by. "


9 years ago

"My Son"

"He needs a job, a home and to get his life on track. Plz remember him. He's 37 years old. His soul in jeopardy."


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"Please pray for my day and weeks ahead going forward, I feel defeated and can't seem to shake my attitude no matter how much I try to surrender it. I need the Lord's strength to claim victory in the name of Jesus. I just feel like I am in a stand still with my trials and almost paralyzed by circumstance. I feel as if I can't even articulate or express what's going on inside. I just pray God take this from me. Please cover me in prayer."


9 years ago

"Devine Plan"

"May the Lord have a divine plan for my family. Help restore my marriage, help mend relationships with family members, and find the right help for husband's anger/depression. May the Lord me in the center of our situation. In Jesus's name I ask. Amen!"


9 years ago


"May the Lord transform my husband's desires back to pleasing the Lord."


9 years ago


"I pray my husband can be freed from his anger & chronic depression. May he be driven by the power of the Holy Spirit instead & may he draw himself to the Lord."


9 years ago


"I pray for my unbelief. May God intervene my situation and do what's best. Cast out all demons away from my husband and may he be awakened back to truth. May God bring him to a place of repentance. Protect me from my enemies and soften their hearts, may they be awaken to truth as well. God restore my marriage. In Jesus's name I ask. AMEN"


9 years ago

"Good Report!"

"Thank you, God, for the good report that Jim got from the cardiologist! "


9 years ago


"Pray for my cousins husband who is very sick and is in the hospital. He has diabetes,high blood pressure, Parkinson's."


9 years ago


"Pray for my Aunt Jacque she has cancer and is going though Chemo."


9 years ago


"Pray that our finances get better so that we can get caught up on our bills. Trusting in him!"


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"I lost my Job, but I know God is in control and I know God will give a another Job, because I faith in him."


9 years ago

"Holy spirit"

"May the Holy Spirit intervene my marriage, restore and heal it. Bring our family together, bind us in love. Let the Holy Spirit touch my husband Jeff heart."


9 years ago


"Lord, hear our prayers. Praying for my daughter's prayers in her heart to be heard and answered and praying for her ankle to heal. Please hear the prayers in my heart, too. Praying for blessings on my family and for those that need prayers. Believing and having faith that You will answer our prayers and guide us. Amen"


9 years ago

"Financial Burden "

"I pray for this financial burden to be lifted over my son and I in Jesus name amen"


9 years ago


"I would like to be prayed over along with my son Jimmy to be protected and covered in the blood Lord Jesus Christ and for all things to go right positively in court tomorrow🙏🏾"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Forgive me for being ugly to my father in law, but please show him the errors in his ways. He told me God would handle me. What does this mean?"


9 years ago

"Repentive Heart"

"May my husband Jeffrey come repentance. Lord tear him down so he may build up in you. Cast out all evilness and bring deliverance quickly. Bring the right help & healing."


9 years ago


"I'm in need of strength, I feel weak & weary. I feel like there's too much against me. Prayer for God to take over my life, and lead me, protect me, & love me. In the name of Jesus."


9 years ago

"Job "

"Praying that I can get a phone call for a job soon in the state that I am trying to move to & continue my education. In Jesus' name, Amen! "


9 years ago

"My Neighbor"

"Her name is Fay. A good Christian Lady who is diagnosed with two cancers! She needs healing! She needs relief!! Plz pray for her!"


9 years ago

"My Friend carliss"

"He has cancer. He isn't able to walk now. Hospice been called in. He needs a miracle! He needs healing! Also to be a inspirational walking testimony that God lives!!!! Update: He is in the bed now and they are saying he will die today. Please pray that all will be well with his soul!!!! Please pray that he will forgive his adopted son Johnny. "


9 years ago


"I rebuke all the demons away from husband Jeff, in the name of the Father. My husband is in a huge mess; drugs, alcohol, porn, lust over other women, selfish, lies...may God have the power to turn him around, before it's too late. Restore my family/home. Release my husband from bondage."


9 years ago

"Productivity/ Focus"

"Father God thank you for today it was productive. Lord please give your peace for everyone in my prayers. Lord I pray that tomorrow will also be productive. I pray that you will help me to maintain my focus as I am always working towards something. Lord I pray you will help me with my personal projects lord I pray that you will help me to avoid negativity and always walk in your light in the name of Jesus Amen "


9 years ago

"Spiritual Warfare"

"Please pray that I may be delivered and protected also that our Lord Jesus Christ would help the Angulo family in any way "


9 years ago


"May my husband value, honor, and love me. Turn my husband Jeffrey's heart/mind back to what is pleasing to the Lord. May he have deliverance from the demons. Let all bad things, workout for good. In Jesus's name I ask."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me get my disability and get out of my contract without losing anything or having to pay back money. Amen."


9 years ago

"Psych Eval!"

"My husband is voluntarily submitting to a psychiatric evaluation - it's scheduled for this week sometime. Please pray that the doctor sees him clearly, despite his inevitable attempts to manipulate and lie. And please, please pray that the doctor agrees with me (and pretty much everyone else in our lives) that he should not be allowed to see the baby without supervision!! "


9 years ago


"Prayer for me: May God lift away any evil done unto me & my family. I pray for healing from my past, protection over my future, and deliverance from any bad in my life. I pray for all my enemies, may they be forgiven & have a relationship with God for themselves to repent & live true joy."


9 years ago

"Failing/Abusive Marriage with Child Involved "

"I'm in desperate need of prayer. My husband (39) and I (30) have been together for 5 years, and married for almost 3. We have a 1 year old little boy, whom I absolutely adore. However, my husband wasn't ready for a baby and (while he loves him) doesn't help at all and resents me for having him. Since our son was born, he belittles me, curses at me, drinks heavily on a daily basis and has become violent. His business is failing and he is in extreme debt as well. He will not attend counseling with me, but I go regularly. The counselor says there's really no hope - other than prayer. I cannot divorce him. His family is of Jehovah's Witness faith, and if we were to split, my sweet son would be subject to their brainwashing ... he'd be told how mommy is going to Hell for having crosses in the home, how there is no Heaven, how voting is devil worship, how celebrating Christmas and Easter are wrong ... and the list goes on. Their beliefs are not in line with my strong Christian faith, and I know my husband would pawn our son off on his family during his weekend visitation. I cannot handle that thought. So, my only hope is to save the marriage. I need prayers. Prayers that I can endure, prayers that my son will grow to be a strong Christian man - despite his fathers behavior, and prayers that my husband can turn around and be the man I fell in love with. "


9 years ago

"Dad In Hospital"

"Would like to ask prayer for my dad he's in a lot of pain at hospital. Noting seems to help. "


9 years ago

"I Need A Big Miracle For My Financial Situation"

"I need a big help for my financial situation. I'm living on just $10 a day with nothing at all in the bank going through paying so much debts of $69000 and no stable income job or career , Jesus please help my Wife too who is jobless and a foreigner with a proper visa status given by Singapore immigration. We are struggling for nearly 2 years without any miracles or guidance."


9 years ago

"Prayers "

"Prayers for a healing and that my baby is turned in the right position to be born without a c section! Tia "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me find the right career as soon as possible, so I can leave my job on good terms, not lose money, or have to go back to school."


9 years ago

"New Opportunities"

"To trust in Gods will and timing... To replace my wants and ideas with His perfect plan."


9 years ago

"Struggle No More"

"My friend is struggling with lust and impurity. I breaks my heart to see him go through this. I pray so much asking God to help him, but it isn't working, and with how bad it's gotten, I am struggling with holding it together. I'm very close to him, so when he fails, I get very upset. I can't seem to hold it together anymore. I lose it. I tear up, and don't know what to do. I pray and pray and pray. Please pray for my friend"


9 years ago


"I pray for my husband's family, may they hearts be softened and may they love & forgive me...expectance. Protection over my marriage. May Jeff find the strength to stand firm god what is right, love me and our family."


9 years ago

"Dmv Test"

"Prayer for my son Ricardo, may he pass the DMV test with flying colors. And move forward with his goals in life. Place Godly desires in his heart & mind. In Jesus's name I ask. Amen!"


9 years ago

"Will God Let My Faith Die?"

"I tire of this mundane and otherwise meaningless existence. I want more than anything to find a woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, but God has turned a blind eye to my prayers for over a decade. I promised myself that by year's end my faith would bear fruit or die. Another month has passed, and I don't think I'm any closer to finding her. God has all eternity, I don't. The clock is ticking..."


9 years ago


"I pray for my husband's affection and love as his wife. May God soften his heart and bring everything in order in my marriage. In Jesus's name I ask. Amen."


9 years ago

"Fighting Fear"

"Please pray for me. I am dealing with a lot of fear right now. I am trying to focus on God, trust His plan and His protection, and remember that His perfect loves drives out all fear, but it's so hard. I am afraid for my daughter. I am afraid of how divorce proceedings will go. I am afraid of my husband - he has little to no impulse control or ability to control his emotions, he's incredibly manipulative, he's drinking a lot, and he has pinned on me a lifetime of wounds and resentments that actually came from other places. I'm afraid he'll hurt me or himself or our baby or a stranger or a friend, intentionally or otherwise. I'm afraid he will be too calculating and manipulative and end up convincing a psych evaluator and judge that he's totally fine. And then I'm back full circle to being afraid for my daughter, physically, mentally, spiritually, in every way. Please pray for me to be able to sleep tonight, first of all - I had a nightmare last night about him coming into my house and woke up in a panic. Please pray that the custody hearing (three weeks from now) goes smoothly and results in my daughter being safe. And please pray that the divorce is simple and quick so she and I can put this nightmare behind us. God, I know you are watching over us and ordering every step of this. I know you are rescuing me, even as I feel destroyed. Please help me to trust in you and not be afraid."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Please "

"Let me leave my job with no money or benefits lost. Let me keep my certifications,too. Amen."


9 years ago


"Thankyou lord. I passed my exam. Thank you Jesus. I could not have done it without you. Amen "


9 years ago

"An Intimate Relationship "

"That I May know you more intimate. Philippians 3:10 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; All I want is to be where you are live in your purpose and experience you on a different level."


9 years ago

"Inlaws "

"May my in laws hearts be softened and may they accept me as their own. Love, support, & forgive. Mend our relationship. May they love & support my marriage to their son Jeffrey Crane."


9 years ago

"Faith "

"I really do have faith that God can change my husbands heart, he is still home with us, and that is a miracle itself, but I am fed up with the lies the devil tries to feed me that something is wrong with me, it is me, and I am an unlovable person. If I change this or that he will love me. I am not backing down from believing in my Savior. Please pray this tormenting spirit will feel and pray for all unbelief to leave me. "


9 years ago


"Lord please help me to surrender my fear! Protect my mind and heart from the enemy's attacks and help me to walk in the spirit, your love and victory. Give me strength to see beyond the enemy's lies and my own doubts and hurts. Give me peace and joy Jesus, in your name! "


9 years ago

"Prayers For Finances"

"I need prayers that I can receive financial aid to continue my education. I really need this breakthrough & for everything to fall into place. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! "


9 years ago

"Surroundings "

"Surround my husband Jeffrey Crane with the Holy Spirit, may he be anointed and freed from evil. Bring good friends and separate him from the bad ones.God bring him back to being pleasing & obedient to only you Lord. In Jesus's name I ask."


9 years ago

"Prayer For Help"

"Dearest brothers and sisters, I've managed to get this far in life. Please pray for me to stay focused on my exams. Please pray that I am able to remember what I study and that I can pass my exams successfully even though Augustine and I have broken up and that I lost my baby. It is such a devastating period I am grieving and studying and it is not easy. Please everyone pray for me and in return I ask God to kindly look upon your prayers. Thanking you "


9 years ago

"Desires Of The Heart"

"May my husband have a desire burning like fire to please God, love me as his wife, and his children, be the man God wants him to be. In Jesus's name I pray. Anything outside of God, make Jeff hate."


9 years ago


"Tear down the stronghold that has my husband Jeff, bring him back to Christ;repent, renew,& love again! "


9 years ago

"Salesman Needs Guidance"

"I am a sales rep for Aflac in Minnesota. I am new to this career and I know that God handed my this opportunity when I was lost and jobless. But now I need to perform better. I am working as best as I can to hit my activity goals, but I am not able get get sales recently and no accounts are signing up. I know God wants me to do well, but I need help to reach my potential, or I may loose my job now, won't be able to provide for me family, and fail at planning my wedding. Pray for me please."


9 years ago

"Praying for a blessed week"

"Lord I pray for a blessed and prosperous week. I pray that I can get a call for a job in the new state I am trying to move to. I pray for divine connections. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!"


9 years ago

"Prayers Answered"

"Thank you Lord for helping my friends make passing grades on their exam 🙌🏾🙌🏾"


9 years ago

"Good Job"

"Lord I pray that when I work or do anything that you will help me to do a good job. Help me to be a good and a wise person. In the name of Jesus. Amen"


9 years ago


"Lord thank you for everything u are doing in my life thank you for carrying me when I felt weak, the last few weeks have been stressful for me but u kept me. Lord thank for a safe journey and I pray that this trip will be a good one please help me to avoid negativity and stay in your path lord. Thank you for today. It was the first time in a long while that I was able to relax. Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen"


9 years ago


"Prayer for my husband Jeff, may he become the leader of the home as Christ would like. Place everything in order in our home. Our love between us, honoring God, our children being obedient, our finances in order, have a purpose and be servants of God. May Jeff & I serve @ our church."


9 years ago


"Pray for deliverance of the stronghold my husband is bonded to: drugs, alcohol, pornography, lies, worldly desires. May God deliver him with his all mighty power, crush Satin's head & may all the demons flee from my husband Jeffrey. May Jeffrey come back full heartedly to the Lord. Protect his mind as he suffers from PTSD."


9 years ago

"Sunday Service"

"My husband & I will attend church today. Please pray the music, message...can all be excepted by Jeff & may he re-dedicate his life back to Christ. May the demons flee from him. Save my marriage. Change my husband's heart from filing divorce papers tomorrow. Pierce his heart with conviction, and let him come to repentance. May Jeff honor God by being obedient. And may I continue to respect my husband and not nag him. May he see a good thing in me."


9 years ago

"Sister, Drugs"

"Please Lord protect my sister from the dangers of this world. Relieve her from those drugs and all other worldly chains that have captured her. Help her to see that you are the way the truth and the life. And Father please give me peace of mind and heart knowing that she is okay and in your hands. I declare victory over this problem in Jesus name amen!"


9 years ago


"Please pray that my boyfriend Rob would be delivered from drinking and that we would grow together as a couple and that our communication would get better and better as the days go by and that we can see each other more "


New York
9 years ago

"Its My Birthday"

"Thank You Lord for bringing me this far. I know You will never leave nor forsake me. I have had some really tough times this year, yet i am so blessed.. Nothing can separate me from God's love. Thank You Lord for 21 years. Continue to lead me in Your way everlasting. I love You Lord. Amen"


9 years ago

"Tear Down"

"Tear down the stronghold that has my husband Jeff tied down. Free him and bring him back to the Lord, may he be the man God has called him out to be; a loving husband, a great leader, kind father. "


9 years ago


"Rebuke all of the worldly desires of my husband Jeffrey: selfishness, porn, alcohol, drugs, lies, manipulator. Bring Jeffrey Crane back to serving & loving the one & only all mighty Lord!!! Prayer for salvation and repentance. In Jesus name. amen!"


9 years ago

"The Book Of James By Ernesto Pagan"

"If you go you could check it out, trying to funding for my first ever book, You can see me in YouTube,the book of James by Ernestopagan I pray to Jesus Christ, get the funding I need it thank you and God bless my brothers & sisters Amen."


9 years ago

"Prayer For Trial"

"May the Lord guide me, protect me, give me wisdom to carry on throughout my storm. May I please God and No one else. In Jesus name I ask Amen!"


9 years ago


"Let us pray & praise for a loving God, that died on the cross for our sins, Amen!!!"


9 years ago

"Save Him From His past, Heal Him For Our Future"

"My husband Jeff Crane was abused as a child. We are now struggling with the his past. May it be God's will to heal him from the past & love me again. honor God& heal by being obedient. Prayer for his family as well that they may repent and find the Lord. Soften their hardened hearts. Bless them. And may my trial Glorify God. Let no man separate us from our marriage vows."


9 years ago

"In Laws"

"Prayers for my in laws and everyone else who prosecute me. May they all have ears to hear the Lord, soften their hardened hearts. Bring them to a place of repentance and salvation. May the y support more than tear down my marriage. Flee the negative from my husband and surround him with love and the Lord. In Jesus's name I ask. Amen!"


9 years ago


"I pray for my husband's choice of friends, may he flee from the bad influences and draw near the righteous. May God put a desire in his heart/mind to do more of what's right, to be obedient to God's commandments. I pray God can lift away Jeff's depression and reveal truth to him. In the name of Jesus. Amen!"


9 years ago


"I lift my students up to the lord. I pray for their safety tonight and good judgement, that God wisdom and conviction would be upon to make the right choices. I pray for their health and home lives that the lord Jesus would be their light to guide them through life's journey. And use me as a vessel for his will. "


9 years ago

"My Family"

"I want to pray for my family and for all of us to become closer to you God by ourselves and as a family. "


9 years ago

"Trip Protection"

"My husband is going to Texas on a trip. I pray for him to be surrounded by ministering people. May someone be anointed to reach out to him & have him make healthier choices for himself. Marriage, health, life...a Godly life. In Jesus's name I ask. "


9 years ago

"My Husband's Heart "

"May God pour out all of his love on my husband and shield him with his protection. God bring him to the place of repentance and a new restored heart of warmth and agape love for God, and me as his wife. In Jesus name I ask. Amen!"


9 years ago

"Save My Marriage"

"My husband of 5 years suffers from depression, anxiety...he's a combat veteran. I love him. May God do his fine work in bringing us to a safe place, where we may prosper and overcome the challenges. Protect us against the evil. And bring the right help for our family."


9 years ago


"Lord, Please comfort j who is feeling low at the moment and lift him up,let him feel your loving arms around him and know that others care for him as well. In Jesus precious name Amen "


9 years ago

"Prayer warriors"

"I ask for prayers that my church will have the opportunity to plant a church in Canada. God I ask for doors to be open and a heart willing to serve. In Jesus' name, amen "


9 years ago


"Please I need prayers, I am to the point to where I feel like I am going to have a nervous break down. I am fight hell for my family, I do not want to give up but my mind is overwhelmed "


9 years ago

"Prayer For My Friend"

"My friend is upset with me but I know God is willing and able to make our relationship stronger. I'm praying that she talks to me again."


9 years ago

"The Children"

"I just want to say a small pray for all the beautiful children who are unable to dress up and go trick or treating because of them being sick or in the hospital! I also want to pray for a very special little child who came to the hospital today because of burns on her body! May the lord heal the children of the world and give them peace! "


9 years ago


"Let's us pray to Jesus Christ to give us strength,faith,hope,love,when we are preaching the word God to one that needs the good news,Amen!!"


9 years ago

"Thank You!"

"Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to get through this really long shift at work after a really long day. I pray for traveling grace going home. In Jesus' name, Amen! "


9 years ago

"Friend's Test "

"Lord, I pray that you place a special hand on my friends as they prepare for a big test today. In Jesus' name, Amen! "


9 years ago

"Clarity "

"Lord I pray for clearing in my mind. That everything will be clear as to what your will is for my life. Lord I ask that you would give me strength and build me up where I am weak. Holy Spirit I ask you to lead me and guide me into all truths. In Jesus name aman. "


9 years ago

"Art History Test Tomorrow "

"Taking an Art History test tomorrow please pray for me and my friend Keyana. "


9 years ago

"Auntie Passed Away"

"Dear Lord, Thank you for today! My auntie is now with you. Thank you for blessing her for 62 years. I pray for our family's strength in this trying times. Thy will be done! I love you. Faithfully, C"


9 years ago

"For My Friend"

"I pray that my friend and I will have a much stronger relationship and that she will understand me and talk to me again"


9 years ago

"Pay Car Loan"

"I'm 67 days behind on my car payment and I need help paying it. I need prayer that something will happen soon. All prayers welcomed!"


9 years ago


"Lord please help me in my exam tomorrow please help me to remember everything that I practiced please take away the anxiety and the nerves because you told me in Isaiah 41 to "FEAR NOT for I am with you."Lord give me the strength and the faith to carry on no matter what. Please help me with my tone, my intonation, help me when I tune, help me to think about the music and an stay musical in the name of Jesus Amen. "


9 years ago

"Please Help"

"I have been so wronged... People I truly cared for have hurt me and lied to me and in a happy place meanwhile I have been miserable when I helped them get to the top. I'm heartbroken , I need strength to get through this. I want to feel loved and cared for and God knows what I want please pray for me so I'm no longer depressed, depending on pills and alcohol to sleep and get through the days."


9 years ago

"Thank You Lord"

"Lord, thank you for everything you do and all that you plan to do. May your will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen! "


9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thanks for today! I am praying for my auntie who is confined in ICU due to lung and kidney illness. Please heal her completely. I also pray for my mother in law who passed away in Japan last Friday. Please bless her soul. Prayers to the rest of the family. I love you! Faithfully C "


9 years ago

"Divorce Proceedings"

"Trial date has been set, and we are working on getting a preliminary hearing to set temporary custody and visitation rules. My husband has continued to spiral out of control, he is more and more mentally unstable, and he is drinking heavily and lying about it (claims he's not drinking at all). He has also taken up smoking. Friends who have seen him say he is "sporadic" and "agitated." My lawyer is submitting a request for a psych evaluation for my husband. Between the fact that he is on psych meds, the panic attacks and blackouts, and the fact that he told me he is willing to do an evaluation, I am hopeful that the judge will order it. But my lawyer says it is not something that happens often. Please pray that the judge orders the evaluation, and that the doctor can see what everyone else sees! I have to protect my baby from him - he is getting more aggressive and more unpredictable every day. "


9 years ago

"My Mission"

"Please pray that I discover the mission God has designed me for. I have been out of work for over a year. I know God has used this time to humble & mold me into the person He intends me to be, but I feel lost. I have 2 children & an ill parent who depend on me. Please pray that I find a way to earn an income to support my family as an entrepreneur, so I can keep a flexible schedule and be available when they need me. Please pray that I can earn a living while serving the Lord. Thank you so very much."


9 years ago


"Please lift up My marriage. That God continue to do a work and bring us through, trial by trial and that neither one of us gives up, loses hope or walks away. "


Kuala Lumpur
9 years ago

"Mercy Of God"

"I'm praying for Mercy from the Lord in my day to day activities, the Lord should shower his Special Grace upon me & my household, the Lord should deliver me from the plans of the Evil ones (unfriendly friends & wicked relatives) disgrace & expose them in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.....AMEN The Lord should give me the Power to make massive wealth, let my Helper Locate me from wherever they are in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.....AMEN"


Nashville, TN
9 years ago


"I'm feeling lost in my Christian walk and not very secure. I so very badly want to be on fire! I want to spread the love of God everywhere I go! Please pray for opening eyes!"


9 years ago

"Restoration & Divine Connections"

"Lord, I am having a difficult time right now. I'm experiencing a heart break & often I feel weak & hopeless. I pray for strength & for healing of my heart. I pray for new beginnings, open doors, & divine connections. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! 🙏🏾"


9 years ago


"A job "


9 years ago

"Troy "

"Please pray that Troy will find forgiveness in his heart for me and that he will be able to forgive me for mistakes I've made along the way. I pray he will realize how much I truly love him and only him and how much I want to spend my life with him. I pray that Troy will realize how much the angry words he chooses to use when he is angry hurts and that he will find different words or another way to express his anger and frustrations. I pray his situation with his daughters mom improves and she will see that his daughter would be happier with her dad and let his daughter come live with us. "


9 years ago


"Lord touch my marriage and draw us closer than ever. Help to let go of the pain and hurt he caused me. The betrayal and feeling of not being loved. Lord help me release this pain to you and heal me so I can forgive. I will give u all the glory and I thank you for the work ur doing behind the scenes "


9 years ago

"The Earth Quake In Middle East "

"Please pray for the people in the Middle East who are affected by the earth quake the hit them and the families for the deceased "


9 years ago

"Not My Brothers"

"This weekend I need to attend a wedding which I really don't want to attend, I'm jealous... Please do not let either of my younger brothers catch the garter, It would not end well."


9 years ago

"InrFood Prayer "

"Lord, my company is going through the most important step for its expansion and success. With all the hard work and prayers of each member of the team, we offer this to you Lord. Please touch the hearts of the investors and partners that they may realize the mission and goal of the company. I pray that they may trust us with the work and with the mission that's only for the good health of each of the consumers...i lift up to you Lord our boss who is the one representing the company. As well as Arjun, and I that we may execute the plans properly and accordingly. I lift it all up to you Lord...Amen."


9 years ago

"Guidance "

"Lord, as graduation is approaching & I'll be continuing my journey in a new city & state I pray for guidance to find a good job & a good place to live. In Jesus' name, Amen! 🙏🏾"


9 years ago

"Restore My Family"

"Pray that my family becomes one. My husband return home to his family and our children back to God. Where our children will listen to is as parents and not their friends that are leading them down the wrong path. Praying for our own home once again. To be one, a real church going God fearing family. "


9 years ago

"Prayer Solders"

"I ask for prayers that my church will have the opportunity to plant a church in Canada. God I ask for doors to be open and a heart willing to serve. In Jesus' name, amen "


9 years ago


"Lord please help me to prepare for my exam. Please help me to sleep well so that I can stay focused. "


9 years ago

"Lord Make Me A BeutifulTemple"

"Lord, in the name of Jesus I come. I admit I am a purposeful sinner. I sin when I know it's wrong, taking advantage of the idea that you forgive so lovingly and easily. I am wrong for this. Please forgive me one more time and do not let me do this again. I also know have low self esteem. I let my husband move me by my emotions. I let him dictate to me what I feel about myself. I let him make me feel worthless. I don't want to do this anymore but refuse to just let go. And let me thrive in belief that I am a shining star. Please lovingly help me with my self esteem. Even though I am chubby and homely, I want to see me how you see me. Help me to love myself no matter what others think of me. Help me to believe j am fearfully and wonderfully made. I don't believe it many times and am out to change everything about myself. My nose, my eyes, my chin, all of it. Make me new in my mind. Give me a new and pure foundation. Forgive me for not seeing me the way you see me. Let today be a new day. Give me wisdom and help me to not be double minded. Let me believe I am made beautifully in You. In Jesus name I pray, amen."


9 years ago


"Please pray for me🙏🏻that I get to see my family soon. I missy parents so much. Once a year is not enough. Money seems to always win."


9 years ago


"Please pray I fulfill my heart with the lord's plan for me. I feel so lost and unhappy with where I am at in life. Just feel like I'm living to pay my bills and not living life. Thank you!"


9 years ago

"Prayer Of Repentance"

"I am a 20 year old male, a recent christian convert. I've been praying to walk in God's holiness. But today I fell into sexual immorality. It kills me and I had to share this prayer with you. Please pray for me. "


9 years ago

"Prayers "

"I'm due to have my baby soon, was still breeched last week. Prayers that she turns and that I have a smooth, fast and safe delivery! Ty "


9 years ago


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. Know that people don't always make good decisions for themselves. My heart weighs heavy for some people in my life. I give this up to the lord and trust his will be done."


9 years ago


"Lord I ask you please be with me and let everything be ok with my health I need your strength and comfort father. I pray it be in your hands lord. Amen "


9 years ago

"For The Energy To Get Evetything Done This Week"

"Precious lord, please help me throughout the week, please give me the energy and the drive that I need each day to complete the jobs and chores that I desperately need to complete. Amen"


9 years ago

"Praying For God's Will On My Birthday"

"I am praying to know what to do on this upcomming day (aside from praising God) - may it be according to what GOD plans for me. Please pray for God's direction for me- to where I am to go and to whom I will be with. Thank you so much. God bless."


9 years ago


"I stand before God so broken, I am thankful my husband is home but I think this battle is the hardest one yet, it is like we are strangers living together, yet he would treat a stranger better. When is the line crossed to verbal abuse? I know it is not God's will for any family to be split apart, but will I ever see the sun again? It is I that is wanting to leave now, how much pain can one heart take? How many tears can two eyes shed? "


9 years ago


"Lord, Grant me calm from all the stress I am going through and the energy to do everything that I need to do over the weekend. In Jesus precious name Amen"


9 years ago

"Mexico Needs Our Prayers"

"Mexico needs our prayers! Please take a moment to join us as we pray for Mexico: Father God, in the name of Jesus, we pray that Hurricane Patricia will be STOPPED, and it will weaken to non-threatening levels BEFORE it hits landfall. We exercise our authority and command this storm to dissipate. We declare that no weapon formed against the people of Mexico will prosper. They are protected from this storm, and it will not produce catastrophic results. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen. #HurricanePatricia #PrayForMexico"


9 years ago


"Love God with all your heart and all your soul."


9 years ago


"Prayers needed for my classes. "


9 years ago


"Please pray my financial situation will get better soon and I'll find work"


9 years ago


"My father-in-law's visitation was last night, and the funeral is today. I received a message from my husband last night around 11 disinviting me from the funeral because my family was "cold and disrespectful" at the visitation. I am incredibly hurt and confused, and not sure what is going to happen today. I want to be there to mourn my beloved father-in-law, get some closure and say goodbye to the family, but apparently I am not welcome. I am in shock. Last night, His older brother told me that my father-in-law had asked him to tell me that no matter what, happens, I am family, and he said the kids all agreed. My parents and I offered sincere condolences to everyone, I acted like everything was normal with the aunts and uncles who don't know he left, and we were all polite and respectful. My dad declined to shake my husband's hand, but did offer condolences; my dad hugged or shook hands with every other member of the family. My mom didn't say much to the older brother because she was holding back tears - he was the first family member she'd seen since my husband left - but she offered condolences. Otherwise, we were warm and respectful in every way. I don't know how to handle this or how to feel right now."


9 years ago

"Prayer for healing"

"Please pray for my healing in JESUS' name, amen. Thank you for all the prayers."


9 years ago

"Jim's Tests"

"Please pray for my husband. He is having a stress test in the morning."


9 years ago


"Let's give thanks to Jesus Christ,Died on the cross for our sin, and love us,Amen!!!"


9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thank you for today! I understand the signs from motivational quotes and prayers i see around. My heart tells me its you telling me to listen and to feel . I felt you in Church last night very solemnly. I love you and you took care of me again today! You are REAL! Faithfully, C"


9 years ago


"so I've always been a Christian, my whole life. I was kinda born into being a Christian. I would go to church but never really listen. I feel like sometimes bad things happen and God dosent help. or care. Like I just don't know. Like I've had awful things happen to me recently and I'm just like do you hate me by putting all of this on me? like I've been going through a lot recently and I don't know if God is here for me. is everything going to work out okay?"


Kuala Lumpur
9 years ago

"Restore My Dignity"

"I want my helper to locate me here in this land of Malaysia I want RICHES I want to have a wonderful Xmas celebration with my FAMILY Have mercy & forgive all my trespass, lead me not into temptation, protect me from any problem with the Authority, evil veil of hatred be burned to ashes, Favour of the Most High God be upon me, my going out & coming in shall ordered . These & many more I ask through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD; AMEN."


9 years ago


"Thank you lord for today. I learned something's. I laughed and danced and I got to spend some time conversing with a good friend. Thank you Lord for days like today. I pray that there will be Many more I pray I will be early for work tomorrow"


9 years ago


"I pray that tomorrow goes smoothly I also pray for my music students, I have had a few lose family members and a couple that are bad sick, I pray for their healing and comfort in this time of need. I pray that I will make a difference in their lives. "


9 years ago


"How do I know God is there "


9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thank you for today! I am facing a crucial stage with work and need wisdom,courage to decide wisely. Given the current situation i have now i am thinking of giving up the job without any back up plan. I surrender eveything to you Lord and thy will be done. I love you! "


East Coast
9 years ago

"Praying For Wisdom"

"Still need direction on finding the right job that will allow for home time with the family. Still looking to start a home based ministry and waiting for everything to come together. God grant me more wisdom."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me receive my lost check tomorrow. Please let my administration be okay with my absences. Please let all my paperwork be in order for AF and FMLA."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Lost Check And Work"

"Please let me receive my lost check tomorrow. Please let my administration be okay with my absences. Please let all my paperwork be in order for AF and FMLA."


9 years ago


"My husband Lonzell in hospice care they said my husband body shutting down slowly please pray for me in my family God bless "


9 years ago


"Help me to turn off my intrusive thoughts about recent crisis so that I can finally get the help I need. Lift it off my shoulders even if only for the night. "


9 years ago

"Jim's Tests"

"Lord be with my husband this week as he goes in for extensive cardiac testing. May they get an accurate picture of the problem and give them wisdom in dealing with it."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let us receive sufficient funds as soon as possible regarding my mother. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my children obtain scholarships and money for college. Please let them both get accepted into MSA. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Eric and I"

"Prayer that my husband passes his test and my surgery goes well. Let it be worth it. Let me and my husband find the right career and job. Let us obtain health insurance and allow me to leave my current job without any problems. Amen."


9 years ago

"New Baby"

"My husband and I are trying for our second baby by Invitro We are excited and nervous. I ask that we are reminded to praise him even during the hard times. I ask that I glorify his name no matter what the outcome is on Monday. Thank you and God bless!"


North Carolina
9 years ago

"Prayer & Praise"

"Praise: I had a excellent birthday on October 14th and too anyone who had the same birthday, I hope you had a great day too. Prayer: Pray hard for my mom, Mary. She's been sick with a terrible cough and having trouble breathing. She needs to lay down due to her symptoms. She mentioned she might have a pheumonia, please pray she doesn't have a pheumonia, pray she will be healed by The Lord and gets better soon. "


9 years ago

"Rob To Like His Job"

"Please pray that Rob would like his job at rudy's"


9 years ago


"Lord thank you for everything you are doing for me. Please help me to stay focused on you, on my practice and my work in general. Please help me to avoid negativity and anything that is not of you. Please help me to accomplish something today"


9 years ago

"Please Pray! "

"Having some health issues and need the lord to move on me. I know God will help me...please pray people! Ty "


9 years ago

"Hanging On"

"Thank all of you for the prayers and encouraging words and verses. I couldn't be making without all of you, my heart is forever in debt to you all. Please keep them coming, brotherly/sisterly love to you all! Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength:"


9 years ago


"I am moving back to Southern California November 18th. I've been looking for a job for 3 months and still haven't found anything out there. My degree is in health education but I can't seem to find anything. I'm worried that I'm not going to find anything before I get out there leaving me struggling with finances. Prayer would be wonderful! There is power in prayer! "


9 years ago

"For My Josh"

"Father, please heal Josh's heart. It's been rough and he needs to feel Your loving embrace. "


9 years ago


"Pray that I will become closer to God"


9 years ago


"Lord help me turn this day around "


9 years ago

"Myself In God"

"God is working in amazing ways in my life right now. Pray that I will discover who I am in Him and that I can let go of my past. "


9 years ago


"Please pray i find work this week or that my unemployment comes threw. "


9 years ago

"New Business"

"Please keep praying for my perfectly posh business!please pray that it will be successful and that I can pay all my bills with this business!"


9 years ago

"Yet Another Blow"

"My husband just revealed to me that he has been seeing someone else. I don't know for how long, and I don't know who. But his dad met her before he died. And he's thinking about bringing her to the memorial. It's not yet public knowledge that he left me, so that would most certainly cause a scene and make the funeral about him. He says he isn't like his mother, but he is, more every day. His dad was telling me just a few weeks ago about how she found a way to make every family event, even funerals, all about her. Please pray for strength for me. I'm running low on hope tonight, and I just want to curl in a ball and cry forever. "


9 years ago


"Pray for the Middle East it's getting bad out there, people get ready Jesus is coming soon."


9 years ago


"please pray for my friends sister's best friend. Her name is Megan. She was diagnosed recently with liver cancer. She sadly is doubted to live. She has a baby girl who is 2 years old. we've been raising money for Megan for only 5 weeks. The goal was 50,000 dollars and we've already gotten 51.9k dollars. The money is saving up for her daughter and hopefully her to be able to go too Disney world. please be praying that Megan will overcome this cancer'! We recently got scans back and the chemo is working! The cancer is shrinking! We really need prayers! "


9 years ago

" "

"This isn't much of a prayer request, but I recently got back from a church retreat. This was probably one of the best weekends of my life. So I wanted to tell you never ever give up on the lord. trust him and love him. Being a Christian isn't about how much you love God. It's about how much you know he loves you. We listened to a song called set a fire. "set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain that I can't control I want more of you God" that really gets to my heart. this weekend I could really see him working in my life and my friends lives. If you have anything you need or need to talk about or you're doubting, please talk to me."


9 years ago


"I feel like I have failed my family! Everything that could go wrong in my life has, or at less it feels that way! We are struggling to find away to keep are family from losing everything! I am trying so hard to do what's best, but some how I always make the wrong choices in life and it hurts our family! Sometimes I feel like they are better with out me! I have been fight, beating myself up, and begging that God can some how help us! I have been holding so much in, to keep my kids from seeing the pain that I am going through, but I feel I am about to break! "


9 years ago

"Father-in-Law Has Passed"

"My father-in-law passed away last night. He was a kind and loving man, and he loved God. I will miss him very much, but I look forward to seeing him again in Heaven someday! Please pray for our family, but especially for my husband. His brothers have God and their wives to lean on; my husband has rejected both, so I'm not sure what he will do. "


9 years ago


"Has God forsaken me? "


9 years ago

"My Moms Health"

"My mom has always had many many diseases and illnesses. She has been battling through being sick since she was fifteen. She is the strongest person I know, and lately she has been struggling more then usual. She is getting a surgery soon and another one about a week after- it is supposed to help her out. And I'm very concerned for her health because of the surgeries and overall.. Please pray that she does well and continues to have the strength God has given her. Thank you. "


9 years ago

"Dear Daughter "

"May my dear daughter come to know Our Father and that he lives in her heart. I continue this prayer 🙏"


9 years ago

"Pray For Me And My Son"

"I just found weed for the first time and pipes in my sons car. Upset and angry it didn't go well with my 17 yr old. I trashed his stuff and now of course he is MAD says I stoled his stuff and is moving out. Yes I made a big deal out of it for the safety of him. My oldest son is also a user and has continued for years. I have seen the path he took and I am afraid for my youngest son. I have now pushed two sons away and my husband is also blaming me for snooping. I'm so heartbroken. "


9 years ago


"Pray for my husband Lonzell he has cancer stage lv it was touch in go this morning God bless"


9 years ago

"Patience "

"Lord please help me to have patience and understanding when people are deliberately trying to put me down. Please restore my soul with peace and all that is of you. Thank you Jesus "


9 years ago

"Physical Healing"

"Good day guys! Please pray for my physical healing. Thank you... Peace and love. God bless. 😌"


9 years ago


"Lord, Have your healing hand upon J and make him fully well in both body and spirit I pray. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen "


9 years ago


"I feel like I am fighting every demon from hell. I have never been suicidally but I have been having these thoughts. I have prayed and fasted, it seems God does not hear me. I really feel so hopeless. How can you be married for 18 years and not have ever loved that person? "


9 years ago


"I pray for courage and boldness, to be completely free in you Jesus. All fear of man gone in your name!"


9 years ago

"Father-in-Law Not Doing Well"

"My father-in-law (I recently posted about finding out he has leukemia) is not doing well. He is still refusing any medical treatment, and is weaker every day. Please pray for him, and for our family - strength for those who are caring for him daily, peace for those who are angry that he's not accepting medical care, and comfort for all of us. A miraculous healing would be incredible, but whatever God decides to do, I hope and pray that bringing my husband back to Him is also part of the plan. "


9 years ago


"I honestly feel like crawling in a ball and dying, I think I would be better off!"


9 years ago


"Feeling overwhelmed, prayers please for peace, strength and comfort for us until Gods blessing for us arrives. Thank u prayer chain warriors. God Bless You "


9 years ago

"Pray For My Husband Lonzell"

"My husband has cancer stage lv"


9 years ago

"Work "

"Please pray I find work soon "


9 years ago

"Giving Up."

"I feel as if I just can't win. Every day I work hard and it seems as if I'm just doomed to never get anywhere and the constant threat of literally losing everything is always there. I'm growing so tired. I pray, I'm a good person, I work hard, I love my family, why doesn't anything ever go right and why am I always on the verge of disaster? I'm slowly giving up on life and my hope for anything is just zero. All I want is peace and happiness. I sit and wonder what I have done wrong. I feel so hopeless."


9 years ago

"Pray "

"Pray for my brother in his relationship and knowing Jesus Christ is Lord and savior thank you God bless you my brothers and sisters always be praying for you always."


9 years ago

"My New Business"

"Please pray that my new business perfectly posh is successful and that I can pay my bills"


9 years ago

"Believing "

"Mark 11:23-24 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."


9 years ago

"Give Thank"

"Let's give thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ Died on the cross for our sins Amen!!!"


9 years ago

"Safe Trip Home"

"Dear Lord, Thanks for today! Safe trip back and with someone you sent to guide me through the day. No words just overflowing love and happiness. I love you! Faithfully, C"


9 years ago


"Please Lord don't let me lose hope. Help me to have faith & not be discouraged by my situation right now. I pray if it's your will that my marriage be restored & that my family be intact. Give me peace that surpasses understanding & help me to be still during the storm. Amen"


9 years ago


"Let's pray for peace threw out the world."


9 years ago


"Let us pray for each other to be strong Christians brothers and sisters, keep our faith and believe Jesus Christ,Amen!!!"


9 years ago

"I Believe Your Word Lord "

"Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."


9 years ago

"Get A New Job"

"I hope my dad gets a new job he is working dreadful hours at the truck driving job.One job looks like it may come open for him. "


9 years ago


"Please pray I can get some wisdom on how to deal with this situation. I am trying so very hard, but the pain is unbearable. I love this man so much but I really can not take to much more of the mean words, they cut deep. I want God's love to penetrate him through me. "


9 years ago

"Faith In My Heart Lord"

"Please lord give me the wisdom and love it takes for me to have faith everything is going to be ok. I trust in you lord and need the strength to keep my faith alive"


9 years ago

"Speaking Life Over My Son "

"Asking for praying that my son Jalen be delivered from anything that is not of God ... I don't know if it's puberty he's going through but I'm asking for prayers for deliverance over his life , In Jesus Name, Amen "


9 years ago


"Lord, I pray that I will never give up hope in you and that you will perform a miracle in my life and open my womb like you did with Sarah and Hannah and bless us with a child. My husband is struggling to keep up any hope after these years and I pray for him to have complete faith in you. In Jesus precious name Amen "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my surgery go well without any complications or pain. Let it be worth it."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my husband get this new job with decent pay and benefits."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me get this new job and not have my old job suspend my license. "


9 years ago

"Rob To Like New Job "

"Please pray that Rob would love his new job at rudy's trucking and that he will want to stay there"


9 years ago


"Please pray for a smooth and successful surgery for me. Thank you. "


9 years ago

"Urgent Prayer Request"

"My husband and I need prayers for financial situation. We r currently living with a parent still who's house is going up for sale January 1st. My husband Britt and I (Jessica) are needing our own place for our growing family. Therefore my husbands mother who we live with is need of prayer for finding a place that's going to meet her budget. My husband and I are in debt that has kept us strapped, unable to get into our own home. Now my husbands work hours have decreased as I am a stay at home mom. We don't know if a lay off is coming or not, but we are hurting more than we ever have. We need a miracle for God to send us a financial blessing to get us out of debt, work flow and a home for our own where we will be stable. Please keep us in your prayers and thank u so much. Britt and Jessica "


9 years ago

"Wedding / Jobs "

"We are in the process of still planning our wedding. Even though we both had job issues and are now currently looking for work. Please pray that we will find work soon and that our wedding will work out the way we are hoping "


9 years ago

"Preaching The Word Of God"

"Instagram preaching with no fear, today or tomorrow it will in YouTube my Christian brothers & sisters as well,Lets change the world."


9 years ago

"Husband Willing To Get Therapy"

"Praise the Lord!! My husband has finally acknowledged that he needs help. He has said that he is willing to get himself into therapy, and that he will do a psychiatric evaluation as part of our divorce proceedings. I am so thankful!! It's just a step, but it is a step in the right direction. He told me that now that some of the anger has passed, he can see and understand why I feel he's not capable of caring for our daughter right now - that's a huge acknowledgement. His life has continued to crumble around him. He had a breakdown yesterday when he went in for routine blood tests - he passed out three times, tried to escape the doctor's office, and had to be held down by nurses. Then this morning, he was "asked to resign" from his job. And his father is really not doing well, and is still refusing any medical treatment. Please pray that the cloud continues to lift, and that he is able to actually confront and deal with his childhood issues and his current issues, and that he can get his life back on track. Also, please pray that the professionals that he talks to can see through any attempts to charm them or lie to them. And please pray for his salvation - God can handle all of this!!!"


9 years ago

"Open Heaven Request"

"Lord I come to you in Jesus name. Please forgive my sinful thoughts and sinful ways. Let the Holy Spirit convict me of each and every sin. I ask a special prayer this morning. I want to walk so close to you today that I would walk under an open heaven. Show me how to get closer to you. Teach me the desire of prayer. Let me hunger and thirst for you. Just as the deer pants for the water please cause my soul to pant for you, Oh God. This for your holy name's sake I pray. Cause the Holy Spirit to walk with me today I pray. Let my walk be Holy and pleasing. Please bless all that I do today and keep me at the center of your will. In Jesus name I pray amen"


9 years ago


"Father God I pray for my heart, Eddie. Lord have mercy. I don't know why he is still in my heart. I pray You bless me & heal me. I think of him day & night. I pray for his salvation. I pray that every time I pray for him, You work on his heart towards repentance. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen"


9 years ago


"Pray that my brother is healed from cancer. This will be the third time HE BEAT IT. my brother is VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST JESUS. I Believe in the POWER OF PRAYER. God answered many, countless prayers. "


9 years ago

"New Job "

"God please bless me to hear good news about this dispatcher job. Please help me to decide whether I should continue to pursue this business I have had issues with motivation on. Finally, please help my mother as she is mentally ill and refusing to take her medication."


9 years ago


"Lord thank you for everything please help me to focus today"


9 years ago


"Dear God, I pray that you will bring the right person to me soon. All these years waiting started to make me doubt myself. While feeling happy for my friends I wish I can have the same kind of joy again. Please give me the wisdom to date wisely. Please give me the peace in heart. Please soften my heart again and lead me to be a better person. Amen."


9 years ago


"Please pray for Our Father to live in my daughters heart and that she finds peace in her new life as s college student. Please pray she also studies hard with God's love and care so she gets good grades ❤️"


9 years ago


"This is the first migraine head ache I have had in a while. Please send prayers. God bless"


9 years ago


"Dear God Please Lord I ask for peace in my soul. For your comfort during this time of heartache. If it's your will I ask that You restore my marriage and give us an opportunity to be together & bring You glory & honor. Help me Jesus to continue to be a good mom to my daughter & give me courage to keep going. Fill me up with your joy & hope. Amen. "


9 years ago


"Let's us pray for the sick people's all over the world in the name of Jesus Christ To be heal all kinds of sickness,Amen!!!"


9 years ago

"Husband Falling Apart"

"His spiral continues - today he had some kind of breakdown at a routine doctor visit. He passed out three times and had to be restrained by nurses; he said it was his subconscious telling him to escape the doctor's office. Please pray that SOMEONE in that room would have their eyes opened to how sick he really is, and that this would lead to him getting the help he needs. Even if our marriage is never restored, his daughter needs him to be stable!! "


9 years ago

"Peace "

"Today I pray to find peace within myself for myself. I pray to be able to one day wake up and actually enjoy my days, be happy about being here another day. "


9 years ago


"Please pray for Trevor who is struggling to quit drugs and his wife Jordan they are Christians."


9 years ago


"Father i feel so down and blue today. I feel sad. There really isn't a reason. I need you to hold me close today. Thank you for loving me. "


North Carolina
9 years ago

"Birthday Tomorrow"

"Give me strength tomorrow to experience a new chapter as I hit my twentieth birthday tomorrow. God bless me on this blessing and the creation of creating me as you're child."


9 years ago

"Work -Not Sure If Promotion "

"Dear Lord, Thank you! New opportunity from work just came huge responsibility and expectation. I am not 100% sure i am the right person for the job but will lean on it by your guidance and blessing. Please teach me and bless me more wisdom through this new endeavor. With you in my heart and in my mind nothing is impossible. I love you and forgive me for my shortcomings. Talk to you again soon and please bless all our prayer warriors in this community. Faithfully, Carol "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Wholeness"

"Please pray for my healing wholly. Thank you so much. God bless."


9 years ago


"Don't get me wrong I am thankful for what God is doing, but this is hard I know God will see me through, but I feel so ugly. It is like I disgust him. He told me that he has no chemistry for me, and there is no attraction. He doesn't love me and doesn't know the outcome of our marriage. I am trying to stayed focused on the times I know he loved me and clinging to God's love. I can't sleep at night, I lay and watch him and pray. I want to hold him but he will not allow it. My heart has been through such a whirlwind. Pray God's love consumes me and pours over to him. "


East Coast
9 years ago

"Things Moving In The Right Direction"

"Looking at a job that just cane open. If things go right and I get this job, it should give me the right kind of time to pursue ministry and my off hours. Thank God this is starting to shape up and go in that direction. I pray God will simply put me where he needs me."


9 years ago

"Prayera For Peace And Guidance"

"There is a situation with a person at work that is very difficult. I find myself holding ill will towards her and not being the way I know God would want me to be . I am praying that God will guide me on how to handle this is a way that shows his love and grace. Thank you!"


9 years ago

"Ease My Short Temper"

"Please Father lengthen my short temper. Only you know the path for me. I thank you for the life I have. I am truly blessed. "


North Carolina
9 years ago

"Birthday Coming Up"

"This Wednesday, October 14th, I pray that God will give me a blessed birthday and I praise to him for letting me wake up everyday and let me worship Him for what he has done for me. So, please pray for me to have a great blessing on my birthday. I love Him for what he's done, and I love Him for being the best father and as a child of God I know I'm forever blessed. "


9 years ago

"Urgent Prayers Needed For Job"

"Urgent prayers needed-Please pray for me that God grant favor & miracle the manager at L company hires me the job and becomes a full time permanent job with good salary,(where i can pay all bills and rent and be self sufficient), good work environment and that I do not get let go but do well and succeed in this job and career. In Jesus name. Thank u for your prayers everyone! God bless u all."


9 years ago

"Unspoken Prayer Request"

"Unspoken Prayer Request"


9 years ago


"Let's us pray together with all the struggle we going threw in our life,peace,love,hope,and God will answer our prayers in Jesus name Amen!!!"


9 years ago

"Dr Appointment This Morning"

"Father, thank you for the rest last night. Please be with me as I go to a doctors appointment this morning. I'm nervous but, I know you're going to be right there with me. Amen. "


9 years ago


"I pray for a good week, with safety for my students and me."


9 years ago


"Let's us pray for all the Christians in the world to be strong under protection in Jesus Christ."


9 years ago


"Are family is going though a lot! I am stressing so much I am getting sick! My kids are so young, they are in preschool right now! They have been 7 different babysitters now! We can't seem to find anyone who wants to watch them! My husband and I work long days, but can't afford to put them in a daycare! We are so back up on the medical billsfor my husband and my son. We just found out the person who was watching are children is no longer going to do it! We are in search for someone to take over vary soon! They are in tears and don't want to go where else! We can't seem to get any help, because according to the state we make to much money! But what I don't understand is yes we make money, but we are trying to pay for the medical bills, medications for my son and trying vary hard to buy food for them to eat and we don't have enough to do anything else! I hate this and I feel like a failure! My kids only had Christmas last year because of my mom! Not sure about this year! Who is going to save us! I wish something could help us! We don't wast on money on stupid things, so why can't I take care of our kids the way they should! "


9 years ago

"My Husband "

"He is struggling with our marriage because his kids have decided not to be at our home which is blended. He is being forced to choose between me his wife and new child and stepchildren and children from his first marriage. He is torn and saddened. It's being taken out on me.. He doesn't realize it. God help him put his marriage first so that all things can fall into God for the family "


9 years ago


"Please pray for my aunt she is pregnant with her third and it is a boy please pray for her"


9 years ago

"Bless My Life"

"God please let me receive good news about the dispatch position I interview for. Also please help me to get motivated on my business ideas as well. Finally, please help my mother cause she has schizophrenia and she won't take her med."


9 years ago

"War Room"

"I'm Emma I am 9 I have made a war room .a war room is a place were you pray.not a battle area. It is somewhere you can go anytime .if you want to know how to make one ask me it is very easy."


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"My name is Emma I am 9 years old but sometimes I don't mind my mom and dad but I do pray a lot . And I usually don't read the bible please pray for me."


9 years ago

"My Husband "

"My husband is home, but not home. He is here but says he does not love me and never has, but he has to do this for our kids. Please pray he is here that is the first miracle. Pray he stays and God will help him fall head over heels in love with me. I am going to do my part no fussing about his affair just holding on because the best is yet to come! "


9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Thank you for today! Once again asking for guidance for today and forthcoming turn over from work. I surrender all to you. I love you. Faithfully, Carol"


9 years ago

"Nearly Gone"

"My heart is broken and God doesn't seem to care. Every time I turn around, someone else that I know is getting married, while I continue to have no one and nothing... It has been this way for 10 years. In two months time, my faith will die."


9 years ago


"Lord thank you for everything you are doing in my life please help me as I prepare for my exams."


East Coast
9 years ago

"The Right Job"

"Need a job closer to home with the right hours. Pray that God will put me on a right path so I will be able to work on ministry. Thanks to my brothers and sisters for prayer."


9 years ago


"I never knew a broken heart could hurt so much, please please please I beg someone pray for me, this pain is to much for me to bear. "


9 years ago

"Prison Release"

"Pray that my husband is released from prison within the next 6 months and that his case gets looked over by God and that God sends someone to follow out his release. His spent 13 years in prison for a robbery and they won't release him he was only suppose to be there for 10."


9 years ago

"Thank You Father"

"Thank you Father for blessing us with another day. I have lots of house cleaning to do today. Father, please send my angel to me to keep my spirits up and wipe away the worries that only YOU know are written on my mind and heart. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Pray For My Marriage "

"I've been married for 12 years. Recently my husband started drinking and listening to very worldy demonic music. This has put a strain on our relationship. He is being secretive. He was a committed Christian with a powerful call on his life but lately he is discouraged about things of God. There was hurt on behalf of a church but he is not dealing with it. Please pray for us- thank you!"


9 years ago


"Lord, please bring unity into our family."


9 years ago


"Tomorrow is our fifth wedding anniversary. I had his present picked out, a trip half planned, and a new dress already purchased for a special date. I was so excited about getting out of town and spending some time together as a new little family, just him and me and the baby with no work or chores or visitors. He's been gone ten weeks, and instead of looking forward to a happy weekend, I am just dreading the emotions and memories that will flood me all day tomorrow. With the way my husband is acting lately, he's the last person I want to hear from tomorrow, but I do sort of expect him to text me just to try to get a reaction out of me or something. Please pray that God helps me to avoid conflict with my husband, and that God would give me the strength to make it through tomorrow without falling apart all over again. "


East Coast
9 years ago

"Praying For Direction"

"Pray that God will give me clear direction to start a "home ministry" where believers can come together to do the works we are called to do."


9 years ago

"Hard Day"

"Today has been so very hard, just when I think I gain ground it feels like my heart is breaking into tiny bits. Will my heart ever be the same? How can I love him so much and hurt so bad at the same time. Please pray for my heart to heal. "


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"I'm writing Christian song and writing a Christian book, God give me wisdom to do his work thank you, my brothers & sisters, God bless."


9 years ago

"Pray For Me Reading The Bible"

"So could preach to my family and friends and world thank you my brothers and sisters God bless."


9 years ago


"My teenage daughter needs to turn her back on an abusive and controlling boyfriend. The boyfriend needs an opportunity to leave this area and find some stability away from his circle of friends and family. "


9 years ago

"Please Pray"

"Taking an art test today. Please pray "


New York
9 years ago

"Preyer For My Daughter And Husband"

"It will be an honor to receive the help from my fellow christians in preyer. My family is under the influence of many negativity and we no longer feel happiness or peace. Please help me prey a little harder so our lord can bless our small family with love, unity, harmony, respect, protection which we so much need at the moment. Thank you 😢🙏 "


9 years ago

"New Ministry Brand New"

"Please pray for our new ministry Brand New as we are starting the launch tonight. This is a program to we believe God is going to use to set people free who are struggling with addiction, and we are believe God will use this ministry to to set people free worldwide and bring thousands of people to the Lord please pray with us the brand-new will be a success so people can become brand-new in Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:17 "


9 years ago

"Prayer For My Daugher Health"

"I need health insurance for my daughter health please pray, I'm praying right now thank you my brothers & sisters God bless!!"


9 years ago

"God Show Me"

"God, please show me if this is the man you chose for me to marry? Show me your will in this situation. Please make it clear, open doors and show us your favor. Thanks for praying. God bless you!"


9 years ago

"Lord Save Rebecca's Home"

"My dear friend Rebecca has struggled with terrible pain and hospitalizations due to MS. She has been a faithful servant of the Lord for over 20 years. She has spent her life praying for others and helping others in need. She does this on a continual basis, even when she is hospitalized. She had to give up her passion of teaching because of her sickness but she still spends time helping struggling students at a local Bible college. As if her problems with MS weren't bad enough, she has a house that she worked hard to attain that she may have to give up this month. There have been water issues because the city she lives in neglects to take care of an overflow problem with the sewage system. Her basement continually floods and she is on her fourth furnace, and the new furnace was not installed properly. Because of this she won't be able to heat her home this winter and no one will help her including the company that installed the furnace. It is a very complicated situation and many people have tried to help her without success. She has had this home for nine years and had worked 18 years as a teacher to get it. Come November, she will have no vehicle and no home unless the Lord intercedes, and by some miracle her home will either be paid for, or the city and the furnace company will do the right thing by her. Hopefully the home will be hers to live in for many years. Please come together in prayer with me that the Lord will miraculously keep Rebecca in her home. I pray this in Jesus name amen."


9 years ago

"Bless Me With A New Job"

"God please let me hear back on the dispatch position soon and please help it to be good news. "


9 years ago

"No Greater Love"

"Our God is love, God is the author of love, God alone can give real love. These words are my hearts prayer, trying to think only positive thoughts and let God's love over flow from me and reach my husband. I love him and want him to return to God's love and my love. "


9 years ago

"Guarding My Heart"

"As my husband has continued to be cruel and aggressive and manipulative, I am having to find some emotional distance and perspective in order to protect myself from being hurt over and over. But I don't want to grow calloused or hard-hearted, and I don't want to put up walls when I am trying to show grace and love. Please pray that God will help me to find a balance between self-preservation and vulnerability, and to continue showing love to my husband while he is so lost. And please keep praying for him!"


9 years ago


"I start a job today, it is the first time I have been to work in several years, please pray the Lord will use me for his glory above all my marriage problems I want to be the Lord's handmaiden. But I also appreciate all prayers for my husband to love me again, I can forgive his adultery I just want him home where he belongs loving me and the Lord. "


9 years ago

"Pray A Job "

"Need a job to paid my bill "


9 years ago

"Pray Im Making A Youtube "

"To preach the word of God all over the world "


9 years ago

"Broken Heart"

"I had a very special person come into my life. He brought me back to God and gave me the strength and courage to get up and support myself. I am so thankful for him. I have never felt the love I had for him with anybody else in my entire life. Without warning he disappeared and now my heart is so broken. I know God has a plan for me and if he is meant to be In my life he will be, but it hurts so much. I am praying for strength, healing, understanding and patience during this time of confusion. "


9 years ago

"Divorce Is Still Happening"

"My husband still wants a divorce, and is still mentally unhealthy, denying God, and being deceitful. He is also now getting bad legal advice, which isn't good for either of us. And he has decided not to pay some of the things he needs to be paying, so my stress level is only increasing, and he's only going to owe me more later when the court tells him he should have been paying these things. Please pray for my husband to return to God, to get the mental help he needs, and to do the right thing financially. And please pray for God's protection and provision for me and my daughter. I am thankful that she is only 4 months old and won't remember the way her father has acted - I am praying that he is not this person anymore by the time she is forming memories! I still love my husband, but the pornography and mental sickness have turned him into someone I don't recognize, trust, or want around my child. He needs much more help than he realizes, and much more help than I can give. He is in God's hands. "


9 years ago

"Prayer for Healing"

"A year ago I had a work accident and it changed my life. I had intense low back pain and leg pains. Now it is low back, neck, and knee pain. Please pray for breakthrough healing. I am seeing a neurologist Monday, please pray for answers to be revealed, wisdom for the doctors, and ultimately healing with God getting the glory. In Jesus Christs Name, Amen."


9 years ago


"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"New Job Soon"

"God please let me hear good news about this dispatch job I'm applying for."


9 years ago

"Sucess With My Online Avon Business"

"Please pray that my online Avon business would succeed and that all my bills would be paid"


9 years ago


"I want this pain to go away I can't handle it, I feel so broken. To love someone for twenty years and them to just leave. Oh God I feel like my prayers are not getting off the floor. Please hear my cry restore me in you Lord, I can not carry this anymore please help me! "


9 years ago


"Short term marriage to a man who mis represented himself with mistruths before & during our marriage and now in the divorce process. Today is our 3rd hearing. He has filed for half of my income for a 3 year period and me to pay his attorney fees. He has lied about our separation date & community property when others have come forth to speak against it. He has lied about his ability to work when he is boastful to others about his success. Pray that I am protected and no evil will come of me. "


9 years ago

"Job Interview"

"In two days I will have an interview for a job that I really hope to get. I pray that God will help me succeed in this interview and that this job is in God's plan for me."


9 years ago


"I am struggling so much right now as I search for a job. I have been rejected from so many jobs and I am feeling so depressed. I pray for the strength and motivation to carry on searching and I pray that God will help me find the right job for me. "


9 years ago


"Praying that Elijah gets hired at the job he interviewed for. In Jesus name. Amen!"


9 years ago


"My daughter woke up with a horrible virus, she can't keep nothing down please pray this will pass quickly. "


9 years ago

"My Job"

"I confessed to a mistake I made at work and now am afraid I will be fired. I am a single woman raising my niece and cannot afford to be without work. Please pray that I will keep my job. Thank you."


9 years ago


"Please please pray for my 20 year old daughter. We are at the ER with excruciating toothache pain. Help Lord! Don't like seeing my children in pain. "


9 years ago

"Delivered Fom Drinking"

"Please keep praying that Rob my boyfriend would be delivered from drinking !"


9 years ago

"The World Needs Much Prayer"

"Please pray for the entire world to heal the land, in Jesus' name amen."


9 years ago


"Just got call for job interview, please pray for the Lord's favor for me! Thanks! "


9 years ago

"My Son"

"Please pray for my Alexander. He's down with a nasty cold. Please Father send your healing touch to him. "


9 years ago

"Thanks In All "

"So thankful that I got some help today for the kids and I. My husband has had no contact with us since he left us, he has complete closed all accounts we shared leaving us with hardly anything, it has been really hard, but I kept my faith and trust and God came through. I had a meeting last week with an attorney and today I got a check in the mail, not from my husband but the attorney. God is good all the time. Thank you all for the continued prayers, this is truly the hardest thing. I also have applied for several jobs and ask that you pray I can get one that is the same as school hours. "


9 years ago

"Pray For Father-in-Law And Husband"

"Please pray for my father-in-law. It looks like leukemia, but he is refusing the biopsy or any treatment for now, because he's already so weak and in so much pain that he's not sure he could stand it. He is resting at home for now. My husband and his brothers are gathering, and I will be heading that way tomorrow. It could be a tense time, since my husband is still showing nothing but animosity and contempt toward me, and still believes divorcing will solve all his problems. He is also still running from/denying God, and is very clearly not in a good place mentally. Please pray that God will use this situation to do something major in my husband, and in our entire family. "


9 years ago

"Please Please Pray "

"Please pray that my parents will sell the house in Ohio. "


9 years ago


"Lord , I pray that you would order my steps and lead me to where I need to be as in a job, state, new home .... You said what's for me is for me and I'm standing on your word ... Renew my soul .... Order my steps , In Jesus Name, Amen "


9 years ago

"You Have Not Because You Ask Not "

"Lord, I want what you want me to have in life .... In Jesus Name, Amen ...."


9 years ago

"Father-in-law In ER"

"My father-in-law was taken to the ER tonight with difficulty breathing, no energy, and leg pain to the point of difficulty walking. Please pray! "


9 years ago

"Bless My Family"

"I come here humble and asking for prayer for myself and my family because my fiancé just got laid off from his job. Please help me stay strong and focus on the positives in life. Thank you father. Amen! "


9 years ago

"Sisters Fast Recovery"

"Dear Lord, Please heal my sister from stage 2 breast cancer. She has undergone last round of chemo and so this time shingles beginning to break out. Meds are massive and expensive but by the power of prayers & by your loving grace we will suffice. Amen!"


9 years ago

"Troy "

"Please pray for Troy and I that this rough patch will end soon "


9 years ago


"I ask for a great personality. Jesus knows why 😊"


9 years ago


"I pray for peace in all of my classes."


9 years ago


"a few weeks ago I requested for some prayers through my bullying. I'm only 12 years old but I downloaded this app so I can get many prayers and so I can pray for others. if you didn't see my other request it was about bullying and it has gotten to the point where I'm coming home every night crying after school. my parents don't know much about this. the girl I thought was my best friend is spreading awful rumors and things about me I can't take. I'm still failing my classes and I really need some prayers. now her mom has been talking to all of my friends and their moms and I'm left with no one. please pray and help me get through this. if you can please give me some advice thanks."


9 years ago


"I pray to be transformed by Jesus. "


9 years ago

"Those Who Are Hurting"

"Those who have lost a loved one. Those who are sick. Those who are being abused or harmed. Those who are struggling financially."


9 years ago

"To Pass Exam"

"Please pray that I may pass my exam for work this week. Thanks to all. God bless.. 🙏"


9 years ago

"Pray For Our Youth"

"Our youth are facing so many challenges around the world. Some families have limited support and resources to fully give their children the quality time they need due to long work schedules. The majority of the media and music are influencing those who lack guidance and direction especially if there's no personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. Please pray for the youth who may be lost, feeling unloved, depressed and/or neglected also for their families...may they be blessed with the means for a healthy home...God Bless you All!"


9 years ago

"My Relationship With Troy "

"I've made some poor decision lately. That has left my finance terribly hurt and angry at me. Please pray that he will find it in himself to forgive me. And that we will be able to over come this. "


9 years ago

"Family "

"FATHER... You are always there and you see everything while I may not... You know my situation with my Mother the history and all. It hurts that after all these years... We still have no bond. She just makes demands and ignores me. I know you have a plan for me...a door of opportunity to be fully back on my feet for this situation is draining me financially and emotionally. I pray for my Mom's deliverance from the trials and hurts of her past... May she finally know YOU and live the life you would want her to...Sealed in the Precious Name of Jesus Amen! I often think about all the children/adults who experience the same challenges of my situation... It is hard not being able to share life's joys with a loved one who refuses to hear you, more less feel loved by them... Please pray for me and others who are going through this... Thank You... God Bless"


9 years ago


"Please pray for me that my decision will be strong enough to get rid of wrong actions.... "


9 years ago


"Father thank you for everything you are doing in my life. I ask that you help me through the challenges that I am facing , please help me to remain focused on my exams my courses and on you lord. "


9 years ago

"A God That Always Says No"

"I've spent a decade asking God to help me find "her". And all I have to show for it are 3 good dreams and a broken heart. Am I just wasting my time?"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"LPN Or Teacher"

"Help me finally decided to either teach or become a LPN. The deadline is quickly approaching. I need to make the right decision by tonight. Amen."


9 years ago


"Father, please continue to strengthen and direct the Pope as he instructs the people you have put under his leadership, Amen!!!"


9 years ago


"Thank you, God, for opening this door to opportunity through the community choir. But please give me the strength to follow through with it! Help me to be brave and confident! Help me to feel relaxed and make friends. And help the music to come naturally to me. "


9 years ago


"Today has been really hard, overwhelming loneliness is hitting hard along with the feeling of being unlovable and so much hurt, it hurts so bad, like I lived my life thinking it was one way in reality nothing it was nothing, I guess the betrayal and broken trust is kicking me hard. Please pray I am trying so hard to be so strong for my kids but inside I am so broke and hurting. "


Toronto ,Canada
9 years ago

"Marriage "

"For a long lasting Healthy marriage with my wife and we always put God first."


9 years ago

"Rob And I Would Grow Together As A Couple"

"Please pray that Rob and I would grow together as a couple and that we would love each other more and more as the day goes by !!!"


9 years ago

"To Grow Together As A Couple "

"Please pray that Rob and I will grow together as a couple and that we would love each other more and more !!!"


9 years ago


"I've been fighting a bad episode of anxiety and depression for the past month and a half. Please, if you would, pray for healing? Thank you and God bless. "


9 years ago

"Pray For Bro"

"I am praying for Bro - he is currently unemployed, he is in need of healing from his anxieties, he is separated from his wife and he has lost his faith in LORD JESUS more than a decade ago... He has been in gambling and running low in his finances- please include him and his two kids in your prayers. Thank you. "


9 years ago

"Prayer To Pass My Accounting Test "

"Hi everyone please pray that I pass my accounting test on Monday . I've been trying really hard and studying as much with so much stress. Thanks and God bless u for your prayers ."


9 years ago

"For My Kids"

"Peace for my kids at this time as we go through this. I want to be able to let my kids now without a doubt that through this all we have a Father that will never leave us nor forsake us. They both are having a hard time it seem like those pre-teen times are already hard enough and now this. It is hard when they think it is because "he don't love me" I repeatedly tell them that it is not their fault and he does love and care for them, but right now it's even hard for me to believe. He has even called to talk to them or to check on them, I am so glad God is a father that will never leave us nor for sake us. I am trusting God to keep my kids and me strong and draw us closer to Him. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Heal Denise's eyes, place me at the school I will be happiest with, and let my husband find out tomorrow the results of his job interview. Keep my son safe, too. Amen."


9 years ago

"Still Praying For A Miracle"

"Had to file for divorce yesterday because I have to get legal boundaries in place to protect my daughter and her future. It's still not what I want. I want my husband to come back to God, and to acknowledge his mistakes and how his choices affected our marriage. I want him to give up pornography. I want him to get counseling to deal with his childhood abuse, so he can stop self-medicating and start understanding how to have a healthy relationship. And I want him to forgive me for not being careful enough with him, and for my short temper that reminded him of his mom. I want him to see that I can love him better than I have, but I also want him to understand that I am human and imperfect and will never fill the wounds in his heart the way God can. I want God to rebuild our house. I want to be married to this man that I love more than he could ever understand, I want to raise our daughter together in the same home, and I want to be his partner in life until we die. I know God can do this, and that His timing is perfect. I believe without question that He *can,* but I'm struggling to have faith that He *will.* I pray that our marriage and family will be rebuilt, stronger and better than ever, and I also pray for my own faith and trust in God. (Sorry if this posts multiple times - the system seems to be having trouble.)"


9 years ago

"Please Pray "

"Taking art history test today please pray "


9 years ago

"Work exam"

"Pray that I may do well/pass my work's exam next week. Thank you in advance. "


9 years ago

"Help Us"

"My mother has been in the USA FOR 25 years and has been trying to get Her status legalized for 25 years has paid Taxes and has been a good citizen! We have a younger 14 yr old brother who's under her custody of course and las Friday INS CAME TO HER house and has taken her and threaten her to deported her , she has asked for a lawyer and they told her that she has not right to see a lawyer or a judge ! My mother is a good woman and helps anyone she sees needs help , before God she's everything to us!! Please help we need prayers she's 56 yrs old and has a history of heart problems cholesterol and high blood pressure! Help us we know God is our judge and Our savior "


9 years ago


"My mother has been in the USA FOR 25 years and has been trying to get Her status legalized for 25 years has paid Taxes and has been a good citizen! We have a younger 14 yr old brother who's under her custody of course and las Friday INS CAME TO HER house and has taken her and threaten her to deported her , she has asked for a lawyer and they told her that she has not right to see a lawyer or a judge ! My mother is a good woman and helps anyone she sees needs help , before God she's everything to us!! Please help we need prayers she's 56 yrs old and has a history of heart problems cholesterol and high blood pressure! Help us we know God is our judge and Our savior "


9 years ago

"My Family"

"I pray for God to come into my family and friends heart"


9 years ago

"Prayer For New Friends"

"Dearest Brothers and sisters, if you wish to be my friend, this is my email address tania10pillay@ I need lots of friends who can motivate and encourage me , people whom are willing to make new friendships no matter the distance . So drop me an email and I will reply. My name is Tania and I'm 34years old. I can really do with global friendships. "


9 years ago


"Praying for a peaceful day in the Lord. I will be meeting with an attorney today. I did not want this but he cannot just shut down all accounts and leave me and our kids with nothing, he is the one at fault. I do have my faults as well but I have always been a faithful wife and always had dinner on the table even when he never came home to eat it after I fixed it, only lately have I woke up to all the long hours no extra pay and him smelling like perfume, long blonde hair on his clothes, and then the tube of lipstick in his truck. Please pray I do not want to become a bitter person!! I want to follow the path the Lord wants me on, I really am thankful for all of the prayers "


New York
9 years ago

"For Everyone"

"Tonight i just want to pray for all the people on this very dear and precious site. I have so many of you guys in my heart and prayers. And even though every situation is different in their own lil way.. And i too have problems of my own.. I just hope its all clear to us as children of God that .. In all things we must give thanks. God has plans to prosper us and never to harm us. Keep the faith everyone. I love you all and i know without a doubt that God loves you all more. "


9 years ago

"Have To File For Divorce"

"My husband has rejected my final attempt to agree to terms for an uncontested divorce. I now have to file for divorce immediately and do everything in my power to protect my child. But I'm still praying for a miracle. I'm so discouraged and overwhelmed with sadness right now, but also trying to focus on my baby girl. Please pray for all of us. "


9 years ago

"Delivered From Drinking "

"Please pray that my boy friend Rob would stop drinking !!!and get a job!!! "


9 years ago

"Prayer For That Holy Ghost To Visit Me Again"

"Not very long ago, I was sleeping and my sleep broke. I saw a ghost like transparent fog like with a beautiful gentle face and long curly hair. To me it looked like what JESUS would resemble. I saw His face in reality . I knew I was not dreaming becoz my grandfather saw the same . Would someone like to tell me perhaps what this means?"


9 years ago

"Prayer To Help Me Focus"

"Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, Please pray for me to focus on my studies . My boyfriend and I just broke up and I feel like quitting in everything. I am trying to get my mind focused but it is not working out . I feel so sad. Why does my boyfriend live with the priest when he has his own place . He lied to me and speaks such coldness. I Dnt know what to do or say anymore God we broke up like 8 times already and got back together . What must I do what do u want me to do ? God can't u just make my life a little easier please I bed you!"


9 years ago

"Prayer For Physical Healing"

"Please pray for my physical healing. Thank you so much."


9 years ago

"Prayer And Advice"

"I need prayer for the Lord to guide me in how to handle this. This afternoon on my way to get the kids from school I stopped to get gas, my card was denied at the pump so I went inside where it was also denied. So I get in car and go to my bank, our account has been closed. I have called him several times but no answer. Pray I make the right next step"


9 years ago

"Prayer With A Deadline!"

"Husband and I met yesterday and I gave him my final offer for custody/visitation terms. I still don't want a divorce, but he is forcing my hand. Please pray he agrees to the terms!! He has until tomorrow to decide. If he doesn't agree, I will have to file and it will get much more complicated for everyone. (But I'm still open to a miracle!!)"


9 years ago

"Healing from the pain in my right face & ear"

"Please pray that Gods heals me from the pain in my right face & ear as well as the successful surgery on my head cyst in Jesus name amen"


9 years ago

"Strength Peace"

"I am sorry it is me again, but my heart is pretty overwhelmed at this moment as I try to sleep, my bed empty, my heart broke, and a wet pillow from all the tears. Please Lord I beg you for peace in this horrible storm! "


9 years ago

"New Job"

"God please give me the dispatcher job I interviewed for."


9 years ago

"Leland And His Family"

"Comfort and healing for the family"


9 years ago

"Prayer To Keep Evil And Harm From Myself And My Family"

"I need a suggestion for a daily prayer for peace and to keep unwarranted harm and evil doing away from myself and my family. PLEASE."


9 years ago

"Prayers For Strength Needed"

"I need prayers said for me. I'm going through a custody hearing and I need help for myself and my son. I need to stay strong and I need to ask for what is fair and just to happen in court so that my son no longer has to struggle or be scared. I need for there to be peace in our family."


9 years ago

"Strength "

"Please pray I can be strong for my kids. He has left us. He admitted to having an affair and it has been going on, my precious kids, I try to think about how much I want to love and protect them through this and tell myself that God feels that way and even more towards me. All the prayers are greatly appreciated. "


9 years ago

"Divorce Discussion Today"

"Planning to talk to my husband about possible terms for our divorce/custody arrangements today. He's been pushing and now is trying to manipulate me by talking about picking up our daughter at day care when he knows I'm not comfortable with that but can't legally stop him. If he doesn't agree to my proposed terms, I will be filing tomorrow morning in order to protect my baby. Please pray!!!"


9 years ago

"Praying For Me To Fully Let Go Of Myself So god Can Come In And Take Control"

"Please help me give up my strong will completely so the Holy Spirit can truly give me victory over my issues and I can be set free from stronghold in my life. I believe Jesus died for this and I am covered by his blood! I just need to let him take control and I'm stuck on how to do that."


9 years ago

"Heart Broken"

"I am going to church this morning, needing strength through this night mare, keeping a happy face for my kids but inside is a mess. He said the lip stick was a woman he gave a ride to, but there are finger nail scratches on his back that I didn't put there. What do I do??? Please pray I do not know what to do, I have no where to go. "


9 years ago

"For My Prayer Partner"

"Please pray for my prayer partner since he is far away from home and I do not get to see how he is... We are not talking nowadays. Pray that he is in the God's grace. Pray that he may not stray from God's will and that he will keep following our Lord. Thank you in advance. GOD bless. ❤ "


9 years ago

"Salvation "

"Praying for god's salvation for Rob!"


9 years ago

"To Be Free From Porn "

"Please pray that Rob would be free from looking at porn!!!"


9 years ago


"please pray for me as I'm getting bullied. people in my life I thought were my best friends are being awful. I've been putting my trust in God so he can pull me through this. I'm failing school right now I just need all the help I can get. please pray for me. it would mean a lot to me."


9 years ago

"My Children"

"To understand the true worth of who they are being children of God "


9 years ago

"My Wife"

"Guidance to know when the Holy Spirit teaches and speaks to her"


9 years ago

"My Salvation"

"For my heart to be humble at all times"


9 years ago

"Mine And Robs Relationship "

"Please pray that God would bless mine and Rob's relationship, that Rob would go to church with me , that he would stop drinking and that Rob and My daughter would really love each other and that Rob would want to spend more time with us !!!"


9 years ago


"I really think my husband is having an affair. This is breaking my heart into tiny bits and pieces. My thumb print was in his phone to unlock it and he removed it and changed the pass code on it so I no longer have that either, he says he is working late but the pay checks are not adding up to overtime. Last night he go home after 10 and smell like perfume. I don't know what to do, I have been praying and trusting God but I feel so numb. I need prayer please someone pray for me. "


9 years ago

"Prayers Please"

"I'm getting baptized this Sunday and I can't wait. But I'm very nervous I need lots of prayers so I can follow the foot steps of God "


9 years ago


"It's been a long road, and I am sure it's not over! I am vary excited but scared because my husband finally said he wanted to try a church! I am just scared that when we walk into this new place that it could turn him away! I just pray that what the preacher will say will speak to our family and lead us to a new support family! We are not perfect. We are tired of being looked down on and judged. We feel so alone and we are trying so hard to teach our kids what is important in life, God! I know and understand a little but it would great for them to have over kids their age who are going through the same things! "


9 years ago

"Mine & Rob Relationship"

"I am praying that God would bless mine&Rob's relationship and that Rob would start going to church with me and that he will stop drinking,that he would want to spend more time with my daughter Cassie and I,and that he would love Cassie as his own and that Cassie would love him in return!!!"


9 years ago

"Please Pray"

"Please pray for a good night a work. Please pray that we will be loving to people. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Wholeness"

"I am going through a relational change and I pray that it will go well for us. Pray that I may be guided and be made whole inside. Pray for my physical and emotional healing as well. Thank you so much... In JESUS' name. God bless all. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Augustine My Boyfriend To Treat Me Well"

"Dearest brother and sisters in Christ, my boyfriend is a really lovely person who loves helping and caring for others but he sets me aside and doesn't spend more time with me not take me out or like talking our issues through. Please pray for him not to say cold harsh words to me and pray he stops staying The church. He has his own place . Thanks "


9 years ago


"Dear Lord, I pray that I will get called to transfer to the Dallas PDC Chrysler Plant soon if it's your willing ... In Jesus Name , Amen "


9 years ago

"Dealing With Parents"

"God please help me to deal with my mom and dad and to help take care of them the best I can without feeling bitter and taken advantage of. They help me financially but emotionally and spiritually they are putting me in a terrible place and stealing my peace! Please help me make healthily boundaries so I won't have to feel this way. My mother is so negative about things that is gets to me being around her all day.. Help me to block out the negative thoughts and words she says to me that make me feel so inadequate. I'm trying my best to make them happy because they are old and disabled and I wasn't our last years to be good not constant strife!"


9 years ago

"Prayers To Heal Dave"

"My father Dave has cancer. Please pray for his healing. "


9 years ago

"Tick Tock"

"I can't see the wisdom in God's plan. All I see is madness. As my own faith continues to die, I watch the whole world fall with me. After 10 years of unanswered prayers, even after my threat to renounce my faith by year's end, he continues to give me the opposite of what I want. And now I fear something is about to happen that will add a whole new dimension to my torment."


Terry, MS
9 years ago

"New Church Home"

"Lord, You know my parents and I are looking for a new church. I just pray that you gird us with your guidance and wisdom as you direct us to our new church home(s). Show us where you want us to worship you and help us to feel at home. Amen"


Terry, MS
9 years ago


"God, I've really begun to hate myself. I know I am made in your image, therefore, it is definitely a sin to hate myself. I need help, though. I don't recognize the person I've become. She is grouchy, stubborn, hateful, lazy, overweight, lacks motivation, and I could go on and on. God, you're the only one who can change my perspective and help me to become the woman of God you want me to be. I don't know where to start or what to do, but I pray for your strength, guidance, and will power in this journey. Show me what you want me to do soon, Lord, and help me to find the peace only you offer inside myself. Amen"


Terry, MS
9 years ago

"New Bible Study"

"I've started The Armor of God Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer this week. The study includes myself and a few friends. Lord, please help each of us to recognize your gifts for what they are. Help the invisible battle come to light, so we can more readily fight the evil one whose mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. Please strengthen my prayer life, and help me draw closer to you. "


9 years ago

"Granny Goose"

"Jen kaona grandma in hospital. Pray for early release and complete healing."


9 years ago

"Keep Praying For Husband/Marriage"

"My husband came to visit the baby last night. It's so awkward and weird to see him. I don't know how to act around him. He's so cold and hateful, even when he's just saying "do I have any mail?" I'm doing my best to be kind and loving, without letting him manipulate me. (He's trying.) There is so much anger and resentment and fear in him. I hate seeing him like this, but I know I can't fix or save him. I've given him and our marriage to God. And I'm trying so hard to have faith. I still love him so much and all I want is for him to see the truth and reality of the situation and recognize that he has made a series of very poor choices, get himself in counseling, and be my husband again. I'm strong and I'm handling it and blah blah blah, but I'm miserable and my home is incomplete and my heart has a giant hole in it. I miss him so much I can hardly breathe sometimes. I am praying for a miracle in him and in our marriage, even as I have to take legal action to protect myself and my daughter. "


9 years ago

"Gossip Sites"

"I pray that these gossip sites disappear.. that is so Canadianized, that is so LGBT, that is so African Americanized. Amen."


9 years ago

"Phone Call"

"I pray that you get help only a phone call away."


9 years ago


"I pray that good men find good women. Amen."


9 years ago


"I pray that doctors stop harrassing people. Amen."


9 years ago


"I pray that all the angels work together in the world at a common place and with time, as fast and quickly as they could, develop strategies to minimalize the damages, harrassments and hurts in this world. Amen."


9 years ago


"I know the devil personally. I have seen him in physical form. He cannot take pictures because his perceived beauty will fade. Please pray that the Devil finds light and love within the church of God Jesus Christ. Amen."


9 years ago


"I pray for my sister.. because she is lost in the spirit of God. May God be with her always."


9 years ago

"Improvement of Cities"

"I pray that cities get developed so there are public safety in the world."


9 years ago


"I pray that the devils disappear and goodness comes forth then beauty."


9 years ago


"I pray Lord please help me that I no longer have to suffer with self-esteem issues and insecurity in myself. Lord help me be who you want to be and be whole in you. Please pray with me that i overcome and depression and rejection I have faced and I need joy and hope in my life and heart "


9 years ago

"Family "

"Dear God, Continue to remind me just how blessed I am to have a family. I tend to forget to pray more for my loved ones and I would love to do that more... No matter what obstacles they've faced, I just want them to know they have my support. Amen"


9 years ago

"Help Me To Walk In The Love Of The Lord "

"Psalms 31:7-8 I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities; And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: "


New York
9 years ago

"New Job"

"I will be starting a new job in the morning. I Pray that i will do really great.. God is in control.... God bless you all"


9 years ago

"Please Pray For College Art Class Rooms "

"Art class is not a very uplifting place and I really want that to change. I ask for prayers that God will fill art class with love and joy and that He will lift everyone's spirits. "


9 years ago


"I pray that you give me the patience I need to be understanding and patient with my son's father. I want to live together and be in a loving relationship. Please bring my sons father closer to us and help him realize that nothing is better than having our little family together.👪"


9 years ago

"Pistol pete"

"He's fixing to have emergency surgery for a heart cath and is in desperate need of your prayers"


9 years ago

"Strength "

"I pray for God give me strength in my heart to the stop the worry and stress. I should not fear of changes in my life and think positive about it. "


9 years ago

"Prayer for Healing"

"Please pray for my healing emotionally and physically. I hope I will not give up on my path despite any setbacks. Thank you in advance. God bless."


North Carolina
9 years ago

"Still IN Pain"

"As you know, I prayed I've been having symptoms of a headache or migraine well currently I'm still having these terrible sharp pain symptoms. I, still need all of y'all's prayers praying I'm get better soon. Today is Day 5 of this awful pain and I really hope it goes away before this gets out of hand. Thanks so much! "


9 years ago

"My relationship With Humberto"

"Dear god I ask that you give me patience in dealing with Humberto. I ask that you provide us both with the tools we need to make our relationship work. I want to be in a loving and trusting relationship. I want to get married to him and be content in our relationship. May we always have trust, love and compassion for each other. Bring us together forever in the hopes to make you proud of the loving family we will become. I love and thank you for all of my blessings!"


9 years ago


"1 Corinthians states that love is patient, love is kind, love is basically one of the greatest creations by God and he blesses us all with one person that we will spend the rest of our lives with. One person that we are a perfect match with and belong with. Well what if some of us have different people than what we expected? Can we still be considered the same in love and in Gods eyes? "


9 years ago

"Confidence "

"Dear lord, my Heavenly Father. I pray they you grant me confidence in my public speech tomorrow. in your name we pray... Amen"


9 years ago

"My Prayer"

"Psalms 61:2-4 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah."


9 years ago

""pistol Pete""

""Pistol Pete" as we call him is a two year old little boy fighting for his life as he has just gone through an open heart surgery for the rare disease Heterotaxy and I pray that he can pull through and that no matter what happens we remember that it's in Gods hands."


9 years ago

"Help Save Souls"

"Hi,my name is Daelyn. I'm 14 years old and my family and I are missionaries to Bangladesh. My dad has read about using the Quran against Muslims. In it Jesus is mentioned 25 times and Mohamed only 5. It has a lot of good to say about Jesus and states the Mohamed sinned and was only another prophet. Things like that my dad will show them and so we need prayer that they will accept it. Though the Quran has good stuff in it,it is still not a book of God so we want them to realize that too. Thank you..."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Left Eye"

"Please let the ER restore my daughter's vision. Amen."


9 years ago

"Holding On "

"I am numb but trying to hold on. I know that God is a ever present in the time of need and I need Him desperately. I was told that I am unlovable that God couldn't even love me that there is no hope for me. But isn't God the hope for the hopeless? "


9 years ago


"Please Lord I ask for your help that you can help me though these ruff times! I knew where my heart used to be, but I have lost my ways! I am struggling vary hard to surrender to you and let you take over for me! I have been praying for you to help me to help my husband to be happy and to let you in his heart! I have been trying to get our family back into a church where we can grow and to help our children so they can learned to know and understand you! I just pray we can get back into church where we may find someone who can help our family so we may grow together and not far apart! Amen "


North Carolina
9 years ago

"In pain... "

"Hello, I'm praying that I'm get better. For the past 4 days now, I've been experiencing sharp pain, I'm thinking I'm having migraine symptoms and they are increasing more and more everyday. I, come home from work with pain and I'm just ready to be laying in bed, with the door closed and the room dark. For the first day I laid in bed with so much pain I cried and put a pillow and blanket over my head. I've taken 3 over the counter medication, nothing's been working. I've tried laying down, sleeping, relaxing, everything and nothing seems to work. I'm getting plenty of rest but my head just is giving me very high pressure. Tonight, I tried a cup of mint tea and and a warm & cool wash cloth. And, nothing! So, please pray with me I'm get better and hopefully I don't have to end up going to the ER or urgent care over this. And, if you have any recommendations; I'll be gladly to accept them. Thank you all so much. God Bless! 💗"


9 years ago


"I am at the lowest point that I have ever been in my life, I don't even feel like God could love me, I don't even feel like living please pray "


9 years ago


"Please pray for total healing in my life. Physical, spiritual, emotional, mental and financial. Lord take the pain away. Take stress and anxiety away. Take away shame, loneliness. Restore the joy and peace. Lord help me to trust You with all my heart, soul, body and mind. I need You Lord. I can't do this on my own. Help me Lord Jesus!!"


Houston Texas ,United States
9 years ago

"Money Probloms "

"My Heavenly Father I ask that u will help me in many ways help me n my husband provide for our family we been going through a rough months this year only you can help us amen "


9 years ago

"Thank You, Lord, for Everything"

""I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1-2"


9 years ago


"Lord, please provide for us to get our car fixed or to get a new one. "


9 years ago

"Family Going Through A Lot "

"My grandfather's funeral is tomorrow. The family is doing ok - we know he didn't suffer, he had a long and full life, and now he is with God and my grandmother. Still, the service will be hard. Please pray for my family as we lean on each other and lean on God during this time. When I get home from the funeral, I'll have to start looking for a new car, since mine was totaled in the accident on Monday. And my husband informed me last night that his car has died. I wish the car had waited until after divorce had been filed; it complicates things for us both to have car issues at this point. I don't even know how to pray about this - being car-less might help him to realize what a mess he's made of his life, but it will also likely lead to him spending money he doesn't have and only making our problems worse. And I still have to figure out what to do about the divorce. I still don't want it, but my husband refuses to acknowledge that other options even exist. Please pray that God will open his eyes and lead him to the help he needs, and that God will restore our marriage. "


Houston Texas ,United States
9 years ago

"Prayer For My Husband "

"I would like to pray for my husband to get close to God and to get close to our kids "


9 years ago

"Pre-Nursing Exam"

"Lord Jesus, I am very anxious at the moment. Please help me take my worries away as I think about my test tomorrow to get in the nursing program. I worship you oh lord God. I know you are with me throughout this journey. I surrender you myself as I trust you to make the person you have planned for me to be. I love you with all my heart dear father. In the name of holy spirit. Amen"


North Carolina
9 years ago

"9/11 (14 Years tomorrow) "

"Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11. I was only 5 when this terrible day happened but I pray really hard that tomorrow everybody will be safe and hopefully this world and country will be safe and don't cause another terrorist attack. I, pray for the families and friends of the ones that lost loved ones and personal friends/family members on that terrible day. Gone but never forgotten. That day will forever mark history in our thoughts, prayers and in our hearts. "


North Carolina
9 years ago

"College Application"

"I'm praying that I get accepted into a college in Missouri. It's called College of the Ozarks. It's a free tuition college, that's a hands on training and educational school that teaches students how to work in the work environment and teaches students hard work ethnic with over 100 hands on jobs, and over 200 college majors/degrees. It's also a school that is into faith and spirit. I, applied last Sunday. I ask for you're prayers and thoughts for me to get an acceptance letter. Thank you! God Bless!"


9 years ago


"As your word tells me, help me remember to stop and give you all my anxieties and aggravations today so I may have the peace you want for me. I praise and thank you Lord! Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7) Psalm 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in thee" I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. - Psalm 131:2"


9 years ago

"Airplain Flights"

"Please pray for me and mom too have a safe flight home from Hawaii"


9 years ago

"Spiritual Blessings For My husband"

"Lord, i pray for my husband. Every time i talked to him about spiritual blessings he is ignoring me. I found him not interested at all. Help me to understand him God and show me how to deal with his immaturity about this topic. He is very addicted to a non-sense tv shows and online social networks. Lord I entrust everything to you, I'm not gonna nag him as it will start an unhealthy conversation between us. I can't change him but with you everything will vow down and possible! All this i asked thru Christ your son. Amen"


9 years ago

"Sell Of Home"

"Father God I pray in the name of Jesus that we sell our home quickly. Send us a honest and dedicated buyer. As you do so Lord provide the way so that we can purchase the home of our dream. Give us the financial means and guidance to pick the home according to your will. In Jesus name I pray amen "


9 years ago

"Brother-in-law Job Stability"

"God thank you for everything you have done to my brother in law and for giving us blessings in order to help him stand, now we pray that You continue to bless him including his employer in terms of the work environment, his visa, his salary it wont be delayed, we pray that You will touch his employer's heart to do his duty as a good employer and we believe Lord God that in You nothing is impossible. All this we asked through Christ Your only begotten son. Amen"


9 years ago

"Prayers Please"

"I don't usually do this but I'm requesting lots of prayers for my daughter right now. I know you are close to God and tight now she needs lots of prayer for strength, courage and faith. Thanks a million Kelly I promise I'll be up there to get the boxes. "


9 years ago


"Please pray! I got really sick!"


9 years ago

"Newcomber "

"I'm new to this app and looking forward to sharing prayer with others ! "


9 years ago

"I'll Be Pregnant"

"Please help us pray, we are longing to have a child in God's will. That He may give us more patience to understand what is His purpose to us being a couple. Please help us pray to reveal His purpose to us. Thank you brothers and sisters."


9 years ago

"When It Rains, It Pours"

"So my husband left me and our three-month-old baby five weeks ago, and has since spiraled and completely become a different person due to mental health issues he refuses to acknowledge - this is a situation I've posted requests about before. Now, in the last 24 hours, life has only gotten more complicated. I was hit by a hit and run driver as part of a massive multi-car accident yesterday - baby and I are fine, but the car is totaled. Then we got the call this morning that my grandfather died. So please keep praying for my husband, and for the restoration of his faith, his mental health, and our marriage. And now also please pray for my daughter and me as we figure out the car accident stuff, travel to and from my grandfather's funeral, and deal with the anger of my husband as he views all of this as me keeping the baby away from him. And please pray for my parents - they're going to need emotional and physical and financial strength to get through their daughter's husband abandoning her, their daughter and granddaughter being in a major car accident, their father/father-in-law dying, and then having to travel across country with their barely-holding-it-together daughter and an infant. "


9 years ago

"Mom's Back/health"

"Dear most gracious Heavenly Father, please help my mother. Her back is hurting her really bad. So bad she can barely move. Please help her get her disability so we can get back on our feet financially. "


9 years ago

"Trying To Quit Smoking For Good"

"I've been trying to stop smoking for good for over a year now. I have made it 30 days without smoking at all and then allow stress to fall back into it again. I have quit before for 6yrs. So I know it can be done, it is definitely harder the next time around!!! Father God, help me to turn to you instead of cigarettes when I'm stressed and leave this addiction behind me for good. In Jesus name, Amen."


9 years ago


"Pray that my brother is healed from cancer. This will be the third time HE BEAT IT. my brother is VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST JESUS. I Believe in the POWER OF PRAYER. God answered many, countless prayers. "


9 years ago

"Pray For Healing"

"Please pray for Belinda mom. Ovarian cancer. In Jesus Name. Amen "


New York
9 years ago


"My best friend has a cervical cyst. It might not be life threatening but i am really praying that my Mighty Healer will deliver my best friend from the pain .. To God be the glory. "


New York
9 years ago


"Healing is needed"


9 years ago

"Attending Church Again"

"God, I want to begin attending church again. My son has behavior problems that have stopped me from going. He gets in trouble in kids church and is so disruptive when I take him to main service with me. We have also been struggling financially and the thought of tithing is also a setback for me. We used to tithe faithfully when our finances were not a struggle. "


9 years ago

"Marriage "

"Father God please heal my marriage and keep my family together. I want to have a joyful and genuine relationship with my husband. We have been married 11yrs and have two young children. We are both believers and I know you are the answer to every problem! "


9 years ago

"Paula Glioblastoma and Health "

"Praying that Paula would be healed of the glioblastoma, stroke, and back injury, and would be restored to full health in this earth, in Jesus name. "


9 years ago

"James Clubb"

"Pray for protection and spiritual and emotional strength to deal with prison life. Pray for peace and for his relationship with God to strengthen. Pray that the presence of God on him would become so strong that everyone around him gets blessed. Pray for a miracle to happen that will cause him to get released soon. "


9 years ago

"Father Daughter "

"Please pray for my lack of relationship with my father. We barely speak and when we do he doesn't listen to me and the conversation is solely based on what he wants to talk about only. "


9 years ago


"Please pray for my daughter salvation . She is struggling with choosing a right path. Pray for God's spirit to convict her and give her life to Christ. "


9 years ago

"Dicipline For Of Children"

"God help me and Chris discipline and teach our children control and limits help us be strong and agree as one even when it gets hard. We are so weak but we love our kids so they need us to discipline then so they will have a better control of their lives! "


9 years ago

"Intimate Emotional Relationship"

"What to be on same level and honest and open no fear"


9 years ago

"Uncle Kevin "

"Pray surgery goes well and defeat the cancer completely and permanently"


9 years ago

"Jakes Medication And Diagnosis"

"Please help us find right medication and dosage for Jakes meds that don't make him feel bad and help him control ADHD symptoms. Help us to deal with negative effects from this process and help me and Chris be a team about it."


9 years ago

"Pray For My Husband"

"I have to get divorce proceedings moving forward, for a variety of reasons, but I don't want to have to go through with it. Please pray that my husband will see reality clearly, and that his mind will no longer be clouded. Pray that he will realize what is going on and be willing to get the help he needs. Pray that he will come back to God and our marriage will be restored, and better than ever. I love this man so much more than I could ever explain, and it's killing me to see him so confused and hurting and angry and unable to see the real source of it all. The only thing I can do is pray, and do what I have to for the sake of our daughter while I wait for God to heal my husband's mind and soften his heart. Please, please, please pray. Please, God, do whatever you have to do to heal and save my husband. And please bring him home to us. "


9 years ago

"Peace Of Mind"

"Lord, I pray that you help me to stop over-thinking, and stressing about everything in my life. Give me the strength and peace to quiet my mind and let each moment be without worry or fear or over analyzing. Amen."


9 years ago


"Lord, please I ask your strength as I continue to battle this depression and to help me once again believe in the things that I never would have dreamed questioning before a month ago. I ask you to continue to help me fight for my fiancé and for myself and to bring me back from this great sadness and doubt. Help me to stop over-analyzing what I feel and accept that not every little feeling has a reason behind it. Help me believe again what real love is and that he is my soulmate, the one you have guided me to. Give me that strength to keep up this fight even though I am so very tired, Lord. This I ask. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Heart Broken "

"I've been talking to a girl for about 4 months now who has been through a lot. When I mean a lot I mean she was cheated on countless times from her baby's father while pregnant and tried leaving but couldn't because of the Baby and she finally did. Moved back with her parents and is now trying to get her GED and start college. She had certain things happen to her as a kid that should never have happen to someone as well so her whole life has been hard. It took awhile for her to open up to me but she did. She's young about 20 and has a 3 year old girl. We really grew fond of each other, text everyday, called everyday and stayed on the phone every night and always talked about everything including our families. We always told each other how much we like each other and how we both never thought we would ever be able to talk like we have. Ive known that she has a kid and would ask me if I cared and I told her I didn't because I truly care about her and her daughter. She's talked to other guys before me but stopped because they didn't accept her daughter. Last 3 weeks she doesn't seem to want to see me, we live an hour away and just keeps pushing me away but when I do start to drift off she pulls me back in. She still tells me she likes me but it's just not the same almost as if she's scared. She's never mistreated me, she always did and said things that surprised me and paid attention to every little thing I did that I was insecure about but that she liked. I've never had a girl care about me like she has. I've been praying to God that everything works out and he takes me into the right path but sometimes it hurts because I just can't seem to walk away even tho she wants me to sometimes with her remarks. I truly feel in my heart I met her for a reason. I want to be that person that cares for her. I know there's more important things on here that deserve more prayers than this. I just have a gut feeling that this isn't just her not liking me because I've had past girls not workout and have been used before as a rebound. This just seems different to me and I guess I'm just scared that I'll never see or talk to her again. "


9 years ago

"My 16 Year Old Son Shane"

"Orange County California God bring my son some good Christian friends. People he can do life with, confide in, a safe place to be encouraged and supported and prayed for through these teen years. He has been through much heartache and many trials even in his short life experience. Use it to make him stronger, to rely on you, to draw closer to you and rest in you. Bless him with your love, hope, peace, and perseverance. Make him a fighter a warrior in Gods Army front lines. Give him everything he needs to fight the good fight. Give him new Godly desires and to put off what hinders him or keeps him from a close relationship with you. Give him freedom from depression and anxiety. Protect his heart and mind. Heal those parts that have been broken and make them new. Help him to desire and to want to walk in your ways. Bring him Godly partners on his journey. Keep him from evil and unhealthy relationships. Block girls from his life that are dysfunctional and unhealthy and toxic. Bless him with godly girls in his life. Now and always in Jesus name I pray! Amen"


9 years ago

"Divorce Options"

"Met with a lawyer this morning and discussed options. I am struggling to know what is best for my baby, when I don't trust my husband with her, but don't know if I have enough to convince a judge to feel the same. Is it worth fighting a terrible battle I could lose, when losing means he'd still able to have her overnight and also hate me for the things I said in court? Or is it better to not battle, and leave us able to co-parent without the anger and animosity? I want him to agree to get counseling for himself, and have that be a stipulation of visitation, but I doubt he'll agree to it. If he would agree, the battle would be avoided. Please pray that he'll agree to the terms I want, that he'll get the help he needs, that my baby will be safe, and that I'll have the strength to see through his manipulation attempts and stand firm in what I need to protect my child. "


9 years ago

"Trying Again"

"Please bless me with this dispatcher position. Help me to focus more on my business and shine your favor on it that I make my first of many deals. Bless me to do well in school this semester. Please take what was meant to harm me into something good."


9 years ago

"helens lost soul"

"please pray for my wife Helen who has lost her faith and is being led astray by people who are doing work of the enemy she is being encouraged to drink,smoke and cheat on me. she says our marriage is over after 21 years and even though she is born again has lost her faith. so please pray that she will put trust in The Lord again and will want to give our marriage another chance in Jesus Name x "


9 years ago

"Dealing With Mom"

"Lord, please please, I need great wisdom and patience in dealing with mom. Please intervene, Lord. You know how it is. What else can I say? Help!"


9 years ago

"Travis Kidney Transplant"

"Pray for Travis to not be afraid. For his body to be healthy and strong for surgery and accepting new kidney. Pray for the doctors to find a perfect donor for Travis. For the family to stand in faith and strength together and have all the courage, energy and help they need through this process. "


9 years ago


"Dear God 5 years ago I was a confident, outgoing, fun and ambitious young lady, I loved reaching my goals I was focused, I got excited about new things and always put 100% into everything. I am now 24 and for a very long time I have felt extremely lost, confused and worried about EVERYTHING! It's emotionally draining, I feel like I'm walking around with a rucksack of bring bricks on my back. Some days are better than some but overall I just feel like a failure I've been out of work for 4-5 years, so I don't have any money to do most things, I live at home in not a very happy home as my dad is verbally and physically abusive and my mum hasn't found the strength to leave or kick him out yet for the sake of our happiness. I've lost a vast amount of my friends, I'm not good at keep relationships which upsets me too, as soon as someone does something bad I completely remove myself from them or I let it pile up into anger and then explode, and that isn't healthy. I often lie to sound more instresting so people will like me, or even lie for them to pitty me or feel sorry for me - and honestly that's just disgusting. Because my situation is real I just fabricate it. I think I do this because I just want someone to listen and help. I'm easily board or distracted I can't focus on one thing, my mind is extremely busy because I'm always thinking of a way out. I never enjoy the moment. I go on social media platforms and it just seems like everyone is just doing better than me, and it hurts so bad. I just want a sign, something to help me get back to how I was...get back on track and start doing things I love. If I can't help myself I can't help my family and I just want to help my mum and of course myself, and be a inspiration to my little brother. In Jesus name I pray. "


9 years ago

"Lord I Need Your Guidance"

"Lord, I need your guidance and strength. For the past month and a half, I have been battling depression stemming from messing up my medication. It has made me question everything including my love for the man I am marrying in two months and whether or not I am a good person who eve deserves love. I know truly that he is my soulmate and that he is the one you have led me to. He is a good, caring, wonderful man who has held me every day as I sobbed about how tired I am from fighting this battle everyday with the voices in my mind. I know that I don't want to live without him. I want to spend my life with him as his wife. I ask, Lord, that you give me the strength to continue in this fight and find my way back to him, to myself, to our love and to you. And to not lose it again. Please, Lord. "


9 years ago




Conroe, Texas
9 years ago


"Dear Lord Please help me find something I can do to make ends meet. I honestly feel like I've been hitting a brick wall. I have been trying to think of anything and everything to pay bills and do what I need for my family. Please Lord just show me a sign. Amen"


Orange Park
9 years ago

"Prayer For Protection🙏🏾"

"Please pray for my family and I throughout out daily struggles and to make sure that we're safe and taken care."


General Santos City
9 years ago


"Pray for God's will. Pray for my ex- boyfriend success. No hatred and pray his career and mold him into a wonderful man he can be. Prayer for comfort and deliverance for each other. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For All These Prayers"

"Heavenly Father, I pray that you hear the prayers of everyone using this prayer platform. Plug them into the Holy Spirit. Get them some comfort from someone who can give them a hug and pray over them. There are so many words of desperation! Please Lord, comfort us, give us patience to wait on you, then deliver on your promises as these individuals claim them. I pray these things in Jesus Christ's name."


Orange Park
9 years ago

"Prayer For Academics"

"Prayer for my protection during school and prayer for an open mind while I do classwork and homework. Prayer for my friends and family for support"


9 years ago


"Please pray so for my health, I have diabetis and I want this to get out of my life, please include also for financial blessings to support my medication in this disease and emotional health to overcome my situation "


9 years ago

"Divorce Hearing"

"The hearing is this morning. Typically men are the ones who over the years have paid spousal support so are used to it. The judge can either accept or reject this matter in his court. I thank God for the knowledge and intervention of my attorney and the court. I thank God and pray that He be with this judge so that he has the wisdom to see beyond what my spouse is stating and permanently denies the support and the order to divide the community property less his personal items that he asked me to hold onto. I lift this up to prayer warriors to be with me today and to accept what God has in store. How did it come to this.....? After I lost my home to foreclosure my spouse & I mutually agreed and separated in 2014. When the separation occurred we separated community & personal property. Rather than use his electrical engineering degree to earn a living he chose an MLM which so far, earns him an alleged $217 per month. He has numerous investments and owns a condo in Orange County, California. Because of California laws, the spouse who earns the higher wage, pays the lessor. Therefore as the wife I currently earn the higher wage. I support two people, I have a son I'm trying to help through college, a 93 year old mother who is now on borrowed time that I want to bring home for her last days. I have college loans, marital bills that he refused to help pay and known and unknown medical expenses from a fall that resulted in a traumatic brain injury. I am recovering from a fracture to my foot from another fall because I am less steady. I am living check to check and in a rental. My spouse now over a year since our separation has stated mistruths claiming that we never split anything and now wants half of the remaining community property and $4,000 per month for 3 1/2 years spousal support. I cannot afford this and will not have the ability to care for my mom or help my son. These statements are not true. He told me to hold onto items he could fit into his rented apartment. Because we have no children or own joint property, we agreed to no lawyers. He told me that he would do this if I ever left him. I didn't think he was serious. "


9 years ago

"Save My Relationship"

"Please someone help. I have been dating a man for almost a year off and on. I am in love with him. I knew it from day one. Now his parents want him to move to Florida and they are using their money as a tool to control him. He is 41 and I am 36. I cannot lose him. I need a blessing. I need a miracle. I do love this man. He has health issues and is immature and that I am more than willing to help him with. He is making a huge mistake. I want to be with him forever. I've never wanted something so bad in my life. Please someone help me. This is a emergency. Once he leaves I will never see him again. I want a chance to save us. Please please someone help us. I need a miracle. "


South Miami
9 years ago

"My Youtube Channel"

"I started a YouTube channel about two years ago, it's been hard getting people to subscribe to it. I want to show people on there how you can be a Women of God and still look fabulous. How you can be a wife and a mother of six on the go and still keep yourself together while trusting in God. I want people to know that I'm a firm believer in Christ but I love makeup, and how there is nothing wrong with that. My YouTube channel is called Divine Beauty. I'm not giving up I'm just getting frustrated. Lord I'm trusting in you to help me with this. I'm standing on your word and I know with out a shadow of a doubt that by this time next month I will be at 1,000 and counting subscribers. I Jesus name Amen."


9 years ago


"My fiancée is bad sick headed to er "


9 years ago

"Dramatic Change In Husband"

"It has become increasingly clear that my husband is not well. His anger and accusations and bizarre perceptions have continued to get worse, and he does not see it at all. It has become apparent that I need to take legal action for the sake of my daughter. Please pray for safety for me and the baby and for financial provision as we begin this process. And please continue to pray for my husband, I truly want to see him saved and getting the help he needs. "


9 years ago


"I'm a 17 year old girl, I find i deal with a lot of Anxiety and when I wake up in the morning it's hard to get out of bed, I have anxiety over feeling I need to do more but don't have the motivation, I have anxiety over friends and my acne and white spots on my teeth from braces my 15 lbs I can't lose. When I go out I come home feeling like I should have done and said everything different. I can't stop thinking about it and it will hurt. I worry what other people think of me. I know I shouldn't, I know the right ways but I'm feeling the wrong. I feel like I need a whole bunch of answers, I feel hurt. I'm confused. I don't like talking to my friends about it because I'll seem weak, no one understands I don't want people thinking I'm having a putty party, sometimes I ask myself if these feeling are real? Can someone relate? Or have any answers? Thank you! "


9 years ago

"Anxiety "

"I'm a 17 year old girl, I find i deal with a lot of Anxiety and when I wake up in the morning it's hard to get out of bed, I have anxiety over feeling I need to do more but don't have the motivation, I have anxiety over friends and my acne and white spots on my teeth from braces my 15 lbs I can't lose. When I go out I come home feeling like I should have done and said everything different. I can't stop thinking about it and it will hurt. I worry what other people think of me. I know I shouldn't, I know the right ways but I'm feeling the wrong. I feel like I need a whole bunch of answers, I feel hurt. I'm confused. I don't like talking to my friends about it because I'll seem weak, no one understands I don't want people thinking I'm having a putty party, sometimes I ask myself if these feeling are real? Can someone relate? Or have any answers? Thank you! "


9 years ago

"Prayers For Husband"

"That his dark cloud lifts. That is mental faculties are healed so he can use his spiritual ones again. That he can have faith in God to heal him so he can be a spiritual leader, good husband and father. So he can get out if the rut he is in, and the one he's got our family in."


9 years ago

"First Day"

"Need prayers tonight, first night of my job."


9 years ago

"New Job"

"Please guide me to a less stressful job. "


9 years ago

"Marriage "

"Prayer for my marriage ! My husband and I had left each other before we got marry and he got with another person well that woman fell hard for him to the point she got bossed with him. He left her after a month of dating her n we got back together in that proves she stop taking her birth controls to get pregnant and try to keep him and she did she end up pregnant. We got marry and she made our life a living hell. She would stalk me also did witchcraft on us. Recently the baby was born and he wanted to be with there for the baby but she has threading him with running away with the baby if he would get her a place for them so he was scare and he did he got an apartment for his son to have but he stayed there and he is living a miserable life, he doesn't smile he calls me everyday telling me how unhappy he is, and how afraid he is of her taking his week old baby it's his first baby and doesn't want him away from him because of someone being selfish. I pray everyday for my marriage and I believe God will get him out of that situation I know the devil is attacking me through him but I won't let him break me my lord is bigger. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless u"


9 years ago

"Marriage May Be Ending"

"My husband is still saying he wants a divorce, and seems to be growing more resentful of my requests for time. It's only been three and a half weeks since he left, and I don't want to make major decisions about custody and whatnot in an emotional state, but he is only getting angrier. I may have to move forward whether I want to or not in order to protect myself and my daughter from whatever he is going through right now. I pray that his eyes will be opened to the truth of his choices, that he will get the professional mental help he needs, and that he will turn back to God. I pray that, if we divorce, it will go smoothly for our daughter's sake. I pray that our daughter will be shielded from the worst parts of all of this. And I pray that God will give me a peace about what action I should take and about my future without the man I love."


9 years ago


"My husband and I let a friend stay over for a few days, it has been 3 months we pray that she finds the way to get her apartment. "


9 years ago

"My Class."

"Lord give me patience with one of my classes. Give them understanding. I pray that each and everyone will see my purpose in their life and how much this subject can affect their life. I find myself frustrated with this class and before I begin to hold resentment towards them I want to put it in gods hands. Keep them in good health and good spirit. I ask this in your name. "


9 years ago


"I want to ask for prayer that my boyfriend be open minded to Christianity. He was raised Catholic but is now a self-proclaimed atheist. He's never experienced God in the ways that I have and the ways that I have seen God do great things. He's never had an opportunity to experience the power of Jesus and I just pray that he be open minded to Christianity. I want more than anything for him to be saved and join me in my walk with Christ. "


9 years ago

"Jim's Health"

"Lord, I pray that you would keep my husband healthy and that he would eat a healthy diet and exercise. Please keep his heart healthy from now on and may he never experience a heart attack! Help me to live in the present and appreciate every moment I have with him. Help me to be the kind of wife he needs. Please allow him to be with me for many years to come."


9 years ago


"God, I pray that you would give me a passion and help me to take delight in what I do. I pray that God would allow me to participate and use my talents… In community theater, in ministry, and elsewhere."


9 years ago

"My Health"

"God, I pray for healing and ability to cope with anxiety, depression, general unwellness. Dizziness. I pray that the issues with my voice and swallowing would be cleared up. Lord help my heart rate to stabilize. Keep me and the rest of the family from getting viruses that may be going around. "


9 years ago


"Lord I pray for a good day and week, this is going to be a busy one and I will need you every step of the way."


9 years ago

"Worried About Husband"

"Still separated. I still love him and want to be married. But after talking to two professionals about the situation, I'm incredibly worried about him - and his leaving may be part of God protecting our daughter. The people I talked to are both thinking my husband is showing signs of being on the verge of an actual nervous breakdown or psychotic break, and might need inpatient care. I want him to see a counselor for himself, even if he still refuses marriage counseling, but he doesn't see that there's a problem - he's "just stressed." Please pray that he will be physically safe and that he will get mental health care, willingly or not. And please continue to pray that he'll turn back to God and to our marriage. "


9 years ago

"Sick Mother In Law"

"Prayer for my mother in law who had heart attack. Lord may she regain strength & wellness to be able to see his grandson soon in Jesus name."


9 years ago


"#ATM Bible study!❤️ Thank you, Lord for everything."


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago

"Guidance and Direction"

"Dear Lord, I am lost. You know what I should do. Please direct me. Amen"


9 years ago

"Husband Running From God"

"As our separation continues, it has become clear that my husband has some serious things going on that he needs counseling for. He is still refusing; I am getting counseling for myself regardless of what he does or what happens with the marriage. His reasons for leaving all sound so weak, like they're excuses, and like there's something else going on that even he doesn't realize. It truly seems like he's running from God. Please pray for him, pray for our marriage, and pray for me and our baby. "


9 years ago

"Patience "

"I am praying for patience, to know what I can change and what I cannot. I pray that this migraine headache will subside. That my sister will have a good first day at her school tomorrow, and that I will have a better day tomorrow than I did today at work. The safety of my friends and family."


9 years ago

"Pray For Peace"

"My daughter is extremely shy, and she is starting a new job today. Please pray that she has peace, and courage and strength, and will rely on God to help her adjust to change. "


9 years ago

"MCAT Scores"

"Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me another day to be better and serve for you. I want to also thank you for giving me countless blessings and I'm sorry for taking so many for granted. You have me everything I need and I know everything is because of your loyalty to me. You gave me the Janice to take the MCAT to pursue my dream of becoming a physician and today Aug. 18th 2015 I will get my scores back. I know you have a plan for me and trust you with all my mind, heart, and soul. Your know the desires of my heart and my passion to make this happen however I understand that you know when it's the right time for me. I just ask that you help me relax and remain calm while I wait all day to get my score. Most importantly, to continue to trust in you. Thank you again for all you do for me and I know I haven't been completely faithful to you and for that I apologize. I will continue to better myself and get more in your word. I realize the everything happens because of you and I can't thank you enough. Right now I ask for strength and I continue to watch you do amazing work on me and everyone and everything in this world. I ask this in your holy precious name Amen"


9 years ago


"Please pray for my surgery that will be held on Monday. It will be a simple day surgery, so no worrying!! I can do this!!! 👍🏽"


9 years ago

"Jenni's Girls Custody"

"Hello everyone, I would like to ask for prayer for my friend who lost her daughters Custody, her ex husband has a better paying job, but he is a violent man who is also an alcoholic, My friend has recently accepted the Lord in her life. "


9 years ago

" Financial Prayers"

"Please pray my ex husband will start to pay his child support. I'm having a hard time supporting our 3 kids all on my own and paying all the bills on my own, All these things I pray in Jesus name Amen"


9 years ago

"My Sister In Law Has Quit Praying"

"My sister in law and her husband just got saved a few months ago. He broke his neck and because God saved him he decided to give his life to Christ. Just this week he was locked up for a dwi and as of right now they are planning a divorce. 😓 and now my sister in law said she's walking away from God and has quit praying. That she's living in hell might as well spend eternity there 😔😓😔 please pray for her she's been sifted like wheat. And pray for Clint as well they both need true deliverance "


9 years ago


"Today's the day, need prayers as it is my first day at my new job. "


9 years ago


"I am having severe anxiety tonight, really worried and don't know why. Praying for a peace to come over me."


9 years ago

"Prayer For My Sister"

"I am the youngest of 3 sisters. We may have our differences but we love each other just the same. I am currently located in Hawaii and will be getting married this October. My eldest sister is residing back in the Philippines. She will have her 2nd VISA re application interview this coming Tuesday and we are requesting all prayer warriors to join me to lift up my sister in prayer to be able to get a visa to go up here for my wedding. She did try last month but she got denied for a visa. My heart broke into pieces. Now with all of her supporting documents we are hoping that she can accompany our parents to go here-- my mom on her late 70's and dad is early 80's. My heart goes out to her. She is my maid of honor and they are my ONLY family that is going up here for the wedding, we have a pretty small family--and I have a plan of having my two sisters dance with me for the father and daughter dance--we are just cherishing the time that we have with our Dad. He is getting old and I want him to be able to have an opportunity to dance with my eldest sister since she didn't have a chance to be married and she is on her mid 40's. Please include her in your prayers. I am getting more and more anxious everyday but of course we have to lift up everything to our Lord bec He has a grand plan. I am praying that my sister will be enveloped with peace and love during the interview. Praying for the consular officer to be able to see way past her being single which is for some is automatic denial. I lift up everything to You Lord, Amen. "


9 years ago

"New Job"

"In need of understanding and peace. I start my new teaching job tomorrow and am very nervous about it. I ask for peace during this transition period. "


9 years ago

"Marriage In Danger"

"I have posted before about my husband leaving (two weeks ago). He is refusing to consider counseling, and is still saying he wants a divorce. I'm already seeing God at work, though! I have had my eyes opened to my contribution to our situation, and I am pursuing therapy for myself even if he does not join me, and even if we do end up divorcing. For now, I am asking him for time. I'm praying hard that we will reconcile, but if we don't, I will need to make some hard choices. I still don't want a divorce, I am still as in love with him as I've ever been, and I still don't know how to do anything but pray right now. "


9 years ago

"Healing Reconciliation "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"My Mom Janis Procedure"

"Please pray for my mom Janis having procedure/surgery done today at 12:30 to remove food lodged in her esophagus and stomach as her scleroderma hardening them and making them not work properly. She is weak, in discomfort and not happy about being in hospital again. "


9 years ago

"Giving Up"

"God please bring my business to pass or help me come to the realization that I need to put this dream to rest. I am growing weary in praying about being successful. Please just help me to get my finances and my life together. I'm tired of being miserable and angry. Please help me to rid my life of people that bring out negativity in me and negative situations in my life. Help me to stop speaking negativity and help me to stop dwelling on negative thoughts."


9 years ago

"Mind Of Christ"

"Dear Lord, I pray for my Son Chris. His Mind ­­- That he will have the mind of Christ and think as the Holy Spirit would lead him and not the flesh. (1 Corinthians 2:16) Amen. Please pray for my son."


Peoria Illinois
9 years ago

"Stan's Injury "

"A tractor rolled over on Stan as he was mowing in his yard. Prayers for complete healing "


Peoria Illinois
9 years ago

"Brooke Schauble "

"Brooke is attempting to get her real estate license the test is difficult and failed in the past. This has broken her confidence. Please help us pray for restore confidence and willingness to keep trying. "


9 years ago

"For Healing"

"Please pray for my co-workers wife, who will be having surgery in the morning of 11 Aug. She has a brain tumor that will require removal. We just ask for all prayer worriers to lift her up in prayer. Her name is Sharon Ricks. In Jesus name Amen."


9 years ago

"Prayers For Omar "

"That the Lord will show Him the truth, life and way to be a real man & not break the heart of my daughter constantly by womanizing. She is expecting her first child. Lord you've taught this man some valuable lessons in the past and if learning the hard way is what it's going to take. Let your will be done. But I know you will work everything out for the good in her life. With or without him. In Jesus Name, Amen. "


9 years ago

"Prayers For My Mom"

"Father, My mom has so many things wrong with her, especially her breathing. Comfort her and bring her health back to where she needs to be. Help her to walk without pain and the need of strong pain medication. Help her to get used to the tubes she needs in her nose to breathe. That she not take it out again. And she will adjust. She's getting old Lord. Give her your love and peace today. She needs you more than anything. In Jesus Name Amen "


9 years ago

"For My Daughter"

"For A Safe And Healthy Pregnancy. May the Lord Keep and watch over them both. Amen"


New Hampshire
9 years ago

"broken family"

"God I ask that you watch out for my older brother, keep him safe in your love and in your arms, I feel as if he is a lost soul still searching for fulfillment, please guide him to what he is missing, please help him with his self confidence and give him the ability to see his blessings and not his short comings or have nots. Please don't let him drift into his own black hole, teach him your love, and help me show him that despite what happens he is truly loved. Help me to learn to show him these things. "


9 years ago

"Salvation "

"Erik Shultz Bryan Shultz Brytanny Vetsch Kiya Schroeder Shayla Schroeder Joseph Ulibarri Annie Oldbear Stephanie Torsch-ng Katie Taylor Lynde Coker Teresa's parents John Alinger Michael Miller Daylin Smith Bradley Hunter Cierra Thomas Vander Schans Becky Campbell Emily Stover Anthony Martinez Adam Engledow Julie Marquez Sarah Harper Michael Mattson Skyler Hogue Thomas Marquez "


9 years ago

"for molly"

"Dear God, heal Molly and keep her well. We love her and don't want to lose her early. Please keep her healthy. Amen"


9 years ago


"Please help me pray to Our God of heaven, to heal our financial . To pay all our debt. Thank you and God bless us all...."


9 years ago

"Losing Hope"

" God please bring some type of life into my business. Im growing tired and discouraged with praying about this I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. Please give me some sign that I should keep this dream alive. Please give me wisdom into what I should I do with my mother and in my relationship. Please help me to lose weight. Please help me to grow my faith in you. Please help me to get rid of negative thoughts and words out of my mouth, people and situations. "


9 years ago


"Jesus please help me to have the drive and passion, along with your blessings and favor, to make my business successful. Help me not to lose motivation or get distracted from my dream. Please help me to make 2015 my most blessed year in business. Please help me to lose weight. Please help me to stop letting negative words come out of my mouth and help me to not let negative thoughts, people, and situations take root in my life. Finally, please help me to grow my faith in you that you will bring these things to pass and help me to stop feeling like my mistakes are keeping me away from the life I'm asking for. I thank you now for the future answer to my prayers. "


New Hampshire
9 years ago

"back into law enforcement"

"God, Please help my husband regain his self confidence as a husband, father, son, and friend. By making the right decisions and upholding other officers to the same standards he was forced out of his last department and has not been back in the profession since, I know there is a reason this happened and a lesson to be learned and that it has been hard on him, he was such a dedicated officer, who upheld standards and did his job by the book and followed the laws, he was a true asset to the profession, with the 2 new opportunities before him I pray and pray and have faith and hope that he will be offered a position at one of them so he can go back to doing what he does best and what he truly wants to continue to do, and loves to do. I want him to be happy. Help him to step outside his shaken confidence and to reach out to the chiefs of the departments so that he becomes more than just a resume or stack of papers but an interested candidate. "


9 years ago

"Get My Life Together"

"God please give me the drive and determination to make my business a success. Please give me favor with everyone that comes across my business. Give me abundant blessings. Help me not to give up or get distracted. Help me to get my priorities in order and focus my energy where it should be. Please help me in losing weight God. Also please help me to stop thinking and speaking negativity and replace it with your word. Help me to stay out of negative situations and away from negative people. I really need your help in getting my life in order. I'm thanking you now for these blessings. Please help me to grow my faith in you that you will bring the breaks that I need to accomplish this prayer"


9 years ago


"My sister is driving us home from a long road trip. She is tired and is nervous because it's dark. Lord please calm her heart and mind so that we can get back safely. Wrap you hands around us as we continue to travel. Amen"


9 years ago

"Financial Help "

"Lord, I am grateful for everything that you've given me and I know that you will take care of everything. I'm asking for a financial blessing to take care of some debt. In Jesus name, amen"


9 years ago

"Prayer For All The People Using My prayers"

"Oh Merciful and ever loving God , we turn to each other when things go right and mostly when things go wrong. When we are left with no resolution and suffer in silence, alone or amongst others. We plead your loving kindness and mercies upon each and every person who prays here. Lord we know that only YOU are our wonderful King who has the power to help us even online and restore us, to bless us and heal us in every situation we face. Countless prayers are written some which we have not yet shared globally. Father if you may kindly answer all these prayers and to those who exist in this life seeking your favor. Lord we humbly ask you to pardon us and continue to forgive us for our faults and actions . We are not perfect but we try so hard to walk in your path. Direct us, show us , grant us , provide us for Lord you are our Comforter our Ezer our Merciful and loving God . If you Dnt love us who will? There is no other God as amazing as YOU! We live this temporary lives trying to achieve the best for our souls to be in peace and to prevent sinning against YOU . Help us accomplish YOUR good WILL. Father from you all good things come and we entrust our lives into your hands . Our Alpha and Omega. Amen amen amen ."


9 years ago

"Help Me"

"God please give my business life. Rain favor onto my business. Please bless me in abundance. Please help me to be content where I am until you are ready to bring me to success. Help me to have faith in you that you will bring it to pass. Help me to get rid of negative thoughts, negative speaking, negative situations and people. Also please bless me in my effort to lose weight. I am giving thanks now for my future blessings. "


9 years ago

"Husband Walked Out"

"My husband left me this week after nearly 5 years of marriage and the birth of our daughter only 11 weeks ago. He left a letter asking for a divorce; the letter detailed a history of lies, unapologetic pornography use, drinking, etc. He also has declared himself an atheist. Please pray for all of us, and that we find the resolution that is best for our daughter, whatever that may be. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please Lord let us get a good settlement for my mother, so we can use the money to pay for college and other necessary things. Amen"


9 years ago

"My Faith Is Dying"

"I've been praying to find a woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with for 10 years. I promised myself that by year's end my faith would either bear fruit, or I would renounce it entirely, because I can't wait any longer. The year is half gone, and so far I have been found very much wanting."


9 years ago

"Daily Prayer "

" As days go on and as I mature through Christ I just ask that lord you keep me in your working hands show me the guidance I need in this world filled of hate though negativity might try to find it's way into my life just help me fight it all as I stay strong as a child of God I just ask that you keep blessing me with your wonderful power. -Amen "


9 years ago


"God please bring life to my visit. Restore my motivation and faith in myself to be successful in my business. Help me to focus on my business and not lose sight of my future success. Help me to use my time to better my life and not waste time. Please help me to have more faith in you that you will bring my business to pass and not feel like I need to prepare for failure. Please help me to be content where I am until you bring my business to success. Also please take away every negative thought, people, situations, and words in my life. Please help me to speak your word to life. I am thanking you in advance for answering this prayer."


9 years ago

"My First Prayer On Here"

"I pray Mr Nunez will get rid of all filth & evil in his life & accept GODS WORD & plant it in his heart for it has the POWER to save his soul. In Jesus Name. Amen Lord this is Your Word JAMES 1:21 "


9 years ago

"Bless And Keep My Family Lord"

"Lord, I present my family and I into your care, please continue to watch over us. Keep us from harm and provide for us our daily bread. Amen!"


9 years ago

"For My Son"

"Praying for my son, that God will calm and heal him. "


9 years ago

"Show Me The Right Way"

"I have been married for only months and have been with my husband for seven years. Our while relationship has been difficult. I have recently found out that he has been cheating on me. I have prayed for out relationship many times but it has not gotten any better. I have asked God many times what should I do? I feel like God is telling me to get a divorce. "


9 years ago

"My Friends Husband To Except Jesus"

"My friend's husband Jared doesn't believe in God. He had one of the worst childhoods I have ever heard and when he prayed (as a young boy) things got worse. Jared has a drinking problem and is starting to question his wife about God. But now he's attacking her with words using God. We both know it's the enemy. I just wanted some brothers and sisters to pray for him to win this battle going on in his head. Thank you and Godbless"


9 years ago

"My Mom Janis"

"Dear Lord heal her mind, body and soul. Give her body the nutrients and hydration it needs. I pray the medicines kick in and rid her body of all pneumonia, viral and bacterial infections. Make her organs work properly. Let her not be depressed, fearful or depleted. May she have strength, energy, balance, hope and feel your love around her. "


9 years ago

"Laud His Name"

"Please people of God help me this year so I could have a better school year and better perspective,and also keep up the good works impact meanwhile passing all my exams please help me help me pray people of gods with faith I'll be able to pull that off"


9 years ago

"Prayer To Pass My end User Computing Exam"

"Dearest brothers and sisters, With limited time, I was told that I could write an exam instead of paying a full fee for a module. Kindly pray for me to pass my exams as I am trying my very best and have been reading and studying my books. Please pray for me ask the Lord to help me to pass successfully this year. Please let me know when u pray for me so that I may also pray for a blessing for you. Thanks"


9 years ago

"Heavy Favor-finances, Job, Health"

"Lord, please grant me favor in my job search and finances. I am in urgent need of a good job and the right career path with a good work environment, benefits and salary that is an excellent fit for my God given skills. Please grant me favor that I succeed in the job and keep this job for a long time. Please grant me favor with my finances and replenish them so I can be self sufficient, independent, and able to pay all my bills for rent, insurance, credit cards, etc without having to rely on anyone for financial assistance. Please grant me favor so I seek you and avoid negative thoughts, sin, and negative people. Please grant me and my family members favor and heal us of all mental and physical health issues. In Jesus Name. Thank you! "


9 years ago

"Healing Needed For Mental/Physical Health"

"Please pray for me and my family for immediate healing of all emotional and physical health issues. Thank you and God bless you."


9 years ago

"Prayers Needed For A Job And Finances"

"Please pray I immediately find a good job and career (good work environment, benefits and salary) that is an excellent fit for my God given skills. Please pray I wilk able to do well and keep this job for a long time so i can be self sufficient, independent, and able to pay all my bills for rent, insurance, credit cards, etc without having to rely on anyone for financial assistance. Thank you"


9 years ago

"Healing Of Physical/Mental Health"

"Please pray for me that God heal me of all conditions affecting physical and mental health. Thank you and God bless you!"


9 years ago

"Teens Lost At Sea"

"Two teens went fishing a couple of days ago. I am praying for their safe return to their families."


9 years ago

"Pray For The Homeless"

"Dear God, I thank You for providing for us. For, without You, we wouldn't have a roof over our heads, clothes on our bodies, or food to eat. But Lord, as we go throughout our day, please help us to be mindful of those that are homeless and have no food to eat. God, that we may bless them with whatever we have to give. That we may not judge them and/or their situation. That we greet them with love and show them Your ways through our actions. Let us not kick those who are already down. Let us uplift them and offer them the love of Christ and a meal/money. And let us not brag about our well doing, for we want our reward to be in Heaven and not on Earth. For Your Word says that the little things that we do for those who are homeless or hungry (paraphrased), we do this for You also. Let us have a heart of a servant and serve, as You have called us to do. Amen."


9 years ago

"Lift Me Up"

"God please bring my business to past. Pour abundance and favor upon my life and make 2015 my year of success. Please help me to get rid of negativity in my words, thoughts, and people. Help me to grow my faith with you and believe that this will come true. Thank you in advance for bringing my dreams to life."


9 years ago

"Living In Norway"

"Father God, I know you are with me, I ask for your kind heart to help me in the process of my second marriage and the family of my husband, the same with my children in the new environment they going to face in Norway. You know my thoughts and my heart, please help me with these my Lord, my God who only I trust, the God Almighty, the God of Abraham and the Father of Jesus my Savior! Amen."


9 years ago

"Praying to conceive"

"Dear God, Please hear me when I ask to be able to conceive a child. I pray that I fall pregnant and that our troubles with infertility are over. If it is your will, let it be. Amen"


9 years ago

"Is Meditation Bad ? "

"I have been meditating for the past 2 weeks and have seen all sorts of weird things, I'm not practicing it doing spells or blessing rocks of such things.... Just meditating, taking time out of my day n clearing the mind. well I would like to hear your input. I pray to Jesus and worship only the Heavenly father and his son, so I see no wrong in doing what I'm doing. But I feel the further I get into meditating.. The further i go down the rabbit hole."


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago

"Confidence And Security"

"God, please be with me in my new job. Let me do my work for You. All glory be to You. Your will be done! Amen. If it is Your Will let me get more work through registry. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Healing"

"Please pray for complete healing from Cancer for my wife. She really is a huge blessing from Jehovah for me and I love her deeply. Proverbs 18:22. Proverbs 19:14. Proverbs 31: 30-31. She is not yet a believer so please pray for her heart to know the Lord. Thanks so much and God bless "


9 years ago

"Speaking Into Existence"

"God I am declaring your blessings now. Please help me to have faith in you that I can thank you now for the future success of my business. I'm thanking you now for your favor and abundant blessings. Please help me to remove negative thoughts, words, actions, and people. "


9 years ago


"God please breathe life to my business. Amount my business in favor and abundance that I may be successful. Please help me to focus and not give up and have more faith that you will do what I ask. Please let 2015 to be my best year yet. Please help me to speak your words into existence and help me to avoid negative thoughts, speaking, and people."


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago

"Prayer For A Lost Soul"

"Dear Lord, Please touch Ashton's life. I know that You know he is a homeless drug addict. I failed trying to help him and had to cut off all contact. I know that I could not help him and that You can. Please touch his life. Help him find You. Please also be with me and my family. My job is new and I want to do my best. Amen"


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Please be with me and through me at my new job. Your will be done. Amen"


9 years ago

"Cancer & Immune Deficiency"

"My name in Jayce. I'm thirty seven years old pastor of an amazing little church. I am married with five amazing adopted children. In March 2011 I was diagnosed with skin cancer. Since then, it has been a long battle. One hundred and eleven weeks in the hospital. Thirty surgeries. I do IGG Infusions every three weeks. We recently learned that I now have a fast growing mass in my left upper lung. It looks to be cancer. At this point, I am exhausted. I am emotionally and physically exhausted. I am asking prayer because I have come to the decision that I would like to let nature take its course. I don't want to hurt my wife and children but I and so tired. "


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago

"Prayer For Lily"

"God thank you for my grand daughter Lily. Please keep her safe and happy. A very happy birthday to her today! "


9 years ago

"Heavy Favor"

"Jesus please bless my business with favor and abundant blessings. Lead me to the right people and open the doors I need. I need help staying motivated and uplifted that your blessings are on the way. Let 2015 be my year of success. Please help me to make at least two deals by my birthday. I'm boldly asking for blessings in my life. Help me to stay away from negativity and help me to watch over my mouth that I speak blessings and get rid of the negative words I normally speak."


9 years ago

"With Many Prayers And Little Pacients "

"And many heart breaks. I'm thankful that God has finally shown me and given to me the person I'm ment to spend my life with. "


9 years ago


"Fighting the good fight for a life of purity. For my heart, mind and whole self to be completely sold out for Christ Jesus our Lord."


9 years ago


"Please God bless me with motivation and determination. Bring my business to life God and bless me in abundance and favor. Please put the right people in my life and in my path to make my dream come true. I know I can do it but I need motivation and a set mind that doesn't get sidetracked on other things. Please let 2015 be my best year yet. Please remove all negativity out of my life and let me guard my mouth that I don't speak negatively into existence. Please help me to develop more faith in you."


9 years ago

"This Is For All You"

"Let the people who have been showing compassion and who have prayed for anyone on here be blessed, it's not easy to have such a beautiful heart as you do, I thank anyone who has ever prayed for me in the past and I just gotta say thank you from the bottom of my heart, I hope one day to meet you all. Lord please bless them and help them with anything they need.. Amen "


9 years ago

"Healing For My Wife From Cancer"

"Please pray for healing for my lovely wife Cecily from cancer. May the Lord smile on her soul and have mercy on her. She is not a believer yet. Thanks so much and God bless Ewan "


9 years ago

"Need Encouragment"

"I'm feeling pretty sad today. Nothing from my live since yesterday. I feel like I should just give up hope. I won't stop waiting for him but maybe I should just leave him alone completely. I know I can't but my sadness tells me I should. Please pray for me. "


9 years ago

"Help Me"

"Please God help me get my business running. Please anoint me with abundance and favor. I am crying out to you Jesus because every time I've tried this without you, I lose sight of my dream and motivation. Please lift me up, encourage me, and help me to know I can't do this without you. Help me to grow my faith in you. Please help me to stay away from negativity, especially my talk. Please help me to continue to speak your word and know that it will come to pass."


9 years ago

"Sick Child"

"My colleague's daughter named Qin Ran 4 yrs old is suffering from Leukemia . Please pray for her recovery and full healing. In Jesus name. Thank you."


Summerville SC
9 years ago

"Strength And Patience"

"God please give me strength to push forward. I feel like I'm lost and I can't find my way. I have made some bad decisions and I am trying to fix them but I feel like I can't do enough. I feel like I won't gain the passion back from my spouse. Please help guide me in the right direction to do better and make better choices. I need patience to let time heal my spouse but right now it feels like that time wi never come. Please put your hands on me God and lead me in the eighth direction. In your name...amen."


9 years ago


"Please Jesus breathe life into my business. I need your abundance and favor God. I'm discouraged and frustrated. I know I can be successful but I lose motivation and hope that I can be successful or get distracted. Jesus please help me to lead my words and action towards success of my business. Help me to stay motivated, knowing that you will help me. Please help me to get rid of people that bring negativity, my negative thoughts, and help me to put more of a guard to my mouth so I don't speak negativity into existence. Please help me to have total faith in you."


9 years ago


"I need prayers to calm my spirit. I feel like my love is starting to come around one day and the next he is back to having a hardened heart. Please pray that his heart softens and he returns to my loving arms soon. "


9 years ago


"Please Jesus breathe life into my business. I need your abundance and favor God. I'm discouraged and frustrated. I know I can be successful but I lose motivation and hope that I can be successful. Jesus please help me to lead my words and action towards success of my business. Help me to stay motivated, knowing that you will help me. Please help me to get rid of people that bring negativity, my negative thoughts, and help me to put more of a guard to my mouth so I don't speak negativity into existence. Please help me to have total faith in you."


9 years ago

"My Friend "

"Plz pray for Elena she has cancer and she might die plz keep on praying that she stays with us."


9 years ago

"College Tutition "

"This is the college I really want to go to and I am going to next week but my mom is afraid of debt."


9 years ago

"I Need Motivation"

"Please Jesus bless me with success in my business. Please help me to get motivation and not lose it, please open all the right doors, and rain on me abundance and favor. Help me make my dream a reality. Help me to push myself to do what I need to do help me to take action and not put things off that I need to do. Please get rid of negative people, negative thoughts, and letting negativity out of my mouth. Please help me to have faith and believe that I won't be a failure this time. Please help me to focus on my dreams and not get distracted away from you and my blessings."


9 years ago

"My Love"

"Pray that my love will open his eyes to the thing that keeps us apart and return to my loving arms soon. "


9 years ago


"I kashimine sellers are facing a fourth degree crime please pray for me andmy children that i dont get jail time "


Lizella, GA
9 years ago

"Seth Jones & Family"

"Pray for Healing, Comfort and Peace for Seth and the Jones family. Seth is battling Stage IV Melanoma Cancer. They have exhausted all pediatric treatments and trials. They won't put him in adult trials until he turns 18 September 2015. Hospice was called in June 2015. God took Seth home 7/18/15. "


9 years ago


"Please bring my business to pass Jesus. Help me to stay motivated and bless me with abundance and favor. Jesus make 2015 be my best year. I know I can do it with your strength and blessings. Please open up doors and set the right people in my path. Help me to have total faith in you that this will be a success. Please help me to stay away from negative places, get rid of negative thoughts, and stop giving others the power to bring out negativity in me. Help me to get rid of negative words coming out of my mouth."


9 years ago


"Dear God, Please heal my body so that I may conceive. If it is your will, may our infertility troubles be gone. Amen"


portage Indiana
9 years ago

"Mental Health"

"I pray and ask for prayers that my new psychiatric evaluation gets me on the proper medication and back on my own feet. I also ask for prayer that I be guided into a job position somewhere thank you so much God bless Erin"


9 years ago

"Mom's 80th Bday"

"Dear Lord, My mom turned 80 today. Thank you for continously blessing her with good health and Thank you for keeping our family together. In Jesus name! Love, C"


portage Indiana
9 years ago


"Please pray that I overcome my overwhelming sadness, my husband and I are not together right now and I'm being told that I shouldn't help him and be his wife that I should act like we are divorced and I don't want to anymore I want my marriage back"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my husband get the job he wants quick, fast, and in a hurry. Amen."


9 years ago

"Prayer For A Child"

"Please keep praying for a child for me this month. Been trying to conceive for 2 years. Ready for my miracle. "


9 years ago

"Please Pray For Believers In Israel, Espatially Youth"

"Please Pray For Believers In Israel, Espatially Youth"


9 years ago

"Please Pray "

"Please Pray For Believers In Israel, Espatially Youth"


9 years ago


"Jesus please bless me with success in my business. Help me to stay motivated and not lose sight of my dream. Please let 2015 be my biggest year ever. I know I can be successful God please open up all the right doors and rain down on me abundant success and favor. Please put all the right people and blessings in my path. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my life. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people that bring out negativity, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass. I need your blessing because I'm feeling very discouraged right now."


9 years ago

"Brother N Father's Relationship"



9 years ago

"Homeless Guy"

"Pray for the homeless in York city"


9 years ago


"Need prayers for encouragement. Hate my life right now. Lost my love and all I want is him to see what everyone else sees and come back to me. My heart is broken and I don't want to go on. "


9 years ago


"Father your child has learned his lesson ..... Prayer warriors please pray these three things 1- no arrests.....2- no court. 3- only restitution ! Thank you "


9 years ago

"Using My Faith"

"God please help me to make my business successful. Please help me to have the time and energy and the ability to choose it for the right things. Help me to keep motivated and to not lose sight of my dreams. Pour upon me abundant blessings and your favor that my business will succeed. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people that bring out negativity, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago

"Who Am I? "

"Even though I pray and constantly remind myself to do good it seems you are in control, I tried to be this man you want me to be... But idk how to fulfill this, my father left me when I was 6.. I am now a father myself and I realized that there was never a time I had for my dad to teach me the ways to become a man.. I have hardly any money and live pay check to paycheck to help give my family wat they need... I feel so worthless.. I hate me, I really wish that you lord will show me wat to do.. I'm about done and haven't even reached my 30's. Why can't I be soo much more ? Am I really that so far that I cannot be heard.. I often feel that suicide will be my key, but I know if I go that my beautiful kids will have No one.. This weight is so much to bear.. Please give me a steady mind and a great job to provide for my family as a man should...Your my God..and I'm Nothing. "


9 years ago


"My brother is currently in a Rehabilitation center, and I would be more than thankful if you guys can pray so that when he comes out he can come out of there with a different mentality and wanting to serve our God. God bless you guys 😘"


9 years ago


"I am taking my college examination this coming Saturday. It's really important, and I will be more than grateful if you can pray for me for things to go well and for His wisdom. Thank you."


9 years ago


"I am taking my college examination this Saturday. It's really important. I am very pressured right now, so I will be really grateful if you can pray for me for things to go well. "


portage Indiana
9 years ago

"Guidence In Fixing My Marriage"

"Please pray for my family, we are going through a rough time and need to have the guidance of God in our lives. I ask that you pray that God may bless and keep my family together as well as showing myself and my husband the way back to happier times"


9 years ago

"Pray For Healing"

"Please pray that the Lord will help my stomach/digestion heal so I can eat better. I've been losing weight. Lord, please touch my body and help me regain my energy so you can use me for your Kingdom. I need to be away for 5 days next week for school, and please pray I will feel well enough to do well on my test and be able to drive OK. Please have mercy upon me Lord."


9 years ago


"Hi, my name is Jonathan. This is my first time trying this. And I am SO desperately in need of prayer. Please please pray for me that the Lord will give me strength to overcome the pain that is hurting me so badly in my heart. I am absolutely heartbroken. My wife left me on February 1st, and I have been heartbroken and struggling to let her go ever since. Yesterday, would have been our 6 year wedding anniversary and I am taking it VERY hard. Please offer your prayers for me. That I can get through this. I know that she is not coming back, so need God's love to help me be strong."


9 years ago

"Praying For A Child"

"Have been trying to conceive for over 2 years please pray that this month is the month my miracle will happen. "


9 years ago

"Miracle "

"In desperate need of a miracle for God to get me out of a serious situation that I'm in . I'm so stressed about this that I've lost 20 pounds , please pray thank you ."


9 years ago

"Bad Dreams"

"Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, Please pray for me that all my bad dreams go away for good and that mind and heart are relaxed and that I have a good sleep. Sometimes even after prayer, I still have bad dreams. Please pray for me to have good sleep. Thanks"


9 years ago

"Healing In A Relationship"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"Praying For A Child"

"Have been trying to conceive for two years need prayers that this month is the month that it finally happens. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Help me quit drinking before it destroys my life and health. Amen."


9 years ago

"Need Your Help Jesus"

"Jesus help me with my business. Please bless me with abundance and favor. Help me not to lose sight of my dream, get distracted or lose motivation. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people that bring out negativity, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago

"Relationship "

"Please pray it will work out the way it's ment to. And unanswered questions will eventually get sorted soon. "


Tulsa OK
9 years ago

"Loving Mother Fighting For Child Sole Custody."

"Please pray I am granted sole custody of my son during my divorce/ custody battle from my abusive husband. As well a threats for international kidnapping, please pray my for my sons safety and protection over him. Please pray for god to fight this battle for me, for I am scared and weary. Please pray that god provides the finances to help me through this trying time. I am overwhelmed and scared and all I want is to be able to raise my son in the direction towards god, and be a decent human being. My husband prevents this and displays poor behavior and beliefs. I need all the prayers for my hearing is on Monday the 6th. I am scared."


9 years ago


"Needing prayers for my lost love to have his eyes opened to the thing that separates us so that he can return to me. "


9 years ago

"Favor And Blessings"

"Please Jesus help me to make my business successful. Please rain down on me favor and abundance. I know I can be successful Jesus I just need help to stay motivated and focused. Keep me motivated, uplifted, and encouraged. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago

"Support And Favor"

"Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago

"My Marriage"

"Please help me pray for my marriage. I am tired and weak. My partner and I are unhappy with each other. I worked so hard to make this marriage work, my strength is gone. I am willing to quit and lose this battle. I can't anymore. We have two wonderful kids please put them in your prayers. I am confused and depressed. Lord, lend your hands to pull this marriage through. "


9 years ago


"This is will sound strange but I need prayer about this. I was loading my crossbow and it slipped and the stock hit me in my private areas. We was afraid my private area was dead. Such as I can't use it what so ever. Please pray that everything is alright. "


9 years ago

"Help Me To Success"

"Jesus please help me to get my business running. Please bless me with open doors and abundance of customers. Please direct me how I should go to receive your blessing of my business. Help me to not get distracted or lose motivation. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago


"Please pray for Chris and I. That if we are meant to be we will find our way back to each other. We are both facing trials in our life his our financial and emotionally unable to open up to our relationship. My living arrangement is just a bad situation I need to remove myself from asap. I pray if it's gods will that after we take care of our personal stuff that we will Be able to mentally and emotionally be able to focus on our relationship. "


9 years ago

"I Dont Fully Understand This Verse "

"Isaiah 2:4 He will render judgement among nations and set matters straight. Respecting many people's they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears nation will not lift up sword against nation not will they learn war anymore "


9 years ago

"Is Religion A Force For Peace?? Or For War??"



9 years ago

"Question In Need Of Answer"

"I read in a spiritual magazine that this world is stepped in the occult and spiritism spiritic items and practices that seem innocent may invite demonic influence. So my question is I know many people who would claim not to be relgious but very spiritual so how can being spiritual lead to demonic influence??"


9 years ago

"Favor And Blessings"

"Jesus please help me get my business running. Help me to stop getting distracted or lose motivation. Please open all the right doors and bless me with your favor. Please make 2015 my most blessed year ever. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago

"Peace In USA"

"More and more bad things continue to happen... Please God heal our country. Help us to love and take care of each other. Amen"


9 years ago

"Prayer For A Job"

"Please good people of God, Pray for me to find nice employment , one which covers all my needs in pureness and sincerity. One which helps to make me instead destroy me. One which I will find joy in applying my full efforts . Amen and thank you"


9 years ago

"For My Father"

"I need prayer request for my father.. He hardly can breathe.. Without God we are empty.. I call upon him every single day.. Now I need request from you guys too.. Please do pray for my father.. His name is James Wong.. And I'm Jonathan Wong.. Thanks guys."


9 years ago

"I Dont Fully Understand "

"Luke 5:36-39 He also told them a parable: “No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment. If he does, he will tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine desires new, for he says, ‘The old is good."


9 years ago

"Relationship Reconciliation "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"Dont Understand This Verse "

" Psalms 18:6 He has placed his tabernacle in the sun, and he is like a bridegroom coming out of his bedroom. He has exulted like a giant running along the way; "


9 years ago

"Kasia. Mental Health. "

"Please pray for Kasia and her mental health. So that she will will be able to relax and enjoy the free time she has without feeling like she always has to rush. Please heal her anxiety so her nervousness doesn't overcome her. And that she's able to sleep comfortably without nightmares. Also please pray that she will over come the need to try and solve everyone problems. When she has enough to deal with concerning her health issues. "


9 years ago

"Prayers For Pacients "



9 years ago


"Elizabeth is married n has a wife. Praying God will show her His truth. "


9 years ago

"Kasia "

"Bless Kasia so that she won't have to continue to go to so many doctors appointments only to be told they aren't sure what's the matter with her stomach issues. Please pray for Kasia that she will be given a new care provider for her mornings so she will be able to continue her volunteering. At the hospital that she enjoys so much "


9 years ago


"I've lost a lot of people in my life. I lost my dad 6 months ago, I'm only 16 and I've started to drift apart from The Lord. I ask you to pray for me to find The Lord again. Thank You. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Peace. "

"I've been so overwhelmed with everything.. My eyes drift.. Prayers that my soul would calm down and rest in Him!"


9 years ago

"Healing In A Relationship "

"I have been praying this for what feels like a long time.. Seven months... But I am so down trodden by this situation and really need relief soon: I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"Trying To Fully Understand "

"What exactly is ment by every clean animal / bird in the book of Genesis. Dont understand this verse. Genesis 9:4-5 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man."


9 years ago


"Dear Lord, Work is tough today. Please guide and calm my heart to make sensible decisions and teach me more patience and understanding through this. Im Jesus name! Thank you! Amen"


9 years ago

"Favor And Faith"

"Please Jesus help me and bless me with abundance in my business. Open all the doors I need and shower me with your favor. Help me not to lose motivation or get distracted. I know I can be successful but I need your help. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago

"Funds For Immigration"

"Lord please help me for the funding of my Immigration and my 2 children. I don't want to left them alone again in my travel here in Norway because they have no father to take care of them back home. I want to personally takes care of them while I'm here in Norway working and studying. Please lord help us to bless us with these finances, in Jesus name your son, our lord and savior. Amen."


9 years ago

"Please Lift This Up With Me "

"Father, Today was so hard and my heart is feeling so heavy. Right now I just need some help getting my path fixed towards you again Lord... Everything is so messy and I know I have been drowning in sin... I just need Your guidance right now... I'm so lost and yet, everyone is saying I'm doing wonderful in my faith walk for being my age... But I don't feel like I am ! How often do I cry out in worry! How often do I turn my face the other direction and yield to sin! God I am sorry and I just ask that you will help me right now to have strength to sort through these things and just focus on you. My prayer is for steadfastness ! I know you are faithful when I am faithless!!! Please help me realize at all times how much I need you!!! Every second of every hour. In Jesus name, amen. "


9 years ago

"Sick Sister"

"Dear Lord, Earlier today was my sister's 4th Chemo and after each painstaking session, side effects in different forms or episodes occur. I pray for strength and for her full recovery please. In Jesus name! Love, Carol "


9 years ago

"Finding A New Job"

"Guidance for when I should start seeking a new job."


9 years ago

"Increase In Overall Well-Being"

"Prayers for an individual who recently had a heart attack and also has sleep apnea. He has challenges taking care of his health. Prayers for healing and a stirring in him to take better care of his health and to make decisions that foster a better overall sense of wellbeing."


9 years ago

"Reconciling A Relationship "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"Thank You Jesus"

"Protect my sons please"


9 years ago


"Jesus please bless my business to be successful. Open all the doors I need opened. I know I'm capable of being successful but I lose motivation or get distracted from my dream. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Please Jesus help me to get rid of negative thoughts, people, and negative speaking, help me to confess your word to make it come to pass."


9 years ago


"Please include us in your prayers. My boyfriend's mom discovered that her husband is cheating on her for a year now. My bf's mom doesnt want to tell anyone especially my bf's siblings. Only the three of us knows. She already talk with her husband but yet, it is very painful and traumatic. She doesnt want to go to work anymore because of depression. Aside from that, we discovered that her husband has two mistresses. The other one doesnt want to stop bothering them and even told them that she will not stop to destroy their family. As her girlfriend, I feel his mom's pain. I feel his pain too. Please pray with me, pray with us. We are in need of prayer warriors. May god save this marriage, this family."


9 years ago

"Chris. "

"Please pray for Chris that he will soon find a better paying job so that he won't have such money worries and hell be able to live comfortably and take care of his financial obligations. But until he does whatever is going on with his current situation where he currently works will resolve itself and everything will be OK for him Please pray that his situation with the girl that ran over his car is resolved soon and he's able to either replace his car. Or have his car repaired "


9 years ago

"Miguel Age 7"

"Please bless Miguel and his family. Please take away this families worries and fears. Let Mondays surgery go as planned and that the medical concern will be healed and it end up being a simple procedure rather then a tumor that they fear it maybe Please pray that todays surgery for Miguel goes smoothly and they find nothing serious "


9 years ago

"Abundant 2015"

"Jesus please bless my business with success and favor in abundance for 2015. Please open all the doors I need and help me to prosper. Keep me focused and motivated. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. "


9 years ago

"Overall Well Being"

"God please bless denise please heal her of her hurts help her to overcome the daily challenges she faces everyday please heal her current state of mind so that her concentration will be back to where it use to be. Please be with her and her family that Josh and her will be able to decide what is best for their relationship and for the girls. "


9 years ago

"Move To A Better Living Enviroment "

"God please I ask in your assistance with helping me to be able to move to a better positive living environment So that I won't be living in such a self destructive negative environment and on to one That will positive and uplifting Please pray that I will be starting my new job within the time frame she suspected so that I'll be able to move sooner "


9 years ago

"Blessed 2015"

"Jesus please bless my business. Help me to stay committed and not get distracted or lose motivation. Please open all the right doors and put the right people in my path. Please bless me with abundance and Jesus please let 2015 be my year of success. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. "


9 years ago

"I Need Prayers"

"I am currently a Senior Student in College and I am deeply worried if I can make it. There are subjects especially the major ones that I am having the difficulty to understand and teachers who are very strict. Also, please pray for my school schedule too that it will be good and suitable for me. (My schedule is from 8am-7pm straight and I travel for 2 hours to reach school.) Please. Help me pray for it that may God grant my prayers for these issues of mine. And lastly, please help me pray that may I be able to finish this last year in college. Thank you so much! God bless us all!"


9 years ago

"Tough Times..."

"I've been going through one of the hardest times of my life... But think I might have found a friend that wi help me through it. I pray that my relationship with this person will strengthen or if it's not meant to be them someone else will come along. ❤️"


9 years ago

"Prayer For happiness"

"Oh dearest God please fill my life with Joy "


9 years ago

"Charleston Shooting"

"Lord my heart truly breaks for the families that lost loved ones at the church shooting last night. We go there to praise you and to lift you up and gather in your name as we are called to do and to be attacked and have such fierce evil come and harm our brothers and sisters of Christ truly disheartens me and makes me wonder why we live in such a broken world. I know that you have called them home to be with you and that they are by your side and at peace. I pray you help the families that are grieving and that your spirit of comfort and peace be with them. I pray all these things in Jesus name."


9 years ago

"Prayer For My Augustine And I To Reunite As A Couple"

"Dearest God, I know I am so selfish at times.. I take for granted so much! I never say enough of " thank you". Now that I lost my boyfriend for the countless time, I realise yet again that I cannot live without him . Nor am I happy to be without him. God I love my boyfriend so Much and I really wish him to be closer with me . I am always wishing for him to be with me and he is always a bit distant . He probablyI does it BECOZ he is trying to make our lives more responsible with finances. He is poor and doesn't have money for a house yet alone, he does not earn enough money with his job at his age . He hates his job and I am unemployed. Both of us have diplomas. We are grateful for the place we shared and made it comfortable together and though is full of dusty carpet and not very new , we try to make it hygienic and clean. We pray a lot when we together and I love that he reads bible for me😟right now,I am missing he so much that my heart feels like popping out and like bursting. I feel like a major heart attack. God please help us . Sometimes I don't know what is coming over us. I feel as though someone is cursing us and I feel so sad abt everything that goes wrong in my relationship and relationships with people. Is it just me God? I'm trying to be a Better person and I truly am trying to make a better life for myself by applying for studies and etc. I am so enthusiastic at times to achieve certain things. Oh lord enough abt me , I really love my boyfriend and I cannot live without him I actually feel suicidal. I really want so much with my boyfriend . I Dnt want anyone else. My boyfriend is the best Man in the world and I really need him . He is what u sent me. Oh sweet Jesus what is happening to us? Help us Lord with finances and bliss. We suppose to be happy what's wrong with us? Help us be more happy and more in love . God even if you have to and if I have to be so rude pardon me but please even 😬 your blessings on us! I AM SO DESPERATE FOR YOUR BLESSINGS Becoz I love my boyfriend with all my heart u made and we love you Lord . Ane and thanks in advance"


9 years ago

"Satan You Cant Have My Family"

"Next Wednesday my husband and I are scheduled to go in front of a judge to finalize our divorce. The constant arguments and his argue issues have been more than anyone should have to deal with. Lord, I know the devil is here to steal, kill and destroy families. I'm pleading the blood over my marriage that it will be saved and this to shall come to pass. Im praying for a breakthrough prior to the court date. I'm scared and nervous, but I have faith that you will bring my husband and me out of this storm with a happier and healthier marriage than we could have ever imagined. "


9 years ago

"Satan You Cant Have My Family"

"Next Wednesday my husband and I are scheduled to go in front of a judge to finalize our divorce. The constant arguments and his argue issues have been more than anyone should have to deal with. Lord, I know the devil is here to steal, kill and destroy families. I'm pleading the blood over my marriage that it will be saved and this to shall come to pass. Im praying for a breakthrough prior to the court date. I'm scared and nervous, but I have faith that you will bring my husband and me out of this storm with a happier and healthier marriage than we could have ever imagined. "


9 years ago

"Faith And Blessings"

"Please Jesus help me to persevere and not lose motivation to work on my business. Help me not to lose sight or motivation. Keep me from getting discouraged. Open all the doors I need Jesus and bless me in abundance. Please help me to have complete faith in u that u will bring my business to pass and not be half expectant that it won't come true because I don't want to be let down. Please help me to stop failing myself. Please bless me with the new dispatcher job I am applying for as well. I'm praying for blessings upon my finances today. Help me to gaurd my mouth in order to speak your blessings into existence and stop letting negativity be spoken out of my mouth as well."


9 years ago

"Son And His Speech"

"Dear Lord, please give us a breakthrough with my sons speech. I would really love us to be able to communicate better and would love if he could communicate better with others too. I'm really praying for that connection to share with my growing toddler. Through God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE...In Jesus name, Amen."


9 years ago

"Increase Of Wellbeing"

"Prayers for an individual who recently had a heart attack and also has sleep apnea. He has challenges taking care of his health. Prayers for healing and a stirring in him to take better care of his health and to make decisions that foster a better overall sense of wellbeing."


9 years ago

"Reconciliation In A Relationship"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"Boss And Anger"

"I have hit a standstill with my boss. Relieve my anger and help me see clearly actions I need to take in an ethical and fair manner. Grant me a heart of peace and good intentions always."


9 years ago

"New Start"

"I need help from God. I left an unhealthy marriage and need is guidance for my kids. I need to move on. And needs gods help staying focused. "


9 years ago

"Increase In Well Being"

"Prayers for an individual who recently had a heart attack and also has sleep apnea. He has challenges taking care of his health. Prayers for healing and a stirring in him to take better care of his health and to make decisions that foster a better overall sense of wellbeing."


9 years ago

"Relationship Reconciliation"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago


"Please pray for me. I have been waiting for 2 years my marriage to conceive a child. I really want to have children :( . "


9 years ago


"Prayers need for family myself future what to do and what not to, I need to fulfil Lord's plan upon me, I want to walk in God's will. Need to grow closer to him"


9 years ago

"My Sister-in-law - Healing Cancer"

"Doctors have not been able to determine what type or stage cancer my sister-in-law has, but say it has spread to her lymph nodes. She is scheduled to begin both chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Lord, I pray that you guide her medical team every step of the way and heal her completely of her cancer. Also, Lord, please strengthen and comfort my brother, their children, and loved ones in this difficult time in Jesus' name. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Losing My Loved One To Bipolar"

"Hey everyone,my name is Sergmo. I need powerful prayers to help my family n I.. You see I have a girlfriend (whom I have 2 wonderful children with)well she has been diagnosed with bipolar in the past. Today she had a really bad episode and It ended badly.. I don't really have anyone.. My parents moved and I support this family with wat I have.. Things r so hard for me, I really want to help her but I don't know how, my request is to pray for her, so that she does not have to battle this disease alone... But with the help n strength from the almighty Heavenly Father.. That is my request. Thank you all for listening "


9 years ago

"Breaking Family"

"Please pray that my husband stops habitually lying among many other things that are hurtful and that by the grace of God I can actually trust him again. I pray that if he doesn't stop that God shows me clearly the next path I need to take and that no matter what, he gives me the strength and knowledge even when I'm afraid. Whitney Anonymous"


9 years ago

"Healing And Reconiliation "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"Prayers For Wellbeing "

"Prayers for an individual who recently had a heart attack and also has sleep apnea. He has challenges taking care of his health. Prayers for healing and a stirring in him to take better care of his health and to make decisions that foster a better overall sense of wellbeing."


9 years ago

"Healing From C-PTSD"

"I have lived with C-PTSD for most of my 63 years, and am so very tired. Tired of defending myself to family members who remain in denial. Tired of feeling overwhelmed, incompetent, afraid, unloved and unlovable, being agoraphobic, emotionally immobilized, inconsistent, fearing abandonment and rejection, and feeling utterly hopeless. Tired of struggling through each day, emotionally, physically and financially. I pray, Lord, that you heal me, that I may be able to hold a job for more than just a few days or weeks at a time. To better provide and care for myself that I may no longer be a burden to others, and that I may function well on a day-to-day basis, doing meaningful work that allows me to allow You to bless others through me for Your glory. I pray, Lord, that you heal me and direct my steps that my mess may transform into my message and blessing and work that will bless others. Thank you, Lord. In the name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus I pray. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Successful Operation"

"Please pray for successful kidney operation on June 10 at 10 am Philippine time for Andy Barot Thank you"


9 years ago

"Financial Blessings"

"That God bless me abundantly to be a blessing to my family and to help others To have an increase in salary this year 2015 To receive Gods anointing and become a full time preacher of El Shaddai That my wife Jenny be healed from asthma That my daughters Jireh and Johriel become top notcher in school Thank you praise God "


9 years ago

"Autumn n Her Mom"

"Pray for their relationship. "


Qatar ,Philippines
9 years ago

"I need a job"

"Heavenly Father help me find the job you prepared for me. Please help me to become a better person than I am now. And please don't let me loose my hope & faith in you. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏼"


9 years ago

"Miscarriage Depression"

"I'm going through a miscarriage after years of trying to conceive. I don't want to be around anyone. I need prayer for strength. I want to put on a happy face and get on with life but this pain is hurting so deep down."


9 years ago

"Individual's Health"

"Prayers for an individual who recently had a heart attack and also has sleep apnea. He has challenges taking care of his health. Prayers for healing and a stirring in him to take better care of his health and to make decisions that foster a better overall sense of wellbeing."


9 years ago

"Individual Living with Loss"

"Prayers for an individual who lost her best friend a couple weeks ago to COPD."


9 years ago

"Healing & Reconciliation "

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago


"This is a question.. Is it weird to randomly tell someone you are praying for them? God bless everyone! "


9 years ago

"Mayra and Her Family"

"I have a urgent request for a woman named Mayra. She has just been through a devastating car accident. It left her husband seriously injured, her son dead, and her younger daughter was paralyzed from the neck down. The older daughter was ok physically, but is traumatized by the events. Mayra was put in a medically-induced coma, but has awaken from it. Please pray for healing to that family, and for God’s hand to hold them and his love to cover them. Thank You."


9 years ago

"Prayer For Augustine"

"Dearest Lord, So many times I am turned away and feel rejected and alone . Please help my boyfriend be a better and more loving man . That he may not be lead astray to-love me and to Forfill his dreams and plans with me . Amen"


9 years ago


"I pray that I succeed in gaining my GED. My first test is this coming Friday. I pray that I get this job with the security company and have the hours needed in order to accommodate my family and still have 40 plus hours. I pray that with this time I will pay off every debt that is and has been owed so that I can move forward with my buying our first home, car, etc. Project. I pray that I can do all the things that you Heavenly Father have in store for me which I have no idea of. In order to benefit you and those all around me. In Jesus's name I pray, amen. "


9 years ago

"Tia Chavella And Juan Delatorres"

"Pray for strength and mercy in their lives. "


9 years ago

"This Summer"

"Dear Lord, I pray that over this summer all that I strive for becomes accomplished. I pray that with the volleyball weightlifting, I gain my individual desired physique. I pray I make time to also add in my own workouts for my own gain. I pray that come out vacation to Florida, i look and feel as I've desired. I pray that I can work and learn to dance like Lexi. I pray that I can eat better, Lord, that my bad eating habits fade away. I pray you can help me gain a taste for better, heal their foods. I also pray that my relationship with J becomes more, at its own pace, and everything works out. I pray that I don't have to worry about a broken heart. I also pray that you look after my friends, my family, and send blessings their way. Please give us all our own, beautiful purpose. Thank you for anyone who's prayed for this! :) God Bless."


9 years ago


"Please pray that I can overcome my battle with my flesh and my emotions."


9 years ago

"Prayer Against Temptation"

"Heavenly Father , Please protect me from my enemies who thirst and quench to ruin me and destroy me. Turn them to your light oh Lord and bring them to peace and love. Shelter me from all the evil that try's to ruin me and bring me down. Protect my life and my relationships with everyone , so that I may have peace and love lovingly according to your way. Help me oh Lord and be an immediate help to me . I really make too many mistakes and ask your help from all the temptation. Amen"


9 years ago

"Prayer For Matrimony"

"Dearest Brothers and sisters in Christ, Please pray for me to the Lord our God and to our Mother Mary to successfully get married to the one whom I have prayed for . Bless me soon with matrimony and bliss including financial success. Lord please I wish to have a marriage with a husband and a baby. I plead that u hear my prayer and bless me oh Lord to have a ever lasting marriage with my God sent . Amen"


9 years ago

"Prayer For Salvation"

"Father, redeem our souls and train our minds the way that you will us to be. Guide every evil spirit away from us, and steering us in the right path. Let's continue towards your God willing goals, showing love, compassion and respect for one to another. Keep our hearts pure enabling us to care for others. Let us remember at all times no matter what trial we may endure that your will is for us to learn. Humility isn't for our embarrassment alone. Yet for your blessing that you have in store. "


9 years ago

"Prayer To Guide Our Thoughts"

"Father, help us to maintain our focus upon you and only your well being for our daily lives. In everything we do. In every step and every solitary breath we take, let us keep your thanksgiving in mind. On our hearts and in the mist of negative thoughts; let your will over come and re focus our train of thought. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen."


9 years ago

"My Relationship"

"Please pray dear brothers and sisters in Christ that my relationship will grow to become strong, healthy and blissful with the man I love and people around me. Please pray for success in my life and prosperity as I have not any support from anyone and find myself in awkward situations. Please pray for my life to lift in progress and without suffering. Thanks in advance .. God bless"


9 years ago

"Guide The One I Care For To Be Surrounded Around The Right People"

"I pray the God guides him to be able to be surrounded around the right people and make the right decisions based on his heart and that he follows his heart and doesn't live for others "


Metro, Manila,Philippines
9 years ago

"Healing And Fast Recovery"

"Lord, GOD, I am humbly asking for my daughter's fast healing and recovery. She's been diagnosed with mild bacterial pneumonia yesterday, and she will have her follow up check up tomorrow. Lord, place your healing hands upon her and take every pain away. Bless her with a healthy body and mind. So that she may not suffer much, how heartbreaking it is for me and my husband to see her sick and not much of energy. I am praying that all test tomorrow will show positive results to healing and recovery. In JESUS name, Amen."


9 years ago

"Pray For BJ's Health"



9 years ago

"My Neice Brihanna"

"My sister is 6 weeks early and she is having her Brihanna. Please pray for her and Brihanna thank you "


9 years ago


"I've been confined at the hospital because of amobiasis. I pray that may the Lord heal me and that I will have a speedy recovery. Thank you!"


9 years ago

"For A Lady Named Betty"

"All I know is she is sick and in the hospital please pray thank u "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Purpose"

"Lord I come to you today awaiting you. Please pray for me that whatever I may be doing in life. That God shows me my path. That I know my purpose on this earth. I have been trying to go back to school for a year now to no success one problem or another. I need you now more than ever o lord "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Prayers For Family And Co-workers"

"Please keep my children safe at camp and every where else. Please let my sister get the job she wants after losing her current job. Please do not let the assistant get into any trouble because of me. Please let the art teacher find a new job and get let out of her contract. Please forgive me if I hurt her feelings in any way. I feel bad about what happened and any part I played in it."


9 years ago

"New Beginnings "

"Lord I come to you today not to ask you of anything but to give you thanks for a new beginning. I ask that you forgive me for all the sins I committed knowingly an unknowingly against you. Heavenly Father I thank you for Gbeminiyi I thank you for her guidance, kind heart, an experience. As I enter this new chapter of my life my I never look back. May I only move forward from this point on. May you lead me to my blessings and let them rain down upon me in multitude. IJN AMIN "


9 years ago


"Please pray for the victims and lives lost due to flooding in Oklahoma and Texas and other states. "


9 years ago

"My Family "

"My sisters marriage and her husband to be set free. They have separated and he won't come home. "


9 years ago


"Please keep my grandchildren safe Lord from any harm. I pray also for my son Chad and his family as they move to start a new job as school superintendent. Please be with them as they move and help them to make the best decision for buying a home. Forgive me where I fall short Lord and help me to find a good church where I can worship you with other Christians. I love you Lord thank you for my family please bless and keep them."


9 years ago

"My Wife"

"Pray that she continues to grow in the Lord, sharing her love for God with her family. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For A Special Intention"

"Recently, I had someone so very special to me walk out of my life. I had never met someone so sweet and caring, funny, honest, and someone who I had so much in common with until I met them... We just clicked! I thought for sure they were the one and like it was really meant to be. Things didn't work out because of timing and it just isn't the right time right now. This person was a major blessing in my life. Ever since they walked out I've just been confused. Why would God give me someone so amazing and then take them away from me? Will we workout in the future and find the right time? Will I ever find someone better than him? Honestly, I don't think I will ever find someone like him again in my whole entire life which upsets me so much. Please pray for me and help me to get through this. Please pray that I will realize. Please pray that we can maybe workout in the future. Please pray that I will always love God and trust in Him with my whole heart and that I will always realize He comes before any of these things. Please pray that I will always know Gods love for me. Please pray that the hurt and sadness can be taken out of my heart. Thank you and God bless everyone."


9 years ago


"Please pray for this pain and numbness problem in my shoulder/back area to heal. In Jesus name. Amen"


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"Please pray for my Family and Me....pray for our safety, our health,our financial issues....most of all pray for us that we become wiser and closer to the Lord..."


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"Please pray for me that may the Lord Jesus guide me always in everything that I do and that He will protect me always. Please include me into your prayers that I will also have a strong relationship with the Lord."


9 years ago

"Please Pray For Healing"

"Please pray for healing of my digestive problems. I'm now scared I could have cancer. God, please forgive my sins and heal me from head to toe. I want to finish going to school and be able to help other people so much. Please help me get the answers I need, and give me wisdom. God, I am crying out to you for some relief. Please help me. "


9 years ago

"Clinical For School"

"Father in heaven, in Jesus name, please let these clinical contact come through, chose the best one for me that I will have gain knowledge that will help me better..your will be done and I release unto know my heart and I'd like Valerie to return my text and set up my shadow but it's up to you and ask for patience through the power of the Holy Spirit! Amen your son Jesus name.."


9 years ago


"Please pray for me."


9 years ago

"To See The One I Love"

"I need God to help me make a trip to Orlando Florida to meet the one I love. I plan on making this trip in January 2016 but I would like to make the trip as early as possible. It will be my first trip I make without lots of people and parents. I need God to keep me safe and come back to Georgia safe. But I pray I will get to meet him and it will go amazingly and one day I will move there."


9 years ago

"Need A Gift In My Life"

"God I am so thankful for so many things I have in my life But I also got a lot of scars and have been deeply hurt in my long path (everybody says I have a good heart) I need a change in my job now to see as a kind of gift or compensation for all disappointment I had passed I do not thing more about be closer to someone because I lost the trust and I do not even know how to start But I believe this change could change my life and bring some happiness"


9 years ago


"Our cat Sasha is missing. Lord please send him back to us quickly. Amen"


9 years ago

"Pray For Me"

"Please pray for me that I may get closer to the Lord....pray that I don't get to caught up in the worldly temptations and I follow on the path that God wants me on. Pray for my family also.... Thanks be to God for all he has done for us!!!"


9 years ago

"Healing prayers"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. This also has stirred up so many different losses and unhealed wounds. "


9 years ago

"Please Take Time To Read And Pray For Me"

"I'm hurting. So much right now. I feel like someone just grabbed my heart and totally ripped it out of my chest. I don't even know where to being to develop a relationship with God again. I feel like I messed up big time. I just want to feel whole again and to stop hurting. I want to get this person off of my mind. I almost wish I never met the person who did this to me. I pray that God leads them down a good path and takes away the pain in my heart that was caused by them. I pray God helps me to get over this and helps me to realize everything will be okay. I pray I will feel whole again and everything will be okay. Please pray for me. I'm hurting. I feel so lost right now. God, I need you."


9 years ago


"My sister's workmates are quarreling her. They've been telling bad words and bad things at her and accusing her for the things she didn't do. Please help me pray for her that GOD will comfort her and give her strength and that her faith in the Lord will grow and will become stronger & deeper. May the Lord protect her always"


9 years ago

"Comfort And Help For OJT"

"I pray that may the Lord help us and seliver us from the problems that we are encountering with our OJT. May the Lord answer our prayers and give us the comfort that we need. May we, (me and my groupmates) be able to pass all our OJT requirement, finish our documentation and system on-time and may we be able to deliver our presentations well. I also pray that may the Lord bless the teacher/s who will interview us for the OJT. May the Lord deliver us from any problems that we are facing."


9 years ago


"I pray for the health of our family. May the Lord bless us with healthy mind and body. May He heal my dad who is Diabetic and started to experience kidney failure."


9 years ago

"Financial Breakthrough"

"Lord God, the maker of all things, my God and my savior! I worship your holiness and your kindness to all your creation. I pray for great abundance and wisdom from your good heart, so that I can share a blessing to other."


9 years ago

"Reconciliation & Healing"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago


"Tonight I ask for prayer and some answers. What is heaven like? When we live in heaven what do we do there? Is it like here at Earth we're we have careers. I believe with all my heart that God exist and that he is a fact. "


New York
9 years ago

"Churches "

"Pray for the churches, that they would receive the Holy Spirit and be guided by the Holy Spirit. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For A Special Intention"

"Recently, someone told me they don't want to be in my life anymore and just simply walked away. They have ingnored my recent texts and have been pretty hurtful lately. My heart is hurting. I don't want to lose this person. This person was truly a blessing from God. I pray that some miracle happens and this person can enter my life again. I liked this person as more than a friend for a very very long time. I pray that God can give me this extra blessing as I am very appreciative and thankful for all of the other blessings He has given me in life. I feel like this person and I are truly meant to be and I have faith. I pray that this person will realize all that they meant to me and I pray that this person will enter my life again very soon. I pray that nothing bad comes from all of this and I pray for the person. I pray that I can get another chance with this person. This means so much to me. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Pregnant and Worried"

"Please pray for my husband and I. Please pray for my pregnancy and unborn baby. I currently a little over five weeks pregnant. I am worried because previously I have had 4 or 5 early term miscarriages all in 1st trimester and one early term birth second trimester. My son was born alive but too early for the NICU to do anything for him and he passed after a few hours. My husband and I are celebrating our 12th year wedding anniversary and long to be parents to our own biological children. This pregnancy is a blessing and we praise you Jesus for it! Please father God help this baby grow healthy and perfectly and full term. Lord help us to bring this child(ren) healthy, whole and alive home from the hospital so that we may raise them in your word. In Jesus name we pray amen! Ps) let the first doctors appointment next week go well and ultrasound. Thank you for reading this and for your time and prayers!"


9 years ago

"In Need Of work"

"My husband and I are late in bills because I'm out of a job. Looking for a job."


9 years ago


"My Aunt is currently homeless. May she find a place to live and a job. "


9 years ago

"Please Pray For Me"

"Please pray for me. I recently had someone very special to me walk out of my life. I never thought it would happen. Lord, I am very thankful for all of the blessings that you give me.. I just pray you can give me this extra blessing. I pray that this person will enter my life again and forgive me for all of the things I have done. I pray that the sadness and hurt is taken out of my heart and I pray that this person will realize how much they meant to me. I never wanted to lose them. They meant so much to me and I hope and pray that they will also realize how much I meant to them. The person truly is a blessing and I pray for them. They meant a lot to me. I pray they realize how much they meant to me. I feel like we are meant to be. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"My sister lost her job. Please let her find a new one that she will love fast!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my son get into the show choir. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my sister live to see her daughter become an adult and let her daughter be able to handle the responsibility of the home house. Amen."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me keep my job. Please let it be decided next week. Please let me know as soon as possible. Amen."


9 years ago

"Believe In Myself"

"Please pray that I get my priorities in order and help me to believe I can be successful. Please help me to get my finances in order and push me to take the initiative and have the confidence, energy, make the decision and follow through, and the resources I need to make this business successful."


9 years ago

"Fiancés Work "

"Dear Lord, My fiancé started his new job & he is struggling with his mental state within the work place. He has finally got a job after so long. Please Lord help him to be strong & stick it through as we need the money. We desperately need your help in our time of need. We have struggled for so long & just need a break Lord. A break from things always going downhill. Feeling cursed. Rid us of this curse/s please I'm begging you. Need this job more than anything right now to help us both & so we don't struggle as we have been every time something starts to go the right way for us. Amen "


Plano, Texas
9 years ago

"Relationship reconcile"

"A significant event happened in January that caused a rift between me and someone very dear to me; I am praying that god will grant reconciliation between us and because I believe there are greater things to come for us! I am praying and trusting in god that he will place his healing hands to remove the bitterness, hurt and anger! I pray that he will open our hearts and provide understanding and compassion and that reconciliation will restore the shared happiness and provide the future we once set out for! Your prayers are appreciated! Thank you all :)"


9 years ago


"Please pray for the salvation of my friend Marco. Thank you ."


9 years ago

"Help Me"

"God has been saying no to my pleas for help for 10 years. Things have just gotten worse. Working 5 nights a week at a job I hate, living with my parents, and never knowing romantic love? This can't be it for me."


DeLand, Florida
9 years ago

"For Perseverance"

"Lord, may I always lean upon you. You brought me this far in my life, and You are worthy of all praise. You are my Best Friend, and beside You there is none else. In all my tears and laughs, my joys and sorrows, You were there. Help me always to persevere in the face of what society thinks of me. What society says I should be. What society says I should say or do. You called me out of this world--I'm in it. I don't want to be of it. Help me always to be this."


9 years ago

"Prayers Of Healing And Reconciliation"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago


"Thank you dear Heavenly Father for keep me safe throughout the night and giving me breath of life to enjoy this beautiful day that thou Has made. Continue your many blessings upon us oh Lord and keep us safe in your Arms. In Jesus most Holy name...Amen!!!!"


Tacoma, Washington
9 years ago

"Proof Of Your Exsitence"

"God, You showed me your proof through a little girl at the time. She is all grown up now, but I saw her testimony. About you showing her hell and heaven. I heard your message and I am telling everyone that I know about your message. But, no one wants to believe me. They only give thumbs up, or just acknowledge that the message I have to them. I want to help spread your message but, no one wants to believe. I wonder if they think I going crazy? But I heard your message and I know that you are real. I know that He'll and Heaven exist. Please Lord, please tell me of the two or three witnesses. I do not understand this. Please explain this to me so that I can understand. I do remember that time of preparation. At bible camp. That scared to so much that I knew I was not going to heaven. I want to do your work. I want people to know that your time is coming. I want to know that you hear me and that I am doing what you desire for me to do, in your name Lord Jesus! I am scared though. Please be with me when I share your message with people. Please show your light through me so they can she you in me. I love you Lord!! I love you and all I want is to help your message of your coming. Please stay with me always and forever. Please enter into my heart so that I can speak your words and not faulter. Speak to me so that I can hear you and let me know that it is you I am speaking to so that I am not being deceived by the devil or satan. I love you Lord Jesus and fill my home with your Love and your words that family will know you, see you, and want you in their lives. Please be with us. I pray all of this in the name of my father in Heaven, in the Holy Spirit and in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ God's only begotten Son, Amen."


9 years ago

"Grace And Mercy"

"Thanking the Lord for letting me and my family see another beautiful day.....I pray for his guidance throughout our lives.....give us wisdom to make the right choices in our everyday lives. Continue to bless us and Protect us and continue filling us with your Holy Spirit.🙏🏽"


9 years ago


"Thankful to God for all he has done for my family....pray that his blessings continue showering on us. Pray that he open our hearts and help us to have faith and trust in him....because there's no other greater than He is."


9 years ago


"Pray for good word from doctors, heal my anxiety and heal my body. To find answers to what is going on and to fight this inner demon that seems to be attacking me and wants to take over. May I fight it with all my might and over come all these problems I am having. "


Tulsa OK
9 years ago

"Healing And Restoring My Marriage"

"Please pray for the healing and restoration of marriage to unite us to reconciliation by God. Through God. In God."


9 years ago


"Peace, relationship with God, relationships Autumn. Relationship with Jess"


9 years ago

"Miss yvonne"



9 years ago


"I'm finding difficulty on financially all I want you all to pray for me because I owe $6000 dollars please if you're a keen pray to the lord so he will help.the only hope is with Jesus with him everything is possible. I've got no money amount like that with me here please I beg you please pray for me before next week Thursday "


9 years ago

"Need Prayer"

"I finding difficulty on financially, I need. Prayer from everyone I owe $600 thousand dollar could you please be keen and prayer for "


9 years ago

"Getting Closer "

"I pray God brings me closer to him than I have ever being... Life means nothing with out God 💞"


9 years ago

"Saving My Marriage"

"Please Farther God . Please help me to save my marriage . Please help me and my husband draw closer to each other and have a better understanding of each other. Please intercede on my be half to bring him home. Please touch his heart like only you can . Help me lord to say the right thing at the right time. Help me to be a better wife and mother."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me keep my present job and not get called in about my attendance."


9 years ago

"Continued Blessings"

"Lord I pray that you continue to bless me & my family throughout all the days of our lives, I pray that you continue to take care of us & provide us with everything we need, health wise, financially, mentally. I pray that you never leave our side, that your blessings upon us are plentiful & that you show us the right way. Thank you for taking the heavy burden off my heart & for making me feel free again. Thank you for all you have done for me & my family. I pray that Reece is able to find a full time job so that we can begin our future together & continue to live each day with a positive outlook on life, that things get going in our favour, that my brother's business picks up, that my sister gets a pass in her course, that my mum can stop working so hard for little money, that my dad shows his caring side, that we are all happy & healthy, that my family overseas are in good health & good spirits, that they are financially stable & can live an abundant life. I pray that you forgive our sins, transgressions & any wrong doing known or unknown. Thank you Lord for listening to my prayers on a day to day basis, for showing me the right way, for everything! Amen! "


9 years ago

"I Hate Practice "

"I really don't like soccer anymore. I wanna ask that you pray it will rain so that practice gets cancelled. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Anxiety And Nausea"

"Heal me from anxiety so I don't have to live depending on meds my whole life same with nausea even though that's part of the anxiety "


9 years ago


"God, I pray now for my mother and brother. There are a lot of unsaid this between them and I pray you will place your hands on them and heal them. I pay too that he knows how much I love him and want him to be happy. Amen."


9 years ago


"God, I pray for our finances. I pray we can get it together and save for the future while paying off our debt. I know we can do this with your help. Xoxo"


9 years ago

"Protection "

"Dear God, I pray you will use your army of angels to protect my family and keep them healthy and safe from harm. "


9 years ago


"God, I pray for more patience when it comes to dealing with my kids and husband. I have come so far but I need your strength and guidance so that I can continue to grow and become the wife and mother you want me to be. I love you so much and thank you for leading me to this wonderful app. It is so uplifting to be able to share in this community. God bless you all!"


9 years ago

"Loss Of Wallet"

"Dear lord, I'm not a good kid to you. I always turn to temptation and I'm weak. Lord i loss my wallet few weeks ago.. Please protect me from evildoer whom might use my identity card for illegal matter."


9 years ago

"One In A Million"

"I have a one in 1 million chance at earning financial independence. I would finally be able to move out of my parents house, quit my job which I hate, rekindle my passion for life, and be happy. Every time I ask God for help he always says no. please just this once, give me what I want/need."


Plano, Texas
9 years ago

"Relationship reconcile"

"Lord I pray to you today that you will provide reconciliation for my relationship and that we can work out our differences and bring you into our relationship! That you through the holy spirit soften our hearts and open our communication back up!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let us be able to conceive naturally."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me know if I get to keep my job before May 7. Amen."


9 years ago


"Please pray for my marriage to be restored"


9 years ago


"I pray for the restoration of my marriage"


9 years ago

"Needing Jesus"

"Needing prayer to lead me back to church, and rebuild my relationship with Jesus. I ask for prayers to help guide me to church again and to help lead my husband and children to church with me. As a young family, we can not do this by ourselves. I ask for my marriage to be centered around Jesus, and to help us teach and lead our 2 little boys to Christ and to be God fearing little men. "


9 years ago


"Dear God, please heal my ear ache and protect my ear drum from bursting. I really need your guidance about the race. Im so disappointed that I have been sick and not able to train. Please protect my kids tonight and keep them safe from evil. Please comfort my future husband and show him that I love him."


9 years ago


"I have prayed for several people on here since downloading the app. I haven't received the same response in return. It's very depressing to see no one respond to prayer requests. I'm going to delete the app. God bless you all. "


9 years ago


"I'm going to take my drivers test for the second time! I failed my first and I ask that you guys pray for me to stay calm and do my best so I can pass! "


9 years ago

"My Son"

"Praying for my 17 year old son who has battled peer pressure and Satan's hold on him through bad friendship choices and drug use. Father, I declare in your name that the hold Satan has on my son be broken and that he will turn to you, seek covenant friendships, and follow your will for his life because I know you have great plans for him."


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Becoming A Nurse"

"Please let me obtain a nursing scholarship. Please let me earn good grades on all my classes. Please let me pass my tests. Please let my acceptance into nursing school be legitimate and stick. Please let everything run smoothly during orientation. Amen."


9 years ago


"I ask for your prayers. My mom has had a really bad day today. She's called me 11 times in the course of an hour and a half. Her dementia is really bad today. I'm working at a very stressful job. This time of year is very busy and hectic for us. I can't be there whenever she needs me. She gets angry and doesn't understand. Our daughter's senior year is about to begin, and we are looking at several large financial obligations looming before us. I just feel as if I'm being hit from all directions. I know we are to have faith in our Lord to provide and deliver us. I could sure use some support prayers as well. "


9 years ago

"My Wife, Dee Is In Pain Today"

"Please pray for my wife, Dee dealing with a urinary track infection and is in pain... We are healed by His stripes... Asking for her pain to leave her body... Thank you so much for your prayers..."


9 years ago

"Protection And Guidance"

"I do pray my loving father you may give me strenght, wisdom, knowledge as i go on with my work, all my eays i offer it to you, i do pray Lord God that give me protection and guidance in work. This all i pray in your precious name. Amen!"


9 years ago


"Please do pray for the salvation of my love ones who are not yet save! My family, my father benjamin amansec jr, mother mercy amansec, siblings: emerson, merben, gesile, sister in law anabelle, neice: angelie gaile, jamina euhanne, precious mia ross, my friends: alexis, jemilyn, anne michelle, joan, guia marie, rosario, janice, yvonne,josette, analyn, er co worker"


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago


"Today I have been questioned about my belief so I did some research and I'm loosing faith. Can I ask the people who are reading this how does an all mighty GOD forgive those who have rapped or murdered someone? How we get questioned so much in school if he is real? The Lord said that he saved every animal in Noahs flood why don't we have dinosaur still? Please pray that my faith grows stronger not weaker. "


9 years ago

"Prayers For Mother"

"Please pray for my mom's health. Her dementia is getting worse. Please pray her doctors will be able to find a medication which helps her to enjoy what days she has left on this earth. "


9 years ago

"Fear Of God"

"God has said no to my prayers for 10 years. I have no idea what his plan for me is, but right now it seems to be the opposite of what I want, and it's really beginning to scare me."


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago

"Peace And Focus"

"Lord, I pray for calmness, peace, and focus so that I may be successful in my new job. With your help and guidance I will succeed! "


Chula Vista, California
9 years ago

"Recovery After Job Loss"

"Lord, I know that you are in control. Please guide me to a good nursing job with a supportive manager and coworkers that are also caring and cohesive. Amen"


9 years ago

"Reconciliation And Healing"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. "


9 years ago

"New Job "

"Dear God, I pray that you help my fiancé find a full time job close by. That you open up many doors for him & put kindness into the recruiting agents heart to help him secure a job very soon. I pray that this new job is something he will enjoy doing. I pray that you give him the courage & strength needed at the job interview & pray that he gets this job very soon. We are in desperate need Lord. In you I trust. Amen"


9 years ago

"Help With Stressful Situation "

"I have a lot of anxiety & depression not to mention stress. My fiancé is currently looking for a full time job & has been for many months without any luck. I am working full time & the pressure is unbearable most days to keep a roof over our heads as we are renting ( can not afford a home of our own right now). We also seem to be having a lot of bad luck with any endeavour we pursue to help us make some money. We have been struggling for the past five years & need to get help. Every business idea gets to the point at where we just do not have the money to continue with it in the end. No matter what we try it fails. I pray everyday for financial help & well being. I also have debts that have recently come up & trying to arrange a payment plan for but needed to apply to court to do so. I pray that they allow me to go on one as we can not afford to pay it all in one go. If anyone has the time please pray for me, my family but also in case any curses or evil entities are around us please pray with me to get rid of them. Thank you in advance. "


9 years ago

"Prayers Of Comfort & Healing"

"Prayers of comfort and healing for my grieving heart."


Kochi, India
9 years ago

"Higher Education"

"I want to pursue my post graduation but due to lack of financial aid i cannot move further.please pray for me !"


9 years ago

"Prayers For Healing Reconciliation"

"I have a loved one who has disappeared out of my life at no fault of my own after a challenging event in his life. Please pray for his healing and happiness. Also please pray for my healing and happiness. Finally, please pray for healing and reconciliation between myself and this loved one. Pray for my loved one that he may seek healing with me. I have had many losses in my life. This one being the most significant. As a result, the distance has hurt me deeply and the loss of friendship has caused me to grieve immensely. Pray that I may forgive, let go of hurt and anger & that I may always see this person in a loving compassionate manner. Thank you ever so much."


9 years ago


"10 YEARS IS TOO LONG A TIME TO ASK GOD FOR HELP, ONLY TO HAVE HIM SAY NO EVERY TIME! Don't tell me to be grateful for the things I have, don't tell me that it could be a lot worse. Just give me what I want, before my faith dies completely."


9 years ago

"Prayers Needed For Someone Who Doesnt Believe"

"Please pray for Philip. He and I have broken up due to a situation he has caused and had hurt me. Please pray that he will be humbled and see what he did was wrong. Please pray that he will come to know God and Jesus. Thank you for your prayers."


Clovis, CA
9 years ago

"Oh No!!!!! Please Help"

"The college I teach at May have to shut its doors in 2 weeks. I love my work and this would be a huge change amidst other challenges I'm facing. The house I just bought will close escrow next week. Loosing my job would be a financial mess. I could really use some prayer for calm in this storm and accepting God's will if you wouldn't mind adding me to your list. Thank you!!!!"


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago

"Grades In School"

"Hello tonight I'm asking that you pray for me to get my grades up and to be successful. I ask that I focus more in school and study harder. I need good grades so that I may become a doctor one day and help save people the way GOD intended me to do so. "


Nashville, TN
9 years ago


"I am feeling so overwhelmed and stressed as the school year is coming to an end. I'm grateful for it and hope it flies by! However, there is so much in my plate right now and I just need to put my trust in God. Do you have any Bible verses that might help? Thanks for the prayers!!"


Clovis, CA
9 years ago


"I need some help with prayer for patience and grace. My family is not supportive of my marriage, nor are they biblical advisers. The family is divided but I really want the relationships healed. It will take a miracle with this crew, please add my family's reconciliation to your prayers. Thank you!!!"


9 years ago

"Marriage Life"

"Lord, our Father in heaven, I believe in you and in your power to protect our family. I prayed that blessed my marriage to Hans Magnar Hope. Blessed our life together, our relationship with each other and to our respective families especially our children. It is not perfect oh God, but by your grace and compassion to us you will help us to become the family you want us to be. I ask this through our savior, your son Jesus Christ! Amen."


9 years ago


"Dear God, I ask in full faith that you allow my daughter Shani's neck to be completely healed, that you allow my family and I deliverance and salvation, that you allow all my bills be paid, that we are allowed to keep our home, that I am allowed to be married in true divine love to a wonderful man in every way and that my family and I are allowed your divine guidance everyday. Thank you God. Thank you Prayer request. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. I love you all."


9 years ago

"Little Things"

"I pray that I will depend on God with all my heart and gain strength through his amen"


Greenville, KY 42345
9 years ago

"Calling For Prayer Team"

"Pray as God is preparing people to commit to pray for church and pastor and his family, leading up to launch."


Saginaw, Michigan
9 years ago

"For My Dads Surgery"

"My dad is having surgery on his shoulder on Wednesday"


9 years ago


"I pray for my grandson who was born premature but by the grace of God he is doing well he is now 4 months old I want to keep him lifted up in prayer that he will continue to make progress in growth and development I thank you Jesus for all you have done "


9 years ago

"Restoration "

"I pray that God restore my marriage rebuild that trust that only God can do my marriage is broken and I know that it's not God's plan for us to live like this restore communication and trust and teach us to put God first "


9 years ago

"New Jobs"

"Please pray for me and my husband as we start looking for new jobs for the both of us. We feel that God is calling us back home and we're taking a leap of faith and moving back with no job. We truly believe God is calling us to do this. "


Phoenix, Arizona
9 years ago

"For Me And My Friends"

"Pray for me and my friends that we do not get in more more drama !"


Phoenix, Arizona
9 years ago

"Looking For A Husband "

"Am praying to find me a husband !"


9 years ago

"Uncle Saimon"

"Work its been too long Lord "


Nashville, TN
9 years ago


"I have my first high school track meet this week and I am freaking out!!! Plus, nothing has gone my way this week. I don't want to embarrass myself at the meet and just want to do good. I could really use your prayers to help keep my nerves down. Thank you!"


9 years ago

"I Need Guidance "

"Me and my friend are having some issues and I pray that I turn to God first before anything. I also want to try to pray for my friend, that she would forgive me and I would forgive her and things can be how they were used to. So really I want the Lord to guide me through this little test and that I would rely on him through it all."


Plano, Texas
9 years ago

"Relationship Reconcile"

"Lord I pray to you today that you will provide reconciliation for my relationship and that we can work out our differences and bring you into our relationship! That you through the holy spirit soften our hearts and open our communication back up!"


9 years ago


"Please Lord in the name of Jesus I pray for health for son"


9 years ago

"I Am Feeling Tormented"

"After all I have done for all these years, I deserve all this. I am selfish and I do regret it but this had to be done. With all the people that I have used, this is not enough. I hate that I am going through it but I am very aware that I deserve it. I wish I could take it back but I can't. Lord, I hope that you do forgive me for the things that I have done, I apologize but I also ask that you have pity on me and help me move on. Thank you in advance."


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Best Friends Daughter Is Having Surgery, Best Friends Cancer Might be Coming Back"

"One of my goddaughters name is Rebeka. She has to have her tonsils removed because they are causing her problems. Pray that everything goes well with this. I am home mother which is my best friend Venessia is 36. The doctor told venessia to see her hematologist. Because her white count on her last CBT was 21000 which is way high. I'm asking for prayer that the cancer goes in remission. It's been in remission for 30 years. I'm asking for prayer warriors for prayers for strength, courage, and for her to keep her faith. She is a strong woman blessing to many especially to me. I am saying thank you. God bless each and everyone of you with the blessings that you need. GODSPEED. "


9 years ago


"Please God bless and cure my son from his illness. Give us peace and joy."


9 years ago

"My Little Brother"

"I want my brother back , Please let him come back ...., It make my mom happy 😪🙏🙏🙏 Pray please? 🙏🙏🙏 Amen !!"


9 years ago


"Please pray for Victoria. She has been looking for a job for months and is really getting down. "


9 years ago


"Please Lord help my son with his illness. Help my family cope with. We are desperate now."


9 years ago


"Thank you God "


9 years ago

"My Theory Driving Test"

"God In 2 weeks I have my driving exam I pray that your mighty hand moves over my life and I have faith that I will pass because I know I'm serving a living God please remember me and favour me, thank you God Amen "


9 years ago

"Concieve "

"Hey there :) Me and my partner have been trying to conceive this month. Can I please get prayers that we conceive this month. Thank you so much :) "


Nashville, TN
9 years ago


"This might seem silly but I have to get braces and I'm SO scared! I don't know if I am making the right choice by getting them. What if I hate my smile after I take them off? I'm scared I'll get made fun of. I feel like I will never get use to them. I know God will love me, braces or no braces. Have any advice? Thank you!"


9 years ago

"My Heart And My Mind "

"Help my mind be at ease and Holy Spirit come next to me and guide me with encouragement, I can pass this test with God on my side, please God help me. Help my heart not hurt and let me leave it all in your hands God. Help Michael's heart and remind him that he's your son and that he's golden too and that he needs to leave the alcohol and drugs. He's a good soul, he's loved by you and he's loved by me"


9 years ago

"My Friends Hearts"

"I pray for my friend Janet that is having a hard time right now spiritually, she seems to be sad and feels heartbroken because her father is not around. God help my friend... Help marianne and Twyla with their problems at work and home. Help them leave it all to you and that no harm can be done to them or their family, with you god there is no impossible. Have them and fulfill their hearts with faith and happiness. "


9 years ago

"Urgent Prayers For Vanessa "

"Please pray for my daughter in law Vanessa! She's been diagnosed for the second time with Leaukemia (CLL) she had treatment for it four and half years ago, and had been in remission. She since had a baby which is now 11 months old and needs her Mum! I am praying that God in his almighty power and kind heart heal Vanessa and through a miracle Vanessa regain her full health! Please pray as my son Anthony (Vanessa's husband) and my family have already been through the biggest tragedy. I lost my 35 years old son Domenic last year through suicide and we are still trying to recover from it. Please pray that God in his mercy give Vanessa and Anthony full health to bring up their young daughter together. Thank you. God bless. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞💞"


Detroit, Michigan
9 years ago


"Dear God, I come to you today as I do always and ask that you please allow me to be the starting Running Back at WSU the next for years God Please! Please Allow Me To Break and set new rushing records for this team and be able to bring home a national championship! And then fulfill my dream of being a legendary football player and being drafted to the NFL! God please allow me to take the necessary steps to achieve all of my dream and goals and to make this happen! In your son Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen"


9 years ago

"Praise The Lord, Thank You Lird Jesus Christ"

"Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise and Glory to the Lord. Praise, Thanks and Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has answered my prayers and solved 12 out of 18 critical issues that I have been facing in my life, I still have 6 more critical problems to battle with, however I am extremely confident that in the name of Lord Jesus Christ that the Heavenly Father God will soon solve these 5 issues for me. I am exceedingly overjoyed that all of my problems are being solved one by one in priority order. I could have never solved my critical problems without Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord Jesus Christ for pulling me out of this dark deep freezing hole, I will always sing your praise. In addition thanks to everyone who has been praying for me, highly appreciated and may God always shower his blessings on you and your family. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Peace"

"A coworker of mine has been meddling about how much overtime myself and another coworker have been getting but every time my boss asks her to work extra hours her response is "no". She literally went to my boss (because my boss told me) and wants her to take the hours from us and give them to her! I just pray that God sees what she's doing and keep her from being sneaky and mean about this. There's plenty of hours but to try and take from me is plain evil "


9 years ago

"Pray For Bathsheba"

"Little girl with rare condition where her heart beats outside of its normal position (superficial and outside). Need surgery to correct."


9 years ago

"Morning Prayer-- The Blood Of Jesus"

"Father, I come in the name of Jesus to plead His protecting blood on the lives of me, Chris, Chris's future wife, Ashley, my future grandchildren and great grandchildren, mom, dad, Dotty, my entire extended family, friends and their families that are believers. May the power of his blood be on the portals of our minds, bodies, wills and emotions. I believe that the blood of the Lamb protect us and gives us access to the Holy of Holies. Thank you for the blood that has cleansed us from all sin and sealed the New Covenant of which we are a partaker. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Morning Prayer- Thanks Giving"

"Father, please forgive both my known and unknown sins. Thank you for the redemptive blood of Jesus that washes me clean. Holy Spirit, show me my hidden sins so that I may give them up to God. Father, your word promises me that when temptation comes, a way out also comes. Open my eyes and strengthen my determination and fortitude so that I will not willing sin against You. Father God, I praise you and honor You. I give back to you everything I have because all things come to me by your hand. Please help me, Lord, to be open and obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Mold the desires of my heart to match God's Will and help me to never stray from his Path! Loving Father, I ask for your blessing, grace, favor, guidance, healing and protection on all Christian's especially Sheri, Chris, Ashley, Annette, Jim, Dotty, Gracie, EZ's, Charlotte, Pauline, Harriet, Teresa and our families. Please extend this to Dan and Mike, too. May our love and commitment towards each other and towards You grow stronger each day. Father, please protect me, my family, friends, co-workers, Church family and all our extended families. Send your mighty Angels to keep watch over us; may they surround our cars and keep us safe while we travel today. May our homecoming be a joyous one filled with love for our families, those around us and specially for You. In Jesus' name, I claim this victory! Amen. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please God let me hear something back about the teaching job. Please let me get it very soon."


9 years ago

"My Mom Is Jealous"

"Your Request: What do you do when you are already going through a tough time with precancerous cells and your own mom is talking down on you. Me and my dad has always had a close relationship. I would do anything for him and vice versa. I feel comfortable speaking with my dad about anything. My dad is disabled and I help him out a lot with everyday life. He's been through a lot with his health, I may get overwhelmed but I always come through for him. My mom (I hate to use that term sometimes bc of her actions) is so jealous of the help I give my dad. I have to help him bc in many causes she won't or doesn't want to do it. She's obsessed with money and always worried about material things. Instead of thinking about my health she's more concerned if my dad gave me money to cover some medical expenses I recently had. I lost my job and have not insurance and I'm worried sick this precancerous will turn into cancer soon. She talks about me behind my back All the time, saying I deserve this, that I really don't care about my daddy, saying she wishes she never had children. My dad can't walk and she hates to do anything for him most of the time unless she wants something I'm turning real cold towards this women. If she hates to do for him why get mad when someone else does. She's waiting for him to die and me too now. All she thinks of is herself and her obsession with money. She goes to church but is nothing but the devil. I have to much on mind about my health to really even care anymore. For your own mother to say hateful things and pretend in your face like she cares is sick. I cried about it and felt down about it. Maybe when I die I will be in true peace. I try to believe and pray that I will be fine but w/o insurance or help without all these twist and turns My condition will worsen. I don't know what else to do, maybe I should just let it run its course and take my life. I have tried to look at a brighter way, I have prayed and asked for strength but everyday I try to have a good day it goes down hill fast. Im scared to answer the phones, open mail, and go to anymore doctor appointments. This issue with my mom makes it worst, I really do think she wants something bad to happen to me and my dad."


9 years ago

"Im So Sad"

"I don't wanna die I wanna live . I got high cholesterol found out on feb 5 2015 I don't wanna die please father please? Is don't wanna die sister n her husband cause it please help me please pray for me ? Please father ? Amen"


9 years ago


"Please pray for my 84 year old mother who is in severe pain from slipped disc. Pray for God to have mercy on her and and ease her pain. God bless you."


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Family Friend Needs Help"

"I have a family friend that I've known since I was a little kid. He is a good man and good father. He's been divorced for a while now and he's been suffering from post from PDSD. He used to drive tanks. But due to a recent work accident where he used to work you cannot work now. He's got major depression is really hurting on the inside but doesn't want to talk to anyone. So Prayer Warriors I'm asking for prayers for guidance and help please Godspeed to you all. And God bless you all. "


Irvine, CA
9 years ago

"Grieving A Miscarriage"

"My husband and I lost our first child at 11 weeks into the pregnancy. It hasn't been three weeks since the D and C surgery but it is just now starting to hit me. I feel foolish and ashamed to mourn this loss when so many others have had so much worse. I know that I am not alone and that God is with me but I am having trouble believing that in my heart. Please pray that I would grieve rightly and that God would make himself known to me in this dark time."


9 years ago

"Abnormal Test Results..Don't Want To Be Judged"

"Your Request: I had an abnormal Pap smear 6mths ago and was advised to get a repeat one. Well there are still abnormal cells, precancerous cells, if not taken care of. Now I'm advised to get a procedure done to remove those cells. A LEEP Procedure. I have no insurance bc I lost my job so im having to pay out of pocket. I'm scared, hurt, and would rather not be in this world anymore. The reason why is this Pap smear was caused by a virus called HPV. I've only had one partner my entire life, from the age of 24-33. He's cheated several times, and the person he got caught with admitted he didn't use protection with her. I'm sure there were others too. I wanted to sit down and have an adult conversation with him about this bc there is NO possibility I got this from anyone else. He completely becomes offensive and start to get the heat off himself. He turned this around on me and said I didn't get it from him. He knows I've never been with anyone else but him, he will not take the blame. He has no remorse, will not even take responsibility. I'm hurt he won't even admit to it. I guess this is my punishment for being stupid and trusting him. Thinking he cares about me like I cared for him all this time. I don't understand how he can just brush this off and say I'm over reacting. This is my life he has ruined, I really am thinking of just ending my life bc I can never be with anyone else or think of wanted to start a family, or have a baby life I've always wanted with this going on. I never been anything but good to him and for him to do this to me. I feel so stupid and embarrassed. I won't even tell my cousin who is my best friend fear of being judged. I feel so dirty. I haven't gotten a chance to speak with my doctor again but I see no brighter side to this. He will go through life spreading this virus and thinking nothing of it. I have to deal with this inner humiliation, and unpleasant thoughts. I don't know what to do. I don't feel like nothing can help me, I got a death sentence bc I'm scared to death of cancer forming. I'll never do what he's done to me to anyone else. I don't understand how ppl like him can go through life unfazed by the hurt they cause. To not even acknowledge he did this is heartbreaking. I don't wanna live like this. I feel like I'm doomed, I feel like everybody knows, I scared that my prayers aren't being heard. I need help and I'm upset that I'm having to deal with this alone bc I'm so embarrassed. "


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Need Prayers For Neck Surgery"

"Okay fellow prayer warriors desperately need prayers from me. I go in for neck surgery a week from tomorrow. They are going to remove L4567 – replace them with titanium. As of tomorrow I have to stop taking my pain medication so I am not being tremendous amount of pain. That's another reason why I'm asking for prayer. I'm a bit nervous because some things I've never had like a catheter. I'm nervous kind of worried I know it's all my God and I know I will get through this without his help. I need your prayers for need to overcome this and get through this easy. Thank you Prayer warriors. God bless each and everyone of you. -Godspeed-"


9 years ago


"YOUR WORD says in (Isaiah 65:1) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’" // " . . . I will pour out my Spirit on all people. . . men will dream dreams . . . young men will see visions."(Joel 2:28) I CLAIM your WORDS, I CLAIM your PROMISES. Jesus, YOU LOVE THEM, with A PASSION, YOU DIED on the CROSS for THEM, so they could have LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY. YOUR GREATEST DESIRE, is to SAVE Jamshed & Diljohn's PRECIOUS SOULS from there BONDAGE. GIVE Jamshed & Diljohn. DEEP & BREATHLESS dreams, visions, miracles, make YOUR PRESENCE KNOWN. DRAW THEM CLOSER to YOU by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT. Turn this SITUATION into a SPEECHLESS MIRACLE. ALL PRAISE TO JESUS THE GLORIOUS KING OF KINGS #Amen"


Chicago, IL
9 years ago


"Please pray for a friend of mine who is in the middle of divorcing and he just lost his job last week. "


9 years ago

"My Friend In Need"

"My friend is having a hard time ending her cycle of toxic men. She has just had another baby with a man who refuses to have a romantic or friendly relationship with her and will not leave their home. He verbally abuses her and is so does his mother. They plot to take away her daughter and this is the second time this has happened to her, but instead of it being the father it was her own stepmother. Please pray for my friend. She is a woman of faith who seems to find the biggest struggles in her insecurities, desire to have a family that is not "broken" and repeating the same mistakes. I know she is intelligent but somewhat of a slave to her emotions. I pray she can truly give her problems all to God. I pray that her pain diminishes and that she finds a better solution. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For The Fruit Of The Womb"

"Please pray that God should bless me with the fruit of the womb,I didn't have the opportunity to enjoy my mothers love as she left me at 9 months old,it will be such an honor for me to show someone the love I never experienced"


Bloomington, Indiana
9 years ago

"Mom's Tumor"

"Mom just found out she has another tumor growing. She fought the last one with radiation but not sure she wants to go through that again. I would like prayer for God to heal her as well as give her peace through this process. "


9 years ago


"Since moving to this area 5 years ago, I've been struggling to make Christian friends and find a place in my congregation. It's a huge congregation - which I'm not used to but still comfortable because it's easy to go unnoticed, yet I am saddened by it. My children are 3 & 2 and go to the Sunday school and the Christians I keep in touch with are avoiding me because of their own personal problems. I know I have been blessed a wonderful husband and children, but I would like to have some friends to share my faith with who don't live in other states and maybe also have children. I recently started homeschooling for early preschool and have taken the role of a full time housewife. I love it but I want to be more involved than I am now with serving the Lord. Please guide me so that I may fulfill God's role for me. "


9 years ago


"God please show me the way... Everything happens for a reason and help me I feel sad and heartbroken. That Michael opens his heart and soul to you and please lord guide him to happiness, I pray for his heart and spirit and that he will leave the drugs and alcohol. Prayer for my heart because I know I deserve better "


9 years ago

"Saras Salvation"

"Praying for God to send his angels to unbind any chains that Satan or his demons may have bound Sara with. I believe we are in the season of the end and time is short. She needs Jesus! I pray that our Father in His unfailing love, sends an angel to appear to her. We need a miracle or Sara may not get saved in time. I believe that there is nothing God can not do and that He loves Sara and yearns for her salvation too, so thank you Father in advance for your answered prayer."


9 years ago


"Please pray with me.....Oh Dear God..... please pray for us my husband had his blood tested on Monday and should get results today. Please pray for a low PSA test result. He has not been feeling well and he has had cancer. I know with GOD all things are possible. Please pray he is ok. Please....Thank you."


9 years ago

"In Need Of Your Prayers"

"We've been trying so long for a baby and I'm fearing I'm losing hope. We did succeed in one pregnancy but sadly it ended in miscarriage. I don't know what to do. I feel like we've done everything we can and now the only thing to do is pray. I don't have a lot of people in my life that I can ask to pray for me so I ask for your prayers. Please Lord, bless us with a family of our own. Have mercy on us through this process. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Right Now LORD"

" Praying and speaking it ain't so. It will not come to pass. We rebuke and bind the enemy on every hand. We rebuke and bind the controlling, and manipulating spirit out of his life. Spirit of fear, you have to leave. LORD please take the desire, the want, the need, the thought, the passion and the belief out of Gregory's heart right now LORD and forever. If this is not your will for his life LORD, take it away. Give him the desire and strength to walk away. Let him see you JESUS in a real and special way. Give him the strength and power to be different from what he has always known. I plead the blood of JESUS over his mind and thoughts. LORD I ask and pray this in he mighty name of JESUS. "


Jacksonville, Florida
9 years ago

"Irma's Brother"

"Praying for healing of Javier. I pray that the chemo is shrinking the cancer while his body stays strong. I lift up his wife, their marriage, and their unborn child during this time. Lord, you are the ultimate healer and source of all miracles. in the name of Yeshua, I pray for complete, extraordinary healing of Javier's body. May this be for Your glory among all those who know or know of Javier! In Jesus' name, Amen!"


9 years ago

"Prayer For Victory For My Dad"

"Lord, you are almighty. You said no weapons can form against us. I ask that you be with my father throughout the trial. I ask that you lead him all through the way and remind him that with you all his enemies will run in 7 ways. Lord I know that with you everything is possible. I ask that you give victory to my dad. I ask that in Jesus' name. Amen"


9 years ago

"Peace And Healing"

"Heavenly Father, I pray for you to intercede on my behalf right now. I pray for your healing of this high heart rate and stomach issues. You know the expectations on during this conference and I cannot afford to be sick. Also, it is miserable and scary to be sick away from home. Father, I pray for your healing and protection and thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. "


9 years ago


"Please pray for my grandfather his shoulder and back hurts."


Clovis, CA
9 years ago


"Hello all, I'm asking for your help to pray for me to find wisdom and strength as I seek God. My heart hurts and I'm facing several challenges with my 2 teenage daughters, my husband and I are separated, the company I work for could close any day, and I'm struggling financially. God will provide but his wisdom and strength while I live through these challenges would be most helpful. Thank you all!!!! Kim Esses"


9 years ago

"Searching Hearts "

"For all those out there that are searching for God but have not yet found him. I spoke to a friend today who said she has so much anxiety her cousin suggested they go to a Buddhist Monastery to meditate and "feel gods presence". Her heart is longing for Christ but she's stumbling on the path to him. Pray that she discovers the peace and healing that comes with knowing God. "


9 years ago


"My Mom has a really bad cold please pray that she would get better soon."


9 years ago


"Pray for total healing for my mother...she was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2014. I also pray for deliverance for her from bitterness, hurt, anger, judgement, criticism, poor self esteem, and condemnation. I pray for full restoration for her in that she will finally be and have all that God intended for her. I pray she truly receives JESUS not only through head knowledge but through a heart knowledge and that she gains a rich and full love filled relationship with God and others. In JESUS Name Amen."


9 years ago


"I have my exam on Monday and I can't get myself to study, i'm so focused on everything else although my exam is most important. Lord give me the strength to focus on my studies.."


9 years ago

"Can God Trust Me?"

"Who's on your team? Our Life is like a team and we are the team captain. We have the opportunity to manage our team, and that includes the people you encounter every day- your parents, siblings, Friends, classmates, and yes, even your teachers. God blesses us with different types of relationships that he trusts us to handle well. Even when people are hurtful or annoying, like little brothers or sisters, he expects us to handle them with love and with kindness. Now ask yourself this question, " am I helping or hurting my team? " it's easy to help the team when you feel appreciated and valued, but that task can be a bit more challenging when the team hurts us. Jesus is such a great example. God trusted him with a great assignment, and Christ showed the greatest love to people who didn't love him back. He was able to do this because he trusted God. "Her husband can trust her." Trust is the key to this wise proverb. The Way you respond to the world around you shows how you can be trusted in it and with the people in it. God can trust her because he knows she can trust him to protect her in every situation, even painful relationships. A proverbial girl can be trusted by God to properly manage relationships that he gives her. She ensures that everyone feels appreciated and valued, just as God the father makes us feel. And as God can trust you with the relationships you have, he will trust to give you more relationships to both manage well and cherish forever. "


9 years ago


"I want to be someone you can trust, so teach me to trust that you will not put me in any relationship that won't ultimately help me to grow. Show me how to identify the people you want in my life and how to manage them properly, even when I feel I miss Jesus name amen"


9 years ago


"Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."


9 years ago


"I care so much about a man who I barely know and will barely let me in his life. He doesn't know what he wants but I like him a lot. God please do whatever you have to do in my life and help me be at peace. I don't want a heart break, protect me from harms way and do what you have to do in my life but help him, he needs peace as well. Only you know what's good for the both of us "


Louisville, Kentucky
9 years ago

"Restoration "

"Please pray for me and a current friendship that has slowly began to diminish because of our act of temptation and sinful thoughts . We decided to take a break from being friends because we did not want to have to both be held accountable for out sins. Even though I truly understand it really breaks my heart because this person was a true friend of mine. So I'm asking that you would pray for restoration , and also pray for him . "


9 years ago

"Rekindle The Fire"

"If I hear from PCH in the next few days I can finally buy a house, quit my job, have a steady income, and rekindle my passion for life, and be happy. I need this more than anything."


Madison, NC
9 years ago

"Daughter's salvation"

"Coveting prayers for my daughter's salvation and to make the correct decisions regarding her life."


New Hampshire
9 years ago

"loss of a loved one"

"God Please guide me through this emptiness I am feeling after you called my mother home last month. I understand each of us has our time here on Earth, but I am struggling with my selfish side that still wants her here with me, please help remind me each day to see the beauty in life and help begin to heal my soul. Give me strength to continue to be there for my girls, my husband, and my brothers as my mom would want me to continue on, please place peace in my mind, my heart, my spirit, and my soul. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me get into graduate school for the fall and let me score well on the GRE."


9 years ago

"Prayer Of Love For Family And Peace Of Mind"

"Lord It Seems Like I Can Make Time For Everything But Prayer. I Just Want To Thank You For The Tremendous Favor U Have Shown Over Me. Everyday Tasks Are That Much Easier Thanks To Ur Guidance."


9 years ago


"For my heart to never lose faith and hope in love. To let all my past mistakes stay in the past and not let it consume my feelings and emotions. Let my love you God conquer everything "


9 years ago

"Prayers for my son"

"Please pray for my son who is battling depression and possible drug usage. Please pray that his mind and body heal. Thank you!"


9 years ago

"Praise For Spiritual Blessings In Christ"

"Ephesians 1:3-6 Praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual or blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to Sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the one he loves. "


9 years ago

"Eternal Life"

"John 10:28-30 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My father, Who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my fathers hand. I and the father are one.""


9 years ago

"Praying For Those Who Hurt Me"

"My father who I haven't spoken to in 2 years. He has temper and anger issues but I know it hurts him not to speak to his children. My aunt who abuses drugs and has caused our family so much brokenness. My no longer childhood bestfriend who was a sister to me. I pray she finds her path back to God. My enemies who desired no good for me. I'm learning to love my enemies and it is by far the hardest thing I experienced. Please Lord, guide me and be present in all aspects of our daily lives. Holy Spirit convict our hearts when we go astray. -Amen"


9 years ago

"Michael's Heart"

"May he feel loved and leave the drugs and alcohol for his own good. The partying and the craziness out of his life and see the great person he is."


9 years ago

"Struggling In a relationship "

"I've been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years. He's atheist (now he's starting to say agnostic) and I'm christian. I've stayed with him hoping he'll change someday, not because I change him but because he realizes he wants a relationship with God. I keep praying and asking God what he wants me to do. I love my boyfriend so much even if we weren't together I would still care for him deeply. I want to know what would be pleasing to God. He says he's tried finding God but he doesn't understand why God won't reveal himself to him. Please pray that Gods will is revealed to me and that I do what is pleasing to God. It's both of our first relationships and we are both almost 21. I just want to do what God wants me to do and I'm struggling with what he wants. "


9 years ago

"Lifted Me Out"

"Psalm 40:2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and Mire;he set my feet on a rock and he gave me a firm place to stand."


9 years ago


"John 8:36 So if the son sets you free,you will be free indeed."


9 years ago


"John 8:31-32 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, " if you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.""


9 years ago

"For I Received"

"1 corinthians 11:13-25 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, Took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, " This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, " This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.""


9 years ago

"Instructions For Christian Households"

"Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, Love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without the stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. "


9 years ago

"Christ's Love"

"2 Corinthians 5:14-15 For Christ love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. "


9 years ago

"Struggling With Mortgage"

"My husband and I are late on mortgage for January and Feb. Just need prayers we can make it and I find a job."


9 years ago

"A Special Friend In Need"

"One of my friends is going through a ruff time. Lord I pray that you would touch her and that she will not have to worry anymore this situation. That she will get what she has been seeking for so long. "


Jacksonville, Florida
9 years ago

"Family Who Are Lost"

"Dear Father God, Please seek out the lost. Those who are living under a false doctrine and those not living under any doctrine but that of the world's. I pray for those in our family who need your salvation. I pray for conviction in their hearts and for the mud to be wiped clean from their eyes. May all praise and glory be given to you! In Jesus' Name. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Life By The Spirit"

"Galatians 5:22-25 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, Joy, peace,forbearance,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the spirit"


9 years ago

"Living Before The Face Of God"

"Father, help me to prayerfully examine my faith and spiritual Jesus name amen"


9 years ago

"Bearing Spiritual Fruit"

"By grace, God offers of the righteousness of Christ to all who put their trust in him. For all who believe, all who have faith in him, The merit of Christ is reckoned to their account. Does this exclude good works in the life of the believer? By no means. Our justification is always unto good works. Through no merit ever proceeds from our works, either those done before our conversion or those done afterward, good works are necessary fruit of true faith. " necessary fruit" yes, necessary. Good works are not necessary for us to earn our justification. They are never the ground of our justification. They are necessary in a more restricted sense. They are necessary corollaries to true faith. If a person claims to have faith yet brings forth no fruit of obedience whatsoever, it is proof positive that the claim to Faith is a false claim. True faith inevitably and necessarily bears fruit. The absence of fruit indicates the absence of faith. We are not justified by the fruit of our faith. We are justified by the fruit of Christ's Merit. We receive his merit only by faith, but it is only by true faith that we receive his merit. And all true faith yields true fruit"


9 years ago

"Praise To The God Of All Comfort"

"2 corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The father of compassion and the God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God"


9 years ago


"Please pray that I am able to get up for church in Jesus name amen. "


9 years ago


"Lord please put my mind at rest tonight and let me get a good nights sleep in Jesus name amen"


9 years ago

"In That Day"

"Isaiah 12:4-5 In that day you will say:" give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. "


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Thank You For Your Prayers"

"I just wanted to take a minute and tell you all thank you so much for your prayers. Prayers for me and my family and my friends. Almost all the prayers have been answered. The people who were lost for found. I just thought I said thank you again. May God bless each and everyone of you with many blessings. May he send his heavenly angels to watch over you all during the day and at night keep and keep you safe. Godspeed fellow prayer warriors"


9 years ago

"God Is Good All The Time"

"May I please share a prayer request for myself. I have been disconnected with the word of God and today i would just like to ask God to help me get back to track and keep on helping to press on and never give. To always remember that he exist and will always be by my side all the times through any type of situation. Help me God to not allow the Devils work and plans affect me in Jesus name! Amen "


9 years ago

"Guidance For My Daily Bible Study"

"Holy Spirit, be Sheri's guide as she shares God's Word with her prayer group and those she meets this week. With your divine power, You have opened Sheri's eyes and strengthen her memory so that she can fully understands and correctly divides the Word of God. Sheri is a loyal friend and teacher to her prayer group. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.✟ Jeremiah 18:1-6. Heavenly Father, most skillful potter, make this lump of clay into a lovely vessel. We are waiting for the touch of You, the master Potter."


9 years ago


"Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, Will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "


9 years ago

"My Little Dog Lacy"

"Dear Lord, my little dog Lacy has a bad left ear. I pray for you to please touch her an heal her! Thank you Lord an I claim her healing. I love my little dog, tk u Lord an in your precious name I Pray Amen!"


9 years ago

"If Anyone"

"James 4:17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. "


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago

"Please Pray For Me "

"I'm asking for prayer tonight because I just came back from the doctors and they said that something in my spine can shatter at any moment. From it shattering I can be perilized from my waist down. And I'm only 15 years old. I just for prayer because I'm really scared. They barley told me this today and I've been going through this for 6 months already. They took me out of the sport I played and PE. And they said it's pretty serious. Just please pray for I don't know what else to do but cry and pray. "


9 years ago

"The Law And Sin"

"Romans 7:8 But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of coveting. For apart from the law, Sin was dead. "


9 years ago

"Living Before The Face Of God"

"Thank you for your law,which is a lamp to my feet. Give me a heart that longs for and delights in your law. In Jesus name amen. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Wisdom"

"I pray for wisdom and discernment and a sign from God that this is the right job situation for my daughter and for her personal safety. I pray God will give me peace and faith to trust her care in Him."


9 years ago

"On Not Loving The World"

"1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, Love for the father is not in them. For everything in the world- The lust of the flesh, The lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- comes not from the father but from the world. "


9 years ago


"To get a position, internal healing, people that will help him to get to his destiny, divine protection,he will feel Jesus love favor,"


9 years ago


"John 11:25-26 " Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me Will never die.""


9 years ago


"Please pray that I would have better discipline."


Celebration, Florida
9 years ago

"Comfort In Your Faith"

"Dear Father of all, please comfort me in this time of heartache. You gained an Angel in heaven when my grandmother returned home to you. It's been seven months now, at the time I was at peace knowing she had been received by your grace and love. Everyday since has been trying and harder to get through. Please Lord Jesus help me. Guide me. Grant me peace and comfort with knowing she's with you. Help me to feel that love again, that I know exudes from you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


new york
9 years ago


"I pray that God assist my son and myself from addiction. I ask God to make me strong confront this problem and my son with a similar situation. I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Live Your Word"

"Nehemiah 6:3 So I sent messengers to them with this reply: " I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you? ""


9 years ago

"Unity And Maturity In The Body Of Christ"

"Ephesians 4:1-3 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Prayer To pass all three CLEP tests To make all A's To get an interview To get into nursing school on the first try To obtain scholarships"


new york
9 years ago

"Abdominal Problems"

"God please cure my abdominal problems that are very painful and nonstop. Amen."


9 years ago

"Family prayer "

"Please prayer for my son and family. At this time my family and I are struggling with an issue that has made our family depressed and giving me anxiety. We our praying for a good out come of this situation. Thank-you for everyone's prayers. God Bless"


9 years ago

"Prayer For My Family "

"Please prayer for my son and family. At this time my family and I are struggling with an issue that has made our family depressed and giving me anxiety. We our praying for a good out come of this situation. Thank-you for everyone's prayers. God Bless "


9 years ago

"The Mind"

"Romans 8:6-8 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. "


9 years ago

"Praise And Glory To The Lord. Thank You Lord Jesus For Solving 10 Out Of 15 Critical Problems Of Mine"

"Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise and Glory to the Lord. Praise, Thanks and Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has answered my prayers and solved 10 out of 15 critical issues that I have been facing in my life, I still have 5 more critical problems to battle with, however I am extremely confident that in the name of Lord Jesus Christ that God will soon solve these issues for me. I am exceedingly overjoyed that all of my problems are being solved one by one in priority order. I could have never solved my critical problems without Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord Jesus Christ for pulling me out of this dark deep freezing hole, I will always sing your praise. In addition thanks to everyone who has been praying for me, highly appreciated and may God always shower his blessings on you and your family. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Urgency In The Spirit"

"Prayer for America that the enemy will not have his way. That the weapons he's forming will not."


Redmond, Washington
9 years ago

"Pray For My Job"

"I would like to request a pray for my job in the next month. I have a very complex task to execute and I pray to god to show me the path. To bless me and guide me through this path. God, I know that with you I dont need to fear no task and pray for you to be with me once more on this one. Also, I pray for everyone that is in need of a job or are having difficulties in their current one. Bless those persons God. Amen"


Redmond, Washington
9 years ago

"Prayer For My Wife "

"I would like to request a pray for my wife, Marcela, she is very dedicated and is studying a lot but she has some extremely hard exams in the near future. Lord, please bless her in her studies, she is giving her best and I know that with your help she is capable of anything!! Amen. "


9 years ago

"Speaking And Pray Manifistation."

"Father God I Come To You Right Now With The Same Prayer But Only This Time With A Even More Determined Heart Then I Had Before. But Only This Time With A Little More Faith Then I Had Before. But Only This Time Expecting It To Happen. Because Your Word Says In Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you in whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it's yours". But Father God Not Only Am I Believing It To Happen. But Father Im Calling It In To Manifestation. I Call It Coming Forth. Because In Your Word It Says There's Power In The Tongue. So Father God I Speak Fertility Right Now In The Name Of Jesus Come Forth Manifest Yourself. I Speak Conception Happening Right Now In Jesus Name Come Forth Manifest Yourself. Thank You For The Manifestation Lord. "


9 years ago

"My Brother"

"Please pray for my brother to stop drinking and doing drugs. He needs to wake up and get his children back."


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Adiction And Agaist Od "

"Please pray for my sibling to be delivered from narcotics and that she will not od and die , Thank you "


9 years ago

"Lord Please Forgive Me"

"Dear Lord, Please forgive me of my sins Lord. My list of sins are many and great and I have fallen short of your glory Dear Lord. Please guide me Lord to be in your glory that I may dwell with you all the days of my life. Lord teach me, grant me that my eyes be opened to your scriptures, ears to hear the scriptures, Lord grant me the wisdom to understand your word that I may be a testament to your Son, my Savior Jesus Christ. Lord your will be done on Earth as in Heaven in Jesus name I pray. Amen Amen"


9 years ago

"Serving God--Maturity In Christ"



9 years ago

"Fertilty &' Conception. "

"Father God I come before your throne right now in your sons name . Praying that this month is my month of conception remember me as you did Hannah. Father God I pray that you plant a seed in my womb . Bring new life. A new soul in my womb . Father God I speak conception happening right now . I speak a healthy birth and pregnancy happening right now . Come forth and manifest your self right now in jesus name . It shall happen . It's mines . I shall happen . Because in your world you said "Ask and you shall receive" but also you said what ever you ask for in prayer believe you have it and it's yours". So thank you for this blessing that's about to come forth . In Jesus name I speak a miracle. I speak the 31st of this month it shall happen . I will conceive on that day in Jesus name . You say we have the power to speak life and death . Well father im speaking the life of a baby in my womb . In Jesus name amen . "


9 years ago

"Help Me To Rely On Him"

"I want to lean on God through everything and I want him to strengthen me through all I go through. I want to shine his light and provide fruit of the spirit for others to notice."


9 years ago

"Brothers And Sisters"

"Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters,I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But One thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. "


9 years ago

"Be Alert"

"1 Peter 5:8-9 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. "


9 years ago

"For Health And Grattitude"

"Lord I thank you for my health first and foremost. I thank you for the diseases I have not gotten. I ask you and the Blessed mother to guide me and help me to live my healthy best. I ask you to help us emotionally be available to Linda with her stage 4 bone cancer. She is only 44. She is your child . Please help her become healthy again and help her family cope with this awful sad situation. I lost my mom at ten years old. She was 32. Please don't take me from my daughter or take my daughter from me until we both have lived full happy lives with eachother . She is only 3 and even at ten I was not ready and mom was so depressed she was leaving us. Please let me be healthy until my old age. My relationship with you lord is finally developing and I am eager to be a family of God. Amen"


9 years ago


"Father,please strengthen those who are tired of just holding on. "


9 years ago

"Weight Loss"

"Please pray that I would be successful in my weight loss. "


9 years ago

"Leviticus 20:13"

"Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. This isn't something that's up for debate, no matter what a percentage of America thinks. The Supreme Court ruling in June cannot come to pass."


9 years ago

"Philippians 4:13"

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago


"Please ask the Father to protect us from our enemy's in Jesus name ! Thank you , From a fellow believer in Jesus The Christ !!! "


9 years ago

"One Thing"

"Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. "


9 years ago

"My Dear Children"

"1 John 2:1-2 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the father- Jesus Christ, The righteous one. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. "


9 years ago

"Pray For"

"God 's divine will be established on this side of heaven. The full manifestation of the vision."


9 years ago

"Body Of Christ"

"Praying that God's people to receive greater discernment to discern the times we're living in, and understand the urgency for prayer."


9 years ago


"Please pray that my Mom would be able to find her keys."


Memphis, Tennessee
9 years ago

"Persecuted Church"

"Please pray persecuted believers would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:8). Pray the Holy Spirit would strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16). Please pray persecuted believers would know how much God loves them (Ephesians 3:17) Pray they would know how to share the gospel (Ephesians 6:19). Please pray persecuted believers would fearlessly tell others about Jesus (Ephesians 6:20). Please pray persecuted believers would have access to a Bible. Pray they have the courage to remain in their homeland. Please pray for believers who have been rejected by family and friends. Pray that God would surround them with a new Christian "family" who loves them and supports them emotionally and physically. Pray for God to be an advocate for women who are socially vulnerable or have lost the custody of their children because of their faith. Please pray that God would provide persecuted believers with jobs and safe places to live."


Memphis, Tennessee
9 years ago

"The Lost"

"I pray that you will open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 26:18)"


9 years ago


"Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do prospers. "


9 years ago

"Your Answer Is Found In Jesus "

"1 Corinthians 1:24 But to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."


9 years ago

"But Among You"

"Ephesians 5:3-4 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immortality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be Obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather Thanksgiving. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let me get an interview and job making more money. Amen."


9 years ago

"Please Pray"

"Please pray for Constable David Wynn's family. He died today after he was shot earlier this week. "


9 years ago

"Marriage Blessing"



9 years ago

"Always Involve Jesus"

"Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. "


9 years ago

"Love Your Enemies"

"Luke 6:35-36 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the most high, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your father is merciful. "


9 years ago

"Fiance's Dad"

"My fiancé's dad is having serious problems with his kidneys. There only working at 30%. I pray Jesus will heal him. "


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Missing Friends"

"My friends family is missing family and friend members. Please pray they find them alive. Last known places was near the Sierra Nevadas in Southern California near highway 178. Thank you all. "


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Going Through Withdrawls"

"For the last five years I've been suffering from major depression and insomnia. So I kept asking my doctor to prescribe me some antidepressants. I was on Cymbalta, Prozac twice a day, tranzadone. Then for my insomnia I asked him to put me on sleeping meds. Zolpidem, doxepin, Olanzapine. I just wanted to sleep. I wasn't trying to hurt myself. Insomnia was getting to me. Needless to say everything I got prescribed was counteracting each other. So as of six days ago I asked God to take these pills and I have stopped. My withdrawal symptom are mild but I still need prayers so I'm asking for prayers. I just want my life back. I developed serotonin syndrome. With serotonin syndrome if it goes too far you go into a coma and die. This is what scared me enough to stop after I decided to look up my medication because I was getting sicker and sicker I even started losing motor skills I was getting close. So prayer warriors I need prayers and thank you and may God bless each and every one of you. Godspeed"


9 years ago


"It is the desire of satan to sift me like wheat, he comes to still, kill, and destroy. But LORD, your word say that you come so that I might have life and not only just have life; but have life more abundantly. You tell me to cast my cares upon you because you care for me. LORD I need you to come in, touch my heart, touch my mind, give me your devine strength and power. Make my crooked roads straight. LORD you know every problem and every struggle I have. Turn it around LORD for my good. Do a new thing LORD. I want to see your Glory LORD. I need a BUT GOD experience. In the mighty name of JESUS I ask and pray. And it is so, And so it is."


9 years ago

"I Am With You Always"

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”"


9 years ago

"Bear Fruit Or Die"

"With the untimely loss of 2 of my former classmates, and so many of the rest moving on with their lives, I feel more lost than ever. I need to earn a stable income that grants me financial independence, I want to get my book published, I need to find a woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. For 10 years I've asked God for help, and he has always said No, he only gives me enough to get by, and not even s first date. He has all eternity to put his plans in motion, I don't. His definition of enough isn't enough for me, and soon it won't be enough period. I previously said that this is the year my faith must either bear fruit or die, because I can't keep waiting, and I'm not off to a good start..."


9 years ago

"Jesus Is Your Wisdom"

"1 corinthians 1:30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, Who has become for us wisdom from God- that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. "


9 years ago


"Please pray I would get a good nights sleep. "


9 years ago


"Please pray my Dad will feel better soon. He has not been feeling well the past few days. He works so hard to provide for our family. "


9 years ago

"Interview "

"I have the opportunity to have an interview tomorrow at a great employer that I have worked with before. I had to leave this company because of my health, I now need this job to save my health. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!"


Los Angeles, California
9 years ago

"Please Pray"

"My heart is broken. I've never been married at 43. I fell for someone I've know for 10 years. We've been close for 4 months, sharing everything but our bodies. He is married and his wife has terminal brain cancer. They married in 2006, 2 weeks before I met him. He has thought of me all this time. Suddenly yesterday, he abandoned me. Threatened a restraining order. I didn't do anything and he is 2000 miles away. I don't understand how calling 4 times after not hearing from him for 3 days is wrong. We've spoken for hours each night for the past 4 months. I could just die. Crying and not eating for 2 days now. He told me he loved me and would care for me forever. I am lost and just went through a death, I thought he was here to comfort me, as I have been comforting him. I can't make it."


union, nj,United States
9 years ago

"Marriage Restoration"

"Please pray for my marriage. For the Lord to restore our marriage. For our two boys and for our finances. "


9 years ago

"The More I Thank HIM, The Better I Feel"

"Awesome Wonder! Wonderful Savior! Master of the sea! The Great I Am! Soon coming KING! Heart Fixer! Mind Regulator! Can do anything but fail GOD. Thank you!!! Thank you for being GOD all by yourself. Thank you for working it out. Thank you for turning things in my favor. Thank you for the blessings seen and unseen. Thank you for spiritual and natural wisdom. Thank your grace and mercy that you have bestowed upon me in spite of me. Thank you for unmerited favor. Thank you for making me the head and not the tail. Thank you for letting me live above and not beneath. Thank you for not giving me what I deserve. Hallelujah!!! Thank you LORD, I'm just grateful. "


9 years ago

"Cancer Patient"

"Please pray for my friend's dad. He has been living with cancer for a few years and he now has a lung infection and is losing weight rapidly. I'm praying that God will give him healing if that is His will. Amen"


9 years ago

"Submit Fully"

"Father I don't know how to fully give myself. I want to go all the way with you. I want to submit fully. I want to serve you only. Please help me die to self. I find myself being willfully disobedient at times. Then the devil whispers that I'm not worthy. Lord please help me to grasp fully who I really am in you. Not just know it, but feel it. Help me to let go of the past. And all the hurts that created the broken person I am in the flesh. Help me to forgive those that I blame, I am not the one to judge. Help me to love and forgive and quit judging myself. So I can fully receive the greatest gift, the blood of Jesus and it's salvation and cleansing forgiveness. Help me to follow you when the flesh is trying to make me go the other way. Lord I thank you for choosing me. And I want to serve you. I want to be a light in this darkness. I love you Lord. Saturate me with your Holy Spirit and gain me all the way. In Jesus name I pray! Amen! Amen!"


9 years ago

"God i need a Answer . "

"Oh Heavenly Father, I Need For You To Talk To Me. Communicate With My Through Signs Things I Can See. Because Now I'm So Confused . Father God Please Send Your Messengers From Above Yo Guide Me Towards The Truth. I Open My Heart To Receiving Nothing But The Truth. Oh Heavenly Father I Pray That In The Next 2 Hours The Truth Unfolds And Reveals Its Self. And In My Heart When It Happens I Will Know. Send Your Angels To Comfort Me. Send Your Angels To Guide Me. Father God I Pray That In The Next 30 Minutes A Miracle Prevails And Un Folds You a Send Somebody That Doesn't Know Me And What I Been Praying For With Your Answer But Also I'll Be Open To Receive It. In Jesus Name I Ask Of All These Things Amen"


9 years ago

"God I Need a Answer "

"God I pray that in the next 10 you send somebody that don't know me or what I been praying for with a word just from you . So that it will also be the answer I was looking for in Jesus name I pray amen . "


Montgomery, Minnesota
9 years ago

"Husband Job"

"Pray that God will guide him to where he wants him to go"


9 years ago

"Rise And Shine..."

"Let's all thank god that he woke us up this morning and pray that today will be a blessed day in God's will amen. "


9 years ago

"Im Losing Faith In My Relationship"

"Me and my girlfriend together for a year and a half and I have been feeling depressed stressed and her love is hurting me I don't know what to do? should I stay or should I break up with here but I still love her! "


9 years ago

"Your Will For My Life."

"Dear God, please show me your will for my life, I will do it if you show me, Dear God, please show me what college to attend, who to marry, and what to do with my life. Amen."


9 years ago

"Dad And Steven."

"Lord, please speak to dad and my brothers hearts, help them to come to you. Amen."


Livingston, Texas
9 years ago

"Theater Arts Teacher"

"Lord Jesus, please be with Mrs. chambers. Please help her have a speedy quick recovery if it is your will. Also please be with the other person that his her in the wreck. In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN. "


9 years ago


"Please help me find my direction. I don't know where I'm going."


9 years ago

"For Those Affected By Violence Of All Forma"

"Please join me in prayer for those affected by the recent terror and violent attacks in Paris, Nigeria and other parts of the world. Right now both the victims and perpetrators of the violent acts need Jesus. Pray too that the Christian community follows our Lord and stands for righteousness , love, peace and the Truth. God bless, and may He keep you all."


Sierra Mountains
9 years ago

"Butterfly "

"Please pray for the truth to set me free... for spiritual & emotional growth and to LET GO of the past, even if it will never make sense to me. Pray that I will move on in my life and let it not hinder my growth or development any longer. Thank you."


9 years ago

"Righteousness is not right doing "

"Romans 4:5 However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness. "


9 years ago

"Stress Induced By Satan"

"My body and mind is shutting down and I know it's out of my control. Father please help me overcome the little things that are piling up to bring me down. I can't control other people's actions, this is know but need to be reminded. I know I need to keep doing my best and be grateful for all that you've blessed me with. IJN, Amen"


9 years ago

"Christmas Matters For You"

"Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death- that is, The devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. "


9 years ago

"Reflecting Jesus"

"Father, God, please transform the parts of Sheri, mom and dad, Gracie, EZ, Harriet and our children's lives that do not reflect Jesus Christ so that we may be a more useful servant for Your kingdom. Holy Spirit, help us to willing seek out, to correctly understand and to fully accept God's Will for us in all areas of our lives. John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Eph. 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is...  Hebrews 12:1-2... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith... "


9 years ago

"Stop Saying No"

"The quickest way for me to achieve my goals (earning financial independence, earning the attention of potential publishers and a suitable bride) is for me to play Survivor and win, but God continues to answer my prayers with no, much as he has for a decade. He may have all eternity to put his plans in motion but I don't. Just this once please let him say yes."


9 years ago

"Prayer For Deshawn"

"Deshawn is a young man that has found himself on the wrong side of the law. LORD Only you know the true heart of a man. I ask that you would make the crooked paths that this young man has taken straight. Go in father and operate on this young man's heart, Change his mindset, his thinking and his way of life. Put the right people in his life. Help him LORD to get on the right track. Have mercy upon him oh LORD and help him get out of this mess this time. Let him go and sin no more. In JESUS name I pray."


9 years ago

"21 Days"

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ KJV). JESUS I need your help. LORD please give me the strength, power and courage to start and stick with this eating plan for the next 21 days. I desire to lose twenty five more pounds. Without you LORD I can do nothing, with you LORD all things are possible. Help me to reach my goal FATHER. In JESUS name I pray. And It Is So......"


9 years ago

"Standing Lord"

"Lord the enemy is attacking and I see him for who he is, the lies he tells, and I continue to trust that You will do what You said You would do. I continue to pray for my husband and pray he will be delivered from the enemy's camp. Break the strongholds and chains that keep him from doing your will. Lord I surrender my marriage to You. your will be done. IJN"


9 years ago

"Moving From Place Of Birth"

"Uprooting from family and friends. Moving to a place where there is no support system. I am needing employment. Husband just started his new job where he has been promoted. We have apartment and are in need of furniture for bedrooms. Towels, bedding, kitchen table etc. We need children to make the transition without troubles and into a great school system. We will need a church home that our family will be productive and fulfilled in. Amen"


9 years ago

"On Relationship"

"Lord, I pray that I'll find peace in this relationship and things will get better for both of us, that we'll find joy through you Lord. I pray that you'll liberate me from the pain and the mindless worries which plagues me. In Jesus name, amen."


9 years ago

"Daughter's Safe Travel"

"Asking for prayer for my daughter as she travels back to Texas tonight. LORD you be her driver and guide. Protect her LORD from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet. I Plead the blood of JESUS over her mind, body, and Soul. I rebuke tiredness and sleepiness. I rebuke danger of any kind. I rebuke car trouble of any kind. I rebuke any and all accidents of any kind. Anything that's ment to bring harm, I send it back to the originator in JESUS name. Bless her LORD with a smooth and safe trip. In your Son JESUS name I pray."


9 years ago

"Bind Us Together LORD"

"My Prayer and desire of my heart LORD, is for Gregory and myself to live in oneness and unity, to be fruitful and multiply, to be Holy and live a Holy life before you LORD. Make it so oh GOD. Save him, sanctify him, and fill him with your Holy Spirit. If you don't do it LORD, it won't be done. You LORD are the Author and finisher of our faith. Your word say that I can ask anything according to your will and it shall be done. According to your word LORD, it is in your will that none should perish. All should come to repentance. I ask that it be so in JESUS name."


Inyokern, California
9 years ago

"Friends "

"My fellow prayer warriors. I have this friend and her grandpa was hit by a semi truck I have major surgery. Unmasking him up in prayer. I also have another friend that her mother was his stage to breast cancer. Praying that it doesn't Spread her body can take the chemotherapy and radiation.I am also asking for prayers for good health to me and my family as well as my friends. Godspeed to you and yours."


Inyokern, California
9 years ago


"I have two cousins that are 14 and 15 years of age. They both have to major health issues. One of my cousins is going to have her gallbladder, pancreas, and a couple other items remain. They're going to take some extra firm her pancreas and put in her liver so I can make the insulin so she doesn't have major diabetes. My other cousin has heart issues XO if they both have harnesses. So I'm asking prayer warriors for heavy prayers lifting them up in gods name Jesus name I pray amen. Thank you in advance my fellow prayer warriors. Godspeed "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let us adopt a healthy infant ASAP!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Please Let Me Stop Driving And avoid Missing Work."

"Help me love my job. Let my husband get a job. Amen."


9 years ago

"Help Gregory JESUS"

"My first posted prayer for 2015 is for deliverance for Gregory. LORD I bind the enemy on every hand out of his life. Heal him in his heart, soul and mind. LORD help him to let go of the things that is keeping him bound. Give him the power and strength to admit to and deal with his problems head on. Place in him a desire to want more of you LORD in spiritual way and not a religious way. JESUS make him so uncomfortable in his wrong doings, that he no longer has a desire for it. Take away all pride and the need to be validated. Help him to be comfortable in his own skin. In JESUS name I pray......"


Copperas Cove, Texas
9 years ago

"Please Keep Me In Your Prayers "

"I have to see a gi dr in feb to see what is going on because I have been hurting really bad and been in so much pain because I have been having a lot of uti since June and been very tired and been very constipation since June and on a lot of treatments right now and been very weak since I have been very sick lately. "


9 years ago

"New Year Prayer: Guidence"

"Father, God, it is you alone that I want to serve- use me, Lord, for Your purpose. Please help me to be open and obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Help me to mold the desires of my heart and direct the path of my feet to Your Will. In Jesus's name. Amen.✟ "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"For Sister "

"Please pray that my sister does not have heart attack and if it's anxiety that Jesus gives her what she needs to call down slow hear rate and relax , thank you "


9 years ago


"Can you please pray for my Dad. His hip is really sore. "


9 years ago

"Godly Friends For My Husband"

"Lord, lead Samuel to good wholesome, godly and Christian friends that will lift him up and continually point him to you. Remove all of the wrong people from Samuel's life and bring in the right ones. Release the ones that you have all ready destined to help Samuel and may they obey what you have asked them to do when you have asked them to speak. Lord, cause Samuel to want to please you hunger for you, desire you, and crave you not the evil ways of man. In Jesus name, Amen"


9 years ago

"Broken Heart & Shattered Faith"

"I've been asking God to help me find someone I want to spend the rest of my life with since I hit puberty. It has been a decade and I haven't even had a first date. A few days ago I learned that the only woman I've ever known that could have met my standards is engaged to someone else. My heart is broken and after years of God saying no, my faith is all but shattered. By the end of 2015, my faith must either finally bear fruit or die, because I'm sick and tired of waiting for something that never seems to come."


9 years ago

"Light a candle of peace"

"Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, To us a son is given, And the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. "


9 years ago


"JESUS JESUS JESUS. I need you more than ever. As the new year is approaching, I need to make some major decisions and changes. LORD I really don't know which way to go. Help me oh GOD. I don't want to go into the new year in my comfort zone. The only way for me to grow, I have to get out of it. But I can't do it without you LORD. I want what I need more than what I want. I want to be in your perfect will JESUS and not your permissive will. Help me JESUS!!!"


south,United States
9 years ago

"I Need Your Prayers"

"I'm very sick. Possible pneumonia and I need your prayers. Please pray God will heal me. I've got other health issues and my body is weak. Please pray. Thank you..."


9 years ago


"My 4-year-old little boy is having his tonsils and adenoids out tomorrow morning. Plus, it's his birthday. Praying for all surgeons, RN's, and all staff to have healing hands and compassionate hearts. "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Prayer For Glasses "

"Father God please get mom a eye exams and glasses and provide all she needs to get them , thank you , in Jesus Name amen . "


9 years ago

"Deliver Me From Evil"

"Dear God, please deliver me and my loved ones from evil. You have said that the battle is Yours. Im trusting that You will come through for me. Thank you Jesus for keeping me and my children from harm. Stop my ex from his deceitful plans. Show Him that what he is doing is wrong. Convict him and let there be justice for me and my kids."


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Prayer For Salvation "

"Please pray for universal salvation ! "


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago


"Tonight I ask for prayer I'm having a MRI done on my back in a couple of days and I'm a little scared. I'm also scared of the outcome of the MRI. "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Healing "

"Please pray for my mothere heart to heal physically and emotionally , for my sisters kidneys lungs heart and liver to heal totally and for healing of our blood , thank you ! "


9 years ago


"Lord please let me know you're working on the other side of the mountain.... "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Healing And Wisdom "

"Please pray for my step sons healing from staff infection , and my husbands desistion on when and where to take him for treatment , also that the Docters and other staff would be saved and the mind and hands of them would really be God working threw them . Thank you "


9 years ago


"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (‭Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ KJV). I call him MY MASTER, MY SAVIOR, MY WAY MAKER, MY DELIVERER, MY PROTECTER, MY PROVIDER MY COMFORTER. THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, ALL KNOWING AND ALL SEEING, MY DEFENDER, HIS NAME IS JESUS; GREAT AND WONDERFUL JESUS, MY LORD. HALLELUJAH!!!"


9 years ago


"I don't know that I can keep on living like this.....I don't want hurts too much "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Aunt With Dementia"

"I pray that tha lord will heal my aunt of delusional thoughts and dementia. Amen!"


9 years ago

"Freedom From Debt"

"I pray for gods intervention to free me from financial burden and debt. Thanks be to God! Amen!"


9 years ago

"Relationship With My Friend Tiffany"

"I pray that God will help us love, respect and communicate with each other better every day. I pray for Gods Continued anointing and protection of our relationship. Amen!"


9 years ago

"Prayer For Health"

"I pray that God will protect my health and help me get in shape and lose weight. Amen!"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Dear Lord, I want to adopt a newborn, but I am afraid I am too old. My children are teenagers, and I do not think my husband wants to adopt. Please send me the child or make this feeling go away. My desire is so strong. I would feel so blessed if it could happen soon! Amen."


9 years ago

"Help Lord "

"Lord I know you do not interfere with free will, but some how, some way, my husband needs to be lead back to you....please help him."


9 years ago


"LORD you are a heart fixer and a mind regulator. I'm asking you LORD to regulate his mind and fix his heart. Take the desire to be a part of any false religions out of his heart and mind. Take the desire away to even want to attend any of these gatherings. Bring Conviction to his heart and mind in his wrong doings. Let him not have any peace or rest while in his mess. Let him know LORD why he is being troubled. Let him have absolutely no pleasure of any kind while he is doing wrong. Draw him in spirit and truth JESUS. Save and Sanctify him. In JESUS HOLY name I pray. And It Is So"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"Home Movies"

"Please let us find those old home movies. Amen."


9 years ago

"Save Him Lord"

"Father my husband is torn. He wants to be the man you are calling him to be. Lord release those strongholds he struggles with. Father I plead the blood of Jesus over his illicit behavior and pray you will deliver him from the enemy. IJN amen"


9 years ago

"Touch Hearts"

"Lord I pray that you will soften my husband's heart towards me. I pray mostly for his salvation Lord. The enemy is trying to keep him and I pray you deliver him from the enemy. Open his eyes to your truth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen"


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please let my husband get this teaching job tomorrow. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Family Of 5 "

"Please keep this family in your prayers. Lord thank you for this opportunity to fellowship in your mighty name and all glory we give to you for our gift of life and salvation. We ask that this family of faith be lifted as a testament to the power of your Truth and Spirit of healing and protection. Thank you for hearing our request and empowering us as we serve only your Holy Name. Amen."


Kennewick, Washington
9 years ago

"Family Of 6 Homelss Soon"

"My family and I are asking for prayers. I am so scared my family and I will be homeless we have nowhere to go and no way to pay the rent we have already sold everything of value we own. This year has been the hardest year my family and I have ever had. We are going to be forced to close Our family business My mom is terminal and My grandmother Was diagnosed with bone cancer this year and we are forced to realize that this will be our last Christmas with them. My dad was laid off a week ago due to cut backs and we have until December 30th to be out of our home, we have no where to go and no where to turn. My little sister and my son keep asking why we don't have a Christmas tree this year and it breaks my heart. Christmas should be a magical time for little ones. We are trying to figure out a way to tell her Santa isn't coming this year and I really don't want to do that. We have always been able to help family's in need for the holidays. But this year we are asking for help. We are asking you for a few minutes out of your day to pray for us. Thank you and God bless you and your family!! Someone asked me to make this so here's the link."


Kennewick, Washington
9 years ago

"Please Help "

"My family and I are asking for prayers. This year has been the hardest year my family and I have ever had. We are going to be forced to close Our family business because we had a glitch last year that cost us 75000. My mom is terminal and My grandmother Was diagnosed with bone cancer this year and we are forced to realize that this will be our last Christmas with them. My dad was laid off a week ago due to cut backs and we have until December 30th to be out of our home, we have no where to go and no where to turn. My little sister keeps asking why we don't have a Christmas tree this year and it breaks my heart. Christmas should be a magical time for little ones. We are trying to figure out a way to tell her Santa isn't coming this year and I really don't want to do that. We have always been able to help family's in need for the holidays. But this year we are asking for help. We are asking you for a few minutes out of your day to pray for us. Thank you and God bless you and your family!! Someone asked me to make this so here's the link."


London, United Kingdom
9 years ago

"Pakistan Peshawar"

"Lord Jesus I pray for the families of those who died at this terrible ordeal. I cant imagine the pain the families are going through right now. Lord I ask that you comfort them. We trust you Lord and know that you have good plans for these families. I ask that you make those plans known to them. Please pray for the shooting that took place is Pakistan Peshawar School today, which killed 132 children. #Prayer Works"


9 years ago

"Going Well"

"Everything going well with Kim and I. We went out to eat with the kids as a family. She's still not home, but we're using this time to work on ourselves and grow closer to God. I would ask for prayer for her work situation, her boss is being a jerk to her. I pray God deals with his heart as he did mine. Thank You. "


9 years ago


"Awesome GOD, Wonderful Savior, Master of my soul, Bread of my life, My Comforter, My Way Out of No Way, My Healer, My Deliver, My Mind Regulator, My Miracle Worker, My LORD. He don't need no help from nobody else. Thank you for being GOD all by yourself. Thank You for your word being true and every man a liar. Thank You for the Power that your words possess. JESUS JESUS JESUS. Hallelujah, I'm just grateful..."


9 years ago


"Please pray for my teen daughter in college who is in a serious relationship that is not healthy, and she is drifting from her relationship with God. She also has a serious health condition that she is neglecting. She has pretty much cut off most of her relationship with her family. Her sister was her best friend in the whole world, and she will barely speak to her now. It breaks my heart because her sister has no other close friends. She just wants her sister back. Please pray her eyes will be opened to the truth and that she will see how she is in a controlling relationship. Pray she will do what she needs to do to stay healthy and that she will turn back to God. I pray for Christian friends to come into her life and guide her."


9 years ago

"My Brother"

"I pray that The Lord guides my brother's thoughts !"


9 years ago


"I pray that a my son will be healthy at delivery. Please lord heal his heart, in Jesus name, amen"


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago


"Our father , I pray that my whole family be delivered from addiction , thank you Abba in Jesus Name amen"


Los Angeles, California
9 years ago

"Camarillo Springs"

"I pray for the residents in Camarillo Springs, California who were affected by the rain/rock slides. So often we don't understand the why's but I trust that you have a plan for these families. Please take care of them and make sure they remain safe and protected. I ask this is your son, Jesus, name; Amen!"


London, United Kingdom
9 years ago

"Driving "

"Please Pray that God will help me pass my driving test. That i will find confidence in Him to put into action everything i already know and fear will not take over. I believe I can do anything through Him that strengthen me"


9 years ago


"Kim and I are working on our issues, but I'm having resentment for her leaving in the first place, which was my fault. She moved 1 1/2 hours away and signed a one year lease. I just want her and the kids back home. I just ask the lord for patience in this time. "


9 years ago


"Please rekindle our marriage father God, I love my wife more today than I ever have before. Allow us to live in harmony forever in your mercy and grace. Take our problems and turn them into blessings."


9 years ago

"Light A Candle For Joy"

"Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. "


London, United Kingdom
9 years ago

"A New Job"

"Praying and believing for a new job. Please pray that He will guide me to the job He has prepared for me. "


9 years ago

"Unspoken Request"

"I have an unspoken prayer request. Please pray that God will move mountain and take care if this situation as soon and possible. Thank you and God bless. "


9 years ago

"Big Decision"

"I have a big decision to make please pray that the Lord shows what I should do. "


9 years ago

"Starting Over"

"I want to thank everyone for their prayers. Kim and I are speaking and have a date Wednesday night. I have and we have a lot of wounds to heal, but I've learned, nothing is impossible with prayer. What was a lost cause last week, is a new beginning. Praise Jesus. "


9 years ago


"Prayer for Fally Lord I pray that you heal Fally from her terrible disease. Please heal her and bless her so she can live a long and happy life."


9 years ago


"A Prayer For Sean ---------------------------------------- Let you have contact with your wife, Sean show your wife you really care by letting the Holy Spirit flow through you sometimes I feel like I take advantage of The Lord I pray for him so often to forgive my sins I forget to try and prevent them. ---------------------------------------Lord here our prayer You sacrificed Your only son to save us from our sins we ask today that You forgive our sins using the blood and body of Your son.Amen. ----------------------------------------"


9 years ago

"Frozen Heart"

"After 10 years of being alone, asking God to send me a woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and listening to God say no again and again, my heart is made of ice. Please send a beautiful woman to melt my frozen heart."


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Deliverance "

"I'm still asking for prayer please against demonic oppression on my mind and life in Jesus name "


9 years ago

"Prayer For Fruit Of The Womb"

"Please pray for me,to love God and serve him more,to forget my past and for the fruit of the womb,i was diagnosed with uterine fibroids.thanks for praying for me and God bless you"


East Ridge, Tennessee
9 years ago

"Family Peace"

"Ronald's family "


East Ridge, Tennessee
9 years ago

"Marriage Healing "

"Ronald And Leslie "


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago


"Today I ask for prayer. For the past week it's has been getting harder and harder to breath. The doctor says it's nothing. I am thankful that I'm still here. I just need prayer for health. Thank you "


9 years ago

"No Other Help I Know"

"Oh Gracious FATHER. You let me live better than I deserve. I want to thank you. I take for granted the many, many blessing you have bestowed upon me. I want to thank you especially for my health. I woke this morning with all my limbs working, no aches or no pains. I can talk, hear and see. My body is decease free. I'm in my right mind. Hallelujah!!! My Healer, My Deliverer. Awesome GOD, Way Maker, soon coming KING. No other help I know. Hallelujah to the highest."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
9 years ago

"Shane And Jennifer"

"My family and marriage needs prayers ,. My husband and I decided to try again .. But its proving to be hard.. Please pray that God helps us to understand that Love Is a commitment not a feeling .. To help us see each other with kindness understanding, love , patience. To be selfless and selfish in our old ways. To be forgiving and realize that loving someone isn't because they make you happy but because they love with all you imperfections.. The way God loves us . Please Lord help me and love Shane like you love him.. With all our messes you still Love us . Make me the wife you purposed me to be and Shane the husband you purposed him to be .. Thank you for your Love Jesus.. Amen Please pray with our family needs your prayers..❤️ Thank you your friend Jenn"


9 years ago

"Open Communications"

"Lord I just pray for an open window or chance for communication with Kim. How will she know I'm working on my issues and turned back to you, if I can't even talk to her. Please let her realize she still loves me and forgive me. We are soul mates!!!! "


9 years ago

"Relationship Strength"

"Relationships Heavenly Father, if I have not forgiven anyone from my heart please show it to me so that I can reconcile with him(her). Help me O LORD, to soften my heart and humble myself before him(her). I pray that my relationship with(name the person you want to pray for) will be healed by Your spirit of love and peace. Let me put his(her) needs first, so that wounds can be healed and our relationship can be restored again."


9 years ago

"My Co-worker Needs You LORD"

"Asking for prayer for my co-worker Jessie. LORD strengthen him in his mind, comfort him, and give him the power to keep on moving forward. He's a young man with a lot on plate. His father has alzheimer's, he just found out his mother has cancer, and his brother was involved in a car accident two days ago. LORD go in and touch that family. They need you right now in every way. Help JESSE to lean and depend on you FATHER. In the Mighty name of JESUS I pray...."


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Someone Tell Me Please "

"What are the little clouds for with the numbers ? "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Night Terrors "

"Please pray to the most high God in Jesus name that my sister would stop having bad nightmares , thank you ! "


9 years ago


"I want to help all of you address me with your problems and I will try and guid you to the eternal faith and devotion in The Lord"


9 years ago

"A Prayer For All"

"Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day out daily bread and forgive us those who trespass against as we forgive them for their trespass's. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen."


9 years ago


"Everyone please pray that those in need this winter have a place to go and don't suffer ============================ Lord please hear our prayer to help those in need and bless them this winter. Thank you for hearing our prayer.Amen. ============================"


9 years ago

"My Loves Forginess"

"I just ask in prayer that Kim forgives me. My actions influenced 8 people's lives. It's a heavy burden to carry. She's thinks I don't love her and her kids. She is wrong. Please pray her pride doesn't get in the way of coming home. I'm not the same man I was, GOD has my attention now. "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Plrese Pray The Most High God In Jesus Name "

"Please protect my children and grandchildren and my mother and her grandchildren and great grandchildren and my sisters and brothers in Jesus name amen !!!!"


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago


"Please pray that God will heal the people in my house , there has been much pain and suffering , thank you in Jesus Name amen ! "


9 years ago

"Pray For Confession "

"I ask that everyone pray that everyone's sins be forgiven, O'Lord mighty saviour who sacrificed his son to save all of us, who's son forgave us for our sins lets bless the sinners an forgive them for their sins against us and against you O mighty father"


9 years ago

"Light A Candle For Love"

"Isaiah 54:10 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,"Says the Lord, Who has compassion on you. "


9 years ago

"Motivation "

"I am in need of prayers as I work on my doctoral thesis. There have been so many roadblocks and discouragement from people I was hoping to get support from; this has left me despondent and unmotivated. I need to hear the voice of God directing me in completing this project. I need help !!! Please stand with me in prayer. God bless. "


9 years ago

"A Christmas Miracle"

"This isn't shaping up to be a very merry Christmas for me. What I'd really like for Christmas is a first date, but I wouldn't bet my last dollar on it. "


9 years ago

"Light A Candle For Hope"

"Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Keep my kids safe and healthy during these dark times. Protect them from harm, pain, and danger. Amen."


9 years ago

"Lost Love"

"I pray in the name of Jesus, Kim gives me another chance. If she only knew how much I love her and the kids. "


9 years ago

"Lost Love"

"I lost the love of my life to my sinful and selfish ways. She wanted to marry me, and now she's gone. I love her and her kids so much. I just want a chance to make it right. I pray she knows how much I love her and her kids. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago

"My Old House"

"Please let me get my old house back. Amen."


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Help , "

"I have a man on my Facebook who is home bond now and has been put on meds for 15 years different ones and needs to be detoxed , please pray for the Lord to open a door for him to be safely detoxed ! In jesus name . "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
9 years ago


"Please pray for my son Andrew and his Girlfriend Emily . For his return to Jesus. Please Thank you "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Deliverance From The Demons "

"Me , mom Amanda all my kids and grandkids husband x husband and there families including children's parents and my kids mates family's and my moms brothers and sisters and thier family's in Jesus name amen !!!!! Also I would like to pray for the salvation of the knight family and the above prayer for them as well , thank you in Jesus name amen "


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago

"Asurance "

"Please ask for the Lord to show me that I am His and that I'm good enoff to pray for others . In Jesus name amen ! "


9 years ago

"Block It JESUS"

"LORD touch his mind, soul and spirit. Draw him to you LORD and away from religion. Open his eyes to see things in a different light and not believe everything somebody tell him. I bind and rebuke the controlling spirit off of his life right now in the name of JESUS. Give him boldness to be different from the rest. Put a hedge of protection around him and his mind to block the Jezebel, controlling, deceiving and spirit of fear off his life. I plead the blood of JESUS over his mind, body, soul, and spirit. Give him supernatural wisdom. I pray this and all things in the mighty name of JESUS."


9 years ago

"Battles "

"I have been questioning my worth lately. As far as if I'm getting paid the right amount for what I do. I pray that God will give me guidance on this and help me know what step I should take. "


9 years ago

"New Directions"

"There have been many changes in my life recently and I am asking for guidance. I am not sure which door I should open and pursue. I pray that God will help me and lead me in the right direction. I pray for comfort as this guidance takes place. "


9 years ago

"First Christmas "

"Philippians 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, "


9 years ago

"Healing And Peace"

"My dad is a diabetic and he wasn't feeling well the past few days and today he went to the doctor where he was diagnosed with a UTI. UTI's are very uncommon in men and is often a sign of prostate cancer so they've taken some tests for biopsy. We'll be waiting anxiously these next two weeks for the results and I ask that you pray for my dad and my family. Thanks and blessings ❤️ "


9 years ago

"Baby Blessing "

"Please pray that God provides my husband and I with the blessing of a child. I am hopeful God will give us this blessing when the time is right, but pray that the time is soon"


9 years ago

"Freind "

"Please pray that God helps my friend overcome depression. "


9 years ago

"New Relationship"

"Please pray that my new relationship grows and that God will give me reassurance. Please pray that this man I am seeing may become my husband someday. "


Detroit, Michigan
9 years ago

"My Husband's Unpredictible Anger Towards Me"

"By the end of Thanksgiving weekend, my Husband unexpectedly went from "You're an a awesome wife" to "You're a hypocrite and you have no room to talk about any of his kids' wrong-doings" (over asking them to rinse out their dishes, when I left a half-eaten bowl of cereal to help him get ready for church instead) He mentally and emotionally punished me the entire day over it, and watched tv & played with kids, instead of keeping chores off my shoulders, so I could get my work deadline done, like he originally promised to do. I feel completely beaten up, rejected, and unwelcome in my own home. (I've been told I have no room to speak about anything) He's had temper issues in the past, and prayer has had an impact and greatly improved the situation, but I'm tired in this fight. I can't take another step forward in this relationship. But, God gave me the verse below this morning, so I don't know what to do. (Except praise God, I guess) Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God! (‭Psalms‬ ‭42‬:‭11‬ NLT)"


9 years ago

"Penelope Hurt Her Hip And Leg ):"

"Pray that she gets better"


9 years ago

"Agreement : The Blessing And Favor"

"Dear Saints, Please stand in agreement with me declaring Psalm 23, that "The Blessing & Favor hunts us down and overtakes us" wherever we may be in life. That we are hidden "in the shadow of His Wings", because of the price our Lord Jesus paid and because of the Blood. Yours in Grace."


Antelope Valley, CA
9 years ago

"Cancer Cells"

"Prayer Warriors, Please pray for a brother in Christ who has had surgery to remove colon cancer. Request that the Lord will touch his body completely and that all of the cancer cells are removed, and for complete healing and full restoration for Him. Petition that God will strengthen his family and for miraculous provision during his recovery. All to the glory of His Name. Amen. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. "


9 years ago

"Thank You. Salvation"

"Father in heaven I thank you for opening the doors of communication between my husband and I. Thank You Lord for speaking to him. Father I ask that You will continue to mild him into the man You plan for him to be. In Jesus' name I pray Amen."


Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years ago


"Please , deliver me from the demons in Jesus Name thank you Amen. !!!"


9 years ago

"Help Me Jesus"

"Lord God, there's so much pain in me I don't know what to do or where to begin. I have years of hurt in me; sometimes I can't even tell you what's wrong. I'm so sad and depressed. I've been treating everyone bad lately and you know how much I hate being rude to people. God I ask that you bless my relationships with people, help me to talk to people better and give me social skills that shows the person I truly am. Please bless my relationship with my family, I have none with them whatsoever. I hate this feeling. I'm so lonely God. I have absolutely NO ONE! No one knows the pain I go through and the everyday struggle I have just to be me. I feel so disconnected from the world."


9 years ago


"Please pray that I would not have any anxiety today. "


9 years ago

"Celebrate Hope"

"Philippians 3:8-9 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- The Righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. "


9 years ago

"Prayer For A Husband "

"I prayed Lord that you send me a man who is faithful to you, and be my partner in the ministry , we serve together and grow spiritually, I think i found him but im not sure enough if he likes me too but Im not sure if that is your will , i know there is a purpose why we know each other. His name is Mark Steven his leaving in Canada. I dedicated Him to you Lord talk to Him Lord for me. In Jesus name I prayed Amen "


9 years ago

"God Provision In My Job Interview "

"Lord im praying for the positive result of my interview , i pray that they hired me if its your will for me to transfer to another company let your will be done. if that happen Lord praying that it will be smooth transfering . I ask this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen "


Las Vegas
9 years ago

"Bless The Sale Of My Home"

"Lord today I pray that you bless the sale of my current home according to your will. I pray that you bring the rite family to enjoy this home as I have for the past years. And I pray that you lead me as well to what will be a new home for my children and myself. May this sale be perfect by your power Lord in your powerful name I pray. Amen"


9 years ago


"Please pray that I am able to make it to church. "


9 years ago

"Light Show"

"John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.""


Moreno Valley, CA
9 years ago

"Prayer Chain"

"Hello people out there I need your help tonight my cousin he was in a car with his friend and he crashed into a tree. My cousin his name is Ruben he was in the passenger seat the driver he did not make it. My cousin is in the emergency room right now as I type this. He is suffering from bleeding in his head. To much bleeding in the head will cause death. So tonight I ask that you pray for him to heal. Also that you tell all your family or friends to pray for him. We need a prayer chain so please email me so I can count on you for a prayer. Please be apart of this prayer chain. "


Sierra Mountains
9 years ago


"Seeking prayer for financial help with registering my vehicle. The registration was due in October and I lost my job before I was able to take care of it. The winter snow is coming quickly and not having reliable transportation is taking it's toll. "


New Hampshire
9 years ago

"a little one "

"God I ask that if your plan be for my cousin to have a baby that this last round of ivf be the one, as you are aware they have been trying for 5 years with multiple miscarriages, if this is not your plan for her please help her find her purpose so that this void in her life won't leave her with feelings of sorrow and emptiness."


9 years ago


"Please pray that we have a safe drive to and from home Saturday night. "


9 years ago

"This Is How"

"1 John 4:9-10 This is how God showed his love among us: he sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. "


9 years ago


"LORD help me. I'm usually not the jealous type but I just feel a jealous spirit has come upon me and its trying to take over. Help me to know who I am in you LORD, give me the kind of confidence that only comes from you. Help me with my insecurities. LORD I know that there is always somebody prettier than me, smaller than me, smarter than me and can do things better than me. LORD help me to be the best me I can be. LORD I don't desire to be the best in things or to be the most popular. LORD I desire to put a mark in people's heart. Bless me LORD supernatural wisdom and I pray for favor in JESUS name.."


9 years ago

"My Puppy Is Loosing Weight"

"My puppy Penelope is a Jack Russel Terrier and Chiwawa mix and she won't eat much of a food. Me and mom don't feed her much human food but my dad does. I just don't want her to get sick or worse. We love her so much. Lord, Will you please help Penelope eat more of her dog food? She can eat her dog food and human food."


Sierra Mountains
9 years ago

"Asthma "

"Praying that The Lord heals my asthma. It's severe and causing a lot of stress and concern. "


Cordova, Tennessee
9 years ago


"Please pray that God will work out Everything for me concerning the situation that occurred today. I'm thankful that all is well with my child. In Jesus' name amen"


9 years ago


"Lord it is going to be a cold night please look out for those who have no place to stay and keep them warm in Jesus name amen. "


9 years ago


"Lord I ask for healing for my calf and my burnt finger. "


9 years ago

"As It Is Written"

"Luke 3:4 As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah at the prophet: " Voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him."


9 years ago

"Prayer To The Mother Of A Cruel God"

"Mary did you know that your little boy would one day turn water into wine, heal the sick, drive out demons, calm a storm with his hands, feed thousands, conquer sin and death? Mary do you know, can you tell me why your son continues to tell me no?"


9 years ago

"aunt has to have hip replacement"

"my aunt in Illinois has to have a hip replaced on the 3rd of next month update: my cousin messaged me on Facebook yesterday and told me that my aunts surgery went great and she is going good thank you for the prayers "


9 years ago

"I Can't Tell It All"

"Thanking YOU LORD for being GOD all by yourself. Everything I have belongs to you. Im nothing without you. I can't do nothing without you. Thank you for loving, blessing and protecting me inspite of me. Thank you for how you watch over my family and friends. Thank you for letting me see that it's the little things in life that are so important. The big things are just bonuses. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I'm going to live for today, take the good with the bad and enjoy the moments as long as I can, while I can. I choose to be grateful and thankful not just today but every day. Ain't no rock gone cry in my place. Just grateful"


9 years ago

"neighbor that had surgey "

"I have a update on my neighbor that had surgery on his bladder it turns out it is cancer and he has a Cather in him they don't know what stage the cancer is yet he won't know that till 2 weeks so please keep praying thanks "


9 years ago

"But The Angel Said To Them"

"Luke 2:10-11 But the angel said to them, " do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, he is the Messiah, The Lord. "


9 years ago

"But You"

"Micah 5:2 "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are small among the clans of Judea,out of you will come for me One who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old,from ancient times.""


Antelope Valley, CA
9 years ago


" Dear Prayer Warriors: Please pray for our sister in Christ; she has been re-admitted to the hospital in LA due to heart related issues. She was just released in October after having open heart surgery and again needs our prayers. But this time, we step out in mountain-moving faith. Let's approach before the throne of G-D with boldness to humbly request for a creative miracle so that He will replenish the patient with a brand-new heart like an 18 year old's. Thank you for praying. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew 17:20 He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. " Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. "


9 years ago

"Do It For Me LORD"

"Praying for traveling grace for my daughter as she travel home on the dangerous highways. LORD please cover her from the crown of her head to the soul of her feet with your blood. I rebuke and pray against sleepiness, danger, accidents and car trouble of any kind. Bring her home and send her back safely LORD in the mighty name of JESUS I pray. "


9 years ago

"Healing For Mother"

"Asking for prayer for my Mother, this is woman who is never really sick. The Doctor think she has congenital heart failure. LORD I know you as a healer and deliverer. I'm asking you FATHER to come in an heal my mother's body. Touch her from the crown of her head to the soul of her feet. Make everything alright LORD. In JESUS Mighty name I pray."


9 years ago


"Please pray for me. I have been unemployed for 6 months now and desperately want the job I am interviewing for tomorrow. "


9 years ago

"friend fighting for her life"

"one of my Facebook friends Brianna her friend Aubrey Williams has suffered a brain bleed and is fighting for her life and is a mother of two."


9 years ago

"missing child "

"there is a little 2yr old boy who went missing from searcy, Arkansas Sunday night his name is Malik Drummond update: it has been 9 days since Malik has been missing and the police called off the search for him and now the fbi is taking over please still keep praying everyone "


9 years ago

"Debt Free"

"I'm declaring that Me & my family are debt free before 2015 in JESUS NAME. A financial blessing is coming our way and will bless others to be debt free and most of all it will lead others to Christ not for financial gain but for The Kingdom inheritance through Christ Jesus👼🙌🙏"


9 years ago

"Restoration In My Marriage & Family"

"God I pray for... Faithfulness peace understanding honesty pure love time for each other communication healed from lust and wondering eyes Godly marriage Be loving to me and our children a good listener healed from finances generational curses that has been passed down from our father and mother and 25 generations back heal us both God In all these things and restore what is missing lacking and broken. Help me be the the wife that you have called me to be and you require me to be. Lord my heart has been broken and torn and I need healing from your hand! I feel like I'm drowning and no one really understands. Life beats me Down day to day and I'm barely breathing! Sometimes i just want to run away and not come back.Then I think about my family 😀 and I start to feel selfish and guilty for those feelings. Do I deny how I feel and move on? I need you Lord to pull me from the drowning waters! In Jesus name Amen!"


Bensalem Pennsylvania
9 years ago

"God's loves"

"To understand Gods love for us we need to grasp hold of the moment of sudden glory. You know that moment when you look at something or experience that "Awe" moment than just melts you heart , Moves you.. We all have those wonderful full of love moments.. The moment you meet your new baby for the first time , or look into you future husbands eyes before the I Do . We all have our moving moments .. It's those moments that Jesus wants us to grasp on to . You can't know The Fathers love by just going to church or reading the bible. It's the experiences we have , the sudden moments of glory. That moment ,that feeling is the Love that the Father has for us ,not for a moment but forever. That love that moment was what kept our Savior going through all his sufferings.. His love for us...Our moment of sudden glory is his eternal love for us.. Have a great Monday 😊"


9 years ago

"My Mom Has To Live"

"When I'm on vacation, I ask for the angels to watch over my mom to make sure she's ok and alive when I get home. "


9 years ago

"Take It Away LORD"

"By the blood of JESUS and the power of his might; I pray right now in the mighty name of JESUS that you LORD will take the desire to be religious or belong to any organization that teaches rules, regulations and religion are important and not relationship with you LORD. Give him the real knowledge, GOD given power and the desire to want to change from the inside out and not the outside in. Give him the power LORD to choose and make his own decisions and not make choices because it pleases others. I plead the blood of JESUS over his heart and mind. I bind that desire and that controlling spirit that is on his life right now in the name of JESUS. Take it away LORD in the name of JESUS....."


9 years ago


"Lord I am beginning to lose faith. Please help me."


9 years ago


"My grad fathers friend, bob Peterson has been diagnosed with bone cancer and the doctors tell us there is absolutely nothing they can do. So please pray for him that God performs a miracle with him "


Antelope Valley, CA
9 years ago


"How are you, Prayer Warriors? Clarification of request: The main focus is brand-new knee cap and not the surgery. When G-D moves, surgery is not needed. Thank you. A friend's mom is having severe knee problem. Please let's petition for a creative miracle - for a brand new knee. Appreciate everyone praying for her. Thank you very much. I pray you and your loved ones are well. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Matthew 7:7-11 Ask, Seek, Knock "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"


9 years ago


"Please pray for me,my anxiety is out of control. It's starting to control my life. I'm scared to go out. I can't even do the things I enjoy anymore without being scared. "


9 years ago

"A Pass Is All I Ask"

"I don't need perfect grade in my class. I just need to pass."


9 years ago

"My Dream"

"I'm presently looking at classes for the next semester, unfortunately none of them are about publishing books. Earning my masters is going to take toP long. All I want to do is write my books, get them published, and be able to make money off of them. I've waited too long already, there has to be an easier way to do this... But God continues to say no to all my prayers."


9 years ago

"Megan Might Be Pregnant!"

"Megan has this condition where she can't get pregnant and if she does, it can be deadly for her and the baby. Pray for her"


9 years ago

"This Is He"

"Matthew 3:3 This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: "Voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, Make straight paths for him.' " "


9 years ago

"Want To Learn How To Cook"

"I hope someone teaches me how to cook and bake"


9 years ago

"Want To Learn To Drive"

"Pray for me, I want to learn how to drive"


9 years ago

"Going On Vacation"

"I'm going on vacation to Florida and I would like prayers that we get there safely and we enjoy ourselves. Thank you."


9 years ago

"I Feel Like I'm Loosing My Best Friend Again"

"I met my best friend Josh a few years ago on Facebook and we have came a long way. First he was dating a girl named Katelyn on the internet, than after a while I found out she wasn't on much and she was away more and more. We started talking on the phone about our hopes, fears, dreams, goals, everything! Anyway, We decided to webcam eachother one night and it was amazing before that Katelynn has disappeared then he figured out that he has been catfished. Well, we started dating, it was fine for a while but then his ex Kate starts talking to him again and seduced him then she convinced him to leave me (of course I didn't take that well and I hated him for that) so he left me and I was so heartbroken but I convinced myself that I didn't care about what happened. -sighs- So, I didn't hear from him until I was on vacation, he called me and sometime I talked to him then he tells me that he got with his high school sweetheart Megan (that was like a knife in my heart) I didn't know her then he told me all about their sex life and that made me hate him even more. I started talking to Megan and I found out that she knew all about me and to her, I'm her sister (which made me feel special) It was all going fine for a while until he tells me that Kate died and he kept calling her The Bitch (I kept telling him to stop being negative but it got worse) anyway then he started talking trash about Megan's brother Joe when I became friends with him so of course he knew Joe. I told Megan and she told Joe because they deserved to know. Then Josh started to loose his friends and he kept pushing me away and talked to me like it was trash. I don't know what to do anymore. It would be nice if he turns back into himself again. I feel like he doesn't want me around anymore. He needs a lot of positive energy and thought and good vibes pumped into him. He needs The Lord, prayers, and his angels."


9 years ago

"My Mom Has New Medicine"

"My mom has a bad heart and bad lungs and her medicine have been really been making her legs hurt and I pray her new medicine helps her legs stop hurting"


9 years ago

"The Lady Is Very Sick"

"Pray for amber because she has untreatable cancer. They found a tumor in her blood vassel and they went to take it out but they accidentally bursted it open and now it's all over her body. "


9 years ago

"I Think I Am Loosing My Best Friend Again"

"I met my best friend Josh a few years ago on Facebook and we have came a long way. First he was dating a girl named Katelyn on the internet, than after a while I found out she wasn't on much and she was away more and more. We started talking on the phone about our hopes, fears, dreams, goals, everything! Anyway, We decided to webcam eachother one night and it was amazing before that Katelynn has disappeared then he figured out that he has been catfished. Well, we started dating, it was fine for a while but then his ex Kate starts talking to him again and seduced him then she convinced him to leave me (of course I didn't take that well and I hated him for that) so he left me and I was so heartbroken but I convinced myself that I didn't care about what happened. -sighs- So, I didn't hear from him until I was on vacation, he called me and sometime I talked to him then he tells me that he got with his high school sweetheart Megan (that was like a knife in my heart) I didn't know her then he told me all about their sex life and that made me hate him even more. I started talking to Megan and I found out that she knew all about me and to her, I'm her sister (which made me feel special) It was all going fine for a while until he tells me that Kate died and he kept calling her The Bitch (I kept telling him to stop being negative but it got worse) anyway then he started talking trash about Megan's brother Joe when I became friends with him so of course he knew Joe. I told Megan and she told Joe because they deserved to know. Then Josh started to loose his friends and he kept pushing me away and talked to me like it was trash. I don't know what to do anymore. It would be nice if he turns back into himself again. I feel like he doesn't want me around anymore. He needs a lot of positive energy and thought and good vibes pumped into him."


9 years ago


"Please pray for me, I feel like my emotions are out of control. I'm fine until suddenly I'm not. "


9 years ago

"When The Set Time Had Fully Come"

"Galatians 4:4-5 But when the set time has fully come, God sent his son, Born of a woman, Born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to Sonship. "


9 years ago


"Please lord sell my home don't let it be taken pls lord help us"


9 years ago

"Waiting For 1st Check"

"I lost my job a week ago today and have been blessed with a new job that starts dec 1. Lord help me find ways to pay my bills before my 1st check on dec 19. "


Camarillo, California
9 years ago

"Ruth's sister-in-law"

""Please say a prayer for my sister-in-law. She's been fighting pancreatic cancer for over a year(beating the odds by a mile), but now everything seems to be shutting down on her. She's at home with her husband of almost 55 years, and their kids are flying in. It's a time of passing, I will miss my sister.""


9 years ago

"I Feel Better"

"Oh taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the the one that trust in him. LORD I have no choice but to trust you. Buddha couldn't do it, Mohammed couldn't do it, my mother couldn't do it, my sisters couldn't do it. My friends couldn't do it. Only YOU LORD. My way maker, strong tower, burden bearer, heart fixer, mind regulator. Wheel in the middle of a wheel. ALPHA and OMEGA. Hallelujah!!! Just Grateful....."


9 years ago




9 years ago

"Since The Children"

"Hebrews 2:14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is, The devil- "


9 years ago

"hoping my dad keeps his job "

"please pray for my dad that he keeps the job he has he has been Thur so much and it's hard to see him go Thur what he is going Thur and get all stressed out thank you "


9 years ago

"Send Down Your Wrath"

"America is my home, but things are getting worse every day. We sell out our religious convictions in the name of some misguided sense of liberty. Nothing is sacred. I'm starting to think that the country can't be saved and must be allowed to burn so that we can start over."


9 years ago

"lost soul "

"I have a friend that talks about death.and dying and says their is no god/Jesus and that he has no purpose On earth and if it is what is it I don't he is saved or anything but I wish he was he needs prayers badly "


9 years ago


"Bone cancer "


9 years ago

"Please Pray For My Grandma "

"Please pray for my grandma, she used to have colon cancer but she has been in remission for years now. But November the 25th they are going to check her for bone cancer because she has been having some back pain. So please say a prayer for her she needs as many as she can get. "


Senatobia, Mississippi
9 years ago


"Please do not let me miss anymore days. Please do not let me get in trouble for the days I have missed. Please let me love my job. Make the kids behave. Or, let me find the ideal job as soon as possible. Amen."


9 years ago

"Aint No Rock Gone Cry In My Place"

"Singing: Blessed be the name of The LORD. HE is worthy to be praised and adored. So we lift up Holy hand in one accord. Blessed be the name of The LORD. GOD I thank you for all the ways you have made. Thank you for blessings seen and unseen. Thank you for hearing my cries and my call. Thank you for turning things around in my favor. Thank you for answered prayer. Thank you for protection, life, health, strength, sound mind, and wisdom. You are more than enough, Awesome ruler, wonderful savior, wheel in the middle of a wheel. You are GOD all by yourself. Hallelujah...."


9 years ago

"Protection & Good Health"

"Also faithfulness to the Lord."


9 years ago

"A God That Always Says No"

"I literally have a one in 1 billion chance to finally earning financial security... The odds are against me but I'm desperate...just this once give me what I want..."


9 years ago

"Ronnie - Deanna"

"Pray for healing from leukemia"


9 years ago

"Coping With Illness"

"I would like prayer for my heart towards a situation in my family. My step dad has brain cancer and has been diagnosed to live till December. I want to trust what God is doing and also not feel so overwhelmingly sad about how my step dad is coping."


9 years ago

"Salvation Of Prodigal "

"Lord I pray that You will sever crush and destroy all ungodly relationships that are destroying our marriage and thousands of other marriages around the world. Lord help our family got to love the world or anything in the world. Loose my husband from the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his flesh, the lust of his eyes, and the pride of life. Holy spirit speak to my husband and all prodigal spouses and prodigal children to be able to overcome the temptations of the world. Lord, You can cleanse their hearts and I pray that my spouse and all prodigals will not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of their minds. Nothing is too hard when You show them the way of escape. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. "


9 years ago

"Do Not Be Deceived"

"Galatians 6:7-9 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A Man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. "


9 years ago

"Brother Or Sister"

"1 John 4:20 Whoever claims to love God get hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. "


9 years ago


"1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. "


9 years ago


"Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "


9 years ago

"Need To Heavy A Prayer From Myself"

"Prayer warriors I'm asking for prayers for myself. And 2011 I have the laparoscopic gastric bypass. I weighed a whopping 481lbs. I have lost down to 270 pounds. I started introducing food. Then I started consuming too much food. So I have am roughly around about 400 pounds give or take. I have late-night eating disorder. Starts after dinner on the way up until I tried to go to bed tonight feel I can't go to bed till I'm overly full. I need prayers for courage, strength, willpower, I feel on Despina do more than I have. I just need the will to get a pack. I asked these things in Jesus name I pray amen. So I thank you all for your prayers. May God bless you all. Godspeed"


9 years ago

"Brother In Laws Mom"

"Prayer warriors I'm asking for heavy prayer. My brother-in-law his mother has acute leukemia. And they just started her on that most potent chemotherapy. She does this for five days and gets two days off. They will do this for three weeks then they will try to do a blood test and a bone marrow test. The odds do not look good. But we know how God works. If it's her time then that's her time. I just pray and I hope y'all pray that she goes peacefully in her sleep. She has lived on long life. She's had many blessings. Kids grandkids extended family we all love her so much. Thank you and advance for your prayers. May God bless you all. Godspeed"


9 years ago

"Needing a mircale "

"Please Pray For Keely And Jonathan. They Are Poor And Live In A 2 Bedroom House With 6 People. They Need Money And Food To Survive. "


9 years ago


"Lord I am praying for a miracle in the reconciliation and restoration of my marriage. Your word says you hate divorce and I am standing on your word Lord."


9 years ago


"Please pray I would feel better soon. "


9 years ago


"1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you expect what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. "


9 years ago

"Jesus Paid A High Price"

"Jesus, you paid such a high price to make us clean and new. Only you can make us pure in your sight. Help us have the courage to stay pure. Give us the strength to forgive and to protect our hearts from the damage of sin. In Jesus' name amen. "


9 years ago

"Help Me Out From All My Trouble"

"Please intercede in all my problems . Give me the grace to serve the Lord. "


9 years ago


"Lord I wait for a good report from you lord not theirs lord help me"


9 years ago

"prayers "

"I have a few unspoken prayer requests my heart is heavy thank u! ijnip amen "


9 years ago


"bob ketchum- lives in Henderson Ar has stage 5 melanoma cancer and doesn't really have long to live he is refusing treatment to avoid suffering side effects from the medicine "


9 years ago

"ALL Of My Help"

"It is a good thing to give thanks unto you LORD and to sing praises unto your name, Oh Most HIGH, YOU show your love and kindness in the morning and your faithfulness at night. Thank You LORD. You're the beat in my heart JESUS, the air that I breath JESUS, the way out of no way JESUS. The water when I'm thirsty JESUS. My company when I'm lonely JESUS. My Provider, My Protector. You're my strength, my strong tower. There's power in your name JESUS. At your name JESUS, Every knee will bow and Every tongue will confess that you are LORD. The more I thank You the better I feel. Hallelujah!!!!! "


10 years ago

"Protect Them All LORD"

"I plead the blood of JESUS over my daughter. Protect her LORD from the crown of her head, to the sole of her feet. Protect her oh LORD, coming in and going out. Protect her mind, her body, her soul and spirit. When the enemy or harm come at her one way, let it flee from her several ways. Im praying for protection for all of my family and friends. I pray and plead the blood of JESUS over them all in JESUS name....."


10 years ago

"Love Life"

"Lord I pray to you to guide me and my fiancé in the right direction when it comes to starting our own family. Lord I pray you help us and lead us to stay in your path. Amen "


10 years ago

"No More"

"I'm sick and tired of getting advice that is either cryptic or just plain unhelpful. Just once, someone tell me how I can make my goals happen (see previous prayers)."


Barkly East, Eastern Cape
10 years ago

"Urban Klaasix Productions"

"I need prayer for financial support for my business. My dream for it is to grow, so that I can support people."


10 years ago

"Older Brother And Metaphysics"

"My older brother has been dabbling in a lot of sorcery and metaphysics. I would like prayer for him to desire God and to want to turn away from darkness."


10 years ago

"Step Dad Suffering With Brain Cancer"

"I would like prayer for my step dad that has 3 tumors in his brain. He has gone through so much chemotherapy and radiation since January of last year. The doctors have diagnosed him with this December being as long as he will live. I pray and ask for healing and peace."


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"A Friends Aunt Is Hospital"

"Okay prayer warriors need some prayers for friends aunt. Her name is Cindy. They have her hooked up to breathing machine. She had a severe allergy attack. Which caused her to swell so she could not breath. Thank you all in advance. God bless you all. Godspeed"


10 years ago

"Remembrance Day"

"O God,our ruler and Guide,in whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation,we give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land. And for those who lay down their lives to defend them: we pray that we and all the people of Canada,gratefully remembering their courage and their sacrifice, May we have the grace to live in the spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. In Jesus name amen"


10 years ago

"So In Everything"

"Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets."


10 years ago

"I Repent"

"Father, I repent for the things I've allowed to crowd out my time with my family. Help me to make time for downtime as a family. Give us wisdom and creativity to find ways to enjoy being together. In Jesus name amen."


10 years ago


"Lord Jesus,I pray that my grandfather has a nice time when he comes over for supper tonight. In Jesus name amen."


10 years ago


"John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "


10 years ago

"Dear Brothers And Sisters"

"James 1:19-20 My dear brothers and sisters take note of this: everyone should be Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."


10 years ago

"Prayer For Married Couples"

"Jesus please help married couples to keep conflict from driving a wedge into their marriage. Help each of them lay down their pride and address their own issues with Criticism contempt, defensiveness or stonewalling. Help them commit to fight in a way that brings restoration and resolution. In Jesus name amen."


10 years ago


"How am I supposed to find love when I'm 1. Socially awkward 2. 24 and living with my parents 3. Working at Wal-Mart No woman that meets my standards would want me. I wouldn't pick me."


10 years ago


"Lord I pray for my husband Samuel's salvation. I pray his eyes are opened spiritually to your word and will for his life. I pray that you will remove him from all ungodly things that are hindering his life as a Christian. I pray you will continue to speak to his heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh. I pray you give him the strength and clarity to remove himself of his ungodly lifestyle and return home a man of your will. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. "


10 years ago

"People Who Are Rude"

"Please pray that even when this one person is rude to me I will treat him as I would like to be treated and that the love of Christ would shine through. "


10 years ago

"Save My Home"

"Pray that the loan company can lower my house payment I'm months behind and need help Thank You in Jesus Name "


10 years ago

"Christ The Reason "

"Pray for wisdom and understanding that we and I chose to not b selfish with my thoughts Amd life to make Christ the. Choice not my choices first. I am second Christ is first "


10 years ago

"Not Going To Happen"

"Open his eyes LORD to the real truth. Saturate his heart with your Holy Spirit. Let him see you in a real way LORD. Give him a experience that he as never experienced before. LORD I pray that you break the stronghold of wrong influences in his life. Give him a Damascus road experience. Bind the devil on every hand LORD from his life. Give him the power, mind, and heart to think on his own and make the right decisions. Take the desire, the want and need away LORD. I plead the blood of JESUS over his mind, heart and soul. LORD let it not be so or come to pass in JESUS name. Thank you LORD."


10 years ago


"I am moving to New Mexico from CA. I just want prayer for everything that goes along with a move."


10 years ago

"Financial Provison"

"Really trying to stay focused on Jesus and been seeking him for basically 1100 dollars to cover a need. Big need for my family and kids Home and car r in the mix I thank u lord for ur visions this week in what we have seen u bring and I speak life into the remaining to come Bless u Jesus"


10 years ago

"JESUS: The Center Of My Joy"

"Singing: JESUS you're the center of my joy. All that's good and perfect comes from YOU. You're the heart of my contentment, the hope for all I do. JESUS you're the center of my joy. Hallelujah!!!! Thanking you LORD for all the ways you've made. The more I thank YOU, the better I feel. Awesome GOD, Wonderful Savior, Soon Coming King. The Great I AM. None like you LORD."


10 years ago

"Patience And A Hug"

"Dear God, I have grown so much in this last week that I feel in some ways like a whole new person. It is both exciting and overwhelming. I have taken SO many brave steps thanks to answered prayers and your goodness. On the other hand I guess I need love and attention just as much as anyone else and if I don't spend enough in depth one on one time with you, soaking up your healthy unconditional love then I end up getting attention in other ways. I wasn't even aware I was doing this and I am so embarrassed. At least now I know and I can make changes. It has been so hard for me to find any balance in my life. God I NEED your help. Please fill me with faith and trust in You. I know you will keep your promise to me. "


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Family Friend."

"I have a friend that's desperately seeking prayer. His father is in the hospital for diabetes. I pray for God to give him strength to overcome this and heal his wounds. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"


10 years ago

"Seek His Kingdom"

"Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. "


10 years ago


"Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you.for everyone who asks receives ,the one Who seeks finds and the one who knocks the door will be opened. "


10 years ago

"If My People"

"2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. "


10 years ago


"Matthew 22:36-39 Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied :" Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself". "


10 years ago

"Help Us"

"God help us to put you first in our home and to seek you together. Help us establish a strong foundation by building our relationship on you. Help us commit to A regular time that we pray together each day. In Jesus name amen."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"My husband moved out 5 months ago and wants a divorce . I know and trust our Father is working even if I don't see or know how . I do believe in Gods promises and I know this trial was good ,I have grew so much in Gods Grace. Before I was afflicted I truly was astray. Jesus is so good to me my ways our now straight once again . Thank you Jesus for forgiveness and salvation . It's just hard to not get caught up in thoughts the devil and my insecurities try to lead me in ungodly doubt and thoughts. I refuse to give up , it hurts so bad my heart aching today the Holy Sprit reminded me My husband moved out 5 months ago and wants a divorce . I know and trust our Father is working even if I don't see or know how . I do believe in Gods promises and I know this trial was good ,I have grew so much in Gods Grace. Before I was afflicted I truly was astray. Jesus is so good to me my ways our now straight once again . Thank you Jesus for forgiveness and salvation . It's just hard to not get caught up in thoughts the devil and my insecurities try to lead me in ungodly doubt and thoughts. I refuse to give up , Today during a dark painful morning the Holy Sprit reminded me when I was feeling alone and crying and doubting and allowing my mind to go where God isn't . That our Father despises divorce and he is in the business of restoration not replacement.. Please pray for my patience and to know Gods timing is perfect. I must be strong and take heart and wait on the Lord. PrAying not only for my husbands salvation but also pray that the Holy Sprit exposes anything unholy or not Christ like in me . Thank jenn"


Moreno Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Friend Need Of Prayer"

"My friend Christopher he has mid-stage cancer. I ask that the cancer goes away little by little. He needs prayer cause he is losing hope and faith. Please comment with some good verses that I can tell him to keep holding on. Thank you. "


10 years ago

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

"Thank you LORD for all the ways you have made. Thank you LORD for being the Only one true GOD. You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. The first and the last. You are the author and finisher of my faith. You are the one who is, who was and who is to come. You are the ALMIGHTY. You're great in all your ways. Thank you for your power, thank you for giving me strength and wisdom. Thank you for Better. Thank you for increase. Thank you that my best is yet come. Hallelujah "


10 years ago


" Prayer Brings Miracles Next to the "Our Father Which Art in Heaven" prayer, this is one of the Best prayers I think I have ever read. PRAY THIS PRAYER OUT ALOUD, EVEN IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!!! DO IT NOW!!! IT WILL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE. I started not to do this, but as I read it.... I understood God to say, 'You need a miracle tomorrow' so here goes...Prov. 29:25 You never know When God is going to bless you!! Good things happen when You least expect them to!!!!!!!! "Dear Almighty Lord God Jesus Christ, I thank you for this day, for this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank you for my being able to see, and to hear, and to speak, and to feel, and to taste of Your good creation this day and every day. I'm blessed because you are such a loving and such a forgiving God, and such an understanding and caring God. You have done so much for me and yet you keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have ever done, or ever said or ever thought That was not pleasing to you. I say I am so sorry. I now repent and ask for your forgiveness. Please keep me safe O God From all danger, hurt, and harm. Help me to start this day and every day With a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day, To clear my mind so that I can hear from you. Please broaden my mind so that I can accept all things according to God's Will. Let me not whine and whimper Over things I have no control over, for all things are working together for my good and God's Glory. And when I'm pushed beyond my limits, give me the best response, a response which says Alleluia, and Praise the Lord, and Thanks be unto the Most High God Almighty, I know that when I can't pray, You listen to the prayer of my heart. Continue to use me to do your will. Continue to bless me so that I may be A blessing to others. Keep me strong so that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted so that I may have Words of encouragement for the discouraged. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way, that they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even through this Prayer I am now praying. I pray for those that are misjudged Misguided, misused, and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know you intimately. I pray for those who will delete this prayer without sharing the Love of God with others I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank You, that I do believe That God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every one of the family members In their households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes; I pray that they are out of debt And that all their financial needs are met, and they have more than enough to be a blessing to others. I pray for every eye that reads and says this Prayer That they come to know that there is no problem, no circumstance, no situation that is greater than God, for God is greater than all, God is greater in all, God is greater through all, and God is greater upon all. For God, the Most High God Almighty of all the Universes is truly the Greatest of All. I pray for all my enemies, and those who have used me and abused me, and have lifted up their hands and their tongue against me. I now forgive them for all they have done. In Jesus Name, all my enemies are now forgiven, and I pray God forgiveness upon all my enemies, for they do know what they are doing, for I am a Child of God. So every battle that I have ever encountered in my life is now in God's Loving hands, for You, O God fights all my battles for me. I pray that these words be believed, received and accepted into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every tongue that confesses them in name of Jesus Christ, I pray believing, receiving and accepting God's miracles in my life this day and every day, for God's Divine favor is now my heritage, in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen! It is done! O' Praise The Lord! Alleluia! God Bless You!! ! ! ! Just repeat the phrase below and see how God moves!! God I so "


Camarillo, California
10 years ago

"Breeanne's son"

"Please pray for my son's Kindergarten classmate, Sam. After heart surgery today he is in ER tonight sick. It isn't his first surgery but it seems this one hasn't gone as well as it should have. Thank you."


10 years ago

"Truck Broke Down"

"Our truck broke down,please pray that it's not too big of a fix and not too much money. "


Fairfax, Virginia
10 years ago

"Job Interview"

"I have an important interview coming soon. Please for me to handle it well. Pray for my clear understanding of God's plan. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my wife as she see the doctor about her skin cancer. Lord please protect her. Amen"


10 years ago

"Drs. Appointment"

"Please pray that my doctors appointment will go smoothly and that my anxiety won't be so bad. "


10 years ago

"Matthew 19:26"

"Jesus looked at them and said " with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible.""


10 years ago

"2 Conrinthians 12:9-10"

"But he said to me," my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why for Christ's sake I delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties . For when I am weak then I am strong. "


10 years ago

"Lord Thank You"

"Lord thank you that each day we have from you is a gift, another chance for a fresh start. Help us to forgive and to let go of the past. Please help us to see your strength in our weakness today and then again tomorrow and every day after. In Jesus name amen"


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Cousin Needs Heavy Prayers"

"Fellow prayer warriors I have a family member needs heavy prayer lefty. My cousin Amanda is or 16 years old she's got severe pain. She's going to have a major surgery in December. It will be removing her pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, and her appendix. She needs all the prayer she can get it. Thank you. And may God bless you all. Godspeed"


10 years ago


" It's been a slow start to the month on my job for me LORD. I know that I can do absolutely nothing without you. Your word say ask and I will receive, seek and I will find, knock and the door shall be opened. I'm asking you to turn things around in my favor LORD on my job . Make the crooked places straight. Where there is lack, I speak increase. I declare and decree a turn around. I speak increase. Increase in ppga's, in wired, in strategic. I speak overflow. I call it forth right now in the Mighty name of JESUS. Thank you LORD for the increase. And It Is So......"


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"My Friend"

"Prayer warriors I'm asking for heavy lifting in prayer.I have this friend who's 35 years of age. She's really a good spirit. She's suffering from major kidney stones. The stones are causing both kidneys to fail. And the doctor says if they don't do something soon she could lose her kidneys."


10 years ago

"Prayer For Cat"

"My cat Bailey has been having blood in urine and antibiotics have not helped. he is going in the morning for an X-ray to check for bladder or kidney stones. Please pray for his healing and that he will not end up with a life threatening blockage from a stone and for wisdom in providing the best diet for him. We have 2 cats and they are picky eaters, I buy quality food but they many times refuse to eat the canned food that they should be eating to stay healthy. Bailey is only 4 years old. this is not a good time for a big vet bill for us, so I pray he is not going to need surgery."


10 years ago

"Prayer For Dad"

"Please pray for my Dad. He works so hard to provide for us. "


10 years ago

"The End"

"Dear God please comfort Michael and help him to realize that it is time for him to let go. Every time I think he has moved on I get bombarded with his hatred and realize that nope, he's still there. I mean him no harm and I wish him well. He thinks he knows me but he doesn't. You can't "know" a person by stalking them on social media and we only spent a few hours together in person. If he ever knew my heart he wouldn't constantly be assuming the worst of me. I'm sorry that I sometimes do that to you God. Please forgive me and please help Michael to forgive me for the hurt he has felt. I was never trying to hurt him. I just don't think things through very well sometimes and for that I am very sorry. God you know what is going on in my life and you know the progress I have made. Help me to celebrate that with you for you are sovereign and my victory is all because of you. Thank you Jesus! I pray for the very best for everyone. That is all I really want. I trust in your promises. I love you...please restore peace, love and joy to Michael's heart and to the hearts of all my loved ones. In Jesus' Name amen. "


10 years ago

"Prayer For My Future"

"Please pray for me. I've been dating a man for 2.5 years now. Please pray that if he is the man for me that he will ask me to marry him and let go of the anger, fear and doubts. Please pray that if he is not the man that God will please give me guidance and put the man who I'm suppose to be with in my path soon. Thank you."


10 years ago

"Prayers For Direction"

"Please pray for direction in my life. I'm at a crossroads. Thanks"


10 years ago

"Protection From Evil"

"Father God, please deliver me and my loved ones from all curses, hexes and spells. I bind all evil words spoken against us and pray for the conversion of those who would do such a thing. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Keep us safe from harm and Lord Jesus I trust YOU to take care of my enemies and bring them to their knees. My loved ones and I and all we have are blessed, favored, righteous and redeemed. Thank You Father God. Psalms 37 "


10 years ago


"Please pray for me to make it home. I was supposed to just run 9 miles but I got distracted and didn't realize I had been running for 2 1/2 hours. Now I have to make it back home and Im really hungry, thirsty and kinda tired. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my teen daughter in college who is in a serious relationship that is not healthy, and she is drifting from her relationship with God. She also has a serious health condition that she is neglecting. She has pretty much cut off most of her relationship with her family. Her sister was her best friend in the whole world, and she will barely speak to her now. It breaks my heart because her sister has no other close friends. She just wants her sister back. Please pray her eyes will be opened to the truth and that she will see how she is in a controlling relationship. Pray she will do what she needs to do to stay healthy and that she will turn back to God. I pray for Christian friends to come into her life and guide her."


10 years ago

"Angry Bird"

"Heavenly Father, thank you for Michael and the time we had together. please guide me so that even now I will not inadvertently do anything that would provoke him to wrath. Instead I want to be a prayer support to him, a source of encouragement in his life. Work in his life that he will soon realize that you are the Healer of all his inner hurts, frustrations, and disappointments. Bind up all his wounds, Lord, and set him free from all his hurts that cause him to feel angry. Allow my prayers to be an agent of healing in his life. Father God you were tempted in all ways that humans are tempted yet without sin. I know you understand why Michael feels angry, and because this is so, I know that you will set him free. Thank you for this promise which I now claim on his behalf. Lord, you are full of mercy and grace. I ask you to apply your mercy and grace to Michael's heart. Let your Balm of Gilead heal him of all hurts. I pray that he will learn that his anger is useful in that it will lead him to seek the help he needs from you. As he feels this anger, may he act upon it only in positive ways, always without sin. I pray that he will learn to cease from his anger and forsake his wrath, as he responds to your wonderful love in his life. Reveal to him what the cause of his anger is, and help him to acknowledge the truth about his life because I know the truth will make him free. Lord grant him the grace to forgive me and all who may have hurt him. Show him that any unresolved anger or unforgiveness in his heart is more damaging to him than to the ones it is directed. Give him the wisdom to identify and respond to his anger in healing ways. I thank you for the certain knowledge that your justice will prevail and I ask you to lead him in this understanding as well. When Michael gets mad I pray he will be able to remember your mercy and his need to receive and reflect your mercy. Help him to deal with his anger in positive ways, never permitting the sun to go down upon his wrath. Teach him your perfect way in all things, and help him to see that love is always the more excellent way. I pray this for Kaitlyn, Dean, Eric and Diana as well. May God bless and keep them all in his loving arms. Thank you Jesus!"


10 years ago


"Dear God, please forgive me for having fear. I want to be at peace but I have a lot of anxiety today. Last night was so hard and this morning I get the feeling that my dad might not live much longer. Please send me a compassionate friend to help me get through this. As you know I just recently lost all the close friends I have to some form of major betrayal. I know you are all I need God but a trustworthy companion would be nice. I don't want to find myself struggling even more than I already am with temptations that I don't want to give in to. I think Im doing a lot better here lately, all these prayers that have been said for me really help. Please forgive me for anything Ive done that Im not aware of or am forgetting. I only want to do your will Lord. I want to walk in your ways even when its not easy. This has been a long hard road God. Please Lord, fill me with your peace. I love you....amen."


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Lost Will To Live"

" Dear Prayer Warriors: This is a request for "Becky" who had completely lost hope, shut down and was not cooperating in the healing process regarding her illness. Tragically, she has given up the desire to live. She was recently told that she may have only about 2 months or so to live. She is the mother of 2 young children who depend on her solely. Please pray for a miracle according to Luke 4:18-19... "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." Blessings to all"


10 years ago


"Lord, let me see Your light in me so that I will not be afraid of darkness. I have chose to walk with You, help me not to doubt but trust that You are with me wherever I go. Even in the most difficult times, I know that You are in control and will turn things around and bring good out of it. I refuse to listen to the trap of devil. Lord, increase my faith and let me walk victoriously together with You everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."


10 years ago


"One of my classmates from grade school has died. He was 24 years old. If that had been me I would have never even had a first date, and all I'd have to show for my life would be an associates degree in Computer Information Technology, and half a year and a half of working at Wal-Mart. I want to love and be loved, I want to get my books published and use them to change the world. But I don't have the means..."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"Getting Your Cake And Eating It Too"

""Have Your Cake and Eat it" 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 I love baking , and I know a cake has eggs, flour, sugar ect.. If I throw those ingredients into a bowl I doubt my cake will be very tasty.. Or anyone would eat it!😝But if I read and knowledge myself in baked goods sky's the limit.. Our life is like a cake and God is the Baking instructor in the best baking institute . With his wisdom and knowledge we could to bake the best cake you could ever imagine.. AND... We get to eat it too.... 🎂🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰"


10 years ago


"Dear prayers Warriors, Please pray for Huseyin Huseyin to turn his life around, he has been struggling for years to make something out of his life but still not there yet. I have now plead the Blood Of Jesus Christ over every inch of Huseyin's physical body, over every inch of his soul, over every inch of his spirit, over his life, over his belief and over his crisis situation. Father God Jehovah, in the name of Jesus, I now have full faith and belief that the Blood of Jesus Christ will now fully protect Huseyin Huseyin against all of the things that I have just pled his Blood on. Thank you Father God Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen"


10 years ago

"Lost Goodness 😰"

"Please pray for me. Im at work and just got a call that my cat Goodness got ran over. I loved her so much! I don't feel like I can make it through this day at work. She was staying with someone else and I was waiting for a time when I could bring her home. I was REALLY looking forward to getting her back. It was so hard to open my heart and love another cat after I lost all my childhood cats in a house fire. I knew she would die eventually but I wanted to have more time with her. I wanted to cuddle with her for many, many years. I love my pets like they are family and so do my kids. My daughter is going to be CRUSHED. If you are not an animal lover you might not understand but this is some serious sadness so please pray. My daughter was so attached that I'm very concerned about how she will handle this. "


10 years ago

"I Need You LORD"

"Give me strength oh LORD. I feel weary, tired and wore out. I need your power. I need your help. I plead the blood of JESUS over my mind, my body, my soul and my spirit. Come in LORD and heal my land. What ever is wrong, LORD make it right. Were ever there needs to be a touch, LORD touch it right now. LORD I need you right now LORD. In the mighty name of JESUS I pray. "


10 years ago

"Please Pray For Morgan's Freedom"

"Dear prayer warriors, Please pray for my brother Morgan to be released from the problems that he is currently facing, pray for him to get his freedom (100%) back and rebuild his life, he has been suffering for the past 18 months and going through the toughest time in his life. Lord Jesus, I ask you to please accept Morgan's problems as your own and help him to solve his problems as soon as possible. Please release him from this bondage and set him free to move on with his life. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen "


10 years ago

"Insult Upon Injury"

"Dear God, Please shield me and protect me from Michael's wrath. It is very apparent to me now that he never loved me or cared about me. His insults bring me to tears and he knows I am already going through a hard time. I never wished him anything but good and that is still all I want for him. His hatred hurts me. I don't understand why I always get attacked as if I am the bad guy when I have to walk away from something that isn't safe or in the best interest of me and my kids. Help him to see that this is what HE chose...not me. Please help him fully come to know your love Lord. Please bless him in spite of his hatefulness. This isn't who he is. He is hurting. Please heal his hurt, God. Please help him to trust that you will provide for him if he will turn his heart over to you. Help him to see that it is between him and YOU. God please comfort both of us and help me to not believe the lies that he is sending me that come straight from the devil. Does he not know that he is talking to YOUR daughter? Apparently he has never considered that all women are your daughters and should be seen and treated accordingly. Snap him out of this God and please heal my spirit from this insult upon injury. Thank you Jesus. "


10 years ago

"The Weapons Won't Work"

"FATHER you know the weapons that are formed against me, your word say that None shall prosper. I send them back to the sender right now in the name of JESUS. Every wrong doing, manipulating, lying, cheating, cursing and deceiving spirit I send it back in the name of JESUS. I curse it with a curse. Every arrow or dart thrown, I send it back. Your word LORD, say that vengeance is yours and you will repay. Cover me with your blood LORD. Help me FATHER to be right and help me LORD to hold my peace. This battle is not mine LORD, it belongs to YOU. I ask you to move and do it for me right now in the mighty name of JESUS. Thank you LORD!!! And It Is So....."


10 years ago

"Prayers For Trusting God In Hard Times."

"Dear Lord, So far this year has been filled with a lot of ups and down and twists and turns. It's hard to stay hopeful when everything looks hopeless. Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed with worries, worries about my future, my circumstances, my health, my family, my finances, and the rest could go on, but I take you at your word and not rely on my own understanding and just trust you. Trust that you are working every detail of my life out for the best. I trust that you are sovereign over everything and you will take complete care of me. I trust that your timing is perfect, that it is never too early or too late. I will trust that you are able to do more than I could ever ask, imagine, or even think of. Lord, I am thankful that I am yours, my life is all yours. You know me better than I even know myself. Thank you for loving me the way you do and Lord help me to always remember that. Lord help me to stay focused on you and not my problems. When I am weak I know through you I am strong. Times may be tough now but it is only growing my faith in the long run. Lord, I trust that no matter what, you will see me through it all. I thank you and I praise your great and mighty name. Amen"


10 years ago

"Prayers For Trusting God In Hard Times."

"Dear Lord, So far this year has been filled with a lot of ups and down and twists and turns. It's hard to stay hopeful when everything looks hopeless. Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed with worries, worries about my future, my circumstances, my health, my family, my finances, and the rest could go on, but I take you at your word and not rely on my own understanding and just trust you. Trust that you are working every detail of my life out for the best. I trust that you are sovereign over everything and you will take complete care of me. I trust that your timing is perfect, that it is never too early or too late. I will trust that you are able to do more than I could ever ask, imagine, or even think of. Lord, I am thankful that I am yours, my life is all yours. You know me better than I even know myself. Thank you for loving me the way you do and Lord help me to always remember that. Lord help me to stay focused on you and not my problems. When I am weak I know through you I am strong. Times may be tough now but it is only growing my faith in the long run. Lord, I trust that no matter what, you will see me through it all. I thank you and I praise your great and mighty name. Amen"


10 years ago

"Miriam Allette"

"She feels overwhelmed in her role as a mother, wife, etc. and with life. Prayer for comfort and deliverance from those things that may weigh her down. "


10 years ago

"Praise Be To God!!!"

"I have waited a very long time for something good to happen in my life and even though I am still in the midst of a great storm, God has given me hope and I believe He is going to do something BIG and GOOD for me soon. And even if it isn't soon I will keep waiting with a smile on my face 😊 Please pray for my dad who is feeling very sick today and is unable to use the restroom due to pain meds and inactivity. It hurts me to know he is in so much pain but I trust him into God's loving hands. Thank you for your prayers."


10 years ago

"Pray Health And Guideness"

"Dear Heavenly Father I don't know who to do this or what it will go I'm not the most religious but I need your guideness and healing more then ever will you help my boyfriend spencer grice find peace in what is happening and help his grandmother go to peace easily and no pain I don't understand why this happens to good people who go through so much and that this shouldn't happen for a reason I'm in pain these couple weeks with Katherine hruby now my boyfriend please let them be at peace and give me any kind of sign if you can to let me know grandpa Albert katherine John and tinker are at peace please if you can In your name we pray amen "


10 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, God I am heartbroken and ask you to heal me while I find my peace and reassurance in you. Thank you for hearing my prayers and for caring enough to step in and provide. I feel very torn this morning. My tender heart is so easily swayed. Why must every man I love lust after someone else? I know I may not look the way they want me to but does my heart count for nothing? They always grasp for the Chips Ahoy until they have it and then it never fails that they long for the Amish cookie they never realized they had. Unfortunately by then the irreparable damage has been done. Trust has vanished and any chance for real intimacy right along with it. I am in so much pain and if it weren't for your mercy Lord, I would be devastated. The more I love the more painful it is. I really am trying not to focus on what happened but lately it has been like trying not to focus on your finger that just got slammed in a door. It hurts. But I praise you God. You are so good and so awesome and truly I have never felt more loved by you and THAT means more to me than anything. Thank you for protecting me all this time. What felt like punishment was actually your loving hand shielding me from harm. And no matter how hurt I am now, I have been blessed far beyond this present suffering. For if it weren't for Michael I would most surely be dead. God I am so thankful for him. And so I offer up the suffering that I am experiencing for him...for his deliverance from this sin and for his happiness. Please comfort him God and fill him with peace and hope. I will keep praying for him. Tell him Im very sorry for any way that I ever hurt him. Tell him that I would never retaliate and that even though I have been tempted I don't betray him in my thoughts. "


Bakersfield, California
10 years ago

"My Daughter"

"Lord I ask that you comfort my daughters heart about her father. She is really getting upset because he chooses to not be in her life and it hurts her so much. Please give me the strength and the right words to say to comfort her. Amen. "


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"new job"

"I just got a new job for the season, and I am hoping that they will keep me working for them after the holidays. please pray that I can prove myself as a hard worker, and that I don't mess up on this job. I want to be able to have a part time job, I've been looking for years, and finaly got hired! I am very grateful. God is awesome!"


10 years ago


"Almighty Father Send down your righteous wrath upon this sinful country, so that we remember that your law is above the law of man. Make an example so that we may remember that human life is to be respected from conception until natural death, and that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman."


10 years ago

"Consequence Driven"

"Father God, please show Michael that I forgive him and how much I have loved him. I see so much greatness within him Lord, and You know that. Show him that I appreciate his prayer partnership and that I have been very blessed by the crossing of our paths. Let him know that I don't want to keep him from anything good or bad if it is the desire of his heart. Im very sad to come to realize that he didn't really want to walk away from his weakness even though I was waiting patiently for him on the other side. I pray you will give him the desire and the grace to go to CR. Please tell him that I will never forget the good memories that I have of him. Bless him with a wife that will be much better for him than I ever could have been and several beautiful daughters. Love him and keep him and make Your face shine upon him both now and in eternity...In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."


10 years ago

"Salvation For My Father"

"Brothers and sisters in faith, I need your prayers. I believe that prayers could move a mountain. Please pray for my father to have a change of heart. All his life, he has been focusing on making more profits that he forgot to pay attention to us his family. Also, because of his foul mood and temper, it gave me and my siblings a huge fear..every time we see him, he scares us..we don't want this feelings..please help us in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. "


10 years ago

"Skin Disease "

"Please pray for me, Charlene Chen, I have been suffering from a skin disease ever since I was in grade school..I too would want to have a self-esteem, living life more freely. Please pray with me. With God, I know nothing is impossible. Amen. "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"I am going to be making a video for master chef casting . I pray the holy sprit guides me . And if it our fathers will than please keep me close to you and let me be a walking and talking testimony of your great love and grace.. Amen "


10 years ago

"Thank You Lord Jesus Christ For Solving My Most Critical Priblems"

"Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to the Lord. Praise and thanks to Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has answered my prayers and solved 6 out of 11 critical issues that I have been facing in my life, I still have 5 more critical problems to battle with, however I am extremely confident that in the name of Lord Jesus Christ that God will soon solve these issues for me. I am exceedingly overjoyed that all of my problems are being solved one by one in priority order. I could have never solved my critical problems without Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord Jesus Christ for pulling me out of this dark deep freezing hole, I will always sing your praise. In addition thanks to everyone who has been praying for me, highly appreciated and may God always shower his blessings on you and your family. Amen. "


10 years ago

"Praise Be To God!!!"

"I have been COMPLETELY delivered from sducidal thoughts and temptation to self harm!!! GOD. IS. GOOD. whew!!! My heart is filled with joy, peace and relief! I will quit hogging up the prayer app now :))"


10 years ago


"Father God, please show Michael that my heart is confident of this...Your forgiveness encompasses all. May he find You standing beside him and may he see Your smile :)"


10 years ago


"I'm sick and tired of this mundane and meaningless existence that is my life, I'm sick of just getting by. I don't care that greed is one of the seven deadly sins, I want more than what God has given me. I can't trust God because his plan isn't taking me where I want to go. He may have all eternity but I don't. I want more than anything to write books, get them published, and be able to make more than enough money to live off them. And I want to find a woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and have her love me in return, but God hasn't given me any of these things, just the opposite. I'm 24 years old, living with my parents, working at a job I hate, taking classes that I hate and aren't helping me reach my goals, and I've never even had a first date. I've tried to be persistent in my prayers, but after all this time it's hard to keep the faith. Ten years is a long time to wait for things that never seem to come. If God's plan is that I have nothing more than a mundane life, I will never submit, I will fight it till the day I die."


10 years ago


"Please pray for me. I am very triggered. Cant sleep. Suicidal. Tempted to self harm. Don't feel like I can trust anyone. Need help but too ashamed/scared to ask for it. Only person I sort of trust is my coach and I don't want him to know how messed up I am. God please help me. "


10 years ago

"Rooted In Love"

"Father God, please forgive me and give me the grace to make all of my actions toward my fellow man rooted in love. Help me to be kind even to those who hurt me, finding ways to help them and make their lives easier to live. Let me not be moved by how they respond to me, nor hold back my blessings when they harm me. Even if they do not readily receive what I have for them, I know that You take notice. In You, I find a rich and abundant reward. In this You will see that I am living as a good little one, showing myself to be like You, for You are kind and charitable to both the good and the evil. Even the wayward ones enjoy your blessings. Help me to always walk in a spirit of mercy and compassion just like You, even when someone strikes an already painful wound and causes it to bleed. I do not seek to judge or condemn, nor do I harbor strife or resentment toward anyone. I always remember how far You have brought me and how patient You have been toward me and how much you have forgiven of me. I want to imitate You and resolve to be just as patient and forgiving. Thank you for Your help Lord Jesus...please help me."


10 years ago

"Move Mighty LORD"

"Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving let my request be made know into you LORD. LORD I thank you for all you've done, all you're doing and all you're going to do. Come in oh LORD touch and move in a mighty way. Fix the wrong LORD. Save, sanctify and deliver. Strengthen and increase our love for one another. Strengthen the bond we have. Help us to love each other from the inside out. Keep me on his mind day and night. Bless me LORD to be the apple of his eye, the thought in his daydreams and the love of his heart. Let nothing or no one come in between us. Convict us in our wrong doing, let us not have any satisfaction, joy or peace in the wrong that we do toward one another. Breath on us LORD and in our relationship. In JESUS mighty name I pray!!! And It Is So....."


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"Dear Prayer Warriors, We face another battle against cancer. Your much-needed intercessory prayer is for 2 ladies who were both diagnosed with the disease. This fight is already won and so we just need to claim the victory from the LORD! Psalm 18:6 In my distress, I called upon The Lord; to my God I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice, and my cry to Him reached His ears. "


10 years ago


"This morning I got several inspirations about Michael that have left me with a lot of anxiety. Pray God will restore my peace, protect me from false inspirations and protect Michael from temptation. Pray God will show Michael that I love him and am praying for him."


10 years ago

"Safety And Healing"

"Please pray for the safety and protection of my team as we go on a 3 hour ride today...and for my neck. Pray also that it will go really well this evening when I go visit my parents for the first time in a couple months. They are home for 6 weeks and if my dad looks as bad as he sounds this is going to be really hard. Pray for his salvation and continued healing from cancer. Pray for my mom to be blessed with the support that she needs. Thank you so much!"


10 years ago


"Father God, please remind Michael that we have come so far and surely we are almost there. Strengthen him to hold on to the memories of the first time we met, the connection we had with no words at all. Help him to want to keep it for himself, to warm in the beauty of touch, my grasping for his hand. Let him feel it again Lord. Let it melt the chill around his weary heart. Fill him with a passionate yearning to keep fighting, praying...holding on...for love. Give him a special knowledge of Your will. Make his heart surge with hope. Let us hear the angels singing Lord. The ecstasy of Heaven...for it is but a taste of what is to come. Such is my trust in your goodness oh Lord. Let me not forget...amen. "


10 years ago

"Wisdom In Marriage For Financial Peace"

"Dear Lord my Heavenly Father I come to you humbly to ask for your favor be place on my husband and myself along with our children. Lead us in the way of the light and the right path to bring the great things we know You have in store for us Father. Please with great urgency I come to you and ask that if Your Will be for the right job for myself and my husband to come into. To be able to take care of our basic needs, tithe to you and help countless others. Lord please I ask you to put your healing touch on myself to make me confident and for my husband give him what you know he needs the most to help this family succeed under his direction. I am so thankful that I can come to you dear Lord! You alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship you.,, mold me and make me ... Pour your ever lasting favor on my sweet family I pray in Jesus Christ name , Amen - Lauren Lantz "


10 years ago

"Prayer For Luttle Gigi"

"I am praying everyday for little Gigi to have a speedy recovery, please advice how little Gigi is doing, any update on how Gigi is doing will be greatly appreciated. Praise the Lord. Thank you and may the Good Lord Always Bless You and your loved ones with every good things in life. Thank you."


10 years ago

"There Is None Like YOU"

"In spite of it all LORD, this is the day that YOU have made. I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I am yet still the head and not the tail. I live above only and never beneath. I am yet still a lender and not a borrower. I can have what I say. I'm yet still blessed and highly favored of GOD. I know where all of my help comes from. Without GOD, I can do absolutely nothing. Life and death is in the power of my tongue and I choose life. Thank you LORD for your power and your Word always being true. Awesome GOD, Wonderful Savior. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Holy One of Israel, The Great I AM, Mary's Baby. YOU alone are GOD. HALLELUJAH!!!!!"


10 years ago

"Tired Of Waiting"

"My faith is dying because even after all this time my prayers continue to go unanswered. I've asked God for help so many times, and too often he gives me the opposite of what I want. Since my own prayers are worthless I rely on the prayers of strangers."


Inyokern, California
10 years ago


"Fellow prayer warriors need some prayers. A friend of mine's client person that she's taking care of had a really hard bad heart attack. I don't know what her status but she needs all the prayers she can have. Thank you in advanced. Got bless you all. Godspeed"


10 years ago

"God Is Our Provider :)"

"Please pray for a student of mine who is going from night to night not knowing where his family is going to sleep. Pray God will provide them with a good home. "


10 years ago


"LORD we're asking you to come in and heal the land. I'm praying and I plead the blood of JESUS over all my friends, family, co-workers, and their families. I'm praying against this Ebola virus. Protect us FATHER. I say it ain't so in JESUS name. Your word say we can decree a thing and it shall come to pass. I decree and declare by the blood of the LAMB and in the name of JESUS that we are protected from this dangerous virus. And It Is So......."


10 years ago


"Please pray for protection for my kids. Their dad is scaring me with his level of anger while discipling them. It also seems like he is trying to con my sons teacher into thinking that he is a great parent because he wants to get custody of our son. I feel sad and overwhelmed. Jesus I trust you to please help. Please protect my kids Lord and heal any damage that has been done. In the past DHS has threatened to take the kids from me and put them in foster care if they get any more calls about their dad being abusive and me still sending them to visitation. The lawyer told me that if I don't send my kids to visitation then I will be in contempt of court and my ex could get granted full custody. This is a terrible position to be in. My ex seemed to be doing a lot better since he got remarried but now I don't know. It just breaks my heart. Jesus I offer you my suffering and the injustice of it all. Thank you for your prayers."


10 years ago

"Help Me Jesus!!"

"Oh no, please pray for me I think I might be a little bit manic or something because I am REALLY struggling today. Thank you for your prayers!!"


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago

"9 Year old child"

" Dear Prayer Warriors: Please pray for Gigi, she's 9 years old and is battling leukemia for the 3rd round. She sent to ICU yesterday, has loss of oxygen to her brain, possibly had a stroke. Doctors say this is the last round of chemo they can give her. She needs a miracle. Multiple blessings to everyone who will approach G-D's throne room in behalf of Gigi. Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto Him; for he that comes to God must believe that he is... "


10 years ago


"Please pray for me to heal in such a way that I can trust my own judgement again. I feel like I was making improvement in my ability to find peace in progress the other day but since then it seems like I have been attacked by the enemy (or maybe just my own self) in my thoughts. I started getting these inspirations that I need to "tell the truth" about how I did at the indoor tri i just competed in. I thought I had made progress but then I started doubting myself and thinking that last year when I did the indoor tri I was pregnant and not really trying that hard. My thoughts keep doubting my own judgement and it is really confusing. Ironically this is something I have homework on this week for my cognitive processing therapy. Please pray that God will help me to move through this. I've been through so much trauma and abuse that it certainly doesn't feel like I can trust my own judgement. Thank you and may God bless you. A quick praise report is that my coach brought in a nutritionist and she really helped me a lot :)"


10 years ago

"Ask And It Shall Be Given"

"The enemy comes but to steal, kill and destroy. But GOD, he comes that we might have life more abundantly. LORD I'm praying for peace in my mind, soul, spirit and body. Praying for continued wisdom and favor. Touch Gregory right now LORD. Draw his spirit man unto you in a real supernatural way. Don't let him go LORD. Give him a Holy Boldness where he doesn't care what nobody else think. Take away the spirits of religion and traditions. Save, sanctify and fill with your Holy Spirit. Don't let him rest in his mess. Only you LORD can change a person's heart and mind, only you LORD can deliver. I ask you right now in JESUS name I pray. And It Is So according to your Holy Word........."


10 years ago

"Little Girl"

"Please pray for my friend's 9 year old grand daughter and her daughter and son in law as they seek to parent this child. She was adopted and the transition has been very difficult due to the little girl having been abused. Pray for God to give me guidance about whether or not I should offer to talk with this child. Father God please heal her and give her the capacity to trust again. Show her your love through her new parents and help her to believe that she is valuable and worthy of love and respect. God please hold her at night and calm her anxious heart. Heal her sadness and damaged self concept. Remove all the shame and guilt that belongs to her abusers and clothe her in joy, peace and charity. Please strengthen and fortify her parents to love her unconditionally and give them insights and understanding about her behavior. Bless them with times of refreshment and rest and with huge daily doses of You. Thank you Jesus...amen! "


Rustburg, Virginia
10 years ago

"Brandon's New Position"

"Pray that the Lord will be with Brandon as he leads worship at Elevation Church in Roanoke, Virginia."


10 years ago

"Comfort And Understanding"

"Jesus I pray for a friend and his wife during this time of heartache. This is the second time they have lost their child before birth. Jesus you know our innermost desires. You know their hearts and their love for you. Be their comfort and support during this time of sorrow. Jesus they believe in you and your promises answer their prayers of parenthood and bring them as a family to you."


10 years ago


"I pray and hope that it is within God's Will that I may discern my calling and find something in the future to strive for. I need to discover that one thing that is my calling. I have been told to start applying to colleges now and deciding on a major, but, I feel lost and overwhelmed by all the choices. I need to find what to strive after. I would appreciate anyone willing to pray for my intention. Thank you and God Bless <3"


10 years ago

"Praise God!!!"

"God really gave me hope after posting my request yesterday AND this morning I finally felt good about how I did in an indoor tri even though it is still a matter of progress. Thank you Jesus!!!"


10 years ago

"Prayer to Release Me Fromthe Turbulance Times That I Am Currently Going Through In Bangladed"

"Dear Prayers Warriors. I would very much appreciate if you can please pray forDear Prayers Warriors. I would very much appreciate if you can please pray for me. I can to Bangladesh for a Bangladesh for a business trip and end up in some serious problems with the law and now I am going through the the roughest time in my life, this is the biggest battle in my life and I cannot fix these problems on my own, therefore I am praying and I am handing over all the problems that I am facing here to Lord Jesus Christ and ask the dear Lord to solve these problems for me as quickly as possible. Please pray for me to get released from this chain and solve all the problems that I am facing here in Bangladesh, and safely return home to my family and loved ones as soon as possible. I had a professional job with a great career Pathans now my company have terminated my job last month because I cannot be there to fulfil my duties due to this turbulence times that I am currently going through in Bangladesh. Please also pray for my company to have mercy on me and reinstate me in my job. I have been with my company since 1993 and have always been dedicated to my work and loyal to my company. I believe and have faith in Lord Jesus Christ and I know that Lord Jesus Christ can restore anything and make anything happen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Warmest regards Partraj Singh me. I can to Bangladesh for a Bangladesh for a business trip and end up in some serious problems with the law and now I am going through the the roughest time in my life, this is the biggest battle in my life and I cannot fix these problems on my own, therefore I am praying and I am handing over all the problems that I am facing here to Lord Jesus Christ and ask the dear Lord to solve these problems for me as quickly as possible. Please pray for me to get released from this chain and solve all the problems that I am facing here in Bangladesh, and safely return home to my family and loved ones as soon as possible. I had a professional job with a great career Pathans now my company have terminated my job last month because I cannot be there to fulfil my duties due to this turbulence times that I am currently going through in Bangladesh. Please also pray for my company to have mercy on me and reinstate me in my job. I have been with my company since 1993 and have always been dedicated to my work and loyal to my company. I believe and have faith in Lord Jesus Christ and I know that Lord Jesus Christ can restore anything and make anything happen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Warmest regards Partraj Singh "


10 years ago

"Trust In God"

"Lord God I thank you that you have given us prayer and praise as a natural defense from worry. I thank you for taking good care of Michael. I place him in your hands trusting that you are keeping him safe from the enemy and the harshness of this world. I pray that your peace which surpasses all understanding will fill his heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Speak your truth to him. Tell him that I care about him, love him and miss him. Please give me hope Lord. I don't know why we have been kept apart for so long. If it is my fault then please forgive me and help me to change in all the ways that you want. I have been trying so hard. I am in such a painful and vulnerable place that I keep relapsing on everything I want to be free of. Im not giving up God. Please don't give up on me Lord. I know you won't because I know the depth of your mercy and compassion. Please hear my prayers. Thank you Jesus."


10 years ago

"Daughter's Protection"

"I plead the blood of JESUS over my daughter right now, I cancel every assignment the enemy has on her. LORD protect her from the crown of her head to the soul of her feet, protect from front to back and from side to side. Protect her coming in and going out. Satan you are a liar. Take your hands off of her. In the mighty name of JESUS, I pray. "


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"UPDATE: unfortunately, our brother's health has not improved. Instead, doctors might have to operate on his pancreas. So we're hoping for continued prayers. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Dear Prayer Warriors: Please lift up a brother in Christ as he is scheduled for out-patient surgery very soon for removal of a tumor in kidneys. We don't have more info at this time other than that but God is acquainted with every detail. Pray that he will experience the Lord's peace at this very moment. Petition for recreative miracle for brand-new kidneys so that he will no longer undergo surgery. God has done this type of miracle many times for others and He is more than able to do exceedingly more. Thank you for your unusual compassion. "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17"


10 years ago

"Prayer To Totally Submit"

"Please pray that I submit my troubles and worries TOTALLY to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ"


10 years ago

"Need Prayer!"

"My husband's job isn't going well. Please pray!!!!! "


San Diego
10 years ago

"Safe trip to France"

"Except a sprain ankle all is well "


10 years ago


"FATHER GOD in Heaven, I'm praying and asking you to protect my friends and family from any and all hurt, harm, and danger. I plead the blood of JESUS over their mind, body, soul and spirit. Be with them LORD wherever they maybe and wherever they go. LORD touch Gregory's mind right now, take away the spirits of negativity, fear, doubt, pride and arrogance. Give him love, joy, peace, and hope. Create in him a new heart and renew a right spirit within him. LORD when he is wrong, bring conviction and help him to always choose right. Don't let him rest or be at peace in his wrong. LORD continue to work on me, help me FATHER. strengthen me In my mind, body and spirit. Give me wisdom LORD. In JESUS name I pray."


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Regain Sight "

"Dear prayer warriors, Please petition The Lord to restore the sight of a lady today. Yesterday, She was anointed with oil and rebuked the spirit of blindness. The enemy won't let go so we'll all unite and agree together for creative miracle for brand-new eyes today. This prayer request is only for those who believe that G-D is not limited by human perspective. Our hearts are full with gratitude for all of you."


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Missionary Very Sick "

"PRAYER UPDATE ON PRESIDENT GLENN BURRIS As of October 10, 2014 at 7:00 AM (PDT): We have received confirmation that Glenn's endoscopy has been successfully completed. Early hospital reports confirm that an ulcer is present, but that all bleeding has ceased. Praise the Lord! Over the next three days, the doctors plan to continue to monitor him while treating the ulcer with medicine to help it heal. Early reports indicate that he will then be released to return home. Glenn and Debbie are very appreciative of your prayers and all of the love that has been shown to them. Please continue to contend for a complete healing and restoration of his body. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6). If there are any significant changes to the current plan, we will alert you. Hopefully our next and final communication will be when Glenn is safely home! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dear Prayer Warriors: Glenn Burris has been admitted to a well-respected international hospital in Siem Riep, Cambodia with what appears to be internal bleeding. He sounded well and expressed that he is receiving good medical care. Glenn asked for your prayer covering and wanted you to know that the FMI Team and Cambodia leaders are taking very good care of him. Please also pray for Debbie who is not with Glenn and obviously concerned for her husband. ."


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"MISSING CHILD: LEXIE NAME: Alexis (Lexie) Evans AGE: 14 RACE White HAIR: Brown, (with some red highlights), naturally curly hair, but sometimes worn straight EYES: Brown HEIGHT: 5'2" WEIGHT: 165 lbs. LAST SEEN: West Palmdale on Oct. 7, 2014 around 12:30 pm . Lexie was last seen in her home around 12:30 pm in the Quartz Hill area wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans, and converse shoes. Her hair is naturally curly but she sometimes wears it straight or wavy. She could also be wearing eyeglasses. . CONTACT: 661.272.2472 For any information or leads, please contact detective Mike Luter immediately. . Matthew 18:12-14 What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying? If it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish. . PRAYERS Dear Lord, we petition of you to please keep Lexie safe and sound, let no harm come before she is found. Lexie is lost from her family, from the ones she loves. In this moment of fear and anxiety, let Your peace settle in the family's hearts and minds. We know that our prayers go up to Your throne room and heard in heaven, that You send angels to protect Lexie from any harm. We are reminded not to be anxious for anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, we let our requests known to You, Father. And the peace of God which goes beyond human understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Thank You Lord God for all things are under Your control. We express our deepest gratitude for the eventual safe return of Alexis. In Jesus' mighty name, amen."


10 years ago


"Please pray for my son who has been refusing to take responsibility for his actions at school. Pray God will show him how important this is and how much hurt and damage he causes when he won't just acknowledge his mistakes. It breaks my heart for him to be behaving this way. Pray also that God will guide his father and I in how to respond in a way that will bring healing and growth. Thank you for your prayers! A praise is that we recently found a specialist to test him for ADHD :)"


10 years ago

"Praise God!!"

"Praise God for protecting my life. I was almost killed in a head on collision today when a lady sped through a red light. There was water on the road from a spraying hydrant so when I slammed on my breaks I slid. It is truly a miracle that I didn't hit her. It was very scary but I am thankful to be alive!"


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"God Will"

"Please Lord let your will be done In my life. Let me know when your talking to me. Please continue to keep me close to u . I need your guidance I'm full of mistakes my way never works. Please I wish to glorify you in all places of my life. Give me discernment to know your will for my life. I wish to PleAse you always. I am facing choices in my life I can not make without you.Father . I want to serve you and give you the Glory you deserve . In your Son Jesus Holy Name Amen"


10 years ago

"Pray For Job"

"Lord I just started a new job. Give me strength and wisdom. Help me learn all the qualities of my new job. I have a probation officers appointment I've been clean from drugs. Help me not to worry about my appointment. In Jesus name I pray Amen. "


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"Dear Prayer Warriors: Urgent prayer for a lady who had a massive stroke and the doctors say that it doesn't look good for her. Please pray for her immediately. Thank you so much! Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ———————————————— "


10 years ago

"Car Troubles"

"Please pray for my friend on here JennyAnne to be blessed with a new car and Please pray for my car situation, too. I don't know anything about cars and I am not the least bit fluent in car talk. I was told my oil was leaking which explains why I am always running out of oil but I took it in to another place was told my radiator needs to be replaced for $500. I am already trying to pay for new tires on this car and it seems like it is just falling apart so I am not sure what to do. I trust God can take care of this because He knows our needs and our situation. Please pray for a quick affordable resolution and guidance on what to do. Thank you and God bless!"


Brandon, Mississippi
10 years ago


"Praying for God's will whether I go back to school or not. "


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"Dear Prayer a Warriors: A lady, who was recently discharged from the hospital, is feeling much discomfort. She would really appreciate just a few seconds of our thoughts and prayers. Matthew 16:19 God has given us the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever We forbid to be done on earth shall have been already forbidden to be done in heaven and whatever We permit to be done on earth, shall have already been permitted to be done in heaven. [Sickness is already forbidden in heaven and in Jesus’ name we forbid it {name the specific condition} in this body!]."


City of Bradford
10 years ago


"God put on my heart opening the Restaurant. I am totaly afraid and anxtious recently. I feel so much stresed that I cannot concentrate. I do all Just not to focus on my steps to open Business. I am afraid about financial part. I want to be sure it is the right path. I need all anxtiety to go away. I need to feel safe and peaceful. "


10 years ago

"Praise God!!"

"Praise be to God that I survived my first duathlon. I am so happy to have finished but sadly disappointed with my results. I made a lot if progress on my 5k time, which I should be thrilled with but Im not. However I want to thank God and praise Him for putting this sport in my life. My ex husband gave me a superb pep talk that was almost like God speaking to me directly. I need to be at peace with progress. He told me that I always set my goals extremely high and have a tendency to get down on my self when I can't do it. Thank you Jesus for all the encouragement, all the kind words and even the growth as frustrated as I may be. I know you are doing a good work in me. Thank you for my coach pointing out the good in me and my teammates who are just plain awesome. Thank you Jesus for meeting my needs in a healthy way that helps me to be less vulnerable at such a vulnerable time."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"My heart feels heavy today.. I have this anger inside me that comes out . I don't know where it comes from .. I don't understand it . I love Jesus with all of me. I want it to go awAys . It hurts me . It comes frustration I think. I trust our Lord ( maybe I don't ) my heArt confuses me . I don't want it . I feel at peace most of the day ( I think) . I feel the Holy Sprit . I have this horrible way about my self . I get up and ready make my self pretty , keep everything just right just in case my husband comes home . I have to keep correcting myself every hour telling my self "no For Gods Glory Jennifer " Everytime my husband enters my mind I just say "Bless him Father bless him "So I don't get caught up in thoughts that aren't pleasing to God.. But I slip often .. I know my God wants me to give him the Glory. Please long for you Grace I want to throw this part of me away for good so it never returns . It hurts Me God .. Please take this from me so I can get closer to you . So I can be a better servant to my Loving Master.. Amen"


El Paso Texas
10 years ago

"Beautiful Day"

"Father I lovingly come to You and Thank You for this beautiful day You created for us all and Father I come to You for help in hope of being able to shower and finish a couple or more tasks, help me with energy and motivation My Loving God and forgive me of all my sins I did and said and thought of right before Your eyes and I am very very sorry Father, I'm learning little by little day by day and though I am a sinner I Pray I stop many of my sins for they are wrong and not pleasing to you, I want to be a good daughter to You My Lord and with You my Creator and Your Precious Son Jesus Christ My savior, All things are possible : ) Watch over us all My Lord and may many of us bring You and Jesus happiness, I Pray a this In Jesus' Name, Amen"


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Fall Injury"

" An elderly gentle lady and sister in Christ, fell, broke her hip, recovering after hospitalization. But still needs lots of prayers for brand-new bones or recreative miracle. Some scoff at this request but there are numerous documentations of these types of miracles in recent months. I myself witnessed a leg grow out within a matter of seconds. And the guy's severe back pain was instantly healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen?"


San Jose, California
10 years ago

"Prayer For My Son."

"Prayer for my son he will his path career. He will see God into his life.God strengthen hung give him wisdom.Hung he training to become Marines. Lord keep him peace let him know you . Amen"


10 years ago

"Skyler Holman"

"Skyler passed away this morning, leaving behind a wife and little kids. It breaks my heart. Please pray for the repose of his soul and peace and comfort for his family."


Livingston, Texas
10 years ago

"My Bestfriend"

"Dear Heavenly Father, please help my friend get to know you. She's having so many problems & u know what they are! Please just give her peace & rest. I know anything is possible by u lord. I love you, & in Jesus' name I pray amen. "


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"Dear Prayer Warriors: Thank you for continuing to pray for Anna Serrano, who has been in the hospital (ICU) for several days with severe Lupus symptoms. Your prayers have been answered! Anna is coming home today from the hospital and is much improved. She has been able to tolerate food and is breathing much better. Keep praying for her complete healing! Praise God for His miraculous healing power! Psalm 86:15 But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering and abundant in mercy and truth. ^*^^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Dear Prayer Warriors: Please pray for one of the prayer team members who has been diagnosed with Lupus and is currently in the hospital. She has 2 children so please petition not only for her complete healing but also for rejuvenation of the immune system and brand-new internal organs especially those that are directly affected. Thank you all. ^*^^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* • Proverbs 4:20-22 My child, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them at the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to their flesh. "


10 years ago


"Please pray that God will heal Jacob. Pray that he will be surrounded by Godly examples and have the grace to go to CR. Pray he will be delivered from all his addictions and healed in his sexuality. Pray that the cause of his deepest sadness will also be healed. Pray that he will never do to anyone else what he did to me. May he be filled with God's peace and love and be confident in God's mercy. May God bless him and keep him and make his face shine upon him...amen."


10 years ago

"Thank You God!"

"Father God I just pray that Michael will re-read the first letter I gave to him and remember how much he meant to me. PLEASE give him the grace to pursue a new job. Show him your will and how much you will help him if he will simply put his trust in you. Give him some sign today that I still love and care about him. Protect him from temptation and give him the grace to stay on the path that you have for him. Thank you Jesus! "


Antelope Valley, CA
10 years ago


"Update: unfortunately, our brother's health has not improved. Instead, doctors might have to operate on him. So we're hoping for continued prayers. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Dear Prayer Warriors: Please lift up a brother in Christ as he is scheduled for out-patient surgery very soon for removal of a tumor in kidneys. We don't have more info at this time other than that but God is acquainted with every detail. Pray that he will experience the Lord's peace at this very moment. Petition for recreative miracle for brand-new kidneys so that he will no longer undergo surgery. God has done this type of miracle many times for others and He is more than able to do exceedingly more. Thank you for your unusual compassion. "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17"


10 years ago


"Please pray for me to have the wisdom, strength and grace to deal with my best friend/coworker who has turned out to be a lot like my ex boyfriend. My counselor helped me to realize this today and that I am going through so much that it is very difficult to detach. I lost my other best friend just recently and now I have to see and interact with someone that I was once very close to emotionally. She has proven herself to be heartless but I still find it difficult to pull away. I feel completely blindsided...again. I have confronter her about the imbalance in our work situation and so far she hasn't made any changes. I don't know how to handle this with someone that I will have to continue to work with for the rest of the year. I wish she would make changes so that things could improve and perhaps our friendship could be saved but right now it looks like she isn't willing to budge. Thank you for your prayers."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


" I don't want war but peace.. We have lived our lives so wrong . Both of us .. I don't that want that anymore . there is no sin I have not committed. I am no better than u .. God took my shame and gilt and forgave me . He turned my life into Good . I accepted my sin and know Jesus paid for me. I accept his gift of Grace and I'm committed to his plan his will for my family . My ways have never worked. I surrender and trust him.. Let him give you that . With repentance comes freedom and peace. He already knows what we do or did . And still he loves us . Jesus covered that when he was crucified. Accept the gift. "


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"Pray for me. I believe I have committed the unpardonable sin. /:"


10 years ago

"Fix Me"

"Dear God, I know I've messed up in the past so many times. I know I've let you down. I know. But I just want to say that I am sorry. I pray that you will forgive me and allow me to feel your Holy Spirit because I don't want to feel like I'm unimportant. I don't want to feel empty. I want to be happy and proud of who I am. I want to find myself. But I need you to find me first. I want to be a better version of me. Please God. Help me become a better person. I need you. "


United States
10 years ago


"I pray that God transforms me inwardly by a complete change of my mind."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"Forgiven.. "

"Dear Lord I ask you please allow My husband the grace and freedom u have given to me . We are the same I was as him . Broken and lost . I pray u allow Shane to feel condemned, guilt and ashamed. His pride is killing him . Take his pride from him Lord. I trust in youGod . I am your servant So u can restore his brokenness and he can receive the gift of Salvation. You are so Great Father . He is hurting ..thank you Lord for allowing me to see him through your eyes. My heart aches for Him. I praise you Lord I will worship you all of my days. Amen "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"I think God has given me marriage for Holiness not happiness.. And do I Love Our Great Fathers Holiness .. I love to Praise him Holiness by far trumps Happiness Thank you Father "


Logan, Ohio
10 years ago

"New Job"

"I need a new job where I can work Monday through Friday in the morning and make the same amount of money I am now and in my home town. I need to spend more time with my family. The stress is getting to me. I need a different field. "


10 years ago

"Thank You Jesus!"

"Praise God that my son's parent teacher conference went really well with my ex and that God had a person convince my ex not to yell at our son and he took that advice. I'm so happy and relieved...thank you Jesus!!!"


10 years ago

"My Soul Mate"

"I'm really trusting God for a good and responsible woman for date that could lead to marriage, Amen"


United States
10 years ago


"Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me and guiding me in my group today. Thank you God for what was not originally my 1st plan."


10 years ago

"Need Perseverance"

"Please pray for me to be healed. I have been addiction free for over a month but got overwhelmed and fell. My accountability partner has a new boyfriend, is less available and has totally relapsed herself which is frustrating and disappointing. I feel very judged by most people because they assume that my brain works like theirs and it doesn't. Sometimes this makes me feel like God doesn't understand me even though I know that's not true. I don't sit around and think about things that cause me to fall...that's not even what causes me to struggle. I can be talking to God or even meditating on the rosary and still fall in that moment. The problem is in my body and not so much in my thoughts. For the most part it doesn't even feel like a choice even though I know it is. People say "well you did that because you wanted to." All I can say is if you hadn't eaten in a whole week and there was this button you could push that would put food in your stomach and the pain overwhelmed you so you pushed the button. How would you feel if someone said you pushed the button because you wanted to? It's like "No, I pushed the button because I was FREAKING STARVING TO DEATH." So I need help. I know God is concerned about me and I know He has a plan to help me. Please pray I will be patient with myself and not give up. I can be really hard on myself and when others are hard on me it makes it even worse. I know I can do this because I know God wouldn't inspire me to do something that can't be done. Thank you and God bless! "


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Brother In Christ Needs Prayers"

"Last Saturday he was involved in a serious dirtbike accident. He flew over the handlebars broke both his forearms his left collarbone and his right leg. They took him into emergency surgery for his leg set his collarbone. But now he is going to have to have both of his elbows replaced. It's going to be a long recovery. He has three kids a brand-new baby that's only six weeks old. I'm asking prayer warriors please put them up in prayer his name is Steven Ward. Thank you in advanced God bless you all. Godspeed"


10 years ago

"I Can't Trust God"

"There is nothing more terrifying to me then God's plan for me. The ancient Israelites spent 400 years in servitude to the Egyptians. When Moses finally led them out they spent 40 years in the desert looking for the promised land. And when they got there all they found was sand and blood. Why should I expect any better?"


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"Please pray for my son Tim he is a good man . Just 23 but so smart . Pray that God guides him and his will is visible for Tim . He isn't sure what he wants for his life yet. I pray that he finds his purpose in Gods great plan for him. Thank you Your friend Jenn"


United States
10 years ago

"A New Woman"

"I pray that the Holy Spirit comes into my heart and changes me into a new woman."


10 years ago


"A decade of unanswered prayers is taking its toll. I'm starting to think that I'm never going to find a woman that I'll want to spend the rest of of my life with. She wouldn't want me anyway, and I'm running out of time."


10 years ago

"Get Out Of Debt"

"Give me wisdom to be able to get out of debt. Show me ways to make extra money for our family and help me make wise spending decisions "


10 years ago

"My Dad And Me"

"Please pray for my dad. He isn't doing well from his surgery and I'm really scared :( please help me hold it together for him even though I'm only a teen and please help me be strong and please help me find a good devotion and bible book to read and figure out what God is telling me to do :)"


10 years ago


"Please pray for my dad. He isn't doing well from his surgery and I'm really scared :( please help me hold it together for him even though I'm only a teen and please help me be strong and please help me find a good devotion and bible book to read and figure out what God is telling me to do :)"


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"I'm asking God please restore me give me patience . I'm trying so hard . I feel tired . I need a miracle . I know God is working in my life , but I look at my children and I can't help but feel broken and ashamed . They fight and are mean to eachother . My husband left me . Oh father please forgive me . I know we must reap what we sow but I'm so tired . It's been almost 4 months and I'm so grateful for all the Spiritual Growth in me . You are good to your servant . It is breaking me to see the rest of my family . And so tired.. Please Holy God help Me.. Amen "


10 years ago

"Friend Was In A Motorcycle Accident"

"My best friend which is like my brother. Was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. Him and his oldest daughter was riding in the front yard. Something happened caused him to fly over the handlebars. He broke his left collarbone is forearm his wrist and his leg. He is in emergency surgery right now. So prayer warriors I'm asking for heavy prayer. He has a brand-new baby. Thank you in advance. GODSPEED "


Courtland, Mississippi
10 years ago

"God Will"

"Please pray for me & my family strength each day we have been drained. As we grow through our trail pray not only that God will strength us but we shall emerge from this trail as pure gold & that as always God gets the glory out of this. "


10 years ago

"God Help Me"

"Please pray for me. I just saw a man who looked like the guy who traumatized me last summer. I had a mini panic attack and now I feel really sick like I need to throw up. I thought I was past this. I'm not trying to loose weight I just physically feel sick. It feels like there is something awful inside of me and I gotta get it out. I'm really tired of dealing with this. I just want to be like I was before this happened."


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"Becoming A Spirtual Father"

"Please pray with me that my husband takes the kids tomorrow morning to Church. Thanks & God Bless Jenn"


10 years ago


"God I really need you right now. I feel like I have lost both of my best friends. One has just up and disappeared and the other I can no longer count on or trust. I pray for them both. I have no idea if Teresa is dead or alive, but you know Lord and I trust you to take good care of her wherever she is. I probably need to be more honest with Susan about the way her behavior hurts me but I don't even feel like I have the strength. I just need a friend that I can trust. Someone who can be the kind of friend to me that I am to them. I know you know what I need. Please help me. My son is crying again because we are celebrating his birthday and he feels like you still haven't answered his prayers. He just wants a dad that's not mean to him. I want that too and it breaks me heart to see him cry about it on every birthday and holiday. I know you are working as fast as you can God but could you please give us some hope today. Im very thankful for all that we have and that I was able to do something for Ish for his birthday. Im thankful for the miracle of making it through yesterday and that Ish was able to run with me the whole time. Im thankful for the freedom to worship you. Im thankful for life and clean water and food and a safe place to live. Im thankful for a God who loves me and for all the opportunities I have to share that love with others. Im thankful for another day and all the good things that I know you have in store for me. Thank you Jesus!! I love you :))"


10 years ago

"Jesus Lives In Me"



10 years ago

"Need God's Help"

"Please pray for God to heal me. I keep forgetting to take my evening dose of medication that helps me with my addiction. I have forgotten for several days and now I am in overwhelming pain. I need a miracle to get through this without falling back into my addiction. Thank you and God bless!"


10 years ago


"Please pray for my son. He is getting in a lot of trouble at school for talking, being silly and disrespecting his teacher. His dad thinks it is because he is insecure about his intelligence. I think my son is really smart but I guess it is more of an issue of how he feels about himself. Please pray God will help in this situation and that my son will realize how smart he really is and that his value and worth don't depend on his intelligence anyway. Pray he will make better choices at school and stop getting in trouble and that my ex won't try to use this as an excuse to try to take him away from me. Thank you. Pray also for my daughter as I am still having a lot of attitude/anger problems with her too. "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"The Junk Yard Life"

"I found myself today at the Junk Yard because I needed a part for my truck. It was the type if yard thAt u have to go and look through hundreds of cars to find your car or one similar . As I walk around my heart was sad . So many of the still with all the belongings of peoples lives. Broken lives for some . I wonder what happened that they left childseats , children's shoes , clothes , mail, one I was working on getting my part had a whole life on it .. A broken life.. Letters from the prison. Lots if children's things.. My heart breaks for the person it belonged to. As a mother I know she needed theses things. But most of all they need are prayers . I don't know their names or faces but our Father does and well .. Dear God please fix the lives of theses people . Give this and all the lost revival . We need you Father so many lives lost .. Including my own . My husband still hasn't came home please restore my home , my marriage, and many more . There is so many that need you.. We are a broken world Lord . Do your work Father because it is Good so Good and u are so Great . We praise you God .. Amen"


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"According to Jeshua (Jesus Christ) pray the “Our Father which art in heaven” prayer. See Matthew 6:9-19. Next to the "Our Father Which Art in Heaven" prayer, this is one of the Best prayers I think I have ever read. PRAY THIS PRAYER OUT ALOUD, EVEN IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT. IT WILL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE. I started not to do this, but as I read it.... I understood God to say, 'You need a miracle tomorrow' so here goes... Prov. 29:25 You never know When God is going to bless you!! Good things happen when You least expect them to!!!!!!!! "Dear Almighty Lord God Jesus Christ, I thank you for this day, for this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank you for my being able to see, and to hear, and to speak, and to feel, and to taste of Your good creation this day and every day. I'm blessed because you are such a loving and such a forgiving God, and such an understanding and caring God. You have done so much for me and yet you keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have ever done, or ever said or ever thought That was not pleasing to you. I say I am so sorry. I now repent and ask for your forgiveness. Please keep me safe O God From all danger, hurt, and harm. Help me to start this day and every day With a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day, To clear my mind so that I can hear from you. Please broaden my mind so that I can accept all things according to God's Will. Let me not whine and whimper Over things I have no control over, for all things are working together for my good and God's Glory. And when I'm pushed beyond my limits, give me the best response, a response which says Alleluia, and Praise the Lord, and Thanks be unto the Most High God Almighty, I know that when I can't pray, You listen to the prayer of my heart. Continue to use me to do your will. Continue to bless me so that I may be A blessing to others. Keep me strong so that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted so that I may have Words of encouragement for the discouraged. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way, that they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even through this Prayer I am now praying. I pray for those that are misjudged Misguided, misused, and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know you intimately. I pray for those who will delete this prayer without sharing the Love of God with others I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank You, that I do believe That God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every one of the family members In their households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes; I pray that they are out of debt And that all their financial needs are met, and they have more than enough to be a blessing to others. I pray for every eye that reads and says this Prayer That they come to know that there is no problem, no circumstance, no situation that is greater than God, for God is greater than all, God is greater in all, God is greater through all, and God is greater upon all. For God, the Most High God Almighty of all the Universes is truly the Greatest of All. I pray for all my enemies, and those who have used me and abused me, and have lifted up their hands and their tongue against me. I now forgive them for all they have done. In Jesus Name, all my enemies are now forgiven, and I pray God forgiveness upon all my enemies, for they do know what they are doing, for I am a Child of God. So every battle that I have ever encountered in my life is now in God's Loving hands, for You, O God fights all my battles for me. I pray that these words be believed, received and accepted into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every tongue that confesses them in name of Jesus Christ, I pray believing, receiving and accepting God's miracles in my life this day and every day, for God's Divine favor is now my heritage, in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen! It is done! O' Praise The Lord! Alleluia! God Bless You!! ! ! ! Just repeat t"


10 years ago

"God Alone"

"Dear God, please forgive me for giving into temptation. I don't know why I did that. I can't even afford Arby's right now. AND I'm vegan!! I've been doing this almost weekly now and it has to stop. Please help me to not overreact but to be patient with myself. Let this set back not set me back. Help me to celebrate the fact that I haven't given in to my addiction in over a month but let me not celebrate with Arby's! I thank you also that even when I give in to fast food I am no longer struggling with bulimia. The victory is yours Lord!! Help me to get back up and not fall again. Help me to drive home and eat what I have and find my comfort in you...thank you Jesus!! "


10 years ago


"Dear God, thank you for giving me a healthy relationship with a father figure type person. I don't know what went wrong but as you know he has been acting kind of awkward and last night he brushed me off completely. Now I feel extremely vulnerable and am battling with temptations. Please help me God. Forgive me if this is all my fault but please rescue and protect me. You alone are my help and I trust that you will again provide something to help me not fall prey to dangerous people or addictions. I wish I could talk to Michael again. Please ask him to call me or text me. Is he ever going to? Show him that I miss him and care about him. Show him I am still waiting. "


10 years ago

"My Amazing Nan"

"My nan has been battling cancer for 18 months. We are getting no support from the NHS. She hasn't responded well to treatment. She is such an amazing woman & deserves to be blessed with health. I pray for health, I pray for life, I pray for energy and happiness. Please pray for me & my family. My mum is suffering too as hsb is caring for her full time. I pray for patience, peace and healing xxxxxx"


10 years ago

"Prayers Needed"

"Prayers need for Heath, safety, and forgiveness. Thank you and God Bless"


10 years ago


"Dear God, I do not want anything special. The only thing I ask for is my children's health, my health to be able to take care of them, and an opportunity to just be able to provide for them. I don't want fancy things. I don't want brand new cars or clothes or jewelry. But I cannot remember a time in my adult life where I have not had to worry about money. The feeling is becoming overwhelming and suffocating and discouraging. I have been working hard on renewing my relationship with you and trusting you unconditionally through these hard times, but I am losing a little hope. Every time I see a light something else comes up to block it and it becomes dark again. Please help me regain full faith and trust. Please put me in a position to finally just be able to comfortably pay my bills without worrying. I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN. "


10 years ago

"What If...It Is Amazing?"

"Dear Father God, if I am not mistaken then someone is praying for me to love them. Is it who I think it is? Please show me. I want to give love a chance. Thank You for turning all my fearful what ifs into hopeful what ifs. I love You Daddy. "


10 years ago

"God's Strength"

"I am feeling really weak today. Please pray for me to stay strong...thank you and God bless!"


10 years ago

"Tired Of Waiting"

"I have been waiting for the right woman to enter my life since I hit puberty. 10 years is a very long time to wait for something that never seems to come."


10 years ago

"Long Lasting Love"

"Praying that the love that Gregory and I have will intensify, praying that our love is real and true. Praying that we love one another from the inside out. Praying that nothing or no one will ever be able to come between us. Praying that we will marry real soon and make our love permanent. Praying that we will always Pray, Love and worship GOD together on one accord. Come in LORD. Give us the heart and spirit to allow you LORD in our lives to lead is. In JESUS Holy name I pray. "


10 years ago

"We Love You Jesus!"

"Please pray that all Christians will tell Jesus they love him and console his heart."


Pretoria, South Africa
10 years ago

"Divine Intervention"

"Shalom everyone, I and my family live in South Africa and am in need to sort out our immigration issues as well as accommodation. Am trusting God for R28500 = $2800. Thank you. "


Pretoria, South Africa
10 years ago

"Need Divine Intervention"

"Shalom everyone, I and my family live in South Africa and am in need to sort out our immigration issues as well as accommodation. Am trusting God for R28500 = $2800. Thank you. "


10 years ago

"Thank You For Your Prayers"

"Join me brothers, help me rejoice in the Glorious love that God the Father has poured upon us through the death and resurrection of His Son Christ, Jesus. Remain faithful through trials (Life is a trial) and God will reveal Himself to you. We are the church. Let's pray for each other. "


10 years ago


"God I just ask you to please show Michael that You love him today and that I love him and continue to pray for him. "


New Jersey
10 years ago

"Safe trip"

"Lord pls. guide my sister malou, kuya andy and chloe and their friends on their hongkong trip today. hope they're safe and the heavy thunderstorm will gone away.."


10 years ago


"Praying for peace in Gregory's mind. LORD draw him to you in a real way. Give him a heart and spirit that is accepting of your presence. Give him that joy and peace that only you can give. Help him father. Help him not to look to the left or right but unto you LORD, the author and finisher. LORD as you continue to strengthen our relationship, please continue to give me more of your wisdom. Thank you for what you have already done. Awesome GOD, Wonderful Savior, Hallelujah. In JESUS Holy Name I pray........."


10 years ago


"Please pray for me. I am struggling to want to keep living. Ps 107:1 "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"Pray For Me "

"Dear Lord please forgive me (Jennifer ) losing my way .. I return to u . Please forgive me for hurting my family . For being a backslider . Please allow my husband the grace and Devine love to forgive me. I'm sorry for not holding secrete what u have given me . Please forgive . Grant me grace and give me a chance Reconcile my ways. My heart is your father.. Now and forever . Please God reconcile what I destroyed with my sins.. I will be patient.. And quite.. I will accept your Will even if it's not what I would choose .. I trust u Lord Amen "


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Urgent Prayer For Healing"

"Electric company employee Aaron was electrocuted this morning while working power lines. Being med-flight ed to AR Children's Hospital burn unit. Please pray that his critical condition may be overshadowed by the healing power and tender mercies of our loving God. And pray that Aaron's family may be sustained by the presence of the Holy Spirit in that situation. "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"My Husband"

"Please pray for my husbands salvation for Jesus to show himself to Shane . For his broken heart to be restored and for our marriage to be restored also.. He has moved out and wants a divorce .. Pray for me and my children. That we continue to be in God's Grace. And his love continues to be our light during this painful time . We are all heartbroken including my husband . Shane, Jennifer Timmy, Andrew ,Emma , Noah,Asher , Ethan , and Grace.. Thank you Jennifer"


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"Please pray for my husband Ronnie Shane Johnson . For God to heal his broken heart and for his Salvation .. He separated from our family and moved out 3 months ago . We have 4 children Emma 9, Asher 6,Ethan 4, and Gracie 3 God Bless thank you Your Sister Jennifer "


Bensalem Pennsylvania
10 years ago


"Your Request: I ask for your prayers Our Lord Father , to bring together my family so we can praise and give God the Glory together . To stir our hearts, for a revival in our lives.. for salvation to the members the haven't accepted Lord Jesus and for the hearts that have turned away to be awakened by the Holy Spirt.. . For broken hearts to be healed. So we can fellowship together and become his servants in works and give praise and Glory , to the Master the King of Kings ,the Lord Jesus Christ the maker of heaven and earth and all things . Our Father in Heaven . . It's all about His Glory .. Please Pray for us.. Jennifer , Ronnie, Tim, Helen, Noah ,Andrew ,Timmy ,Emma , Asher ,Ethan ,Grace , mike Tina, Tero ,Fahd ,Luke ,Jacob ,Ella , Mikey , Laura Mimi, john , Brian , Brian Jr, Tyler , Connor ,mike, Lexus , Jenna Edward, Shannon , Samantha , Dillion , Angelica Ronald, Bob, Arlene , Bernadette , Mary , Irene ,glen, Karl , Kevin , Burt , Charlie"


10 years ago


"Dear God, I pray that I be released from thinking about him. If it's meant to be, I know he will be back. But I can't stand this constant stream of thought. I don't want to know anything about him. He's not here in this moment. So please. In this moment. Let my mind and heart be free of him. Amen. "


Middletown, Orange County, New York
10 years ago

"Please Pray For Us"

"I recently found out I have cancer and found out that we have to move. Please pray for my quick recovery and that we find a place we can afford and that we can get enough money for the apartment and please pray for my sanity though all this thank you have a blessed night be blessed blessings. TrinaLynn"


10 years ago

"Praise God!!!"

"God I just thank you and praise you for providing me with a sport that has healed my brain and delivered me from my addiction. I finally feel normal! Thank you for giving me the courage to go out for the team. Thank you also for such an awesome coach and teammates. PLEASE provide me with the finances to continue. You showed me that you wouldn't inspire me to do something that cant be done so I am trusting you to make a way for me. You also showed me that you would bring me the man you have for me when I start doing what I love. I know Im not doing what I love as a job yet but I am living my dream and I dont know how to get an income from that yet. Please show me. Praise you Lord are at work in my life! I love it!!"


10 years ago

"Prayer For Bongi"

"Prayer for Bongi's health. Her heart has a blockage and it needs healing. I pray to God to help her through this hard time and to bless and heal her."


Fayetteville, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Please Pray For Our Son Shon. "

"The doctor recently told us that Shon has cancer. He is only 5. He has started chemo. Thanks to everyone. "


10 years ago

"Prayer Of Guidance"

"I say to u how thankful I am for all the blessing u give to me and my family. I know that we are not perfect. Also, know that we were put here to make choices in are lives, but I praying for guidance in my life to help see the path to Utah. I having hard times trying to get there, but with my faith, strength, motivation, and listening to answer of my prayers I find a way home to the righteous land. I just hitting trails to build by strength. I just need that little guidance to guide me through the way. I never ask for anything this big. I just want my family to be able to grow and live the happiness as family in Utah and follow the gospel. "


10 years ago


"I pray I make the right decision about whether I should do this job or not. I pray for a clear sign by Monday at 4:30pm. Amen. "


10 years ago


"I pray that he comes back to me. "


10 years ago


"I pray for this obsession to be removed Amen "


10 years ago


"God I am thankful for the suffering I endured because I think it helps me to have a fresh memory of something that it seemed like you were showing me Michael went through too. Im very thankful to have solidarity with him especially on such a deeply painful experience. I hope that you will allow me to be able to at least be a friend to him. Im thankful for all the ways you have let me have solidarity with you too Lord. I do pray that if you will let me interact with Michael again that I will gladly suffer whatever is needed such that I can console him more perfectly in whatever way he needs me the most. The same is true for you Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus!"


10 years ago


"Please pray for my daughter. She has a lot of characteristics of the same personality disorder that her dad has. Lately she has been lashing out a lot at her brother and I. She blames me for her anger saying that I never should have married her dad. I cant do anything about that nor can I change how her dad is. Ironically one of her threats to me is that she will go live with her dad. At times I feel like I cant take much more. She treats me the same way her dad did but Im concerned for her safety if she were to move in with him. Please pray for her healing and for her relationship with her brother and I to greatly improve. Thank you and God bless! "


10 years ago

"Let It Burn"

"There's this girl I've had a crush on since grade school. But it's becoming painfully clear that it's never going to happen. I've got to let it burn."


10 years ago

"Quiz Time"

"I'm taking a quiz tomorrow that is in a word odd. I never wanted to take these classes but I need to do this to keep my mom happy. I know God doesn't like answering my prayers, but I need his help to get through this quiz with a passing grade."


10 years ago

"To Heal A Friend "

" This prayer is for Charles Hurd he is a friend of my family. He has been in the hospital & is in critical condition, please continue to pray for him. He really needs gods healing touch. To Heal a Friend Think, o God, of our friend who is ill, whom we now commend to Your compassionate regard. Comfort him upon his sickbed, and ease his suffering. We beg for deliverance, and submit that no healing is too hard for the Lord, if it be His will. We therefore pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew his strength, and heal what ails him in Your loving name. Thank You, Lord. Amen. - See more at:"


10 years ago


"God please help Michael in all his needs. Bless and protect him. Show him you hear his prayers and are answering. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...amen!"


10 years ago

"God's Will"

"Lord, I want say thanks you for your sufficient grace, you have been good to me in spite of me."


Kingston ,Jamaica
10 years ago


"Please pray that I am granted a scholarship I requested for my final year in college. Thank you."


10 years ago


"Prayers for provision for my husband and I, he left his job to pursue ministry at the church whilst having a part time job secured elsewhere. That part time job came under new management while we went on holidays before he was to start, and they ended up saying they weren't hiring and didn't need staff so we've been looking for work for him for over 2 months now. God has blessed and provided through this season but please just lift us up and pray for favor that this season would be closing soon, God's will be done, and that we find where God wants him to work. When there are bills to pay and rent to pay and everyday callings of life, it gets pretty stressful. X "


10 years ago


"Prayers and blessings of healing for my mom who just had surgery for her broken ankle today. Asking God for a speedy recovery with no complications for an ankle that's good as new. So thankful that she has made it safely through surgery :) all glory to God!! AMEN."


10 years ago

"Charles & Papaw "

"Charles is still In critical condition & tonight they are supposed to be sending him to lexington. I pray that he will make it through this & god gives him a healing hand. I also want to pray for his family & friends through this time. I want to pray for my papaw Carson. He has to have a colonoscopy done in the morning & I hope that everything comes back okay. "


10 years ago

"GOD's Word Is True"

"The weapons may form, but they surely won't prosper. No not one. Every trick, plan, manipulation, deceitful, harlot spirit, warlock spirit; I send it back from where it came. The weapons just won't work. I curse them with a curse in JESUS NAME. I am blessed and devinely favored of GOD almighty, I walk in peace and love. I can have what I say. I've tried it and I know. GOD's word is true and every man a liar. Thank you LORD........"


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Heart Bypass Surgery"

"Bro Tom, pastor in north Arkansas, is having heart bypass tomorrow, 9/11. Prayer that the Lord's hand will be on the surgeon's hands and that divine wisdom will guide them is our earnest prayer. Will you join us? All Blessings come from Him. "


10 years ago

"Streght To Pray On A Dailly Basis"

"I want God to straightened me abundantly in the things of prayers and consistent reading of the bible. I feel uninterested in reading the bible on a constant basis.I know not the reason I feel so distant from the word of God. Please pray for me that I may overcome this stigma. I believe the word of God should be embedded in every Christian life, so that they may be able to reach out to others and also fight back the devil when he tries to lure us from the truth. "


10 years ago

"Courage To Stand Up For The Truth. "

"I want to be straighten so that I can be able to evangelize to others about the gospel. Please pray that for me to have the courageous impetus to stand up for what's right. "


10 years ago

"Pray For Strength"

" I want God to straightened me abundantly in the things of prayers and consistent reading of the bible. I feel uninterested in reading the bible on a constant basis.I know not the reason I feel so distant from the word of God. Please pray for me that I may overcome this stigma. I believe the word of God should be embedded in every Christian life, so that they may be able to reach out to others and also fight back the devil when he tries to lure us from the truth. "


10 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, please provide me with a new car and with the finances to fix the one I have. I am trusting You to be my provider, Lord, just like you said. You know that I don't have the money for all these upcoming expenses. You said You would take care of me because I have no one so I will put my trust in You and not be afraid. Please take away the stress that I feel whenever I try to figure out what I need to do. Show me the way Lord. God I am so hurt by the way my dad is treating me. I have so much stress at work and now I feel overwhelmed. I need some relief God. I need You to console me. I feel like I an suddenly! "


10 years ago

"Joe, Cindy's Roommate"

"Lord, please help Joe get sober and help him to want to work the program and change his life and come to know you. "


10 years ago

"Family Troubles"

"My little brother continues to torment my parents with poor academic performance. If I have to continue living with my parents, which will be for the foreseeable future, I don't want to listen to that."


10 years ago

"Savannah's Salvation"

"I pray for her to be strong and connect with people that will build her up. Let her be exposed to bits and peaces of your wisdom Lord; for she will eventually come to your salvation🙏 Details: A close friend of mine had a coworker who committed suicide. She isn't saved and has depression issues herself. Thank you all for the prayers!"


10 years ago


"My dad was admitted to the hospital on 8/12/2014. He was diagnosed with acute antibody mediated rejection. He had a bilateral lung transplant 8/8/2011. He needs complete restoration of his body. His fingers and toes need life. His blood circulation needs to flow better. The fluid in his body needs to be in his vessels and not his tissue. His kidneys need to work. His liver need to be able to function well to help his body get all the mess he has been on out of his system. His infection needs to be healed. His blood pressure needs to stay above 65. His lungs need to heal 100% recovery from all the stress his body has been under. God is able to make a miracle happen. Also pray for my fathers mental stay when he wakes up. Pray God gives him peace of mind and talks with him during this entire process. Allow his respiratory rate to be in normal range. "


10 years ago

"Bind Us Together LORD"

"The devil is a lie. The KING is still and always will be on the throne. I rebuke satan, his tactics and that Jezebel spirit right now in JESUS name. What GOD has joined together can't no demon in hell separate. We walk in love, oneness, unity and peace. Thank you LORD for what you are doing. Thank you for bringing us closer to making our love and union permanent. Let our love abound LORD. Let us always love one another from the inside out. LORD let Gregory see me and love me the way u see and love me. In your son JESUS name I pray......"


10 years ago


"Awesome GOD, wonder in my soul JESUS. LORD you are high and lifted up. Thank you for hearing my cries. Thank you for coming to see about me. Thank you for giving me patience and letting you do your perfect work. You can do any thing but fail. Hallelujah....."


10 years ago

"Praise God!"

"God I just want to thank you and praise you for answering my prayers! Just when I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself that I am the only female in the entire huge city I live in who struggles against what I struggle against and lo and behold you moved someone here from out of town and had her sit next to me and hold my hand during prayer. So bad did I want her to be the one yet I was shocked to realize she REALLY was THE ONE!! Dear God but as you know I am also a bit terrified because of what she said. I haven't succeeded for longer than a month without meds and I don't want to be stuck here forever. Please help! And also it seems my struggle is far more than hers. I might need you to send me even more accountability partners and a sponsor so Im not constantly bugging the same person. What is wrong with me God? Why am I like this? Ive asked you to remove my desire but you never have. I trust you have good reasons just please help me, I cant do this without you and even with you I have tried what seems like a thousand times but failed. Thank you for giving me a sport that is really helping. Keep me totally depleted that is fine with me. But please protect me from injuries...thank you and please bless all those who impact my life with their encouragement, prayers and support. Praise you Jesus!!!"


10 years ago


"Please pray for my grandpa as he had surgery a month ago and he is not doing good and he is in allot of pane"


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Father Needs Prayers"

"Prayers for my friends dad. He is going to have open heart surgery. His pig valve is plugged. He had it done 13 years ago. Thank you in advanced. Godless. "


10 years ago

"I Hate School"

"I know God doesn't answer my prayers, but I can't get through the semester with passing grades without his help. I never even wanted to go back to school, the only reason I'm doing it is because if I don't get my Masters my mother will never let me hear the end of it."


10 years ago

"Restore My Faith"

"The devil is alive and working.. I can't shake the feeling of worry and stress. I love the LORS and Jesus Christ himself. I am a child of GOD and I do believe that I am truly loved by Him. I have lost my way in his word and I have diverged from my daily prayers. I ask that you pray for my restoration of faith. Life is a continuous celebration if we live and love through him. I want to lay down and pray and worship with no worries on my heart. I ask that you pray with me and for me so that my faith is re-awakened and restored."


10 years ago


"The devil is a lie. I claim victory in over my health. Praying for power, strength and determination. I've been on a a healthy eating plan for four weeks and had been doing very well. Now it seems as if I've lost my stamina. LORD please give me the will power and strength to get back on track and accomplish the goal I set our to accomplish. LORD I need you. I can't do it without you. Your word say that we are more than conquers through you who strengthens us. Help me LORD. I asking in your son JESUS name. "


10 years ago


"I pray with so much grief for the families of those that were beheaded by the Islamic State these past few weeks. I pray that God watches over the rest of the people who are targeted by these people, including all US citizens. What an awful way to leave this Earth. Mostly, I pray for the offenders who are committing these acts of terrorism in their God's name and I praythat you, Father, lead them to understand that what they are doing is horrible and wrong. I pray for justice at your hands. I pray for peace on this Earth, as far fetched as it may seem. Please wrap your loving arms around those me. Fallen and their grieving families and protect us all. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my dad. He has stage 4 cancer and came home for the weekend. My ex husband text me and asked me to tell my dad that he was praying for him and that he loved him. I told my dad in hopes that it would help him to forgive my ex. Unfortunately I think it only made him mad at me because when it was time for me to leave I told him I loved him and all he said was "alright." That is the last memory I have of my dad in person and now he is back in Houston for a good while and ended up in the ER. Pray he will feel better and be healed and that God will allow us to at least see each other again before he dies and that it will be a good memory instead of such a painful one."


10 years ago

"What I Will Trade"

"I will willingly trade 50 years from the end of my life to get my books published, make enough money to live off them, and find the woman of my dreams. I'm sick of my prayers not being answered."


10 years ago


"Greetings brothers, may the Spirit of The Lord be with you. I seek your intercession in my struggle with prayer. I know I need to pray but it's like I'm not even trying. Pray for me brothers, pray for me to The Lord our God. "


10 years ago

"My Dad"

"Please pray for my dad, his aunt passed away last week. "


10 years ago

"My Dad"

"please pray for my dad, his aunt passed away last week. "


10 years ago

"Difficult Classes"

"My previous experiences with college were, shall we say less than satisfactory. Now I'm going back to earn my masters, it's only been a week and so far I'm not so good start. I need God's help to get me through this with passing grades, but for almost a decade my prayers have gone unanswered in various regards."


Moreno Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Health "

"I went to the Dr the other day and they did this thing called a EKG. I have had trouble breathing like really bad. So You can only have a EKG done on you when your older but they had to do it on me. In the EKG they found something and want to do some test. I just ask for prayer cause I'm scared. They had to do a X ray yesterday to see if my heart is in the right place or if it's to big. Another possibility is there's a blockage in my heart and that could be a reason why I'm having lots of pain in my knees. The blockage is leading to lack of oxygen to my body. So I ask that you pray for me. Everywhere I go I get this weird feeling like I'm dieing. Everyone tells me I'm not going anywhere yet all I see is home and other stuff. I just ask that The Lord makes the right dissection. Amen "


10 years ago


"Dear God, I just thank You that I can now feel Michael's prayers for me again. I appreciate someone praying for me like that so much because it really helps me in my quest to find complete freedom. I have been so blessed and hope you will use my prayers to bless him even more so. I lift him up to You as well and pray You will strengthen and encourage him. I don't understand the inspirations I have gotten about him making choices that if true would break both your heart and mine but I pray You will reveal Your truth and help me to not get discouraged. If he has made bad choices then I understand that there is a story as to why and I know you will help him learn from his mistakes and find healing in your path for him. Have mercy on him Lord and console him if he feels bad. Show him that I don't judge him and that I forgive him. I need Your help Lord. You know how much I don't understand and the pain it causes me but you are allowing this for a good reason I'm sure. I miss Michael a lot which is always a good reminder to pray for him. Please tell him that I love him and pray for him and send him my hugs and kisses. Thank You Jesus!"


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"prayer for others!"

"Lord, I pray for the people who are struggling in life! those who feel like they've reached their limit!! I lift them up to you Lord God!!! take hold of them and comfort them in their hard times as you have done for me!! help them God!!!!! don't let them fall into temptation!!! let them not be strayed from the right path! for that path will bring them to better times. console those who have lost a friend or family! let them feel your love, and the love from their loved ones! let them know that they are in a better place! let them know that they are not alone, no matter how hard the tough times may be!! you are with us always!!! in Jesus name!!! Amen!!!"


10 years ago

"Add No Sorrow"

"Calling those things that be not as though they were. Calling forth blessings and not curses. Rebuking the devil on every hand. Sending back all evil back to the sender. I live above only and never beneath. GOD's word is true and every man a liar. I'm blessed going in and coming out. I live in the overflow. I am Strengthen in my mind, body, soul, and spirit. I am happy and full of GOD's joy. I prayed and the LORD heard and answered my prayer. Thank you LORD!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!"


10 years ago

"More Time "

"I know I don't spend enough time with you! Why do us humans spend more time doing things for ourselves then spending it with you! I've always wanted a "spot" where we always meet and it's quiet and just you and me help me to find that spot also help me to not dictate to you! Jesus :) I love your name!!!"


10 years ago

"Direction "

"Heavenly Father I need to hear your instructions you have for me. I want you to anoint my ears my heart my mind to hear when you are speaking to me. I want you to make me bolder in you LORD remove anything in me that's not like you. Show me how to speak to the enemy to make him flee from me. Show me how to forgive those who have hurt me to the core teach me how to love those who have caused hurt in my heart and have disrespected me. Help me to focus on you all the days of my life all throughout the day & night. Teach me how to minister to everyone I come in contact with. Show me my gifts LORD so that I may be used in the kingdom to glorify your name and that I may plant a seed in the grown and help to draw someone to you in JESUS name AMEN"


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"All Are Sick"

"All three in this little family are sick. Trey and Nikki, as well as 1yr old Whitley. Parents are discouraged. Badly need to be LIFTED UP in prayer today. May The Lord manifest His Grace. "


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"What did jesus mean when he said that anyone who blasphems the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven?"


10 years ago

"Faith, Hope And Above!"

"Dear God, today is the first day in a couple weeks that I have gotten a sliver of hope about Michael and Im not even sure if it was from you. I don't understand what happened or if it is what my friend said...just all in my head. I wish I could get enough clarity to really cry and let it go or enough hope to keep believing. Right now it seems like You are keeping Your plans for me a secret. I respect that, I trust You are waiting to see what is best for me. I know You hear my prayers and You know my heart's desires. I know You wouldn't give me rock when I ask for bread or a snake when I ask for a fish. Your plans aren't just good they are excellent and You are at work...I just know it! "


Hagerstown MD,United States
10 years ago

"Need Prayer!!"

"Is not easy being a controlling relationship where I feel as if my thoughts and feelings don't matter because what he says goes!!"


10 years ago

"Stressful work"

"Lord, I am grateful to have a job while others are struggling to find work. The added work load, fear of layoffs and tense work relationships has made our office stressful and oppressive. I pray that you give me the strength to continue to do my best, to overlook the short tempers and fear of others and to be a supportive and harmonious friend to my coworkers. Amen. "


10 years ago

"Praise God!"

"Father God I thank you for delivering me from the sins I struggle with. Thank you for providing me with a roommate :) please help it to keep going well. I am so thankful! "


Hagerstown MD,United States
10 years ago

"Wow The Devil Hates It So Much When We Want To Get Close To God!!!"

"Please pray for me and my desire to stay strong in wanting to find a church and to get back in the word and not let other people influence me where I forget all about what God has done for me. It has been almost a year since I have been in church said my prayers read the Bible but today God is speaking to me through my heart I know it I feel it and I don't want to lose it. "


10 years ago


"I have a step sister that's been going through a lot . She is only 13 . She moved in with my family and I for awhile and to her she feel individualized by us . I try my best to be here for her . She knows about how able god is but she's afraid to make those steps because she dosent want to let god down . Please help me pray that god will give her the strength she needs . If you would like please comment scriptures or words of encouragement 🙏 god bless you all "


10 years ago

"Hands Of Protection"

"Asking for prayer and safe travel for my daughter and myself this holiday weekend. She will be traveling home. LORD Please place your hand of protection around her. I plead the blood of JESUS over her mind, body, soul and spirit. I rebuke any and all car trouble and accidents of any kind. Guide her LORD to and from her destinations in JESUS name I pray.......,"


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"I'm the biggest sinner in the world. I seriously need some prayer. "


10 years ago

"Courage And Strength"

"I am asking for prayers for strength and courage. Into thousand 2011 I had the gastric bypass. I went from 481 to 270. I was doing so well with this new way of life until. I started introduce foods. Then I started eating sweets and over eating. Now I am back up to 400 pounds. I have many health issues. I have spinal and cervical stinosis fibromyalgia and bone on bone knees. And I am only 36 years of age. What I am asking is for prayers to take control and eat properly not over eat. I can not work do to obesity. I want to live but at the rate I am going is killing myself. Thank you for your prayers and taking the time in reading this. God bless you all. "


10 years ago

"Unanswered Prayers"

"10 years is a very long time to pray for something that never seems to come. Nothing scares me more than God's plan, it seems to be the exact opposite of what I want. My faith is dying as a result. Something needs to change."


10 years ago

"I Will Trust In The LORD"

"Fret not thyself because of evil doers. Neither be envious of the workers of iniquity. Trust in the LORD and do good. Thank you most GRACIOUS LORD For your love, kindness and tender words. You are my strength and my redeemer. HALLELUJAH."


10 years ago


"I want more than anything in the world to find the woman of my dreams. I don't know how much longer I can wait, and there comes a time when it is too late for love."


10 years ago

"Depleting Tissue And Cartlidge "

"Please pray for me for healing. I have terrible quickly depleting cartlidge and soft tissue loss because I took a collagen supplement 2 1/2 years ago and my body reacted really shockingly . My cells all became permeable and everything ( all my toxins ) dumped out into my system . Please pray that Jesus will touch me and make me whole . Thank you so much "


10 years ago


"Father I pray that all my family be taking in the rapture in Jesus name."


10 years ago

"Thankful And Grateful"

"I'm so grateful to GOD Almighty. I'm blessed and highly favored, no matter the circumstance. I live above only and not beneath. I'm a lender and not a borrower. HIS word is true and every man a liar. I can have what I say. I'm blessed going in and blessed coming out. My words are powerful. I decree and declare: love, blessings, favor, strength, happiness, power, miracles signs and wonders. In JESUS NAME.... And It Is So HALLELUJAH!!!!"


10 years ago

"About To Lose Our Home."

"My husband has been lying about the finances. We are behind on every single bill including our mortgage. He seems to think it is no big deal. We have four kids."


10 years ago


"God I thank you for calling me into ministry in my area of weakness. Please show me if this is truly Your will for me and heal me and deliver me completely. Thank You Jesus!"


10 years ago

"Please Pray For Healing"

"Lord, please heal my body from this recent illness. Please minimize the pain and bloating so that I may enjoy our upcoming family vacation."


10 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father I pray that you soften my family's heart! You know what we are going threw father I pray Lord you help guide us in Jesus name I pray amen "


10 years ago

"Peace And Comfort"

"My best friend recently lost two scholarships due to insufficient funding and she is no longer able to study abroad in Ecuador. Now she is stuck having to find a place to live and register for classes here when there is not much time left. She is struggling to understand why God has so drastically changed her plans and she admits she's mad at Him for the hardships she is now having to face. Please help her to have peace, clarity and guidance in this time and an easy transition as she tries to figure things out back on campus. Help her to know that The Lord is still with her and is planning something much greater that has not yet been revealed. "


10 years ago


"The sweet, precious baby Richard has passed away this morning and has had his ultimate healing today. He is now running around in heaven and free of his brain tumor and I pray to you today God to help his family get through this difficult time by holding their faith of your promise that they will one day see their beloved little boy again. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."


10 years ago

"Conceive A Child"

"Dear heavenly father i come to you today and always your loving servant to ask of you a request to be able to conceive a baby this is a reward that i will cherish with my life i will honor your name most high and praise your holy name i thank you for the blessing i have and for the blessing i am about to receive i believe it i accept it in jesus name it is granted i love you lord with my whole heart and i know i am not forsaken or forgotten amen. - "


10 years ago


"Hello brethren, I seek your intercession. Confused as to the paths that lie before me, and struggling my marijuana addiction, I ask you to pray for me to The Lord our God. I ask for patience and strength until His will is revealed. Thank you."


10 years ago

"Tired Of Being Tired"

"I don't care what it look like, feel like, seem like. This is still the day that The LORD has made and I still choose to rejoice and I'm going to be glad in it. GOD can do anything but fail. He's still on the throne and still in charge. The devil still is and always been a liar. he has no power except what we give him. And I ain't giving him nothing. I'm still the head and not the tail. I live above only and not beneath. I can have what I say. I declare and decree strength, joy, peace, love, happiness, wholeness and wealth. And It Is So in JESUS NAME. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!"


10 years ago


"Please pray for God to comfort my friend Susan who just broke up with her fiancé. Pray God will show her His will and give her the grace and strength to follow through. Pray for healing for her fiancé and that this break up will be a turning point in his life. Pray that God will help me to be Christ to my friend and that her and her son staying with me for a while will go really well. Thank you for your prayers. "


10 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for blessing me with 3 beautiful children. Please place your guiding hand on each one of them as they prepare for school and work tomorrow. Thank you for blessing me so much more than I deserve. "


10 years ago


"Dear Lord, please protect my husband and his crew from harm as they put their lives on the line to save others. In your name I pray, Amen."


10 years ago

"Pray For marriage healing"

"Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you to say thank you for the many blessings you have provided. Right now my marriage is in a fragile state and I need your help and guidance to show me how to be the wife that my husband needs and for him to be the man of God that he is. Please be with us as we face the devil and the temptations he brings. In your precious name I pray. Amen"


10 years ago

"Selfless Not Selfish"

"I am needing prayers and help to be more selfless. To stop comparing everything and everyone's possessions, looks, etc to myself. Help to be more generous and less worrisome knowing that God will always provide. This year I want to be more selfless, putting others before myself instead of always doing things in my best interest. My past made it hard for me because I always felt like I had to look out for myself and that I couldn't trust anyone. It made me feel insecure, not good enough. But I'm working on being good enough because of Christ and getting into my head that I am God's masterpiece. This is a big change for me and it's something I hope to transform through this year. With the help of God, I know anything is possible. "


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"God take me away."

"I am tired of things going wrong all the time!!! I just want God to take me away already....."


Cleveland, Tennessee
10 years ago

"Upcoming College Students"

"Prayers for all the upcoming freshman at my college. And my friend Angela who will be a freshman as of tomorrow and she just got her wisdom teeth out she's in a lot of pain "


10 years ago

"Move Mighty LORD"

"LORD do it for me right now. I've read the Bible, I've heard the stories. I know there's nothing to hard for You. I've been waiting, I've been praying for a long time. I know you're able. Do it for me right now. Fix it LORD"


10 years ago


"Please pray for Skylar to be healed of cancer. He is a part of a religion that doesn't believe in medical care and when he was finally allowed to get a CAT scan it was discovered that he has cancer all over his body. He was told he has about 60 days to live. Please pray for his healing and his salvation."


10 years ago

"Touch Right Now LORD"

"LORD help me to keep my mouth closed and let you do the work. Bring conviction into his heart FATHER. Let him see his wrong in his own eyes. Touch him LORD right now in the name of JESUS. Dont let him gave any comfort in his me. Don't let go of him until he surrenders to your will and way. Take away all pride and arrogance. Help him to see himself. "


10 years ago

"Sick Child"

"Please pray for my daughter. She played softball all day now have a fever. I pray she wakes up feeling well tomorrow by His strips she is healed "


10 years ago


"Father God I just pray right now that You will give Michael and I keen discernment and that any inspirations that are not Your truth will quickly be revealed to us. Protect us from the enemy and show us only Your truth and Your will. Show Michael how much I care about him, love him, pray for him and continue to wait for him. Ask him to pray for me. Tell him I miss him so much it hurts and that I refuse to believe the enemies lies. Thank u Jesus!"


10 years ago

"Do I Stay Or Go"

"Need direction in whether I stay with the man I'm in love with or leave. He let it be known he doesn't love me but he doesn't want to let me go either because he thinks we have potential. This has given me hope and makes it harder for me to think of leaving him. "


10 years ago

"Struggling w/Depression Today"

"I praise you Lord that I am finally in recovery from anxiety and depression! But Lord help me to accept that the road to recovery is not linear. I am having a hard day of apathy today. Please help me to make the best of this day despite these feelings. Give me the faith that tomorrow will be a better day. Amen"


10 years ago

"Lo Siento"

"Dear God, i feel like i have hurt you so bad and yet you still love me. I don't even know what i did that hurt you so bad because i haven't been and more bad than usual (that i am aware of). But i feel terrible because i sense you are so hurt. I am sorry Lord. Im sorry for the sins i struggle with, for doubting your love for me and not trusting you. Im sorry that i am STILL struggling right now. Please know that i don't ever want to hurt you and i will do my best to do better. I need your help. Thank you for continuing to love and be patient with me. I long for the grace to give you the love that you deserve. You are all that i need. Te quiero. Eres hermosa. Lo siento."


10 years ago


"Father, the news is very scary for me. My heart is sad for all of the innocent people who are suffering for reasons that I will never understand. Father, some of us take for granted the magnitude of your love. Thank you for allowing Jesus to take away the barrier between us and You. "


10 years ago


"God men's lust on me they try so hard but I don't won't them. I may be lonely but not up for it. Am trying to get closer to you . They try make me feel so lonely n wanting man n I rather look there way."


Orlando, Florida
10 years ago

"For The Storm To Pass"

"My family has been going through a series if events that have not stopped and it's time to things to turn around for our financial, health and family to get better "


10 years ago

"My Heart's Desire"

"LORD keep your hand on him. Touch him right now in the name of JESUS. Don't let go LORD until he surrender to your will and your way. Chasten him LORD. Bring us closer together like never before. Let nothing or no one come between us. Fix our heart and mind LORD so that we become permanent really soon. Touch his heart LORD so that he can and will love me the way that I am for the rest of my life. In JESUS Holy name I pray........"


10 years ago


"Dear Heavenly Father, counseling was SO painful today. Please help me to recover. I thank you and praise your name...I won't give up no matter how much it hurts. "


10 years ago


"Show me what you want me to do. Encourage me bless me with knowledge and wisdom to make it through this life. Dont let devil still my soul. My heart is turning black n teach me to forgive people even those who meant me wrong. Anger bitterness jealously negativeness is getting inside of me release it from my mind and body in Jesus Name "


10 years ago

"The KING Is On The Throne"

"I give Honor, Praise and Glory to The Most High. The King of Glory. Who sits high and looks low. He is The ALPHA And OMEGA. He loves me with an everlasting love. I'm just so grateful. Thank you LORD for working on my behalf. I'm going to stay out of the way and let you do your perfect work. Hallelujah!!!"


10 years ago

"Drug Addict Son"

"My son who was raised by my parents is now 18 years old and will be enrolling in college on August 29. He is living with my sister and during my visit this morning, I couldnt believe his appearance that I saw. He has lost alot of weight, mustache and beard are growing longer, eyes were twitching, and paranoid throughout the time I was talking to him. Please pray that God will strengthen my faith and trust in Him and His promises. I need wisdom and guidance in this. Please pray for him with whatever the holy spirit leads you."


10 years ago

"May The Glory Of God Shine On You"

"Father as we come to you in Jesus name. Great is our needs and the needs of Our Nation. Let us look to you. Please give us guidance as we go forward . Lead us and help us seek you daily in all that we do. We are nothing without you. Help us to realize your call in our life. Bless us as we seek you. Help our faint hearts grow strong and Guard our hearts. Father let your mercy shine on this great Nation. Let our hearts be open to those in need.Help us pray in faith knowing that you hear our prayers and answer ours prayers. Jesus draw us to you and save us from our sins against you. Renew our Journey here in the earth and keep our eyes on you. Great is your Holiness our God and Redeemer. Amen"


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"growing spiritual strength and power"

"Lord, I am doing the best I can to keep living, but my soul feels so weak! bring the holy spirit to surround me, grant me the gift of feeling your spirit so I can work better to fulfill your almighty plans and will, I want to hear your instructions clearly every day. I need to know what you need from me. please give me the strength that I need to get through my life. Help me to help other people get through their hard times!!! because I understand how much it hurts to face the dark and hard times. I love you because you care!!! you care about me more than how much others care. you could never be too far to hear my cries. You are my comfort. I could never ever turn away from you, no matter how hard the world tries to take you away from me. they cannot make me turn from me. please help me to grow my faith stronger to trust in you. make my faith unbreakable, even if my heart breaks, let me feel your love. I know you can heal my wounds, and change me to someone stronger. hold me in your arms when I feel broken and empty. in the body and blood of your son Jesus christ our lord amen. "


10 years ago


"Dear God, I pray for the people in the midst of the rioting. I pray that they somehow find a way to turn to a different path since it is only hurting their neighborhood. I pray for the safety of all those involved in that area and I pray that mankind can find a way to be peaceful with one another regardless of any differences of their skin, sexual preference, etc. this whole situation has given me much anxiety and I hope to see positive news rather than negative soon. "


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Seizures "

"I was wondering if you could put my friends good friend on your prayer chain her name is Cori and she's had 2 seizures and they don't know why. I'd really appreciate it thanks :-)"


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Little Boy"

"I have this friend that has a son named Zander Jones. From the day he was born she was told that he wasn't going to make it long and he's made 10 years. He has many health issues and right now they cannot figure out why his oxygen level is in the 70s. He's breathing oxygen and 12 L and still have an issues breathing. So I ask prayer warriors reach out and give this guy a prayer thank you in advance God bless you all."


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Little Boy Needs Prayers"

"I have this friend that has a son named Zander Jones. From the day he was born she was told that he wasn't going to make it long and he's made 10 years. He has many health issues and right now they cannot figure out why his oxygen level is in the 70s. He's breathing oxygen and 12 L and still have an issues breathing. So I ask prayer warriors reach out and give this guy a prayer thank you in advance God bless you all."


10 years ago


"Jesus I pray you heal me of my endometriosis and my ovarian cyst. I have full faith in you and I gave up a other forms of security. You are my God and I know you can heal me perfectly. Jesus your will be done! Please heal me so I do not have to suffer anymore. Amen"


10 years ago

"Youth Ministry"

"Father I pray that you will lead me down this path. Is it the right path to go down at this point in my life? please show me. I love you and I want to share your love with others. I pray that you help me find a good college where I can also learn more about you and how to spread your word. "


10 years ago


"Lord and Jesus, I pray for perfect healing from You. I pray away the endometriosis that invades my body and rebuke the disease. Your will be done! Amen"


10 years ago

"My Friend Dawn"

"Father, I am bringing a request and setting it at your feet. Our friend Dawn has found 2 lumps on her breast. Father please comfort her and her family in this time. Honestly, father, I would also like for you to whisper to me the words I would need to use to share about your wonderful love. I feel kinda out of place around them father. "


10 years ago

"Thank You"

"I just wanted to let everyone who has been following my posts and prayer requests to know that my Mom went home to God at about 2 this morning.. I wanted to thank each and every one of you for the kind words and countless prayers.. Your support meant so much to me over the last month:) thank you and God Bless xoxo"


10 years ago


"Father God I thank You for protecting me and keeping me safe. I thank You for the job You have given me and for blessing me with what I know will be the best year yet. I thank you for preparing Michael and I to meet again. I praise You for two beautiful healthy children and more to come. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us all from evil. Thank You Jesus!"


New Jersey
10 years ago

"Healing and Recovery"

"Pls. pray for my dad, he's in the hospital right now bec. of contusion on his head. He slipped in the bathroom and hit his head in toilet bowl. Tomorrow they will release the result of his CT Scan. Hope everything's goes we'll and for his fast recovery. Amen! "


10 years ago


"Father God In Heaven, Bless us with open ears to hear and recognize your voice. Bless us with hearts of forgiveness. Help each person that puts their feeling or thoughts on this site , We need to be drawn to you Jesus .Call us into the place where we serve you as Lord over all . Let us look deeply at our sins and flaws and help us to confess them to you. Thank You amen"


10 years ago

"Father, We Need You"

"Our father, as I read thru these requests, i realize more and more how much we need you! YOU and ONLY YOU can help guide us thru this maze of life. Thank you father for LOVING US!! "


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"I am going through never ending pain. I want it to be over."

"God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take this pain away from me!!!!!!!! I can't take it anymore!!!! why can't anyone understand!!! I wanted to tell my life problems, BUT THAN I ERASED IT all!!!! I so damn sick of making so many mistakes!!!! I juste wanted to tell all the details of my life!! I almost finished it all!!!!!!!!! why do you do this to me!!!!! my life is so hard to get through!!! I guess I have to tell it in a shorter way. I live with a disability, it doesn't show, it makes it so hard to do things right. I can't find a proper job, because of my disability, I can't stop screwing up!!! managers don't give a shit about my life, the people in this world would care less if I died the next day. sometimes I take 3 or 4 sleeping pills. theres no one to talk to about my problems, my bf hates to hear me complain so much. people on my paper route constantly reject the papers, which shrinks my pay roll down to shit . I can't save money with this job. I've given up on finding a proper part time job. I've looked for years. though I got a few interviews, I never got the job, I was accepted by walmart, but I went and screwed that up. everyone has a better life than me. I'm just a big loner in this world. I miss my childhood, and the friends I use to have. and my child hood was ruined by my foster cousin, my foster parents don't care about what happened, cause after that I started to do it myself. and in my life I'll probably never have a child. my bf doesn't want children, and I couldn't afford it anyways, because I have a disability that makes it hard to live because I show no features of a disability, which makes it hard for people to understand. I take anti-depression, and deal with anxiety which causes me to be scared to approach people and managers. I feel like I'll never find a job. I have no family living near me, because my real family lives up north, and my foster parents moved back to the coast with their family. My foster parents had me since I was 3 or 4 years, I first lived at the coast, but than moved to Kelowna when I was 7. once I turned 19 I was put into a semi independent home, and I still find it hard to let go, because I never said thank you for what they've done and show how grateful I am for what they've given me. they loved me so much and all I did was turn my back on them!! I'm sure I've hurt them. and I'll probably never see them again. I'm on the edge of giving up hope. it feels like God will never answer my prayer because of the things I've done. I've asked for a sign, which makes me look doubtful. I've prayed for spiritual power, but I'm probably not worth it. Gob probably thinks I'll abuse it. and I feel like a failure in this world. none of my dreams will happen. I'll never travel to see the world. I have so much I wish I could do. one time I had a chance to see my favourite band, skillet. but they took too long to bring them out they let other bands play first, and than my aunt wanted to leave. they probably never come back to kelowna. and no one would take me to the u.s. to see them. I've lost so many opportunities in my life. I'm so sick of screwing up!!!! I never had a chance to meet my mother. no one allowed me to go to her funeral, because of the stupid age rule!!!! She tried to search for me, but the damn ministry kept lying to her that they couldn't find me, but once she died than they told my family. my heart is so broken!!!! I'll never forgive them for that. and now no one would be willing to drive me to my real family. and I'll never be allowed to get my license. I'm stuck in one place in life. seems like I'll never be given a chance in life. I'll never be free from this restricted life. I just want to say good by already. I'm hopeless. "


10 years ago

"Just Ask"

"Asking GOD to touch and transform Gregory heart and mind. Strengthen him and give him the power to let go of the foolish things of this world. Make it uncomfortable for him in his mess. Bring conviction LORD. Don't take your hand off of him LORD. Right now in the name of JESUS. Strengthen mine and his relationship. Strengthen our love and his love for me. Let nothing or no one come between us. Put me in his heart and mind both day and night. Let him realize my value. In the name of JESUS I pray....."


10 years ago


"Ugh ! I am so angry !!!! I wish I knew how to set the feelings aside and not let things bother me with my mother ! Ugh I need to learn how to deal with her !!"


10 years ago

"Need Relief"

"Father in heaven, I know this may sound selfish, so, please forgive me in advance.. My head is hurting so badly that I don't know what to do. I'm very nervous to go in for a CAT scan then a MRI. Please send me an angel with a healing touch. Also, please comfort my family. They are being wonderful. My children are 4 and 6, and they are worried about me. Father, let them fall into your loving arms and let them know mommie is fine. I love you father. "


10 years ago


"2014-7-2 : I ask this prayer with a very heavy heart...I had an affair 4 years ago. I confessed a month ago and have been trying to repair my marriage ever since. I pray for restoration and peace. I pray for the opportunity to grow in love, and to form a friendship we haven't had before. I ask God for the chance to gain back his trust and respect. I pray for protection and favor in this marriage. I pray blessings on my husband and my kids, as well as a heart of mercy and acceptance. I love my husband and I am ashamed of what I did. I am a social laughing stalk of our friends so I pray that god would put laborers in his path that would to draw him closer to God and to reconciliation with me. I thank god for what is is doing in our lives and ask forgiveness for doubting his plan. Amen.. 2014-8-18 : Dear lord, thank you for the improvement we have made and I pray still that you would help replace his anger and resentment for me with compassion, unconditional love and mercy overflowing. Help him to know how much I love him and how ashamed I am of what I did 4 years ago, how truly sorry I am and help him to see it every time he looks at me how much I relive the pain very day what I did...he is so beautiful and so amazing and I just ask you would show through in everything I do and say. May you draw him closer to you and protect our family and marriage from the enemy's ruthless attempts to overcome with doubt and anger and depression. Lord I pray for strength and continued opportunities to prove my devotion love and devotion to him now and forever. Amen."


Warsaw, Indiana
10 years ago

"Need prayers for cousin..."

"My cousin, Derek, was in a car accident. He fractured his skull in 3 places. He has been in a coma since the accident. Need prayers of healing for him and comfort for his wife and their two young boys (5 years and 8 years). Derek is only 27."


Copperas Cove, Texas
10 years ago

"My Boyfriend "

"Please keep us in your prayers because I am taking it really hard right now with what I have been going through a lot with that I do not get to see him at all right now because he is in jail right now and I miss him so much right now that a lot of people do not think he did it at all because he would never hurt anybody at all and I stop going to church because of it too. "


10 years ago


"I really need help and I don't know where else to go or what else to do. I really need God to show up "


New Jersey
10 years ago


"Happy, Loving & Faithful Marriage life with my husband Joseph Conrad Benitez"


New Jersey
10 years ago


"To Fulfill my Nursing career and work in a Nursing home or a Hospital."


New Jersey
10 years ago

"To be an USRN"

"To PASS my NCLEX RN Exam in 75 questions this coming September 06, 2014."


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago


"God, tell me things will get better.... I can't keep going like this!!! every week I end up with more and more extra papers because no one wants them!! can't you give me a new job??? where I don't screw up?? where I can succeed?? you know I started with 195 or so papers. now I have 152 and 12 of them are left over. I can't call in anymore papers, all I get is $100 dollars! I'll be down to $90 if I call in ever paper that isn't wanted.... I can't handle it anymore!! this is depressing!!! why can't my life be better than this??? if I let this job go, I'll have nothing. but I can't stand how much I'm losing here! why do people hate the papers so much??"


San Diego
10 years ago

"Salvation of family in France"

"Renee- Ramdane- Karim- Vincent- Mathis- Jacques- Amar- Mustapha- Djalila- Hania- Nadia- Medi- Farida- Momo- Isabelle- Chloe- Linda- Vesna- Nicolas- Ingrid- "


10 years ago

"My Simple Prayer"

"Dear God, my Heavenly Abba, here is my simple prayer. Right now I need a man to guide and protect me. A man who puts You first in his life and walks in righteousness. A man who will love me and my children and count us all blessings. A man who will be my husband. Not only do I believe You will answer. I BELIEVE YOU HAVE ANSWERED. I believe this whirlwind is gone and he is on his way. Thank You Daddy!"


10 years ago


"Thank you for waking me up on time"


10 years ago

"Not Feeling Good"

"Father in heaven, I have not been feeling well. Please come and take away what is making me ill. Thank you father, amen. "


10 years ago

"The Lord Is My Shepherd"

"Father God lately I feel like a widow and an orphan. Please be my husband and my dad. Who will protect me from the serpent if not You? You are my Shepherd. I trust You will come to my defense. I have done as You have told me. I will not be afraid. Thank You for giving me Your mother, my confidence. Please also give me a family I can be a part of in this life. I miss Michael and he still hasn't called. Please give him the courage. If the enemy has been lying to him then please show him Your truth. It is in Your hands Lord...amen!"


10 years ago


"Father God please protect Sam and keep him safe. Help him to realize the danger he is in and to not be afraid to ignore this man who is pursuing him. Give him the grace to listen to Teresa when she talks to him tonight. Show him that her intuition is a gift from You. I know he is a very sweet person and he thinks all people mean well but that isn't always the case. Please heal me from being like this too. We need You God. Deliver us from evil. "


Margate, Fl
10 years ago

"Pray For My Husband And I"

"Please pray for my husband and I as we are going through a rough patch. We don't want to separate because we love each other and have two beautiful children, but we just can't stop fighting. "


Atlanta, Georgia
10 years ago

"For Understanding "

"Holy Father to come to you in prayer and I asked you to help me to understand all that is in my daily work surrounding. I don't understand how helping other is cause for yelling, or the display of lack of caring when you chose to work in a field that need you to show compassion, patients and understand. Father , if I display the lack of caring for another person please touch my heart and show me what I am doing wrong. Them what I need to do to providing positive care to all that is in my care."


10 years ago

"Still Needing Prayer For My Mon"

"We need super duper healing prayers for my mom.. I've been posting prayers on here and keeping the people who have been praying updated... The latest is that she's got swelling in her brain, a staph infection in one of her lungs, paralyzed on one side of her body and can't see..I have put all my faith in our Lord that he will give her the healing miracle she so desperately heart is so broken and I miss her so much... Please pray for her:) thank you friends in Christ:)"


10 years ago

"Terrible Dream"

"I had two dreams today.first one: a fellow man I don't know from anywhere telling me he wants to have sex with me..and the second one :a man chasing me with a cutlasses just for looking at her girlfriend .. can someone please interpret these dreams for me and also pray for me..thank u."


Moreno Valley, CA
10 years ago


"Tonight I ask for a prayer. A prayer about myself. I ask that I become more focus in school. Also that I hang around more positive friends. Lord I ask who you want me to become as a person. If anyone out there wants a prayer. Let me know my email is you can add me here as a friend or you can just email me. "


10 years ago


"I've noticed on social media that one of my former high school classmate's has just discovered her young nephew has another brain tumor and has been told he has but a few weeks left to live. This is awful for them because he has been battling this or a couple of years now and it seemed as if they had beat it. Prayer is powerful. I am praying to you,God to let whatever Your will may be, be, yet please comfort this precious child in his battle, his precious twin sister and their mother as well as the rest of his family including my former classmate in this time. Heal their spirit and give them as much time as you possibly can together and make sure that this little boy knows without any doubt he is very loved. In Jesus' name, Amen. "


10 years ago

"Urgent Request"

"Oh God, please deliver me from evil. What do I do? Please help me not to panic but to keep my eyes focused on You. Thank You Jesus. Please calm me Jesus...I need You."


10 years ago


"I enemies are coming against me and in don't let no harm or evil come never me protect me in this place. This job Walmart is full of devil ways buy I refuse to bow to them you are my one and only God I trust."


10 years ago


"Praying that I get this job tomorrow.. Single mom struggling.."


10 years ago

"Prayer For Knowledge "

"I pray for wisdom and understanding of God's words.i also pray for knowledge to be able to complete my school project work successful..Amen"


10 years ago

"Better Person"

"I pray to lord to make me a better person and also to give me a good partner.Amen"


10 years ago

"Prayer For Others"

"Dear God, I pray today to thank you for your blessings. I am so blessed to have my children, my family, my friends, the man in my life who is so good to us all. I pray that you continue blessing us. Show us happiness. Show us the way to Jesus Christ. Please wrap your arms around those who feel lost, lonely and are battling depression. I pray for them to have peace within. Let then know you love them so much. In Jesus' name, Amen. "


10 years ago

"You Move Moutains"

"God only you are in control of my life. I know you have a purpose for my life. Am bothered and worried. Worried of what others think and a little stress about my life . Am lonely at the moment but it's only time I need to spend with you . No one in my surrounding want to see me achieve only a few. My job don't either cause am working towards a Bachelor degree. I was told my hours will be cut but Walmart manager only want to discourage me . No weapon form against me shall prosper . I no longer will be the tail but the head . You turning things around and am gaining enemies . Protect me , my son , and all those who serve you in Jesus Name . "


10 years ago


"I have a few unspoken prayer requests, please pray The Lord answers my prayers, and soon."


10 years ago

"Prayer Request"

"Agree with me in prayer, that the Good Lord brings the father of my child back into mine and my sons life, may he put guilt in his heart for abandoning us, and put my family back together."


10 years ago


"God am starting eating healthy and forgive me for my sins ."


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"Please pray for me. Just pray for me."


10 years ago

"A Mother's Prayers"

"Lord I pray that my children can overcome the struggles of pain, anger, and disrespect and other issues which causes them to turn away frm GOD. Please shape their character and turn their weaknesses to strengths"


10 years ago


"I am in need of prayer. I've been sick for almost 2 years and have not been able to work. My husband has tried to carry us and has been ok until this year. Now his health is bad and so it is what it is. We are sinking. I just got back from the doctor and they had to run more test. I just need a positive report and that the have found something to relive me front this anxiety. We have depleted everything. When I had to quit my job I lost our health benefits. We need a miracle. We need one like yesterday. "


10 years ago

"Urgent Request"

"Please pray for Michael to come into my life again if it be God's will. I gave him my testimony but I have no idea how he feels about me. I just recently underwent a major bout with confusion and a spirit of false prophecy. I am exhausted and in much need of protection. Please keep me in your prayers. "


10 years ago

"Travel Mercies"

"Please pray that my parents will have a safe and comfortable trip. Thank you!"


10 years ago

"Starting Over"

"Need a special prayer for my husband and. We are starting over and I need some extra prayer! "


10 years ago

"Exam results On Thursday"

"Jesus please help to get outstanding grades and direct me in choosing my course at university "


10 years ago


"Please pray that God will protect me from false inspirations and fill my mind with clarity and direction."


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"Thank you all for praying for me. I don't know you all but I love you so much. God bless. (: "


10 years ago

"Prayer For Relationship"

"Please pray for my relationship with a guy I've been dating for over 2 years. Pray that he will want more out of this and be married and have a family. Please pray that our relationship will grow and he will see the good in us and realize his love for me. Thank you."


10 years ago


"Father, I'm sure you've had all sorts of prayers for the animals we have as pets and so on. I just wanted to come to you in a moment of silence and tell you thank you for blessing me 4 years ago with a best friend, Diesel. He's a wonderful chihuahua. Father, there are countless animals who are being treated terribly, and my heart hurts for them. Thank you father for sending him to me. I have never had a best friend that was 'human', until you blessed me with Josh. Please heal my little Diesel's belly as I know he's got worms. Please help the medicine speed thru his system and make him feel better!! Thank you Jesus for my best-furry-friend!!! "


10 years ago


"God I want to do right in your sight. My biggest so is sex. I know it's wrong and I should keep my body pure. Forgive me for my sins. Looking for love when I should be looking for that love in you. I made a mistake and don't let me make it again."


10 years ago

"Save Him"

"My uncle had been in and out of jail his whole life , he has two kids , his son is 4 and his daughter is I think 9 or 10 , he keeps taking this fake drug that won't show up on drug tests but it kills , he almost died a few weeks ago from it but continues to take it. He has a court date on Wednesday and were all sure he's going to jail for a long time. He told me god came to him last week when he almost got sent to jail and god said don't worry I'm coming soon but he still continues to do drugs that are about to kill him please pray for him ! "


10 years ago

"Needing Prayer For My Mom"

"Hello again... We are in desparate need of huge prayers for my mom once again.. My dad called me earlier and said that while they were getting ready to do physical therapy on my mom she passed out and her heart stopped beating.. She's stable and her heart is beating but they are still trying to figure out why this happened... Please keep her in your prayers that she is healed and made whole once again:) thank you and God bless!!"


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"Pray for my two uncles to get out of jail. They make bad decisions, but they are not horrible human beings. Thank you so much, God bless you all. <3"


10 years ago

"Need Help Cleaning"

"Father in heaven, you know my mind, please help me to clean up and loose the negative... In Jesus name... I pray this prayer on my knees."


10 years ago

"Mr. President"

"I understand not everyone likes everyone, Father, but, Mr. Obama, our president, needs blessing. His job is very stressful, and difficult decisions are placed at his feet. Father, please be with the man and his family that leads our home. Thank you father. "


10 years ago


"Thank u for this day n opening my eyes to things I could not see "


10 years ago

"Future Husband"

"God I just pray that You will comfort, strengthen and encourage my future husband. Please remove any mental, emotional or spiritual blocks that would prevent us from coming together. Fill our hearts will nothing but true love for one another even now. Thank You Jesus!"


10 years ago

"Family Healing"

"Please pray that God will go with my children and I to visit my parents today. Pray that it will go well and that my parents will be kind and receptive to love. Pray that my children will be comforted and at peace. Thank you :)"


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Baby Whitley"

"Have had to rush 1-y/o Whitley to children's hospital ER with breathing difficulties twice tonight. Request prayer for Whitley and her parents. May our gracious Lord who heals all sickness touch her with his power and clear her lungs. "


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"Hi, I'm 18 years old and I became a Christian a couple months ago so I have a lot of questions. Can someone please answer them? Thank you very much. 1). Is it bad to listen to none Christian music? 2). Is it okay to be friends with none Christian people?"


10 years ago

"Loved Ones"

"God I pray for all my loved ones that I am not able to be with. Please comfort them and reassure them of my love for them. Show them that I long to be with them but that I will continue to pray for them while we are apart. Please kiss them and hug them for me and bless them with sweet dreams...amen!"


10 years ago

"Peace And Comfort"

"Dear God, please comfort and heal the family I met during adoration who lost a son to suicide. I thank You and praise You for his salvation. You are so good! Please continue to help my heart be at rest. I confess my fears to You, ask You to forgive me and to fill me with peace. I trust all my loved ones into Your hands knowing that You love and care for them even more than I do and that You will protect us from despair and the spirit of death. I pray for peace in our hearts in ALL circumstances, even when our hearts are broken. Thank You God that we can always find comfort and reassurance in You. You are our God in whom we can put our trust. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...amen!"


10 years ago

"Healing In Sexuality"

"Father God You know how much I abhor the sin of masterbation. Please heal me in my sexuality. I was doing so good for 3 weeks and then I let upsetting circumstances influence me to give in to comfort that is of my flesh. Now I have had many relapses and have only been walking in victory for a few days but this LH surge is a brutal temptation. I know You are strong where I am weak and that my humility and reliance on You is crucial. Help me to be healed and to never give in to giving up. I have fought this battle for so many years but I trust You hear my cries for help and that You will lead me out of this troubling sin. I confess choosing Baal and I confess on behalf of any of my ancestors who chose Baal. I renounce the idol god of Baal in my life, my family, my loved ones, my church and my nation. I renounce you, Baal, in the holy name of Jesus. I renounce you, Ashtoreth, in the Holy Name of Jesus. I renounce the sin of the hatred of women. By your grace now the effects will leave my mind and body. I renounce the idols my fathers served. I renounce the idols my mother served. I renounce the evil spirits of Jezebel and Ahab. Please reveal to me Holy Spirit and unclean and unholy spirit. Show me any demonic presence in my life and heart. Come, holy fire of God, and strike any vile image. Cleanse me and fill me, Lord. I confess that Jesus is my Lord and that no other has any right to rule or influence me. Any other presence must leave now, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit please cleanse me and fill me. I pray for the power of this sexual addiction to be broken in my life. I pray for the power of hatred of women to be broken in my life. I confess anorexia/bulimia and self harm and all other hate filled thoughts or actions that Ive given into. I praise You Father God and I ask You to fill any place from which a demonic presence has left. Praise You Jesus! We give You thanks. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, as gentle as a dove. May this healing continue Lord. Thank You Father. (Prayer taken from "Experiencing Healing Prayer" by Rich Richardson)"


10 years ago

"Orion And Her Not So Perfect Family"

"Her mom and dad are addicted to meth and she has to take care of her 6 year old brother , she tried to kill herself multiple times and her mom wants to take her and run away from their dad. She's constantly going through things no 13 year old should go through. "


10 years ago


"Orion's parents are addicted to meth and she's taking care if her brother , she tried to kill herself and she might be taken away again , she's just going threw a lot , she never stops going threw things that no 13 year old should go through"


El Paso, Texas
10 years ago


"Please pray for me. I'm always depressed and confused. I know God is by my side, I just don't know why I always feel so alone..."


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"be a future mother or not?????"

"I live a complicated life, I've lived in foster care all my life, I have fasd, but more mild than most, you can't tell that I have a disability but sometimes I can really show it when I get hyper or nervous, and I hate it when I screw things up!! I can be an embarrassment to myself, and often wish I had a better life, and now I'm older now, it is more embarrassing than ever. And also I am thinking of the future of becoming a mother or not!!! I'm sick of having to take my depo every 3 months, and having my care takers barking on me to get my shot on time!! now I am stuck on thinking of getting rid of one of my ovaries or not. do I have a chance to be a good mother or not?!?!?!? As I said before, my disability is more mild than others. But also my boy friend isn't interested in having children because we both live with a disability and we can only earn so much in a month. I wish I knew what my future will look like. but I'm leaning more onto getting my ovaries/ovary removed, I hate getting the shot anyways. But I would like to know what God's will is for me. please help me get God's answer!! "


10 years ago

"Getting Through The Days"

"Today is my Anniversary my husband passed away 4 months ago just need to make it through the day..."


Kelowna, British Columbia
10 years ago

"bad heat rash!!"

"I have developed a heat rash from delivering newspapers, but while delivering the papers I did not take well care of myself because I had gotten into a fight with my caretakers. (I live in a semi-independent house hold, I've lived in foster care all my life!) they made me feel terrible about myself! and before that I lost my secondary job which was quite new for me but ended up messing that up like I did with a bunch of other jobs!!! I am very sick and tired of screwing things up, and last week I didn't care how hot I would get from the summer heat, but now I'm down with a heat rash, and I can't skip my paper route!!!!!! so on sunday I will be back in the sun working!!!! I desperately need prayers that I won't end up getting heat stroke!!!! please send angels to protect me!!!!!!!! "


Lufkin, Texas
10 years ago

"My Dad"

"Please pray for my dad he's in the hospital, they said he has fluid on his heart and they have diagnosed him with CHF (congestive heart failure)"


10 years ago

"My Life"

"Thank u for this day I know there a lot of false prophet but I just want to do what is right Bring people in my life who is faithful to you who do the right thing and can help me do what is right in my life I want my soul to be safe n saved and I do not want it to burn in hell She show me how to live be positive even when people can be mean to me and do me wrong "


10 years ago

"My Sister"

"Heavenly father, I know that everything happens for reasons I will never know. I am almost sure I dont want to know. Today, Angela lost custody of her son, Geno. Its for the best. Father, please comfort her. She knows in her heart she can still fight, but, I dont think she has much fight left. Please guide her into a better place in her life so in time it will all fall back into place. Thank you Lord for loving us. No matter how much we mess up things!!!!"


10 years ago

"My Mom"

"God, I need help to deal with a narcissistic mother. She hurts me at every turn and puts so much pressure on me that I don't need for my own wellbeing. Give me the grace to continue to forgive her but help me to protect myself from her venom. I know my dad is weakened with cancer but please help him to keep her in perspective and not believe the untruths she spreads about me. It is so painful especially now that she continues to try to diminish his love for me and keep us apart as she laughs about it, gives an insincere apology and then shames me. Shield me from her projections and heal me from harm already done. Also please protect me from ever marrying someone just like her ever again. Most importantly, mayYour love penetrate her heart and heal her soul. God please heal my family."


10 years ago

"Workplace "

"I know this Supervisor at my job don't like me n pots against me nothing has come to past. I refuse to give human praises but you God. Am not going to be like some of the rest cheat my way to the top n I know you got something greater far than this for me. Don't like my environment at my job but always find a way to be claim n at peace in this storm. "


poco Rivera ,United States
10 years ago

"Pray For Maria Garcia And Matthew "



10 years ago


"Father God, I refuse to give into distress and panic as I struggle to understand conflicting inspirations. I just want Your perfect will for my life as I expressed to You this morning. You alone know where I am most needed and the deepest desires of my heart. I trust my life into Your hands. It hurts to not understand but I remind myself that You are in control and You are looking out for what is best for me and others. Please fill me with Your peace. I surrender completely to Your will...not my will but THY perfect will be the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...amen!"


10 years ago

"The Children"

"Dear God, I have been witnessing horrible news stories lately. Stories of child abuse and child murder at the hands of strangers and even family members. It breaks my heart and horrifies me at the same time. Some of the stories make me so angry I can't say anything about it other than disgusting things towards the perpetrators. No child should have to suffer like these children. I pray to you to heal the families of the abused and murdered children. I pray they find peace and strength through you and most of all I pray that this type of thing stops bappening to the youth of our country and our world. It is the most devastating thing to hear about. I pray so hard for those babies that it brings me to tears. Please dear Lord, help our world be stronger on the side of good rather than evil. Bring our world to a place of peace and love so that no other child has to live the horrors I have been hearing of lately. In Jesus' name, Amen. "


10 years ago


"Am praying that my enemies be blessed and that no weapon from against me shall prosper in Jesus Name "


10 years ago


"Am getting stress cause am not doing what am suppose to do. I should be fasting, praying, and reading my bible. That one sin I said I would not do I did it again n it got me off track. My mind is not focus but help it get back on track ."


10 years ago


"Please pray that my dad will have the grace to forgive my ex husband. I feel a lot of guilt that my dad hates him so much which is not good for his soul and I feel like it is my fault because I brought this person into my dad's life. My ex is really trying to make amends as much as he is capable of. Please pray for God to help in this situation. Thank You! "


10 years ago

"We Are Accepted"

"Father God I just pray for healing and deliverance for anyone who suffers from a fear of rejection, including myself. Help us to learn to love and accept ourselves, even the parts that feel unlovable and to let go of any fear of what others will think. You love us and accept us just as we are. Grant us the grace to do the same with ourselves and others. I love You Daddy...amen!"


10 years ago

"Fait Is Victory "

"Praying all goes well and fall into place. GOD is great and He still own the blessing and making a way business. Lord I trust that you is in control and that you will make my way and supply all my needs according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Amen. Have a Blessed Day, Peace be with you and Grace from our Lord Jesus Christ. "


10 years ago


"Thank you for waking us up, let my son make friends at school and let him be more talkative to people. Give him the wisdom and knowledge. If he don't know the answer don't let Him cry but give him the courage to raise his hand to ask his teacher for help. Help him grow out of his shyness of people. Don't let him get picked on this year. Let him make good grades in Jesus name."


10 years ago

"Financial Blessings"

"Please pray for Financial Blessings for myself and family. Thank you and God Bless"


San Diego, California
10 years ago

"Lou Gehrig's Disease "ALS""

"Jesus has given us authority to cast out any sickness and infirmity in his name. And right now I curse the generational curses that has been brought on by his ancestors , and break the curse from his children and their children, in Jesus name.I also commend the spirit of ALS to leave in, Jesus name. I command a new Nervous system and a new brain to form, in Jesus name. I command that all systems be totally healed and function normally to its normal lengths and strength in, The name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth."


San Diego, California
10 years ago

"Healing From Diabetes"

"Lord I pray that you heal him from Diabetes. God has given us all authority to cast out any spirits of sickness. And right now I cast out the spirit of Diabetes in Jesus name. I command of generational curses to flee from him and his children and a children in Jesus name. I command a new pancreas into the body that will produce enough insulin to control and use blood sugar normally in Jesus name. I commend any damaged body parts (from excess sugar )to be healed right now and made whole in Jesus name. Amen!"


10 years ago

"Feeling Out...."

"Dear Lord, im placing this at your loving feet. Dad, I'm tired. I feel blue and sad. I know I personally have alot to be thankful for, so, why do I keep focusing in on the negative things happening??? Father, I honestly can say I'm weary and in need of rest. Please hold me close as I lay in my bed. Thank you, father, thank you, my heavenly Father. "


Moreno Valley, CA
10 years ago

"Just A Prayer"

"I ask for a prayer tonight for myself and my family. My family seems like we are separating little by little. So I ask that someone will pray that my family will come again as a one. The name I pray Amen. "


10 years ago

"Grace For distinction "

"RevelAtion 22:2 God you work with time but you are never limited by time . Oh Lord I receive my favor and blessings for the month of August Lord I take delivery of all the blessings Lord. I take delivery of my business , my marital status , my finances , my peace of mind , the open doors Lord all the Favor . Father I take delivery of everything . August is my month of Testimonies Lord. The once in a life time offer Lord I receive delivery in IJN. Peace Joy abundance of your word Lord... Oh father I receive my breakthrough 1 peter 2: 9-10 Lord I receive the grace for distinction Lord. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my children to be comforted and have special graces to process in a healthy way the news they are about to be told that my dad has stage 4 cancer. Please pray that if God decides to heal my dad by taking him home that I at least won't have to go through this without a husband. Thank you for your prayers and loving thoughts."


10 years ago

"Direction "

"Father Lord, I humbly come before you first of all confessions my sins to you and asking for forgiveness . I am not working my hands are idle bless my business Lord looking to you I ask for an opening Lord. Father, in Jesus’ Name, I seek Your wisdom and trust You to direct me in seeking the path career wise that is best for me. I commit my Brand and my company GPP into your hands I will walk in mercy and truth and lean not unto my own understanding. Thank You for opening wide a door which no man can shut and for giving me favor. “It is my desire, Father, to be debt-free and owe no man anything except to love him, according to Your Word. I am willing to work with my own hands, so that I lack nothing. I praise You that it is Your will that I am self-sufficient financially and have an abundance to meet all of my needs, with enough left over to give generously to others. “I will not fret or have anxiety about anything, Father, for Your peace mounts guard over my heart and mind. Because You are my source, I have confidence, comfort and encouragement in Your provision. I thank You, Father, for supplying my need of employment according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Amen "


10 years ago

"Love Conquers All"

"Father God, I pray for someone who feels like they are a terrible mess...who feels like they blew it in a stupid, weak second. Please deliver them from anger, self pity, self loathing and give them relief from their intense sadness. God of comfort please console them with Your compassion and empathy. Remind them that even though they may feel disconnected from You that You are still there and NOTHING can separate them from Your love...nothing! Let it sink in that You DO understand how they feel and that You do have compassion for how they feel. You don't dismiss their anguish and You see the real cause of the pain in their heart. Remind them that You are not mad at them and nor do You belittle anyone. Show them that yes their reality is real and then Lord God please lovingly acknowledge their pain. Let them sense Your tears for them. Also help them to lovingly acknowledge their own them how to do this. Give them the courage to not run, quit or hide. That's not what they really want anyway, that is just how they feel. Help them to change their thoughts which will in turn change their feelings. Show them that the purpose of guilt is only to bring them to repent but beyond that it needs to be let go of. Show them that they have been set free and that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. And Lord, let them know that they haven't lost what they think they have lost because LOVE CONQUERS ALL... :)) "


10 years ago

"Funding For A Great Idea"

"Please pray that God gives me guidance on how my idea will be funded."


10 years ago

"Celebrities "

"I know it's probably not a popular thing to pray for but I think that all the celebrities need prayed for they might seem horrible but if you think about it it's only because the don't have Jesus to guide them and they're lost so please pray for all celebrities. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my friend and her son who suffers from serious mental illness and spiritual attacks. Pray that they will find healing, deliverance, relief and comfort. Pray that my friend and her sons will be filled with peace. Show them that I care about them and still pray for them daily. Send my love to them and wrap them in my hugs. Show them how much I appreciate their prayers. "


10 years ago


"Father God, there is someone praying for me to forgive them. Please reassure them that not only are they forgiven but they are LOVED. Remind them that there is nothing that can separate them from Your love either as long as they turn to You when they sin and ask for Your forgiveness. I pray that others will also forgive me if I have hurt them in any way. Please show me if there is someone I need to apologize to. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings even on accident."


10 years ago

"Praise The Lord"

"God I praise You for Your goodness and mercy towards me. You are my refuge and strength. You fill my heart with peace and blessed reassurance...thank You :) Ps 31:19-20, Ps 32:6-7, Ps 33:20-22, Ps 34:8."


10 years ago

"Life partner "

"I present before you God my father almighty my relationship with R.R ... Lord I ask that you speak into this relationship I ask that you bless and endorse it oh Lord... He has come at a time wen I wasn't looking As the days are early. Father Lord I pray for peace between us and I pray for truth and honesty. Father Lord make us Lord may he see me for who I am and not who the world says I am IJN. Father Lord May our feelings grow in pair with each other with mutual respect and understanding. Father Lord teach me to teach him about your love oh Lord . So we can grow according to your word . Father Lord I place this relationship in your forefront everyday lord I ask for divine intervention . Lord from the moment I set my eyes on him in my heart I had a feeling I know it came from a good place little did I know he wanted to be In touch with me too ...Father Lord your word says you will make avaibalable to be , you will not forsake me , you will bless me , you word promised me a husband and a family Lord I ask that you fulfil that promise Lord. I pray for this relationship Lord please take control . IJN amen "


10 years ago

"My Dad"

"Please pray God will make it clear to my parents which cancer doctor to choose for my dad. He has two very good options but pray for God's perfect will to become apparent. Thank you for your continued prayers for my family!"


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Kidney Stone Moving"

"After being in ER all day on July 22, and getting relief from the kidney stone, Jenny is being taken back to ER at this moment. The stone has her doubled over in pain, as it's on the move again. Requesting prayers to ease the pain and deal with the stone. The Lord knows best what to be done for Jenny. "


10 years ago


"Dear God, I know I might be just highly imaginative but if I'm not then I have good reason to be very concerned about Michael and I beg You to comfort him. I wish I could talk to him myself and comfort him but You aren't allowing that for what I can only trust are good reasons. So please Lord, show him Your truth about what happened to him. Show me if it is Your will that I could somehow get my testimony to him. I want him to know that there is complete healing in You Lord Jesus. Use me PLEASE to be a part of his healing and recovery. Please help him to get the help he needs. Show him that my heart is filled with compassion for him, that I love him and care about him. I wish I could hug him. Please send him a hug from me today. Show him that I am still confused and need his prayers but that I am trying to relax and just let life happen."


Kahoka, Missouri
10 years ago


"I'm asking for prayers for my husband. We have been struggling with money. My Husband has a job but has not been getting many hrs in this summer I know winter will be even worse. We have a 5 yr old son and a 2 yr old daughter. Please pray that a new job will become available for him soon. It would mean the world to our little family. Thank u lord for your strength."


10 years ago

"Good Night Father"

"Thank you lord for today. I love you! Thank you for everything today. Please guide me while I enroll my friends son in school. You know he needs to be there! I love you father!! "


10 years ago

"Need Prayer"

"I am with my friend Teresa but still feeling confused and like my brain isn't doing well. Please pray I will stop posting when I'm manic. Also please pray I won't end up in the hospital. Pray I will find somewhere safe to stay tonight because I don't feel safe here."


10 years ago


"In need of many prayers today. A family member was in a car accident yesterday. She could sure use many prayers. I pray that God wrap His loving arms around her. I also pray that God will touch her with his healing hands. I pray for strength and comfort for not only the family member but, for all of our family as well. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for me to have peace and clarity. Today I have been overwhelmed with confusion and unrest about what I am supposed to do. I'm so confused my brain hurts and my thoughts keep spinning. I am in unbearable PAIN from trying to give up my addiction and I'm scared because sin separates us from God and that is the last thing I need right now. I really just wanna cry and I'm scared/paranoid of so many things. I feel like a little bunny rabbit in a forest with a bunch of wolves masquerading as sheep. I call out to my shepherd but hear a thousand voices all telling me to do different things. I thought God was showing me to go to spiritual direction with a person that I have grown to feel safe with but then a spirit of procrastination has attacked me and made it feel impossible to act on my desire to get spiritual direction and at first I thought maybe it was God stopping me but now I don't know. Thank you so much for your prayers...I really NEED help. I feel a lot of pressure and that overwhelms me."


10 years ago

"God Is Good"

"Just wanted to let the ones who have been praying for my mom to know that her kidneys are now functioning normal.. Praise Jesus!!! Still need prayer for healing of her stroke and bleed on the brain.. I have faith that God will come through again!!"


10 years ago

"In Need Of A Full Time Job"

"I am in need of a full time job. One that is fulfilling and spiritually allows me to become closer to what God wants me to be. As a mother of three this is much need to financially help is. "


10 years ago

"My Intention "

"Please pray for me and my family. My family has undergone various challenges throughout the last several years and I'm learning to need God even more during these tough times. I'm currently partaking in a 9 day novena for various favors. Please pray with me that God will answer them for me and my family. Prayer is so powerful and I'm very grateful for all of your prayers. Thank you. "


10 years ago

"While I'm Waiting"

"Dear God, if You will please just deliver me from my impulsivity, lack of inhibition and risk taking ridiculousness (cycling related). I promise I will take meds if You will just provide me with one that You promise won't make me fat or damage my organs or keep me from having healthy kids. My poor guardian angel needs a vacation even more than I do. Also I will try to stop stressing out/not sleeping and be more ok with making mistakes as long as You promise I won't make any...JK :) "


San Angelo, Texas
10 years ago

"Prayers For My Marriage "

"In asking for prayers that god will repair my marriage. I am deployed to Afghanistan and my wife has fallen out of love with me as she says and is now asking that we talk about splitting. This is not what I want so I'm asking for god to save us from divorce and bring my family back together. Any prayers would be great that we come together while i am still here and when i get home stay together stronger than when I left for deployment Please and thank you in advance "


10 years ago


"Dear God, that was a tricky test :/ At first I hung my head and gave myself an F but then I looked back over my notes and saw some good statements like "This doesn't make sense to me but I'm not You God. I trust You. Please speak Your truth to me." I am also happy that I kept turning to You even though I felt like You were the one putting me in pain. I guess I also asked for You to put the love in my heart when I realized my deficiency. Maybe I should get a D or a C but then again the onslaught of heavy duty temptations that I didn't give into should maybe bump me up to a B, right? Lol, you can give me whatever grade You want but I want to shoot for what I consider an A+ next time. I'm sorry for not doing better, please forgive me. Very difficult to be human. Just help me to always remember that You allow circumstances for the sheer purpose of rewarding me in eternity. I know that a big part of the test is whether or not I will seek Your invisible face and I rocked that at least (and praise You for that) but I want to do more than just that. I want to love as You love, ouch, dare I say it and I want to trust Your love for me more. I have so little trust. Almost no trust for You or anyone. Please heal me of that. In so many ways I am so messed up but I know You are bigger than ALL of that. You are God...You are good and I LOVE YOU!"


10 years ago

"Still Need Prayer For My Mom"

"We are still in need of powerful prayer for my mom.. She needs healing of her stroke, brain bleed and kidney failing...please dear God put your healing arms around my mom and make her whole again!!! Please pray for my mom that she is healed right now!!! In the name of Jesus!!! Amen!!"


10 years ago


"Please continue to pray for a miracle healing for my dad. He has advanced stage sarcoma and the doctors haven't figured out how to treat it yet. Continue to pray he will accept the grace of baptism and for his salvation. Thank you and may God bless you!"


10 years ago


"Please pray for my friend Teresa to have peace in her mind, body and spirit. Pray she and her husband will quickly recover from having their home broken into. Pray the intruder will be put to a stop. Pray that Sam and Teresa's unborn child will be comforted and protected and that Teresa won't have any more contractions. Pray Sam and Teresa will begin to feel safe in their home again."


10 years ago


"Lord Jesus please help me to love as You love. I love You...feed me and I will feed Your sheep."


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"PTSD Episode"

"Attempted to attend a Veterans reunion in StL. Arrangements at hotel were in such disarray that the chaos of an ambush overcame me. Fight or flight kicked in. Rather than hurt feelings by fighting, I fled - left the event and drove over 100 miles before I could be coaxed to stop for the night. Now trying to settle back down and assuage my guilt for letting my fellow Veterans (and myself) down. Really need prayer for peace, understanding and forgiveness. "


10 years ago

"Open A New Door"

"Dear Lord.. Let it be your will my father. Please keep me in your ways.. Please let this praying family become closer in your love for us. Thank you soo much for the wonderful changes you have done in my life. lord I pray today for your healing hand in my relationship. Please help me find the way to bring my home back my God..Let it be you who connects our love my father. Thank you.. In Jesus Christ! Amen."


10 years ago


"Yes, God, I do remember my dream as a little girl. I wanted nothing more than to be a mother. And when I was five I wanted 7 kids. I do remember Lord. But I also remember what being a mother has been like for me. You're gonna have to heal me Lord. "


10 years ago

"God Sized Dream"

"God please remove anyone from my life who would try to prevent me from pursuing the dream that You put in my heart. Please make me a blessing to all those who are kind enough to help me on my journey. I thank You and praise You for You are the giver of good dreams and You can bring them to pass. I thank You for the joy and closeness to You that pursuing my dream gives me. Continue to open doors of opportunity for me and may nothing interfere with the doors You have already opened. Keep my mind at peace that my dreams are in Your hands. Help me to continue to forgive Jacob for putting me a whole year behind in my training. Your word says that You will repay us for what the enemy steels. I pray that in this year to come I will make 7 years worth of progress and still be able to make it to the olympics in 2016. "


10 years ago

"Broken Heart"

"Oh God my heart is crushed, aching, anguished within me and I NEED relief. Let it come from You. Please God. Lessen my pain today. Remove this cup of suffering from me. But not my will but Yours be done...amen."


10 years ago

"Dear God In Heaven"

"I pledge my love and my allegiance to You this day. I give you my life, my work, my heart and all those I care about. In turn, please give me the grace of obeying Your every direction to the fullest possible extent. Please give me the strength to be humble, the knowledge to know Your will, the wisdom to understand it and the grace to stay on the path that You have for me. Fill me with the joy of the Lord and the peace that passes all understanding. Increase in me the virtues of faith, hope and above all love...I love You Daddy! "


San Antonio, Texas
10 years ago

"Final exam Tomorrow "

"Me and other fellow student take our final tomorrow for nursing 202, many if us are discouraged and struggling. Please pray for comfort knowledge and wisdom "


10 years ago

"Good Night Father"

"Good night heavenly father. Thank you for the blessings you gave me today. I am tired now. Father, please send angels to wrap their loving arms around my family as we sleep. I love you Jesus. Amen"


10 years ago

"Thank You Jesus"

"God in the midst of my suffering I look to Your face with gratitude...thank you!!! "


10 years ago

"Jesus I Trust In You"

"Thank you Jesus for reminding me of Your presence within me. I'm not sure how that works but i love how it sounds, how it feels. YOUR spirit is in Me :)) I want You there because I love You. I invite You to have Your spirit in me. Don't ever leave me because I want You in me always. And when I die I will see You :)) I love the picture of Your face on the shroud. Please help me to find my prayer card. Lord can you please help with my mom's birthday today? Please bless her and make Your face shine upon her. She needs You so bad. Open her heart to Your love. I thank you that she liked the gifts I gave her and that You even used the scripture on her gift sack to bless that other lady. I love it when You do stuff like that Lord. You bless my heart :) God I need You so much too. I'm hurting beyond belief but I trust You in the depths of my being. I know You are there and You have a plan. God I miss Michael so much. I only got to see him for 4 1/2 hours. That wasn't long enough or at least it didn't feel long enough to me. It hurts so bad that he never called and now I asked for a sign and there wasn't one. Please tell me I'm not crazy. I will be happy to live my life however You choose for me Lord. But You know that for so long I have just really wanted someone to hug me. I love the hugs You give me but God if I have to be on this earth it would be nice if I could FEEL Your arms. I thank You for my son who gives me big hugs. What a blessing. I wish he were here. Please keep my kids safe and bless them with tons of fun at Disneyland. You are a good God. I will be patient and wait for what You have for me. In the meantime just know I more than just a little homesick for You. I love You Jesus...amen."


10 years ago

"Life Partner"

"Been praying for a Jesus loving life partner, full of grace and a heart for people. Praying for the Lord to direct my steps and lead me to where I am supposed to be that I will meet the special man that the Lord has prepared. amen "


10 years ago


"For the first time in nearly 6 months I prayed for a tangible sign that I should keep waiting for Michael. I have been in this exact scenario 3 times before and it always amounted to nothing more than my own imagination. I haven't received a tangible sign so I don't know what to make of that. Please pray God will comfort me and show me His truth. I still continue to pray for Michael and ask God to bless him as he is very dear to me and a beautiful person. Keep him in your prayers please. When we last spoke he was struggling with evil influences at his place of work. Pray that if necessary God will provide for him a new job and protect him from evil people, temptations and snares. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my dad to be healed. He went home too early, had several stressful events and his esophagus got blocked causing him tremendous pain. He is on very strong pain killers and will have to get a feeding tube. We still have no word on the nature or extent of the cancer but I pray he will be at peace and draw near to the Lord in his thoughts. Please pray that someone will baptize him and that he will have the grace to be open to that. Pray for his salvation. Thank you! "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my mom to be blessed today on her birthday. Pray she will have a good day in spite of the pain she must feel in her heart for my dad."


10 years ago


"Please my father, help me to tame the chaos in my head so I can manage the chaos and clutter in my home! Thank you father for blessing me with a beautiful day. Thank you father for the others who see my prayers as posted on this site, who pray for me and my requests. I ask this in your loving son, Jesus. I love you, father. Amen"


10 years ago


"I have been feeling the need to gain More knowledge in field. So I would like to pray for favour to be able to afford to her myself to Houston When I get to Houston anyone that will bring favour to me may they find me IJN . I will excel in my course with full concentration to work and absorb all the knowledge ."


10 years ago


"Jesus be with me today in my job interview, bless me and help me find favor with man. I'm thankful that you make away for us Lord, bless those that bless me with a job. I expect great pay and great hours. I claim my job even now, before the interview. Thank you Jesus. "


10 years ago


"The Lord opened his storehouses of love for me today. I am encouraged, uplifted and blessed with faith, hope and above all LOVE for my beloved. God answers prayers. Never forget that. Thank you SO much Jesus! You are the best!! You rock and I love you more everyday!!!"


10 years ago

"Still Need Prayer For My Mom"

"Please continue to pray for my mom and the healing she needs.. She's still suffering from the effects of the stroke and the bleed on her brain... Please pray that she gets into a facility in Bonners Ferry because it's close enough to my dad and not two hours away:) we need a Miracle so very badly.... We've all suffered so much and have had door after door shut in our faces.. Please pray for my family:) thank you and God Bless!!"


10 years ago

"Please Help "

"Hi my name is Kayla I need help someone please let me know if they can . I need help with some money I am having a hard time I am reaching out to everyone please "


10 years ago

"Spiritual Warfarw"

"Please pray that i will have protection from the enemy and his attacks and lies. I've been struggling with condemnation, feeling judged and rejected by my future spouse and even by God. My parents verbally attacked me yesterday and my friends phones didn't show that i was calling them so i couldn't get any support from them and then i was put in a potentially tempting situation without my Bible (or phone). Thankfully i didnt give in because i prayed for my gaurdian angel to protect me. I feel overwhelmed by my life's circumstances and like the enemy is having a hay day trying to kick me when i am down. My brain is out of balance which has triggered a relapse with my addiction which i long to be delivered from. Please pray that i will have freedom, healing, deliverance and protection. I also need hope."


10 years ago


"I pray that all strife will be bound from my family in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for unity and an increase in love, faith, hope and peace."


10 years ago


"Please pray for my mom to be filled with God's love for her. Pray she will find hope and peace in her faith. Pray that she will not take her anger/hatred out on me or my dad any longer but will get help to deal with her negative emotions/control issues in a healthy way."


10 years ago


"Please pray that I will be healed of Bipolar Disorder and that my brain and body will be in balance. Pray that God will give me discernment about whether or not i should take a prescription antidepressant and/or Lithium. Pray that this current depression/anxiety will lift by natural means if possible. "


10 years ago

"Pray Please "

"Pray please July 31st which is a couple days away . I go to trial after two long months of not having my son . The state took my son from me and i just want him home with me this is breaking me inside . Please pray July 31st their is hope to walk out hopefully with my son "


New York, New York
10 years ago


"For my son who is 3 and has a fever that doesn't want to go away .."


10 years ago


"Lord, I pray that You would strengthen my husband to resist any temptation that comes his way. Stamp it out of his mind before it ever reaches his heart or personal experience. Lead him not into temptation, but deliver him from evils such as adultery, pornography, alcohol and perversion. Remove temptation especially at work. Make him strong where he is weak. Help him to rise above anything that erects itself as a stronghold in his life. May he say, "I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; it shall not cling to me". Lord, You've said that "Whoever had no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls". I pray that my husband will not be broken down by the power of evil, but raised up by the power of God. Establish a wall of protection around him. Fill him with Your Spirit and flush out all that is not of you. Help him to take charge over his own spirit and have self-control to resist anything and anyone who becomes a lure. May he "abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good". I pray that he will be repulsed by tempting situations. Give him courage to reject them. Teach him to walk in the Spirit so he will not fulfill the lust of the flesh."


10 years ago


"Please pray that Michael will know that I still care about him. Pray he will feel it in his heart. Pray he will know that Steven is the reason I quit posting and pray he will be given understanding as to why I said what I said. If he misunderstood then please pray he will have the grace to forgive me. Lord I leave it in Your loving hands."


10 years ago


"Please heal Teresa's baby that is growing in her womb. Bless him even now to be a strong man of God and to bring many souls into Your kingdom. Keep him from the devil's snares and help Teresa to be a good mom. Comfort and bless her at the appointment on Tuesday. May the truth be revealed that all is well. Thank You Jesus! You are our king!! "


10 years ago


"Please comfort Susan and heal her dad's heart. Give them many more years of life together and please bless them with a house in CO. Thank you Lord Jesus!"


10 years ago


"Please pray that God will help me to heal in such a way that I can be in a relationship. Right now I struggle to even want that and I seem to sabotage everything that comes my way. "


10 years ago


"Please pray my husband makes it the next round of interviews this week...we really could use prayer for a job to become available soon.. Thank you in advance for praying.. It is such a blessing to me.. "


10 years ago

"Prayer For Coworker"

"Please pray for my coworker Tammy and her family. Her father passed away yesterday. Thank you!"


10 years ago


"God please fill Michael with your peace. Bless him and keep him, surround him with your love. Thank you Jesus!"


10 years ago

"Spiritual And Physical Healing"

"Please pray for my dad who has been diagnosed with cancer. Pray for his healing, comfort, peace, special graces and my intentions for him. He has a tumor in his esophagus and stomach."


10 years ago




10 years ago


"Lord please help me find my way I'm this time of need for your healing powers amen The doctor said I may have cervical cancer please heal me!"


Detroit, Michigan
10 years ago

"Job negotiations"

"Lord, I thank you for the blessing of this job offer. Please be with me as I prepare to negotiate and grant me favor in this process. In Jesus' name. -Amen"


10 years ago

"Court Hearing "

"Father,hallowed be your name,your kindom come.give us each day our daily bread.forgive our sins for we also forgive everyone who sins against us and lead us not into temptation. Please watch over me during my court hearing please make sure my lawyer is there and please fill the judges heart with love and widsom amen"


10 years ago

"Grow In The Ministry"

"I am asking for prayer intercession to grow more in the ministry of Jesus Christ and win souls for The Lord Eric"


10 years ago

"Praying For Someone To Purhase Our House"

"Father In Heaven we know you answer our prayers and meet our daily needs. I am so excited while I wait on You Lord to bless us with our sells Lord we have the home and our Sprinter to sell . I'm thankful for others standing with me In prayer as we see you bless this home and vehicle with a buyer. Help us to be fair in our dealing with the buyers so we can be a blessing to them and our realtor. Thank You Jesus for you provision. Amen"


10 years ago

"Phone Interview"

"My husband is having a phone interview right now.. If you have a moment please say a prayer.. "


10 years ago

"Needed Employment"

"Father, If your will, please grant me an employment opportunity. Something you know I'll be good at. Thank you Father and I love you."


10 years ago

"Our Nation"

"Please pray for peace in the ones who are evil toward the US. "


10 years ago

"Lead Us As We Pray "

"Father on Jesus name help me to pray for these that are on this sight. With faith I call out to you Lord for complete surrender unto You. I pray that each person will have complete surrender unto You and bless us with a forgiven heart to forgive those that have broken our hearts; so that we can be forgiven of our short coming's. Let us stand in faith holding each other up in prayer . Lead us to the place of love in You Jesus help us to see You and know your voice in our time of need. Help our feet to walking in the ways that lead to blessing and joy. I expect great things to take place bless now in Jesus name amen."


10 years ago

"Praying For Healing"

"Heavenly Father, bless my mom with healing in her body, give her strength in her senior years, bless her with loving and kind friends, bless her yet again with a husband. This is her request in prayer Lord, I agree in prayer that the desire of her heart is before your throne of grace, speedily send her the desires of her heart. Help her to be calm in spirit as she waits to have her prayers answered. Bless her in all her ways and guide her daily to the place of blessing in you Jesus. Heal her of all sadness and the infirmity that attack her body. I claim victory in Jesus name. The infirmity has to submit to Your Name Jesus that is above all names. Healing has to be present and working now in Jesus name. I'm thankful Jesus for your strips of healing and excited to know she is being healed even as I pray, Amen"


10 years ago

"Keeping My Eyes On Jesus"

"Holy Father thank you for yet another day. Bless me as I pray. Keep me before your face and forgive me my sins. Cleanse my lips to speak goodness and seal my mouth from negative words, open my eyes to see you before me leading the way, Bless my path as only you can do, I'm ever mindful that I'm nothing without you,. Help me be a blessing to all those you send my way. Bless me with Christian friends. Bless me with a family that is kind to me and forgive me for not having my whole heart dealing with a family that really could care less if I were alive Father forgive me for feeling that they don't care. We all have room to do better about really loving one another and including each other (forgive us for being selfish and one sided). "


10 years ago


"My body needs healing"


10 years ago

"Prayers For My Mom"

"Hello again:) please pray that my mom is able to get into a care facility to get the care she needs... She's suffered a stroke and has a bleed on her brain and was refused by the care facility for needing too much 24/7 care.. Now it seems things are changing so we might have a dad cannot do it on his own at home so I'm pleading for prayer that we get some good news tomorrow and she's able to get into the care facility:) we've had so many doors shut in our faces in the last few weeks.. We need some good news:) thank you and God Bless!!"


10 years ago

"Love My Life"

"Thank you, my Heavenly Father, for the life you have given me. I am humbled by the love you have for me. I honestly am trying to be the mother, wife to be, daughter and sister that you intend me to be. let me hold your hand just a little tighter right now. I am truly amazed at the relationship you and I have. Thank you for loving me. Amen"


10 years ago

"Family And Relationship Protection"

"Dear Lord, I pray that you give me the means to have a positive attitude. I pray that throughout situations I seem stressful that you wrap your loving arms around me and put my mind to ease. Help me understand that I am only human and can only go so far and that you will take care of the rest. Help my attitude stay positive so that my relationship is protected from bad energy and stays a successful relationship. Watch over our new life together and guard us from stressful events as much as possible and also arguments. Please help keep our home a peaceful, comfortable and fun home. In Jesus' name, Amen. "


East Coast
10 years ago


"Please pray with us for our finances. We are drowning in bills and now don't make enough to cover them much less everyday expenses "


10 years ago

"Calvary Missionary Baptist Church"

"For God to Continue To bless it More people saved Growth in the church Less drama Finances Missions Youth Sunday school Services Events"


East Coast
10 years ago

"Missions Trip"

"My Husband and I are $2,500 short of the funds we need for our Missions trip to Belize. Please agree with us in prayer for God to provide those funds. Thank You "


East Coast
10 years ago

"Steven Healing"

"My Husband Steven had surgery today on his bicep. Healing prayers requested "


10 years ago

"Inner Peace"

"Struggling with bad thoughts and holding on to things that have happened in the past. I need to learn how to let go, and forgive not only myself but to also forgive others. Amen"


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Kidney Stone Moving"

"Jenny has a kidney stone moving ever so slowly with great pain. Now at Baptist MC, but hasn't been seen yet. Pray that this situation may be brought to a swift conclusion with an easing of pain. "


Atlanta, Georgia
10 years ago

"Prayer For Strength And Guidance"

"Father, I come asking for your prayers, support and guidance in dealing with the challenges I encounter each and every day on my job. Father, I am in need of direction in making a decision concerning a legal action on my job. Please guide me in making the correct choices. Help me stand strong when the bullying and harassment start from supervisor and co-workers. Help me to stand strong in my faith and in truth in your armor of protection each day. God, with your loving Grace let me always show kindness, patients, understanding, and caring to everyone that you have to cross my path in life. Thank you, Heavenly Father for the love, grace, and protection you give me. "


10 years ago

"For Unsaved Family "

"I would really like prayer for my family, most of my family isn't saved including 2 of my grandparent, cousins, and an aunt so please pray for the and for me too thank you. "


10 years ago

"Needing Guidance"

"I'm struggling with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I know I can give it all to my Heavenly Father. I just need strength right now. Thank you Jesus for loving me. "


Little Rock, Arkansas
10 years ago

"For Good Housing"

"That Trey may be guided to living quarters which will be suitable for he, Nikki, and Whitley; and that it may be within their means to afford and acceptable for their credit status. The heart of man plans his way, but The Lord establishes his steps. Prov 16.9"


10 years ago

"Marty's Peace And Safety"

"Today Marty had a car accident. He seemed depressed, naturally. His car has to go into the shop for the second time this year. But he was not really himself. Who worried about him. My heart hurts for him. Dear God thank you for being with him through these troubling times. He has so much on his mind. With his mom dying. And people bullying him at work. Please help him get through the car situation. If he needs a lawyer please give that lawyer the wisdom and resources to at least reduce his charges. And thank you for keeping him safe. In Jesus name I pray this"


10 years ago

"Healing For My Mom"

"Please pray for my mom as she has recently suffered a few strokes and now has a bleed on her brain..there are no care facilities that will accept her right now and my dad cannot take care of her at home by himself... We are 900 miles away and it's difficult to help right now... We need a supernatural healing of her head and brain.. We need healing of our family on this difficult time..short on time, money and several other things are making it so bad:( please pray for all of us.. Pray very hard:) Thank you, Jen Seeber"


10 years ago

"Heart Break"

"I would like prays for a man that I care for deeply! He broke my heart 2 years ago and I have forgiven him! I pray that he comes to the find Jesus before he leaves this life! 🙏"


10 years ago


"Baptist missionary's spreading Gods word all over this country"


Livingston, Texas
10 years ago

"Unsaved Father"

"Lord, please help me to witness to my dad. I've cried so much about this! He's lost & u never promise us tomorrow! I just wish he would listen & understand how serious this is! Lord I Love you! And in Jesus' name I pray, Amen. "


Livingston, Texas
10 years ago

"My Family"

"My uncle is moving far away! & he was like a father to me! I'm really going to miss him. Just pray ta the will be safe & not do anything bad. Thanks!"


10 years ago

"My Husbands Walk"

"O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. Therefore Lord, I pray that you would direct my husbands steps. Lead him into Your light, teach him Your way, so he will walk in Your truth. I pray that he would have a deeper walk with You and ever progressing hunger for Your Word. May Your presence be like a delicacy he never ceases to crave. Lead him on Your path and make him quick to confess when he strays from it. Reveal to him any hidden sin that would hinder him from walking rightly before you. May he experience deep repentance when he doesn't live in obedience to Your laws. Create in him a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within him. Don't cast him away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from him. Lord, Your Word says that those who are in the flesh cannot please You. So I pray that You will enable my husband to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh and thereby keep himself "from the paths of the destroyer". As he walks in the Spirit, may he bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Keep him on the Highway of Holiness so that the way he walks will be integrated into every part of life."


10 years ago

"New Home"

"Help me pray for our new home being built and for the skilled workers that will be building this home. Pray for Gods favor in this build and that we will be blessed with the best of materials for our build and for safety during the build. We are praying to keep cost down. Thank you Jesus that our home will be fully paid . Amen"


10 years ago


"Please pray that me and catherine will not loose connection with each other and that we will stay in touch and that she will see in me what i see in her. She is everything i ever wanted in a girl! She is as much of a Jesus freak as i am and she is beautiful! Ive been denied by many girls beacuse of my devotion to Christ and now i finaly found a girl that loves Jesus also. Please pray me and Catherine come closer together pleasee!"


Houston, TX
10 years ago


"My daughter in law has been diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She has had her 3rd round if chemo. She went for testing before her 4th round and the test seems to show the tumors are getting larger. Believing for Complete healing from cancer of any kind; supernatural healing .. She will be a testimony of The Lord's power. "


10 years ago


"Lord, I pray for open physical affection between my husband and me. Enable each of us to lay aside self-consciousness or apathy and be effusive in our display of love. Help us to demonstrate how much we care for and value each other. Remind us throughout each day to affectionately touch one another in some way. Help us to not be cold, undemonstrative, uninterested or romote. Enable us to be warm, tender, compassionate, loving and adoring. Break through any hardheadedness on our part that refuses to change and grow. If one if us is less affectionate to the others detriment, bring us into balance. Where any lack of affection has planted a negative view of marriage in our children, or taught them an incorrect way of relating to a marriage partner, help us to model the right way so that they can observe it. Show us how to openly confess our errors to them and demonstrate our commitment to live differently. Change our habits of indifference or busyness. May we not so take each other for granted that we don't make the effort to reach out and touch one another with affection. Help us not to weaken the marriage through neglect of this vital means of communication. I pray that we always"greet one another with a kiss of love". I know that only the transforming power of the Holy Spirit can make changes that last. I trust You to transform us and make us the husband and wife You called s to be."


10 years ago


"Lord, I pray for my husband to have good, godly male friends with whom he can openly share his heart. May they be trustworthy men of wisdom who will speak truth into his life and not just say what he wants to hear. Give him the discernment to separate himself from anyone who will not be a good influence. Show him the importance of godly friendships and help me encourage him to sustain them. Give us believing married couples with whom we can feel comfortable sharing our lives. I pray for strong, peaceful relationships with each of his family members, neighbors, acquaintances and coworkers. Today I specially pray for his relationship with daughter, son and myself. Inspire open communication and mutual acceptance between them. Let there be reconciliation where there has been estrangement. Work peace into anything that needs to worked out. Enable him to be a forgiving person and not carry grudges or hold things in his heart against others. Lord, You've said in Your word that "he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes". I pray that my husband would never be blinded by the darkness of unforgiveness, but continually walk in the light of forgiveness. May he not judge or show contempt for anyone but remember that "we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ". Enable him to love his enemies, bless those who hate him, and pray for those who spitefully use him and persecute him. I pray that I will be counted as his best friend and that our friendship with one another will continue to grow. Show him what it means to be a true friend and enable him to be one."


10 years ago


"My heart is broken and slowly being healed I was betrayed and humiliated by someone I deeply loved please keep me in your prayers to get healthy again, peace of mind and a mended heart."


Plant City, Florida
10 years ago

"Thyroid Test"

"I am going to the doctor today to have my thyroid checked. I know I have some thyroid issues but he tests deeper to find out what exactly is wrong and creates a plan to let you know how to correct it. I will have to have blood drawn later this week and I have a very big fear of needles. Please pray for wisdom for the doctor to figure out what's going on and for peace for me during the blood draw. "


10 years ago


"I've been praying for a path. My path. Not sure where I'm suppose to go. But I've saw a post on fb numerous times. And today I reached out to a rep. I will be meeting with them this week to discuss the opportunity. A opportunity to help other reach goals and become healthy and successful in their future! I always strive to help others. Please pray this is my path! My family and I need this perfect opportunity to work for us! Thank you God for everything you've given us. At times it's so hard to focus on the good. Our health, out home, our love for one another, food and laughter. I think this opportunity will get me out of this rut depression I've been feeling! Please pray with me! Amen! "


10 years ago


"Lord, I pray that you will give my husband an added measure of faith today. Enlarge his ability to believe in you, your word and your power. Put a longing in his heart to hear your voice. Give him an understanding of what it means to bask in Your presence and not just ask for things. May he seek you, be lead by you, and put you first. Make his faith a shield of protection. Put into action to move the mountains in his life. Help him to understand that your plans for him are for good and not evil, to give him a future and hope. I pray that our commitment to You and to each other will grow stronger every day. Show me where there is sin in my heart, especially with regard to my husband. I confess the times I've been unloving, critical, angry, resentful, disrespectful and unforgiving toward him. Help me to put aside any hurt, anger, or disappointment I feel and forgive him the way you do totally and completely, no looking back! Make me a tool of reconciliation, peace and healing in this marriage. Rescue us from the threshold of separation where the realities of divorce begin. I lay all my expectations at Your cross. I release my husband and my marriage to you Lord. I leave any changing that needs to be done in Your hands. In Jesus name, Amen!"


10 years ago


"Please I pray that I get this new position the I recently interviewed for Lord. Amen! "


10 years ago

"Coworkers Father, Friend's Mother And Fiance And My Boyfriend"

"Please pray for my coworker. Her father is dying and doesn't have long to live. Please pray for my friend' smother. She is depressed and will not get counseling and is driving her family away. Please pray for my boyfriend that we will continue having a healthy relationship and be married and he will have faith. Thank you for your prayers."


Weaver, Alabama
10 years ago

"Fertility and Blessings"

"My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a year with no luck. He had a surgery to help with fertility a year ago. Please pray that he will be completely restored and we will be able to add to our family. "


10 years ago

"Lost "

"I feel lost. Lost on who I am and who I was. Staying at home taking care of the kids and grandma is so hard. (Don't get me wrong I love them with everything I am) but Everyday is the same. I'm so lost on who I am suppose to be. I have no help. I'm by myself. A college degree wasted sitting in a safe. And I'm miserable at home. I ask god to guide me, help me accept why I'm on this path. Help me enjoy it more. I don't want to feel lost, sad, alone and depressed "


10 years ago

"Prayer For My Marriage"

"I have been married for 11 years and we have had our ups and downs. I had drifted away from The Lord over the past few years and have now renewed my faith in Him. My husband and I started having problems a little over a year ago, he has not had a Christian back ground. I have been praying that he can find The Lord. I have asked him to pray together and he won't. He told me today he has some soul searching to do. I pray that he will not reject Jesus, and we can start to rebuild our relationship together with God. I pray to cleanse our hearts from all evil thoughts and doing. I know The Lord is the ONLY one who can save him. I pray that we can reconcile our love and that The Lord will bless our marriage. I'm thankful for my life and family. I'm thankful and blessed with what The Lord has done for me on my life. I thank you in advance for any prayers."


Fayetteville, Arkansas
10 years ago

"Strength "

"I've been away from my family for an internship for 7 weeks now. Homesickness is taking the happiness out of my days. I pray for the strength to get through the remaining 3 weeks of being here. I also pray for LP and I's relationship, that it be blessed with Gods will during our time apart. Give me the happiness to be the young woman I once was, so that my relationships may not be severed. "


10 years ago

"Scoliosis/ Diease "

"I had scoliosis since I was 10years old it's gotten really bad and has been hurting me physically and mentally. I have back pain and it's really hard for me to get things. I have went to my doctor and he has just received my films of my back my scoliosis is mid 40degress and is going to continue to grow. I'm going to get a brace but I really don't know when that's gonna be and I'm just hoping everything works out for me. I'm going into the 7thgrade meaning new friends and me starting my life as a different person with a brace I can't really do anything these days and I'm just worried because pray for me I hope everything works out I've been praying to Jesus that I will get my brace to stop my spine from deforming. Thank you have a nice day :)"


10 years ago

"Please Pray For Me"

"I sadly have not been making the best decisions lately and I feel worried. I have gotta into social media and it has ruined my life I delete my account but I'm just worried on what the future has to offer for me"


10 years ago

"Prayer For The British Consulate To Grant Me a Visa"

"I'm Applying for my uk visa on Monday I need God's favour On me! He knows How much I need This visa to start A new life! Help me in prayers For God's favour upon me! "


10 years ago

"Thankful Yet Again"

"Thank you Lord for yet again, another beautiful day full of possibilities. I am sure there will be struggles but through my faith I know that you stand by my side through it all. I am not afraid of anything that comes my way because I have you, Lord. I pray today for you to watch over anyone who is feeling sad, lonely, neglected, abused, grief, starving and struggling to survive. I ask that you also watch over anyone who has addiction of any kind and/or is losing faith in you and help them find the path to you. Please continue to bless my family, my children, everyone I love. Keep my energy positive and strong and faithful to you. In Jesus' name, Amen. "


10 years ago

"Need Prayers Babies Health "

"My unborn twin boys needs all the prayers we can get and gods love and blessing to heal my grandsons lord help my unborn twins and bless them everyday keep them strong and healthy I need u now more then u can imagine god bless them amen "


10 years ago


"Lord I lift the Leon family to you Lord as they are dealing with their Mom going on hospice. Lord I pray that they know you are there for them and Lord I pray you will keep her comfortable."


10 years ago

"I Need Prayer"

"I would like prayer for my boyfriend and I. We are really going through it. I love him and he don't understand that. I want nothing but the best for us. It's stressful and I just don't want to argue that much. Help us to put God first and us follow him. Also pray for my family as we'll. And school and work. I need as much prayer as possible. "


10 years ago

"Boyfriend And Coworker"

"Please pray for mine and Philip's relationship that we will continue to have a loving and faithful relationship. Please pray that we will be married. Please pray for Tammy and her family as her father doesn't have long to live. Amen."


10 years ago

"Faith Would Be Free Of Fear"

"Tired of worrying. Need a faith that overcomes fear and doubt. Want to manage and be a witness to fruitful love and grace. "


10 years ago

"Thankful "

"Dear God, I'm praying today to only thank you for your blessings. Thank yu for my beautiful children. Thank you for our safety on our journey across the country. Thank you for my job offer and apartment. Thank you for loving friends and family back home who keep in touch so I don't feel homesick. Thank you for our health. And thank you for an amazing guy in my life who has continuous love and patience with me and my children. There are so many blessings that I just can't keep up. Even the stressful situations seem very small compared to all that you have given me that is good. I give you all the credit. Thank you once again, in Jesus' name...Amen. "


Detroit, Michigan
10 years ago

"My New Life Is About To Start"

"3 more weeks it's my wedding day, I'm kinda nervous about the marriage life, I don't know how it's gonna be but I ask god to be with us my fiancé & I without him we're nothing, I ask my lord to built our life on the rock to walk with him in every step we go through in our life, I believe in god that he has a plan for both of us to worship to live for him and to glorify his holy name, pray for us.. "


Plant City, Florida
10 years ago

"Diet & Exercise"

"I have been trying to get healthy for years now - weight has been a constant struggle my whole life. I did really well from 15-18, but after getting a job and moving out of my parents house, I let myself slip back into unhealthy habits. I have been out of school for 10 years now and haven't been able to get my optimal health back. I pray for strength when it comes to my food choices. I pray for the desire to exercise. I pray that I would not yield to the temptations that come every day in the form of gluttony and laziness. "


Plant City, Florida
10 years ago

"Have A Baby"

"My husband and I have wanted a baby for many years. We have been trying since October 2011 without success so far. We have been praying and know that God has a plan for us. Everything is in His timing! We continue to pray for a precious blessing. We want to raise a baby that will grow up to do great things for Jesus! "


City of Bradford
10 years ago

"My Relationship "

"Thank you lord that I met a person who loves me. Please help me to trust despite all the hurts from my past."


City of Bradford
10 years ago

"Pay Loan "

"I need to still pay back loan and give money to my friend but I lost my job after 3 months. "


City of Bradford
10 years ago

"Gods Plan"

"I have just lost job in a very strange way. I am in the moment when I want to focus on finding real Gods way in life to follow. I ask God to show me what to do in life not only work wise which is also important. I have little daughter and I need to support her financially too. I believe God will provide all what we need."


10 years ago

"Ability To Withstand Perceived Rejection"

"Please God, help me to be comforted in that I am a beautiful, kind, successful person that will very soon experience a renaissance in all types of relationships where they will see just how awesome and wonderful I am and will want me in their lives because I add and am a positive person. Help me also to be strong and need no one."


10 years ago

"Significant Other And Romance"

"Please God, help me to be desire able to many potential SO's. Help the best and most loving relationship to manifest in my life."


10 years ago


"Please God, help me to get my friends back and make new ones. I am so hurt!! It seems all I get in life is rejection! Please help me to get friends and to keep them. "


10 years ago


"I pray against any demonic activity that may be trying to hold me back from doing the will of The Lord. All distractions must go. I pray against witchcraft, and any generational curses. I renounce the devil in the name of Jesus and I speak freedom in the atmosphere. For God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I am free in the name of Jesus! Amen."


10 years ago

"Prayer For Boyfriend"

"Please pray for Philip and me. We are trying to work things out. I love this man dearly and pray that we will get through this tough time and be married. Please pray that Philip will continue seeing the good in our relationship and me. Please pray that he will resist temptation and not see other women and these women will leave him alone. Please pray that he will have faith and let go of his fears and see his own faults. Please pray that he will be humbled and we will have a healthy and godly relationship and be married. Amen."


10 years ago

"For Signs & Guidance From God Today"

"If there is anything that I can do regarding my love life, as far as knowing where to look or what to do and how I can expect to meet a wonderful man who becomes my boyfriend very quickly, please pray that God shows me the way, gives me clear and strong signs, and steers me away from any avenues or efforts that will NOT bring me the man who is part of God's plan for my future and happiness and who was made to be with me. "


10 years ago

"For Encouragement, Patience, Strength & Hope In My Love Life "

"I am extremely discouraged and quite lonely regarding my love life right now. I DO know it is a blessing that my past relationships did not work out, and I DO want to be with the man who is part of God's plan for my future and happiness. I am hoping and TRYING to believe that God has a wonderful, happy future and love life in store for me, including a beautiful, strong marriage and beautiful, healthy children. I pray that my loneliness goes away, that I become much more patient, and that I truly love and respect myself, and do not fill this lonely time with anyone who is not right for me. "


10 years ago

"Your Always On Time"

"You are truly amazing to me god. Even when I start to feel weak and like I need to be strengthen you show me lord that there is a god. Thank you so much for blessing us this morning that is exactly what I needed I truly felt like I was about to crash lord. I didn't know what direction I was going in anymore I was lost and weak. You made my whole family smile including devonte. Thank you for answering my family's prayers and continue to walk with us on our tough journey lord"


10 years ago


"Lord I pray for wisdom and discernment. Healing and deliverance. In your name I pray. Amen. "


San Diego, California
10 years ago

" Gets A Job"

"Father I pray in Jesus name that N.R gets hired at A job, with good pay and Monday-Friday 8-5 hours. And she can finally get her life back on track from working night shift.That she blessed going in and going out and that what ever she puts her hands to, be blessed. Put a hedge of your protection around her and her children. I thank you for your sovereign Mercy in Jesus name I pray. Thank you Jesus!"


10 years ago

"Day 1"

"Lord, I pray that you continue to lead me and guide me in the right direction. I pray for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding while reading your word and in general. I rebuke any and all attacks of the enemy. I come against witchcraft and all generational curses. I shall live and not die. Renew me, purify my heart, make me white as snow. I just want to be like YOU God. I pray that your perfect will be done in my life and not my permissive will. I don't want to miss plan A. I'm trusting you God to go exceedingly abundantly above all that I may ask or think. Help me in any areas that I lack faith in. Lord help my unbelief and increase my faith. Revive my spirit man. Increase in my finances and my spiritual life. I pray that you make me holy and acceptable in your sight. Make me the head and not the tail above and not beneath. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen."


10 years ago

"Job for Hubby"

"Lord, I come to you in prayer asking for guidance for my husband as he is seeking employment. Please guide him to the path that you see fit for him. Please give him comfort during this difficult time of unemployment and help him to understand his worth to our family. Amen"


Morro Bay, California
10 years ago

"Prayer For My Drug Addicted Boyfriend"

"Please pray for healing and for The Lord to break all strong holds on my boyfriend Vinnie especially the drugs!"


10 years ago


"I enjoy many friendships with a wide variety of people. I am reunited with friendships that faded away, I am always making new friends and I keep my friendships. I learn from my past mistakes."


10 years ago

"Romantic Relationship"

"The perfect man for me is working his way to me."


10 years ago

"Mysterious Illness"

"I feel healthy and full of energy. My body has gotten rid of the toxins that were there from consumption of wrong foods and substances."


10 years ago

"Personal Wealth"

"My wealth and security grow every day! I am able to live well!"


10 years ago


"That he is happy and healthy and not abused by my ex and that family."


10 years ago

"Endometriosis And Financial Support"

"Dear Jesus, I am worried about the cost of my acupuncture treatment. I'm worried I won't have enough money to cover the treatment seeing as David wants to see me everyday for two-3 months. Lord I pray for clear guidance from you on what I should do. I'm also worried about university and passing my courses with working 3x a week and acupuncture 3 times a week. That doesn't leave me with a lot of time to study. I'm worried I might have to take a semester off to work so that I can get acupuncture treatment. Lord I need your guidance on what to do, You accepted me into the program and I I know my health is more important than school. Jesus let me know what path you want me to go on for healing. I need your guidance. Please lord have Mercy on me! Forgive me for my sins and shortcomings. Amen"


Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
10 years ago

"Happiness Amongst Worldly People "

"Dear God I pray for you to help me build a stronger relationship with you. I pray that I look to you not only in times of distress, but through small situations that happen daily. Thank you for finding me. I want you to take me where my trust is without boarders so my faith can be made stronger. I pray that people will start turning to you more, and remove themselves from their worldly, egotistical environment. Most of all lord because I have values and morals compared to most of youth please help me find happiness amongst my worldly friends again. Help me see them better, and not be so sad and disappointed in who they are and what they do. Lord I pray you take my habit of judging them away for you only have that power. I live to let you shine, and I seek your love always. "


10 years ago


"I'm struggling with my commitment to you lord , and I don't understand why but I know you can work miracles god ...please help me father "


10 years ago


"Dear god, as we join together today let's hope we have a wonderful Fourth of July in your presence."


10 years ago

"Nightly Prayer"

"God thank you for everything you have done for me in my family. I know the last few months have been extremely hard and we have lost more than gained. But I am still thankful for everything that I do have.. Thank you for blessing me to still be here raising my daughter. My family is healthy god thank you for that. The shelter you have provided us with. I am forever grateful and I want you to know every moment... Thank you lord "


10 years ago

"Prayer For Coworker"

"Please pray for Tammy. She just found out today that her father has about 12 weeks to live. Pray that her and her family will have the strength and faith they need to get through this. Please pray that her father be healed and not suffer. Thank you."


10 years ago

"Healing From Endometriosis And The Endometriomas"

"Lord I pray for perfect healing of my body. That the endometriosis disappear and I don't get pelvic pain anymore. I pray that You cure my disease lord entirely and completely. Your will be done! Amen"


10 years ago

"For My Friend"

"Heavenly Father I pray over my friend, for him to find the wisdom and the love he needs to get thru his situation. I pray for him to find the solution that is best for him and to find comfort in his answer. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen "


Northampton, Pennsylvania
10 years ago

"Financial Stress Relief"

"Please Lord, let me somehow be able to keep my house so my children do not have to go through anymore stress. The divorce was hard, please bring peace to our lives. Amen"


10 years ago

"Praying For A Change In Children"

"I pray that my children can stop whining, bickering and complaining about the home assignment and behaving behaving foolishly. Change them Lord. Let them be filled with Your Holy Spirit in whatever they do and wherever they go. Proverbs 13:4 "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." I pray for a change in my children and they will be diligent in whatever they do . "


10 years ago

"Rude People"

"Lord I pray for people who come into restaurants and are rude and complain about everything, having no regard for the workers/servers or the wages they make. I pray that one day they see the inconsideration they have and that they make a conscious effort to change their "better than you" attitude. I pray for these people and I pray for the servers who have to wait on them. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. "


10 years ago

"Pray For Philip"

"Philip and I have broken up due to his lies and temptations. Please pray that he will come to know God and be humbled and realize what he has done. Please pray that Philip will see the good in me and our relationship and be more understanding. Please pray that he will contact me back and stop ignoring me and what's happened. Thank you for your prayer."


10 years ago

"Prayer For Ex"

"Please pray for Philip, my ex boyfriend. Please pray that he will see his own faults and stop blaming others for his actions. Please pray that Philip will be humbled by what has happened and resist temptation. Please pray that he will come to know God and have faith. Please pray that Philip will stop being selfish and think of others feeling and be more understanding of our situation. Thank you for your prayer."


10 years ago

"Be Your Own Person In Christ"

"Don't let other's problems become your problems; nor let other's misery become your misery. You have been given a spirit of joy, love, and peace. Therefore, start being the free individual that God has called you to be. Happiness doesn't only exist in Heaven; yet we have the choice through Jesus to keep it here on earth. God bless you, I love you, but God loves you more! ❤️"


10 years ago

"Be Your Own Person In Christ"

"Don't let other's problems become your problems; nor let other's misery become your misery. You have been given a spirit of joy, love, and peace. Therefore, start being the free individual that God has called you to be. Happiness doesn't only exist in Heaven; yet we have the choice through Jesus to keep it here on earth. God bless you, I love you, but God loves you more! ❤️"


10 years ago

"My Angel 😇💋"

"Lord my savior please watch over my daughter Premiere Nichole. Helps me to become a better mother and continue to do a great job raising her. I ask that you help her develop into a beautiful smart successful young lady. And always know that everything I do is for her❤️. Please place love in her heart always. And help to full any emptiness she may fell while her father is away. Watch over her every night lord and protect my baby from any harm. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"


10 years ago

"Ny Brothers "

"God please watch over my two younger brothers Devonte and Brandon. I pray for there return home. I know that everyone makes mistakes and I cannot change what has taken place. But lord you know my brothers are innocent in there hearts. Please bring them home to us God. Amen"


10 years ago

"Wings Of An Angel"

"Dear lord, I ask for your healing hands upon my friends family. They just lost there younger brother/son this morning and I wish for you is to just reach down and enclose them in your precious arms. Amen ❤️"


10 years ago

"Prayer For Exboyfriend"

"Please pray for my ex boyfriend, Philip. Please pray that he will come to know God and have faith. Please pray that he will see what he did to me was wrong. Please pray that Philip will be understanding and will see his own faults. Please pray that he will see these things and will want to reconcile so we can have a healthy relationship. Thank you for your prayers."


10 years ago


"My former fiancée and I are meeting this week to talk about us. I ask that to please lift us up in hopes we reconcile. If it is God holy will. Please lift up Robert and I "


10 years ago


"Please raise Robert and I up. He is my former fiancée and we are meeting this week to talk about is. If it is God holy will "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my meeting with my ex fiancée. If it is God will that we work through our problems and reconcile. "


Germantown, Ohio
10 years ago


"Lord God Almighty, I pray today that your truth be known throughout the world. You sent your beloved son to suffer and die in our place. That we may obtain eternal life through Your Son Jesus Christ. There is no greater Love anywhere. Yours is the greatest free gift ever. The third day Jesus over came death, He arose and lives. He's the same today,yesterday and tomorrow. Forsake the world and trust in Jesus. Put Jesus first , be prepared to be blessed. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen. "


10 years ago

"My Brothers"

"God please watch over my two younger brothers Devonte and Brandon. I pray for there return home. I know that everyone makes mistakes and I cannot change what has taken place. But lord you know my brothers are innocent in there hearts. Please bring them home to us God. Amen"


10 years ago

"The Big Move"

"Lord, I pray to you tonight in worries for my upcoming big move. I am moving across country next week, and I pray for safe travels and good health for my children and myself and all that travel with me. I pray that this week, my last week at work, that I am able to pick up enough shifts and make the intended goal so that once I reach my destination I will have enough money to sustain my bills until I start working. I pray that everything goes smoothly and if will be a wonderful experience. In Jesus' name, amen. "


Lautoka, Fiji
10 years ago


"Please pray for Lord to heal my heart which had been played with by someone deeply!!! Oh lord u r merciful father and i know u will heal me father!! I put my faith in you that you will help me get over this tragic moment in my life!!! I say dis prayer in the name of christ our lord, Amen!!!"


Lautoka, Fiji
10 years ago


"Please pray for Lord to heal my heart which had been played with by someone deeply!!! Oh lord u r merciful father and i know u will heal me father!! I put my faith in you that you will help me get over this tragic moment in my life!!! I say dis prayer in the name of christ our lord, Amen!!!"


10 years ago

"Army Strong"

"Sending prayers to my uncle who is over seas...miss you so much & thank you <3 "


10 years ago

"Mrs Wright"

"Please pray for her daughter. They found a brain mass."


tobyhanna, PA
10 years ago

"To Find God"

"I pray I start see God in everything and find Him then truly know him. I that God opens my spiritual eyes and ears. I also ask for a change in jobs something with some satisfaction and but until then help me to be content and joyful with the peace that God can only bring."


10 years ago

"Thankful And Hopeful"

"In the past 24 hours I have realized the power of prayer and understood more than ever that every soul needs God and Jesus by their side. There is still so far to go, yet so much has happened in just one day that gives me hope for a better future now for myself and the ones I have been worried about. I owe all this to God and the power of prayer. I am thankful for everyone here who has taken only a few seconds to pray for me and my family situation. There seems to be a way out of this hard experience now. Everything seems to be falling into place and I feel so much lighter being lifted by all of these positive thoughts, prayers and God himself. I ask that if you have a moment to continue to pray for us and help my children's father find peace and happiness some day soon so that he can be the father I know he is meant to be to my beautiful children. All the prayers for him and everything else mean the entire world to me because I am starting to see change. I pray for all of you tonight as well as your families and loved ones and the many other people in the world who need prayer in their lives. I feel it is only right to leave on a positive note before the start of a new day thanks to God. In Jesus' name, Amen. "


Los Angeles
10 years ago

"David And Daniel"

"Please help me pray for my sons that they will draw near to God and love His Word. He has a plan and purpose for them and they need to listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction. They both also need to be focused on their studies."


10 years ago


"Dear Lord, I pray this morning to thank you. Thanking you for allowing me to wake and allow my children to wake and see another beautiful day. I'm thanking you for the wonderful blessings I have been given despite any struggles that cross my path. Sometimes it is hard to see the blessings when you're having a bad day, but this morning I see them and I thank you for that. I pray that you keep my thinking positive and my mood patient because I know you have great plans for me and the people I care about. I pray that everyone can see how blessed they are as I see it this morning and walk worry free for once because we all have you by our side, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen."


10 years ago

"Healing for Kevin Cotrell"



10 years ago

"Prayer For My Children's Father"

"Dear Lord, I pray that you help my children's father find strength within himself to become a positive thinker. He has had some rough times this past year Lord. He has lost a lot of trust and friends and even a home and multiple jobs. Lord, he has demons within him and these demons lead him to drug use. He has struggled with this for so long. He has no reasoning within himself and therefore there is no one who can reason with him. Lord, he has struggled with depression and bipolar disorder as well as schizophrenia for a very long time and everything is coming to a head and I fear for his life now. I pray to you to lift him up and help him through this tough time and show him the way back to a life that he can bear. I lift all his worries and sadness to you and pray so deeply for him it hurts. I pray that I never have to face my children and tell them they will never hear their fathers voice again. Please Lord, if it's in Your will, I pray that his life turns around soon and that he may once again be the man I met when I was a young girl: full of life and strength. I pray that others will pray for him too. Amen"


10 years ago

"Praying For My Childrens Father"



Huntsville, Texas
10 years ago

"Ethan's Healing"

"Dear Jesus please by with my nephew Ethan and give him the strength to board the plane tomorrow for what may be his last chance at rehab for his drug addiction. Please wrap him in compassion and forgiveness and give him hope. Please extend your hand and lift him from this pit of despair. Please also be with my sister, his mother, to have strength and faith to get through this heartbreaking time. She has had years of misery because of his illness and she is nearly spent. Please help them both dear God with your mercy and grace. I ask all this in the name of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen"


Norfolk, Virginia
10 years ago


"That her bypass surgery goes well, and that her son gives his heart to Jesus"


10 years ago


"Lord I pray to have more confidence in myself and to have more love for myself. I know that this is the first step that I have to take in being able to love another person. Amen!"


10 years ago


"Please Lord help my spouse and me get along. I know I am doing things that are pushing him away. I need to know how to bring our relationship back to the days when we were dating and the first years of marriage. Our love is not shining through to each other. Open his heart to me and let our love shine through. Also help him deal with the issues and crisis that he saw and lived through in his deployments. If he is suffering from PTS ease his pain. I ask this through Christ our Lord Amen"


10 years ago


"I am in need of prayer to get myself back on track and in tuned with God and all that He has planned and ready for my life. I have been making minor choices recently that have pulled me further and further away from God and I know there's no point to life without having Him as the center but sometimes it's easier said then done. "


10 years ago

"Husbands Health"

"My husband has been battling a bad heart condition since December & his heart is very weak. He's in the hospital for the 7th time. Has bad pneumonia again. Tomorrow they start a new medicine because he cannot breath good. This is also to strengthen his heart. Please pray for him. Amen"


10 years ago

"Headaches and feeling drained"

"Please Lord cure me of these headaches and feeling drained all the time. In Jesus name I pray, amen. "


Nashville, TN
10 years ago

"Suicide "

"I don't know what's wrong, but these suicidal thoughts are getting to the best of me. I know God is right beside me but I feel so alone. I cry myself to sleep and I just want to feel better. I feel like the earth will be better if I'm gone. I really need your prayers. Thanks you"


Nashville, TN
10 years ago


"I am having a hard time finding the right Christian friends. I have friends but none that help my relationship with God. My friends pressure me into things I know are wrong. Also I don't know how to stop being with these people without being mean. I've been praying about it for a long time and need your help! Thank you!"


10 years ago

"Prayers For Passing The Praxis"

"Please give me the strength and the peace of mind to pass the Praxis. I need to pass this test to keep my job. I love me job. I put my life in Gods hands. Amen!!"


10 years ago


"Peaceful goodbye"


10 years ago

"Needing A Full Time Job"

"I really need a full time job! Time after time I put in applications and get offers for part time. I have a part time but need a full time. If you could spare a few mins of your time I asked that you pray for me to have God lead me to a fulfilling job to give me spiritual growth and a place that makes me love my job. God bless you!"


10 years ago

"Direction "

"Asking for prayer for god to make it very clear for me on what I should do with my relationship. I'm praying for his wisdom and discernment. "


10 years ago

"Light In The Darkness!!!"

"Lord God often I'm afraid in the dark challenging times in my life when I can't see my way! I am thankful for my faith in you an your light you shine on me in my darkest moments. The enemy don't stand a chance for you save me every time. No matter what happens I will be confident in my faith an love for you always!!!"


Los Angeles
10 years ago

"Place Of Worship"

"My wife and I are taking a step of faith. We need a place to worship and hold a weekly Bible study/fellowship meeting in LA. Pls keep us in ur thoughts and prayers that we could find a good one that doesn't cost much. Thank you."


Los Angeles
10 years ago

"God's Call To Ministry"

"It's been awhile since I've been a pastor but the burden is still here in my heart to get back to ministry. Pls pray that God would lead me to a church that needs a pastor here in LA. Thank you."


Los Angeles
10 years ago

"A Place To Worship"

"We're looking for a place to hold worship and fellowship in LA. Pls keep us in ur thoughts and prayers as this would be a step of faith to get back into God's ministry. Thank you."


New Hampshire
10 years ago

"strength "

"God please help me maintain my own emotional strength and curb all this disconnect from the stress and anxiety so that I can be there and present for my mom in her final moments of life. Please help me to be strong and step outside myself to really truly be there for her and accept that it is her time to go home to you. "


Ingersoll, Ontario
10 years ago

"Prayers For "non"- Believers"

""You spirit blinding the eyes of _____________, you stop what you are doing to keep him/her out of the kingdom of God. In Jesus' Name, you stop now!" "Lord, send someone to ______________, with the Word of God. You know who he/she will listen to. We claim ___________ for the kingdom of God. We believe we receive his/her salvation and deliverance. In faith we praise You for it." And the scripture reading with it is: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 "


orange county
10 years ago


"God, with your will please put in my families lives what is needed for them to achieve happiness today, Amen"


10 years ago

"Prayers For Testing"

"I am scheduled to take the Praxis test on July 21. This is needed for my job. I pray that I pass the test. Please pray for me. Thanks"


10 years ago


"Lord God please heal this migraine an bring forth a supernatural healing! I will stand on my faith that you will heal me completely IJMNI Pray Amen!!"


Frankenmuth, Michigan
10 years ago


"God, Why am I running so far from You when you're the only one who can heal this overwhelming brokenness? Give me peace, strength, and renewed faith. Help me to realize that even though I feel alone, You are walking right beside me. Bring me back to You, Lord."


New Hampshire
10 years ago

"redirect my direction "

"God please help me to remain focused on the present moments in life and to replace this negative thinking into positive thoughts and relearn to take life as it is as I have before in the past. Help me find that inner happiness so that I can shine and give more of myself to others without robbing myself of my emotional energy. "


Nashville, TN
10 years ago

"Toe Injury"

"I have a broken toe that I can play sports on, however, it causes great pain! The toe also doesn't flex back as it should! I am playing sports on it as I can bare the pain for now. But I love sports and would hate to stop playing because if a surgery I might have to have. I ask for prayers and your support! Thank you!!"


Nashville, TN
10 years ago

"Toe Injury "

"I have a broken toe and that toe does not flex back as it should! This causes horrible pain as I play sports. I love to play sports and feel like it is gift from God! I ask for your prayers and support! Thank you!"


warren, ohio
10 years ago


"To learn how to not be bitter and forgive "


warren, ohio
10 years ago

"Peace "

"For me to be able to forgive and be forgiven. To have a peace of mind. To be forgiven To be free and not feel like a hurt little girl anymore More patience Financial blessing To feel loved "


10 years ago

"Heal And Foot Pain"

"I am struggling with a heel spur and foot muscles tightening I am asking for prayers to Heal this. It takes time away from my three young children. "


10 years ago

"Prayers For A Full Time Job"

"I am really needing a full time job to help my family. I am hoping to have a call for an interview Thursday or Friday. Please pray for me. This would be a great weight lifted of my shoulders to get this job. I don't just want it I need it. "


10 years ago

"Growing More Like Jesus"

"Pray I will 'be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.' May God strengthen me 'with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.' (Colossians 1:9-12, English Standard Version)"


Auckland ,New Zealand
10 years ago


"I pray and ask for blessing upon my family and all other families out there who are going through a rough time. I pray that you wash away their worries and replace them with love and pure strength to overcome their fears. Amen"


Kathleen, Florida
10 years ago


"I pray for peace in his heart and for him to realize it is because of Jesus that it is there. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my family as our 15 year old is coming home from residential care this week. If she continues her violent tendencies we do have other options in place including a Protection Order for the other 3 in our family. Thx!!"


10 years ago


"I think I am in a time were I have a lot of promises from God but everything seems to go to the opposite side. Please pray for clarity and direction."


Los Angeles
10 years ago

"Pray For God's Direction And Intervention"

"It's been awhile that I haven't pastored a church and my wife and I have been asking God's direction and leading. We hope to have His answer soon and find a church that needs a pastor. Thank you."


Alabama,United States
10 years ago

"Prayers for Mom"

"Please pray for my mom. She's going through a lot and that isn't really helping her health. Please keep her in mind while praying please. She's also looking for direction. She's needing God to help her go where he wants her to go. Please just pray for his will in my mother. Thank you. "


10 years ago


"I need to know where God has me next and to find my future husband. I am needing to make a decision as to where to go pretty soon! And I am also wanting God to lead me to where my special someone is! So I am trying to get as many people in agreement with me that God will do a supernatural miracle and show me a plain and clear sign what I need to do. I want to post a testimonial how everyone's prayers helped! And how awesome God is!! Thanks so much!!"


10 years ago

"Dorothy Chin - healing; move to assisted living soon"

"From Gretchen Chin for her mother in law."


10 years ago

"Need good paying job and experience"

"I've been struggling to find a job that can provide experience in the immigration field, and that pays well. It's been a whole year since I last had a job. Please pray that our Lord opens a door for me so I can help others and get paid so my student loans will get paid off and my masters of law degree from China. I really want to work in this field so that others can be helped when coming to the US."


10 years ago

"Pray For RAL"

"To Stewart my heart well as her employee & us to have a healthy mom & daughter relationship. For God to bring structure in her business & for her to be opened to how God wants to grow their business."


10 years ago

"Pray For RAL To "

"To be open & accept the gift if the Holy Spirit"


10 years ago

"Board Of Nursing"

"Please pray the board of nursing will see I am not guilty and restore my license "


10 years ago

"Brother In Critical Condition"

"Please keep my brother Eddie Valles in your prayers today , he was involved in a car accident . Thank you "


South Carolina
10 years ago


"•not right with The Lord •divorced •kids moved away/ lonely "


10 years ago

"A Prayer For My Grandma"

"I hope my grandma wakes up healthy tomorrow I pray to god that while she is asleep she dreams about good and heavenly things I pray that she wakes up feeling strong and happy god I pray that nothing happens to her while she is asleep ~amen "


Ellsworth, Maine
10 years ago

"Heart and Home"

"My husband's heart to turn back to God and to our family. He has left and now me and my two girls (10 n 8) need to find a safe place to live that I can afford on just my income (basically a subsidy of sorts or roommates are the only options). "


10 years ago

"A Mother's Prayer For Her Children"

"Lord please give my children the gifts of wisdom and discernment. Help them to discern good and evil. Give them clear directions in life as to which path to take. I pray that by gaining wisdom and discernment given by You, my children will enjoy a long life of wealth, recognition, protection, enjoyment, contentment and happiness given by You as blessing. Thank you Lord"


Nenana, Alaska
10 years ago


"I pray for the strength to go day to day.. To forgive myself for my past and to move forward with a light heart. I pray my daughter adjusts to the move and that she connects with her dad. "


10 years ago

"Broken Heart. "

"Lord, wish this broken heart wouldn't be so painful. I need the strength to overcome this. I don't want to loose the person I love. The feeling of pain is what scares me. I need you. "


10 years ago


"Dear lord I approach you through your son for guidance. My friends grandmother is sick and is dieing and my friend thanks it's her fault and needs reassurance about where she stands in her grandmothers sickness. Dear lot just please help her find her way through it with the help of you. Thank you once again for everything! AMEN!!!"


10 years ago

"My Crush"

"Dear lord I approach you through your son for an important question! I have this guy I like and he likes he and is going to my school next year ,and I want to date him but don't know if I should or how even if I do see him again. Please give me a sign I want to know if I should date him if not in sure you have a better plan for me. Thank you for everything I have lord! AMEN!!!"


hidalgo dr, cor estrella st. rockwell center makati city,Philippines
10 years ago


"Thank you lord for everything ! I hope my family was always healthy and i can always support them! And my daughter always listen to the adult around her!!! I ask in the name of jesus, amen."


10 years ago

"17 Year Old Emotions "

"Sometimes you just feel unliked and like no one would we like you for you but I want myself to realize that that's okay cause at the end of the day God does "


10 years ago

"God Is In Control"

"Father thank you for being in control Even when it looks like there is no way out you always come through. Thank you that you are healing those who are in need. Thank for restoration in marriages. Thank you for protecting our children. Thank you for your love. In Jesus name. 🙏"


10 years ago


"Praying for everyone's strength in The Lord. Prayer for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us all in every ears of our lives. That His love shines through us and that he heal every broken spirit in Jesus name. 🙏"


New Hampshire
10 years ago

"well being"

"God please help me return to a calm state of mind where I feel in control and more confident on how to handle my emotions, please give me the strength to push past this difficult time in my life and to remain able to focus on and count my many blessings in spite of all that surrounds me. "


Germantown, Ohio
10 years ago

"God's Will Be Done"

"In the world there is so much need. The place to start is on bended knees. Let us pray for the end of hunger,violence,and hatred. Jesus says to love one another. Pray for love. Is it that hard to show loving kindness to all that cross our path? I think not. Try it. Smile and say hello. Help someone in need. There are many ways to help people. Most of the time just showing someone you care is enough. Share the Love that Jesus talks about. "


Inyokern, California
10 years ago

"Prayer Warriers "

"Pleas keep my mother in prayer. She has a hiatal hernia that ruptured. This is scary. My mommy will have to have another surgery. She's had over 22 surgeries and procedures. Lord please help my mommy. Thank you in advance for your prayers. "


10 years ago


"I pray for guidance and patience. I walked away from a marriage that was good and bad. I need healing. I don't want to be cold hearted. I pray and ask god shows me the way and honor my steps. I was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally. Please help my lord. I want to forgive and one day love again. I ask my forgiveness of all my sins and have mercy on my soul. I'll walk by faith and give it all to u. Glory to god cause I'm still alive. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for safe travels for myself and anyone else traveling today. "


Inyokern, California
10 years ago


"A friend of mine his mother is in ICU and could use prayers for healing. Her name is Kathy. Thank you all for your prayers and advanced. ---- GODSPEED ----"


10 years ago


"Lord I give Brenda to You. Pls guide protect and convict her from any evil plans that has started to take root in her. Strengthen her in battle as Satan is attempting to gain a foothold her."


10 years ago




10 years ago

"Siblings' Bondage"

"I pray that my children can be self discipline and bonding between them be improved day by day. I pray that their attitudes be changed and they can speak words of glory towards God. "


10 years ago

"Christine, 6 Minute Walk"

"She needs a lung transplant but needs to be able to walk for 6 minutes at a time first. She can only do 3 right now."


Chicago, IL
10 years ago


"Lord, thank you for giving me a new day today. Thank you for everything that will happen. Amen!"


10 years ago


"Please pray for my mom who's in hospital."


Fairfax, Virginia
10 years ago

"WePrayers Upgrade"

"Just submitted an upgrade to App Store. Fixed a couple of bugs. Added three new languages. Please keep WePrayers in your prayers. Thanks. Praise Lord!"


10 years ago


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: not as the world gives do I give to you. John 14:27"


10 years ago

"heals and restores"

"Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your mercy which continually heals and restores. I repent before You now, renounce the sin, and accept the power of Your love which not only forgives, but restores! I rejoice in Your grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen"


Wilmington, NC
10 years ago


"Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me to this new town. What a blessing! I pray now that You would lead, guide, and direct me to a good job. Please help me to find work quickly. It's in Jesus' name I pray. Amen. "


Ingersoll, Ontario
10 years ago


"Healing for the ill and brokenhearted. Gods blessings, pure love, and will to be done in their hearts, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen"


10 years ago


"Lord I have been blind and ignorant in the past. I am coming forward to You as a sinner for full confession and repentance. Please give me clear directions and guidance on how to live in Your glory. Teach me how to speak words of glory in Your name. Teach me how to pray and what to pray for my children. They are all I have. I am willing to submit and surrender them and myself to You. Thank You Lord."


10 years ago


"Dear God, I pray that YOU can watch over my children while they having their exam. Motivated them to do their best. Give them wisdom and a clarity of mind and ability to remember they have learnt. I pray that they can be alert and focus in their exam. Thank you Lord."


10 years ago

"Please Pray For My Dad"

"My dad has to get neck surgery in Mid-May and I'm really scared and overwhelmed. Please please pray for me"


10 years ago

"Feeling Like I'm Loosing A Friend"

"I need some prayers because I feel like I'm loosing my best friend. I tried to help her to not self harm and now she's pissed off. Should I have risked her killing herself or help her? Please pray for me "


10 years ago

"Be Thankful"

"Dear God , teach me to be thankful for all that I have. I seem to be negative at times . I focus too much on the past and other people's problem. I need to learn to live for day. In Jesus name I pray , Amen"


10 years ago


"Father it's been my pray for years, mostly unspoken.. I've always wanted a baby, it's been 5 years now and the waiting is getting me down, I'm getting older... Please bless Josh and I with children soon, we'd love to have children to grow up to know and love you! "


Benton City, Washington
10 years ago


"Pray for my husband who is not a believer that God will get ahold of his heart and soften him so he can come to have a relationship with Christ"


10 years ago

"Overseas "

"Please help your children there to remain faithful. Help them to share your good news. Protect them, heal them, provide for their needs. Give them a way of escape. Do not let be tortured. Heal their land! Protect your people there! Help them to share their faith. "


10 years ago

"Cancer & Sickness"

"First Prayer Request My sisters been training for the fire academy the past year or so. Her test was scheduled for next week and a requirement to take that test is a physical. She went in to her doctors office to do that and came out with a schedule date of surgery for a mass in her right breast. It is bigger than an egg and has begun to bruise her whole chest after a biopsy was performed. She will be canceling her fire test next week. The Doc also said she will be immobile for at least 6 weeks after her surgery & that is if they clear every bit of that mass. We have no family to help us, she won't have a job and is losing the chance to take her test. Second Prayer Request My mother passed away from cancer when I was much younger, my dad after decades finally remarried but now his current wife is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, she is also 5 months pregnant. Up until this point, she was under the impression that she was in remission and sterile, none of which were correct. I pray for my sister that God reveals Himself to her, that she is safe and confident in His plan. I pray that He heals her and my Dad. I pray that my dad is given the strength to do this for the second time. I pray for my baby sister that is on her way, that she is safe and healthy. I pray that God puts His healing hands on my my family & wipes away this sickness & debt. In Jesus Name!!! "


10 years ago

"Thanks for today"

"Dear lord I want to thank you for this day that you have blessed me with. Heavenly father I pray that you shine your light through me for others to see, so that people can be led to you. In jesus name I pray amen."


10 years ago


"Dear Lord, The world is a dangerous place in many ways. I pray for physical, spiritual and emotional protection for each child."


10 years ago


"Lord, my children hv been showing signs of rebellion. I am very tired and worried. The stress and pressure I hv been facing are weakening my faith. Lord please be with me all the time. Strengthen me spiritually. I need You to partner with me in raising my children, Brenda and Bryant, as I no longer can do it alone. Thank You Lord."


10 years ago

"Exam Stress"

"Lord, please give my child Brenda the knowledge and the ability to remember everything she has learnt for the forthcoming exam. Be with her all the times. I can't be with her but YOU can. I can't see her all the time but YOU can. I can't possibly know everything about her but YOU can. Lord I release my child Brenda to YOU. Give her the word of knowledge and direct her to YOU."


Chicago, Illinois
10 years ago


"prayers for my health and these allergic reactions. Please lift me and my family up."


10 years ago

"English Papers"

"Lord, please give my child Brenda the wisdom for tomorrow's English papers. Make her alert and focus in the questions and give her the wisdom to understand and answer all questions. This exam is critical for her streaming next year. She cannot afford to fall back again "


10 years ago


"Please pray for my daughter's coming exam. She is going through a tough time and struggling with the studies. This exam is critical for her streaming next year. Please pray for god wisdom to pull her through. Thank you."


10 years ago

"Daniel Galland"

"Please pray for a job"


10 years ago

"Job Loss"

"Please pray for my family because we had a job loss several months ago. We have not been able to find any work and we need to very fast. Please pray that God will provide a job and that he will show us what to do and when."


10 years ago

"Bible Reading"

"Please pray for me that I can read bible everyday, even just one verse or one chapter. I'm so weak spiritually. Only God's word can give me strength. "


10 years ago


"Please pray for an important meeting I'm preparing this week . It's very challenging, God, you are my help. "


Chicago, IL
10 years ago

"Please pray for our retreat speaker this weekend."



10 years ago

"Bible word"

"Father Your word says: He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. "


10 years ago

"Church Picnic"

"Pray for our special picnic worship in May."


Chicago, IL
10 years ago

"patience with my children"

"Please pray for me to have more patience with my children"


Cambridge, UK
10 years ago

"Uncle Matthew"

"Please pray for my Uncle Matthew, he needs Jesus."


Chicago, IL
10 years ago

"peaceful sleep"

"Father it is written: In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety. Father I ask for a sweet peaceful sleep for Jimmy and Karen and myself tonight. In Jesus name I ask. Amen"


Chicago, IL
10 years ago


"Father please wrap your arms around M and help our friendship to only grow and strengthen. Please allow us to spend more time together this spring."


10 years ago

"Pray for Howard"

"Please pray for a dear friend and neighbor, Howard Pendleton...and his wife, Madonna. Howard will be undergoing a 10-12 hour surgery April 10th to remove a cancerous tumor. Please flood heaven with Howard's name over the next few days. Praying and believing in a successful surgery and a miraculous, speedy recovery. God is able! Thank you Church! "


10 years ago

"Church couple retreat"

"Pray for our church couple retreat this weekend. Let more families get blessed with God's love. Let couples open their heart and grow more in relationship."


Arlington, VA
10 years ago

"Job offer"

"Please pray that I get offered this position at the company!"


Chicago, IL
10 years ago

"Youth Retreat"

"I pray that our church's youth retreat this weekend will inspire the kids to grow more in Christ! In Jesus' name Amen!"


Chicago, IL
10 years ago


"unspoken prayer requests! God you know what's heavy heavy on my heart & mind right now with my family, losing my dad & M my heart really hurts right now! IJNIP amen"


Chicago, IL
10 years ago


"Please Lord please give me strength /peace/ patience JESUS I love you and thank you I pray this in your glorious and powerful name A'men"


Chicago, IL
10 years ago


"Everything happens for a reason. I may not understand it now, but God does, and that is all that matters."


Cambridge, UK
10 years ago

"Bible version"

"When you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. - God, Jeremiah 29:12"


Cambridge, UK
10 years ago

"meeting Jim"

"Lord, I'm headed to Jim's. please bless me with a great time and please help him express his thoughts to me! Praise The Lord!!"


Cambridge, UK
10 years ago


"Please pray for our baby son. He has been sick since birth."


Arlington, VA
10 years ago

"My Brother"

"My brother will have a eye surgery tomorrow. God, please give him faith and strength. "


Arlington, VA
10 years ago

"Weprayers Community"

"I pray for everyone in this weprayers community. "


Chicago, IL
10 years ago

"Guidance & Wisdom"

"Thank you Jesus for a wonderful day. I pray for guidance and wisdom and a reverted mind. Dwell in me Lord and work through me. Help me to be strong and get ready to work!"


Chicago, IL
10 years ago

"Pray for community"

"I pray for Instantaneous and Miraculous Breakthroughs for Everyone here in need and their families. I declare it, I decree it, I claim it and I speak it into Immediate Existence in Jesus' holy name. Amen Amen Amen!!!"


Rockville, MD
10 years ago

"sarah's grandmother"

"Please pray for Sarah's grandmother who is in the hospital that she may regain health and strength to be well again."


Rockville, MD
10 years ago

"Give thanks"

"Dear Father, thank you for all of your blessings in my life. Thank you for all you do in my life daily. Thank you for never even letting "giving up" cross your mind when it comes to me. Thank you for showing me the way, through obstacles and glory. Thank you for talents I possess and the flaws you made me with. Thank you for those in my life that make me smile. Overall, just thank you, Lord. -Amen."


10 years ago


"Pray for site development."

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